
Career/Employment Break Policy


September 2016


Staff member completes and submits application form to manager for consideration giving at least

three months’ notice.

Manager arranges to meet with the staff member within seven calendar days of receipt

of application for preliminary discussion.

Manager considers application (based on section three), completes and signs the application form

and forwards to senior staff for review.

Manager forwards original form and letter of agreement to staff

member and a copy to their P-File and HR


Manager forwards original form and letter declining

application, setting out the reason for refusal, to the

staff member and a copy to their P-File and HR


Right of appeal (see section 6.3.22)

Manager forwards CAF (clearly including start and

end date of career/ employment break) to Payroll and Pensions.

Return to work. (Please see Appendix 3,

Career/Employment Break Application Process, for


End of Process

Is the application agreed?

End of Process

Yes No

Table of Contents

Summary. ............................................................................................................................ 2 

1.  Introduction ................................................................................................................... 4 

2.  Purpose of this Policy/Procedure .................................................................................. 4 

3.  Scope ........................................................................................................................... 4 

4.  Definitions / Glossary .................................................................................................... 4 

5.  Ownership and Responsibilities .................................................................................... 5 

5.1  Role of the Director of Human Resources and Organisation Development ........... 5 

5.2  Role of Managers .................................................................................................. 5 

5.3  Role of Individual Staff ........................................................................................... 5 

5.4  Role of Associate Director/Clinical Director/Head of Service ................................. 5 

5.5  Role of Workforce Intelligence ............................................................................... 5 

6.  Standards and Practice ................................................................................................ 6 

6.1  General .................................................................................................................. 6 

6.2  Length of Career/Employment Break and Application ........................................... 6 

6.3  Conditions of Career/Employment Break .............................................................. 7 

7.  Dissemination and Implementation ............................................................................. 11 

8.  Monitoring compliance and effectiveness ................................................................... 11 

9.  Updating and Review .................................................................................................. 12 

10.  Equality and Diversity .............................................................................................. 12 

10.1  General statement ............................................................................................... 12 

10.2  Equality Impact Assessment ............................................................................... 12 

Appendix 1. Governance Information ................................................................................ 13 

Appendix 2. Initial Equality Impact Assessment Form ....................................................... 15 

Appendix 3. Career/Employment Break Application Process ............................................ 18 

Appendix 4. Application for a Career/Employment Break .................................................. 20 

Appendix 5. Template letter confirming approval of a Career/ Employment Break ............ 22 

Appendix 6. Template letter confirming non-approval of a Career/Employment Break application .......................................................................................................................... 25 

Appendix 7. Template letter confirming approval of a Career/ Employment Break extension ........................................................................................................................................... 26 

Appendix 8. Template letter confirming non-approval of a Career/Employment Break extension ........................................................................................................................... 27 

1. Introduction 1.1. The Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust values the accumulated knowledge and skills of its staff and supports the use of innovative ways of retaining them in post whilst allowing individuals to explore opportunities for personal development and fulfilment or to provide full-time care for a dependant.

1.2. The Trust recognises that staff members should be able to balance their paid work with other commitments and responsibilities. There may be times in their career when they wish to seek a longer period of time away from work than that provided for by other leave arrangements.

1.3. This version supersedes any previous versions of this document.

2. Purpose of this Policy/Procedure The policy aims to set out the agreed criteria and application process that will enable a staff member to apply, and be considered for, a career/employment break.

3. Scope 3.1. All staff with a satisfactory work record (ie there should be no recent or pending formal or informal disciplinary action or issues relating to performance or conduct) will be given consideration, regardless of band/grade, position or hours worked, provided they normally have a minimum of 12 months’ continuous service with the Trust prior to the date of application.

3.2. In considering eligibility to take a career/employment break, certain factors should be taken into consideration:

the length of the absence the effect on the delivery of the service other staff absences within the service availability of suitable cover forthcoming organisational change or service changes pending the staff member’s attendance and disciplinary record.

4. Definitions / Glossary Career/Employment Break: a career/employment break allows staff to take an agreed period of time away from their job on the understanding that they will return when that period has expired.

It is distinct from unpaid leave which is appropriate for shorter periods of authorised absence.

A career/employment break is not a substitute for a secondment nor an opportunity for an individual to work for another organisation (please see paragraph 6.3.1.).

5. Ownership and Responsibilities

5.1 Role of the Director of Human Resources and Organisation Development

The Director of HR and OD is responsible for the implementation, monitoring and review of the policy.

