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  • SNE . A P C D C O . M S N . E M P G D C . D O S . 0 0 0 1 - 0 . 3



    Only the French version is legally binding

    3 April 2009

    contract notice n 08-177805

  • SNE . A P C D C O . M S N . E M P G D C . D O S . 0 0 0 1 - 0 . 3

    1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................. 3


    2.1 Preliminary studies and inclusion in the European waterways master plan................ 3

    2.2 The preliminary design and public enquiry .................................................................... 4

    2.3 Trans-European transport network priority project and declaration of public interest ....................................................................................................................................... 5


    3.1 Project stakes ..................................................................................................................... 6

    3.2 Technical description ....................................................................................................... 10

    4. THE PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT.................................. 15

    4.1 Reason for the public-private partnership agreement.................................................. 15

    4.2 Legal background to the public-private partnership agreement................................. 15

    4.3 Main aspects of the contract............................................................................................ 16

    5. INFORMATION DOCUMENTS ......................................................................... 17

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    1. Introduction The present information file describes the general context of the Seine-Nord Europe Canal and the related development works between Compigne (Oise) and Aubencheul-au-Bac (Nord), to be implemented in the context of a public-private partnership agreement for which competitive bids are invited. The purpose of this information file is to describe the background to the Project, the general environment and the main technical, legal and financial characteristics of the Project foreseen at this stage. Applicants' attention is drawn to the fact that the various components of the Project described in the present information file are liable to change and be modified during the competitive dialogue in accordance with the rules of the tendering process. The information concerning the Project presented in this file does not necessarily correspond to the exact scope of the future public-private partnership agreement. The information, figures, statistics and other technical data given in the present information file were obtained notably from:

    - the preliminary design documents (July 2006), - the public enquiry prior to the declaration of public interest (December 2006), - the technical summary of the preliminary design (July 2007).

    Applicants may obtain these documents as set out in chapter 5 of the present document. All information, figures, statistics and other technical data given in the present information file, and in particular those obtained from the above-mentioned documents, are given purely for guidance. In continuing this process, Voies Navigables de France (VNF) and the French Government shall not be bound by or held responsible in any way for their content or for any errors or gaps therein. 2. Background to the Seine-Nord Europe Canal Project 2.1 Preliminary studies and inclusion in the European waterways master plan A few years after the Canal du Nord was opened to 600 tonne vessels in 1965 , the 21 locks along the canal were already saturated with goods traffic. Following the first preliminary studies (1975-1985) for a new, high-capacity (3300 - 4500 tonnes) waterway that would be compatible with the European network, and following discussions with the four French regions concerned (Ile-de-France, Picardy, Nord-Pas-de-Calais and Haute-Normandie), the Seine-Nord link was included in April 1985 in the inland waterways master plan, which defined priorities in terms of inter-basin links. Interim solutions involving in situ redevelopment of the Saint Quentin Canal and Canal du Nord were studied between 1985 and 1993. Those concerning the Saint Quentin Canal were abandoned owing to their greater length (+40%), very severe impact on the urban and natural environments, the very large number of locks required and the need to interrupt traffic for a very long time. Those relating to the Canal du Nord were also abandoned for similar reasons, in particular because of the existence of two summit reaches but especially because of the major impact of interrupting traffic during the works and the resulting transfer of goods to other transport modes.

