Download pdf - C# Lab Manual for BCA.doc

  • 8/15/2019 C# Lab Manual for BCA.doc


    PES University



    SUBCODE: UC14BC254





  • 8/15/2019 C# Lab Manual for BCA.doc


    .Net Laboratory

    Subject Code: UC14BC254 Hrs / week: 02

    Total Hours: 26 (1C)



    Exercises Time

    1. Getting Started with Technology and writing basic programs like Hello

    world in C#.

    2 Hours

    2. Programs in C# to demonstrate the usage o Classes ! "bects. 2 Hours

    $. %rite a Program in C# to demonstrate the usage o &ecision making'

    (ooping ! branching.

    2 Hours

    ). %rite Programs to demonstrate the concepts o *rrays' +ultidimensional

    *rrays and ,agged *rrays

    2 Hours

    -. %rite Programs in C# to demonstrate boing and /nboing 2 Hours

    0. %rite Programs in C# to demonstrate Single (eel nheritance' +ultileel


    2 Hours

    3. %rite a program to &emonstrate interaces in C#. 2 Hours

    4. %rite programs in C# to demonstrate "perator oerloading' 5irtual and

    "erride 6eywords' *bstract class and *bstract +ethods

    2 Hours

    7. %rite a program to illustrate the use o dierent properties in C#

    89:C*PS/(*T":;.%rite a Program in C# to demonstrate the usage o ndeers

    2 Hours

    1*T":S8:umerical ormatting' Console " o both number !


    2 Hours

    11. /sing Try' Catch and ?inally blocks write a program in C# to demonstrate

    9ception Handling

    2 Hours

    12. %rite a program in C# to demonstrate o Simple delegates without


    %rite a Program in C# to demonstrate &elegates with 9ents

    2 Hours

    1$. ?inal Test 2 Hours

  • 8/15/2019 C# Lab Manual for BCA.doc


    "ettin# st$rte% &it' C(

    1. Write a Program in C# to display a simple message “Hello World”

    using System;

    class demonstrate{

    public static void ain!"


    Console.Writeine!“Hello $orld”";




  • 8/15/2019 C# Lab Manual for BCA.doc


    '. Write a Program in C# to demonstrate t(e usage o) Classes * +b,ects.

    using System;

    namespace Console-pplication1

    { class Program


      static void ain!string/ args"

      { Car car;  car 0 ne$ Car!%ed";


      car 0 ne$ Car!3reen";


      Console.%eadine!"; & &

      class Car


      private string color;  public Car!string color"

      { t(is.color 0 color; &

      public string 2escribe!"

      { return 4(is car is 5 Color; &

      public string Color


      get { return color; &

      set { color 0 value; &  &


  • 8/15/2019 C# Lab Manual for BCA.doc


    6. Write a Program in C# to demonstrate t(e usage o) 2ecision ma7ing8 looping *


    De)isi*n M$+in#

    using System;

    public class 9:ample


     static void ain!"{ int a 0 8 b 0 ';

    int result 0 a < b;

    i) !result 00 '"

    { Console.Writeine!%esult is '"; &

     i) !result 00 6" { Console.Writeine!%esult is 6"; &



    S&it)' St$te,ent

    using System;

    class Program{  static void ain!"  {  int : 0 6;

      s$itc( !:"  {  case 1=

    Console.Writeine!: is e>ual to 1";  brea7;

      case '=  Console.Writeine!: is e>ual to '";  brea7;

      case 6=  goto de)ault;

      de)ault=  Console.Writeine!: is e>ual to neit(er 1 nor '";  brea7;  &&&


  • 8/15/2019 C# Lab Manual for BCA.doc


    using System;

     namespace 9:amples1


      class Program


      static void ain!string/ args"


      int num8 i8result;

      Console.Write!9nter a number?t";

      num 0 Convert.4o@nt6'!Console.%eadine!"";

    )or !i 0 1; i A0 1B; i55"


      result 0 num i;

      Console.Writeine!{B& : {1& 0 {'&8 num8 i8result";






    --D*/'i0e L**

    using System;

    class Program


      static void ain!"


      int/ ids 0 ne$ int/ { D8 E8 F8 1B &;

      int sum 0 B;

      int i 0 B;



      sum 50 idsi/;


      & $(ile !i A G";


  • 8/15/2019 C# Lab Manual for BCA.doc





  • 8/15/2019 C# Lab Manual for BCA.doc


      {b8 )&8


      Console.Writeine!arrayB8 B/";

      Console.Writeine!arrayB8 1/";

      Console.Writeine!array18 B/";

      Console.Writeine!array18 1/";




    using System;

    public class @nit-rray

    { static void ain!"

