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LUNAWAT & CO.Chartered Accountants

LUNAWAT & CO.Chartered Accountants2nd July 2016, AICAS Student Council2nd July 2016, AICAS Student Council

CARO 2016 & IFCCARO 2016 & IFC

Page 2: Caro 2016 internal financial control  for students

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AUDIT REPORTSAUDIT REPORTSAUDIT REPORTSAUDIT REPORTS�Under Companies ActUnder Companies ActUnder Companies ActUnder Companies Act




�Tax AuditTax AuditTax AuditTax Audit

�Form 3 CAForm 3 CAForm 3 CAForm 3 CA

�Form 3 CBForm 3 CBForm 3 CBForm 3 CB



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REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT ---- COMPANIESCOMPANIESCOMPANIESCOMPANIES� Inquiry u/s 143(1) Inquiry u/s 143(1) Inquiry u/s 143(1) Inquiry u/s 143(1) –––– 6 points 6 points 6 points 6 points –––– only only only only

to be reported when comments to be reported when comments to be reported when comments to be reported when comments


�Report to include:Report to include:Report to include:Report to include:

�Matters specified u/s 143(3) Matters specified u/s 143(3) Matters specified u/s 143(3) Matters specified u/s 143(3) ---- 9 points9 points9 points9 points

�Matters specified in Rules Matters specified in Rules Matters specified in Rules Matters specified in Rules ---- 3 points3 points3 points3 points

�Any Any Any Any order made order made order made order made u/s 143(3) for u/s 143(3) for u/s 143(3) for u/s 143(3) for

specified Companies in consultation specified Companies in consultation specified Companies in consultation specified Companies in consultation

with NFRA with NFRA with NFRA with NFRA –––– CARO 2016 CARO 2016 CARO 2016 CARO 2016 –––– 16 points16 points16 points16 points

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�Applicable to all including Foreign Co. Applicable to all including Foreign Co. Applicable to all including Foreign Co. Applicable to all including Foreign Co.

for a/for a/for a/for a/cingcingcingcing period after 1.4.15 except:period after 1.4.15 except:period after 1.4.15 except:period after 1.4.15 except:

�Banking Co. / Insurance Co.Banking Co. / Insurance Co.Banking Co. / Insurance Co.Banking Co. / Insurance Co.

�Section 8 Co.Section 8 Co.Section 8 Co.Section 8 Co.


�Small Co.Small Co.Small Co.Small Co.

�Not applicable on CFSNot applicable on CFSNot applicable on CFSNot applicable on CFS

�Branch auditor also covered, if applicable Branch auditor also covered, if applicable Branch auditor also covered, if applicable Branch auditor also covered, if applicable

to co.

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�P. Co P. Co P. Co P. Co not being sub. or holding of not being sub. or holding of not being sub. or holding of not being sub. or holding of

Pub. CoPub. CoPub. CoPub. Co. whose:. whose:. whose:. whose:

�Paid up Capital & Reserves < Paid up Capital & Reserves < Paid up Capital & Reserves < Paid up Capital & Reserves < 1 Cr 1 Cr 1 Cr 1 Cr as as as as

at B/s date; andat B/s date; andat B/s date; andat B/s date; and

�Bonus, Pref. shares to be included Bonus, Pref. shares to be included Bonus, Pref. shares to be included Bonus, Pref. shares to be included

�Share Application money !!Share Application money !!Share Application money !!Share Application money !!

�All reserves to be included including All reserves to be included including All reserves to be included including All reserves to be included including

revaluation reserverevaluation reserverevaluation reserverevaluation reserve

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CARO 2016 CARO 2016 CARO 2016 CARO 2016 –––– APPLICABILITYAPPLICABILITYAPPLICABILITYAPPLICABILITY� P. Co P. Co P. Co P. Co not being sub. or holding of Pub. Conot being sub. or holding of Pub. Conot being sub. or holding of Pub. Conot being sub. or holding of Pub. Co. whose:. whose:. whose:. whose:

�Outstanding Loans Outstanding Loans Outstanding Loans Outstanding Loans ---- Bank or FIs < Bank or FIs < Bank or FIs < Bank or FIs < 1 Cr during 1 Cr during 1 Cr during 1 Cr during

FYFYFYFY; and; and; and; and

�All borrowings included All borrowings included All borrowings included All borrowings included –––– non fund based non fund based non fund based non fund based –––– to to to to

extent devolved, invoked guarantees & devolved extent devolved, invoked guarantees & devolved extent devolved, invoked guarantees & devolved extent devolved, invoked guarantees & devolved


�TL TL TL TL –––– interest accrued & due only to be considered interest accrued & due only to be considered interest accrued & due only to be considered interest accrued & due only to be considered

�CC CC CC CC –––– balance on any day as per booksbalance on any day as per booksbalance on any day as per booksbalance on any day as per books

�OD against FD included OD against FD included OD against FD included OD against FD included

�Outstanding due of Credit card also includedOutstanding due of Credit card also includedOutstanding due of Credit card also includedOutstanding due of Credit card also included

�Foreign banks Foreign banks Foreign banks Foreign banks covered covered covered covered ---- FIs include NBFCFIs include NBFCFIs include NBFCFIs include NBFC

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�Pvt.Pvt.Pvt.Pvt. Co Co Co Co not being sub. or holding of Pub. Conot being sub. or holding of Pub. Conot being sub. or holding of Pub. Conot being sub. or holding of Pub. Co. . . .


�Total Revenue (including from discontinuing Total Revenue (including from discontinuing Total Revenue (including from discontinuing Total Revenue (including from discontinuing

operations < 10 crores as per Financial operations < 10 crores as per Financial operations < 10 crores as per Financial operations < 10 crores as per Financial

Statements as per Statements as per Statements as per Statements as per SchSchSchSch IIIIIIIIIIII

�Other income includedOther income includedOther income includedOther income included

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CARO 2016 CARO 2016 CARO 2016 CARO 2016 ---- CLAUSESCLAUSESCLAUSESCLAUSES�1(a) 1(a) 1(a) 1(a) ---- PPPProper roper roper roper records records records records ---- full particulars, full particulars, full particulars, full particulars,

quantitative details and situation of quantitative details and situation of quantitative details and situation of quantitative details and situation of FA.FA.FA.FA.

� FAR in electronic form if FAR in electronic form if FAR in electronic form if FAR in electronic form if 2 2 2 2 conditions conditions conditions conditions satisfiedsatisfiedsatisfiedsatisfied::::

�CCCControls ontrols ontrols ontrols &&&& security measures in security measures in security measures in security measures in Co. are Co. are Co. are Co. are such that once such that once such that once such that once

finalised, finalised, finalised, finalised, FAR FAR FAR FAR cannot be altered without proper cannot be altered without proper cannot be altered without proper cannot be altered without proper

authorization authorization authorization authorization & & & & audit trail.audit trail.audit trail.audit trail.

�FAR can FAR can FAR can FAR can be retrieved in a legible formbe retrieved in a legible formbe retrieved in a legible formbe retrieved in a legible form....