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    The Seine-Nord Europe Canal Project, which was included in the European high-capacity waterway master plan in 1993, was the first infrastructure project to be thrown open to public debate in France, in accordance with the provisions of the "Bianco" circular (1992). The preliminary public debate on the advisability of the high-capacity link was organised between November 1993 and November 1994 under the auspices of the Prefect of the Picardy region. The conclusion of this stage was that that the project was advisable and that specifications should be prepared for proceeding with its implementation. On 4 April 1995, the French Ministry of Transport approved the specifications and simultaneously began preliminary studies, with VNF appointed to act as Owner. At the meeting of the Comit Interministriel pour lAmnagement et le Dveloppement du Territoire (CIADT Inter-Ministerial Committee for Territorial Development) held on 9 July 2001, the Seine-Nord Europe high-capacity waterway link was included in the multimodal public passenger and goods transport schemes. The committee adopted the principle of progressive development and launched preparatory works to the north and south of the link. On 4 March 2002, the Minister of Transport decided on and announced the choice of corridor for the link. The alternative selected was the one furthest to the west of the study area, known as corridor N3. It runs close to the towns of Noyon and Pronne, near the existing Canal du Nord, and offers the greatest advantages in terms of environmental protection in the regions crossed, management of water resources and project economy. 2.2 The preliminary design and public enquiry The CIADT meeting held on 18 December 2003 chose the Seine-Nord Europe Canal Project from among 35 French priority transport infrastructure projects and commissioned VNF to act as Owner responsible for implementing the preliminary design studies for the Seine-Nord Europe Canal, the central section of the Seine-Scheldt European waterway link. On 5 December 2003, the European Council of Transport Ministers unanimously voted to adopt the Seine-Scheldt canal project as a European priority project. Following a joint decision procedure, on 21 April 2004 the European Parliament adopted the report of the European MP Philip Bradbourn listing 30 major European projects under the TEN-T, including the Seine-Scheldt project, thereby making it eligible for the fast-track procedure. The preliminary design studies for the Seine-Nord Europe Canal were ordered on 22 November 2004 from consortiums of European design offices. These studies, which were widely discussed between February and July 2005, led to the selection of a reference alignment and locations for port facilities, logistics platforms and marinas, thus underscoring the economic role of a comprehensive transport and regional development project. After consultation with French Government agencies, local politicians and socio-economic stakeholders between October 2005 and May 2006, VNF submitted the preliminary design documents to the Minister of Transport on 5 July 2006. The Minister of Transport approved the preliminary design on 20 November 2006 and asked for the project to be submitted to a public enquiry.

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    The preliminary enquiry prior to the declaration of public interest was carried out under the auspices of the coordinating Prefect (Prefect of the Picardy region) from 15 January 2007 to 15 March 2007 in the 68 communes concerned by the 500 m wide corridor. The commission of enquiry approved the project on 6 July 2007. 2.3 Trans-European transport network priority project and declaration of public interest On 20 July 2007, France, Flanders and Wallonia handed the European Commission an application for a subsidy to construct the Seine-Scheldt link in the context of the 2007-2013 programme. On this occasion, government ministers from France, Flanders, Wallonia and the Netherlands signed a joint statement aimed at setting up an Inter-Governmental Commission and common structure (in the form of a European Economic Interest Grouping) to coordinate the implementation of the various sections and harmonise tariffs. On 28 November 2007, the European Commission voted to allocate a 420m subsidy to the Seine-Scheldt project, with 330m being earmarked for the Seine-Nord Europe Canal. The Seine-Scheldt Committee worked on the cross-border character of the project with the aim of studying in particular the participation of the Belgian and Dutch governments in financing the infrastructure by introducing an agreed additional toll covering the stretch between Compigne and Ghent. An Inter-Governmental Conference was to define strategic guidelines with the support of a European Economic Interest Grouping responsible for coordinating the procedures, scheduling and financing of the link. On 11 June 2008, the French Government adopted the principle of implementing the Seine-Nord Europe Canal in the form of a public-private partnership agreement in the draft blueprint drawn up after the Grenelle environment round table. A decree of 11 September 2008 (published in the official gazette on 12 September 2008) stated that the works required to implement the Seine-Nord Europe high-capacity canal and the related development works between the communes of Compigne (Oise) and Aubencheul-au-Bac (Nord) were of public interest and urgent, and that the urban development documents for the communes crossed by the canal were to be brought into conformity accordingly.

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    3. Stakes and technical description of the project The Seine-Nord Europe Canal is the central section of the Seine-Scheldt high-capacity European waterway link. This link forms a new system for transporting goods between France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany within the corridor connecting the economic centres of northern Europe . It contributes to European and national sustainable development goals by enhancing the competitiveness of the European and French economies, by structuring logistics along the corridor, by encouraging modal transfer to inland waterways and developing the inter-modality needed to structure the hinterland of the major seaports. At regional and inter-regional levels, the Seine-Nord Europe Canal will be a powerful vector for regional planning and development in the regions it crosses, thanks to the various functions of the waterway. The information given below concerns the overall Project stakes, not all of which will necessarily be involved in the future public-private partnership agreement. 3.1 Project stakes The area concerned by the Seine-Scheldt waterway link is characterised by intense cross-border flows of goods and by some of the continent's worst road congestion along the north-south route: 132 million tonnes of goods used this northern corridor in 2000. The Seine-Scheldt link will provide a connection with the Rhine and Danube and represent a decisive element in the European inland waterway network extending into central and eastern Europe and beyond to the Black Sea.

