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8/2/2019 CapCom 2008 Minutes 08 08 1/5


N otes of A ugust 7, 200.8

Authority Members:

Chairman:W al ter W o 0dford


Iv lichael W bitson, M a!y B eyer H alsey, R ev . D r. W illiam C alhoun

MDOTA1iendees:L eif D o rm si 0, C hi ef of S taff

MdTA Attendees:Ronald L.Freeland, G eoff K olberg, D oug H utcheson, B ob M ichael, D oug N ov ocin, D an

W illiam s, W illiam K irk, C andace P oag, L aura W hite, Sam T riandos, D ennis Sim ps.on,

D av i d K. G reene, R andy B row n, K elly M elham , C hri stina T horup son, D av i d Chapin,

S anch C li ffo rd, G reg Jo nes

Other Attendees:K en K rach C U R S )

C hairm an W oo dford call ed the m eeting to order at 9: 1 2 am M em b ers W hits on and

C a lh ou n p arti cip ated v ia te l econference call.

N o correcti ons w ere m ade to the notes of Ju1 y 3, 2008.

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Contract No: AE 685-000-002/6

Comprehensive Preliminary and Final Engineering Design Services

Extra Work Authorization

Confidential Material

Doug Hutcheson, Deputy Director of Engineering, presented this Extra Work

Authorization (EWA) to Increase the Executive Secretary's Delegated Authority. Doug

explained this was for an open-ended contract for maximum flexibility for larger scaleprojects. Doug requested an increase in the contract dollar amount from $5,000,000 to

$8,000,000 and a time extension to run an additional 4 years. Doug indicated that the

Canton Viaduct project is the reason for the increase. Legal has been informed and their

approval for the extension will be necessary. Christina Thompson, Budget Director,

approved the availability of funds.


Based on discussion of Extra Work Authorization (EWA) for Contract No. AE 685-

000-002/6,motion was made by Member Halsey and seconded by Member Whitson

to recommend to the fullAuthority that the Executive Secretary's Delegated

Authority be Increased, pending approval by Sandi Clifford, Assistant AttorneyGeneral, MdTA Legal Division. The motion was carried unanimously.



Contract No: AE 686-000-002/6

Comprehensive Preliminary and Final Engineering Design Services

Extra Work Authorization

Confidential Material

Doug Hutcheson, Deputy Director of Engineering, presented this Extra Work

Authorization (EWA) to Increase the Executive Secretary's Delegated Authority. Dougrequested an increase in the contract dollar amount from $4,000,000 to $5,500,000 and a

time extension to run an additional 1(one) year. Doug indicated that the reasons for this

extension are the results of the hands-on inspections. The first part of the request is due to

needs at the William Preston Lane Jr. Memorial Bridge including the need for a

comprehensive inspection of the main cables. The second part of the request is to address

the high priority inspection findings, a total of 900 high priority items, throughout the

entire network offacilities. Legal has been informed and their approval for the extension

will be necessary. Christina Thompson, Budget Director, approved the availability of


ACTION:Based on discussion of Extra Work Authorization (EWA) for Contract No. AE 686-

000-002/6,motion was made by Member Halsey and seconded by Member Whitson

to recommend to the fullAuthority that the Executive Secretary's Delegated

Authority be Increased, pending approval by Sandi Clifford, Assistant Attorney

General, MdTA Legal Division. The motion was carried unanimously.

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August 7,2008

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Contract No: AE 660-000-002/6

Comprehensive Project Design Engineering Services

Task No. 09: MD 695/ Quarantine Road Interchange ImprovementsExtra Work Authorization

Doug Novocin, Environmental Engineering Manager, presented this Extra Work

Authorization (EWA)to Increase the Executive Secretary's Delegated Authority. Doug

requested an increase in the contract dollar amount from $6,000,000 to $6,300,000. Doug

indicated that the need for this increase was due to the complete redesign of the

Quarantine Road/ 1-695 Interchange due to the drastically reduced scope of work.

Christina Thompson, Budget Director, approved the availability of funds.


