Page 1: C Breeze April 2016 CAMBRIDGE AT HERITAGE RIDGE · 2016-03-29 · C-Breeze April 2016 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF HERITAGE

C-Breeze April 2016



Bob Frederick and George Guider having some fun while helping out at the Cambridge Flea Market that was held on February 27. This years profits were $3948.78. Elisha Bunch, daughter of Carol Van Gorder, won the Doggie Basket of Cheer and Joe Rainone won the Basket of Cheer. Both winners were Cambridge residents. Thank you Ernie and Linda Neeld for chairing this event. You did a great job. Many hours of gathering items, setting up, cleaning up by many community members, and the kitchen volunteers all helped to make this huge project a success for the community. We could not do it without all of you.

The 26th annual Cambridge Charity Fashion Show was again a great success. We want to thank the represent-atives of Paws of War and Back Pack for Nutrition for attending . Special thanks goes out to our wonderful group of ladies that worked so hard for three days in the kitchen preparing a wonderful lunch. You are the heart and soul of this event. So many of our Cambridge ladies participated making this the superb event that it was and has been for so many years. You all help to make Cambridge the great Community that it is. Pictured below is our Kitchen Staff: Carol Stuart, Dean Dutko, Billie Quick, Joyce Zawacki, Donna Bove, Bea Clock, Carol Guider, Jodene Rasile, Louise Graham, Mary Erratt, Charmaine Obed, and Helen Steele

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Editor, Judy Ricker

Health News Peggy Caye Sunshine Club Maureen Dalton Lunch Bunch Bea Clock/ Marty Scheuermann Pet Points Judy Ricker Neighborhood Crime Joe Chiparri


Bob Souza 545-4841 VICE-PRESIDENT : Ron Faucher 207-319-5999 SECRETARY: Judy Ricker 546-4640 TREASURER: Wanda Bellow 546-9207 DIRECTOR, ENTERTAINMENT: Lyn Chamberlin 817-909-0543 DIRECTOR, GROUNDS: Joel Dick 716-807-2989 DIRECTOR OF CLUBHOUSE: Scott Northup 401-741-2093 OFFICE CONTACTS: phone 546-9530; email [email protected] Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

Announcements 3

Bowling/Shuffleboard 7

Directors Corner 2

Health News 6

Lunch Bunch 5

Neighborhood Watch Group 5

Pet Points 6

Sunshine Club 5

Up and Coming Events 3 & 4

Thank You’s 4




Submissions may be made in writing to the Clubhouse Suggestion box or the basket in the office and must be signed. All material is subject to ed-iting for content, grammar and

spelling. E-mail: [email protected] and list subject as C-Breeze.

Information gathered herein is from sources considered reliable. Accuracy, however, cannot be guaranteed. All humorous stories and jokes appearing here are intended for entertainment purposes only and are not meant to disrespect or harm any group or individuals. Ads ap-pearing in this paper are not to be considered as an en-dorsement or validation by C-Breeze for products or ser-vices offered. Articles must be signed and approved by the Board of Directors.


WELCOME WAGON The following new owners have recently joined our community. Eugene Fratalia—7755 Independence Rick & Joan Erdmann—7536 Independence

COMCAST SERVICE CALL: 1-800-934-6489 1-800-XFINITY Acct.#06143317629-01-1 (bulk)

The combination to the lock on the shuffleboard closet is posted on the bulletin board outside of the office.

The blood pres-sure clinic will be on Wednesdays

from 10-11:30 in the clubhouse.

As we head into spring a lot more outsid-ers are coming into Cambridge to try to take advantage of our homeowners. Be-side trying to scam you by telephone and emails, using threats for not paying a bill or trying to convince you that you have won a large amount of money, and the only thing you have to do is send money to them for processing. Groups are driv-ing around with pickup trucks, carrying ladders and chainsaws to trim your trees. These groups will tell you they are li-censed and insured,” which they are not”. And they try to convince, you by pressure, to get as much money from you. You, as a homeowner, will be responsi-ble if they are hurt working on your property. Most of these groups only cut down the trees and place them on your property in the front of your home and do not take away the material. “DO YOU KNOW IF MARTIN COUNTY RECYCLING BECOMES AWARE, EI-THER BY PHONE CALL OR THE RECY-CLING TRUCK’S DRIVER, THAT THE TREE WAS CUT DOWN BY SOMEONE OTHER THAN YOU, THEY WILL NOT PICKUP YOUR LANDSCAPE MATERIAL ON YOUR PROPERTY AND YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ITS REMOV-AL” . TAKE THE TIME TO ASK THE COMPA-NY OR PERSONS FOR PROOF OF LI-

