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CASAVELHA news 2011

I am the gate. Whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture.

John 10:9


01. editorial

02. 2011 activities

03. 2012 programme

04. works and projects in progress

05. project support


Now, but still not

Against all the current rules for a good communication, here is once again and in its 3rd Edition, the Annual Bulletin of

Casa Velha. It does not mean that there is not much to tell because in fact there is. Maybe the slow pace to tell you

what is happening in Casa Velha is revealing of its own way as it slowly grows. We are still in the early stages, setting

roots and searching for a new direction.

In 2011, almost 780 people in over 20 activities passed by Casa Velha, almost three times more than last year. Beyond

the numbers what the most striking feature of this year was the diversity of people and movements, among them the

first international group on its way to the World Youth Day.

The resources and conditions for all this to happen continue to be few and it shows how much the mystery of bread

multiplication continues to occur through the involvement of all those who have passed by Casa Velha. This year this

multiplication helped advanced several works: the haystack-turned into a guest house, bathrooms, the almost build

Chapel of the Good Shepherd and set and keep a new vegetables garden.

The proposal to request financial support from an agro-tourism European Union-fund was approved at the end of 2011.

This has open new opportunities and challenges for the project Casa Velha as it seeks to become more sustainable. In

2012, the first steps will be given with the creation of the non-profit association “Casa Velha, Ecology and Spirituality”.

By the end of 2011, a very special mission started: a group of 14 volunteers has started to support socially and

religiously during one weekend per month children and elderly in Vale Travesso and surrounding areas of Casa Velha.

Abundance, diversity and few resources….all good signs! Signs that make us believe in what we cannot still see but that

is happening. The seeds are growing silently and at the same time loudly letting us envision the trees that offer shelter

to the birds. Life that we experience and that keeps nurturing Hope. And we keep going on our path!

Have a nice Reading and Happy New Year!

p.s The Project Casa Velha is now on Facebook:

27 de Janeiro de 2012


To me it makes sense to remembre our father Henrique and mother Catherine who began this way of being in Casa Velha: with open doors. It was with them that we welcomed the meetings of the Teams of Our Lady and with D.

Serafim, the previous Bishop of Leiria – Fátima. We also welcomed several times D. Maur Cocheril, a Cistercian Monk, who stayed with us while researching the Cistercians in Portugal and later published a book on Alcobaça.

I remember fondly and would like to re-live my parents´ enthusiasm with the “invasion” of French youth groups, first the French Catholic Youth Movement (FCYM) and after with the Riaumont Scouts. They filled in all this area outside the

gates with their tents, songs, celebrations and joy to leave enduring memories. As a mark of the roots that our father and mother left, Père Argouarc´h brought from Riaumont (north of France) the

Holy Mother placed in the Chapel of Good Shepard at Case Velha: the Notre Dame of Riaumont. This is how strong the presence of Henrique and Catherine is still felt among us in this Project Casa Velha.

Catarina Alvim

Evolução do nº Actividades e Pessoas








Pessoas 227 264 719 1210

Actividades 8 7 20 35

2009 2010 2011 Total geral


DATE ACTIVITY No of Participants

13th Mar. Reflexion Day Casa Velha 20

26th-27th Mar. Working Camp LD 6

1st- 2nd Apr. Working Camp LD 4

16th-17th Apr. Trolhas Camp 50

30th Apr.-1st May Novices SJ 4

6th-7th May Preparation MAG+S& Carraças 20

12th Jun. Meeting JMJ 20

18th Jun. Party Colégio Santa Maria 100

11nd Jul. Evaluation Day: Development Education Project “M-Igual?” (FGS, Jesuit NGDO) 20