5.2 Role of Managers Managers are responsible for ensuring:

all staff members are made aware of the Career/Employment Break and other

Trust related leave policies they adopt a flexible and fair approach to its application all requests for career/employment breaks are made on the correct application

form decisions about career/employment break applications are consistent with the

principles of the policy the Payroll and Pensions departments are immediately notified of any

career/employment break periods. This should be done through the completion of a contract amendment form (CAF) which clearly includes the start and end dates of the career break and submission of this, together with the completed application form, to the Payroll department

they retain all application documentation on the staff member’s personal file they record all applications and outcomes, noting the number of requests

received, granted or refused annually, reporting this data to their Associate Director/Clinical Director/Head of Service.

5.3 Role of Individual Staff All staff members are responsible for ensuring: they are familiar with this and the other Trust related leave policies they have thoroughly read the terms outlined in Section 6 – Standards and

Practice they have contacted the Payroll and Pensions Department to ensure they obtain

a full understanding of the impact a career/employment break would have on their pay and pension

a request for a career/employment break is made using the correct application form.

5.4 Role of Associate Director/Clinical Director/Head of Service To establish the consistency of application of the policy within their areas, Associate Directors/Clinical Directors and Heads of Service are responsible for monitoring and evaluating career/employment break requests and outcomes (including number of requests received, granted and refused).

5.5 Role of Workforce Intelligence Workforce Intelligence is responsible for producing reports on the number and duration of the career/employment break requests granted in each division and for obtaining information regarding any refused requests from the Associate Director/Clinical Director and Heads of Service.

6. Standards and Practice

6.1 General 6.1.1 Each request for a career/employment break will be considered on an individual basis taking full account of the circumstances of the staff member. Management approval will be based on the ability to deliver a continued high standard of healthcare and service during the period of absence. Requests may be refused, following consultation with Associate Director/Clinical Director/Head of Department/Divisional Directors/Directors, where justifiable reasons exist.

6.1.2 The main reasons for which a career/employment break can be used include childcare, eldercare, care for another dependant, training, study leave or work abroad. Other reasons will be considered on individual merit.

6.2 Length of Career/Employment Break and Application 6.2.1 The minimum length of break is three months. Breaks of less than three months should be made through a request for unpaid leave of absence, details of which are available in the Trust’s Special Leave Policy. 6.2.2 The Trust will consider requests for career/employment breaks of up to five years although it would be unusual for a career/employment break to be for more than two years. 6.2.3 Applications for a career/employment break must be submitted in writing giving a minimum of three months’ notice of the requested start date. Applications should be made on the form attached at Appendix 4 - Application for a Career/Employment Break. 6.2.4 During the period of a career/employment break a request for the period to be extended or reduced must be made in writing (by letter or email) giving a minimum three months’ notice. An earlier or later return to duty may be accommodated only where it is possible for the manager to make suitable arrangements for this including incurring no additional costs to the Trust or adverse impact on service or colleagues. 6.2.5 Each application will be considered and assessed by the staff member’s manager who, in consultation with the Associate Director/Clinical Director/Head of Service/Director, will determine whether the request may be granted. The length of any agreed break should balance the needs of the applicant with the needs of the service. There may be occasions when the requested break cannot be approved. There may also be occasions where, if the complete period requested may not be possible, a proportion of the requested period may be offered. 6.2.6 If a staff member wishes to terminate their contract of employment during a career/employment break, they must do so by giving the written notice required according to their contract of employment. 6.2.7 Failure to return from a career/employment break on the specified date without seeking a formal extension of leave will be regarded as a

fundamental breach of contract entitling the Trust to terminate the employment without notice. Such a decision will only be made after a formal hearing has been convened under the terms of the Trust’s Disciplinary Policy and Procedure. Reasonable opportunity for an individual to provide an explanation of failure to comply with the Career/Employment Break Policy and terms of the agreement will be given.

6.3 Conditions of Career/Employment Break Paid Employment Elsewhere

6.3.1 Staff members on a career/employment break will not normally be allowed to take up paid employment with another employer except where, for example, work overseas or charitable work could extend skills and knowledge. In such circumstances the written authority of the Trust would be necessary and staff members must ensure the work undertaken is not in conflict with or harms the business of the Trust.

Formal Agreement

6.3.2 All breaks will be subject to written agreement between the Trust and the staff member before the break begins. A letter confirming the agreement must be forwarded to the staff member including details of any agreed specific provisions relevant to the individual staff member concerned – please see Appendix 5.

