


Learning: Vegetables – Vegetales

Practice: To Eat - Comer

Review: To Eat - Comer

Conjugation Translation

yo como I eat

tú comes You (informal) eat

él/ella come He/she eats

usted come You (formal) eat

nosotros/nosotras comemos We eat

ellos/ellas comen They eat

ustedes comen You all eat

Vegetables Part One

asparagus — el espárrago

avocado — el aguacate

beans — los frijoles

broccoli — el brocoli

Vegetables Part 2

cabbage — el repollo

carrot — la zanahoria

cauliflower — la coriflor

celery — el apio

Vegetables Part 3

corn — el maíz

cucumber — el pepino

green beans – los ejotes

lettuce — la lechuga

Vegetables Part 4

onion — la cebolla

potato — la papa

spinach — las espinacas

tomato — el tomate


You will have two parts for this week’s assignment First: Using Comer - To eat, from last week, write ten

sentences in English and translate them into Spanish. You must use one vegetable and one fruit in each sentence,

and five of the sentences must use numbers. Examples:

Ella come sandia y pepinos. She eats watermelon and cucumbers.

Yo como dos zanahorias y tres naranjas. I eat two carrots and three oranges.

In Google Docs name the file “Vegetables” and put it in the Spanish Collection

Second: You need to learn the vegetables and how to use them with the verb To Eat by next Tuesday

You may be asked to use them with numbers (1-20)

Crazy Veggies– Vegetales Locos