    { int/ array 0 ne$ int/;

      arrayB/ 0 1;

      array1/ 0 ';

      array'/ 0 6;

      array6/ 0 G;

      arrayG/ 0 ;

    )or !int i 0 B; i A array.engt(; i55"

    { Console.Writeine!arrayi/";

      & &&

  • 8/15/2019 C# Lab Manual for BCA.doc


      int sum 0 B;

      int// : 0 ne$ int6//;

    :B/0ne$ int6/;

    :B/0ne$ intG/;

    :B/0ne$ int/;

      )or !int ,0B; ,A0:.engt(; ,55"

    { )or !int 70B; 7A0:,/.engt(; 755"


      Console.Writeine !enter t(e5!751"5elements o) t(e 5


      : ,8 7/ 0 int.Parse !Console.%eadine!"";



      )or !int ,0B; ,A0:.engt(; ,55"


      Console.Writeine !";

      )or !int 70B; 7A0:,/.engt(; 755"


      Console.Write !:,87/5?t";

      & &

      Console.Writeine !";

      )or !int ,0B; ,A0:.engt(; ,55"


      )or !int 70B; 7A0:,/.engt(; 755"

      { sum 50 : ,8 7/;

      & & Console.Writeine !4(e sum o) all t(e elements are {B&8sum";

      Console.%eadine!"; &


    . Write a Program in C# to demonstrate Ko:ing and Lnbo:ing

    using System;using System.Collections.3eneric;using>;using System.4e:t;

    namespace bo:ing{

  • 8/15/2019 C# Lab Manual for BCA.doc


      public struct Point  {  public int :8 y;  public Point!int a8 int b"  {  : 0 a;  y 0 b;  &  public void display!"  {  Console.Writeine!:0{B&8 y0{1&8 :8 y";  &  &  class Program  {  static void ain!string/ args"  {  Point p1 0 ne$ Point!'8 6";  Console.Writeine!2@SP-I@MI@M3 N+% S4%LC4 4IP9S";  p1.display!";

      ob,ect o1 0 p1;  Console.Writeine!o1.3et4ype!"";  Point p' 0 !Point"o1;  p'.display!";

      Console.Writeine!2@SP-I@MI@M3 N+% P%@@4@O9 4IP9S";Console.Writeine!bo:ing";

      @nt : 0 1B;ob,ect o 0 !ob,ect":;

  • 8/15/2019 C# Lab Manual for BCA.doc


    public void display1!"{System.Console.Writeine!good noon";&&class test{public static void ain!"{b :0ne$ b!";:.display!";:.display1!";&&M30tiLeve0 n'erit$n)eusing System;namespace @n(erit{class S(ape{public S(ape!"{Console.Writeine!Constructor o) base class S(ape";&&class Polygon = S(ape{public Polygon!"{Console.Writeine!Constructor o) Kase class Polygon";&&class Quad = Polygon{public Quad!"{Console.Writeine!Contructor o) class Quad";&public static void ain!string/ args"{Quad ob,0 ne$ Quad!"; &&&

    E.2emonstrate an inter)ace $it( a C# program.

    using System;



      void area !";


    class test=cylinder


      void area!"

  • 8/15/2019 C# Lab Manual for BCA.doc



      double pi06.1G';

      Console.Writeine !9nter t(e radius and (eig(t";

      double r8(8res;

      r 0 double.Parse !Console.%eadine !"";

      ( 0 double.Parse !Console.%eadine !"";

      res 0 !' pi r (" 5 !' pi r r";

      Console.Writeine !-rea is5res";  &


      class ainClass


      public static void ain !string/ args"


      cylinder c0ne$ test!"