� In case In case In case In case above conditions not satisfiedabove conditions not satisfiedabove conditions not satisfiedabove conditions not satisfied, , , , to obtain to obtain to obtain to obtain a a a a

duly authenticated printduly authenticated printduly authenticated printduly authenticated print----out of out of out of out of FAR. FAR. FAR. FAR. In case In case In case In case auditor auditor auditor auditor

decides to rely on decides to rely on decides to rely on decides to rely on electronically FAR electronically FAR electronically FAR electronically FAR ---- to maintain to maintain to maintain to maintain

adequate documentation adequate documentation adequate documentation adequate documentation evidencing evaluation evidencing evaluation evidencing evaluation evidencing evaluation of of of of

controls that seek to ensure controls that seek to ensure controls that seek to ensure controls that seek to ensure completenesscompletenesscompletenesscompleteness, accuracy , accuracy , accuracy , accuracy

& security & security & security & security of of of of registerregisterregisterregister.

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CARO 2016 CARO 2016 CARO 2016 CARO 2016 ---- CLAUSESCLAUSESCLAUSESCLAUSES�1(b) 1(b) 1(b) 1(b) –––– Physical verification Physical verification Physical verification Physical verification –––– material material material material


�1(c1(c1(c1(c) ) ) ) ---- Whether Whether Whether Whether title deeds of immovable title deeds of immovable title deeds of immovable title deeds of immovable

properties properties properties properties are held in the name of the are held in the name of the are held in the name of the are held in the name of the

company. If not, provide details thereof company. If not, provide details thereof company. If not, provide details thereof company. If not, provide details thereof

� TDR / TDR / TDR / TDR / PltPltPltPlt & Mach imbedded in land not & Mach imbedded in land not & Mach imbedded in land not & Mach imbedded in land not immimmimmimm. Prop.. Prop.. Prop.. Prop.

� In case of conversionIn case of conversionIn case of conversionIn case of conversion

� In case of mortgage In case of mortgage In case of mortgage In case of mortgage –––– banksbanksbanksbanks

�Online if availableOnline if availableOnline if availableOnline if available

�Details Details Details Details –––– no. of cases, leasehold/freehold, gross/net no. of cases, leasehold/freehold, gross/net no. of cases, leasehold/freehold, gross/net no. of cases, leasehold/freehold, gross/net

block, remarksblock, remarksblock, remarksblock, remarks

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CARO 2016 CARO 2016 CARO 2016 CARO 2016 ---- CLAUSESCLAUSESCLAUSESCLAUSES�2(a2(a2(a2(a)(b)(c) merged into 2 )(b)(c) merged into 2 )(b)(c) merged into 2 )(b)(c) merged into 2 ---- Whether physical Whether physical Whether physical Whether physical

verification of inventory has been verification of inventory has been verification of inventory has been verification of inventory has been

conducted at reasonable intervals by the conducted at reasonable intervals by the conducted at reasonable intervals by the conducted at reasonable intervals by the

management management management management & & & & whether any material whether any material whether any material whether any material

discrepancies were noticed and if so, how discrepancies were noticed and if so, how discrepancies were noticed and if so, how discrepancies were noticed and if so, how

they have been dealt with in they have been dealt with in they have been dealt with in they have been dealt with in books books books books of of of of a/ca/ca/ca/c

�3 3 3 3 ---- Whether company has granted any Whether company has granted any Whether company has granted any Whether company has granted any

loans, secured or unsecured to cos, firms, loans, secured or unsecured to cos, firms, loans, secured or unsecured to cos, firms, loans, secured or unsecured to cos, firms,

LLPLLPLLPLLP or other parties covered is registered or other parties covered is registered or other parties covered is registered or other parties covered is registered

maintained u/s 189maintained u/s 189maintained u/s 189maintained u/s 189....[MBP[MBP[MBP[MBP----4] 4] 4] 4] –––– 184(2)/188184(2)/188184(2)/188184(2)/188

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CARO 2016 CARO 2016 CARO 2016 CARO 2016 ---- CLAUSESCLAUSESCLAUSESCLAUSES�3 3 3 3 –––– MBP 4 MBP 4 MBP 4 MBP 4 ---- If If If If so, so, so, so,

� (a) (a) (a) (a) Whether Whether Whether Whether terms terms terms terms & conditions of grant of such & conditions of grant of such & conditions of grant of such & conditions of grant of such

loans are not prejudicial to loans are not prejudicial to loans are not prejudicial to loans are not prejudicial to company’s interestcompany’s interestcompany’s interestcompany’s interest; ; ; ;

�CY only, terms s. 186(7), ability to lend, borrower standingCY only, terms s. 186(7), ability to lend, borrower standingCY only, terms s. 186(7), ability to lend, borrower standingCY only, terms s. 186(7), ability to lend, borrower standing

� (b) (b) (b) (b) Whether the schedule of repayment of principal & Whether the schedule of repayment of principal & Whether the schedule of repayment of principal & Whether the schedule of repayment of principal &

interest is stipulated interest is stipulated interest is stipulated interest is stipulated & whether repayments & & whether repayments & & whether repayments & & whether repayments &

interest are regular. interest are regular. interest are regular. interest are regular.

�Opening + CY, squared up loans covered Opening + CY, squared up loans covered Opening + CY, squared up loans covered Opening + CY, squared up loans covered –––– no. of cases no. of cases no. of cases no. of cases

� (c) If overdue amount (c) If overdue amount (c) If overdue amount (c) If overdue amount for more than 90 daysfor more than 90 daysfor more than 90 daysfor more than 90 days, whether , whether , whether , whether

reasonable steps taken by Co. for recovery of the reasonable steps taken by Co. for recovery of the reasonable steps taken by Co. for recovery of the reasonable steps taken by Co. for recovery of the

principal & interest principal & interest principal & interest principal & interest

�Opening Opening Opening Opening + + + + CY CY CY CY –––– no. of cases, principal no. of cases, principal no. of cases, principal no. of cases, principal amtamtamtamt overdue, overdue, overdue, overdue, inttinttinttintt

overdue, steps takenoverdue, steps takenoverdue, steps takenoverdue, steps taken

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CARO 2016 CARO 2016 CARO 2016 CARO 2016 ---- CLAUSESCLAUSESCLAUSESCLAUSES�4 4 4 4 –––– Internal control on purchase Internal control on purchase Internal control on purchase Internal control on purchase etcetcetcetc not not not not


�4 4 4 4 ---- In respect of loans, investments and In respect of loans, investments and In respect of loans, investments and In respect of loans, investments and

guarantees, whether provisions of Section guarantees, whether provisions of Section guarantees, whether provisions of Section guarantees, whether provisions of Section

185 and 186 185 and 186 185 and 186 185 and 186 have have have have been complied with. If been complied with. If been complied with. If been complied with. If

not, provide details thereofnot, provide details thereofnot, provide details thereofnot, provide details thereof.

� 185 Details 185 Details 185 Details 185 Details –––– maximum amount and closing Bal.maximum amount and closing Bal.maximum amount and closing Bal.maximum amount and closing Bal.