Continuity of Service

6.3.3 Staff members do not have to resign to take a career/employment break. During the career break all rights under the contract of employment will be suspended. However, the break will count towards continuous employment for statutory purposes. For the avoidance of doubt, there will be no entitlement to any contractual benefits or pay or any accrual in relation to benefits or pay during the period of career break other than pension (where elected to do so).

Pension Arrangements (currency of section content to be checked

with Pensions)

6.3.4 Only career/employment breaks of up to two years may be treated as pensionable under the NHS pension scheme regulations. Any remaining period agreed would be non-pensionable.

If a staff member chooses to have any period of their career/ employment break (up to a maximum of two years) treated as pensionable, arrangements must be made with the staff member to collect pension contributions as follows:

o in respect of the first six months of a career/employment break,

staff member contributions must be collected continuously throughout the six month period

o in the event of a career/employment break that lasts in excess of six months (up to a maximum of two years), arrangements must be put in place to collect the total of both the staff member and employer contributions continuously throughout the period in excess of six months.

These payments must be made during the career/employment break. Staff members are unable to accumulate arrears of contributions for payment to the scheme on return to work.

Effects on Pay

6.3.5 The total period of career/employment break will be unpaid.

6.3.6 Return to work will be at the salary level applicable immediately prior to the break, including any cost of living pay awards made during the break, unless the staff member is on mark time pay protection. Staff members on protection will receive the protected amount on return unless that amount has been exceeded by pay awards during the period of break.

6.3.7 Where, at the start of a career/employment break, a staff member has pay protection, the period of the career/employment break will form part of the period for which the protection has been/is being applied.

6.3.8 Entitlement to occupational and statutory maternity pay may be adversely affected by a career/employment break and staff members are strongly encouraged to seek advice from the Payroll Department if this is relevant to their circumstances.

Incremental Position

6.3.9 On return to the NHS staff members will be placed on the same spine point they were on when they commenced their career/employment break. The next incremental date following the commencement of the career/employment break will be deferred by the number of days in the career/employment break. For example: Staff Member A

Original incremental date: 1 September 2016 Length of career/employment break: 1 May to 30 November 2016

(275 days) Incremental date on return: 3 June 2017

(1 September + 275 days)

Staff Member B

Original incremental date: 1 September 2016 Length of career/employment break: 1 May to 31 July 2016

(92 days) Incremental date on return: 2 December 2016

(1 September + 92 days)

Return to work

6.3.10 Staff members returning from a career/employment break will normally, subject to 6.3.11, be entitled to return to their contractual appointment.

6.3.11 Any return to work with the Trust, specific department or specific post will be subject to that work/post still being reasonably available at the time of the intended return. Service or organisational changes that may take place during a staff member’s career break will apply in the same way as if the staff member had been at work. The staff member will be neither advantaged nor disadvantaged by the career break. The Trust, in the event of organisational change, reserves the right to terminate employment on the grounds of organisational change/redundancy following the required consultation procedures by giving the required period of notice set out in the contract of employment or by making a payment in lieu of notice.

6.3.12 If, during a career/employment break period, the staff member engages in any acts or omissions which, in the opinion of the Trust, impacts on their employment, the Trust may invoke the Disciplinary Policy and Procedure during the career break.

6.3.13 Where a staff member has a break of 12 months or longer, he/she will be required to have a satisfactory health screening/immunisation update and a DBS check (if appropriate) in place prior to their return to work. If, as a part of the career/employment break, a staff member has travelled or worked abroad for a period of three months or longer, or undertaken activities where they may have been exposed to serious communicable diseases, then the health screening/immunisations check will need to be satisfactorily completed prior to a return to work.

Maintaining contact

6.3.14 Staff members are required to maintain a level of contact during their career/employment break, as agreed with their manager prior to commencement of the career/employment break, with an obligation on both parties to keep in touch. Examples of keeping in touch can include: telephone conversations, emails, sending documents such as notes from Team Talk and local team meetings, attending meetings or training events. If there is no communication from the staff member, then the Career/Employment Break Agreement

may be considered null and void on the basis that the staff member has failed to comply with the conditions of the career/employment break. In the event of this occurring, the Trust may choose to follow the process outlined in 6.2.7 to terminate the staff member’s contract.


6.3.15 In exceptional circumstances in order to maintain the service, a staff member on a career/employment break may be contacted to ascertain if they are willing to return to their position with the Trust earlier than the specified date.

