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The Spirit of New Orleans

March 3–6, 2010Grand Sierra Resort

& CasinoReno, Nevada

47th Annual State Convention47th Annual State ConventionCalifornia Association of Directors of ActivitiesCalifornia Association of Directors of Activities

CADA 2010CADA 2010

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Hotel/Meeting Room Floorplan

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The CADA State Board welcomes you to The Spirit of New Orleans.

Program Guide

We know it hasn’t necessarily been easy for you to get here and we know that this year has been challenging on too many levels. Too few dollars chasing too many problems and too oft en not enough resourc-es to do the kind of job you want to do, the kind of job you need to do.

But you are here now and we’re happy you made it; we’ve been wait-ing for you. What you need is the Spirit of New Orleans. It’s some-thing that becomes a part of you bringing joy to your heart and music to your soul.

For the next four days you will experience a place where custom is honored and festi vity is a way of life, where coming together and be-ing a part of something greater than yourself is the norm. It will boost you up, and carry you through the rest of the school year and into the next with enthusiasm and energy to share.

We thank you for coming. We thank you for all you do for your stu-dents, your staff and your community. And we thank you for lending your spirit to the Spirit of New Orleans 2010 CADA Conventi on.

Town & Country Resort Floor Plan Welcome and Table of Contents Schedule - Wednesday March 3rd New to Conventi on Workshops - Wednesday March 3rdSchedule - Thursday March 4th Workshops - Thursday March 4thCADA BoardMeet the Pro’s - Thursday March 4thSchedule - Friday March 5th

Inside Cover12356–79–141516–1718


Workshops - Friday March 5thCurriculum Round TablesSchedule - Saturday March 6thSpeaker Showcase - Saturday March 6thMeet the Pro’s - Saturday March 6thPresenter DirectoryExhibitor Directory and FloorplanArea Coordinators & Area Award WinnersSchedule at a Glance

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CADA ItineraryWednesday, March 3rd9:00am – 12:00 pm Safe Schools Seminar – Bullying, Hazing and Harassment 1:00 – 7:00 pm Member Registrati on1:30 – 3:50 pm Acti vity Director Certi fi cati on Orientati on 1:00 – 5:00 pm New Advisors Concierge Room 3:00 – 6:00 pm CADA Store Open3:00 – 4:50 pm Sessions 1 and 2 Mastering the Metaphor – Patrick Mauer Once Upon a Time: Story-Telling Skills For Teachers Scott Greenberg Six Stages of Group Development – Ron Jones 4:50 – 6:45 pm Dinner on Your Own5:00 – 6:00 pm Presenters Recepti on 6:45 – 7:15 pm French Market Meet and Greet 7:30 – 8:45 pm Opening Night General Session Keynote Jason Dorsey9:00 pm – 12:00 am Networking Sessions sponsored by Lifetouch

Safe Schools Seminar - Wednesday, March 3 - 9:00am - 12:00pm Do students feel safe at your school? Bullying, hazing, and harassment are severe problems on school campuses nati onwide. The U.S. Department of Justi ce states that every month 1 out of every 4 kids is abused by another youth, and 77% of students are bullied mentally, verbally, & physically. Do staff members at your school know how to combat this pervasive problem? Or do they look the other way? Our schools need to be a safe place for teaching and learning or these harmful exchanges will have a lasti ng impact that disrupt the educati onal process and maim the school community. This interacti ve session will att empt to defi ne the terms, identi fy potenti al victi ms and their perpetrators, and fi nally look at some innovati ve programs focused on creati ng safer school environments for both students and adults. Featuring a screening of the award-winning fi lm, TEEN TRUTH: BULLY, this unique session will change the way you think about bullying and school violence and ulti mately provide insight on how to make students and staff members feel safer at your school.





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Thank You, CADA Platinum Sponsors

Crystal 1/2

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Summit Pavilion

Carson 4

Carson 2Carson 3

Crystal 1/2Registrati on Area

Grand Ballroom

Area Suites

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New to Convention Top Ten Tips for Surviving Thriving at The Spirit of New Orleans





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1. Att end EVERY session you can. Especially make it a point to att end the “New to Conventi on Beignets, Coff ee and

Connecti ons” on Thursday from 7:30-8:45. Nevada Room downstairs. Curriculum for session by The Boomerang Project

2. Open your conventi on program and check out all the sessions. Choose a fi rst and second choice in each ti me slot and

plan to arrive early—the sessions fi ll up fast. The Carson and Crystal Rooms are upstairs, the Nevada Rooms are downstairs

3. NETWORK—talk to people who have been to conventi ons before and fi nd out who they recommend. Also check out our

list of recommended workshops below.

4. A great way to meet people is to come to the Area Hospitality Suites on Wednesday evening from 9:00 p.m. unti l


5. Att end your Area Meeti ng (Thursday from 4:35-6:00 p.m.). You’ll meet other advisors who live close to home. Plus there

is a raffl e and you might just win something fun.

6. The Area Meeti ng on Thursday is where you get your dinner dance ti cket. You trade the voucher from registrati on for a

ti cket. (It’s the only way to get a seat at dinner.) The dinner dance (with dessert hosted by Josten’s) is a great ti me; be sure

to wear semi-formal atti re and bring your mask (available in the bookstore for purchase), or just wear your nicest clothes.

7. Stop by the CADA Store and the Vendor Exhibits. You’ll be amazed at the resources you’ll fi nd…and the vendor give-

aways are a treat you won’t even fi nd in New Orleans.

8. Get your Meet the Pros or Curriculum Roundtable ti ckets at the Area Table when you check in. (You’ll get other goodies

there also, so be sure to check in at your area table right aft er you fi nish with the main registrati on or the New to Conven-

ti on Concierge room!) If you don’t happen to get a ti cket there is usually space available aft er the ti cket holders go in.

9. Wear your conventi on name badge to everything except the dinner dance on Friday. (But remember your ti cket for

dinner! They actually collect them.) And speaking of food—you won’t go hungry at this conventi on. Wednesday

evening there will be tasty snacks at the Area Suites and Thursday evening you can nosh at the French Quarter Festi val in

the exhibit hall. The conventi on at a glance will have all of the Area Suites listed.

10. Plan to sleep when you get home. You’ll need some Visine and a litt le coff ee—but don’t miss any of the sessions. This

only comes once a year.

We suggest the following sessions for first time advisors:

Although Workshop sessions are designated as being Specialty sessions designed for all experience levels or having a Newer Advisor or More Experienced Advisor Focus, att endees are free to att end the session of their choice. We think that all of the sessions have value with a broad range of subjects presented. Pick the one that you believe is an area that will benefi t your school and you as an advisor.

The following sessions may be parti cularly helpful to newer advisors looking for the basics.Sessions 3 and 4 Understanding and Communicati ng your Philosophy, Vision, and Core Values Organizing Your HS Leadership Program Nuts and Bolts of Meeti ngs and ASB Finance Friday Fundays X! / Spirit Rally Ideas

Sessions 5 and 6 Crazy Crowd Pleasers / Spirit Acti viti es MS Leadership Class Organizati on Legal Issues

We want to honor you by giving you an enti re hour alone in the Exhibit Hall Thursday from 11:30 to 12:30 to wander and have the undivided att enti on you deserve. You have priority seati ng at this year’s new Sixty Tips in Sixty Minutes (on Friday morning). The front rows have been saved JUST FOR YOU!

Nevada 7Crystal 5Carson 3Silver St. Pavilion

Silver St. PavilionNevada 9Nevada 10

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Tourist AttractionsWednesday, March 3rd

New to Convention Concierge Room—sponsored by USA Student Travel Staff ed with the CADA Area Hospitality Hosts— if this is your fi rst ti me at CADA stop by to get hot ti ps on how to make the most of the conventi on. We want to welcome you with a litt le something extra too. That’s known as “lagniappe” when you’re in New Orleans. 1:00–5:00 pm in Carson 1.

The CADA Store will provide you with resources for your acti viti es programs. The helpful CADA Store Crew is ready to serve you. Don’t forget to get your souvenir shirt while you’re shop-ping. And be sure to pick up a Mardi Gras mask for the dinner dance Friday night. Open 3:00–6:00 pm Summit Pavilion.

French Market Meet and Greet—come enjoy the wonderful Area table decorati ons, sample a small bit of refreshment and take some ti me to say “hi” to friends old and new. 6:45–7:15 pm Registrati on Area.

First General Session - Staging Sponsored by Pegleg Entertainment Hosted by Emeril Lagasse straight from New Orleans, or Newport Beach, you won’t want to miss CADA’s own version of Emeril Live. Emeril, along with his musical guests Sasha and the Po Boys, will be cooking up something special for you as New Orleans’s fi rst chef honors some of this year’s award recipients and introduces our keynote speaker. 7:30–8:45 pm Grand Ballroom

Crescent City Crawl— sponsored by Lifetouch, this networking opportunity gives you a chance to meet acti viti es directors from your own area as well as from across the state. You’ll have ti me to network: discuss ideas, compare programs, and develop contacts that will serve you and your program for years to come. 9:00 pm–12:00 am Area Suites

Thank You, CADA Gold Sponsors

Jason Ryan Dorsey— known as The Gen Y Guy™, Jason has been featured as a generati onal expert on 60 Minutes, 20/20, The Today Show, and The View. Jason is an acclaimed Keynote Speaker (htt p://, bestselling author (htt p://, and award-winning entrepreneur. He’s also a Gen Y’er who texts his mom every day.


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Workshop DescriptionsWednesday, March 3rd

Session 1/2Mastering the Metaphor Patrick Maurer, PMaurer Communicati on LLCCarson 4 Enhance your leadership lessons through the use of metaphors. Walk away with over two dozen examples that you can use this week. (Supports Communicati on,Personal and Social Development Standard)

Once Upon a Time: Story-Telling Skills For Teachers Scott Greenberg, Jump Start Performance Programs Carson 2 The art of story telling has been used throughout the ages to educate and moti -vate people of all cultures. In this workshop, moti vati onal speaker Scott Greenberg will share powerful techniques for becoming an expert in the oral traditi on. Learn how to develop and present your stories to more eff ecti vely teach and inspire your students. Scott will outline the most important characteristi cs of eff ecti ve teaching stories and off er presentati on ti ps to ensure your material has the widest appeal.(Supports Communicati on Standard)

Six Stages of Group Development Ron Jones, Ron Jones Acti on Workshop Carson 3 Ron will share his adaptati on of Bruce Tuckman’s Four Stages of Group Develop-ment, which he has used in his leadership classes, with teams, music groups, and other organizati ons. This session will explore the process from getti ng to know one another to achieving group success. It will also deal with identi fying core values, goal setti ng, handling confl ict, and bringing the process to a rewarding conclusion. (Supports Communicati on Standard)


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CADA ItineraryThursday, March 4th

7:30 am–1:00 pm General Registrati on & Speaker Desk7:30 – 8:45 am New to Conventi on Beignets, Coff ee and Connecti ons Sponsored by USA StudentTravel Group 8:00 – 11:30 am Affi liate Registrati on and Set Up9:00 – 10:30 am Second General Session Keynote Earl Reum10:30 – 3:30 pm CADA Store10:50 – 11:50 am Awards Recepti on 10:50 – 12:20 pm Sessions 3 and 4 Newer Advisors Focus 10-Minute Lessons (Session 3 only)– Ron Jones ASB Tech Made Easy – Jeremy Hersch Flash Forward Financing System (session 3 only) – Norm Hull Organizing Your HS Leadership Program - TR Robertson PRIDE -- All about Achievement through Recogniti on – Kristen Huber Service Learning 101 – Laura Heston Understanding and Communicati ng your Philosophy, Vision, and Core Values–Richard Parkhouse More Experienced Advisors Focus 10-Minute Lessons (session 4 only)– Ron Jones Flash Forward Financing System (session 4 only) – Norm Hull Leadership/ASB Notebook in Digital Form – Kyle Svoboda Leadership in the Movies – Jim Hullihan New Ideas for Your Homecoming Court – Terry Speir Specialty Sessions What’s Up With Facebook, Twitt er, Blogs and Podcasts –Matt Soeth Friday Fundays X! / Spirit Rally Ideas – Rick Kent and Kevin Lorch Nuts and Bolts of Meeti ngs and ASB Finance –Rocklin HS Group (two session block) Youth Voice: Students Making a Diff erence – Amanda Ryan

Second General Session—hosted by the charming and tremendously witt y Ellen DeGeneres. She comes to us from Beverly Hills (or Visalia) but she is originally from New Orleans. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and be happy you att ended the Second General Session. Ellen will interview the Vice Presidenti al Candidate, present some awards and introduce our keynote speaker.

