Page 1: Carey Scott - To Love, Honor and Vacuum | When You Feel · No one will pray as fervently for your children as you will, so

Carey Scott

Page 2: Carey Scott - To Love, Honor and Vacuum | When You Feel · No one will pray as fervently for your children as you will, so

Let’s Get Real: The Praying Parent Carey Scott

All rights reserved. Copyright © 2012 by Carey Scott. “Let’s Get Real: The Praying Parent” is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material or artwork herein is prohibited without the express written permission of the author.

Carey Scott is honest about her walk with the Lord… stumbles, fumbles and all. She loves to challenge women to be real, not perfect. Through her ministry, she encourages women to stop living mediocre, risk-free lives and instead step onto the battlefield of life and engage!

No matter their past choices, present pain or life circumstances, women cannot help but be positively affected by what she shares. Carey deeply connects to the heart of women, encouraging them to subscribe to God’s truth for their lives rather than operate in the world’s lies.

Along with speaking to groups of women nationally, Carey writes an online devotional designed to get women to step out of their complacency and into the calling. She also writes for Christian Work at Home Moms (CWAHM), and moderates a weekly online discussion on Moms Together.

She lives in Colorado with her husband and two young kids. Together, they laugh a lot, play a lot and enjoy being a family.

About the Author

Where to find Carey: WEBSITE:



Page 3: Carey Scott - To Love, Honor and Vacuum | When You Feel · No one will pray as fervently for your children as you will, so

Let’s Get Real: The Praying Parent Carey Scott


Do you take time every day to pray over your children? Do you cover your kids with prayer?

If your answers are “no” hear this loudly… without your covering, you are literally leaving their lives to chance. As parents, we cannot leave it to Sunday school, Christian schools or Grandma to bathe them in prayer.

You need to engage.

No one will pray as fervently for your children as you will, so become a praying parent! Prayer has great power and no limits. Prayer goes where you can’t go. Because of that, it’s hands-down the most effective resource and tool you have as a parent.

So pray audacious and BIG prayers for your children! Ask God to work in powerful ways… ways beyond what you can do as

a parent. Don’t waste your time praying broad, vague, safe prayers. Say what

you want with boldness and clarity! Make sure your prayers never contradict biblical principles. Check your motives! Are you seeking something for God’s glory or

your own self-promotion?

By praying for your children, you are laying a strong foundation for their lives (Godly character, obedience, healthy fear of God, Bible knowledge, hearing God, etc.)

Here are some ideas on what to pray: Pray for their daily lives (protection, Godly friends, respect for authority) Ask God to help their spiritual development so they will love God

and hate sin. Pray for God to reveal their purpose and that they will fully embrace


Page 4: Carey Scott - To Love, Honor and Vacuum | When You Feel · No one will pray as fervently for your children as you will, so

Let’s Get Real: The Praying Parent Carey Scott

Ask God to prepare your kids to function as healthy young adults (trust God more than people or things, have strong character, be financially responsible and be relationally mature).

Pray for their spiritual inheritance. Avoid sin and make faithful choices that will leave a legacy of blessing to your children.

Ask God to make you a good role model! Your kids will notice if you pray, if you read your Bible and if you serve others.

As a parent, you have spiritual authority over your children. So when you pray for them… it never falls flat.

Rest assured that every prayer you lift up on behalf of your children gets to God. Every single prayer is heard by the Creator. Not one falls away.

Friends, one of the most important things we can do for our children is pray for them. It’s our privilege and responsibility as moms.

We may not be perfect parents… but we can be praying parents.

REALITY CHECK: Make sure you are praying over your children every day.

You may be the only one who is.

Page 5: Carey Scott - To Love, Honor and Vacuum | When You Feel · No one will pray as fervently for your children as you will, so

Let’s Get Real: The Praying Parent Carey Scott


There is power in the spoken word. You can speak life or death into the lives of your children.

When they are struggling, what your children need more than anything is your encouragement and support. They need to hear you tell them that you believe in them… no matter what.

Sometimes the best course of action is to let them work through issues themselves, because there may be an important lesson to be learned. We stand back and watch to see how they will respond.