Learning and development

6.3.16 Assessment for pay progression will be frozen for the duration of the career/employment break.

6.3.17 The staff member is required, at their own expense, to keep up to date with any relevant professional training, mentorship, accreditation needs (including attendance at specified learning and development courses), to ensure they maintain their professional registration/membership and must provide any necessary evidence of such to their manager on, or prior to, return to work. Evidence of renewal of professional registration (if appropriate to the role) must be sent to the manager during a career/employment break.

6.3.18 Where a staff member has a career/employment break of 12 months or longer the manager, in agreement with the staff member, should put in place training arrangements for re-introduction to the workplace. This could include the staff member voluntarily attending the workplace for an additional number of days in the three months prior to their date of return or an intensive induction, including mandatory training, on return. Such attendance would be unpaid.

6.3.19 Where a staff member has a career/employment break of less than 12 months, either on return to work or during the three months prior to return, the manager should arrange an appropriate orientation/re-introduction to ensure the staff member is able to effectively fulfil the requirements of the role immediately on return to work.


6.3.20 Any equipment, eg lease cars, mobile phones, IT equipment, must be returned by the staff member prior to the commencement of the career/employment break and will be re-allocated by the Trust for the duration of the career/employment break period. In the event of this being impracticable, the staff member is required to meet the full costs of any hire/lease charges or costs arising during the period of the career/employment break to ensure there is no cost to the Trust during the career/employment break period. Staff members must surrender

their identity/access badge to their manager for the duration of the career/employment break.

6.3.21 Other specific conditions relating to the career/employment break can be applied as agreed between the manager and the staff member.


6.3.22 Staff must be given a written reason for the refusal of an application.

6.3.23 Staff may use the Trust Grievance and Disputes Policy and Procedure if they consider a request for a career/employment break has been unreasonably refused. The issue will be dealt with at stage 3 of the policy.

7. Dissemination and Implementation 7.1 A copy of the policy will be stored electronically in the HR section of the Trust’s document library on the Internet/Intranet site. 7.2 A copy of the policy will be circulated to members of the HR Business Partner Teams, Payroll and Pensions Teams to enable them to support the implementation of the policy. 7.3 A clear communication will be sent to managers to make them aware that the revised policy has been issued and that they are responsible for cascading the information to their staff members, including staff members who do not have regular access to e-mail. 7.4 The Chairs of both Staff Side Committees Joint Consultative and Negotiating Committee (JCNC) and Joint Local Negotiating Committee (JLNC) will be advised of the issue of the new policy.

8. Monitoring compliance and effectiveness Element to be monitored

Records of all applications and decisions made should be retained for a minimum of two years after either:

the decision date (if refused) the completion of the Career/Employment Break period.

To ensure a Trust wide record of all applications for Career/Employment Breaks is maintained and annually monitored in partnership with local Staff-Side representatives, a copy of the application form at Appendix 4 showing the manager’s decision must be forwarded to the Human Resources Dept.

Lead Deputy Director of Workforce

Tool Monitoring the retained application and outcome records. Frequency Annually Reporting arrangements


Acting on recommendations and Lead(s)

To ensure continued effectiveness, the monitored information will be analysed and used to review and revise the policy and associated procedures in partnership with local Staff-Side representatives. The Deputy Director of Workforce will ensure subsequent recommendations are undertaken, including the development of an action plan for any deficiencies, within an agreed time-frame.

Change in practice and lessons to be shared

Any system improvements agreed via the action planning process will be actioned in partnership with Staff-Side representatives within three months. Lessons learnt will be shared with all relevant stakeholders. Any revision to policy will be communicated to staff.

9. Updating and Review 9.1 The policy will be reviewed every three years or earlier in view of any developments which take place that may include legislative changes, national policy instruction (NHS or Department of Health), a Trust Board decision, or request by either party.

9.2 Where the revisions are significant and the overall policy is changed, the policy will be taken through the standard consultation, approval and dissemination processes.

9.3 Where the revisions are minor, approval will be sought from the Executive Director or nominated deputy responsible for signatory approval and the policy will be re-published accordingly without having gone through the full consultation and ratification process. All changes will be reported to Staff-Side prior to re-issue.

10. Equality and Diversity

10.1 General statement This document complies with the Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust service Equality and Diversity statement which can be found in the 'Equality, Diversity & Human Rights Policy' or the Equality and Diversity website.

10.2 Equality Impact Assessment The Initial Equality Impact Assessment Screening Form is at Appendix 2.

Appendix 1. Governance Information

Document Title Career/Employment Break Policy

Date Issued/Approved: July 2008

Date Valid From: September 2016

Date Valid To: September 2019

Directorate / Department responsible (author/owner):

Human Resources Helen Strickland, HR Business Partner – Policies and Compliance

Contact details: 01872 25 2649

Brief summary of contents

The policy aims to set out the agreed criteria to enable staff members to apply for and take a period of unpaid leave as a Career/Employment Break.

