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  • 8/2/2019 BVH Share valuation.


    BVH The exercise ofstock valuation


    Ngc Anh

    Kiu Ngc BchL Thy Lan

    Th Thu QunhNguyn Thy Trang

  • 8/2/2019 BVH Share valuation.



    A. Fundamental analysis.

    1. Macro economic.

    2. Insurance industry area.

    3. The performance of the company.

    B. Technical analysis.

    C. Price valuation.

  • 8/2/2019 BVH Share valuation.



    A. Fundamental analysis.

  • 8/2/2019 BVH Share valuation.


    I. Macroeconomic factors

    1/ Vietnams GDP growth rateo As an emerging economy, Vietnams government

    always focuses on growth rate target.o GDP growth rate in Q4/2011: 6.2 %

    o GDP growth rate in Q1/2012 stood at 4%, the lowest levelover the past 2 years (Q1/2010: 5.84%, Q1/2011: 5.57%)

    o Economic growth expected to average 7.2% a year in

    2011-15 , underpinned by strong growth in consumption,

    investment and exportso Private consumption growth will be driven by an

    improvement in the labor market and a consequent

    increase in real wages

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    I. Macroeconomic factors

    1/ Vietnams GDP growth rateo Remittances from overseas Vietnamese will remain high,

    while the development of the financial services industrywill make consumer credit more easily available=>providing important boost to private consumption.

    o demand for exports revives, investment in form ofpurchases of capital goods for the manufacturing sectorwill pick up.

    o Despite concerns about the quality of Vietnam's business

    environment and a recent downturn in planned foreign-invested projects, foreign investor interest in generalremains strong. Demand for Vietnamese goods particularlyin the US, China and Europe, will remain robust

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    III. Macroeconomic factors

    It is widely known that, BVH are categorized

    in blue chips group in stock market, whose

    prices fluctuations are greatly dependent on

    foreign investors The increase in the foreign exchange rate or

    the depreciation of the VND would harm the

    domestic stock market, as it will decrease

    foreign investors profit margin whenconverting their income into their currency(namely USD, GBP)

    2/ Foreign exchange rate

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    I. Macroeconomic factors

    2/ Foreign exchange rate

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    I. Macroeconomic factors

    3. Interest rates In theory, the interest rate decreases

    should have positive impacts on the stock

    market's performance. IRs go down -

    >price of capital cheaper =>encouraging

    enterprises which have investment plans --

    lower rates help ease the financial burdens

    on businesses

    Interest rate decreases bank deposits

    less attractive in the eyes of people ->prompts investors to withdraw money

    from banks to purchase stocks -> stock

    prices increasing

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    I. Macroeconomic factors

    4. Inflationary pressures

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    5/ Wages growth

    Wage increases that are in excess of an increase in the

    productivity of that labor will reduce the proportion of

    companys income revenue that goes to profit, and willrender the company less attractive to shareholders and

    potential share investors

    In Vietnam, the average wage of staff in insurance & finance

    fields are rank at highest level -VND 5.61 million on average Prices of stocks are determined by the net earnings of a


    I. Macroeconomic factors

  • 8/2/2019 BVH Share valuation.


    I. Macroeconomic factors

    6/ Macroeconomic factors & suggestion to thefuture

    PM directed the SBV to support the market

    In the first quarter of 2012, Vietnams stock

    market were making a gradual recoveryowing to the prime minister has recently

    directed the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) to

    have measures to support the stock market

    Earlier, Chair of the SSI (Saigon SecurityInc.), Vu Bang, said that the SSI will work

    with the SBV to carry out measures to

    support the development of the stock market.

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    II. Insurance industry area.

    The performance of the sector or industry that thecompany is in also plays in part in determining the

    stock price of the company. Most of the times, the

    stock price of the companies in the same industry will

    move in tandem with each other.

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    1. Insurance industry.

    a. Future perspective.Despite the challenging environment, the global insurance industry has

    restored capitalization beyond 2007 levels.