Based on discussion of Extra Work Authorization (EWA) for Contract No. AE 660-

000-002/6,motion was made by Member Halsey and seconded by Member Whitsonto recommend to the full Authority that the Executive Secretary's Delegated

Authority be Increased. The motion was carried unanimously.


This contract will also need to be presented to the Board of Public Works (BPW).

Contract No: MA2099-000-00116

MdTA Electronic Toll System and Related Services

Extra Work Authorization

Geoff Kolberg, Chief Engineer, presented this Extra Work Authorization (EWA).Geoff

explained that although this EWA results in a reduction of the contract amount by

$23,522.54, it still has to come before the Committee due to changes in postage pricing

and a greater amount of mailings related to EZ Pass services.


Based on discussion of Extra Work Authorization for Contract No. MA 2099-000-

00116,motion was made by Member Halsey and seconded by Member Whitson to

approve the Extra Work Authorization. The motion was carried unanimously.



Contract No: KH 271-000-002R

Improvements to 1-95/MD24 Interchange

Permission to Award

Geoff Kolberg, Chief Engineer, presented this contract for award. Geoff indicated that

concurrent with settlement agreement, the contract is to be awarded to Daisy Concrete

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Inc. The approval includes the original contract amount and an Extra Work Authorization

(EWA)in the form of a not to exceed amount as per the settlement. Mr. Freeland

indicated that this contract had previously been presented to the Authority for approval

and that authority had been delegated to the Executive Secretary to handle the settlement.

ACTION:Based on discussion ofContract No. KH 271-000-002R,Members unanimously

concurred with the Authority's decision to delegate authority to the Executive



An update on this contract will be provided to the Authority.

Contract No:MdTA 2007-04 CA,B,C,&D)

Architectural/ Electrical &Mechanical Engineering Services

For MdTA's Facilities Engineering Division

Pennission to AwardGeoff Kolberg, Chief Engineer, presented this contract for approval, recommending it be

brought to the Authority for award. This is an open ended $16,000,000 contract that

provides for Consultant services related to Facilities Engineering.


Based on discussion of Contract No.MdTA 2007-04,motion was made by Member

Calhoun and seconded by Member Whitson to recommend this Contract to the full

Authority at their August 27,2008 meeting.



ICC Eastern Maintenance Facility Geothermal HVAC Presentation

Robert Michael, ICC Engineering Manager, introduced Ken Krach of URS, who gave a

presentation on the use of Geothermal HVAC at the ICC Eastern Maintenance Facility.

Chairman Woodford urged the Members to concur on the use of this system.


Based on discussion ofthe presentation, Members unanimously concurred that

Geothermal HVAC at the ICC Eastern Maintenance Facility is a good idea and

should bemoved forward.



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Update ofImpact of "deferral" ofICC Contract D and/or E

Sam Triandos, Acting Chief Planning Officer, presented information on the CTP Budget

impacts relating to the deferral of ICC Contract D and/or E.





Perryville Comfort Station

Greg Jones, Innovative Facility Program Development Manager, gave a presentation on

the updated options for the Perryville Comfort Station structures. Chairman Woodford

indicated that the mobile structure option still looks like a mobile structure and that the

modular structure is a better option. Chairman Woodward also indicated that he prefers

the brick veneer to the metal veneer option as it sets the building apart in purpose.

Members concurred that the vending machines should be brought outside of the structure.Greg asked if the Members were comfortable delegating approval of the final design to

the Executive Secretary. The Members unanimously agreed that they are comfortable

delegating authority to the Executive Secretary.


Based on discussion ofthis item, the Members unanimously agreed to delegate

approval authority to the Executive Secretary.



Geoff Kolberg announced that the Bay Bridge Preservation Project (BBPP) will resume

in September. There will be further announcements to come.

Chairman Woodford indicated that the Bridge appears as though it needs to be re-striped.

Chairman Woodford asked ifthere were any questions in regards to the informational

items. In the absence of questions Chairman Woodford requested a motion to adjourn.

The meeting adjourned at 11:51 am. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday,

September 4, 2008 at 9:00 a.m. in Suite 160 at the Point Breeze complex located at 2310

Broening Highway.

Capital Committee Notes

August 7,2008

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