Suggested Keywords: Career Break, Employment Break Scheme

Target Audience RCHT CFT KCCG

Executive Director responsible for Policy:

Director of Human Resources and OD

Date revised: September 2016

This document replaces (exact title of previous version):

Career/Employment Break Policy

Approval route (names of committees)/consultation:


Divisional Manager confirming approval processes

Jacquie Kessell Acting Deputy Director of HR and OD

Signature and name of JCNC Chair/Secretary

Original signed

Signature of Executive Director giving approval

Original signed

Publication Location (refer to Policy on Policies – Approvals and Ratification):

Internet & Intranet Intranet Only

Document Library Folder/Sub Folder

Human Resources

Links to key external standards

Related Documents:

Additional Annual Leave Purchase Policy Additional Employment Policy Annual Leave Policy Disciplinary Policy and Procedure

Equality, Inclusion and Human Rights Policy

Flexible Working Policy Grievance and Disputes Policy and

Procedure Medical and Dental Terms and Conditions

of Service National Terms and Conditions of Service Secondment Policy Special Leave Policy

Training Need Identified? No formal training required

Version Control Table

Date Version

No Summary of Changes

Changes Made by (Name and Job Title)

July 2008 V1.0 New Policy Helen Strickland HRM

May 2013 V2.0 Reviewed and updated: reformatted to comply with the Trust ‘Policy on Policies’ document.

Helen Strickland HRBP

Sept 2016 V2.1 Reviewed and updated: reformatted to comply with Trust policy template, minor amendments only.

Helen Strickland HRBP

All or part of this document can be released under the Freedom of Information Act 2000

This document is to be retained for 10 years from the date of expiry.

This document is only valid on the day of printing

Controlled Document

This document has been created following the Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust Policy on Document Production. It should not be altered in any way without the

express permission of the author or their Line Manager.

Appendix 2. Initial Equality Impact Assessment Form

Are there concerns that the policy could have differential impact on: Equality Strands: Yes No Rationale for Assessment / Existing Evidence Age √ The policy will ensure managers adopt a consistent

approach to dealing with applications made for Career/Employment Breaks regardless of protected characteristic.

Name of service, strategy, policy or project (hereafter referred to as policy) to be assessed: Career/Employment Break Directorate and service area: HR Is this a new or existing Policy? Existing

Name of individual completing assessment: Helen Strickland

Telephone: Telephone: 01872 252649

1. Policy Aim* Who is the strategy / policy / proposal / service function aimed at?

The policy aims to set out the agreed criteria and application process that will enable staff members to apply and be considered for a Career/Employment Break.

2. Policy Objectives* To ensure managers comply with the policy and effectively manage the scheme by adopting a flexible, fair and understanding approach to its application.

3. Policy – intended Outcomes*

Each application will be considered on its merits and decisions will be based on the overall impact on service delivery, ensuring a fair and consistent approach has been used.

4. *How will you measure the outcome?

Associate Directors, in conjunction with Workforce Intelligence and HR, will monitor the operation of the policy on an annual basis to assess overall effectiveness.

5. Who is intended to benefit from the policy?

Staff, Trust, patients

6a) Is consultation required with the workforce, equality groups, local interest groups etc. around this policy? b) If yes, have these *groups been consulted? C). Please list any groups who have been consulted about this procedure.


7. The Impact Please complete the following table.

Sex (male, female, trans-gender / gender reassignment)

√ The policy specifically provides for Career/ Employment Break applications to be made for the purpose of childcare.

Race / Ethnic communities /groups

√ The policy will ensure managers adopt a consistent approach to dealing with applications made for Career/Employment Breaks regardless of protected characteristic.

Disability - Learning disability, physical disability, sensory impairment and mental health problems

√ The policy will ensure managers adopt a consistent approach to dealing with applications made for Career/Employment Breaks regardless of protected characteristic.

Religion / other beliefs

√ The policy will ensure managers adopt a consistent approach to dealing with applications made for Career/Employment Breaks regardless of protected characteristic.

Marriage and civil partnership

√ The policy will ensure managers adopt a consistent approach to dealing with applications made for Career/Employment Breaks regardless of protected characteristic.

Pregnancy and maternity √ The policy specifically provides for Career/ Employment Break applications to be made for the purpose of childcare.

