Page 1: CARB ONN EUTRALL ACTIONN REPORTT - Facilities Branch · rict’s carbon fo duce by 21.9% els have reduc e following re ng ostering polic hardwire proje eral conserva h Fixtures with












Page 2: CARB ONN EUTRALL ACTIONN REPORTT - Facilities Branch · rict’s carbon fo duce by 21.9% els have reduc e following re ng ostering polic hardwire proje eral conserva h Fixtures with






Executive SThe Delta Schpreserve the equipment; tPolicy with a

n 2014, Delta S• Replace• Shutdow• Remove• Replace• Geo-ex• Building• Installed• Replace• Re-laun• Poster C• Re-Laun• Introduc• Continu• Conduc

For the year of2013, the CO2 Compared to

We are please

F.J. (Frank) GeDirector of Fac

Summary hool District is cenvironment. he district hadSustainability P

School District:e Classroom Liwn HVAC Equied Computer ed a Makeup

xchange Heatig Automation Sd Occupancy ed Outdoor Pached behavio

Contest with 3 nched the Eneced an Energyued with the BCcted a Custod

f 2014, the Distlevels were re2010, CO2 lev

ed to present th

yer, PEng, FMA

cilities & Planni

committed to fIn addition to

d launched sevProcedure.

: ght Fixtures witpment During Labs ConsistingAir Unit at Deltng Plants ConSystem RecomSensors for HV

arking Lot and oural programsthemes: Energ

ergy Conservaty ConservationC Hydro Workpial Workshop t

rict’s carbon foeduce by 21.9%

els have reduc

he following re

A ng

fostering polichardwire proje

veral conserva

th Fixtures withJob Action

g of Computeta Secondary Strols Re-Progra

mmissioning VAC

Building Exteris that involve s

gy Conservatiotion Grant n Social Mediaplace Conservto Discuss Ener

ootprint was 2% even thoughced by 36%.

eport on our pu

Debra EngEnergy Ma

ies, practices aects where ine

ation behaviou

h Lower Power

r Towers and CSchool

amming to Imp

or Lights students and ston, Water Cons

Pilot with the vation Awarenergy Conservatio

,663 tCO2e with Heating Degr

ursuit of becom

g, P. Eng, LEEDanager, Projec

and educationefficient equipmural programs a

Density but M

CRT Monitors

prove Efficienc

taff servation and

Assistance fromess (WCA) Proon from the O

th 51 tCO2e exeree Days (HDD

ming carbon n

D AP ct Engineer

nal programs wment was repland renewed

ore Lumen Ou


Waste Reduct

m BC Hydro Cgram perations Pers

empt from offsD) decreased b


which will protaced more efthe Sustainabi





sets. Compareby only 7%.

ect and fficient lity

ed to

Page 3: CARB ONN EUTRALL ACTIONN REPORTT - Facilities Branch · rict’s carbon fo duce by 21.9% els have reduc e following re ng ostering polic hardwire proje eral conserva h Fixtures with


Executive Sum

2014 Greenh

Offsets App

Changes to

Emission Re

Latest Hard

Emission redu

Latest Hard


Continual B

Plans to Cont

Hardwire p



mmary .............

ouse Gas Emis

plied to Becom

o Greenhouse

eduction ..........

dwire projects .

uction activitie

dwire projects

g Hardwire proj

Behavioural Co

tinue Reducing

projects .............


al conservation


ssions in 2014 ...

me Carbon Ne

Gas Emissions



s .......................

(continued) ....

jects .................

onservation Pro

g Greenhouse



n programs .....



utral in 2014 ...

s & Offsets Rep






ograms ...........

Gas Emissions







port from Previo







s 2015-2017 .....







ous Years ........







































................. 2

................. 4

................. 4

................. 5

................. 5

................. 6

................. 6

................. 7

................. 8

................. 9

............... 12

............... 12

............... 13

............... 13

Page 4: CARB ONN EUTRALL ACTIONN REPORTT - Facilities Branch · rict’s carbon fo duce by 21.9% els have reduc e following re ng ostering polic hardwire proje eral conserva h Fixtures with

