
Canadian Foreign Policy

Canadian & World

Canadian Foreign Policy

1. Canada’s International Policies

2. Government Agencies

3. Pressure and Lobby Groups

4. External Influence

Goals of Foreign Policy

1. Promotion of Trade and Economic Growth

2. Environment

3. Peace and Security

4. Canadian Sovereignty

5. Human Rights and Social Justice

Analyzing Canada’s Policy

1. Official Policy

2. Pragmatic Idealism

3. Trade is the Key

4. Puppet or Counterweight

Foreign Policy Gov’t Agencies

1. Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada •

2. Department of National Defence •

3. Canadian International Development Agency •

Pressure and Lobby Groups

• A society which allows a variety of positions and views to be entered into the political process is called a pluralistic society.

• While this allows for minority opinions to be heard, it has also increased the importance of pressure and lobby groups in society.

• Pressure Groups – an organized group of people.

• Lobby Groups – highly organized, well-funded, behind-the-scenes players (“lobbyists”)

Pressure and Lobby Groups

• Pressure and lobby groups both live and die by their strength in numbers. Their existence might be long-term or issue-based, but are often centred around one of these areas of interest:– economic– medical– environmental– religion– equality

Pressure and Lobby Groups

• Pressure and lobby groups might do anything to achieve their goal, but common activities that these groups undertake include:– petitions– demonstrations– testimonials– brochures– advertisements– meeting with politicians

Pressure and Lobby Groups

• Some people feel that these groups have too much influence on decision making today. They represent a minority, and are trying to sway or pressure elected officials to support their cause – potential for bribes.

• What do you think?

Factors Influencing Foreign Policy

1. A socialist revolution takes place in a country nearby – including violence and popular uprisings.

2. A proposed international law forbids mining the bottom of the sea.

3. A world superpower asserts that all countries should work with a common currency.

Factors Influencing Foreign Policy

1. Actions of Other Countries

2. Civil Society

3. Geography

4. History

5. Ideology

6. Leadership

7. Media

8. National Economy

9. Power and Influence