1st-7th Aug. Carrações Camp 80

8th-15th Aug. MAG+IS 60

4th-9th Sept. Calhambeques (Old Cars) Camp 15

1st Oct. Training Session VM (FEC, Portuguese Catholic Church NGDO) 35

7th-9th Oct. Retreat for Couples 22

11th Oct. FEC Team Day 10

5th Nov. “Magusto Celebration” (ACI) 50

11th-13th Nov. Starting Day for “Atravessados” 14

12th Nov. Training Rovers (Scouts, Leiria) 35

18th-20th Nov. Rovers Scouts National Forum (CNE) 70

25th-27th Nov. Ignatian Spirituality Week of Studies (SEEI) Support 15

11th Dec. Advent Day 120

17th-19th Dec. Magisterians SJ Weekend 9





This first reflection meeting on the Project Casa Velha was an opportunity to stop and take some time to assess all that

has been happening, to evaluate our strengths and challenges. This first reflection took place on the day Henrique Alvim

would be 81 years old.

We share ideas and the opinions held by each of us, from family members to the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of

Jesus (represented by Sofia Soares aci) and the Society of Jesus (represented by Father Vasco Pinto de Magalhães sj).

From architects and agronomists to other friends who have been involved in the project since its early days.

The day began with a presentation by each one of us taking based on a photograph of Casa Velha. This was followed by

a status of the Project by Margarida and a 5-member working groups to reflect on the mission of the Project, its

strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and challenges. Lunchtime served was a chance to build the community

feeling and in the afternoon each group presented the conclusions that were important to produce a final wrap-up of

the outcomes. The day ended with a mass. The most important outcomes were the suggestion to creation of a legal and

autonomous entity for this mission and Project and a sustainability plan.



The Movement Lay People in Support of Development (Leigos para o Desenvolvimento or LD) have since 2009 the

privilege to use Casa Velha to organize working camps and training activities for small groups of trainees over the

weekends as an opportunity to experience a life at the service of the community.

In Casa Velha we put ourselves at the service of the community and we worked with a purpose and with the same goal.

We experience the comforting welcome of Family Alvim and the presence of God through others and the nature. It is

through work that we share our difficulties, our complicity and our pray. We overcome our differences and get closer to

join efforts and ways of thinking. We strengthen our ties and take decisions that help us grow and to get to know each

other better.

Casa Velha is an open house to all and that challenges us to become more open to Him and to others. It is possible to

meet God there and that has marked those who have passed by Casa Velha. In fact, Casa Velha helps us to live in

Mission…in the Mission that is our life.

Ana Atouguia, Lisboa (trainee LD em 2009, trainer LD em 2011)

A weekend of training, through service and community experience. This year the LD worked in the preparation of the

green garden that during the summertime offered vegetables to feed MAG+IS, and other visiting people. The 6 LD

participants of the first weekend had the hard task of spreading the manure in the green garden. The following

weekend, the community sowed the seeds. The Ranch House was used as the community area (meals, meetings and

break times) and the lower floor of the Main House welcomed the guests during the nights.

On the night of 2nd of April, the LD participated in the Via Sacra organised by Reparadores (“Fixpeople”) in Vale

Travesso. Each station was represented by a living painting performed by Reparadores. The starting point of the Via

Sacra was Casa Velha and it ended at the Chapel of Vale Travesso. The local community (70 people) participated in the

Via Sacra as well as the group of LD and Family Alvim from Casa Velha.




>SUPPORT: Secal, Petroibérica, LENA, Mantalpor, Grupo Silvestre e Silva,

Municipality of Ourém

Working Camp to train monitors of CAMTIL. The participants were grouped into teams and worked under the support of

Mr. Joaquim, Mr. José Luís and Mr. José Manuel (masons). Among the work done by the participants were: the first

steps to turn the haystack into a guest house, the conversion of the firewood house into bathrooms, the cleaning of the

tank for irrigation and baths, the plaster of the garage walls now a Chapel, the setting of the green garden, etc. The

participants joined a Rock Night organized by Reparadores in Vale Travesso and helped with the Sunday mass. They

were also invited in small groups to have dinner with 16 families of Vale Travesso.