CENSE AND INSURANCE AND A COST ESTIMATE OF THE WORK BE-ING DONE. IF THEY DON’T GIVE YOU ONE, SEND THEM AWAY. Another issue that has come to the Board’s attention is trying to contact per-sons on the emergency contact list of homeowners. We have found the emer-gency numbers on record at the associa-tion office are not up to date. We are ask-ing all homeowners to contact the office and update the emergency contact infor-mation. If an emergency arises, we will not be able to contact the persons you have designated to contact if their tele-phone numbers have been changed from the number originally listed by you. Please notify a neighbor if you are leaving for an extended period of time. This will relieve everyone’s mind that you are o.k. We are trying to amend the Phase 1 Cov-enants to comply with Phase 2 & 3. Pres-ently Phase 1 has an 18% interest penal-ty for not paying your assessments on time, while Phase 2 & 3 Covenants pay only 10%. We expect to have a commit-tee of homeowners come to your home in Phase 1 with a consent form to approve the change to the Phase 1 Covenants which will require your signatures. If we do not receive approval of 2/3 of home-owners in Phase #1, then the 18% inter-est rate will remain on Covenant 1. The Board is presently involved in many changes to benefit our Homeowners As-sociation. We have a great Board willing to listen and to make Cambridge a place

to enjoy,

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CAMBRIDGE BREAKFAST - SUNDAY, APRIL 3RD 8:00 TO 10:30 A.M. Come join us for a great breakfast of eggs to order, sausage, pancakes, juice and cof-fee and mingle with friends and neighbors.

DINNER DANCE Saturday, April 16th Menu: Pork Fried Rice, Beef and vegetables Egg roll, Almond cookies Catered by Canton Restaurant Music by: Ray Gaumont of Stuart Doors open at 5:30 and dinner will be served at 6:15. Tickets are $15.00 and are available from your block captain or Lyn Chamberlin (817-909-0543). Tickets will also be available Monday-Friday at the office from 9-10 a.m. Tickets will be $15.00 and must be purchased by April 11 NOTE: Anyone that is new to our community; please bring your own drinks and glasses. Proper attire please. So come out and dance the night away. Sounds of Soul performed the last show of the sea-son on the evening of Sunday, March 13. The 117 folks who were present enjoyed a great evening of music and fun. Because of a lack of support by the community at large totaling a deficit of $2,543 for the three shows, there will not be a 2017 season of shows.

NOTARY: Free notarization of doc-uments is available by Jim Ricker. Please call 772-546-4640

C-Breeze, Financial reports, and general notifications are available by E-mail. If you are not receiving these publications or notifications, please come into the office or call so that we can add your e-mail ad-dress to the lists. BLOCK CAPTAINS: Becky Carney has volunteered to be the Block Cap-tain for the Mid section of Shenandoah. Thank you Becky. Correction to the 2016 Telephone Directory: under Block Captains: Independence South - Bea Clock - 545-2729 Barbara Thompson IS NOT the block captain on In-dependence South. In Directory: Connie Goegan - 330-206-1023

My wife Marj and I give a hats off and three cheers to Linda Neeld and Melissa Rice and their group of vol-unteers who did such a wonderful job of up-grading the pool area. In our 33 years in Cambridge it has never

looked better. Larry and Marj Drew I don’t go to the pool much, but I am so appreciative of all of the volunteers who have devoted their time and effort in updating the pool area. The colors are just beautiful and the new plaques and umbrellas add to the décor. Thanks again for taking the initiative to im-prove our pool area. Judy Ricker A special thank you to Chuck and Charlie for the great fix of my mailbox. It looks wonderful. Eleonore Schussmann

I’d like to briefly thank everyone who worked on the fashion show. I truly appreciate your talent and co-operation in getting this show put together and mak-ing it a success. Most of you have worked on this show for more years than I have, and you all gra-ciously helped me in my job as chairperson.

