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CHAPTER 4The Books of the Bible and their Genres

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“Testament” means “covenant” The Old Testament (OT) – Everything that

happened before Christ. Creation Christ. The New Testament (NT) – The life of Christ

and what happened in the Church after Christ’s death and resurection

The NT reveals and contains what was foretold in the OT. It completes and perfects the OT

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Law History Wisdom Prophecy

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46 Books Written over 1500 years The OT is a preparation for the coming of

Jesus Christ The NT reveals and contains what was

foretold in the OT. It completes and perfects the OT

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The First Five books of the OT Relate God’s plan of salvation from Creation

until the entrance of the Israelites into the Promised Land

Aka: Pentateuch, Torah, Books of Moses

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Greek for “Origins” Tells story of the creation of the world and the beginning of the

nation of Israel Exodus –

Greek for “going out” Tells the story of the Israelites escape from Egypt and their

wandering in the desert on their way to Canaan, the Promised Land Includes the 10 Commandments

Leviticus – A book of laws about religious worship

Numbers – Gives a census of all the tribes of Israel and tells of their 40 years

in the desert Deuteronomy –

Greek for “second law” Repeats some of the old laws from Exodus and gives new laws for

how the Israelites should live in the Promised Land

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Tell the history of the people of Israel from the conquest of the Promised Land through the end of the kingdoms of Israel

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OT HISTORICAL BOOKS Joshua – tells how the Israelites, led by Joshua, Moses’

successor, began taking the Promised land (Canaan) Judges – after the people gain the promised land, they

begin falling away from God and as punishment are taken over by their enemies. He sends them “judges” to rescue them

Ruth – tells story of a woman who converted to the Jewish faith and was one of Jesus’ ancestors

1 Samuel – tells story of first king of Israel, Saul lost favor with God

2 Samuel – Tells the story of David’s reign as king 1 Kings – tells story of David’s son, Solomon, who was

known for his wisdom and for building the Temple in Jerusalem

2 Kings – Tells how Israel’s two kingdoms, Israel and Judah, grew more divided

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1 Chronicles – also discusses the reign of David 2 Chronicles – continues stories from 1&2 Kings Ezra – Tells story of Jews returning to Jerusalem

after a long exile in Babylon and how hey rebuilt the Temple

Nehemiah – continues story in Ezra, shows how they restored Jerusalem and pure worship

Tobit – story of a pious man and his son who remain faithful to the Lord during the exile

Judith – Tells how a heroic woman saved Israel Esther – story of a heroic Israelite woman

became Queen of Persian and saved the Jewish exiles from their enemies

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Tells stories about the greatness of God, of his mercy and justice, and of how the things of this world will not satisfy.

Many wisdom books are poetic

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OT WISDOM BOOKS Job – a long poem involving a man named Job. Addresses

the question “why do bad things happen to good people.” Psalms – A collection of religious songs or poems written by

King David. Some of the greatest poetry. We pray these at Mass.

Proverbs – collection of wise sayings, many attributed to King Solomon

Ecclesiastes – a meditation on the worthlessness of worldly things

Song of Solomon – the world’s most famous love poem. Depicts a bride and groom speaking of their love for one another. (An allegory of Christ’s love for the Church.)

Wisdom – (“Wisdom of Solomon”) a poem of praise of wisdom

Sirach – a nook about how to live a good life without compromising faith in God

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A prophet is one who is called by God or speaks on God’s behalf, announcing his message.

Prophetic books are a collection of those prophets writings and their judgments which warn of God’s justice and calling Israel to repentance

These books are named after their prophets

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OT PROPHETIC BOOKS Isaiah – contains some of the clearest prophesies of the

coming of Christ Jeremiah – called by God to foretell the destruction of

Judah and call on the people to repent Lamentations – book of poems, probably of Jeremiah,

lamenting the destruction of Jerusalem Baruch – written during the Babylonian exile,

prophesies an everlasting covenant Ezekiel – book of visions foretelling destruction but also

hope in God Daniel – tells story of a Jewish prophet who gains a high

place in Babylon during the exile, has strange prophetic visions

Hosea – the marriage of Hosea is a metaphor for God’s relationship with unfaithful Israel

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OT PROPHETIC BOOKS Joel – warns of divine judgment that would come to Judah. Amos – stern message of repentance Obadiah – shortest OT book. Foretells the destruction of Edom, Judah’s enemy Jonah – tells story of a prophet who tried to run away from God Micah – Foretells of a savior who would rule Israel, savior would come from Bethlehem Nahum – foretells the end of Nineveh, the center of the Assyrian Empire, enemy of