    The Seine-Nord Europe Canal scheme also aims to promote multiple usage of the waterway and the project will therefore need to address various issues, as described below.

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    - Goods transport activities The canal is designed to handle push-tows consisting of two barges 185 m long and 11.40 m wide carrying three layers of containers (European Vb class). The average journey time for a large Rhine-type vessel is about 18 hours. According to the various scenarios studied, the level of traffic using the new waterway should amount to between 13.3 and 14.9 million tonnes (Mt) by 2020, including 250,000 TEU containers. By 2050, this traffic should reach between 20 and 27.7 Mt. By 2020, the agricultural sector should account for 30% of the t-km carried by the canal. The second most important sector will be construction materials (20%). Containers, vehicles and general goods will represent the third-largest sector, with 17% of t-km

    1. By then, the last third of traffic should

    consist of equal proportions of energy products and chemicals on the one hand and metallurgical products on the other (11%).

    - Industrial, logistics and port activities Four multimodal platforms (MP) covering a total of 360 ha will act as areas of exchange with the economies of the regions concerned. They will offer sites for industrial and logistics activities, port and multimodal services, areas equipped with transhipment quays to serve local industries and cereal storage silos. The MP are a key factor for the success of the SNE project. The studies emphasised the importance of the port sites, with traffic forecasts exceeding 5 Mt by 2020, i.e. nearly one third of the total traffic along the canal by then and in the longer term. The MP meet various fundamental objectives of the project:

    sustainable development of river traffic, intermodality with rail and road transport, and modal transfer in conformity with the goals of the Grenelle environment forum,

    competitiveness of local businesses, regional development and restructuring of logistics in the Greater Paris area and Nord-Pas de Calais region,

    development of the French seaports by structuring and enlarging their hinterland. Operation of the industrial, logistics and port activities at these platforms will be covered by separate agreements from the present public-private partnership agreement.

    - Water supply A feature of the Artois-Picardy basin is that the rivers have low discharges and the groundwater resources are fragile. Water supplies are therefore stretched.

    1 This proportion is given in terms of tonnage; it would be much higher in terms of the value of the goods


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    Local authorities are therefore looking for additional resources to ensure long-term water supplies to residents. As mentioned at the various stages of the consultation process, the Seine-Nord Europe Canal, which links the basins of the Oise and Sense, will offer the possibility of inter-basin transfers (from the Oise to the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region: Sense, Dele, Lys, Scheldt). As a continuation of the hydraulic studies for supplying water to the canal, VNF performed a study that confirmed the possibility (from the point of view of the hydrology of the Oise) of transferring a further 1-2 m3/s over a period of 35 years. This would help to provide long-term drinking water supplies to people living in the Nord-Pas-de Calais region since such supplies could be guaranteed on a continuous basis thanks to:

    - large quantities of water being available in the Oise, - additional storage capacity.

    - Tourist and leisure activities

    SNE offers an opportunity for developing tourism in the regions directly concerned by the project and more widely for all the regions along the Seine-Scheldt corridor through:

    - the development of river cruises on passenger liners, and short trips along the canal on river boats equipped with dining facilities,

    - the promotion of structures of outstanding interest along the canal, - the development of cycle paths and footpaths along the canal as part of European, national and

    regional itineraries, - the development of leisure centres and residential projects, etc.

    Other functions The Seine-Nord Europe Canal may also provide support for other activities related to sustainable development, , including but not limited to the following.

    - Energy production Operating the canal calls for energy, particularly to work the locks and ensure the circulation of water. According to the analyses conducted by VNF, there is potential for energy production particularly renewable energy - in the project area. This includes but is not limited to the construction of large wind farms, the installation of photovoltaic production units, the creation of a wood fuel sector in spoil deposition areas and meander cut-offs, and hydropower production at the reservoirs.