    Asias insurance market will see sustained growth in 2012, with

    emerging markets continuing to outpace developed markets Life insurance premiums in Asia are projected to grow by 4.4% (0.6%

    in 2011) in real terms, fuelled by rebounds in China and India and

    expected increased demand for traditional protection-type products

    Non-life insurance premiums in Asia are forecasted to grow at aslower rate of 6.0% (8.1% in 2011) in real terms, aligned with

    moderately slower economic growth

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    The countrys insurance market has been growing at a briskpace in recent years, with total direct written premiums

    increasing 20 percent annually since moves were first made to

    liberalize the industry in 2008. total premiums for 2010

    amounted to VND 30.8 trillion (US$ 1.57 billion), a paltry figurefor a country of almost 90 million people. Vietnams continueddemographic and economic development will fuel further

    demand for insurance.

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    b. Competition in the industry.

    There is a strong competition between insurance players

    in both and life insurance market in Vietnam.

    There are currently 29 insurance companies operating

    in Vietnams non-life market, with more expected tofollow due to the potential for growth. Non-life insurers

    in Vietnam are expected to continue relying

    comprehensively on reinsurance services to meetregulatory demands and support their large-risk


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    The life insurance industry in Vietnam is less crowded than the

    non-life sector, with only 12 registered insurers including 11

    foreigncapital invested companies and direct life premiums

    written amounting to VND 13.79 trillion in 2010 (US$ 673

    million). The leaders in the market include Prudential, Bao Viet

    Life and Manulife.

    2 B ki i d t

  • 8/2/2019 BVH Share valuation.


    2, Banking industryBy the end of 2010, Vietnam had had one development bank, one bank

    for social purposes, 5 state owned banks, 37 joint stock banks, 50

    foreign bank branches, 5 100 percent foreign banks, 5 joint venturebanks, 18 finance companies, 12 finance leasing companies, one

    centralpeoples credit funds and 1000 local credit funds.

    Unfortunately, affected by unfavorable conditions from global and

    domestic markets, banking industry was riddled with many difficulties.

    The total bad debt ratio reported by commercial banks is 3 percent of

    the total outstanding loans, while foreign institutions believe that the

    actual figure is 10 percent

    The Governments banking sector restructuring plan commenced in2011, with a view to ensuring a healthy banking system that operates

    effectively and provides diversified products and services, enhancing

    financial capacity and competitiveness to better meet the countrys

    economic development needs.

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    3, Securities market

    Just a baby with first ten years of its life, Vietnam's security market

    has developed miraculously more than expected. To date, Vietnam

    has two stock exchanges and an UPCoM market, with nearly 600listed stock codes, 105 securities companies and nearly one million

    trading accounts of which it is about 25% from foreign investors.

    However, the stock

    exchange declined strongly

    in 2011 due to the

    pessimistic of domestic as

    well as global economy.

    Under the currentcircumstances, its believed

    that the restructure is

    necessary to revitalize the

    young market.

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    II, Company analysis1. Corporate Overview

    Founded:15 January 1965


    Life & Non-Life Insurance

    Services, Reinsurance, Financial

    Investment, Fund Management,Securities, Banking, Real Estate



    5,500 Employees

    45,000 Agents Nationwide.

    Annual Revenue:

    USD 679 million (2010)

    Nationwide Offices:

    150 branches across 63 cities &

    provinces in Vietnam

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  • 8/2/2019 BVH Share valuation.


    Corporate governance

    From 01 July 2008, a new corporate governance model has been

    applied at Baoviet Holdings, consisting of the General Shareholders'

    Meeting, the Board of Directors (and its supporting committees), the

    Inspection Committee and functional blocks. This structure has been

    built upon the business development strategy of the Company, the

    best practices applied in international and domestic economic groups

    as well as in compliance with the law and regulations of the Charterof Baoviet Holdings.

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  • 8/2/2019 BVH Share valuation.