General Session 9:00am to 11:30am

Session #310:50–11:30

Session #411:40–12:20

Nevada Room

Grand Ballroom

Pres. Suite 2434

Carson 2Carson 4

Carson 3Crystal 5

Nevada 10Nevada 6

Nevada 7

Carson 2

Carson 1Crystal 1/2

Nevada 8Crystal 3

Carson 1

Silver St. Pavilion


Nevada 9

Dr. Earl Reum—it is said that when Earl takes the stage he brings with him the energy of a Class Three Hurricane. But don’t seek shelter, just sit back and laugh and learn, from this enthusiasti c, high-energy educator and moti vator.

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CADA ItineraryThursday, March 4th

Session #52:50–3:30

Session #63:40–4:20

Summit Pavilion

Pres. Suite 2434 Nevada Room

Crystal 3

Crystal 1/2

Carson 4 Nevada 9

Carson 1Nevada 7Carson 2

Nevada 8 Crystal 4

Crystal 5

Carson 3

Silver St.Pavilion

Nevada 10

Crystal 5

Nevada 6

Nevada RoomCrystal 1/2

Carson 2Carson 3Carson 1

Silver St. PavilionCarson 4

Nevada 7

11:30 am – 12:30 pm New to Conventi on Exhibits Lunch available for purchase12:30 – 2:30 pm General Membership Exhibits2:30 – 4:00 pm Companions Hospitality 2:45 – 4:00 pm Meet the Pros (15 minute table talks presented four ti mes) 2:50 – 4:20 pm Session 5 and 6 Newer Advisors Focus Jazz up your Club Advisor/Class Offi cer Krewe Meeti ng – Stacie Wilson and Hannah Housley Graduati on and The Senior Year... and ways to avoid Senioriti s! – Jennifer Duston Move em or Lose em / Teambuilders, Energizers – Bill Williams MS Leadership Class Organizati on – Ken Barber More Experienced Advisors Focus Acti viti es Amidst Adversity – Tiff any Hamm and Patrick Maurer Analyze This / Evaluati on Systems – Sandi Ginger Building Creati vity – Phil Boyte Taking Your ASB From Good to Great – Ken Nedler Ulti mate Dodge Ball – Erin Fekjar Specialty Session Are You Freaking Kidding Me? – Derek Sage (session 6 only) Casey’s Pledge / Alcohol Preventi on – Allyson Tucker Crazy Crowd Pleasers / Spirit Acti viti es – Shelly Henderson Legal Issues (session 5 only) – Pete Cahn Student Store (session 5 only) – Laurett a Eldridge + Stella Kidd The Odd Couple / You and Your Administrator – Bob Beale (session 5 only) 4:35 – 6:00 pm Area Meeti ngs Area A Area B Area C Area D Area E Area F Area G Area H 6:00 – 9:00 pm French Quarter Festi val Dinner served in exhibit hall9:00 pm – 12:00 am Herff -Jones Party / Bowling Bowling Alley & Grand Salon

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Things to SeeThursday, March 4th



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New to Convention Beignets, Coffee and Connections—sponsored by USA Student Travel. Don’t miss this fast-paced session designed for our new-est members who have never att ended a CADA Conventi on before. You don’t need to be a brand new advisor to benefi t from this valuable session, just an advisor who is new to the CADA Conventi on. Original curriculum devel-oped and provided by the Boomerang Project. 7:45–8:45 pm Nevada room

New to Convention and General Membership Exhibits—known at The Spirit of New Orleans as The French Quarter or Vieux Carré, the CADA Exhibit Hall is jam packed full of CADA Sponsors and Affi liates waiti ng to share their products and experti se. You won’t believe how much there is to see. New: 11:30–12:30 General: 12:30–2:30

Companion’s Hospitality— at CADA when we menti on saints, we’re not focused on New Orleans football, we’re thinking about our signifi cant others and all they do for us during the school year. We want to recognize these CADA Saints and treat them to a traditi onal New Orleans recep-ti on, done up in style with savory beignets, a refreshing beverage and even a hand-painted souvenir to enjoy during the year as they wait for their acti viti es director partner to get home from the dance, the homecoming parade, the prom… 2:30–4:00 pm Presidenti al Suite 2434

Meet the Pros—You’ll see 4 diff erent 15 minute workshops and your repertoire will increase exponenti ally. Bring a ti cket that you pick up at your area table or come and get in on a space avail-able basis. 2:45–4:00 pm Nevada Room

Area Meetings—be sure you att end your Area Meeti ng. Important informati on is given, you will vote for your Area Award Winner, and dinner dance seati ng is arranged during this meeti ng. And that’s saying nothing about the fantasti c raffl e prizes! 4:35–6:00 pm (See pg 7 for rooms)

French Quarter Festival— come enjoy some Creole-Cajun food while you check out The French Quarter with all of its amazing vendors—their services and products will be on display for you during this three-hour event. 6:00–9:00 Exhibit Hall

Rock ‘n Bowl—sponsored by Herff Jones. Bring your tennis shoes, sign-up during registrati on, and plan to be bowled over! And if you don’t like to bowl, enjoy a litt le Fais Do-Do (a Cajun dance party). 9:00–12:00 am Bowling Alley and Grand Salon


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Workshop DescriptionsThursday, March 4th



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ASB Tech Made Easy Jeremy Hersch, Grossmont High School Carson 4 Come learn how to create a simple website for an ASB that can be recreated easily. Increase the ability to get informati on out to your enti re school with a website! You will leave with the abilty to create a site with a calendar, countdowns, pictures, and more! We will make a website about the session including pictures as an example. (Supports Communicati on Standard)

Organizing Your Leadership Program TR Robertson, Carlsbad High School Area G Crystal 5 A look at how to set-up your leadership class, curriculum, acti viti es, forms to use in the ASB class, acti viti es, ti me lines, classroom management, grading policies and much more from a 30 year veteran of ASB programs. Everyone will receive a CD packed with informati on and material. (Supports Service Learning Standard)

PRIDE -- All about Achievement through Recogniti on Kristen Huber, Palos Verdes High School ASB Director Nevada 10 Learn how Palos Verdes High School creati vely leveraged its partnerships and resources to develop PV PRIDE - Personal Responsibility in Daily Eff ort. You’ll leave this workshop with ten practi cal, simple, and substanti al ideas to positi vely impact your climate and academic performance campus-wide. (Supports Personal and Social Development Standard)

Newer Advisors FocusSession 3/4

10 Minute Lessons Ron Jones, Ron Jones Acti on Workshop Carson 2 Session 3 only 10 Minute Lessons allow you to teach essenti al leadership concepts and skills with-out interfering with student projects, events, and acti viti es. This session will provide new as well as tried-and-true acti viti es for teaching your leadership curriculum in short, eff ecti ve segments (Supports Personal and Social Development Standard)

Flash Forward Finance System Norm Hull, Norm Hull Associates Carson 3 Session 3 only Are you frustrated by having to decide what type of program you can off er based on what your budget allows? Do you struggle to pay for outside speakers, att endance at leadership programs or on campus acti viti es? Is it someti mes diffi cult to help other clubs and groups because your budget is overtaxed? (Supports Communicati on Standard)

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4Workshop DescriptionsThursday, March 4th

10 Minute Lessons Ron Jones, Ron Jones Acti on Workshop Carson 2 Session 4 only 10 Minute Lessons allow you to teach essenti al leadership concepts and skills with-out interfering with student projects, events, and acti viti es. This session will provide new as well as tried-and-true acti viti es for teaching your leadership curriculum in short, eff ecti ve segments (Supports Personal and Social Development Standard)

Flash Forward Finance System Norm Hull, Norm Hull Associates Carson 3 Session 4 only Are you frustrated by having to decide what type of program you can off er based on what your budget allows? Do you struggle to pay for outside speakers, att endance at at leadership programs or on campus acti viti es? Is it someti mes diffi cult to help other clubs and groups because your budget is overtaxed? (Supports Communicati on Standard)

Leadership/ASB Notebook in Digital Form Kyle Svoboda, Traweek Middle School Crystal 1/2 Leadership quotes, acti viti es, forms, how to’s, games, and anything else that you need as an ASB or Leadership teacher...ALL IN DIGITAL FORM:) CD at the end of the workshop. We have many new items. Bring a fl ash drive if you want. (Supports Communicati on, Personal and Social Development Standard)

Leadership In The Movies Jim Hullihan, Moti vati onal Media Nevada 8 Moti vati onal Media will unveil new movie clips from the latest “Leadership In The Movies” DVD and introduce the fi rst “Character In The Movies” DVD. LITM is now being used in over 400 CADA schools to train 20,000 student leaders. Come and explore creati ve ideas on how to use the DVDs and 400 pages of curriculum. (Supports Communicati on Standard)

More Experienced Advisors Focus

Understanding and Communicati ng your Philosophy, Vision, and Core Values Richard Parkhouse, Jostens Nevada 7 This session will develop common language for the school’s core beliefs. The ulti mate goal is to have core beliefs stated as an acronym. It will communicate a unifi ed message about the expected campus wide behaviors. This is an interacti ve approach to “staff ulty” discussing the essenti al values to developing a successful classroom/campus environment. The next step is to develop “staff ulty” and student commitments to live up to this behavior. One voice, one message, one successful school community! (Supports Government Standard)

Service Learning 101 Laura Heston, Harvest Park Middle School Nevada 6 Here is an opportunity to clarify the diff erences between Service-Learning and Com-munity Service while solidifying your programs connecti ons to the curriculum to promote administrati on and teacher support. Make your instructi on more meaning-ful through student voice and leadership. (Supports Service Learning Standard)

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Workshop DescriptionsThursday, March 4th