    - Real estate The demographic situation in the areas concerned by the SNE project is one of contrast. Housing is relatively dense between Compigne and Noyon, scattered in the Somme department and to a lesser extent in the Nord-Pas de Calais region. Development around the platforms and tourist centres could be an incentive for considering housing construction projects that take into account the challenges of sustainable development (eco-neighbourhoods).

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    The general context and expression of regional stakeholders The Prefect, coordinator of the Seine-Nord Europe canal project, appointed the Seine-Nord Europe association to undertake the job of gathering information on the expectations of the regional stakeholders involved and their objectives in terms of economic potential related to the development of multimodal platforms and tourism. The association published a white paper providing the French state, VNF and the public-private partnership candidates with the vision and ambition of the regional stakeholders with respect to the project, the development projects or measures envisaged and their organisations needs. A summary of this white paper can be obtained under the conditions defined in Chapter 5. The candidates' attention is also drawn to the fact that the Picardy and Nord-Pas de Calais regions are concerned by the plans to reorganise national army and air force sites, in particular with the impending closure of Air base 103 at Cambrai-Epinoy (in 2012) and redeployment, in 2011, of the Rgiment de marche du Tchad (French Army marine regiment) based in Noyon. The possibility of coordinated action between these reorganisation measures and the Seine-Nord Europe project during the canal construction period (housing of contractor personnel, etc.), and after canal completion, is a factor that should be taken into consideration. The project forms an ideal opportunity for the development of jobs in the regions concerned, not just during the construction period but also during canal operation thanks to the growth of economic activities (transport, logistics, port services, industry, tourism, energy, etc.). Optimisation of the repercussions of the project in terms of jobs created and in particular the re-entry into working life of people with employment difficulties, is a major objective of the public authorities who intend to take measures so that, during the construction period, suitable solutions can be proposed to meet construction site requirements, and once the project has been completed, ensure that the jobs created can be transformed to met the needs generated by the related economic activities. For this purpose, a "job centre" run by the Picardy DRTEFP (regional department of labour, employment and vocational training) and combining the public employment service and local authorities, was set up in December 2008 covering the entire project area.

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    3.2 Technical description Several design studies have been carried out concerning the Project. These have put forward technical solutions to meet the functional requirements and constraints identified. The following descriptive and quantitative information is derived from these studies. It may be modified by the contractual framework in which the project is implemented and by design requirements imposed on the various project managers. It should be noted that the quantities are representative of all the works included in the project, regardless of the area for which the private partner act as a Owner. The Seine-Nord Europe Canal project involves constructing a new, 106 km long canal between Compigne and Aubencheul-au-Bac (west of Cambrai), complying with the requirements of the European Vb class. It comprises the following in particular:

    eight reaches connected by seven locks with drop heights of between 6.41 and 30 m, equipped with water-saving basins;

    two storage reservoirs for supplying water during low-flow periods, three aqueducts, including one 1330 m long spanning the River Somme, four multimodal platforms and eight transhipment quays for linking up with other modes of

    transport (road and rail), five mooring facilities for public and private boats.

    The canal structures key figures Length: 106 km between Compigne and Aubencheul-au-Bac Surface width: 54 m Water depth: 4.50 m Draught: 3 m Navigation rectangle: 38 m x 4 m Clearance under bridges: 7 m Number of locks: 7 (drops of 6.4 m to 30 m) Number of aqueducts: 3, including the Somme aqueduct (1.3 km long) Number of crossing structures: 59 Earth excavation volume: 55 million m3

    Volume of backfill: 25 million m3

    Volume of surplus material: 30 million m3

    Land take: 2450 ha comprising: - canal: 1330 ha - storage reservoirs: 160 ha - platforms: 360 ha - material dumping areas: 600 ha Number of multimodal platforms: 4 Number of cereal quays: 5 Number of industrial quays: 3 Number of boating facilities: 5

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    The design studies defined a reference path and the characteristics of the main canal structures. This path comprises a "DPI corridor" a strip of land on average 500 m wide within which the final alignment of the high-capacity canal will be determined. It corresponds to the possible variations of alignment which may be proposed and adopted between the period of the public enquiry and the start of works, to take into account both the answers given to the commission of enquiry and possible refinements resulting from the more detailed definition of the project.