    F. Write a program in C# to demonstrate +perator overloading.using System;using System.Collections.3eneric;using>;using System.4e:t;  class Comple:  {

      public int real;  public int imaginary;  int a8 b8 c;

      public Comple:!int real8 int imaginary"  {  t(is.real 0 real;  t(is.imaginary 0 imaginary;  &  public Comple:!int :8 int y8 int R"

  • 8/15/2019 C# Lab Manual for BCA.doc


      {  a 0 :;  b 0 y;  c 0 R;  &

    public static Comple: operator 5!Comple: c18 Comple: c'"  {  return ne$ Comple:!c1.real 5 c'.real8 c1.imaginary 5 c'.imaginary";  & 

    public override string 4oString!"  {  return !String.Normat!{B& 5 {1&i8 real8 imaginary"";  &  public static Comple: operator 55!Comple: op1"  {  op1.a55;  op1.b55;  op1.c55;  return op1;  &  public void S(o$4(e%esult!"  {  Console.Writeine!a 5 8 5 b 5 8 5 c";  Console.%eadine!";  &

      public static void ain!"  {  Comple: num1 0 ne$ Comple:!'8 6";  Comple: num' 0 ne$ Comple:!68 G";

      Comple: c6 0 ne$ Comple:!1B8 'B8 6B";  c655; 

  • 8/15/2019 C# Lab Manual for BCA.doc


    using>;using System.4e:t;

    namespace O@%4L-{  class s(apes  {  public virtual void points!"  {  Console.Writeine!-ll t(e geo Jgures";  & 

    &  class (e:agon = s(apes  {  public override void points!"  {  Console.Writeine!(e:a (as D points";  &  &  class circle = s(apes  {  public override void points!"  {  Console.Writeine!circle (as B points";  &  &  class Program  {  static void ain!string/ args"


     s(apes /s0{ ne$ s(apes!"8 ne$ (e:agon!"8ne$ circle!"&;

      )or!int i0B;iAs.engt(;i55"  {  si/.points!";  &  Console.%eadine!";  &  &&

    F c" Write a program to demonstrate abstract class and abstract met(ods in C#.

    using System;

    abstract class service{  public abstract void detail!"; &class employee=service{

  • 8/15/2019 C# Lab Manual for BCA.doc


      String name;  int number8 salary;

      public override void detail!"  {

    Console.Writeine!9nter employee name ";  name0Console.%eadine!";  Console.Writeine !9nter employee number";  number0int.Parse!Console.%eadine!"";  Console.Writeine !9nter employee salary";

      salary0int.Parse!Console.%eadine!"";  Console.Writeine !Mame?tnumber?tsalary";  Console.Writeine !name 5 ?t 5 number 5 ?t 5 salary";  &

    &&class test{  public static void ain!"

      {  employee b 0 ne$ employee!";


    . Write a program to illustrate t(e use o) diTerent properties in


    using System;

    class Person


      private string myMame 0M

  • 8/15/2019 C# Lab Manual for BCA.doc



      myMame 0 value;



      public int -ge




    return my-ge;




    my-ge 0 value;



      static int count0B;

      public static int Count





      return count;



      public override string 4oString!"


      return Mame 0 5 Mame 5 8 -ge 0 5 -ge;


      public static void ain!"


      Console.Writeine !LS@M3 394 -M2 S94 P%+P9%4@9S";

      Person person 0 ne$ Person!";

      Console.Writeine!Person details {B&8 person";

      person.Mame 0 oe;

      person.-ge 0 ;

  • 8/15/2019 C# Lab Manual for BCA.doc


      Console.Writeine!Person details {B&8 person";

      person.-ge 50 1;

      Console.Writeine!Person details {B&8 person";

      Console.Writeine !";

      Console.Writeine !LS@M3 S4-4@C P%+P9%4@9S";






    . Write a program in C# to demonstrate @M29U9%S.

    using System;using System.Collections;

    class yClass

    { private string /data 0 ne$ string/;

    public string t(is int inde:/




    return datainde:/;




    datainde:/ 0 value;

    & &

  • 8/15/2019 C# Lab Manual for BCA.doc



    class yClient


    public static void ain!"


    yClass mc 0 ne$ yClass!";

    mcB/ 0 %a,es(;

    mc1/ 0 -61'D;

    mc'/ 0 Sne(adara;

    mc6/ 0 Kang;

    mcG/ 0 umbai;


    & &

    1B. Write a program to implement C+MS+9 @

  • 8/15/2019 C# Lab Manual for BCA.doc



      Console.Writeine!{B=B.BB&8 1";

    Console.Writeine!{B=#.##&8 B.'6G";

      Console.Writeine!{B=#####&8 1'6G.DE";

    Console.Writeine!{B=!B#" ### ## ##&8 '6G''";

      Console.Writeine!{B=##&8 B.'6G";




