  • 1. Caput QuintumDecimum

2. Agrarian:characteristic of farming.
Agriculture:the science, art, or practice of cultivating the soil, producing crops,and raising livestock.
Ager:field; territory
3. Bovine:of, relating to, or resembling oxen or cows.
Beef:the flesh of a steer or cow used as food.
4. Capricorn:the zodiac constellation between Sagitarius and Aquarius.
Caper: goat
5. Fount: fountain; source
Font: a receptacle for holy or baptismal water.
Fountain:the source from which something proceeds or is supplied;a spring of water coming forth from the earth.
Fountainhead: a spring that is the source of a stream.
6. Pantry:a room or closet used for storage of food.
7. Pork:the flesh of swine for food.
Porcupine: slow-moving rodent with sharp spines.
Porpoise:a blunt-snouted usually large black whale.
8. Derivative:a word formed from another word as its base.
Derive:to take or receive from a specified source.
Rival: one of two or more striving to obtain what only one can possess.
Rivulet:a little stream.
9. Vernal:of or in the spring; spring-like.