2014 G

Table 1 G



Fleet GasoBiod

Office PTotal Em


OffsetsIn 2014,the sumOut-of-tCO2e and R-4total Di

Table 2 G


Total EmComparHeatingComparbaseline


Greenhouse Gas E

on Source gs tricity ural Gas & Propan

oline, Propane & diesel Paper missions Exempt

s Applied to , the Delta Sch

mmary report pScope Emissiowhich is less th

404a (HFCs) in strict greenhou

Greenhouse Gas E

ons to Offset

missions re Offsets to 201g Degree Days (Hre Heating Degree

e Gas Emiss

Emissions Breakdo



Become Cahool District proprovided by Smns include refr

han 1 percent the year of 20use gas emissio

Emissions Compa

0 baseline DD)

ee Days (HDD) to

sions in 201

own from SmartTo

2014 (tCO2




arbon Neutraoduced a totamartTool, 51 tonigerants: R-22 of the District’s

013. The emissioons profile.

rison to Baseline





e) 2013 (tCO2

4.35 112.0 2,5

0.25 451*

6.55 2612 3,3

al in 2014 al of 2,663 tonnnnes of CO2e a(HCFC), R-401as emissions. Theons from refrige

14 O2e)

2013 (tCO2



2e) 2012 (tCO

41.8 220.1 2,8

452.4 313.2 16.4 243.9 3,7

nes of CO2e froare “Offset Exea (HCFC), MP-e value was eserants are dee

2e) 2012 (tCO2e

3,343.9 3,-18%


O2e) 2011 (tCO

233.3 871.1 3

378.3 30.6

219.3 732.5 4

om all sources cempt” where t-39 (HCFC). Fugstimated from

emed to be ou

e) 2011 (tCO2e)

732.5 4,08-8% +

2,864 2,+11% +1

O2e) 2010 (tC

243.4 3269.4 2,

367.1 36.0

167.2 4,083.1 4,

covered as rethe total offsetgitive emissionthe refrigeran

ut of scope an

2010 (tCO2e) Baseline

83.1 4,060+1% 0,962 2,515% 0





ported in Smat amount is 2,6ns were estimat recharge amd have not be


rtTool. Based 12 tonnes of Cted to be 26.3

mounts of R-134een included in

on CO2e.

4a n the

Page 5: CARB ONN EUTRALL ACTIONN REPORTT - Facilities Branch · rict’s carbon fo duce by 21.9% els have reduc e following re ng ostering polic hardwire proje eral conserva h Fixtures with

ChangBase onvaried, 36% at



Fleet GasolBiodie

Office PaTotal Em

ges to Greenn, heating degthe District’s ea very similar H

on Reduction Source s ricity ral Gas & Propane

ine, Propane & Desel per


nhouse Gas gree days in Deemissions have HDD.

n 2014 (



Emissions & elta increasedremained on

(tCO2e) 2013




Offsets Repo sharply in 201a steady decl

(tCO2e) 2014

141.8 2,520.1


13.2 216.4


ort from Prev1 but has returine. In 5 years

4 vs 2013




vious Years rn to 2010 leves, the school d

els in 2014. Whdistrict has bee

ile HDD in the en able to redu

past 5 years huce carbon of

ave fsets by

Page 6: CARB ONN EUTRALL ACTIONN REPORTT - Facilities Branch · rict’s carbon fo duce by 21.9% els have reduc e following re ng ostering polic hardwire proje eral conserva h Fixtures with

EmissioFor more striving tocountlessoperationIn additioDistrict haconserva

on reductionthan 20 years

o reducing thes projects rangn to replacing on to hardwire as continued tation within the

n activities , the Delta Schir carbon footp

ging from fine-trooftop units areplacement o encourage

e schools as we

hool District haprint through tuning equipmand lighting fixprograms, theresource ell as in the ho

as been

ment xtures. e



atest HardwiReplace ClasLight Fixtures

Shutdown HVEquipment DuTypical Sched

Removed CoLabs

ire projectsssroom M


VAC uring of dule


mputer ThimlacllacoCowon

Many of the clax4’ fluorescen

8W lamps. Thextures with higher fixture and wonfiguration onalf the number

uring the 2014 igital Control (

modified to compaces. As the here was no neccupied setpoght setback m

he District has bmplementing p

ptops are statassroom to clab implementaonsisted of comomputer labs while the laptopn to the carts b

assrooms lightint type fixtures

e fixtures were h reflectance pwith the masten 75% of the fixr of ballasts an

teacher job aDDC) System c

mpensate for tclassrooms we

eed to heat theoint. The buildimode during th

been working portable comp

ioned on cartsassroom. Prior ation, the old cmputer towerswere left on be

ps are turned obetween class

ng fixtures wereconsisting of 2replaced withpaint, single la

er/slave xtures, which le

nd lamps.

