Page 1: By Wyatt Heaton. Contents  Introduction … page 3  The eruption process … page 4  The largest volcano… page 5  Eruption dangers… page 6  Conclusion…

By Wyatt Heaton

Page 2: By Wyatt Heaton. Contents  Introduction … page 3  The eruption process … page 4  The largest volcano… page 5  Eruption dangers… page 6  Conclusion…


Introduction … page 3

The eruption process … page 4

The largest volcano… page 5

Eruption dangers… page 6

Conclusion… page7

Glossary… page 8

Page 3: By Wyatt Heaton. Contents  Introduction … page 3  The eruption process … page 4  The largest volcano… page 5  Eruption dangers… page 6  Conclusion…


Imagine being stuck on a island in the middle of a rushing river of lava. Do you know how you got there? I f you

want a answer, it is

Volcanoes. Read on to learn about how these fascinating mountains erupt. The magma has a quite extraordinary journey.

What the largest volcano and its Eruption were called. That was such a sad time, millions were killed.

Plus, I have added a small guide to eruption dangers. Try not to go looking for these dangers. Now lets start with the basics, how a volcano erupts, and how it gets the magma to erupt.

Page 4: By Wyatt Heaton. Contents  Introduction … page 3  The eruption process … page 4  The largest volcano… page 5  Eruption dangers… page 6  Conclusion…

Section 1 The eruption process

How exactly does this all work? It happens when silica and steam act up together. Silica is a mixture of hydrogen and extremely hot magma. I t starts

as magma. Next, the magma might be over heated. That magma is turned into into silica in contact with hydrogen. The silica then goes through

Magma streams and eventually touches steam the steam and silica take up so much space it creates a blast of pressure making it erupt. The volcano gets

its magma like this. First the magma starts in the core of the earth as rock and iron. Next the iron and metal is shifted out into the outer core because

More of it formed, and in the outer core it is melted into magma. Then it is shifted into the plastic mantle and formed into a droplet shaped diaper.

Then it goes through a tube and ends in the magma core. There it waits until the silica and steam touch and it erupts. After the eruption the lava can do 3

Things. 1: It can fall back in. 2: It rolls down the mountain destroying all in its path. Then there is the positive number 3: It forms new land and rock


Page 5: By Wyatt Heaton. Contents  Introduction … page 3  The eruption process … page 4  The largest volcano… page 5  Eruption dangers… page 6  Conclusion…

Section 2 The Year Without A Summer

Do you want to know what and where the largest volcano was? It was the Navado ojos del salado in south


It started as a normal year . But for some reason people started hearing rumbling from Navado ojos del salado and things started getting

very hot. The mountain had not erupted in centuries so man thought it was just a disturbance. Man was wrong. It erupted with a nuee

Ardentes flow. The smoke ,ash , rock and magma went six miles into the air. Millions killed hundreds injured the survivor fled. The

eruption covered the sun so it made fatal blizzards and extreme cold . There was no summer.

Page 6: By Wyatt Heaton. Contents  Introduction … page 3  The eruption process … page 4  The largest volcano… page 5  Eruption dangers… page 6  Conclusion…

Section 3 Volcanic Dangers

Try to avoid the four dangers I give you in this section . First there is a nuee ardentes flow or cloud. A nuee ardentes is a large blast of

rock, magma, smoke, and ash that can be miles high the nuee ardentes can start of destroying things in the air such as airplanes, birds,

space shuttles that were just launched, and helicopters. Then, it hits the mountain destroying all in its path. Also, there is the volcanic

ash. Ash from a volcano can mummify a person in a matter of minutes. Plus, it can suffocate them. Another danger is the volcanic quake.

The volcanic quake is just a large fisher full of magma at the base of the volcano. Next, there is the volcanic blizzard. The volcanic blizzard

is what happens when volcanic ash blocks the sun and extreme cold starts a blizzard. Luckily we can find out when this is all coming with modern science.

Page 7: By Wyatt Heaton. Contents  Introduction … page 3  The eruption process … page 4  The largest volcano… page 5  Eruption dangers… page 6  Conclusion…


In short, volcanoes are amazing yet destructive. I have added all I know about volcanoes, how about we look back and summarize all I have written. First, I have written that a volcano erupts when steam acts with silica. Also, I have told you that Navado ojos del salado is the largest volcano known to man. Last, I have added a few of the dangers of a volcanic eruption. Now that you now about volcanoes use this information for yours and other peoples safety