
By Hui Bian

Office for Faculty Excellence


Contact information

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 328-5428

Location: 2307 Old Cafeteria Complex

(east campus)



What is logistic regression

According to IBM SPSS Manual

It is used to predict the presence or absence of a

characteristic or outcome based on values of a set of

predictor variables. It is similar to a linear regression

model, but suited to models where the dependent

variable is dichotomous.

The ultimate goal of logistic regression

to determine the probability of a case belonging to the

1 category of dependent variable or the probability of

event occurring (event occurring is always coded as

1) for a given set of predictors.


Variables in logistic regression

Dependent variable: one dichotomous/binary


Yes/No: drug users vs. non-drug users

Membership: intervention vs. control

Characteristics: males vs. females

Independent variables: interval or dummy or

categorical variables (indicator coded).

Indicator coded: SPSS will automatically recode

categorical variable for us.



Homogeneity of variance and normality

of errors are NOT assumed, but it


Absence of multicollinearity

No specification errors: all relevant

predictors are included and irrelevant

predictors are excluded.

Larger sample size than using linear



Logistic regression equation

Equation: Logit function

ln(p/1-p) =a + b1x1+b2x2+…+bnxn

Logit (p) = a + b1x1+b2x2+…+bnxn


p: probability of a case belonging to category 1

p/1-p: odds

a: constant

n: number of predictors

b1-bn: regression coefficients

Logistic regression equation

Non-linear relationship between predictors and

binary outcome.

The regression coefficients are estimated using

maximum likelihood.


Logistic regression curve


The Y-axis is P


which indicates

the proportion of

1 at any given

value of X.

Coding of variables

Recommendation for dependent


Use 1 as the event occurring (the focus of

the study)

Use 0 as absence of event (the reference


SPSS automatically recodes the lower

number of the category to 0 and higher

number to 1.


Coding of variables

Recommendation for independent


Coded as 1 for the category that is the focus

of the study

Coded as 0 for the category of reference


Coding of variables

Cases coded as 1 referred to as the

response group, comparison group, or

target group.

Cases coded as 0 referred to as the

reference group, base group, or control




Probability: likelihood of an event

occurring Drug use status is DV and gender is IV.

The probability of a student using drug is 205/413=.496

We want to know whether this proportion is the same for

both males and females.


Drug users Non-users Total

Male 120 102 222

Female 85 106 191

Total 205 208 413


Odds: the probability of belonging to one group or

event occurring divided by the probability of not

belonging to that group or event not occurring.

The odds of a male using drug is 120/102=1.18,

The odds of a female using drug is 85/106= .80

For males, it means that a male is 1.18 times as

likely to use drug as not to use.


Drug users Non-users Total

Male 120 102 222

Female 85 106 191

Total 205 208 413


Odds ratio: an important estimate in logistic

regression and used to answer our research


For the table below, the research question is

whether there is a gender difference in using

drugs or whether the probability of drug use is

the same for males and females.


Drug users (1) Non-users (0) Total

Male (1) 120 102 222

Female (0) 85 106 191

Total 205 208 413


Odds ratio

A ratio of the odds for each group.

Always odd for the response group (males)

divided by odd for the referent group


Odds ratio is 1.18/.80= 1.48


Drug users (1) Non-users (0) Total

Male (1) 120 102 222

Female (0) 85 106 191

Total 205 208 413


Odds ratio

Males in this example were 1.48 times more

likely than females to use drugs.

An odds ratio > 1 indicates that the likelihood of

an event occurring is more likely for the

response category than the referent category of

an independent variable.

An odds ratio < 1 indicates that the likelihood of

an event occurring is less likely for the response

category than the referent category of an

independent variable.



Adjusted odds ratio

When multiple independent variables in the


It indicates the contribution of a particular

predictor when other predictors are




Ordinary least squares (OLS)

A method used for a linear regression model.

It minimizes the sum of squared vertical distances between the

observed responses in the dataset and the responses predicted

by the linear model.

Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE)

It is more appropriate for logistic regression model.

It maximizes the log likelihood.

The log likelihood indicates how likely the observed grouping can

be predicted from observed values of predictors.


Logistic regression using SPSS

Example of logistic regression analysis

Research question is whether a gender, self-control, and self-efficacy predict drug use status.