Sexual Orientation, Bisexual, Gay, heterosexual, Lesbian

√ The policy will ensure managers adopt a consistent approach to dealing with applications made for Career/Employment Breaks regardless of protected characteristic.

You will need to continue to a full Equality Impact Assessment if the following have been highlighted:

You have ticked “Yes” in any column above and No consultation or evidence of there being consultation- this excludes any policies

which have been identified as not requiring consultation or Major service redesign or development

8. Please indicate if a full equality analysis is recommended. Yes No √

9. If you are not recommending a Full Impact assessment please explain why.

Signature of policy developer / lead manager / director Date of completion and submission

Names and signatures of members carrying out the Screening Assessment

1. H. Strickland 2.

September 2016

Keep one copy and send a copy to the Human Rights, Equality and Inclusion Lead, c/o Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust, Human Resources Department, Knowledge Spa, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 3HD A summary of the results will be published on the Trust’s web site.

Signed Helen Strickland Date September 2016

Appendix 3. Career/Employment Break Application Process

Staff wishing to apply for a career/employment break should complete and submit the Application for Career/Employment Break (Appendix 4) to their manager for consideration at least three months prior to the requested start date.

The manager should arrange to meet with the staff member within seven days of the receipt of the application for a preliminary discussion.

The manager should then assess the request based on the factors set out in

Section 3. The manager may wish to contact their HR Practitioner to discuss the proposal.

Once the manager has made their decision, they will complete and sign the

application form and forward it to the relevant Associate Director/Clinical Director /Director for review and consideration.

If the application is refused, the original form declining the request should be

returned to the staff member together with a letter setting out the reasons for the refusal (please see Appendix 6). A copy should be forwarded to the HR Department.

If the application is agreed, the original form agreeing to the request should be

returned to the staff member together with a letter of agreement which outlines all the conditions of the break (please see Appendix 5). A copy should be forwarded to the HR department.

The Payroll and Pensions Departments should be notified of the dates of the

career/employment break by the manager. This should be done by the completion of a contract amendment form (CAF) which clearly includes the start and end dates of the career break. The CAF, together with a copy of the completed Application for a Career/Employment Break form (Appendix 4), should be forwarded to the Payroll Department.

During the career/employment break the staff member must (if relevant to the post)

maintain their professional registration and, where necessary, attend any appropriate training.

Within three months of return to work, any relevant pre-employment checks

(immunisation health screening and DBS check) should be arranged/completed (see Section 6.3.13).

Individuals should return to work and undertake induction/mandatory training.

Where a staff member has a break of 12 months or longer, they will be required to

have a satisfactory health screening/immunisation update and a DBS check (if appropriate) in place prior to their return to work. If, as a part of the career/employment break, a staff member has travelled or worked abroad for a period of three months or longer, or undertaken activities where they may have

been exposed to serious communicable diseases, then the health screening /immunisations check will need to be satisfactorily completed prior to a return to work.

The Payroll Department must be immediately notified of a staff member’s return to


Staff wishing to request an extension to their Career/Employment Break should make a request in writing (by letter or e-mail) giving a minimum of three months’ notice (see Section 6.2.4).

If the request for an extension is not approved, a letter setting out the reasons for the refusal (see Appendix 8) should be forwarded to the staff member (copied to personal file and HR Department).

If request for an extension is approved, the letter of agreement should be forwarded to the staff member (copied to personal file and HR Department).

The Payroll and Pensions Departments should be immediately notified of any extension to career/employment break periods. This should be done through the completion of a contract amendment form (CAF) which clearly states the revised end date.

Appendix 4. Application for a Career/Employment Break

Part A: To be completed by the staff member Personal Details

Title: Mr Mrs Miss Ms Dr Other



Post title: Band/Medical Grade:



Full Time Part Time Contracted Hours:

Start Date with the Trust:

Details of Career/Employment Break Requested

From: To:

Reason for Request: I confirm that I have worked continuously as a staff member of the Trust for the last 12 months. I wish to have the months of my Career/Employment Break treated as pensionable under the NHS Pension Scheme. I understand that, for any period up to six months, I am responsible for payment of the staff member contributions. For periods of between six months and two years I am responsible for payment of both the staff member and employer contributions (periods in excess of two years are non-pensionable). OR I confirm that I do not wish my Career/Employment Break to be treated as pensionable under the NHS Pension Scheme.