  • 8/15/2019 C# Lab Manual for BCA.doc


    11. Lsing 4ry8 Catc( and Ninally bloc7s $rite a program in C# to demonstrate error(andling.

    using System;

    namespace e:ception(andling


      class ainClass


      public static void ain !string/ args"


      intnumbers 0 ne$ int'/;



      numbersB/ 0 '6;

      numbers1/ 0 6';

      numbers'/ 0 G';


    )oreac(!int i in numbers"

      Console.Writeine!i";  &

      catc(!@nde:+ut+)%ange9:ception e:"


      Console.Writeine!-n inde: $as out o) rangeX?n5 e:.essage";


      catc(!9:ception e:"


  • 8/15/2019 C# Lab Manual for BCA.doc


      Console.Writeine!Some sort o) error occured= 5 e:.essage";




      Console.Writeine!@tYs t(e end o) our try bloc7.";





    1'. Write a program to demonstrate o) Simple delegates $it(out events.using System;

    namespace delegatespgm


      public delegate void met(ods!";

      class test


      public void strconcat!"


      Console.Writeine!enter t(e string1andstring'";

      string s10Console.%eadine!";

    string s'0Console.%eadine!";

      string s6 0 s1 5 s';  Console.Writeine !S4%@M3 C+MC-4 @S 5 s65?n";



    public void strreplace!"


      string s6 0 Oisual C# 9:press;

      s60s6.%eplace!C#8 Kasic";

      Console.Writeine !S4%@M3 %9P-C9 @S 5 s65?n";


      public void strlo$er!"


      string s6 0 pesit bangalore;


      Console.Writeine !S4%@M3 +W9% @S 5 s65?n";



  • 8/15/2019 C# Lab Manual for BCA.doc


      class ainClass


      public static void ain !string/ args"


      test t1 0 ne$ test !";

      met(ods m0ne$ met(ods!t1.strconcat";



    m!"; & &&

     Pr*#r$, *n EventsDe0e#$tes.

    using System;

    namespace yevents


      public class eventtestclass  {

      private int nvalue;

      public delegate void delvalue!";

      public event delvalue c(anged;

      protected virtual void callevent!"{

      i)!c(angedX0null" c(anged!";


      Console.Writeine!9vent Jred but no (andler";


      public eventtestclass!int n"

    { setvalue!n"; &

      public void setvalue!int nv"








      class program

      {  static void ain!"


      eventtestclass etc0ne$ eventtestclass!6";






  • 8/15/2019 C# Lab Manual for BCA.doc



    nstr3)ti*ns t* &*r+ &it' C(.NET

    &ownload the 5isual studio 2

  • 8/15/2019 C# Lab Manual for BCA.doc


    "nce the S" image is created' mounded the &isk. This S" image auto run will launch theinstallation. This the irst screen o the installation.

    Click on the install +icrosot 5isual Studio 2

  • 8/15/2019 C# Lab Manual for BCA.doc


    Click :et.

  • 8/15/2019 C# Lab Manual for BCA.doc


    *ccept the license terms and click net.

  • 8/15/2019 C# Lab Manual for BCA.doc


    Select any o the check bo' this will enable CustomiDe button at the bottom let corner.

    Select the customiDe button to select what components you want to install. you select

    both the check boes all the components will be selected automatically.

    you want you can speciy the path where this should be installed' but am leaing as it is.*nd click installE

  • 8/15/2019 C# Lab Manual for BCA.doc


    @e patient E this will take looooooong timeEbecause this will install a looooooong list o


    *ter installing +icrosot .:et ramework will ask or a restartE.&onFt get panic pleasego ahead and allow it restart the system. *ter restarting the system' installation will startautomatically. "nce all the components were installed' you will get inish page.

    ThatFs it. Click inish button. ou are ready to eplore the mush waited and ully loaded

  • 8/15/2019 C# Lab Manual for BCA.doc


    isual Studio 2

  • 8/15/2019 C# Lab Manual for BCA.doc


    An*t'er &$y t* &*r+ &it' C(M*n*%eve0*

    &eelopment Getting Started

    tFs relatiely easy to get started working on +ono&eelop' but this page aims to make it

    easier to get o the ground.

    youFre on "S B you can also try IddsglFs one step


    Setting up an 9nironment

    +ono&eelop doesnFt reKuire the ery latest ersion o +ono' and we speciically depend onGT6L eatures no later that GT6L 2.4. That said' using a recent release o +ono and Gtk#

    is likely to improe reliability and perormance.