Thank you so much,

Ruth Wintle

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Attention book lovers/book worms: We will be meeting in the Club-house at 1:00 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month. Feel free to call Kathy Burell with any

questions (772- 245- 8099) Please come and join us on April 14.

CLASSIC MOVIE NIGHT at the Clubhouse. Mark your calendars for the last Wednes-days of the month and join us for Movie Night. 6:30 to 8:30 pm. Bring your popcorn and enjoy a classic movie.

Looking for someone that knows how to play Mahjong . Please call Donna Lupinacci (860-848-3434).

Quilters! The quilting group is once

again meeting at the clubhouse Tuesdays at 9:00am to 1:30-2:00pm. Please join us whether you’re a novice or an accomplished seam-stress.

LINE DANCING ANYONE? Thurs days, 6:30-7:30 and couples from 7:30-9 p.m. We have a licensed in- structor, Rita Arnett. Rita was the instructor in Stuart at Lonestar, and before that The Rocking Horse. Currently she is an instructor at Renegades in West Palm Beach. The donation will be $3.00 per person for line dancing and $5.00 per person for couples. If you come for line dancing and want to stay for couples, then it is $5.00 per person . Any questions contact Nancy Bochynski at 772-546-5398

Joe Chippari received this letter from Carol Hodnett, V.P. of Community Impact and Martin Volunteers, United Way of Martin County Joe accepts donations of money and toys every year from Cambridge residents for the White Doves . Dear Friend: The White Doves Holiday Project was an amaz-ing success again this year and we want to thank you for your generous donation. Holiday cheer is hard to come by for families who struggle financially in Martin County. More often than not, families are faced with the difficult deci-sion of putting food on the table or buying Christ-mas presents for their children. Thanks to the caring residents and businesses of our communi-ty 2,427 children had presents and food this past holiday. The project is only possible because of the con-tinued support of fantastic volunteers and caring residents. White Doves does not get funding from any source other than donors and in kind support from some service providers. We can’t tell you enough how grateful we are for allowing us to serve the families in Martin County who need our help. To learn more about the White Doves Holiday Project, please visit our website at: White Doves by the Numbers: 368 volunteers 2,122 volunteer hours 41,571 pounds of food distributed to 1,010

families 320 bikes distributed

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SUNSHINE CLUB By Maureen Dalton

Please call Maureen Dalton (772-546-5757) when you know of a friend or neighbor who is hospitalized or very ill at home, so a card can be sent. Our thoughtfulness may help cheer them during their illness.

Pat Kinahan - Surgery Billie Quick - Having surgery


LUNCH BUNCH This month on Tues April 12th we are going to the Dolphin Bar. On Indian River Dr. Lunch at 11:30 and separate checks. Call Bea Clock at 545-2729 for reservations Once again, if anyone needs a ride, call Bea Clock or me Marty Scheuermann 772-546-9037 and we will get you there!

Bon Appetite'

CAMBRIDGE LUNCH BUNCH Bea Clock/Marty Scheuermann

I'm trying to keep the law away from harassing golf cart owners and eventually passing out expensive tick-ets. Your cooperation is required. I've witnessed two conditions that would attract their attention and more than likely result in the owner being penalized. 1) I witnessed a golf cart with two adult ladies casually driving down Constitution between Hummingbird and Gavel. They turned right on to Gavel at which point I flagged them down and advised them that they should not drive their golf cart down Constitution. They should only use Constitution as a crossover, going, for example, from Shenandoah to Independence. Do not drive from Shenandoah up Constitution and then turn right to get to Independence. Stay off Constitution other than to cross over to another Cambridge Street. Constitution side-walks are also illegal to operate on. Martin County has a law that states golf carts are only allowed on sidewalks that are 8 feet wide. Our sidewalks are not near 8 feel wide. 2) I also witnessed 3 youths under age of 16 driving down Constitution on the sidewalk. This could surely result in the youths being stopped and the owner being ticketed. I personally would not allow my visitors young children to drive my golf cart. There are two many trage-dies that could result where receiving a ticket is the least of them. If they want a ride then let an adult drive them. I read an article in today's PB Post News where a elderly lady was taken again for that IRS scam. I can't say enough times, if you get a threatening call from someone identifying themselves as the IRS saying that you owe back taxes and will be arrested if you don't pay right away. HANG THE PHONE UP. 100% of the time it is a SCAM. If you are alone and are frightened by the caller, hang up and call me (546 8982) and I'll come to you and insure you that all is OK. These people pry on the elder-ly. Thanks for listening to me Joe Chippari