action, the Direcalendars werhe unoccupie

ere not being uem up to the ngs remained

he day.

toward puter labs whers that move froto the portabl

computer labs s with CRT monetween classe

off and reloadees.

e – mp

ed to

ect e

ed used,


re om e

nitors. es ed

Page 7: CARB ONN EUTRALL ACTIONN REPORTT - Facilities Branch · rict’s carbon fo duce by 21.9% els have reduc e following re ng ostering polic hardwire proje eral conserva h Fixtures with

Latest HardNew makeup air unit at DeltaSecondary School

Geo-exchange Heating Plants

dwire projec


The previouserving thekitchen at gas fire indreplaced wcondensingThe purchasubsidized and the opperformanby Fortis BCprogram tofeasibility oup air unit rpilot prograspring of 20BC may be2016.

Geo-exchasystems hanine Districhydronic hbuildings. Sschools, seadministratthe highestThe operatplants has analyzed foperformanvariables avariables asequence

ts (continueus make-up air

e cafeteria comDelta Seconda

direct unit. Thewith a high efficg type make uase of the unit by a Fortis BC

peration and ce has been m

C’s consultant o determine thof a condensinrebate prograam will conclu015 and reporte complete by

ange thermal eve been instalt sites to provideating through

Sites include elcondary schootive buildings tt savings oppotion of the heabeen and still or optimum ce. Building o

among many eare incorporateof operation.

d) r unit mmercial ary was a unit was ciency

up air unit. was rebate

monitored as a pilot

he g make-m. The de by the t by Fortis

y spring of

energy led at

de hout the ementary ols and hat have

ortunity. ating is being

peration external ed into the

Page 8: CARB ONN EUTRALL ACTIONN REPORTT - Facilities Branch · rict’s carbon fo duce by 21.9% els have reduc e following re ng ostering polic hardwire proje eral conserva h Fixtures with

ContinuBuilding AutomatioSystem Recommis

OccupancSensors for

Outdoor PLot and BuExterior Lig

uing Hardwir




• • •

cy r HVAC

Theair outclaup

Parking uilding ghts


re projects e Direct Digitalditions, modifi

Renaming eqmaintenanceEnsuring all seIncorporating• Adjusting he

e original HVACtemperature. tdoor air damp

assroom is occugrade has bee

e District is conwer input induual to the origtallation at the

l Control (DDCcation and rep

quipment name call responseensors, including occupancy seat pump/auxC programmin Occupancy sper when the rupied. The ocen implemente

ntinually replacuction and LEDinal units that

e remaining sc

C) System has bpairs. Recomm

es and points tes ng temperaturesensors to reduxiliary gas switcng involved thesensors were inroom is not oc

ccupancy sensed at 3 sites at

cing HID (high iD (light emittinghad higher pohools are plan

been operatiomissioning inclu

to a consistent

e sensors, occuuce outdoor aichover tempere outdoor air dnstalled and coccupied. This wsors are also ust the moment a

intensity dischag diode) lightinower inputs. Thnned for the fo

nal within the udes:

t naming conv

upancy sensorr when room israture to maximdamper positioonnected to D

would limit neesed as an inpuand planned f

arge) HPS (higng units. The lighis upgrade hallowing year.

District for man

vention throug

rs, etc., are all s unoccupiedmize efficiency

on modulate bDDC system. Ted to heat outdt for load shedfor more in the

h pressure sodghting output fas been compl

ny years. There

ghout the Distri

operational a

y based on a schhe DDC systemdoor air for vendding with sitese near future.

dium) area lighfrom the new uleted at half o

e have been

ct for ease in

and calibrated

hedule and oum would close ntilation whens using ASHPs.

hting with loweunits is higher tf the schools a

tdoor the the This

r han or


Page 9: CARB ONN EUTRALL ACTIONN REPORTT - Facilities Branch · rict’s carbon fo duce by 21.9% els have reduc e following re ng ostering polic hardwire proje eral conserva h Fixtures with

