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  • 7/29/2019 CA Paper 1



    Crystal Roby

    Dr. Ridner

    Colonial America: HI 4103

    7 February 2013

    Paper Essay 1

    To the New World: From the Familiar to the Unknown

    The settlers of Roanoke arrived in the New World in 1584, and then again in 1587 and

    Jamestown who arrived in 1607, all had one common when they reached the New World. They

    all wanted to escape the harsh environment of their lives in England. They all believed that they

    could change their fortunes by coming to the New World. They believed that make a new life in

    the New World. The Roanoke settlers settled in Chesapeake Bay in April 1584, they were led by

    Arthur Barlowe and Philip Amadas who were send off by Sir Walter Raleigh who wanted

    Amadas and Barlowe to travel around eastern shoreline of North America. Amadas, Barlowe and

    the colonists reached Roanoke on July 1584.This expedition was completely different from when

    the Spanish came to the New World, the Spanish goal was to take resources and use the natives

    as slaves. The English wanted to claim the land for England, and the colonists declared that the

    land in North America in the name of Queen Elizabeth I. Horn states, No Indians were present

    to witness the event by which the newcomers had asserted their ownership of the land, as if they

    really werent concern about how the Indians might have viewed it. I believe that if that if the

    English really paid attention expedition of the Spanish to the New World, the English

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    colonization wouldnt have failed. I think the colonist were surprised when they finally met the

    natives, I think they expected to be savages who would attack them on sight, instead they were

    meet with curiosity, rather than savagery. In author Louise A. Breen book, a document written

    by Thomas Harriot, describing the Indians, They are a people clothed with loose mantles made

    of Deere skins, and aprons of the same rounde about their middles; all els naked; of such

    difference of statures only as wee in England; having no edge tooles or weapons of iron or steele

    to offend1It seems that the English colonists werent really concern with having a conflict with

    the Indians, by the way Harriot describes the Native people. Harriot also talks about the Indians

    belief, Harriot states, They believe also the immortalitie of the soule, that after this life as soone

    as the soule is departed from the bodie according to the workers it hath done.2

    Harriot writes as

    if he understands the Indians

    The colonists didnt want to start any conflict with the Indians in the region, they only

    wanted to set up a colony, and maybe set up a trade the Indians, who knew the area better than

    they did, they also wanted to settle in an area that they were far from Spanish settlements. The

    colonists soon encountered the native Indians the Secotans and the Croatans. To better

    communicate with the Natives and to get information about the area, Amadas and Barlowe

    aligned themselves with two Croatan Indians named Wanchese and Manteo. In 1584 Wanchese

    and Manteo alongside Barlowe voyaged to England. When the American Indians arrived in

    England, they caused a media frenzy while they were there, while in England Manteo had

    1Louise A. Breen. Converging worlds: communities and cultures in colonial America. New York: Routledge, 2012.

    Print. Ex. Harriot, James.A Briefe and True Report of the New World Land of Virginia: Thomas Harriot reports on

    the Nature and Manners of the Nature people at Roanoke. Document 1 pg. 562

    Louise A. Breen pg. 58

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    learned English while Wanchese was still very suspicious of the English motives. When Manteo

    and Wanchese arrived back to Roanoke, Wanchese broke off ties with the colonists, while

    Manteo converted to Anglican. Because the colonist arrived so late to Roanoke, the land was not

    very fertile, so they could not plant crops or produce food. The newly converted Manteo offered

    food to the colonists enabling them to survive the brutal winter that year. Author James Horn

    states that, relations between the English and Secotans had deteriorated rapidly during the three

    or four months that Armadas expedition was away.3The thing that amazes about the English

    settlers is that they remain of little children expecting the Indians to talk care of them, because

    they felt they were superior to them, this superiority to the colonists to raid Indian tribes often

    searching for food or out of boredom. Horn states that the most important reason for the

    relationship between the English and the Natives becoming strained was when the Secotan

    Indians began getting gravely and dying because of the diseases that the English had brought

    with them.

    The Jamestown settlement was a continuation of the Roanoke. The colony was located near

    James River in what is now the Commonwealth of Virginia. Jamestown was settled on muddy

    land also contain insects that carried deadly diseases the begin plaguing the colonists. The

    colonist came in contact withChief Powhatan was the leader of theTsenacommacah Indians.

    Just like the Roanoke colony, Jamestown would also have a friendly relationship with the

    Natives; they would also depend on them for food supply. Just like Roanoke, Jamestown was

    meant to be a permanent settlement on the behalf of England and the Queen. Unlike Roanoke,

    3James, Horn.A Kingdom Strange, The Brief And Tragic History Of The Lost Colony Of Roanoke. New York: Basic

    Books.2011. Print. Pg. 89

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    Jamestown learned from the past mistakes of the colony of Roanoke by succeeding in having and

    maintaining a relationship with the Natives. I dont believe the settlers of Jamestown didnt see

    themselves as being superior to the Indians; they just wanted to build a life for themselves from

    the harsh life of England.

    Even though the settlements of Roanoke and Jamestown werent successful, but they start a

    trend of many English coming over to the New World to start their new life, where they could

    leave their past life behind in England even though many knew that they might not live long, that

    the journey was worth it. The persistence of the English settlers to continue, even in the face of

    danger and death, its just like the sayingsays. If at first you dont succeed, try again.