� 186 186 186 186 –––– more than 2 layers, exceeding limits, rate of more than 2 layers, exceeding limits, rate of more than 2 layers, exceeding limits, rate of more than 2 layers, exceeding limits, rate of

interest, other defaultsinterest, other defaultsinterest, other defaultsinterest, other defaults

5 5 5 5 –––– Deposits Deposits Deposits Deposits –––– no no no no change 73change 73change 73change 73----76767676

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CARO 2016 CARO 2016 CARO 2016 CARO 2016 ---- CLAUSESCLAUSESCLAUSESCLAUSES�6 6 6 6 –––– Cost Records Cost Records Cost Records Cost Records –––– no no no no changechangechangechange

�7 7 7 7 –––– Statutory Dues Statutory Dues Statutory Dues Statutory Dues –––– Wealth tax Wealth tax Wealth tax Wealth tax (c) (c) (c) (c) IEPFIEPFIEPFIEPF

� Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory due due due due arises arises arises arises out of a statuteout of a statuteout of a statuteout of a statute, rather , rather , rather , rather than than than than on on on on

an independent contractual or legal relationshipan independent contractual or legal relationshipan independent contractual or legal relationshipan independent contractual or legal relationship

� Advance tax, TDS, Custom duty… if Advance tax, TDS, Custom duty… if Advance tax, TDS, Custom duty… if Advance tax, TDS, Custom duty… if inttinttinttintt –––– irregular. irregular. irregular. irregular.

� Instalments granted by authority, penalty/Instalments granted by authority, penalty/Instalments granted by authority, penalty/Instalments granted by authority, penalty/inttinttinttintt coveredcoveredcoveredcovered

� Irregularity vs. due more than 6 monthsIrregularity vs. due more than 6 monthsIrregularity vs. due more than 6 monthsIrregularity vs. due more than 6 months

�Mere show cause Mere show cause Mere show cause Mere show cause –––– not disputed, S. 154 not disputed, S. 154 not disputed, S. 154 not disputed, S. 154 –––– disputeddisputeddisputeddisputed

� If no appeal filed If no appeal filed If no appeal filed If no appeal filed –––– undisputed duesundisputed duesundisputed duesundisputed dues

�Disclose disputed amounts even if provision made or Disclose disputed amounts even if provision made or Disclose disputed amounts even if provision made or Disclose disputed amounts even if provision made or

amount deposited under protestamount deposited under protestamount deposited under protestamount deposited under protest

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CARO 2016 CARO 2016 CARO 2016 CARO 2016 ---- CLAUSESCLAUSESCLAUSESCLAUSES�8 8 8 8 –––– AccumAccumAccumAccum. /cash losses. /cash losses. /cash losses. /cash losses–––– not requirednot requirednot requirednot required

�8 8 8 8 –––– Earlier 9 Earlier 9 Earlier 9 Earlier 9 –––– Default to Bank, FIs, Default to Bank, FIs, Default to Bank, FIs, Default to Bank, FIs, Govt.Govt.Govt.Govt. & & & &

debenture holders debenture holders debenture holders debenture holders ---- (in case of (in case of (in case of (in case of banks, banks, banks, banks, Govt. Govt. Govt. Govt.

and and and and FIs, FIs, FIs, FIs, lender wise details to be provided). lender wise details to be provided). lender wise details to be provided). lender wise details to be provided).

�Default Default Default Default –––– non payment of dues, FIs include NBFCsnon payment of dues, FIs include NBFCsnon payment of dues, FIs include NBFCsnon payment of dues, FIs include NBFCs

� Period of default and amount lender wisePeriod of default and amount lender wisePeriod of default and amount lender wisePeriod of default and amount lender wise

� All defaults existing on B/S date All defaults existing on B/S date All defaults existing on B/S date All defaults existing on B/S date –––– even earlier yearseven earlier yearseven earlier yearseven earlier years

�Debentures Debentures Debentures Debentures –––– lenderlenderlenderlender----wise detail not requiredwise detail not requiredwise detail not requiredwise detail not required

�Govt. does not include Govt. does not include Govt. does not include Govt. does not include –––– Foreign govt., Govt. Co, PSU, Foreign govt., Govt. Co, PSU, Foreign govt., Govt. Co, PSU, Foreign govt., Govt. Co, PSU,

Boards, Boards, Boards, Boards, CCCCorporationsorporationsorporationsorporations

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CARO 2016 CARO 2016 CARO 2016 CARO 2016 ---- CLAUSESCLAUSESCLAUSESCLAUSES� 9 9 9 9 –––– NewNewNewNew ---- Whether moneys raised by way of Whether moneys raised by way of Whether moneys raised by way of Whether moneys raised by way of IPO IPO IPO IPO

/ FPO (including / FPO (including / FPO (including / FPO (including debt instruments) &debt instruments) &debt instruments) &debt instruments) & term loans term loans term loans term loans

were applied for were applied for were applied for were applied for purposes purposes purposes purposes for which those are for which those are for which those are for which those are

raised. If not, raised. If not, raised. If not, raised. If not, details details details details together with delays / together with delays / together with delays / together with delays /

default default default default & & & & subsequent subsequent subsequent subsequent rectification.rectification.rectification.rectification.

�Default Default Default Default ---- amount involved amount involved amount involved amount involved , nature , nature , nature , nature of of of of default, delay default, delay default, delay default, delay in in in in


� Co. to disclose end Co. to disclose end Co. to disclose end Co. to disclose end use of use of use of use of IPO/FPO in notes & auditor IPO/FPO in notes & auditor IPO/FPO in notes & auditor IPO/FPO in notes & auditor

to to to to verify verify verify verify –––– see see see see SEBI (Listing SEBI (Listing SEBI (Listing SEBI (Listing Obl. & Dis. Req.) Reg.Obl. & Dis. Req.) Reg.Obl. & Dis. Req.) Reg.Obl. & Dis. Req.) Reg.

� Temporary investment (FDR) to be reportedTemporary investment (FDR) to be reportedTemporary investment (FDR) to be reportedTemporary investment (FDR) to be reported

� Term Loans from Private PartiesTerm Loans from Private PartiesTerm Loans from Private PartiesTerm Loans from Private Parties

� If against property, FDR, If against property, FDR, If against property, FDR, If against property, FDR, etcetcetcetc –––– no specific purposeno specific purposeno specific purposeno specific purpose

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CARO 2016 CARO 2016 CARO 2016 CARO 2016 –––– CHANGESCHANGESCHANGESCHANGES�10 10 10 10 ---- Whether any fraud by Co. or any fraud Whether any fraud by Co. or any fraud Whether any fraud by Co. or any fraud Whether any fraud by Co. or any fraud

on Co. by its on Co. by its on Co. by its on Co. by its officers/ employees officers/ employees officers/ employees officers/ employees has been has been has been has been

noticed or reported during the year; If yes, noticed or reported during the year; If yes, noticed or reported during the year; If yes, noticed or reported during the year; If yes,

nature and amount involved be indicatednature and amount involved be indicatednature and amount involved be indicatednature and amount involved be indicated