I have read the Career/Employment Break Policy and contacted the relevant Trust departments to gain an understanding of the impact the break will have on my employment status and terms and conditions. I confirm my request for a Career/Employment Break as detailed above. Signed: ________________________________________ Date: ___________________________

Part B: To be completed by the appropriate level of management For completion by line manager/Head of Department/Specialty Lead I agree to ______________________________________________________ (staff member’s name) taking a Career/Employment Break from ______________________ to _______________________ OR I do not agree to _________________________________________________ (staff member’s name) taking a Career/Employment Break for the following reasons: Signed: _________________________________________________________________________ Title: _________________________________________________ Date: _____________________

For completion by Head of Service/Associate Director/Director I have reviewed this application with the above named line manager/Head of Department and support their decision to approve/not approve the requested Career/Employment Break. Signed: _________________________________________________________________________ Title: _________________________________________________ Date: _____________________

For completion by Clinical Director (in respect of Medical/Dental staff only) I have reviewed this application with the above named Specialty Lead and support their decision to approve/not approve the requested Career/Employment Break. Signed: _________________________________________________________________________ Title: _________________________________________________ Date: _____________________

 Line managers must ensure that:

1. either (a) the original application form, agreeing to the request, is returned to the staff member together with a letter of

agreement outlining all conditions of the break and a copy of the application and contract amendment form (CAF) , clearly indicating the start and end dates of the Career/Employment Break, are forwarded to the Payroll Department

or (b) the original application form, declining the request, is returned to the staff member together with a letter giving the

reasons for the non-approval

2. a copy of the application form and letter confirming the decision are placed on the staff member’s personal file

3. a copy of the application form and letter confirming the decision are passed to the Human Resources Department.


Appendix 5. Template letter confirming approval of a Career/ Employment Break


Name Address line 1 Address line 2 Dear [insert name] Application for a Career/Employment Break - Formal Terms and Conditions I am writing to confirm receipt of your application for a Career Break from your post as [insert job title]. I have considered your application and discussed the proposed arrangements with [insert name of Associate Director/Clinical Director /Head of Department/Director]. As a result I am pleased to confirm that your request has been approved. This offer is subject to the conditions set out in the Trust’s Career/Employment Break Policy and the specific provisions set out below. Length of Break The break will be between [insert start date] and

[insert end date]. A request for the period to be extended or reduced must be made in writing giving the Trust a minimum of three months’ notice (see Section 6.2.4 of the policy).

Maintaining Contact [Outline the agreed arrangements for keeping in touch with the staff member. Quote the agreed postal/email addresses and/or telephone numbers and request that any changes must be notified to yourself and the Trust in writing within one month of the change occurring. State which documents you have agreed to send them as part of keeping in touch (see Section 6.3.14).]

Learning and Development [Outline the arrangements for Learning and Development that have been agreed for the duration of the break (see Section 6.3.17).]

Professional Registration (if relevant) [State the requirement to maintain Professional Registration during the break and the requirement to confirm renewal to you (see Section 6.3.17).]

Return to work On return to work, subject to the conditions outlined in Section 6.3.11 of the Trust’s Career/Employment Break Policy, you will be entitled to return to your contracted position or, at the Trust’s discretion, to a suitable alternative post. If your career/employment break is for a period of

12 months or longer, you will be required to have a satisfactory health screening/ immunisation update and a DBS check (if appropriate) in place prior to your return to work. If, as a part of the career/employment break, you have travelled or worked abroad for a period of three months or longer, or undertaken activities where you may have been exposed to serious communicable diseases, then the health screening/immunisations check will need to be satisfactorily completed prior to your return to work.

Effect on Salary The total period of your career/employment break will be unpaid. Return to work will be at [insert current band/grade] which is your current salary level and that which is applicable immediately prior to commencement of your career/employment break. [Insert pay protection details if applicable - see Section 6.3.5 to 6.3.8].


[Delete as appropriate] Either You have expressed your wish to have the [insert number of months] months of your Career/Employment Break treated as pensionable under the NHS Pension Scheme. You understand that for any period up to six months you will be responsible for payment of the staff member contributions. For periods of between six months and two years you will be responsible for payment of both the staff member and employer contributions (periods in excess of two years are non-pensionable). Or You have confirmed that you do not wish your Career/Employment Break to be treated as pensionable under the NHS Pension Scheme (see Section 6.3.4).

General [Delete as appropriate] Either I have arranged for the re-allocation of your [insert items] for the period of your break and you should ensure that these are returned to me no later than [insert date]. [Enter any other details/of arrangements re handover, etc]. Please also return your ID badge at the same time. Or Please note that you are responsible for meeting the full costs of all existing hire/lease charges arising in respect of [insert items] for the duration of the Career/Employment Break period. Please return your ID badge to me prior to the commencement of your career/employment break

(Section 6.3.20 to 6.3.21). [Include any other provisions that may have been agreed in the individual case.]