Continual BRe-launchebehaviouraprograms thinvolve students anstaff

Poster conte

Social medipilot and continuatioinformation sharing withthe District

Behavioural d

al hat


The DeltsustainaSuperintGreen Cyear. ThstakehoprincipacommittPolicy/Pconsidecommittwhere inand reso

est Studentsteams wduring thready wwhen scCorporaawarenethree areand Wabicycle grand pposters wDistrict a


n in


In particthe DistrTwitter inmanageactivitiesperformlikes and

Conservatioa School Districbility leaders raendent of Sch

Committee wahe committee lder group: stu

als, executives tee has revitalirocedure with ration from all tee brings forwnput from the golution

s participatingwanted to get ahe 2014 teach

with their first Dischool was bacation of Delta fess poster cameas: Energy Mter Conservatihelmet and thrice of a $400 were duplicateand municipal

cipation with a ict has been u

n collaborationer to share infos and reportingance of the so

d re-posts.

on Programsct has a very sanging from st

hools and Boars reinstated foconsists of rep

udents, teacheand facilities mized the Sustaiinput from all perspectives a

ward sustainabgroup is vital to

in their secona head start oer job action. strict-wide conk in session. Thor collaboratio

mpaign aroundManagement, W

on. The postheir names wer

gift card for a ed and distribubuildings with

BC Hydro Socusing newsletten with the Distrormation on upg of the succeocial media po

strong group otudents to the rd Chair. The D

or the 2014/201resentatives o

ers, principals, vmanagement. nability members and

and interpretaility projects an

o speedy com

dary school grn their green a The students w

nservation camhey approacheon in a public sd sustainability Waste Manager winners eacre put into a drnew bicycle.

uted throughoone theme pe

cial Media Piloters, blogs, Faceict’s communi

pcoming sustaiess of the activosts are tracke


Delta 5 school f each vice- The

d with tion. The nd issues pletion

reen activities were

mpaign ed the service issues in ement,

ch won a raw for the The ut the er season.

t Program, ebook and cation inability ities. The d by visits,

Page 10: CARB ONN EUTRALL ACTIONN REPORTT - Facilities Branch · rict’s carbon fo duce by 21.9% els have reduc e following re ng ostering polic hardwire proje eral conserva h Fixtures with

Energy ConservatGrant

tion The annto all site

An Energschool foactivitiesgrant waincluded

• Phasenergschowereschovisito

• PhasKioskAudiissueActiv

• Phasyear

Each acthe schowere sub

ual Energy Coes.

gy Conservatioor when they ps were gearedas funded fromd:

e 1: Creating agy conservatiool’s commitme

e posted on theol to declare c

ors. e 2: Incorpora

k into a school ts that lead to d (power cons

vity. e 3: Present thand submit a

ctivity has beenools were rewabmitted for use

nservation Gra

on Grant was aparticipate in td towards enerm the utility bud

a Green Teamon pledge (leftent to staff ande wall near thecommitment to

tion of a BC Hyprogram, SweAction, Remo

suming) equip

e team’s activplan for the fon assigned a g

arded after phe in the District

ant was offere

available to eathe program. Argy conservatiodget. The prog

m, committing tt) and presentd students. Thee entrance of to conservation

ydro Energy Saeater Days, Eneove all non-Dist

ment, Innovat

vity throughouollowing year. grant dollar valotos of the act social media.

d again

ach As the on, the gram

to the ing the

e pledges the n to any

aving ergy trict tive

t the

lue and tivities .

Page 11: CARB ONN EUTRALL ACTIONN REPORTT - Facilities Branch · rict’s carbon fo duce by 21.9% els have reduc e following re ng ostering polic hardwire proje eral conserva h Fixtures with

BC Hydro WorkplaceConservatAwareness(WCA) Pro

Custodial Workshop

e tion s


For thConse• Cr

• Inc

The BCwere results

e school yearservation Awarreate a strong

o Suppoo Use tho Recog

corporate Plugo Markeo Promoo Integr

C Hydro prograpplied to schs are positive.

o The Dwhat duringregarbetweaudit to deapplia

s 2013/2014, theness Programsustainability c

ort leadership ohe existing Distrgnize strategieg Load into suseting campaigote energy conrate new energram administrahools other thaFor the followin

District held anthe District’s

g the secondrding teachereen school stfor a thorougtermine the bances in the

he Delta Schoom (WCA). Nine community witof energy charict intranet as

es for sites partistainability con

gns nservation pragy dashboard ative requiremean the original ng year, the D

n energy conenergy reduc

d half of the wrs unpluggingtaff and custogh inventory obest steps towDistrict.