    The shareholder structure according to the 2012 Annual General

    Meeting of Shareholders attendees list was finalized on 28 March


  • 8/2/2019 BVH Share valuation.


    a, Products and servicesBaoViet Holdings is one of the leadings in insurance industry,which offers a wide range of services. The key business lines of

    Baoviet Insurance include non-life insurance, reinsurance, loss

    adjustment, financial investment and other business permissible

    by laws and regulations. Insurance products include:For personal customers

    Personal accident insurance

    Health insurance

    Travel insuranceMotor vehicle insurance

    Home insurance

    Hull and professional indemnity


    For corporate customers

    Cargo insurance

    Aviation and aerospace insurance

    Oil and gas insuranceHull and professional indemnity insurance

    Motor vehicle insurance

    Engineering insurance and property insurance

    Liability and miscellaneous insurance.

    Travel, Personal accident and health

    insurance (for staff)....

    2. Business description.

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    Business partners

    Currently, BaoViet has been co-operated with two strategic partners

    which are HSBC and SCIC.

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    3. SWOT AnalysisStrengths

    The brand name: Bao Viet is the first insurance company in Vietnam with

    over 40 years operating in non-life insurance field. In general, BaoViet isquite popular in Vietnam's life-insurance and non-life insurance market.Market share: Bao Vietnam is now the largest non-life insurance company in

    Vietnam, accounting for more than 38% market share.Distribution: BaoViet has branches nationwide, which is conducive to its

    ability to take over the marketFinancing ability: Bao Vietnam not only doing business in insurance field but

    also a strong financial corporation. trading company in the insurance sector,

    Relationship: Bao Viet has good relationship with the state executives, which

    is the main reason why it can sign big contracts from state projectsThe corporate governance is newly applied, but gradually strengthened to

    create a firm and effective business environment.Staff, branches: The corporation has a numerous skilled staff along with a

    great deal of branches, which enables it to offer customers a variety of products

    and services.

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    In terms of investment, banking fields, BaoViet is a new player in

    the highly-competitive industries. As a result, the company lacks

    knowledge and experience to operate effectively as well as has

    difficulty in expanding the market share.As regarded to the insurance industry, which is the key field of

    BaoViet, the company is facing serve competition from domestic andforeign firms.Branches: The branches of Bao Vietnamese act asymmetrically,

    which results in its ineffectiveness.

    Working style: Influenced by the working style of the central-planning period, sometimes, the resolution to claims and

    compensation payment to customers in a number of cases are

    inflexible, annoying customers .

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    The need for insurance products is still high in domestic market as

    people are more concerned about their life and future as well as more

    aware of insurance products so there is huge chance for the company

    to take over the market, make huge profit provided that it can producehigh-quality services at reasonable cost.Optimistic domestic economy: Provided that the company can offer

    appropriate services and the domestic economy witness positive trend

    which leads to the increase in people income, the corporation can stillgenerate huge profit from selling insurance products.Suitable business plan: If BaoViet can realize its suitable strategic

    plans including applying technology advance, the company can

    improve and enhance their services.

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    Bad economic conditions, lower income can adversely affect

    industries that BaoViet operatesHigh inflation rate can lead to the rise in salary, which increasethe expemse and reduces profit of BaoViet.Changes in government policies can harden the business

    environment, limit the corporations abilityCompetition: The number of licensed insurance companies isincreasing. BaoViet is confronted with the competition from

    domestic and overseas firms.

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    4. Key Business Strategies

    In 2015, BaoViet is expected to become Vietnams leading

    financialinsurance group, with solid financial strength, strategically

    integrating into regional and international markets, focused on three

    pillars: insurance, banking and investment.

    BaoViet Group forecasts that total assets grow at CAGR of 17%

    for 2011-2015 period, equivalent to 100.000 bn VND by end 2015.

    Total revenue grows at CAGR of 16%, equivalent to 26,000-

    28,000 bn VND by end 2015. Additionally, PAT grows at CAGRof 23%, equivalent to 2,600-2,800 bn VND, PAT of BaoViet

    Group after minority interests is 2,200-2,300 bn VND.

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  • 8/2/2019 BVH Share valuation.


    5. Financial Performance2011 consolidated revenue was VND 14872 billion, increasing by

    15.3%, compared to 2010. Non-life insurance business earned a total

    revenue of VND 5612 growing 16.2% compared to 2010. Totalrevenue from life insurance reached VND 6661 billion, up 8.6%

    compared to 2010, and new business premium increased by 23%.