�Only to report ‘noticed or reported’ frauds. Only to report ‘noticed or reported’ frauds. Only to report ‘noticed or reported’ frauds. Only to report ‘noticed or reported’ frauds. 143(12143(12143(12143(12) ) ) )

frauds to frauds to frauds to frauds to CG/AC. Reported frauds u/s 143(12) to be CG/AC. Reported frauds u/s 143(12) to be CG/AC. Reported frauds u/s 143(12) to be CG/AC. Reported frauds u/s 143(12) to be

reported not suspected fraudsreported not suspected fraudsreported not suspected fraudsreported not suspected frauds

�Management fraud vs. Employee fraud Management fraud vs. Employee fraud Management fraud vs. Employee fraud Management fraud vs. Employee fraud

� Fraudulent Fraudulent Fraudulent Fraudulent Financial Reporting Financial Reporting Financial Reporting Financial Reporting vs. Misappropriation vs. Misappropriation vs. Misappropriation vs. Misappropriation

of assetsof assetsof assetsof assets

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CARO 2016 CARO 2016 CARO 2016 CARO 2016 ---- CLAUSESCLAUSESCLAUSESCLAUSES� 11 11 11 11 –––– NewNewNewNew ---- Whether Whether Whether Whether managerial remuneration managerial remuneration managerial remuneration managerial remuneration

has been paid / provided in accordance with the has been paid / provided in accordance with the has been paid / provided in accordance with the has been paid / provided in accordance with the

requisite approvals mandated by the provisions requisite approvals mandated by the provisions requisite approvals mandated by the provisions requisite approvals mandated by the provisions

of of of of s. s. s. s. 197 197 197 197 r.w.r.w.r.w.r.w. schedule schedule schedule schedule V? V? V? V? If not, state the If not, state the If not, state the If not, state the

amount involved amount involved amount involved amount involved & & & & steps taken steps taken steps taken steps taken for for for for securing securing securing securing

refund of the same. refund of the same. refund of the same. refund of the same.

�Only Public CosOnly Public CosOnly Public CosOnly Public Cos

� Exclusion Exclusion Exclusion Exclusion –––– sitting sitting sitting sitting fee, fee, fee, fee, for professional servicesfor professional servicesfor professional servicesfor professional services

� Entitled persons, limits, procedure and approvalEntitled persons, limits, procedure and approvalEntitled persons, limits, procedure and approvalEntitled persons, limits, procedure and approval

�Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting –––– payment to MD, WTD, MD, Manager, payment to MD, WTD, MD, Manager, payment to MD, WTD, MD, Manager, payment to MD, WTD, MD, Manager,

Excess amount Excess amount Excess amount Excess amount paid/ provided, Due for recovery &paid/ provided, Due for recovery &paid/ provided, Due for recovery &paid/ provided, Due for recovery &

steps takensteps takensteps takensteps taken

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CARO 2016 CARO 2016 CARO 2016 CARO 2016 ---- CLAUSESCLAUSESCLAUSESCLAUSES�12 12 12 12 –––– NidhiNidhiNidhiNidhi Co.. Co.. Co.. Co..

�13 13 13 13 –––– NewNewNewNew ---- Whether Whether Whether Whether all transactions with all transactions with all transactions with all transactions with

related parties are in compliance with S. related parties are in compliance with S. related parties are in compliance with S. related parties are in compliance with S.

177 177 177 177 and and and and 188 and 188 and 188 and 188 and details have been details have been details have been details have been

disclosed in FS disclosed in FS disclosed in FS disclosed in FS etcetcetcetc as required by as required by as required by as required by

applicable AS. applicable AS. applicable AS. applicable AS.

� To see s. 177 & 188 and AS 18To see s. 177 & 188 and AS 18To see s. 177 & 188 and AS 18To see s. 177 & 188 and AS 18

� S. 188 applicable to all companies other than on S. 188 applicable to all companies other than on S. 188 applicable to all companies other than on S. 188 applicable to all companies other than on

arm’s length transactions entered into in ordinary arm’s length transactions entered into in ordinary arm’s length transactions entered into in ordinary arm’s length transactions entered into in ordinary

course of businesscourse of businesscourse of businesscourse of business

�May test May test May test May test on TP mechanism per on TP mechanism per on TP mechanism per on TP mechanism per IT ActIT ActIT ActIT Act

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CARO 2016 CARO 2016 CARO 2016 CARO 2016 ---- CLAUSESCLAUSESCLAUSESCLAUSES�14 14 14 14 ––––NewNewNewNew ---- Whether Co. has made Whether Co. has made Whether Co. has made Whether Co. has made

preferential allotment / PP of shares or preferential allotment / PP of shares or preferential allotment / PP of shares or preferential allotment / PP of shares or

fully or partly fully or partly fully or partly fully or partly convertible convertible convertible convertible deb. during deb. during deb. during deb. during yryryryr. . . .

Whether Whether Whether Whether SSSS. 42 complied & . 42 complied & . 42 complied & . 42 complied & amount amount amount amount raised raised raised raised

used for purposes for which funds were used for purposes for which funds were used for purposes for which funds were used for purposes for which funds were

raised. raised. raised. raised.

� If not, details of amount involved and If not, details of amount involved and If not, details of amount involved and If not, details of amount involved and

nature of nonnature of nonnature of nonnature of non----compliance.compliance.compliance.compliance.

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�15 15 15 15 –––– NewNewNewNew ---- Whether Whether Whether Whether the company has the company has the company has the company has

entered into any nonentered into any nonentered into any nonentered into any non----cash transactions with cash transactions with cash transactions with cash transactions with

directors or persons connected with him directors or persons connected with him directors or persons connected with him directors or persons connected with him

and if so, whether provisions of and if so, whether provisions of and if so, whether provisions of and if so, whether provisions of S. 192 S. 192 S. 192 S. 192

complied complied complied complied withwithwithwith

� Persons connected Persons connected Persons connected Persons connected ---- 185(1) 185(1) 185(1) 185(1) ExplExplExplExpl. . . . –––– check MBP 1check MBP 1check MBP 1check MBP 1

� Loan, guarantee, Loan, guarantee, Loan, guarantee, Loan, guarantee, etcetcetcetc –––– MBP 2; Contracts MBP 2; Contracts MBP 2; Contracts MBP 2; Contracts –––– MBP 4MBP 4MBP 4MBP 4

� FAR, BOD Meetings, EGM, AGMFAR, BOD Meetings, EGM, AGMFAR, BOD Meetings, EGM, AGMFAR, BOD Meetings, EGM, AGM

�Merger under court schemes Merger under court schemes Merger under court schemes Merger under court schemes –––– Not nonNot nonNot nonNot non----cashcashcashcash

� Acquisition of asset in one year, settlement of liability Acquisition of asset in one year, settlement of liability Acquisition of asset in one year, settlement of liability Acquisition of asset in one year, settlement of liability

in another year in another year in another year in another year –––– Not nonNot nonNot nonNot non----cashcashcashcash