    Earthworks The project crosses a region of low hills. The volume of excavation is about 55 million m3 and the volume of backfill about 25 million m3. The topography is such that cut sections up to 20 m deep will represent a total linear length of 7860 m and fill sections over 20 m a total linear length of 2640 m. Surplus materials will be dumped within the project area or used as fill for other construction projects. The materials found along the canal alignment are alluvium (clay, silt and sand), lying on Bracheux sand or, for the most part, on chalk. Locks The Seine-Nord Europe Canal comprises seven locks, the drop heights of which vary from 15.50 to 30 m, with the exception of Montmacq lock, the first and furthest south, which has a drop height of 6.41 m. The six high locks are to be provided with water-saving basins. Montmacq lock, the chamber of which holds a modest volume of water on account of the lower height, is a simple lock without any lateral basin. The chamber of each of the other locks is 195 m long and 12.50 m wide. The following table summarises the locations of the locks, their drop heights and the number of associated water-saving basins.

    Lock KP Commune Drop height Number of water-saving basins

    0 8.519 Montmacq 6.41 m 0 1 21.085 Noyon 19.57 m 3 2 30.862 Campagne 15.50 m 2 3 71.163 Moislains 30.00 m 5 4 89.371 Havrincourt 22.50 m 4 5 98.466 Marquion-Bourlon 20.11 m 3 6 105.097 Oisy-le-Verger 25.00 m 4

    It is planned to develop double-chamber locks along the Seine-Nord Europe Canal in order to increase the canal capacity and ensure quality of service as traffic increases. Bridges The ponds along the Somme west of Pronne are to be crossed by an aqueduct 1330 m long and 26.50 m high spanning the river. Restoring roads and railway lines will call for the construction of:

    2 aqueducts crossing the A26 and A29 motorways respectively, 3 rail bridges, 54 road bridges.

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    Water supply Water will be supplied by an intake from the Oise at Montmacq lock and two storage reservoirs with a capacity of 14 million m3.

    The canal will be watertight along its entire length. The mean permeability corresponds to a layer 30 cm thick with an infiltration coefficient of 10-8 m/s.

    Multimodal platforms and transhipment quays

    The project comprises:

    - four multimodal platforms totalling 360 ha, intended for port, industrial and logistics activities. From south to north, these are Noyon (59 ha KP 22-24), Nesle (88 ha KP 43-45), Pronne-Haute Picardie (60 ha KP 57-58) and Cambrai-Marquion (156 ha KP 99-100);

    - two areas equipped with transhipment quays for serving local industries: Thourotte (KP 7)

    and Ribcourt (KP 11 - 2 quays); - five transhipment sites for agricultural use: Noyon (KP 22), Languevoisin (KP 42), Clry-sur-

    Somme (KP 65), Moislains (KP 72) and Graincourt-ls-Havrincourt (KP 93). Boating facilities The project includes the construction of 5 mooring facilities for private and public boats (river boats and liners) at Ercheu (KP 36-37), Saint-Christ-Briost (KP 54), Biaches-Somme aqueduct (KP 63), Allaines (KP 67) and Havrincourt (KP 89).

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    Location map of the main structures and equipment

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    Location map of the main structures and equipment