Nuts and Bolts of Meeti ngs and ASB Finance June Campbell, Rocklin High School Crystal 4 This is a two session blockHow do you set up and maintain a system that can control your ASB fi nances, meet the needs of demanding coaches, answer to CASBO requirements and allow you to remaining both sane and happy in your job? We will cover all the basics of setti ng up your ASB fi nances to meet all those needs and keep your administrators and audi-tors happy. (Supports Business Standard)

What’s Up With Facebook, Twitt er, Blogs and Podcasts Matt Soeth Carson 1You hear it, you see it, but what is it really? Social media is not just a fad but a whole new language that the kids we work with (and all of us advisors that don’t have a land line) know about. The informati on in this workshop session will give you some of the basics you need to get started in social media and some of the ways social networks are being used to communicate with students. Check out this informati ve session presented by CADA’s Technology Coordinator and the creator of CADA’s pod-casts, Facebook pages and blog.(Supports Communicati on and Personal and Social Development Standard)

Youth Voice: Students Making a Diff erence Amanda Ryan, Hillsboro High School Nevada 9 Session 3/4Using service learning and student directed school improvement initi ati ves to in-crease student engagement and develop leadership skills. (Supports Communicati on, Service Learning Standard)

New Ideas for Your Homecoming Court Terry Speir, Long Beach Poly High School Crystal 3 With today’s diverse populati ons in our schools, this session will address how to have a diverse Homecoming Court who will not be just fi gure heads for one night, but will work all year to promote diversity, develop meaningful school projects and to leave a positi ve lasti ng impression on your campus for years to come. (Supports Communicati on,Personal and Social Development Standard)

Specialty Sessions

Thank You, CADA Silver Sponsors

Friday Fundays X! Rick Kent and Kevin Lorch, Chaparral Middle School Silver State Pavilion This session presents at least three new ideas (games) that can be used for lunch ti me acti viti es, staff meeti ngs, pep rallies, academic rallies and enhance your class-room atmosphere enhancing. (Supports Communicati on,Personal and Social Development Standard)

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Workshop DescriptionsThursday, March 4th

Graduati on & The Senior Year...and ways to avoid senioriti s! Jennifer Duston, Foothill Technology High School Crystal 1/2 Looking for ways to make graduati on more personalized and meaningful?! This ses-sion will cover graduati on planning from A-Z(including senior acti viti es) and off er traditi onal as well as non-traditi onal ideas to make graduati on day bett er than a Mardi Gras parade! Also included will be various acti viti es and incenti ves used to keep seniors on track all year and Finish Strong, without getti ng senioriti s!(Supports Business Standard)

Move em or Lose em Bill Williams, Holmes Junior High School Carson 4 Learn to lead playful acti viti es with large groups. Whether you have a group of 20 or over 200 you will get great ideas for team building, energizers, and learning. This is a hands on session where att endees get to parti cipate in many of the acti viti es as they learn. Handouts will be available. (Supports Communicati on,Personal and Social Development Standard)

MS Leadership Class Organizati on Ken Barber, Quimby Oak Middle Nevada 9 This workshop will cover the aspects of a successful Leadership Class. Detailed hand-outs will cover curriculum, grading, daily operati on, student store management, noon-ti me acti viti es, and dances.(Supports Government Standard)

Acti viti es Amidst Adversity Tiff any Hamm & Patrick Maurer, Los Gatos High School Carson 1 Sadly, almost all of us will face the serious injury or loss of a student during our educa-ti on careers. Tragedies in our communiti es dramati cally aff ect our campus environ-ments. Find out how your acti viti es program can assist in the healing and bringing back the joy to your campus. (Supports Personal and Social Development Standard)

More Experienced Advisors Focus

Jazz up your Club Advisor/Class Offi cer Krewe Meeti ngStacie Wilson Hannah Housley, Vintage High School Crystal 3 Unmask the mystery of organizing a high school club on your campus! We will dis-cuss with you how to host an informati ve meeti ng with your club advisors and club offi cers. Learn how to combine the parade of forms, fi nancial rules and fundraising guidelines into a helpful Club Advisor’s Handbook.(Supports Government Standard)

Newer Advisors FocusSession 5/6

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Workshop DescriptionsThursday, March 4th

Building Creati vity Phil Boyte, Learning for LivingCarson 2 Many people’s idea of creati vity is to take an existi ng acti vity and modify it - we want to take you beyond that - lets start at modifying acti viti es and move to a clever way to design experiences, to involve people, and to even hold our meeti ngs. What will happen if you toss your habits and traditi ons in the air and see what falls out. Should be interest-ing - we were sti ll working on this yesterday.(Supports Personal and Social Development Standard)

Taking Your ASB From Good to Great Ken Nedler, Dana Hills High School Nevada 8 Based upon best selling author Jim Collins book Good to Great, I have put together common sense ti ps to help organize and direct your ASB. From defi ning and identi fying leadership to goal-setti ng and executi on, this seminar provides Acti vity Directors a blueprint for developing leadership capacity in thier own students. (Supports Personal and Social Development Standard)

Are you Freaking Kidding Me! The Secret Tools Against Freak Dancing Derek Sage, SOS Entertainment Crystal 5 Session 6 OnlyIn the last 10 years freak dancing has become a prevalent issue at many school dances in California and the nati on. Derek shares fi ve main steps in educati ng the youth on a bet-ter way to enjoy dances. In this presentati on, Derek teaches the audience how to eff ec-ti vely communicate with students, shares innovati ve ti ps on creati ng a code of conduct for your dances, and reveals how to keep the students on the administrators good side! As a young, yet experienced professional in school dances, Derek Sage entertains audi-ences by sharing a refreshing look at one of the most misunderstood problems in today’s school events. (Supports Personal and Social Development Standard)

Ulti mate Dodgeball Erin Fekjar, Wilson Classical High School Crystal 4 Create an Intramural Dodgeball Tournament with Chartered Clubs with a Final Four Ex-travaganza at the end. (Supports Personal and Social Development Standard)

Legal Issues Peter Cahn CADA Legislati ve AdvocateNevada Room Session 5 onlyA look at current legislati on impacti ng schools and the acti viti es programs more specifi -cally, plus discussion on best practi ces in the areas of fi nance, student rights and acti vity director liabiliti es. (Supports Government Standard)

Analyze This Sandy Ginger, CCSD Nevada 7 Project evaluati ons can be fun & interacti ve - really they can!! Come learn some new techniques for celebrati ng your successes and reviewing/improving your stumbles. (Supports Communicati on Standard)

Specialty Sessions

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Workshop DescriptionsThursday, March 4th

Crazy Crowd Pleasers Shelly Henderson, Dinuba High School Silver State Pavilion Do you need some great ideas for dress-up days, lunchti me acti viti es, rallies, and Homecoming? Do you want to encourage students to do well on their CST’s? Then this exciti ng, acti on-packed DVD is just for you. You will get a lot of NEW ideas this year including Dash for the Pirate’s Flag, College Rush Relay, Hospital Havoc, and What the Heck are You Doing Relay. You will see reversible walking fl oats and amaz-ing performances created for an all-weather track. The Spirit of New Orleans will come to life as you join the fun during Crazy Crowd Pleasers! (Supports Communicati on,Personal and Social Development Standard)

Student Store Laurett a Eldridge and Stella Kidd, Stockdale High School Crystal 5 Session 5 OnlyA presentati on on the rules and items to sell in the student store. We have had to undergo extensive training and will summarize and help you navigate your way in the student store.(Supports Business Standard)

The Odd Couple – You and Your Administrator Bob Beale & Stephanie Cerceres/Certi fi cati on Task Force Nevada 6 Session 5 OnlyWays to gain the support of your administrati on to insure a successful acti viti es pro-gram and to enhance the culture and climate of your school. (Supports Government Standard)

Casey’s Pledge Allyson Tucker, Monrovia High School Carson 3 Casey’s Pledge is a week much like Red Ribbon Week, but is done the week before Prom and focuses on alcohol preventi on. This pledge is also done in coordinance with Every 15 Minutes. This session will show how to establish an annual Casey’s Pledge week and it will bring about awareness on campus the week of Prom and all year long. This pledge also encourages students to wear their pledge bands to prom to remind them of the eff ects of drinking and driving. (Supports Personal and Social Development Standard)

Thank you CADA Copper Sponsors

tyler durmantyler

Russ PeakMagic of the Mind14

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CADA Board

Area Coordinators

Past PresidentTiburcio Garcia

PresidentPatt y Judge

President-ElectCindy Bader

Vice PresidentPaul Chylinski

Glen ZimmermanExecuti ve Director

TreasurerBob Marti n

Assistant Treasurer

Radon Fortenberry

SecretaryLinda Westf all

Legislati ve Advocate

Peter Cahn

Leadership Camp CoordinatorJack Ziegler

Communicati on CoordinatorRon Ippolito

Technology CoordinatorMatt Soeth

Conventi on CoordinatorDon Shaff er

Assistant Coordinator

Bill Smith

Leadership Development Coordinator

Sandra Kurland


Suzy Krzaczek (area A)South Tahoe Middle School2940 Lake Tahoe Blvd.S. Lake Tahoe, CA 96150(530) 541-6404Fax:(530) [email protected]

Janet Roberts (area E)Chino Hills High School16150 Pomona Rincon RoadChino Hills, CA 91709(909) 548-6042Fax (909) [email protected]

Mike White (Area B)Fremont Union High School District589 W Fremont AvenueSunnyvale, CA 94087(408) 522-2210Fax (408) [email protected]

Mary Jane Smith (Area F)Rancho Cucamonga High School11801 Lark DriveRanch Cucamonga, CA 91701(909) 989-1600 x2084Fax (909) [email protected]

Denise Van Doorn (Area G)Bear Valley Middle School3003 Bear Valley ParkwayEscondido, CA 92025(760) 432-4060 x110Fax (760) 504-0158 [email protected]

Laurett a Eldridge (Area C)Stockdale High School2800 Buena Vista RoadBakersfi eld, CA 93311(661) 665-2800 x62101Fax (661) 665-0914Laurett [email protected]

Monica Anderson (Area D)Nipomo High School525 N. Thompson Rd.Nipomo, CA 93444(805) 474-3300Fax (805) [email protected] C




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Meet the Pro’sThursday, March 4th - 2:45pmActivities Ideas


Job Related

Crazy Days - Ideas for Spirit Days & Lunch Acti viti es - Carol Cook Moving beyond Crazy Hair and Crazy Hat Day! Learn about all the offi cial days celebrated throughout the year and how to incorporate them with lunch acti vity and spirit (dress up) days.“100 Great Ideas for Student Acti viti es” - Michael James Everyone needs new ideas for their schools. Come and engage in a sharing of the best of the best from across the country! The Buddies Program: How to Develop Your Own Freshman Orientati on Program - Steve Mills I would like to present our Freshman Buddies program, which includes our freshman orientati on on the fi rst day of school and oversees our freshman transiti on program for the enti re school year. The table will include an overview of our program and how it is structured, acti viti es used for freshman orientati on, a detailed explanati on of how we recruit and select our student mentors. I’ll Take ASB Hodgepodge for $200 Alex - Bob Satt erfi eld Random ASB ideas that have worked. Get more of the school involved and recognized. Acti viti es include sports, academic and fi ne arts performance teams, staff appreciati on and just some fun acti viti es. Victory with Honor - Deborah Weiss Change the very nature of high school athleti cs and bring back the char- acter, sportsmanship, ethics and integrity that high school sports can insti ll in our students. You can use this program with your enti re school populati on as well. Start a Sportsmanship Conference with your league, teach the 6 Pillar of Character, and Captain Council.