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�16 16 16 16 –––– NewNewNewNew ---- Whether Co is required to be Whether Co is required to be Whether Co is required to be Whether Co is required to be

registered u/s 45registered u/s 45registered u/s 45registered u/s 45----IA of RBI and if so IA of RBI and if so IA of RBI and if so IA of RBI and if so

whether the registration has been obtained whether the registration has been obtained whether the registration has been obtained whether the registration has been obtained

� Understanding business, if principal business is Understanding business, if principal business is Understanding business, if principal business is Understanding business, if principal business is

Financing activityFinancing activityFinancing activityFinancing activity

� 50505050----50 Test 50 Test 50 Test 50 Test ---- Financial Assets > 50% of total assets Financial Assets > 50% of total assets Financial Assets > 50% of total assets Financial Assets > 50% of total assets

and income from Financial assets > 50% of Gross and income from Financial assets > 50% of Gross and income from Financial assets > 50% of Gross and income from Financial assets > 50% of Gross


� If required and registration not obtained reasons to If required and registration not obtained reasons to If required and registration not obtained reasons to If required and registration not obtained reasons to

be statedbe statedbe statedbe stated

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�Comply SAsComply SAsComply SAsComply SAs–––– DDDDocumentation, Materialityocumentation, Materialityocumentation, Materialityocumentation, Materiality

�Assess Assess Assess Assess the the the the effect effect effect effect of failure to complyof failure to complyof failure to complyof failure to comply

� It’s not It’s not It’s not It’s not a separate audit engagementa separate audit engagementa separate audit engagementa separate audit engagement

�Have Check Have Check Have Check Have Check lists lists lists lists

�Need to document basis of reaching at Need to document basis of reaching at Need to document basis of reaching at Need to document basis of reaching at

adverse opinionadverse opinionadverse opinionadverse opinion

�Management RepresentationManagement RepresentationManagement RepresentationManagement Representation

�Cross check with Board ReportCross check with Board ReportCross check with Board ReportCross check with Board Report

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S.S.S.S. ResponsibleResponsibleResponsibleResponsible RemarksRemarksRemarksRemarks

134134134134 Director Director Director Director



ListedListedListedListed Co Co Co Co –––– Directors have Directors have Directors have Directors have

laid down IFC to be followed laid down IFC to be followed laid down IFC to be followed laid down IFC to be followed

by the Co. & that such by the Co. & that such by the Co. & that such by the Co. & that such

controls are adequate & controls are adequate & controls are adequate & controls are adequate &

operating effectivelyoperating effectivelyoperating effectivelyoperating effectively

R. R. R. R.

8(5)(viii) 8(5)(viii) 8(5)(viii) 8(5)(viii)

Director Director Director Director


Details in respect of Details in respect of Details in respect of Details in respect of

adequacy of Internal adequacy of Internal adequacy of Internal adequacy of Internal

Financial controls with Financial controls with Financial controls with Financial controls with

reference to the Financial reference to the Financial reference to the Financial reference to the Financial

Statements Statements Statements Statements

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S.S.S.S. ResponsibleResponsibleResponsibleResponsible RemarksRemarksRemarksRemarks

177 177 177 177

(4) (4) (4) (4)

(vii) & (vii) & (vii) & (vii) &


Audit Audit Audit Audit


AC may call for comments of AC may call for comments of AC may call for comments of AC may call for comments of

auditors about IFC before their auditors about IFC before their auditors about IFC before their auditors about IFC before their

submission to Board & may also submission to Board & may also submission to Board & may also submission to Board & may also

discuss related issues with discuss related issues with discuss related issues with discuss related issues with

internal & statutory auditors & internal & statutory auditors & internal & statutory auditors & internal & statutory auditors &

management of of of of Co.

Sch. Sch. Sch. Sch.


Independent Independent Independent Independent


To satisfy themselves on integrity To satisfy themselves on integrity To satisfy themselves on integrity To satisfy themselves on integrity

of financial information & ensure of financial information & ensure of financial information & ensure of financial information & ensure

that financial controls & systems that financial controls & systems that financial controls & systems that financial controls & systems

of risk management are robust & of risk management are robust & of risk management are robust & of risk management are robust &


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S.S.S.S. ResponsibleResponsibleResponsibleResponsible RemarksRemarksRemarksRemarks

143 143 143 143


Auditor Auditor Auditor Auditor


The Company has adequate IFC The Company has adequate IFC The Company has adequate IFC The Company has adequate IFC

system and operatingsystem and operatingsystem and operatingsystem and operating

effectivenesseffectivenesseffectivenesseffectiveness of such controlsof such controlsof such controlsof such controls

ICAIICAIICAIICAI AuditorAuditorAuditorAuditor Guidance Note by ICAI in Guidance Note by ICAI in Guidance Note by ICAI in Guidance Note by ICAI in

September 2015September 2015September 2015September 2015

129(4)129(4)129(4)129(4) Auditor Auditor Auditor Auditor



Provisions applicable to Provisions applicable to Provisions applicable to Provisions applicable to

preparation, adoption & audit preparation, adoption & audit preparation, adoption & audit preparation, adoption & audit

of FS of a holding co. shall, of FS of a holding co. shall, of FS of a holding co. shall, of FS of a holding co. shall,

mutatis mutandis, apply to mutatis mutandis, apply to mutatis mutandis, apply to mutatis mutandis, apply to


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1956 ACT1956 ACT1956 ACT1956 ACT

� CARO CARO CARO CARO –––– HHHHas adequate Internal Control procedure as adequate Internal Control procedure as adequate Internal Control procedure as adequate Internal Control procedure

commensurate with the size of Co. and nature of commensurate with the size of Co. and nature of commensurate with the size of Co. and nature of commensurate with the size of Co. and nature of

its business for Purchase of inventory and fixed its business for Purchase of inventory and fixed its business for Purchase of inventory and fixed its business for Purchase of inventory and fixed

assets and for sale of goods & servicesassets and for sale of goods & servicesassets and for sale of goods & servicesassets and for sale of goods & services

� SSSS.... 217217217217((((2222AAAAAAAA)))) ---- DirectorsDirectorsDirectorsDirectors’’’’ ResponsibilityResponsibilityResponsibilityResponsibility StatementStatementStatementStatement

---- havehavehavehave takentakentakentaken properproperproperproper &&&& sufficientsufficientsufficientsufficient carecarecarecare forforforfor

maintenancemaintenancemaintenancemaintenance ofofofof adequateadequateadequateadequate accountingaccountingaccountingaccounting recordsrecordsrecordsrecords inininin

accordanceaccordanceaccordanceaccordance withwithwithwith provisionsprovisionsprovisionsprovisions ofofofof ActActActAct,,,,

� forforforfor safeguardingsafeguardingsafeguardingsafeguarding assetsassetsassetsassets ofofofof CoCoCoCo....

� forforforfor preventingpreventingpreventingpreventing &&&& detectingdetectingdetectingdetecting fraudfraudfraudfraud

� otherotherotherother irregularitiesirregularitiesirregularitiesirregularities.