Three predictors

○ Gender (a01: 1 = males, 0 = females)

○ Self-control (continuous variable)

○ Self-efficacy (a80r: 1 =somewhat-not sure, 0 = very sure)

One dependent variable

○ Drug use status (1 = drug users, 0 =non-users)


Logistic regression

Null hypothesis

There is an equal chance of drug use or not

use for a given set of predictors or

The model coefficients are 0 (0 means

there is no change due to the predictor



Logistic regression using SPSS

Analyze > Regression > Binary Logistic

Enter Drug_use to Dependent

Enter a01, self-control, and a80r to



Logistic regression using SPSS

Click Categorical

Enter two categorical variables (a01 and

a80r) to the right.


Logistic regression using SPSS


The default contrast is Indicator and

reference category is Last.


Logistic regression using SPSS

Categorical: contrast methods Indicator. Contrasts indicate the presence or absence of

category membership. The reference category is represented

in the contrast matrix as a row of zeros.

Simple. Each category of the predictor variable (except the

reference category) is compared to the reference category.

Difference. Each category of the predictor variable except the

first category is compared to the average effect of previous

categories. Also known as reverse Helmert contrasts.

Helmert. Each category of the predictor variable except the

last category is compared to the average effect of subsequent



Logistic regression using SPSS

Categorical: contrast

Repeated. Each category of the predictor

variable except the first category is compared to

the category that precedes it.

Polynomial. Orthogonal polynomial contrasts.

Categories are assumed to be equally spaced.

Polynomial contrasts are available for numeric

variables only.

Deviation. Each category of the predictor

variable except the reference category is

compared to the overall effect.


Logistic regression using SPSS


For a01 and a80r, we want category 0 as a

reference category.

Check First

Then click Change


Logistic regression using SPSS



For each case, if the

predicted probability

is greater than 0.5,

then this respondent

would be predicted to

use drug (coded as


If the predicted

probability is less than

0.5, this respondent

would be predicted to

not use drug (coded

as 0).

Logistic regression using SPSS



SPSS output



Our coding is the same as the Parameter coding

SPSS output



Block 0 (beginning block/step

0) means only constant is in

the model and our predictors

are not in the equation yet.

SPSS output

Block 1


Full model:

Block1 (step1) indicates that

our predictors are entered the

model simultaneously. The

method used is Enter.

Validity of the model:

The null hypothesis is

rejected (p < .05).

-2Log likelihood ratio

test: tests whether a set

of IVs improves

prediction of DV better

than chance.

Pseudo R square:

Nagelkerke R2 is preferred.

The model accounts for

almost 10% of variance of


This test assesses

whether the predicted

probabilities match the

observed probabilities. P

> .05 means a set of IVs

will accurately predict the

actual probabilities.

Model fit


SPSS output

Model fit: Goodness-of-fit statistics help you to

determine whether the model adequately

describes the data.

-2 log likelihood test (-2LL)

Omnibus test of model coefficients: Chi-square,

it is based on the null hypothesis that all the

coefficients are zero.

Model summary

Pseudo R2

Homer and Lemeshow Test


SPSS output

The overall predictive accuracy is 62.7%.


In block 0, the probability of a correct prediction is

50.4%. In block 1, the overall predictive accuracy is


Block 1

SPSS output

Classification table

64.9% is also known as the sensitivity of


60.6% is also known as the specificity of



SPSS output

Variables in the equation


1. Wald test

It tests the effect of individual predictor while controlling other predictors.

2. Exp(B)

It is an odds ratio. For gender, males are 1.60 times more likely to use

drugs than females. For self-control, the probability of drug use is

contingent on self-control level. Higher score of self-control, less likely to

use drugs. For a80r, low self-efficacy group is 1.53 times more likely to

use drugs than high self-efficacy group.

SPSS output


The equation should be:


Ln [odds] = .256 + .471 Gender -.093Self-control + .427Self-efficacy

Predicted probability = eln(odds)/(1+eln(odds))

SPSS output

Saved new variables


1. For each case, if the predicted

probability is greater than 0.5, then

this respondent would be predicted

to use drug (coded as 1).

2. If the predicted probability is

less than 0.5, this respondent

would be predicted to not use drug

(coded as 0).



The logistic regression was performed to test effects of

self-control, self-efficacy, and gender on drug use.

Results indicated that the three-predictor model provided

a statistically significant improvement over the constant-

only-model, χ2(3, N= 413) = 31.36, p = .00. The

Nagelkerke R2 indicated that the model accounted for

9.8% of the total variance. The correct prediction rate

was about 63.7% . The Wald tests showed that all three

predictors significantly predicted drug use status.

Logistic regression using SPSS

Independent variables are categorical

variables with more than 2 categories.

Example: add a93a (My friends think that it's

okay for me to drinks too much alcohol) into

the model as an independent variable.