Lauren and Jerry Driscoll and Meghan with Lady Gaga and Carly representing Paws of War, one of our recipient charity organizations of the Annual Charity Fashion Show.

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CARING FOR AN UPSET STOMACH Queasiness, vomiting and diarrhea can make you miserable. Signs and symptoms such as these are usually due to a virus or other stomach bug that lasts only a few days. Persistent symptoms, which can be due to medications or an underlying problem, deserve your doctor’s attention. But for the occa-sional episode, the following may help you feel more comfortable and prevent dehydration: Avoid solid foods for several hours until you feel

a little better. Suck on ice chips or take small sips of water,

weak tea or broth. Sip often to prevent dehydra-tion.

If you’re feeling nauseated, try sipping water simmered with fresh ginger, sucking on ginger candy or taking a ginger supplement (500 to 1,000 milligrams). Some studies show that gin-ger helps relieve nausea after surgery or chemo-therapy.

When you start to feel better, gradually add foods back into your diet. Foods such as crack-ers, toast, broths and soups, bananas, rice, noo-dles, and boiled vegetables are generally easier to tolerate.

For the next several days, stay away from spicy foods, caffeine and alcohol. Avoid taking medi-cines such as aspirin or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, since they can irritate the stomach.

If you’re losing a lot of fluids because of vomiting or diarrhea, call your doctor, who may recommend an oral rehydration solution. Severe cases may require receiving a rehydration solution through a vein (intravenously) in the hospital.

PET POINTS Submitted by Judy Ricker

DOG CONSTIPATION AND HOW TO TREAT IT Dog constipation is defined as the inability to defecate nor-mally. Much like humans, older dogs are more prone to this condition, though it can happen to any breed of dog at any age. Constipation in dogs should not be ignored, as extended periods of distress can cause serious health concerns. What To Watch For A constipated dog, especially if it is well-trained and evacu-ates at regular intervals daily, is described as being constipat-ed if it is experiencing difficult bowel movements and physical distress. (In addition, severe diarrhea and colitis may lead to straining.) Grass particles, matted feces, string, or other ob-jects in or around the anus is also indicative of constipation. The size of the feces will be abnormally small and once the condition has progressed, lethargy, vomiting, and loss of ap-petite may develop. Primary Cause The most common cause of dog constipation is swallowing objects that are not easily digested, if at all, such as a piece of dry bone. However, it can also be caused by: Slower intestinal processes Enlarged prostates Concurrent kidney disease Hernias Simply swallowing grass or hair Immediate Care If you can see a thread or string in the anus, do not pull it. This can cause internal damage. Other important things to note: Always wear rubber gloves when dealing with feces and re-lated anal problems. If you can see grass in the anus, gently ease it out. If feces are matted around the anus, trim carefully with scis-sors. (For long-haired dogs, see below.) Wash the anal region with warm, soapy water and apply a soothing, water-soluble jelly (such as K-Y) to the inflamed area. Take the dog’s temperature. If it is abnormally high or there is blood on the thermometer or resistance when inserting the thermometer, see your veterinarian immediately (within 24 hours). Long-haired dogs, especially small ones like Yorkies and Lhasa Apsos, can become frantic with the discomfort caused by matted feces around the anus and the trimming process. You may need to soak the dog’s posterior in warm water be-fore you begin trimming to make it more comfortable.