On receipt of your acceptance of these arrangements the appropriate paperwork can be completed. Please confirm your acceptance by completing the form at the bottom of this letter, returning one copy to me. A copy of the Trust’s Career/Employment Break Policy is enclosed for your information. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you should have any queries in respect of this agreement. Yours sincerely, [insert name and Trust position/job title] Enc: Career/Employment Break Policy Copy to: Personal file HR Department

I have read and understood the Career/Employment Break Policy and agree to abide by the terms and conditions stated therein and as detailed in this letter. Name: ____________________ Position: ______________________ Signature: ____________________ Date: ______________________ 

Appendix 6. Template letter confirming non-approval of a Career/Employment Break application Date Name Address line 1 Address line 2 Dear [insert name] Application for a Career/Employment Break I am writing to let you know the outcome of your application for a Career/Employment Break from your post of [insert job title]. Having considered and discussed your proposal with [insert name Associate Director/Clinical Head of Service/Director], I am writing to confirm that on this occasion I am unable to support your application due to the following reason(s): [Insert reason(s) here] (A request may be rejected because the staff member cannot be released for the period of the proposed career break and suitable cover cannot be arranged or will be especially difficult to find. Refusal could also be as a result of the following reasons. This list is not exhaustive: The staff member: has already had significant periods off work using the career break policy

has an active disciplinary warning including issues mentioned

is subject to review under the Trust’s Capability policy

has an unsatisfactory attendance record.)

Should you consider your application for a Career/Employment Break has been unreasonably refused, you may use the Trust’s Grievance and Disputes Policy and Procedure, a copy of which is available from the Trust’s document library. Please note that the issue will be dealt with at Stage 3 of the policy. Yours sincerely [insert name and Trust position/job title] Copy to: Personal file HR Department

Appendix 7. Template letter confirming approval of a Career/ Employment Break extension Date Name Address line 1 Address line 2 Dear [insert name] Request for the extension of your Career/Employment Break I am writing to confirm receipt of your request for an extension to your current career/employment break. Having considered your application and discussed the proposed arrangements with [insert name of Associate Director/Head of Service/clinical Director/Director], I am pleased to confirm that your request for an extension has been approved and your revised return to work date is [insert revised date of return]. This extension is subject to the conditions set out in the Trust’s Career/Employment Break Policy and specific conditions set out in my letter of [insert date of original letter approving career break]. Please let me know should you require a further copy of either/both these documents. On receipt of your acceptance of these arrangements the appropriate paperwork can be completed. Please confirm your acceptance by completing the form at the bottom of this letter, returning one copy to me. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any queries in respect of this agreement. Yours sincerely, [insert name and Trust position/job title] Copy to: Personal file HR Department ______________________________________________________________________________ I have read and understood the Career/Employment Break Policy and agree to abide by the terms and conditions stated therein and as detailed in this letter. Name: ____________________ Position: ______________________ Signature: ____________________ Date: ______________________

Appendix 8. Template letter confirming non-approval of a Career/Employment Break extension

Date Name Address line 1 Address line 2 Dear [insert name] Request for the extension of a Career/Employment Break I am writing to you to let you know the outcome of your application to extend your current career/employment break. Having considered and discussed your proposal with [insert name Associate Director/Clinical Head of Service/Director], I am writing to confirm that on this occasion I am unable to support your application due to the following reason(s): [Insert reason(s) here] (A request may be rejected because the staff member cannot be released for the period of the proposed career break and suitable cover cannot be arranged or will be especially difficult to find. Refusal could also be as a result of the following reasons. This list is not exhaustive: The staff member: has already had significant periods off work using the career break policy

has an active disciplinary warning including issues mentioned

is subject to review under the Trust’s Capability policy

has an unsatisfactory attendance record.)

In accordance, therefore, with the terms of the Trust’s Career/Employment Break Policy and the conditions set out in my letter of [insert date of original letter approving career break], I look forward to welcoming you back to work on [insert date of return]. Should you consider your application for a Career/Employment Break extension has been unreasonably refused, you may use the Trust’s Grievance and Disputes Policy and Procedure, a copy of which is available from the Trust’s document library. Please note that the issue will be dealt with at Stage 3 of the policy. Yours sincerely [insert name and Trust position/job title] Copy to: Personal file HR Department