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� IFC means IFC means IFC means IFC means policies & policies & policies & policies & procedures adopted procedures adopted procedures adopted procedures adopted

by by by by Company for ensuring : Company for ensuring : Company for ensuring : Company for ensuring :

�Orderly Orderly Orderly Orderly & efficient conduct of its business, & efficient conduct of its business, & efficient conduct of its business, & efficient conduct of its business,

including adherence to company’s policiesincluding adherence to company’s policiesincluding adherence to company’s policiesincluding adherence to company’s policies, , , ,

�Safeguarding Safeguarding Safeguarding Safeguarding of its assets, of its assets, of its assets, of its assets,

�Prevention Prevention Prevention Prevention and detection of frauds and detection of frauds and detection of frauds and detection of frauds and errorsand errorsand errorsand errors, , , ,

�Accuracy Accuracy Accuracy Accuracy and and and and completeness completeness completeness completeness of the accounting of the accounting of the accounting of the accounting

records, records, records, records,

�Timely preparation Timely preparation Timely preparation Timely preparation of reliable financial of reliable financial of reliable financial of reliable financial


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� TTTTerm erm erm erm ‘IFC’ ‘IFC’ ‘IFC’ ‘IFC’ in in in in S. 143(3)(S. 143(3)(S. 143(3)(S. 143(3)(iiii) would relate to ) would relate to ) would relate to ) would relate to ‘IFC ‘IFC ‘IFC ‘IFC

over Fover Fover Fover Financial inancial inancial inancial RRRReportingeportingeportingeporting’’’’ in accordance with in accordance with in accordance with in accordance with

objectives objectives objectives objectives of an audit stated in SA 200 “Overall of an audit stated in SA 200 “Overall of an audit stated in SA 200 “Overall of an audit stated in SA 200 “Overall

Objectives of the Independent Auditor and the Objectives of the Independent Auditor and the Objectives of the Independent Auditor and the Objectives of the Independent Auditor and the

Conduct of an Audit in Accordance with Conduct of an Audit in Accordance with Conduct of an Audit in Accordance with Conduct of an Audit in Accordance with

Standards on Standards on Standards on Standards on Auditing”Auditing”Auditing”Auditing”

� Auditor needs to obtain reasonable assurance to Auditor needs to obtain reasonable assurance to Auditor needs to obtain reasonable assurance to Auditor needs to obtain reasonable assurance to


�WWWWhether hether hether hether an adequate IFC system was an adequate IFC system was an adequate IFC system was an adequate IFC system was maintainedmaintainedmaintainedmaintained &&&&

�WWWWhether hether hether hether such IFC system such IFC system such IFC system such IFC system operated effectively operated effectively operated effectively operated effectively in in in in co. co. co. co.

in all material respects with respect to financial in all material respects with respect to financial in all material respects with respect to financial in all material respects with respect to financial

reporting only.reporting only.reporting only.reporting only.

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� “IFC over “IFC over “IFC over “IFC over Financial Financial Financial Financial RRRReportingeportingeportingeporting” shall mean ” shall mean ” shall mean ” shall mean

� ““““A process designed to provide reasonable A process designed to provide reasonable A process designed to provide reasonable A process designed to provide reasonable

assurance regarding the reliability of financial assurance regarding the reliability of financial assurance regarding the reliability of financial assurance regarding the reliability of financial

reporting and the preparation of financial reporting and the preparation of financial reporting and the preparation of financial reporting and the preparation of financial

statements for external purposes in accordance with statements for external purposes in accordance with statements for external purposes in accordance with statements for external purposes in accordance with

generally accepted accounting principles. generally accepted accounting principles. generally accepted accounting principles. generally accepted accounting principles.

� A A A A company's company's company's company's IFC IFC IFC IFC over financial reporting includes over financial reporting includes over financial reporting includes over financial reporting includes

those policies and procedures those policies and procedures those policies and procedures those policies and procedures that:that:that:that: PPPPertain ertain ertain ertain to the maintenance of records that, in to the maintenance of records that, in to the maintenance of records that, in to the maintenance of records that, in

reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect

the transactions and dispositions of the assets the transactions and dispositions of the assets the transactions and dispositions of the assets the transactions and dispositions of the assets

of the companyof the companyof the companyof the company;;;;

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ICFRICFRICFRICFR –––– ICAIICAIICAIICAI GUIDANCE NOTE GUIDANCE NOTE GUIDANCE NOTE GUIDANCE NOTE –––– 9/20159/20159/20159/2015 Provide reasonable assurance that transactions Provide reasonable assurance that transactions Provide reasonable assurance that transactions Provide reasonable assurance that transactions

are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of

financial statements in accordance with generally financial statements in accordance with generally financial statements in accordance with generally financial statements in accordance with generally

accepted accounting principles, and that receipts accepted accounting principles, and that receipts accepted accounting principles, and that receipts accepted accounting principles, and that receipts

and expenditures of the company are being made and expenditures of the company are being made and expenditures of the company are being made and expenditures of the company are being made

only in accordance with authorisations of only in accordance with authorisations of only in accordance with authorisations of only in accordance with authorisations of

management and directors of the company; andmanagement and directors of the company; andmanagement and directors of the company; andmanagement and directors of the company; and Provide Provide Provide Provide reasonable assurance regarding reasonable assurance regarding reasonable assurance regarding reasonable assurance regarding

prevention or timely detection of unauthorised prevention or timely detection of unauthorised prevention or timely detection of unauthorised prevention or timely detection of unauthorised

acquisition, use, or disposition of the company's acquisition, use, or disposition of the company's acquisition, use, or disposition of the company's acquisition, use, or disposition of the company's

assets that could have a material effect on the assets that could have a material effect on the assets that could have a material effect on the assets that could have a material effect on the

financial statementsfinancial statementsfinancial statementsfinancial statements.

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Operations Operations Operations Operations ControlControlControlControl

Fraud Fraud Fraud Fraud PreventionPreventionPreventionPrevention


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Sales Sales Sales Sales realizatiorealizatiorealizatiorealizatio

n is n is n is n is correctly correctly correctly correctly recorded recorded recorded recorded in FSin FSin FSin FS

Operations Operations Operations Operations ControlControlControlControl

Discount Discount Discount Discount on sales is on sales is on sales is on sales is

as per as per as per as per Company Company Company Company Policy & Policy & Policy & Policy &

adherence adherence adherence adherence to policy is to policy is to policy is to policy is monitoredmonitoredmonitoredmonitored

Fraud Fraud Fraud Fraud PreventionPreventionPreventionPrevention

UnauthorisUnauthorisUnauthorisUnauthorised change ed change ed change ed change in master in master in master in master

price price price price (Access (Access (Access (Access Controls)Controls)Controls)Controls)


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Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance of Financial of Financial of Financial of Financial Records Records Records Records (Details / (Details / (Details / (Details / Accuracy)Accuracy)Accuracy)Accuracy)

Authorization Authorization Authorization Authorization of Transactions of Transactions of Transactions of Transactions (As per GAAP)(As per GAAP)(As per GAAP)(As per GAAP)

Safeguarding Safeguarding Safeguarding Safeguarding of assets of of assets of of assets of of assets of companycompanycompanycompany

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� Auditor should report if company Auditor should report if company Auditor should report if company Auditor should report if company has:has:has:has:

� adequate adequate adequate adequate internal control systems in internal control systems in internal control systems in internal control systems in place; andplace; andplace; andplace; and

�whether whether whether whether they were operating effectively they were operating effectively they were operating effectively they were operating effectively asasasas at at at at

balance sheet date.balance sheet date.balance sheet date.balance sheet date.