Shop Til You Drop and Give $$$ to Schools - Connie Claxton - At our high school I sell Cash Cards to the parents and earn 2 - 25 % for our programs. We purchase the cards at a discounted price and sell them for face value. Parents can designate which program the proceeds go to. Our sale so far this year have topped $500,000 and is sti ll growing as the parents start to understand that it cost them nothing to give to the programs of their choice. Celebrity Waiter Dinner – Denise Hitch Come learn how the Oakdale Educati onal Foundati on raises $100,000 per one night! Oakdale residents, when hearing of the upcoming event each year now state, “Oh, you are the group that does the FUN fundraiser.”Proven Easy Fund Raising Ideas - Scott Mendelson Ideas for fund raising that are easy, litt le or no up front cost.

Student/Staff Appreciati on - Todd Arrowsmith Tired of the same old candy bar in the teacher’s box. Learn new and easy ideas to recognize teachers, students, parents, and community members. Leis, Leis, and more Leis - Naomi Ashman Learn to make quick and easy leis for your Hawaiian themed events. Spirit Points - Catherine Baker-Davis This program is designed to pump up school spirit and school involve- ment at the middle school level. Students are awarded spirit points for a variety of acti viti es and if they reach the pre-set goal, they qualify to go on a rewards fi eld trip. Find out how points can be awarded for grades, merits, dress-up days, dances, acti vity nights, home sporti ng games, fundraising, etc.Quick and Easy Community and School Projects - Linda Cooper Get ideas on how to give to the school and or community in quick projects that leave everyone feeling good about the event and the end results. Great Graduati ons - Jennifer Duston Looking for ways to personalize your graduati on? Ways to make it more meaningful and sophisti cated? This table will cover graduati on planning from A-Z, how to get organized and everyone on the same page before the big day, as well as off er traditi onal & non-traditi onal ideas to make graduati on day a grand slam!Creati ng a Positi ve Climate at a New School - Michael Patti son This session will help advisors and administra tors establish a leadership program at a new school or a new leadership advisor develop a new program at an existi ng school.Put the Jazz Back in your French Quarter - Mandy Grimm Don’t let this session get “Bayou”. Low cost ways for your leadership students to recognize your staff . In this session, you’ll get tons of creati ve ideas and examples that are easy and cost effi cient, from staff appreciati on week to everyday thank you’s, every staff member will love them. Using powerful visual media to enhance your school environment - Richard Noblett Use i-movie (Mac) and other reasonably priced media as a way to minimize costs and maximize student involvement in your ac ti viti es programs/leadership classes. Use simple yet dynamic technology to promote your educati onal programs, sports programs, and create buy-in from the whole school community including, the students, staff , district offi ce, parents, and extended community. Creati ng a Positi ve Climate at a New School - Michael Patti son This session will help advisors and administra tors establish a leadership program at a new school or a new leadership advisor develop a new program at an existi ng school.

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Meet the Pro’sThursday, March 4th - 2:45pmLeadership Lessons

Special Events

“The Set Up” - Bill Bowen Do you ever feel your students are bett er at ‘taking’ than ‘giving’? This 10-20 minute small-group acti vity will allow students the opportunity to solve a problem by cooperati ng with others. Students are challenged to see “the big picture” and examine their own level of cooperati on. Leaders are Not Born, They Are Made - Michael Collins While leadership is easy to explain, leadership is not so easy to practi ce. Leadership is about behavior fi rst, skills second. Learn some diff erent techniques to get your lessons across. Teach Leadership Lessons in 5, 10 or 15 Minutes - Jill Esplin This workshop teaches you how to facilitate lead- ership acti viti es that leave memorable lessons to last a lifeti me. Learn easy-to-run acti viti es that you can facilitate right when you get back to school. Be ready to parti cipate each acti vity is experienced fi rst- hand and then debriefed as a group.Leadership In the Classroom - “Rod” Rodriguez This “Pro” will feature many examples of what a full year of Leadership Curriculum (“Life and Leadership”) skills can do to change student’s lives. Samples will in- clude Icebreakers, Teambuilding, Communicati on Skills, self-esteem, Time Management, Humor and more.Parliamentary Procedures - Tanya Rianda Learn how to bett er support your ASB, and run their meeti ngs more effi ciently through parliamentary procedures.

Yellow Ribbon Week - Kevin Fairman Yellow Ribbon Week is a suicide preventi on week. It’s a weeklong pro- gram that brings awareness to students about suicide and reminds them that 100% of all youth suicide is preventable. The week ends with an assembly where students, staff and parents talk about the warn- ing signs and how suicide has aff ected them. Lets end suicide!!!! w/Yellow Ribbon Week. Powderpuff - Are You Ready For Some Football? - Jason Feuerbach 3,000 fans. 300 students parti cipati ng in the event. Teachers as coaches. Football players as cheerleaders. See how we plan and put on one of our biggest events of the year. Come experience Monday Night Football, powderpuff style. See what makes our event unique and diff erent. You are what you eat... build school culture - Kelsie Sims- Schneider A meet the pros session designed to give advisors lots of ideas for culture building. Recogniti on ideas for students, staff and parent groups. Making Your Rally Rock! - Jason Kaylor Come share ideas about how to make your rallies even bett er. From themes, skits, and props this session will help ignite a new love for pep assemblies. Choose Me 8th Grader - Lorraine Marti nez-Olson With all the school choices our feeder 8th grade class had, this is the way we chose to sell our school to them.Putti ng on Rallies for Kids - Geniel Moon Reach out to your feeder schools and let them see your high school students as stars. Student lead rallies to teach elementary kids the importance of being drug free. Homegoing - A Take-off on Homecoming - TR Robertson Homegoing is a take-off on the traditi onal Homecom- ing Week that is held during the winter sports season as a way to promote both winter athleti cs and groups on campus. Through a week of low-key dress-up days, acti viti es at lunchti me centering on game shows and a recogniti on night for both senior athletes and outstanding club members students who are not normally recognized get to shine. Prom Expo – Mavis Schutz Want to generate enthusiasm for your prom? Hold a Prom Expo at your school! This is a great event for the juniors and seniors to help them make bett er selecti ons of prom related rent- als/purchases as well as a win/win situati on for the local businesses. MADD/SADD and your local police/ sheriff department can also be included in the event to bett er inform the students of the right choices to make for a safe prom night. Senior Babysitti ng - Lori Vix-Grossgold What to do with seniors during state testi ng. The ideas presented have all been tried and proven to work. These ideas range in cost from FREE to just a few hundred dollars. Many principals ask their Acti viti es Directors to att end this event!Student Recogniti on - Top 20 Dinner - Howard Zinn The Mardi Gras ends with a ceremonial dinner for the top 20 GPA Seniors. NLHS presenter shows you how the Warriors honor these outstanding students. Tears and laughter are sure to be enjoyed.


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CADA ItineraryFriday, March 5th7:15 – 8:15 am Fun Run8:00 am – 10:30 am Registrati on & Informati on Desk8:15 – 9:15 am 60/60 General Session - Sixty Tips in Sixty Minutes 8:30 am – 10:00 am Affi liates Meeti ng9:15 – 10:15 am Past Presidents Breakfast 9:15 am – 4:00 pm CADA Store (Closed During General Session)9:30 – 10:10 am Session 7 – Professional Learning Communiti es Sessions Academic Recogniti on & Acti viti es... – Integrati ng Renaissance into other school programs – Jennifer Duston Balloon Basics- Heather Griffi n Cajun Spirit – Mary Cook Create and Maintain your Budget – Edwin Van Doorn Dealing With Freaking - Dave Clouti er I Will – Verne Johnson If You Can Mock, You can Rock – Jerry Tanimoto Leadership Retreat - Renee DeCanio Learning and Leading / Service Learning – Robby Halford Life is a Carnival – Are your students and staff masquerading their best – Nicole Higuera Spirit Leading Survival Tips – Farrah Rigo Turning Your Rallies into a Celebrati on – Kyle Svoboda Using Music in the Classroom – Steve Southard 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Third General Session Endnote – Darrell Scott and Rachel’s Challenge12:00 – 3:30 pm Exhibits Lunch available for purchase12:15 – 1:15 pm VIP Luncheon 12:15 – 1:30 pm Leadership Camp “Think Tank” 3:40 – 4:50 pm Curriculum Roundtables Curricular Lessons in Roundtable Format - 4 Rotati ons 3:50 – 4:40 pm Session 8 Newer Advisors Focus Middle School Leadership Class Organizati on – Bill Bowen Saving Your Sanity by Building Your HS Leaders! – Tamara Givens They Did What? Keeping the Yearbook and Newspaper out of the news – Michele Paolini Using Music in the Classroom – Steve Southard More Experienced Advisors Focus Breaking Down Walls – Phil Boyte The First Seven Days – Guy White What state are you in? – Dean Whellems Specialty Sessions An Administrators Guide to Successful Acti viti es – John Gibson and Tony Ortega Fiscal Sense: The Relati onship of the ASB Director and ASB Bookkeeper – Darlene Johnson Teen Truth – JC Pohl The Traveling Junk Show – Stu Shaff er 4:50 – 6:00 pm Area Networking in Suites7:00 – 8:00 pm Recepti on 8:00 – 9:00 pm Mysti cal Masquerade Mardi Gras Ball 9:00 – 12:00 am Dance with Jostens’ Dessert

Front of Hotel

Grand BallroomCarson 2

Pres. Suite 2434Summit Pavilion

Crystal 3Nevada 8

Silver St. PavilionNevada 6 Crystal 4Carson 4

Nevada 7Nevada 9Crystal 1

Crystal 2Nevada 10

Carson 3Crystal 5

Grand Ballroom

Carson 1Nevada 4/5

Nevada Room

Crystal 4Crystal 3

Crystal 2Crystal 5

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Nevada 10

Crystal 1

Nevada 8Nevada 7

Silver St. Pavilion

Grand SalonGrand SalonGrand Salon

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Day’s Highlights

Area Suite Location

Friday, March 5th

Darrell Scott and Rachel’s Challenge—On April 20, 1999, the world awoke to the horror of Columbine. Its fi rst victi m was a remarkable young woman, Rachel Scott . In our Third General Session, Rachel’s father, Darrell, shares her message of compas-sion, and challenges us to start a chain reacti on of kindness in our own schools.


CASL Area A Area B Area C Area DArea E

Area F Area G Area H Camp



Jackson Square Jog AKA CADA Fun Run/Walk this may not include the daiquiri bars of Bourbon Street, the balmy New Orleans weather or the Garden District’s antebellum homes, but it does include a light breakfast, a cool t-shirt, and a whole lot of fun. 7:15–8:15 am, meet in front of hotel.

