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Geneva 2020CAAST

PresentationJuly 8, 2015

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Geneva… An All America City

Three Geneva 2020 Workgroups• Communications:

– Finalize vision and mission statements for Geneva 2020.– Potential name change.

• Governance:– Chart the accountability structure for Geneva 2020 that will function as the

organizational framework, depicting the different tables within the partnership and including an outline of the roles and responsibilities of each table.

• Outcomes:– Understand the points along the cradle to career education continuum that are proven

to be key levers that need to be moved in order to achieve Geneva 2020’s vision and mission.

– Select Community Level Outcomes from across the cradle to career continuum and ensure accountability to the community.

– Determine the indicators for these outcomes, which are specific measures that will be used to track progress on moving the community level outcomes.

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VisionGeneva is a vibrant community of vast opportunities where people prosper

and all our children thrive.

StrategyWe will build a stronger Geneva by harnessing the resources of the entire community

in support of our children so that they may graduate prepared for lives of consequence.


Every child enters school ready to learn (kindergarten readiness).

Every student is supported and engaged and succeeds in school.

Every graduate attains employment or a post-secondary credential.


Early Childhood Success (Cognitive, social, emotional,

and physical health, and language and literacy)



High Graduation


College Readiness

Career Readiness


TBD based on 2015-2016 analysis of 0-4 surveys and


90% students at grade level in ELA in 3rd and 6th grade.

90% students proficient in Algebra by the end of 9th grade.

90% graduation rate in all groups in the district.

TBD based on 2015-16 analysis of

focus group/data.

TBD based on 2015-16 analysis of

focus group/data.

Attendance rate at 95% in all buildings.DRAFT

Geneva 2020 Roadmap

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Geneva 2020 Roadmap—Specifics

Goal #1: Every child enters kindergarten ready to learn (kindergarten readiness)1. Outcomes:

A. Early Childhood Success (Cognitive, social, emotional, and physical health, and language and literacy)

I. Indicators: TBD• Action items:

a. Give Success for Geneva’s Children survey to every guardian entering a child in Kindergarten for the 2015-16 school year.

b. Pediatricians’ offices collect PACE assessment data (Dr. Steven Schulz)

c. Analysis and presentation of data collected.

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Geneva 2020 Roadmap—Specifics (continued)

Goal #2: Every student is supported and engaged and succeeds in school1. Outcomes:

A. Literacy SuccessI. Indicator: 90 percent of students at grade level in ELA in 3rd and 6th

grade (based on local assessments)• Action Items:

a. Literacy Think Tank created by GCSDb. Local Assessment tools determined.c. Create a new baseline for data collection.d. Geneva Readse. Summer Reading Program

• Notes: Benchmarking will be done based on local assessments (not on State Test Results).

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Geneva 2020 Roadmap—Specifics (continued)

Goal #2: Every student is supported and engaged and succeeds in school1. Outcomes (continued):

B. STEaM SuccessI. Indicator: 90 percent of student proficient in Algebra by the end of

9th grade.C. High Graduation Rate

II. Indicator: 90 percent graduation rate in all subgroups

• Note: The graduation rates will ultimately be based on Geneva City School District rates. This is currently the lower number. • Note: 90/90/90 is an education statistic that refers to schools with 90% of

students achieving academic success while having 90% of students eligible for free and reduced lunch and 90% of students members of minority groups. (So, high achievement with high poverty and high minority percentages.)

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Geneva 2020 Roadmap—Specifics (continued)

Goal #3: Every graduate attains employment or a post-secondary credential.1. Outcomes:

A. Career ReadinessI. Indicator:• TBD based on 2015-16 analysis of focus group/data.

B. College ReadinessI. Indicator:• TBD based on 2015-16 analysis of focus group/data.• Action Items:

a. AP exams—All students must take one b. Track Career Cruising Data at GHS. Track career

portfolios as wellc. Follow this year’s seniors for one year.d. Job shadowing/Mentoring/Internships—increase all


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Geneva 2020 Roadmap—Specifics (continued)

1. Attendance Rate Indicator—throughout all goals.• 95% attendance rate in all buildings.• Use the state’s mandated tracking formula, which gathers data every

10 weeks.

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Steering Committee

Community Partners

& Anchor Entity

Goal 3College/ Career


Goal 2School (K-12)

Goal 1Kindergarten


Data & Communications

Data &



Data &












Anchor Entity: A neutral entity; provides key staff and data supports, communicates and works across sectors to eliminate silos and deliver results, and has convening power to ensure that key leaders will consistently come to the table over time.

Steering Committee: Comprised of core cross-sector leaders from across the Geneva community; provides strategic guidance; members possess the authority to leverage significant financial and/or social capital to advance Geneva 2020 goals and outcomes; key public champions.

Collaborative Action Networks: Comprised of existing/emerging groups and coalitions, including stakeholders, practitioners, and issue experts. Specific responsibilities include: 1) Identify initial contributing indicators and commit to integrating these indicators into own performance tracking; 2) Identify successful strategies and commit to integrating into practice/program 3) Communicate progress to Steering Committee


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Geneva 2020 Accountability Structure

Anchor Entity: A neutral entity; provides key staff and data supports, communicates and works across sectors to eliminate silos and deliver results, and has convening power to ensure that key leaders will consistently come to the table over time.

Steering Committee: Comprised of core cross-sector leaders from across the Geneva community; provides strategic guidance; members possess the authority to leverage significant financial and/or social capital to advance Geneva 2020 goals and outcomes; key public champions.

Collaborative Action Networks: Comprised of existing/emerging groups and coalitions, including stakeholders, practitioners, and issue experts. Specific responsibilities include:

1) Identify initial contributing indicators and commit to integrating these indicators into own performance tracking; 2) Identify successful strategies and commit to integrating into practice/program 3) Communicate progress to Steering Committee

Community Partners: Businesses and organizations in the community who commit to the Geneva 2020 vision and strategy and work to make gains in those community-defined key areas.

Data: Data must be the foundation from which the Collaborative Action Networks’ efforts grow.

Communication: Each Collaborative Action Network must communicate well to the Steering Committee in order to maintain transparency and avoid duplication.

Parents and Students: Geneva 2020 must find ways to include parent groups and student groups in the planning, discussions and work of the initiative.

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Updates…• General Geneva 2020 Updates– Data Group– Summer slide avoidance– Job shadowing– HWS Campus Visit planning– Education Foundation

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African American Men’s Association

William G. McGowan Charitable Fund

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Thank You

Feel free to contact Amy Jackson Sellers, Geneva 2020 Program Coordinator

at (315) 781-3825 or [email protected] with any follow up questions or comments.