But sometimes we intervene.

I was recently in the middle of intervention. One of my kids was struggling with a bully situation and it was taking a toll on his self-esteem and ability to function in school. The momma-bear in me rose up!

Watching my child in pain drove me to my knees in prayer. And you know what? I’ve come to understand just what a blessing that was.

Prayer is the most powerful tool we have in our arsenal. And when we pray scripture, we're upping the ante.

Why? Because we’re told in Hebrews 4:12 that the Word of God is living and full of power.

As parents, we need that power.

Whether you are a mom, a grandmother, an aunt, a God-mother or a mom-to-be, here is some scripture to pray over those special little people in your lives. Isaiah 54:13 – That they are taught of the Lord Proverbs 13:1 – For the fruit of godly instruction and correction Proverbs 2:6 – For counsel and wisdom in bringing up our children 1 Peter 1:14-15 – To not conform to the things of the flesh

Page 6: Carey Scott - To Love, Honor and Vacuum | When You Feel · No one will pray as fervently for your children as you will, so

Let’s Get Real: The Praying Parent Carey Scott

1 Peter 2:2 – To desire the pure milk of the Word James 1:19 – To be swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow

to anger Hebrews 13:5 – To be content with what they have James 1:22 – To be doers of the Word and not just

hearers Philemon 1:6 – To be effectively sharing their faith 2 Timothy 1:7 – To not have a spirit of fear 2 Timothy 4:18 – To be delivered from every evil work 2 Timothy 2:22 – To flee from the evil desires of youth James 3:10 – To keep curses from their mouths 1 John 5:18 – To keep them safe from the Enemy Psalm 91:11 – For angels to accompany, defend, preserve Psalm 4:8 – To provide safety for them, day and night 1 John 2:15 – To keep them from loving the world or the

things in it 1 John 1:7 – That they walk in the light as You are in the Light James 4:8 – To cleanse their hands and purify their hearts 2 Timothy 2:22 – To follow after righteousness, faith, love, and peace Hebrews 13:18 – To have a good conscience and a desire to live honorably Proverbs 3:4 – To have favor and high esteem with God and man

Spend time praying over your children! When you do, you’re not only wielding a sword on their behalf, but you are also learning what God says about certain situations. This helps increase intimacy with your true Protector.

REALITY CHECK: Find scripture to pray over your kids each day.

You’ll not only be praying with power, but you’ll learn God’s Word, too.

Page 7: Carey Scott - To Love, Honor and Vacuum | When You Feel · No one will pray as fervently for your children as you will, so

Let’s Get Real: The Praying Parent Carey Scott


“You’re beautiful and smart and have Jesus in your heart! Now go be the light of the world!”

Those are words I say to my daughter as she heads off to school each morning. Usually, she smiles at me and says, “Mom, you always say that!” She’s right… I do.


Because I am speaking a blessing into her life. Words are so powerful and when we speak truth and life into our kids, it helps set them up for success.

I wonder… do you bless your children?

I’m not talking about those simple words you mutter after they sneeze. I’m talking about speaking out blessings over your kids. Do you do that?

By definition, a blessing is the infusion of something with holiness, divine will, or one’s hope or approval. So when we speak out a blessing for our kids, we are speaking out our hope for their lives as well as endowing them with God’s love, power and grace.

Why is it important to say these blessings out loud to them? Because we love our children and want them to know we desire the best

for them. Because words are powerful both for the one who speaks them and the

one who receives them. Because doing so helps convince our kids that God cares and loves

them, is present for them, and has a divine purpose for their lives. Because our words can override the voice of the accuser. Because God calls us to do it. (Matthew 12:36, Proverbs 18:21)

Page 8: Carey Scott - To Love, Honor and Vacuum | When You Feel · No one will pray as fervently for your children as you will, so

Let’s Get Real: The Praying Parent Carey Scott

Saying a blessing… out loud… empowers our children to step into their calling. It releases a tidal wave of favor on them. This intentional act has the power to transform their lives and set them on the right path.

My husband wrote a blessing specific for each of our kids. Each night as we tuck them into bed, he speaks this blessing over them.