Sixty Tips in Sixty Minutes—nowhere else can you get this much advice about student acti vi-ti es in just one hour from top professionals. Eight experts take turns delivering quick, compelling ti ps in eight categories—money/legal matt ers, ethics in leadership, relati onships/rigor/relevance, training your student leaders, team building, large group events on your campus, how to justi fy your program to your fellow staff members and your community, and caring for your signifi cant other (this is for our companions-ways to take care of YOU, the over-booked acti viti es director). The panel consists of Bob Vincent, Mike Smith, Sandi Kurland, Bill Meagher, Phil Boyte, Lyn Fiscus, Peter Cahn and Tyler Durman. This is all new this year. 60-60 is held in the ballroom so everyone can att end. New to conventi on folks get priority seati ng up front. 8:15–9:15 am Grand Ballroom

Third General Session - Staging Sponsored by Pegleg Entertainment Louis Armstrong is back from, well, Lancaster… and is hosti ng this general session. The session will start with a Mardi Gras parade. In New Orleans it is a sought aft er privilege to be in a Mardi Gras parade, at The Spirit of New Orleans, we have asked our most important people to parti cipate in the parade; past presidents and sponsors. And as in New Orleans beads will be thrown… 10:30 am–12:00 pm Grand Ballroom

Curriculum Roundtable—aft er you’ve completed your hour at the Curriculum Round Tables you’ll go back to your classroom with many lessons that are aligned with the CADA Leadership Standards as well as the California State Standards. 3:40–4:50 pm Nevada Room

The Mystical Masquerade Mardi Gras Ball—Sponsored by Jostens—in New Orleans att endance at the older, more aristocrati c Balls is by engraved invitati on only. Please consider this your engraved invitati on to CADA’s Mardi Gras Ball. Feet First will be the DJ and Jostens has an incredible surprise for all of us. You don’t want to miss this. Extra ti ckets are available at the registrati on desk. 8:00–9:00 pm Grand Ballroom

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7Workshop DescriptionsFriday, March 5th

Academic Recogniti on & Acti viti es...integrati ng Renaissance into school wide programs Jennifer Duston, Foothill Technology High School Crystal 3 Come learn the power of student academic recogniti on! In this session you will see how you can use renaissance academic recogniti on to enhance your student acti vity program & other school programs such as LINK Crew, AVID, student advisory period, music, drama, clubs, and athleti cs. Whether you’ve had a renaissance program for years or are just getti ng started, this session will energize you to return to your cam-pus and maximize the results from each of these independent programs because you will have a vision of how they fi t together with renaissance at the hub of it all! (Supports Communicati on,Personal and Social Development Standard)Balloon Basics Heather Griffi n, Balloon Wholesalers Intl. Nevada 8 This class will be hands on experience for any advisor that is interested in learn-ing how to use balloons. Start with the basics where we will cover important topics such as helium care/transportati on, getti ng latex to fl oat longer, ti me saving ti ps, arches, columns and more. A focus on how students can easily learn these ti ps and techniques to create dynamic balloon décor for all their school events. Any advi-sor looking to add a big impact to school events with a small budget should att end! (Supports Service Learning Standard)Cajun Spirit Mary Cook, Westmore Oaks Silver State Pavilion Games and acti viti es that will add just the right amount of spirit and spice to your rallys and lunch ti me acti viti es. (Supports Personal and Social Development Standard)

Dealing with Freaking Dave Clouti er, Feet First Crystal 4 Come and talk about issues advisers conti nue to face when throwing a dance or just playing music at lunchti me. The content of this session will conti nue to change as quickly as songs do depending on the current trends at the ti me. It is meant to be a primer on dealing with not only the kids but parents and administrati on. (Supports Communicati on Standard)

Create and Maintain your Budget Edwin van Doorn, CADA Member SpouseNevada 6 The informati on presented will include basic cost accounti ng principles for creati ng a budget and a way to setup and maintain a spreadsheet in Excel. (Supports Communicati on Standard)

Session 7


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Workshop DescriptionsFriday, March 5th

I WillVerne Johnson , Bret Harte Union High School Carson 4 A positi ve, student-based, proacti ve program to reduce violence and bullying on your campus, one student at a ti me. (Supports Personal and Social Development Standard)

Leadership Retreat Renee DeCanio, Selma High School Nevada 9 Learn how to put on your own leadership retreat that will serve as a proacti ve way to teach leadership skills, plan for the upcoming year, and give your students the perfect opportunity to bond as a family. At this 3 day retreat students decide their mission statement, set team goals and objecti ves, decide on school-wide and home-coming themes, and so much more. My four ASB offi cers assist in planning and presenti ng aft er spring and summer training. With the knowledge and skills learned, they meet several ti mes over the summer to plan agendas, plan acti viti es, shop for supplies, and make reservati ons. In this session you will be given ti ps on how to help your offi cers plan a retreat that will result in an extremely successful school year. You will gain ideas for fundraising, retreat daily agendas, curriculum ideas, and so much more. (Supports Personal and Social Development Standard)

Learning and Leading Robby Halford, Herff Jones Crystal 1 A service learning approach to managing a middle school student acti viti es program. This presentati on is aimed at newer advisers developing a program. Throughout the presentati on both theory and practi ce will be demonstrated. At the end of the presentati on, att endees will be able to take ideas back to thier school that can be immediately implemented . (Supports Communicati on Standard)

If You Can Mock, You can Rock Jerry Tanimoto, Atascadero High School Nevada 7 Have fun putti ng on a Mock Rock (lip sync, air bands) concert, get more students and community involved in ASB acti viti es and make money too. Learn how to organize, implement and execute an outstanding event. (Supports Personal and Social Development Standard)

Session 7 Continued


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7 Session 7 ContinuedLife is a Carnival- Are your students and staff masquerading their best? Nicole Higuera, Las Palmas Middle School Crystal 2 Celebrate students and staff through a parade of ideas, acti viti es, events, and more. This will be a live demonstrati on with feathered masks and slide on down to our Burbon St. and hang in our French Quarter to learn how to appreciate and have fun with both students and staff . (Supports Personal and Social Development Standard)

Spiritleading Survival Tips Farrah Rigo-Witt , Chino Hills High School Nevada 10 Whether you are a new advisor, an administrator or a seasoned vet, this session addresses the basics to running a successful spirit program. (Supports Communicati on,Personal and Social Development Standard)

Turning Your Rallies into a Celebrati on Kyle Svoboda, Traweek Middle School Carson 3 Renaissance Rallies, from organizati on to rewards and from teacher buy-in to stu-dent buy-in. What freebies are out there and where should you spend the money. Find out what are the “must haves” and what things can you do without and sti ll have the desired eff ect. How to keep your rally engaging. (Supports Service Learning Standard)

Using Music in the Classroom Steve Southard, Sonora High School Crystal 5 Use music to moti vate and inspire your students. (Supports Communicati on Standard)

Workshop DescriptionsFriday, March 5th


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8Session 8Newer Advisors Focus

More Experienced Advisors Focus

Middle School Leadership Class Organizati on Bill Bowen, Harvest Park Middle School Crystal 4 Designed for the new/newer middle school Leadership Class advisor. Topics to be covered will include: class selecti on; grading; commissions; student store opera-ti ons; curriculum; etc. (Supports Government Standard)

They Did What? Yearbook & Newspapers in the news (and how you can avoid them) Michele Paolini, Herff Jones Yearbooks Crystal 2 A newspaper feature on sexual acti vity . . . a girl wearing a tux for her senior portrait in the yearbook . . . Come review recent cases of yearbooks and newspapers landing their schools in the middle of a media storm and learn what you can do to help avoid it happening to you. (Supports Communicati on,Personal and Social Development Standard)

Using Music in the Classroom Steve Southard, Sonora High School Crystal 5 Use music to moti vate and inspire your students. (Supports Communicati on Standard)

It is Hard to Hate Someone Who’s Story You KnowPhil Boyte, Learning for Living Nevada 6 In today’s culture people are hurti ng - a lot of young people believe they are the only one experiencing diffi culti es and as a result they are lashing out at one another. Schools around the nati on are fi nding that Breaking Down the Walls is helping to create a more tolerant culture on campus because students realize they are not the only ones facing new challenges. Let us share with you how this program works and if we might provide some soluti ons to hazing, bullying, and indiff erence at your school.(Supports Personal and Social Development Standard)

Saving Your Sanity by Building Your HS Leaders! Tamara Givens, Crystal 3 You can’t do it all yourself! This session will show how one advisor chooses, organiz-es and trains her top leaders to share the responsibility of grading, teaching lessons, planning retreats, running the class, and more. Get ti ps for how to create student leadership positi ons to help you beat the odds of the “two year life span” of an Acti viti es Director, and be able to happily conti nue to do Acti viti es for many years!(Supports Government Standard)

Workshop DescriptionsFriday, March 5th

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8Workshop DescriptionsFriday, March 5th

Specialty SessionsFiscal Sense: The Relati onship of the ASB Director and ASB Bookkeeper Darlene Johnson, Channel Islands HS Nevada 8 A workshop that will show you how to maintain a fi scally sound ASB. I have 10 years of experience from which I can recommend the best ways of communicati on, pa-perwork, and results which make the auditors and admin happy. Let me share my knowledge of FICMAT and CASBO rules which all ASBs should abide by. Handouts will be available. (Supports Business Standard)TEEN TRUTH LIVE - Are You Ready To Make A Diff erence At Your School? JC Pohl, TEEN TRUTH Nevada 7 Empower your students to improve their school climate. TEEN TRUTH LIVE is an interacti ve, multi -media presentati on that incorporates a student created award-winning fi lm with a moti vati onal speech from the fi lm’s producer. TEEN TRUTH’s raw, empowering approach to very important school climate issues have made it the premier choice for schools and youth organizati ons across the US and Canada. Most educators and students that have parti cipated in TEEN TRUTH LIVE have stated that it makes them think about student issues in a manner they have never thought about before. By giving students and educators a voice, challenging them to think diff erently, and empowering them to make a diff erence in the lives of their peers, TEEN TRUTH LIVE is making school environments safer, healthier, and more produc-ti ve. (Supports Communicati on,Personal and Social Development Standard)

The Traveling Junk Show Stu Shaff er, The Traveling Junk Show Silver State Pavilion This hands-on, high-energy session The Travleling Junk Show uses audience involve-ment to show advisors a plethora of ideas and events they can take back to their schools. Lots of hot ti ps about being an advisor. (Supports Personal and Social Development Standard)

The First Seven Days Guy E White, Don Antonio Lugo High School Nevada 9 Many of our leaders fail the leadership sobriety test: their thinking cannot walk in a straight line, their left hand does not know what the right is doing, driving their organizati on straight to death, liti gati on, or, worse - persistent suckiness. Meanwhile, those who understand what the people their teams, groups or organizati ons need become like Moses parti ng the waters. In this indispensable, step-by-step class, we discover that the survival of groups depends on the same criti cal foundati ons. (Supports Communicati on, Personal and Social Development,Business Standard)

What state are you in? Dean Whellams, Learning for Living Nevada 10 Discussing the essenti al elements to create your own success formula for managing your state (state of mind).(Supports Communicati on,Personal and Social Development Standard)