� Not applicable on interim financial statements, Not applicable on interim financial statements, Not applicable on interim financial statements, Not applicable on interim financial statements,

such as quarterly or halfsuch as quarterly or halfsuch as quarterly or halfsuch as quarterly or half----yearly financial yearly financial yearly financial yearly financial

statements, unless such reporting is required statements, unless such reporting is required statements, unless such reporting is required statements, unless such reporting is required

under any other law or under any other law or under any other law or under any other law or regulationregulationregulationregulation

� Should use a topShould use a topShould use a topShould use a top----down approach to select the down approach to select the down approach to select the down approach to select the

controls to controls to controls to controls to test. It is not test. It is not test. It is not test. It is not necessarily necessarily necessarily necessarily the order the order the order the order in in in in

which which which which auditor auditor auditor auditor will perform will perform will perform will perform auditing auditing auditing auditing proceduresproceduresproceduresprocedures.

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Internal Financial Control FrameworkInternal Financial Control FrameworkInternal Financial Control FrameworkInternal Financial Control Framework

Financial ReportingFinancial ReportingFinancial ReportingFinancial Reporting

FS ASSERTIONSFS ASSERTIONSFS ASSERTIONSFS ASSERTIONS (Completeness, Existence or (Completeness, Existence or (Completeness, Existence or (Completeness, Existence or Occurrence, Rights & Obligations, Valuations Occurrence, Rights & Obligations, Valuations Occurrence, Rights & Obligations, Valuations Occurrence, Rights & Obligations, Valuations

Presentation & Disclosure) Presentation & Disclosure) Presentation & Disclosure) Presentation & Disclosure) & & & & CONTROLSCONTROLSCONTROLSCONTROLS (Authorisation, (Authorisation, (Authorisation, (Authorisation, Safeguarding of Assets & Maintenance of Records)Safeguarding of Assets & Maintenance of Records)Safeguarding of Assets & Maintenance of Records)Safeguarding of Assets & Maintenance of Records)

Business CyclesBusiness CyclesBusiness CyclesBusiness Cycles

SubSubSubSub---- processesprocessesprocessesprocesses



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PlanningPlanningPlanningPlanning Identify significant account balances / disclosure itemsIdentify significant account balances / disclosure itemsIdentify significant account balances / disclosure itemsIdentify significant account balances / disclosure items Identify & understand significant flows of transactionsIdentify & understand significant flows of transactionsIdentify & understand significant flows of transactionsIdentify & understand significant flows of transactions Identify risk of material misstatementsIdentify risk of material misstatementsIdentify risk of material misstatementsIdentify risk of material misstatements IdentifyIdentifyIdentifyIdentify controls which address risk of material misstatementscontrols which address risk of material misstatementscontrols which address risk of material misstatementscontrols which address risk of material misstatements Identify applications, associated IT environment, ITGCIdentify applications, associated IT environment, ITGCIdentify applications, associated IT environment, ITGCIdentify applications, associated IT environment, ITGC

Design & Design & Design & Design &


ationationationation Assess the design of controlsAssess the design of controlsAssess the design of controlsAssess the design of controls AssessAssessAssessAssess the implementation of controlsthe implementation of controlsthe implementation of controlsthe implementation of controls

Appropriate design & implementation controlsAppropriate design & implementation controlsAppropriate design & implementation controlsAppropriate design & implementation controls Assess audit impact & plan other suitable proceduresAssess audit impact & plan other suitable proceduresAssess audit impact & plan other suitable proceduresAssess audit impact & plan other suitable procedures Plan operative effectiveness testingPlan operative effectiveness testingPlan operative effectiveness testingPlan operative effectiveness testing

Operating Operating Operating Operating


ssssssss Plan nature, timing & extent of testing operating effectivenessPlan nature, timing & extent of testing operating effectivenessPlan nature, timing & extent of testing operating effectivenessPlan nature, timing & extent of testing operating effectiveness Perform operative effectiveness testingPerform operative effectiveness testingPerform operative effectiveness testingPerform operative effectiveness testing Assess findings & conclude on effective effectivenessAssess findings & conclude on effective effectivenessAssess findings & conclude on effective effectivenessAssess findings & conclude on effective effectiveness Form opinion on IFCForm opinion on IFCForm opinion on IFCForm opinion on IFC

ReportingReportingReportingReporting Assess impact on Audit OpinionAssess impact on Audit OpinionAssess impact on Audit OpinionAssess impact on Audit Opinion Form audit opinion on financial statementsForm audit opinion on financial statementsForm audit opinion on financial statementsForm audit opinion on financial statements

Prepare and control audit documentationPrepare and control audit documentationPrepare and control audit documentationPrepare and control audit documentation

ContinuousContinuousContinuousContinuous focus on audit qualityfocus on audit qualityfocus on audit qualityfocus on audit quality

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S. No.S. No.S. No.S. No. ComponentComponentComponentComponent ElementsElementsElementsElements

1111 Control Control Control Control

EnvironmentEnvironmentEnvironmentEnvironment Communication and enforcement of integrity and Communication and enforcement of integrity and Communication and enforcement of integrity and Communication and enforcement of integrity and

ethical Valuesethical Valuesethical Valuesethical Values Commitment to competenceCommitment to competenceCommitment to competenceCommitment to competence Participation by those charged with governanceParticipation by those charged with governanceParticipation by those charged with governanceParticipation by those charged with governance Management’s philosophy and operating styleManagement’s philosophy and operating styleManagement’s philosophy and operating styleManagement’s philosophy and operating style Organisational structureOrganisational structureOrganisational structureOrganisational structure Assignment of authority and responsibilityAssignment of authority and responsibilityAssignment of authority and responsibilityAssignment of authority and responsibility Human resource policies and practicesHuman resource policies and practicesHuman resource policies and practicesHuman resource policies and practices

2222 Entity’s Risk Entity’s Risk Entity’s Risk Entity’s Risk

Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment

ProcessProcessProcessProcess Management identification of business risks Management identification of business risks Management identification of business risks Management identification of business risks

relevant to the preparation of financial relevant to the preparation of financial relevant to the preparation of financial relevant to the preparation of financial

statementsstatementsstatementsstatements External and internal events, transactions or External and internal events, transactions or External and internal events, transactions or External and internal events, transactions or

circumstances that may occur and adversely circumstances that may occur and adversely circumstances that may occur and adversely circumstances that may occur and adversely

affect an entity’s ability to initiate, record, affect an entity’s ability to initiate, record, affect an entity’s ability to initiate, record, affect an entity’s ability to initiate, record,

process, and report financial data consistent with process, and report financial data consistent with process, and report financial data consistent with process, and report financial data consistent with

the assertions of management in the financial the assertions of management in the financial the assertions of management in the financial the assertions of management in the financial