They love it. So much so, that they each have the blessing memorized and correct Wayne if he misses a word or two.

No matter how young or old your children are, you can bless them with your words. You can bless them in the crib or bless them when they bring their families to visit you at Christmas. As their parent, your words are powerful regardless of their age.

Here’s your game plan: Ask God to give you the exact words

to share with each of your children. Seek Him before you commit a word on paper.

Once you have a clear direction, write or type out their blessings.

Find time each day to speak it over them. It might be on your drive to school, at bedtime, or at the dinner table.

To get an idea of what a blessing could look like, here’s an example of one you might write for your daughter:

Sara, I bless your life as I know you will become a wonderful woman of God. I bless your mind to remain sound and for you to have wisdom and discernment in all decisions. I bless your body to remain pure until marriage and to be healthy and strong. I bless your hands and feet to do the work that God has ordained for you to do. I bless your mouth where words of truth and encouragement will flow. I bless your heart to remain loyal to

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Let’s Get Real: The Praying Parent Carey Scott

God’s will for your life. I bless your husband-to-be and your future children’s lives with richness and unity. I love everything about you, Sara, and I am proud to be your mother. You are a blessing to your family and friends in so many ways.

You have a responsibility and a privilege to speak words of life and truth into your kids. And because the world can be cruel, their thirsty spirits need that encouragement daily.

Friends… as long as there is breath in your lungs, be intentional in blessing your children.

REALITY CHECK: Your children need encouragement through your actions and words. Speaking a blessing over them is a powerful

way to do both at once.

Page 10: Carey Scott - To Love, Honor and Vacuum | When You Feel · No one will pray as fervently for your children as you will, so

Let’s Get Real: The Praying Parent Carey Scott


Do you pray over your kid’s rooms?

Many years ago, a wise friend of mine suggested this after my kids were having some bad dreams and nightmares. My husband and I were both amazed at how much it helped Sam and Sara sleep through the night without fear.

Now it’s common practice in our home. We pray over our house regularly and at least one of us prays over each of our children’s rooms daily.

Why do we do this?

Because we know all too well that we have an Enemy who hates us and who tries to destroy and discourage us any way he can.

You see, praying over our kid’s rooms is just one more weapon in our arsenal. Believe me, it’s spiritual warfare at its finest. By doing this, we are letting the Enemy know we mean business.

Now these are not prayers you pray when your children are around. For some kids, it might be a little scary to hear and a little hard to understand.

Maybe the concept of praying over your children’s room is new to you, and you’re not sure exactly what to pray.

Well, here is a sample prayer that you can tweak or use as is.

“Father, I call down the Kingdom of Jesus on (your child’s name here) room. I command a hedge of protection to be around (child’s name) room I ask that as (child’s name) sleeps at night, You would send warrior angels to stand guard at

his/her bed. I declare that You are the Lord of (child’s name) nights.

While my child is awake and out of my protection, I ask You to place and keep a barrier of protection around him/her. Lord Jesus, I ask that You would bind any and all spirit beings

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Let’s Get Real: The Praying Parent Carey Scott

which might attempt to harass, scare, alienate or discourage (child’s name).

I pray in agreement with Isaiah 54:17 that says no weapon formed against (child’s name) shall prosper.

With divinely appointed authority as their parent, I declare that (child’s name) is God's property. Satan you are bound from my child’s mind and body and are banned from entering their room.”

Oh that gets my blood pumping!

Being a parent isn’t a passive job. We are commissioned and empowered to rise up and protect our children from things in this world and of this world. We cannot leave them unprotected. We can’t leave things to chance. We’d be neglectful to hope for the best when we know we have a

powerful tool that will help protect them.

That powerful tool is prayer.

Sisters, to raise Godly kids we need to pray not only over them asking for Divine protection from the Enemy’s plans… but we also need to cover their rooms with prayer as well as our homes.

When we do, we are calling down divine protection from every angle.

Now THAT is powerful.

REALITY CHECK: When you take the time to pray over your children and their rooms, you are calling down the unmatched power

of the Kingdom of Jesus.