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pmCurriculum Round TablesFriday, March 5th - 3:40pmActivityFrom Good to Guinness- Sara Cowey Catalli Learn about San Mateo High’s “Guinness World Record” food drive, the secrets to empowering your Leadership Class, students, staff , school and com- munity to hold really successful drives of your own. Get some great resources and a toolkit of ideas to help you run your best food drive ever! Leadership Scrapbooks—How to Create Them and Present Them - Shelly Henderson How would you like to have Mother Teresa, Walt Disney, Harriet Tubman, or Marti n Luther King, Jr. walk into your classroom and tell your students about their lives? Join me and fi nd out all the exciti ng details. You will receive a copy of the scrapbook rubric, see some actual scrapbooks, and watch clips of some great scrapbook presentati ons. Leadership Jambalaya - Derek Marshall Feed your appeti te with a variety of leadership and acti vity ideas. Leadership lessons, grading, event planning, helpful hints and more, will be discussed in this fast paced session. Leadership Class Games for Team Building - T.R. Robertson Useful Leadership games that illustrate communicati on, meeti ng skills, listening skills, trust building, team building and games that can be used as starters for your leadership class period. Leadership Class“The Set Up” - Bill Bowen Do you ever feel your students are bett er at ‘taking’ than ‘giving’? This 10-20 minute small-group acti vity will allow students the opportunity to solve a problem by cooperati ng with others. Students are challenged to see ‘the big picture’ and examine their own level of cooperati on.Grading Leadership - Lyn Fiscus Deciding how learning will be assessed and grades will be assigned in an acti viti es-based leadership course, where all students are not doing the same work, pres- ents challenges for leadership class teachers. Join this roundtable discussion for some ideas on craft ing a grading system that will work for you. A Medley of Middle School Leadership Curriculum - Allison Gadeke Come and get lessons that you can use Monday morning when you return to school.Proud To Be An American! - Teaching Citi zenship to Student Leaders - Kristi n Grimm Projects and lessons that remind student leaders of their responsibiliti es as good citi zens. Curriculum that Always Works - Michael James Engage your students in your leadership classes, camps, and conferences, with acti viti es that always spark the interest of your leaders while teaching valuable lessons! Teaching Every Day- Ron Jones How to incorporate daily leadership lessons into your student govern- ment classes, regardless how busy you and your students are. He will include ideas, methods, techniques, and resources that will enable you to make curriculum a regular part of every class. A Complete Leadership Teaching System - Rhett Laubach & Ryan Underwood Starti ng a leadershi- program at your school? Don’t have a class, but need some new ideas? Ever wish you had a complete system to teach leadership that included a teacher guide, student workbooks, fresh acti viti es, internet resources and was broad and fl exible enough to incorporate your current favorite teaching tools? Wish no more. Join Personal Leadership Insight curriculum authors, Rhett Laubach and Ryan Underwood, as they show you how to turn your leadership class from a coat of many colors to a complete wardrobe of awesomeness. Does Your Leadership Class Have a Purpose? - Richard Parkhouse How to develop a common pur- pose within the leadership class so you don’t have ten kids doing all of the work- ten watching- and ten who are like smoke - they disappear. Public Speaking 101 - Tanya Rianda Public speaking is so important to learn and yet a challenge to teach. Att end this presentati on and walk away with an eff ecti ve unit on how to address the standard of public speaking and sti ll have ti me for everything else.

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Curriculum Round Tables 2010Friday, March 5th - 3:40pm—4:50pmLeadership Class ContinuedLeadership In The Classroom - “Rod” Rodriguez Examples of what a full year of Leadership Curriculum (“Life and Leadership”) skills can do to change student’s lives. Samples will include Ice breakers, Teambuilding, Communicati on Skills, Self-esteem, Time Management, Humor and more. Defi ning Leadership - Connie Weeks Help your students defi ne the word leadership and what it means to them. This lesson plan will allow your students to create their own meaning of the word leadership and help them to live up to the expectati ons that they have created. Portf olio Power! - Melanie Wong Use the simple tools of a professional portf olio and personal journal to help your leadership students stay organized and chronicle their year! It makes all the diff er ence. Outlines, lessons, and acti vity ideas, and samples will be provided! The Umbrella Theory: Unifying Elements on Campus - Alyssa Wright & Chantal Bonfond Learn how to unify character development, student recogniti on, and academic and behavior support into a cohesive program that is taught during a school-wide block that promotes a positi ve school climate. Many elements of Positi ve Behavior Interventi on and Support, Character Development, Response to Interventi on, and well known student recogniti on programs such as Renaissance and B.U.G., have been combined into a site-designated acronym and mascot. We will share how we have unifi ed these elements under one umbrella, and provide ideas on how to make this happen at your school site. Leadership Class Organization & PlansThe Five Secrets of Great Storytelling – Tyler Durman Well-told stories are one of the best tools to gain credibility for your program, to win over negati ve colleagues, to create culture, and to promote involvement. Come learn these fi ve secrets and how to teach them to your student leaders. These tools can redirect and moti vate student leaders who have lost their focus or passion (or never had it). Books in Leadership - Jennifer Duston Improve student leadership skills by assigning these leadership books as outside reading: The 7 Habits of Highly Eff ecti ve Teens, How Full is Your Bucket and Thinking for a Change. Other children’s storybooks will be examined for their leadership skills. Tips on How to teach a Ten Minute Lesson - Jill Esplin Learn how to teach a 10-minute lesson with a message that last for a lifeti me. We will focus on how to prepare, present and process the acti v ity with your student leaders. You will learn how to teach lessons that are not only educati onal, but also fun and engaging. Sandy’s Book Club - Sandy Ginger A quick review of some of my favorite children’s books plus ideas of how & when to use them for Leadership. Adina’s Deck: Solving Internet Safety Mysteries - Debbie Heimowitz Adina’s Deck is a three part-DVD series about diff erent topics in Internet Safety, designed like a Nancy Drew style detecti ve show. Each episode is based on the latest research and meant to engage students about cyber citi zenship. The fi lm series began through the presenter’s Master’s Thesis at Stanford University in the School of Educati on. “How Full Are the Buckets around You?” - Patricia Holt This is a lesson for your leadership class on how to take care of those around them, based on the book “How Full is Your Bucket” by Tom Rath and Donald L. Clift on Accelerati ng Growth and Maturity in Your Leaders - Jim Hullihan Using observati ons learned over 30 years of training, this outline will help you bring out the most maturity and growth in your students. Practi cal ideas on how best to use “Leadership In The Movies” and “Character In The Movies” will be shared and key stories will highlight how to speed up personal growth. Leadership Cookbook - Adrienne Nau Four CADA Standards-Based lessons that should be in every Leadership Cookbook. Personal Interacti on Wheel - Ann Postlewaite A great leadership lesson for your student leaders that focuses on their daily interacti ons. This lesson encourages students to take a close look at their friendships and relati onships and how they aff ect their daily lives. This lesson provides a great lead into to a journaling project. Celebrate Character - Christy Hertsch - Ideas to celebrate and showcase students showing positi ve character traits around school.

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CADA ItinerarySaturday, March, 6th

Saturday Specials

8:30 – 10:30 am CADA Store9:00 – 10:10 am Meet the Pros 15 minute Table Talks presented four ti mes. 9:30 – 10:10 am Keynote Follow-up w/ Rachel’s Challenge 10:20 – 11:20 am Acti vity Director Certi fi cati on Celebrati on 10:20 – 11:20 am Sessions 9 and 10 – Speaker Showcases Albert Mensah Grant Baldwin I think Producti ons

11:30 am – 12:30 pm Closing Luncheon 2010 Conference Recap and Introducti on of 2011 Conference

Meet the Pros—you’ll see 4 diff erent 15 minute workshops and your repertoire will increase exponenti ally. Bring a ti cket that you pick up at your area table or come and get in on a space avail-able basis. 9:00–10:00 am Nevada Room

Speaker’s Showcase—a premier event. As you think about bringing a litt le of The Spirit of New Orleans back to school with you, consider these speakers for your upcoming school assemblies, workshops, in-services, or retreats. 10:20–11:20 am

Closing Luncheon—the event is called a closing luncheon, but it’s an opening luncheon as well. Come learn about next year’s conventi on theme as it is revealed for the fi rst ti me at the end of the luncheon. 11:30–12:30 pm Grand Ballroom

Thank you CADA Bronze SponsorsAll Star Events & Venues

Beverage BrothersBoss Graphics Wall Murals

Feet First Eventertainment, LLCFirst Class Events

IZA DesignLarry Livermore / The Marker


Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament

National Recognition ProductsQSP, Inc. / Time Inc.

South Coast PhotographicT.S. Outfi tters, IncValley Decorating

WOW! Special Events

Summit Pavilion

Nevada Room Crystal 1/2

Suite 734

Carson 1Carson 2Carson 4

Grand Ballroom

Session #910:20–10:50

Session #1010:55–11:25

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Speaker Showcase DescriptionsSaturday, March, 6th

Speaker Showcase Session 9/10 10:20am

Keynote Followup 9:30am

You Matt er. They Matt er. Be Creati ve. Chad Furlong, iTHINK School Assemblies Carson 4 You Matt er. They Matt er. Be Creati ve. It’s simple, but what truly counts. As a leader, it’s vital to remember the voice you have in the life of the people around you, to see the true potenti al within each of them, and conti nually reinvent the way material is presented. This session will be a refreshing, and encouraging look at how to be the best leader one can possibly be. For more informati on check out

Capti vate. Innovate. Moti vateGrant BaldwinCarson 2 Grant Baldwin is an engaging communicator and a leading youth fi nancial literacy expert who is making a signifi cant impact in the lives of students across the country. Grant is author of the book Reality Check and creator of the student money website, Grant has given hundreds of presentati ons and has spoken to thousands of students through student leadership conferences, conventi ons, school assemblies, and other youth events.While Grant does love speaking and inspiring students, he loves his wife and daughters more. They live in Springfi eld, Missouri. For more info check out

The Prince of Possibiliti esAlbert Mensah, TFA Speakers Carson 1The “Prince of Possibiliti es” grew up in Ghana incubati ng a curious dream that made his peers laugh: Someday he would att end college in America. Following a collegiate career as an All-American soccer player he embarked on the professional speaking trail. He has spoken in over 20 countries to thousands of students. Albert’s goal is have his audiences acquire the ability of building their own foundati on – an enthusi-asti c, passionate self, focused on personal accountability, practi cal life skills, and an indelible character. For more informati on check out

Rachel’s ChallengeDarrell Scott Crystal 1/2 A more informal look into the Rachel’s Challenge organizati on and how it has im-pacted students, communiti es and schools around the nati on. Darrell Scott will share more of the story behind the story and how the organizati on can impact your school and community.For more informati on check out


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Meet the Pro’sSaturday, March, 6th at 9:00 am

Activities Ideas


Job Related

Middle School Electi ons - Ken Barber Find out how to run a successful student body electi on for middle schools. Ideas will be presented to make your job easier and more accurate. “100 Great Ideas for Student Acti viti es” - Michael James Everyone needs new ideas for their schools. Come and engage in a sharing of the best of the best from across the country! Senior Acti viti es - Deborah Weiss Plan and organize your senior acti viti es leading up to Graduati on. This in- cludes a senior newslett er and getti ng your campus involved in graduati on.

Shop Til You Drop and Give $$$ to Schools - Connie Claxton At our high school I sell Cash Cards to the parents and earn 2 - 25 % for our programs. We purchase the cards at a discounted price and sell them for face value. Parents can designate which program the proceeds go to. Our sale so far this year have topped $500,000 and is sti ll growing as the parents start to understand that it cost them nothing to give to the programs of their choice.