    Operating income from banking operations achieved VND 1719

    billion, an impressive increase of 79.6%. Total revenue from financialservices and other revenue amounted to VND 1291 billion, rising by


    2011 lid t d fit b f t VND

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    2011 consolidated profit before tax was VND

    1521, up 17.3% from VND 1296 billion in 2010.

    Profit from general insurance business

    contributed 33.1% while that from life insurance

    made up 44.9%, the rest belonged to banking

    and other financial services. Despite business

    challenges in 2011, BaoViet delivered resilient

    growth. Non-life insurance business

    dramatically jumped 345, financial services andother business expanded 1.5%

    Bao Viets total consolidated assets were VND

    43581 billion, a decrease of VND 1209 billion.The key reasons included BaoViets downsized

    investment in bond repo, and lowered profits

    made from the State Bank short-term loans and

    borrowings this year.

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    6. BVH shares

    BVH is a blue-chip with the average transaction volume off about

    135,000 shares per session (the last 12 months).

    In 2011, the share price of BaoViet Holdings (BVH) tracked

    higher than the VN-index.

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    However, compared to other blue chip stocks, the BVH dividend is

    rather low at 2% when the inflation rate is extremely high 18.5% for

    the whole year 2011. The low dividend payout makes BVH is not as

    attractive as other stocks to investors looking for dividend incomes.

    Vietin Bank (15-20% dividend)

    Vincom (5,6% dividend)JSC bank for foreign trade (4% dividend)

    Bao Viet Holdings (2% dividend)

    Petrovietnam Fertilizer and Chemicals (6,4% dividend)

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    BaoViet has full opportunities to developfurther and generate huge profit provided that

    the domestic and global economy will be

    optimistic and that it can sharpen its

    competitiveness by enhancing the attitude and

    knowledge of staff as well as offering attractive

    products and services to meet customers


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    I. Tools of technical analysis and apply to analyze BVH.1. Moving Average Models.

    2. Charting.

    II. Predict the Price of BVH till the end of 2012.

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    Source of picture:

    T ls f t h i l l sis d l t

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    Tools of technical analysis and apply to

    analyze BVH:

    Moving averages models:

    Simple moving average (SMA): is calculated by

    adding the closing price of the security for a number

    of time periods and then dividing this total by the

    number of time periods

    How to Calculate the Simple Moving Average

    Take a look at a simple moving average example with MSFT. The

    last five closing prices for MSFT are:

    28.93+28.48+28.44+28.91+28.48 = 143.24

    The simple moving average :5-day SMA = 143.24/5 = 28.65

    Tools of technical analysis and apply to

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    Tools of technical analysis and apply to

    analyze BVH:

    Moving averages models:

    5 PeriodSMA
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    Tools of technical analysis and apply to

    analyze BVH:

    Moving averages models:

    Basic Rules for Trading with the SMA

    Buy when the actual cuts the SMA from the belowespecially if theSMA has been flat or is in a gentle decline

    Buy when the SMA series is raising strongly and the price series cutsor touches the SMA from the above, but then moves back above theSMA after only a few observations.

    Sell when the SMA flattens, or declines after a steady rise, and theprice series cuts the SMA from above.

    Sell when the SMA series is in decline and the price series cuts ortouches the SMA from below, but then moves back beneath the SMAafter only a few observations.

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    Tools of technical analysis and apply to analyze BV

    Moving averages models:About BVH:

    Circles No. 1 and No. 3 is that a peak of the stock price is set out on theupper band and then the next summit is set in the band. This signal warningof a reversal of stock prices to be reduced and more certainty than when thestock price goes down below the moving average SMA-15.

    Circle 2 is confirmed solid and strong gains that the price of stock increasesbecause the stock price then breaks through and rises above moving averageSMA15

    During the period 1, there is a sign of price decrease appears: theintersection of price and moving average SMA-5, the price tends to declinebut then recover fully

    At the time of (1), there is a signal on the rise: average price intersects theSMA - 5 and beyond sharply compared to the moving average.