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    The operation of the canal includes the management of ship movements from one or more control centres, the supply of water and energy to the structures, the management of user services and surveillance of the structures. Energy consumption for the canal is estimated at 70 GWh by the year 2020. Operation is associated with the maintenance, overhauling and replacement of the structures with a view to achieving a working life of at least 100 years. 4. The public-private partnership agreement The public-private partnership agreement falls within the context of the project and stakes described above. 4.1 Reason for the public-private partnership agreement In his letter of 21 November 2005, the French Minister of Transport appointed VNF to conduct the studies required for the assessment referred to in article 2 of the order of 17 June 2004, with assistance from the Mission d'Appui la Ralisation des Contrats de Partenariat (MAPPP). Article 33 of law no. 2006-10 of 5 January 2006 concerning transport safety and development, introducing article 224-1 into the Public Rivers and Inland Waterways Code, expressly authorised VNF to resort to public-private partnership agreements for infrastructure projects destined to be incorporated into the inland waterway network and for the renovation or construction of all navigation structures, on the basis of the provisions of order no. 2004-559 of 17 June 2004 concerning public-private partnership agreements. In May 2006, VNF completed the preliminary assessment carried out in accordance with the provisions of article 2 of the above-mentioned order of 17 June 2004. It then set out the economic, financial and legal reasons for commencing the procedure to enter into a public-private partnership agreement. In its notice no. 2006-11 of 13 October 2006, the Ministry of Finance's MAPPP confirmed the legal pertinence of a public-private partnership agreement in view of the complexity of the project, and the advantages of this type of agreement as the means of implementing the Seine-Nord Europe project in comparison with other types of public contract. In view of the complexity of the project, the public-private partnership agreement is to be signed after a competitive dialogue phase in accordance with the conditions of section I of article 7 of the above-mentioned modified order. Applicants must provide VNF with the best technical facilities and legal/financial package for satisfying the requirements defined in the functional programme to be handed to those allowed to take part. 4.2 Legal background to the public-private partnership agreement VNF will enter into the public-private partnership agreement in the context of its role as defined in article 124 of the Finance Law for 1991, no. 90-1168 of 29 December 1990, in article 1 of decree no. 60-1441 of 26 December 1960 defining the status of VNF, and article 224-1 of the Public Rivers and Inland Waterways Code.

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    4.3 Main aspects of the contract The public-private partnership agreement covers the funding, design, construction, operation, servicing, maintenance and regeneration of the Seine-Nord Europe Canal (running for 106 km between Compigne and Aubencheul-au-Bac), and all or part of the associated development works and related activities that will enhance the project from the economic standpoint. The associated development works and related activities are set out in the public notice of competitive bidding and will be described in the functional programme. The final scope of the duties and responsibilities incumbent upon the successful applicant and other entities involved in the project will be defined during the competitive dialogue. At this stage, it is planned to commission the following from the successful applicant, in accordance with the conditions and limits set out in the tender documents:

    implementation of technical and/or administrative procedures that are the particular responsibility of the Owner of the Works and required for the completion and operation of the structures and activities covered by the public-private partnership agreement (including land acquisition operations). If applicable, the methods for continuing the technical and/or administrative procedures already begun by VNF prior to the date of signing the agreement will be set out in the tender documents handed over to applicants authorised to submit a bid;

    design and construction of the canal and related development works, ensuring that they blend into the landscape of the regions crossed;

    water resources management comprising management of the pumping system and water reserves, transfer of water to the urban areas of northern France and the implementation of flood control measures;

    operation of the canal, including traffic management, installation safety and canal water management;

    servicing, maintenance and regeneration of the structures in order to make sure that they are kept available and in good working order throughout the duration of the agreement; this will be evaluated in accordance with the goals set for the successful applicant;

    application of environmental regulations, by taking into account the demands of sustainable development in designing the structures, compensating for project impacts, complying with performance targets in terms of sustainable development at the works and structure operation stages and by reducing energy consumption;

    definition and implementation of related activities contributing to the economic development of the regions crossed;

    development of the private and public land handed over by VNF in the context of the public-private partnership agreement.

    project funding, taking into account possible public assistance from the European Union, the French government, other governments and regional authorities, and the revenue generated by related activities;

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    Applicants' attention is drawn to the fact that the characteristics of the agreement as described above are liable on one hand to be refined and adjusted in the tender documents that will be handed over to applicants allowed to take part in the competitive dialogue and on the other to evolve during the dialogue process itself, in particular in light of opportunities for optimising the project that may be identified at that time. 5. Information documents The following documents are joined to the information file on DVD.

    - preliminary design study for the Seine-Nord Europe Canal (June 2006); - technical summary of the preliminary design documents (July 2007); - public enquiry prior to the declaration of public interest (December 2006); - decree of public interest dated 11 September 2008; - the general works layout drawing including adaptations resulting from the public enquiry; - summary of the white paper drawn up by the Seine-Nord Europe association (March 2009).

    In the event of any disagreement between this document and the public call for tenders, the information in this document shall take precedence.