Things I Wished I Had Known When I Started - Angela Aschbrenner Proven eff ecti ve ways of improving to help eliminate some of the negati ves and make your sessions more meaningful and a lot easier. This interacti ve session will help all advisors to simplify their approach and enjoy making a positi ve diff er- ence in those whose lives they touch. Great Graduati ons - Jennifer Duston Looking for ways to personalize your graduati on? Ways to make it more meaningful and sophisti cated? This table will cover graduati on planning from A-Z, How to get organized and everyone on the same page before the big day, as well as off er traditi onal & as non-traditi onal ideas to make graduati on day a grand slam! Put the Jazz Back in your French Quarter - Mandy Grimm Don’t let this session get “Bayou”. Low cost ways for your leadership students to recognize your staff . In this session, you’ll get tons of creati ve ideas and examples that are easy and cost effi cient, from staff appreciati on week to everyday thank you’s, every staff member will love them.Creati ng and Maintaining a Succesful Yearbook Program - Marcy Herrera We will deal with selecti ng your staff and editors to getti ng and staying organized. Also grading and what to do with the staff when the book is done and school isn’t. Expand Your Leadership Team - Erika Holoti k What’s your philosophy for Class Advisors? Are your Class Advi- sors a part of your leadership vision or are they apart from it? Get some new ideas about how to build a leadership team among your advisors! Promoti ng School Spirit - Ron Jones School spirit is important to the success of any school year and doesn’t just happen. This session will explore a variety of methods for building pride, energy, enthusiasm, and a high regard for the school, student body, and staff . Building Their Leadership Library - Michelle Matherly This session will help advisors use books, whether pub- lished or self made, to show the bigger picture of leadership for all students involved Recogniti on for everyone - Geniel Moon Design your school recogniti on program aft er your school mott o -”do- ing things the R.I.T.E. way the Nighthawk way” with respect, integrity, teamwork and excellence. Make that Change – Prevent bullying on your campus NOW! - Richard Noblett Use powerful, cost eff ecti ve (almost free) and creati ve ways to “Make that Change” on your campus in 2010. Bullying has changed in the past 5 years in ways that many people are not even aware of yet. Includes resources and ideas that can be used immediately with your student body to help prevent all types of bullying at your school including the scary world of cyber bullying. The Keys to Success is in the Trees. . . The Art of Recogniti on and Acknowledgement - Richard Parkhouse Three easy steps will be taught to insure an increase in recogniti on of students, staff , and community on your campus. This is guaranteed to make more students and staff feel a part your school community. Helping Your School Culture and Acti viti es Celebrate the Diversity of California! - Sasha Staking Many acti viti es programs don’t refl ect the enti re makeup of a school. Concrete ways to: recruit a diverse leadership class, put on events and acti viti es that appeal to a broader part of your student body, improve att endance at your acti viti es, recognize and celebrate a broader secti on of your student body, Help staff , faculty, and parents become more involved in your program, and use your leadership program to ad- dress the growing achievement gap between Lati no/EL students and their peers. NOONTIME ACTIVITY - CAMPUS CULTURE - Howard Zinn Sti cks and stones may break bones at this Mardi Gras, but all with a bat & a ball or two have fun. CLHS presenter shows how competi ti on between ad- ministrati on, faculty, and students improve the Campus Culture (“we dress up too”).

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Meet the Pro’sSaturday, March, 6th at 9:00 amLeadership Lessons

Special Events

Murder Mystery & Creati ve Leadership - Bill Bowen “Murder Mystery” - Nothing like a good murder mystery to reveal the personality/leadership styles of your students as you observe their behav- iors in a group acti vity. This is a good lesson for early in the school year/semester. Quick and Easy Leadership Lessons…In your Back Pocket - Jill Esplin If you like teaching through games and acti viti es, check out Back Pocket Leadership and these new leadership lessons that you can share with your students. Learn quick and engaging acti viti es, that are easy to facilitate with your student government. These interacti ve acti viti es will focus on teambuilding, commu- nicati on skills, public speaking, problem solving and character building. Speak Up . . . You Have Nothing to Fear! - Shelly Henderson Most teenagers would rather die than speak in front of an audience. You can help. Join this session and receive a packet with tons of fun, non-threatening acti viti es to help reduce/eliminate those public speaking jitt ers. With ti me and practi ce, your students will be running over each other to get to the front of the classroom.

“Prom Fashion Show and Magazines” - Todd Arrowsmith Get your students excited about your up coming Prom by producing a Fashion Show or Magazine. Both of these acti viti es will be dis- cussed with handouts will be given out and how to produce a successful prom showcase. Turn Your Swimming Pool into a Boat Regatt a - Jeff Burghardt Learn how students can build a two- person cardboard and duct tape boat to compete in the school pool! This has been one of the most anti cipated student events for over 20 years on my campus! Taking Leadership to the Next Level - Allison Gadeke We teach the basics in our leadership class rooms ... now it is ti me to take it to the next level. Learn some fun ideas to help your students learn to be leaders outside of the school walls -- in the community and beyond! Be prepared to take home lessons you’ll want to start right away! Competi ti on Keeps it Fresh Part II - Jeremy Hersch New games and acti viti es to enhance the culture of a school through friendly competi ti on. More details about how GHS increased our yearbook sales, ASB Card sales, dance att endance, etc. through friendly competi ti ons. This interacti ve session will help advisers start new traditi ons or enhance existi ng ones! Service Learning Beyond Leadership - Laura Heston Are you ready for your leadership class to help other classes lead in the area of Service-Learning? Learn how to ti e service learning to all areas of educati on using existi ng curriculum. Renaissance: A Must For Student Recogniti on - Denise Hitch Oakdale HS has had a showcase Renais sance program for over 15 years. Come hear how they recognize and reward student academic success and help connect students to their school community. Making Your Rally Rock! - Jason Kaylor Come share ideas about how to make your rallies even bet- ter. From themes, skits, and props this session will help ignite a new love for pep assemblies. Homegoing Week - A Springti me Acti vity - Tom “TR” Robertson Homegoing week is an annual event held at Carlsbad High that celebrates not only the Winter Sports athletes but also the outstand- ing members of the clubs and organizati ons at the school. It is a take-off of Homecoming, a Fall event. Why Aren’t You Using This? iCal for Macs - Kyle Svoboda Get organized now! Having diffi culty mixing and balancing Personal, Teaching, and ASB calendars? Sick and ti red of making a new calendar every year? Want to leave a legacy? All of this kept very simple. Leadership Summit - The Basics to Planning a School Wide Retreat - Melanie Wong Bring about change on campus by bringing together all your student leaders. Learn the keys to planning a successful school wide leadership retreat for more than your ASB class, but also involving all clubs and athleti c and performance teams.

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ryPresenter Directory

Grant [email protected]

Ken [email protected]

Bob [email protected]

Bill [email protected]

Phil [email protected]

Pete [email protected]

June [email protected]

Dave Clouti erdave@feetf

Mary [email protected] Renee [email protected]

Tyler Durman1-808-652-8888 cell

Jennifer [email protected]

Laurett a Eldridgelaurett [email protected]

Erin [email protected]

Chad [email protected]

Lyn Fiscuslyn@leadershiplogisti

Sandy [email protected]

Tamara [email protected]

Scott Greenbergscott @scott

Heather Griffi nhgriffi [email protected]

Robby [email protected]

Tiff any [email protected]

Shelly [email protected]

Jeremy [email protected]

Laura [email protected]

Nicole [email protected]

Kristen [email protected]

Norm [email protected]

Jim [email protected]

Verne [email protected]

Darlene [email protected]

Ron [email protected]

Rick [email protected]

Sandi [email protected]

Patrick [email protected]

Bill [email protected]

Albert Mensahchris@tf

Ken [email protected]

Tony [email protected]

Michele Paolinimrpaolini@herffj

Richard [email protected]

JC [email protected]

Farrah [email protected]

TR [email protected]

Earl [email protected]

Amanda [email protected]

Derek [email protected]

Darrell Scott

Matt [email protected]

Stu Shaff erstu@stushaff

Kelsie [email protected]

Mike Smithmike@diff

Steve [email protected]

Terry [email protected]

Kyle [email protected]

Jerry [email protected]

Allyson [email protected]

Edwin van [email protected]

Bob [email protected]

Dean [email protected]

Guy E [email protected]

Bill [email protected]

Stacie [email protected]

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Exhibit Floorplan

AllStar Events and VenuesKenney Paul [email protected]

American Red CrossDan D’Angelo [email protected]

Anderson’sKristi n Bernier [email protected]

Audio Dynamix Teresa Schmidt [email protected]

Bagus Custom Flip FlopsKathie Livezy [email protected]

Balloon Wholesalers Interntati onalJill Hoff man 800-225-5294hgriffi [email protected]

Beverage BrothersJoe Reed [email protected] Bossgraphics Wall MuralsLarry Lousen [email protected]

Boudin CateringChristi na [email protected]

Breaking BoundariesDerek Sage [email protected]

Brian Kenyon Art StudioBrian Kenyon [email protected]

Exhibitor DirectoryAcademic FinancialNeil Higger 714-803-0333neil@academicfi nancial.comwww.academicfi

AchieversElloy Garcia [email protected]

Acti ve EducateAraceli Dagdagdan888-543-7223acti ve.educate@acti venetwork.comwww.acti

Acti viti es Northern CaliforniaLori Carpenter [email protected]

Alcatraz CruisesName: Antonett e SespeniaEmail: [email protected]: (415)

All Acti on AwardsKaren Hedington 530-666-3220karen@allacti onawards.comwww.allacti


124, 126





809, 810



105,107, 109




115, 117





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ryExhibitor Directory Continued...

EllisonCustomer Support [email protected]

Enjoy the City NorthJames Prirhard [email protected]

Events To The ‘T’, IncToby [email protected]

Fair-Play Electronic MarqueesJohn Alfi no 800-204-0402jalfi [email protected]

First Class EventsHollie Keeton [email protected]

Freestyle EntertainmentJared Perry

Friesen YearbooksPaul Friesen(888) 324-9725 [email protected]

Full Spectrum EntertainmentSandee Gee949-496-6244info@fl ipbookpartyfavors.comwww.fl

Fundways Party RentalsHerb Pinske [email protected]

Gateway FundRaisingMark St. Marti n

Golden State, Inc.Michael Cariaga 909-886-5654goldstf [email protected] Graphic Design Marking Systems IncDonna Mercer

Great American Opportuniti esJo Guess 800-251-1542 x [email protected]

Groove Factor EntertainmentDon [email protected]

Herff Jones Mark Traughber 480-892-0064 metraughbe@herffj ones.comwww.herffj

CADA Leadership CampsJack Ziegler [email protected] Camp DavidJim Morphy [email protected]

CASLSandi Kurland [email protected]

Catalina ExpressCarol Elliott [email protected]

Character CountsCindy Verity [email protected]

Class Act Recogniti on Products, Inc.John Connolly [email protected]

Coca ColaJoe Petersen(925) [email protected]

Community Discount CardJoe [email protected]

Confetti FX, LLC.Bruce Sussin 877-626-6338bruce.confetti [email protected]

Creati ve Imaginati onsJack Behlmer 800-942-6487jodyti mmerman@creati veimaginati ons.uswww.creati veimaginati

CSM, Inc.Brian [email protected]