Veterinary Care

Diagnosis Radiographs, abdominal ultrasound and blood work are some of the more common tests recommended for identifying the underlying cause of the constipated dog.

Treatment In some cases, a dog may need to be hospitalized and given enemas to remove or pass an obstruction located in the anus. If in doubt, or in the cases noted above, call your vet and have the dog examined. Fluids under the skin may be Continued on page 7…….

OUR SERVERS FOR THE FASHION SHOW Wally Harper, Amos Wintle, Brownie Stuart, Dave Burbine, Ray Skudera, Bob Erratt, and Joe Lindquist

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The Wednesday Cambridge Fun League has finished 21 weeks of bowling and the results are shown below: HIGH GAME MEN HIGH GAME WOMEN Bob Merrill - 243 Joan Van Bramer - 212 Ron Van Horn - 237 Barbara Pender -180 Alan Blumberg - 233 Dean Dutko - 176 Wayne Raynor - 221 Charlotte Walker - 176 Bob Van Bramer - 212 Ruth Hinkley - 168 Emerson Walker - 192 Audie Hoban - 162 HIGH AVERAGE MEN HIGH AVERAGE WOMEN

Alan Blumberg - 164 Joan Van Bramer - 144 Ron Van Horn - 160 Barbara Pender - 139 Bob Merrill - 158 Ruth Hinkley - 125

Audrey Hoban at 772-546-4572 {Cell 772-708-4885} or Dean Dutko -772-546-2192

Continued from page 6…. Dog Constipation administered to ensure good hydration to the intestinal tract. In cases of intact males where the prostate is the cause of the constipation, castration will be recommended. And in severe cases of constipation, your veterinarian may administer fluids intravenously. Living and Management Some dogs have a history of periodic constipation, espe-cially as they get older. Adding a little mineral oil to the dog's meal can help in these cases. The proper dosage for a dog is 1 tsp for every 11 lbs (5kg). However, you should never administer the oil orally; if it ends up in the lungs, which can occur easily, it can cause pneumonia. Your vet-erinarian may also recommend stool softeners as well as fiber supplementation to assist in the intestinal transit. Prevention Although it is natural for a dog to eat grass on occasion, this habit should be controlled as much as possible. Avoid giving your dog bones; substitute a nylon chew toy instead. Use purpose-made laxatives to soften the stool and above all else, provide your dog with water regularly. Neutering your dog at an early age will also prevent growth of the prostate, which can lead to constipation in dogs.


2/24 vs Ridgeway = won 3 of 3 Teams: Pat Knapp/Sharon Carpenter Harriet Cooper/Len Rutkowski John Knapp/Ed Parker 3/2 vs Riverland = won 3 of 3 Teams: Harriet Cooper/Norma Bonilla Ed Parker/Bryan Stuart Pat Knapp/Stan Mielnicki 3/9 vs Woodbridge = won 2 of 3 Teams: John Knapp/Ed Parker Norma Bonilla/Len Rutkowski Sharon Carpenter/Stan Mielnicki 3/16 vs Pinelake Gardens = won 2 of 3 Teams: Pat Knapp/Ed Parker John Knapp/Bryan Stuart Harriet Cooper/Len Rutkowski What a great season! Check out our traveling trophy now at home in the trophy case at the Clubhouse.

RECIPE FOR HOT CHICKEN SALAD (Served at the Fashion Show)

In a large mixing bowl combine 2 cups cooked diced chicken breast, 1 cup diced celery, 1/2 cup slivered almonds, 1/2 table-spoon salt, 1/2 tablespoon pep-per, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 1

cup sharp cheddar cheese (grated). Spread in a 8x8 baking dish, top with crushed potato chips. Bake 30-35 minutes at 350° til bub-bly/brown. Serves 8 or 9 Thank you Louise Graham for a great recipe.

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10 C-Breeze April 2016

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Please call the Cambridge Office (772-546-9530) if you are interested in advertising in the C-Breeze.

Our models this year: Linda Neeld, Sharon Fortier, Eileen Helder, Ynez Gregory, Betty Gregory with Lady Gaga, Diane Lynch and Libby Jensen

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