    It is strongly recommended to use a ac!aged release o" #ono or your distribution'

    as it is ery easy to mi up conlicting +ono ersions i installing rom source. you mustinstall +ono rom source' set up a Parallel +ono 9nironment.

    +ake sure you hae git installed' and check +ono&eelop out rom GitHub.

    @uilding and nstalling

    "pen a terminal in the topleel +ono&eelop directory' and run

    .=conigure proileMcore

    t may ail because o missing dependenciesN install them' and rerun the command.

    There are a number o other proiles that can be usedN the command

    .=conigure help

    eplains how they are used.

    :et' use


    to build +ono&eelop.

    Since youFre working on the deelopment ersion' itFs best not to install itN instead' you canuse

  • 8/15/2019 C# Lab Manual for BCA.doc


    make run

    to run it without installing it.

    t is a good idea to keep separate copies or using and deeloping.

    you do install +ono&eelop' it is best to run the current ersion uninstalled' to make sureit works' beore installing it.

    %orking on +ono&eelop

    @eore hacking on +ono&eelop' donFt be araid to ask Kuestions on #monodeelop>C or +ono&eelop mailing list. People will be able to gie you pointer about where to start

    and how best to approach the problems your are trying to sole. There are also numbero *rticles on the +ono&eelop architecture and on implementing addins.

    The +ono&eelop solution can be opened rom +ono&eelop' and builds can be preormed

    orm within +ono&eelop. ndeed' some parts o the build 8such as Stetic code generation;must be perormed within +&. Howeer' the modiied +ono&eelop must be run rom a

    terminal with

    make run

    ou should ollow our contribution rules' or code style and licensing.

    *ter you hae made your changes' commit them with a descriptie message and open apull reKuest on GitHub.

    Troubleshooting the @uild

    the +ono&eelop build ails' there are a number o possible ies.

    the build commands ailed' try a clean rebuildJ

    make cleanN make

    and i any that are in conlict' or delete any that hae changed unnecessarily.

    the build system ailed' check or changed iles and rerun the conigure script.

    *& t* e6e)3te $ r*#r$, in C(.NET eit'er in!is3$0 St3%i*

    Or M*n*Deve0*

  • 8/15/2019 C# Lab Manual for BCA.doc


    !is3$0 St3%i*1. +pen Oisual Studio i.e. Clic7 StartZProgramsZicroso)t OisualStudio 'B1BZicroso)t Oisual Studio 'B1B.'. Oisual Studio @nter)ace $ill open up and you $ill get a start page.6. Clic7 on Me$ Pro,ect.G. Nrom 4emplate Pane8 select Oisual C#8 select console application. Oisual studio $ill create a console application pro,ect $it( de)aultname li7e consoleapplication1D. Clic7 o7 a)ter you give name o) t(e console application !i) you$ant to c(ange )rom de)ault".

    E. 4ype in t(e program in t(e de)ault editor $(at you get

    F. Save t(e program.. 4o run t(e program Jrst you need to compile it. 4o compile t(eprogram8 select build menu and clic7 on build solution. @) t(ere areno errors8 you $ill get a message build success)ul.1B. @) compilation is success)ul8 you can e:ecute t(e program byclic7ing debug menu8 Start 2ebugging or Start $it(out 2ebugging.


  • 8/15/2019 C# Lab Manual for BCA.doc


    Open Ubuntu software center and type mono in the search box,now choose MonoDevelop package in the

    list and Install.

    In erminal,

    sudo apt-get install monodevelop

     !fter the installation start MonoDevelop,you should see an aesthetic programming environment.

    o start programming select

    "ile #$ %ew #$ "ile..

    &elect '( and general

    )uild the program*press "+

    un the program*ctrl-"

  • 8/15/2019 C# Lab Manual for BCA.doc


    NOTE:his is very important the console in MonoDevelop /.0 does not read input.his is a bug in mono

    and has already been reported.o execute programs with ead1ine statements please follow the

    following steps*

     !fter installing MonoDevelop

    'reate the program using 2im editor,

    vim Demo1.cs

    • %ow install a package called mono#mcs,which is a c( compiler,

    sudo apt-get install mono-mcs

    • 'ompiling the program and generating .exe file,

    mcs Demo1.cs

    • 3xecuting the program,

    mono Demo1.exe