Israel Habakkuk – judgment on wicked, comfort to the righteous Zephaniah – pronounces God’s judgment on whole Earth, also a message of joy

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Haggai – leads the effort to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem

Zechariah – visions of a new king coming, riding on a donkey. Also works to have the temple rebuilt

Malachi – predicts of the coming of the Lord’s messenger, who will purify the people

1 Maccabees – tells the story of the Maccabean revolt as a historian would tell it

2 Maccabees – tells the same story of the Maccabean revolt but from a religious point of view

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“The New Testament is hidden in the Old Testament, and the Old Testament is revealed in the New Testament” – St. Augustine

The NT does not replace the OT, but fulfills it. 27 books Tells the story of the life and teachings of

Jesus Christ and relates the history of the first years of the Church

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Law – the Four Gospels: story of the founding of the Church

History – The Acts of the Apostles: history of Early Church beginning with the Ascension of Jesus

Wisdom – The Epistles: written by the Apostles, tell us how to live as Christians

Prophecy – The Revelation to St. John: St. John uses symbols and images from the OT to prophesy about the end times

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The books include: Matthew Mark Luke John

Matthew and John were disciples of Jesus Mark and Luke were disciples of the Apostles

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A tax collector Begins with a genealogy

Mark Disciple of Peter Simple and straightforward writing; uses word

“immediately” 40 times Luke

A doctor; well educated disciple of Paul

John “the disciple whom Jesus loved theological/philosophical; the divine nature of

Jesus Written last, completes the first three

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Author Audience Aim

Matthew Jewish Christians To show Christ fulfills Messianic prophecies

Mark Christians in Rome To show Christ’s actions

Luke Gentile Christians To show Christ’s ministry to all nations

John Whole Church To show Christ is God incarnate

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The Acts of the Apostles Written by St. Luke A sequel to his Gospel Records the events of the Early Church after the

resurrection of Christ. Records the actions of the Apostles led by Peter and records the decent of the Holy Spirit

Begins with Christ’s promise to send his HS, then the ascension of Christ

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The Epistles Letters written for specific audience, written in

response to problems in the Christian communities

Help to explain the Christian faith and how to practice it

Most written by St. Paul

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Epistles of St. Paul – written for specific churches Romans 1 Corinthians 2 Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Colossians 1 Thessalonians 2 Thessalonians

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Epistles of St. Paul – written for individuals 1 Timothy 2 Timothy Titus Philemon

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Hebrews – unknown author, shows how OT covenant is fulfilled by Christ

James – gives advice on how Christians should live in harmony

1 Peter – helps Christians live their faith in a hostile world

2 Peter – warns against false teachers, reminds us of Christ’s return

1,2,3 John – warn against false teachers, reminds us to love

Jude – warns against false teachers

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Revelation Apocalyptic literature that conveys its message

through symbols, allegories, and metaphors Attributed to St. John the Apostle A vision of the trials at the end of the world Offers hope that God will be faithful to his

promises of salvation and that man will again dwell in the Heavenly Eden

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Genre OT Description NT Description

Law Pentateuch (Books of Moses) (Torah)

Giving the law and founding of Israel

4 Gospels Giving the New Law and founding the Church

History Histories beginning with Joshua

The History of Israel after Moses

Acts of the Apostles

History of the Church after Christ (new Moses)

Wisdom The Wisdom books beginning with Job

Poetry and stories about how to live wisely

The Epistles Letters of advice and teaching to the early Church

Prophecy The Prophets Truth, warning of disaster, promises for future

Revelation of St. John

Symbols and images promising New Jerusalem

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“Canon” means “measuring rod”, refers to which books are inspired by God, which are the approved books

Deutero-Canonical Books: books not included in the Jewish canon or the Protestant canon Tobit Judith Wisdom Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) Baruch 1 Maccabees 2 Maccabees (parts of Daniel and Esther)

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OT Most written in Hebrew Some written in Aramaic/Greek Torah written on parchment, others on papyrus Oldest manuscripts from 2nd century BC

NT Matthew written in Aramaic Rest written in “koine” Greek Written between AD 40-100

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TEXTS OF THE BIBLE Only the original manuscripts of Scripture are

inspired by God The Septuagint

First translation of the Bible for Jews Included Deutero-canonical books In Greek 250 BC

The Vulgate Latin translation of the Bible St. Jerome 383 AD The Church has declared this version to be the