DaktronicsBob Fechner 714-577-5910 x [email protected]

Disney Youth Group Programs - Disneyland ResortBethany Diehl

DJ Dinero Producti ons, LLCDJ Dinero [email protected]

High School FlowersDaniel Henson 877-715-9514dan@highschoolfl owers.comwww.highschoolfl

Hornblower Cruises & EventsJackie Campbell [email protected]

Infl atable Adventures, Inc.Vernon Vernaza 916-316-1352 vern@infl atableadventures.comwww.infl

Infl atable ImagesHector Marinaro 800-783-5717www.infl IZA DesignKerry Takenaga [email protected] Jostens Mike Westra 310-980-9658 [email protected]

Kustom ImprintsMark Kuli [email protected]

Larry Livermore/The Marker ManLarry Livermore [email protected]

Learning for Living - Phil BoytePhil [email protected]

Let’s PartyJud Schultz [email protected] Lifetouch, Inc. Karen Schmel908-215-4269 [email protected]

MC Creati ons, Inc./Skateboard LockersTony Thurman [email protected]

Medieval Times Dinner & TournamentDavid Manuel 888-935-6878david.manuel@medievalti mes.comwww.medievalti

Moti vati onal Media AssembliesJim Hullihan800-248-6040jhullihan@moti vati onalmedia.orgwww.moti vati

Murals for SchoolsTom Seibert [email protected]














100, 102104, 106108, 110






802, 803






333, 335





804, 805806

621, 623

207, 209

301, 303,305, 400,402, 404

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201, 203 205, 300302, 304





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Exhibitor Directory Continued...Plan-it Interacti veGreg Sloan 707-752-6010greg@interacti vegame.comwww.interacti

PLI, Inc.Rhett Laubach 405-517-7385rhett

Plus ProgramNiki Vandenburgh

PMMNP, Inc. (Preff ered Mobile Music N’ Promoti on Events)Sudee Mann [email protected]

Prep Gear HeadwearJud Wood [email protected]

PSS ImagingMichelle Webb [email protected]

PSSLBrent Young [email protected]

QSP/Time, Inc.Ron Reynold [email protected]

Rachel’s ChallengePete Vargas [email protected]

Raiser’s Edge, IncJack Sherratt [email protected] rapIDcardsGary Roberts [email protected]

Rapport Empowered Educati onBridgit Parise 702-697-5334bridget@rapporteducati on.comwww.rapporteducati

Real Inspirati on, Inc.Keith Hawkins [email protected] Santa Cruz Beach BoardwalkKim Pursley [email protected]

School DatebooksErin Powers [email protected]

See’s CandyMarianne Uzzardo-Rosso(408) [email protected]

Senior Specialti esJohn Spurr 800-430-0224info@seniorspecialti es.comwww.seniorspecialti SignOpti xGreg Smith 270-759-1600school@signopti x.comwww.signopti

SigntronixTim [email protected]

Six Flags Discovery KingdomTara Indorato707-556-5231ti ndoraro@sft p.comwww.sixfl

Six Flags Magic MountainMarcus Jackson 661-255-4806mjackson@sft p.comwww.sixfl

Slushee USAJoel Tharp [email protected]

Soft ware 4 SchoolsBen Star 866-757-7226ben@soft ware4schools.comwww.soft SOS EntertainmentDerek Sage [email protected] South Coast PhotographicJeff Groton 714-630-8584jeff

Spas For a Cause - The Eleanor GroupCrystal Bradshaw [email protected]

Spectrum Corporati onJ. Bishop [email protected]

SpinitarLinda Budreau [email protected]

Star in Your Own Music VideoMike Cash [email protected]

My Giving TeeStephen Mackey [email protected]

My School ThingsMatt Knox 562-922-8095matt

Nati onal Recogniti on ProductsCarrie Kijenski [email protected]

Neff CompanyCathy Erwin 937-316-3582cerwin@neff co.comwww.neff

NEVCOSteve Warner [email protected]

Norm Hull and AssociatesNorm Hull [email protected]

Northern California Youth Leadership SeminarClaire Butt

NuConrad George Bruton 858-635-2190 [email protected]

Organized Sports WearRick Johnson

Ozark Delight Candy Co.Craig Batt les [email protected]

Palomar Christi an Conference CenterJonathan [email protected]

Party Pals Jeff Anderson 858-622-6613jeff

PegLeg Entertainment Brandon Bityk

Pirate A/V and Installati onBrandon Bityk 714-522-0119

Pirate’s Dinner AdventureStephanie Akin714-690-1497 ext

807, 808







406, 408










228, 230







625, 627




426, 428


405,605, 607


800, 801




710a, 710b,710c, 716

307, 309



711712, 713

700a, 700b, 701a, 701b, 702a, 702b

703a, 703b


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Starfi shstudents.comBrian Bourgeois 951-808-3875sales@starfi shstudent.comwww.starfi Stewart SignsShay Einhaus [email protected]

Student ReachJeff rey Devoll [email protected]

T.S. Outf itt ers, Inc.Felicia Ruiz 800-998-8870info@tsoutf itt ers.comwww.tsoutf itt Taylor Publishing Balfour Randy Elliott 713-829-6165 RTElliott TC Span AmericaJohn France [email protected]

Teen TruthJC Pohl [email protected] The Boomerang ProjectBecky Emmons [email protected] The Event Group Ami Peterson [email protected] The Fisher AgencyChris Fisher 800-541-4660chris@tf

The Student PlannerJoshua Hensley [email protected]

The VIP CardChris Lee [email protected]

TNT FireworksMilton Broussard 916-387-2626broussardm@tntf ireworks.comwww.tntf

TSS PhotographyGreg Casey [email protected]/Casey Tyler DurmanTyler Durman 808-652-8888www.tylerstuff .com

Ultrasound AudioTony Leal [email protected]

United Yearbooks Printi ng ServicesSarah Tse 909-989-8282mariella@unitedyearbookprinti ng.comwww.unitedyearbookprinti

Universal Seati ng CompanyRichard Ford(800) 330-7328barry@universalseati ng.comwww.universalseati

USA Student Travel Bruce Bitnoff 800-234-4723Bruceb@usastudentt ravel.comwww.usastudentt

Valley Decorati ngJames Off en 800-245-2817jameso@valleydecorati ng.comwww.valleydecorati Visual SportsPhillip Silveira 408-683-9151 or [email protected]

Vocab-T, One Stone ApparelMichael Bailey [email protected]

Walsworth Publishing CompanyHoward Dusek [email protected] Western States, IncMark Backes [email protected]

WinCraft SchoolTory-Kale Schulz 800-533-8100tkschulz@wincraft .comwww.wincraft Wow! Special EventsTiff any Brown 714-848-9698 ext 34ti ff [email protected]

Acti viti es SoCalKathy Miller949-675-6200roz@acti viti essocal.comwww.acti viti

The Alley CatsRoyce [email protected]




202, 204

421, 423,520, 521,523, 620,




420, 422

219,221, 223



119, 121




227, 229



101,103, 200

120, 122



127, 226



500, 502

614, 616


Exhibitor Directory Continued...

Last Minute Exhibitor Additions

Page 39: CADA 2010 Convention Program Book
Page 40: CADA 2010 Convention Program Book

Schedule at a GlanceWednesday, March 3

9:00am – 12:00 pm Safe Schools Seminar – Bullying, Hazing and Harassment 1:00 – 7:00 pm Member Registrati on1:30 – 3:50 pm Acti vity Director Certi fi cati on Orientati on 1:00 – 5:00 pm New Advisors Concierge Room 3:00 – 6:00 pm CADA Store Open3:00 – 4:50 pm Sessions 1 and 2 4:50 - 6:45 pm Dinner on Your Own5:00 – 6:00 pm Presenters Recepti on 6:45 – 7:15 pm French Market Meet and Greet 7:30 – 8:45 pm Opening Night General Session Keynote Jason Dorsey9:00 pm – 12:00 am Networking Sessions sponsored by LifeTouch

Thursday, March 4th

7:30 am -1:00 pm General Registrati on & Speaker Desk7:30 – 8:45 am New to Conventi on Beignets, Coff ee and Connecti ons Sponsored by USA StudentTravel Group 8:00 – 11:30 am Affi liate Registrati on and Set Up9:00 – 10:30 am Second General Session Keynote Earl Reum10:30 – 3:30 pm CADA Store10:50 – 11:50 am Awards Recepti on 10:50 – 11:30 pm Session 311:30 am – 12:30 pm New to Conventi on Exhibits11:40–12:20 pm Sesson 412:30 – 2:30 pm General Membership Exhibits2:30 – 4:00 pm Companions Hospitality 2:45 – 4:00 pm Meet the Pros (15 minute Roundtable presentati ons) 2:50 – 3:30 pm Session 53:40–4:30 pm Session 64:35 – 6:00 pm Area Meeti ng6:00 – 9:00 pm French Quarter Festi val 9:00 pm – 12:00 am Herff -Jones Party / Bowling Friday, March 5th

7:15 – 8:15 am Fun Run8:00 am – 10:30 am Registrati on & Informati on Desk8:15 – 9:15 am 60/60 General Session - Sixty Ideas in Sixty Minutes 8:30 am – 10:00am Affl iliates Meeti ng9:15 – 10:15 am Past Presidents Breakfast 9:15 am – 4:00 pm CADA Store (Closed During General Session)9:30 – 10:10 am Session 7 – Professional Learning Communiti es Sessions10:30 am – 12:00 pm Third General Session Keynote Darrell Scott 12:00 - 3:30 pm Exhibits12:15 – 1:15 pm VIP Luncheon 12:15 – 1:30 pm Leadership Camp “Think Tank” 3:40 – 4:50 pm Curriculum Roundtables Curricular Lessons in Roundtable Format 3:50 – 4:40 pm Session 84:50 - 6:00 pm Area Networking in Suites7:00 - 8:00 pm Recepti on 8:00 – 9:00 pm Mysti cal Masquerade Mardi Gras Ball9:00 – 12:00 am Dance with Jostens’ Dessert

Saturday, March 6th

8:30 – 10:30 am CADA Store9:00 – 10:10 am Meet the Pros 15 minute Roundtable Presentati ons 9:30 – 10:10 am Keynote Follow-up w/ Rachel’s Challenge 10:20 – 11:20 am Acti vity Director Certi fi cati on Celebrati on 10:20 – 11:20 am Sessions 9 and 10 – Speaker Showcases 11:30 am – 12:30 pm Closing Luncheon 2010 Conference Recap and Introducti on of 2011 Conference

Crystal 1/2Grand Salon

Crystal 1/2 Carson 1

Crystal 1/2 Registrati on Area

Grand Ballroom

Area Suites

Grand Salon

Nevada RoomSummit PavilionGrand Ballroom

Summit PavilionPres. Suite 2434

Summit Pavilion

Summit PavilionPres. Suite 2434

Nevada Room

Exhibit HallBowling Alley & Grand Salon

Front of HotelGrand Salon

Grand BallroomCarson 2

Pres. Suite 2434Summit Pavilion

Grand Ballroom

Summit Pavilion Carson 1

Nevada 4/5 Nevada Room

Grand SalonGrand BallroomGrand Ballroom

Summit Pavilion

Nevada Room Crystal 1/2 Suite 734

Carson 4

Grand Ballroom