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Slide 2 By: Kathryn Nash Slide 3 My Family I have seven people in my family including me. These are my family members: my mom, dad, my brother, my two sisters, my step dad, my dogs Amber and Hailey, and of course me. Slide 4 My favorites: My favorite things about me My favorite color is purple. My favorite sport is gymnastics, soccer, and lacrosse. My favorite foods are pizza and spaghetti. My favorite subject is to color Slide 5 My goals My goals when I get older is to.. Be a competitive gymnastic girl. Be a roommate with one of my friends, when I get to College. Be a great soccer player like my older brother. Slide 6 Interesting facts about me I am very nice My dream is to get to level one in gymnastics. I like hamburgers with no cheese. I have two dogs, Amber and Hailey Slide 7 My friends My friends are nice to me and I am nice to them. All my friends are girls right now All my friends are nice, kind, smart, and care for other people. Slide 8 My sisters My sisters are 9 and 2 in a half years old. My 9 year old sister lives in Seattle My 2 year old sister lives with me. We dont get to see my nine year old sister a lot but we get to see her on the holidays like Christmas, Easter, Birthdays, and Fourth of July. Slide 9 My brother Well my brother is in College, so I dont get to see him a lot, just on the holidays his College is in Ohio and is called John Carroll University. My brother is 21 years old and is a professional soccer goalie in College. Slide 10 My mom I have one mom. When she was in College she was the best long jumper in the school. She is very nice to me. I love my mom. Slide 11 My Birthday My birthday is April 23. My birthday is the day before Easter this year. I like my birthday It is special Slide 12 My dad My dad is a sporty person he is in love with kick ball and doge ball. My dad is the coolest dad ever. He is the best dad any one could have. I like my dad. Slide 13 My step dad My step dad is very funny When ever he goes on trips he brings me a present back for me like one time he went to Hawaii he brought me a stuff animal back and it was a Dolphin how cool is that. Slide 14 End of all about me Well thats all about me and my family