ol District particschools partic

thin each schompions a tool for onlincipating


ctices to groutechnology to

ents were comnine. As mentiistrict plans to

nservation woction plan. R

workshop. Cug appliances,odians. After of what appliwards an awa

cipated in a BCcipated in the pool

ne collaboratio

ps that rent Dio monitor enermpleted for theioned in the princrease the n

orkshop with thound tables w

ustodians wer closing wind

r the workshoiances are foareness camp

C Hydro pilot pprogram. There


istrict space rgy use at eace nine sites butrevious greenhnumber of par

he custodianwith custodiare asked abodows and howp, the custod

ound in the scpaign and red

program callede were two ma

ch site t the same conhouse gas emiticipating sites

ns. There wasal feedback wut what their

w the topic is dians complechool. The daducing the n

d the Workplacain objectives

nservation meassions summar

s by 2-3.

an update owere conducexperiences discussed ted an applia

ata would be umber of

ce :

asures ry, the

of ted were

ance used

Page 12: CARB ONN EUTRALL ACTIONN REPORTT - Facilities Branch · rict’s carbon fo duce by 21.9% els have reduc e following re ng ostering polic hardwire proje eral conserva h Fixtures with



Plans to CoEmissions 20

Hardwire proOnline meeting

Themefor for adgreshain cThethawo

Gym Lighting


Weather Stripping


ntinue Redu015-2017

ojects e District is lookeetings to occr multiple memr a meeting. Th

dministrative meen teams or pare amongst thcollaborating ere are three mat are separateould bring the c

e next step moquipment involve District is lookduction or any an the fluorescduce the needtures for maintevings.

e District will beeather strippingould reduce hee weather stripficult for roden

ucing Gree

king at softwarur online and m

mbers to commhis would be ideetings, intra-s

presentations she schools. Onbetween schomajor communed by large facommunities t

oving towards ves replacemeking at replaciother technol

cent fixtures insd to bring in liftenance in add

e starting a prog around dooreatloss and drapping would alnts to enter the

enhouse Ga

re that allows minimize the n

mute to one locdeal for school clubs sustaff would likene of the diffic

ools is distancenities within De

armland. This toogether.

energy efficieent of gym lighng fixtures withogy with longe

stalled. This wots to reach thedition to energ

ogram to instars at all sites. Tafts in the buildlso make it mo

e building.


need cation

uch as e to culties .

elta ool

nt hting. h LED, er life ould


ll new his ding. ore

Page 13: CARB ONN EUTRALL ACTIONN REPORTT - Facilities Branch · rict’s carbon fo duce by 21.9% els have reduc e following re ng ostering polic hardwire proje eral conserva h Fixtures with

BehaviourVideo Contest

Removing appliance

ral conservaIn continustart a neThe Deltawill contin

es In collabothe Deltaneeded aremove tschool ye

ation programuing the collab

ew campaign a Youth Sustainnue with the p

oration with tha Green Command remove ahe appliances

ear. The effect

ms boration with tinvolving stude

nability Networrizes of bicycle

e custodians tmittee has dec

ppliances froms from their clativeness of the

he Corporatioents submittingrk will be leadine helmets and

hroughout theided to start w

m the schools iassrooms, palle

campaign wi


on of Delta to sg videos of theng this contestgift certificate

e District, an invwith discussions

f it is not needets for equipmell determine if

ability - endent ed Studies

In to stuoffwostuin ca

pread the wore importance ot similar to the e towards a bic

ventory of all as with staff by aed. The Distric

ent to be remofurther action

attempt to dra the sustainabudy course in sfered to gradeould go towardudents to partithe District as

areer opportun

rd about consof conservationPoster Contescycle.

appliances waasking everyonct wants to maoved will be ofwould be req

aw secondaryility industry, a

sustainability is e 11-12 studend graduation. cipate in sustawell as learnin

nities available

servation, the Dn of energy, wt in the previou

as taken. With ne to take a loake it easier forffered towardsuired.

y school studenn independengoing to be ts with credits This encourag

ainability progrng about the e in sustainabili

District would liwater and wast

us year. The D

this informatioook at what is rr the staff to s the end of the

nts nt

that ges rams


ike to te.


on, eally


Page 14: CARB ONN EUTRALL ACTIONN REPORTT - Facilities Branch · rict’s carbon fo duce by 21.9% els have reduc e following re ng ostering polic hardwire proje eral conserva h Fixtures with