    Finally, during the time 4, as circle 3, the signal of significant decreaseoccurs: the price intersects the moving average SMA-5 from above.

    T l f t h i l l i d l t l BV

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    Tools of technical analysis and apply to analyze BV


    Trend Lines are an important tool in technical analysis for bothtrend identification and confirmation.

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    Tools of technical analysis and apply to analyze BV


    About BVH:

    In overall, from mid October to January, the trend is downward, but

    from that time to now, the price of BVH is upward trend.

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    Tools of technical analysis and apply to analyze BV


    Support and resistance lines.

    Support is a level at which bulls (i.e., buyers) take control over

    the prices and prevent them from falling lower.

    Resistance, on the other hand, is the point at which sellers (bears)

    take control of prices and prevent them from rising higher. The

    price at which a trade takes place is the price at which a bull and

    bear agree to do business. It represents the consensus of theirexpectations.

    Tools of technical analysis and apply to analyze

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    Tools of technical analysis and apply to analyzeBVH


    analyze BVH:

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    analyze BVH:

    Charting: Support and Resistance lines:

    About BVH: In the period from mid October to mid December, the

    market put in a state of wreckage fluctuation betweenresistance and support lines

    At the time of (1) and (2) stock prices break throughthe threshold of resistance and support, but thebreakthrough was only temporary and soon return toprice fluctuations in the threshold of resistance andsupport.

    Circle 2 is about time that a bottom of the stock price isset below the level of lower band and then the next oneis set in Bollinger bands. This signal warning of areversal of stock prices to rise.

    Tools of technical analysis and apply to analyze

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    Tools of technical analysis and apply to analyze



    Reversal patterns: Head and shoulders This is one of the most popular and reliable chart patterns in

    technical analysis.

    Head and shoulders is a reversal chart pattern that when formed,

    signals that the security is likely to move against the previous trend

    T l f t h i l l i d l t l

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    Tools of technical analysis and apply to analyze


    ChartingReversal patterns: Head and shoulders

    About BVH:

    The pattern of BVHs chart, it is head and shoulders bottom, also

    known as inverse head and shoulders (shown on the right) is the

    lesser known of the two, but is used to signal a reversal in a


    Tools of technical analysis and apply to

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    y pp yanalyze BVH


    RSI helps to signal

    overbought and

    oversold conditions ina security.

    This indicator helps

    traders to identify

    whether a securitys

    price has beenunreasonably pushed

    to current levels and

    whether a reversal may

    be on the way.

    The indicator is plotted in a range between

    zero and 100. A reading above 70 is used to

    suggest that a security is overbought, whilea reading below 30 is used to suggest that it

    is oversold.

    RSI (Relative Strength Index):

    Tools of technical analysis and apply to analyze

  • 8/2/2019 BVH Share valuation.


    y pp y yBVH

    ChartingMACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence) Is comprised of two exponential moving averages, which help to

    measure momentum in the security

    MACD= shorter term moving average - longer term moving


    Tools of technical analysis and apply to

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    Tools of technical analysis and apply to

    analyze BVH

    ChartingAbout BVH

    At the time determined by the red and blue lines, the stock price exceeds the

    tape on upper band or the lower band as compared to the RSI chart the time

    this point corresponds to the threshold and super sale super buy. This confirms

    the strength increased (or reduced) current is very strong. Especially duringOctober and November, the bottom of the continuous price is set higher than

    the lower band confirmed very strong and continuous prices in long period.

    During the period 1, many signs of price decrease appear: RSI cuts purchasing

    threshold and go down the deficit, the appearance of negative divergence on

    MACD - Histogram and. This example shows that the early forecasts helpedoff investors exit early out of the market rather than waiting for the last signal.