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S. No.S. No.S. No.S. No. ComponentComponentComponentComponent ElementsElementsElementsElements

3333 ControlControlControlControl

ActivitiesActivitiesActivitiesActivities Performance reviewsPerformance reviewsPerformance reviewsPerformance reviews Information processingInformation processingInformation processingInformation processing Physical controlsPhysical controlsPhysical controlsPhysical controls Segregation of dutiesSegregation of dutiesSegregation of dutiesSegregation of duties Authorisation controlsAuthorisation controlsAuthorisation controlsAuthorisation controls

4444 Information Information Information Information

System and System and System and System and

CommunicationCommunicationCommunicationCommunication Information system that:Information system that:Information system that:Information system that: Identify and record all valid transactionsIdentify and record all valid transactionsIdentify and record all valid transactionsIdentify and record all valid transactions Describe on timely basis transactions in sufficient Describe on timely basis transactions in sufficient Describe on timely basis transactions in sufficient Describe on timely basis transactions in sufficient

detail to permit proper classification of transactions detail to permit proper classification of transactions detail to permit proper classification of transactions detail to permit proper classification of transactions

for financial reportingfor financial reportingfor financial reportingfor financial reporting Measure value of transactions in a manner that Measure value of transactions in a manner that Measure value of transactions in a manner that Measure value of transactions in a manner that

permits recording their proper monetary value in permits recording their proper monetary value in permits recording their proper monetary value in permits recording their proper monetary value in

financial Statements financial Statements financial Statements financial Statements Determine time period in which transactions Determine time period in which transactions Determine time period in which transactions Determine time period in which transactions

occurred to permit recording of transactions in occurred to permit recording of transactions in occurred to permit recording of transactions in occurred to permit recording of transactions in

proper accounting Period proper accounting Period proper accounting Period proper accounting Period Present properly transactions and related disclosures Present properly transactions and related disclosures Present properly transactions and related disclosures Present properly transactions and related disclosures

in financial statementsin financial statementsin financial statementsin financial statements

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S. No.S. No.S. No.S. No. ComponentComponentComponentComponent ElementsElementsElementsElements

4444 Information Information Information Information

System and System and System and System and

CommunicationCommunicationCommunicationCommunication Communicating individual roles and Communicating individual roles and Communicating individual roles and Communicating individual roles and


5555 Monitoring of Monitoring of Monitoring of Monitoring of

ControlsControlsControlsControls Evaluating presence and functioning of Evaluating presence and functioning of Evaluating presence and functioning of Evaluating presence and functioning of

components of internal control.components of internal control.components of internal control.components of internal control. Evaluating and communicating internal Evaluating and communicating internal Evaluating and communicating internal Evaluating and communicating internal

control deficienciescontrol deficienciescontrol deficienciescontrol deficiencies.

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ICFR REPORTINGICFR REPORTINGICFR REPORTINGICFR REPORTING�Take Engagement LetterTake Engagement LetterTake Engagement LetterTake Engagement Letter

�Perform proceduresPerform proceduresPerform proceduresPerform procedures

�Take Representation LetterTake Representation LetterTake Representation LetterTake Representation Letter

�Issue Separate ReportIssue Separate ReportIssue Separate ReportIssue Separate Report






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ICFR REPORTINGICFR REPORTINGICFR REPORTINGICFR REPORTING�QQQQualified ualified ualified ualified or an or an or an or an adverse opinion if adverse opinion if adverse opinion if adverse opinion if material material material material weaknesses weaknesses weaknesses weaknesses identified as identified as identified as identified as part of audit. part of audit. part of audit. part of audit.

�Material Material Material Material weaknesses is a deficiency or a weaknesses is a deficiency or a weaknesses is a deficiency or a weaknesses is a deficiency or a combination of combination of combination of combination of deficiencies deficiencies deficiencies deficiencies in in in in ICFR, ICFR, ICFR, ICFR, such such such such that material misstatement of co.’s annual that material misstatement of co.’s annual that material misstatement of co.’s annual that material misstatement of co.’s annual FS FS FS FS not prevented/detected on timely not prevented/detected on timely not prevented/detected on timely not prevented/detected on timely basisbasisbasisbasis

�Adverse Adverse Adverse Adverse opinion opinion opinion opinion ---- if matters are pervasive if matters are pervasive if matters are pervasive if matters are pervasive to to to to FS FS FS FS i.e. they impact various elements, i.e. they impact various elements, i.e. they impact various elements, i.e. they impact various elements, accounts or a substantial portion of FS. accounts or a substantial portion of FS. accounts or a substantial portion of FS. accounts or a substantial portion of FS. Additionally, significant control Additionally, significant control Additionally, significant control Additionally, significant control deficiencies reported to audit committeedeficiencies reported to audit committeedeficiencies reported to audit committeedeficiencies reported to audit committee

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ICFR REPORTINGICFR REPORTINGICFR REPORTINGICFR REPORTING�Auditor to disclaim opinion Auditor to disclaim opinion Auditor to disclaim opinion Auditor to disclaim opinion on on on on co.’s ICFR:co.’s ICFR:co.’s ICFR:co.’s ICFR:

� if if if if company has not established its system of IFC over company has not established its system of IFC over company has not established its system of IFC over company has not established its system of IFC over

financial reporting considering essential financial reporting considering essential financial reporting considering essential financial reporting considering essential

components of internal control ; components of internal control ; components of internal control ; components of internal control ; orororor

� auditor is unable to obtain sufficient appropriate auditor is unable to obtain sufficient appropriate auditor is unable to obtain sufficient appropriate auditor is unable to obtain sufficient appropriate

audit evidence to express an opinion audit evidence to express an opinion audit evidence to express an opinion audit evidence to express an opinion on ICFR but on ICFR but on ICFR but on ICFR but is is is is

able to perform appropriate substantive procedures able to perform appropriate substantive procedures able to perform appropriate substantive procedures able to perform appropriate substantive procedures

to express an opinion on to express an opinion on to express an opinion on to express an opinion on FS; FS; FS; FS; orororor

� system of system of system of system of ICFR were ICFR were ICFR were ICFR were not made available to not made available to not made available to not made available to auditor auditor auditor auditor to to to to

enable enable enable enable them them them them to determine if to determine if to determine if to determine if Co. has Co. has Co. has Co. has established established established established

adequate adequate adequate adequate ICFR ICFR ICFR ICFR and whether such internal financial and whether such internal financial and whether such internal financial and whether such internal financial

controls were operating effectively controls were operating effectively controls were operating effectively controls were operating effectively

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CA. Pramod JainCA. Pramod JainCA. Pramod JainCA. Pramod [email protected]@[email protected]

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© 2016 CA. Pramod Jain, Lunawat & Co