Rerun previous logistic regression

Use Indicator method and first level as a



Logistic regression using SPSS

SPSS output: coding


SPSS recoded a93a into three dummy variables with first level as

the reference (in the contrast matrix as a row of zeros).

Logistic regression using SPSS

SPSS output: Variables in the equation


Comparing logistic models

Purpose of comparing logistic models

Whether adding more variables in the model will

provide an improvement in predictive power.

Example: we want to know whether there is a

significant interaction of self-efficacy and self-control

on probability of drug use.

Add interaction term (self-efficacy*self-control) to

the model

We are going to have three models: constant-only-

model, model with three predictors and constant,

and model with interaction term, three predictors,

and constant.


Comparing logistic models

Enter a01, a80r, and self-control to

Block1, then click Next.


Comparing logistic models

Block 2


Highlight a80r and

hold Control to select

self-control. Then

click a*b>, enter

a80r*self-control to

Block 2.

SPSS output

The results for Block 0 and Block 1 are

the same as those from the previous



1. The Block 2 is not significant. It

means the interaction term is not

significant. Model means with

everything in the equation, the

whole model is significant.

2. The difference of -2Log Likelihood

between block 2 and 1 is 541.153-

537.486 = 3.68, this is a Chi-

square statistic with df = 1, p < .05

(check Chi-square table, Chi-

square = 3.84 as p =.05, df = 1)

SPSS output


The Chi-square change from Block1 to Block 2 is 35.032-31.364=3.668, which

is the Chi-square for interaction term. The R2 change indicates that 1% of

variance is explained by interaction term. The improvement of prediction is not

significant ( p = .055).

SPSS output


The Wald test also shows that there is no significant interaction effect

of self-efficacy and self-control on DV.

Equation of model: ln(odds) = .021 + .476 Gender -.063Self-control +

1.03 Self-efficacy -.079Self-efficacy * Self-control

Graphs for interaction effect


Graphs for interaction effect



1 = Somewhat

sure-not sure


0 = Very sure

Multinomial logistic regression

Used to classify subjects based on

values of a set of predictor variables.

This type of regression is similar to

logistic regression, but it is more general

because the dependent variable is not

restricted to two categories.


Multinomial logistic regression


The dependent variable should be


Independent variables can be factors or

covariates. In general, factors should be

categorical variables and covariates should

be continuous variables.


Multinomial logistic regression using SPSS

Example (from SPSS samples)

Regression to determine marketing profiles for

each breakfast option.

Dependent variable: Choice of breakfast: 1 =

Breakfast bar; 2 = Oatmeal; 3 = Cereal

Independent variables: age, gender, lifestyle (they

are all categorical variables)


Multinomial logistic regression using SPSS

Go to Analyze > Regression >

Multinomial Logistic


Multinomial logistic regression using SPSS

Click Reference Category


We can use any category of

dependent variable as the


Multinomial logistic regression using SPSS


Click Model

The default model is

Main effects. We can

custom our model

and request main

effects and

interaction effects.

Multinomial logistic regression using SPSS

Click Statistics


Multinomial logistic regression using SPSS

SPSS outputs


Multinomial logistic regression using SPSS

SPSS Output


Cells with zero frequencies can be a useful indicator for

potential problems. Since there are few (only 4.2%) of

these empty cells, you can probably safely use the results

of the goodness-of-fit tests.

Multinomial logistic regression using SPSS

SPSS Outputs


1. The likelihood ratio tests check

the difference between null

model and final model.

2. The Chi-Square in the first

table is the change of -2 Log

Likelihood from intercept-only-

model to the final model.

3. The results show that the final

model is outperforming the null.

3. Results of Goodness-of-Fit

show that the model adequately

fits the data.

Multinomial logistic regression using SPSS

SPSS Output


The likelihood ratio tests check

the contribution of each effect to

the model.

Age and Active make significant

contributions to the model.

Multinomial logistic regression using SPSS

SPSS Output


Multinomial logistic regression using SPSS

SPSS Output: Parameter estimates

table summarizes the effect of each


Parameters with significant negative

coefficients decrease the likelihood of that

response category with respect to the

reference category.

Parameters with positive coefficients

increase the likelihood of that response



Multinomial logistic regression using SPSS

SPSS Output


Cells on the diagonal are correct predictions and cells

off the diagonal are incorrect predictions.

Overall, 56.4% of the cases are classified correctly.


Agresti, A. & Finlay, B. (1997). Statistical methods for the social sciences (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, Inc.

Meyers, L. S., Gamst, G., & Guarino, A. J. (2006). Applied multivariate research: design and interpretation. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.

Stevens, J. P. (2002). Applied multivariate statistics for the social sciences (4th ed.). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.