    Tools of technical analysis and apply to

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    Tools of technical analysis and apply to

    analyze BVH

    ChartingAbout BVH

    The time of (1), signal on the rise: the appearance of positive divergence on

    MACD - Histogram, RSI thresholds beyond the super sale. But finally

    found artillery command and most certainly is that the intersection of the

    moving average of MACD and itself does not happen and the price is not

    really strong and fast decrease. This example points to the early nature

    taking advantage of opportunities to bring more profits but less than likely


    During the time 3, many signs of price increases appear: positive

    divergences appear simultaneously on the RSI and MACD - histogram, RSI

    rising above the threshold super sale.

    Finally, during the time 4, as circle 3, the signal of significant decrease

    occurs:, RSI goes out of the threshold super sale in very short time, but goes

    back immediately. However, positive divergences still maintain on MACD

    histogram, so that although the price decline sharply, it will recover


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    Predict the Price of BVH till the end of 2012Till the end of the year 2012, the price of BVH will

    sometimes reduce sharply in short time, but in long term,it will recover to move within support and resistance

    lines, be stable with steady volume of dealing stock.

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    Predict the Price of BVH till the end of 2012

    Based on the pattern of BVHs chart, it is head and shoulders

    bottom, also known as inverse head and shoulders (shown on

    the right) is the lesser known of the two, but is used to signal a

    reversal in a downtrend. There will be some moments that priceof BVH will come out of the Bollinger Band.

    When the price is above the band, RSI will also threshold beyond

    the super purchase and leads to the signal of selling. As a result,

    the price of BVH decreases. Opposite to this, when the price isbelow the band, RSI threshold beyond the super sale, the price will

    increase after that.

    C Securities valuation

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    C. Securities valuation.

    Find out intrinsic value.


    D1 = The dividend at the end of the year 1.

    RE = The required rate of return on ordinary shares.G = The constant, annual dividend growth rate.

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    The dividend pay- out ratio announced on June, 4th, 2011 was

    12%/ value, it means 1,200 VND/share. Besides, dividends

    2010 is 1100 (11% /value) decided on (14/05/2010).


    D1 = The dividend at the end of the year 1 =


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    About required rate of return.

    After examining the stock market, we decided that PVI is the

    insurance company which has the same required rate of returnwith Bao Viet Holdings because of the similarity of some

    financial ratios such as P/E, ROA, ROE, EPS. Furthermore,

    they also had stock data and other items on financial statement

    closely relative to BVH.PE EPS ROA




    BIC 6.3 1,198 4 11

    BVH 40.7 1,771 3 11

    PVI 9.5 2,011 4 8

    BMI 5.4 2,044 4 7

    PGI 5.4 1,460 11 12

    PTI 7.2 1,554 5 11

    VNR 2.7 4,381 8 13

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    PVI has the dividend rate at 15%, current share price at22,000(Viet capital), dividend payment equals 1,500 (15% x

    10,000 - par value). We can calculate the PVI required rate of

    return by using the formula: RE=(D/S)+g which:

    RE= required rate of return;D=dividend payment;

    S=current stock value;

    g= dividend growth rate.

    According to Viet capital(11/05/2011), we got D/S = 6.8%, g=5%(Bui Duc Hoan ofPSI) RE= 6.8%+5%=11,8%.

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    D1 = The dividend at the end of the year 1 =


    RE = The required rate of return on ordinary shares = 11,8% G = The constant, annual dividend growth rate =9% (follow

    the constant growth rate model)

    VE = = 46,571.%9%8.11


    VE 2012 VE 2013 VE 2014 VE 2015 VE 2016 VE 2017

    46714,2857 50918,5714 55501,2429 60496,3547 65941,0266 71875,719

    VE 2012 VE 2013 VE 2014 VE 2015 VE 2016 VE 2017

    46600 51000 56000 60000 66000 72000

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    BVH has good business performance and stable growth rate

    on insurance industry, yet the revenue growth rate is still

    low. The risk of fluctuation on stock market can affect the

    companys securities investment. Therefore, we examined

    carefully and valued BVH stock at 46,571, lower than thepresent price at 72,000. Besides, the dividend pay- out rate

    is not high which cant attract the investors who focus on

    dividend payment. To the investors who have not the

    specific investment strategy on BVH, they shouldSELL thisstock.

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