To be back to Casa Velha is to be back home. There is peace, rest and an encountering with Good, the Nature, the other

and myself – that feels like home. To organize a Trowels Camp in Casa Velha is only a natural way to be at home,

comfortably (except from some blisters and back pain). “Over this stone” was the leitmotiv for 50 sets of arms to try to

help building and repairing several things in six days. We did not do it alone – we had the company of Family Alvim and

Reparadores as well as the support of masons, the municipality of Ourém and several firms that donate construction

materials. It was a prove that His Project is bigger than we first thought and that it is when we help each other that Casa

Velha – and the world – progress.

António Fontes (Trolhas Camp Director 2011)

> MEETINGS JMJ (World Youth Day) >12th of June, CASA VELHA >20 PARTICIPANTS



This past year, I was marked by several moments: our meetings where we had the opportunity to come closer, the

meetings every month with the volunteer group that strengthen our ties and led to the increase in the number of

missions to help the community. The outings with the group also marked me much, in particular the trip to Madrid

to participate in the World Youth Day. This was an experience that helped us grew more mature and to keep our

unity. It was also an experience that made us proud to be Christians and to be willing sometimes to yell “This is the

Youth of the Pope!”. 2011 was not only a year of good things. We also faced some difficulties but we managed to

overcome them as we succeed to keep united, some more others less. As our leitmotiv for 2011 says: Nothing will

Set Us Apart! Stefan Simões (Reparadores, Youth Group from Vale Travesso)

Casa Velha is our meeting point where we share our lives and grow as a group. For me, the moments that marked

me most in 201 were the visit by the Trowels and the trip to Madrid for the World Youth Day with the Fonte da

Prata Group. We had fun but we also strengthen our faith as Christians. I was also marked by the meeting with the

Jesuits who shared with us their lives and how they were called to follow God. Our monthly prays also help us to

keep strong with the community and our faith.

Ana Carolina (Reparadores, Youth Group from Vale Travesso)

Preparation meetings, with the support of the Handmaids for the Sacred Heart of Jesus, for trip to Madrid by

Reparadores (youth group from Vale Travesso) and the Fonte da Prata Group to participate in the World Youth Day..

How to describe the World Youth Day? It is impossible to narrate all the emotions that we lived, the new friendships and

the moments spent there. I prefer to thank than anything else! In my memory, I keep the companionship and the

sharing, party and joy moments that I experienced. The kids from Vale Travesso and Fonte da Prata, the mothers who

went with us, the monitors and above all, the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus who with their silent presence

allowed us to live intensively these days.

Maria LuIsa Cannas da Silva (monitor) e








M-Igual is a development education project run by Foundation Gonçalo da Silveira (a Jesuit NGO for development cooperation) in several schools since 2008. During this day around 20 teachers and the project team got together in

Casa Velha to evaluate and assess the next steps of the project. The working day ended with a sale of the vegetables from the green garden to help the summer activities of Casa Velha.

When I visited Casa Velha at the end of the year to evaluate the Project M-Igual, I returned to Lisbon with the heart thankful for the

wonders that God makes in each of us. He is the Good Shepherd, the happy name of the Chapel of Casa Velha where we meet the

God of life in a courageous search of a life with a purpose

Maria Inácia Camacho (Teacher)



Summer Camp for 80 youth, with a group of monitors and three couples. Camping outsider the Casa Velha walls, hose

showers, kitchen at the Oven House, monitors room at the Ranch House and the Chapel under the oak trees. “Arraial”

Party in the end at Casa Velha patio.

Many of the groups that passed by Casa Velha in 2011 greatly contributed for a major activity that happened in August: MAG+S. MAG+S was the

reason behind the work of the LD, Trowels and Ticks that helped prepared the area in and around Casa Velha. They helped building the outdoor

theatre. MAG+S is a world youth gathering organized by the Society of Jesus jointly with other lay movements and in preparation of the World

Youth Day. It is a week full of pray, service, sharing and party oriented towards the Ignatian spirituality. Experience P1 MAG+S In our Land (one of

the 100 experiences that were set in Portugal, Spain, France and Morocco) around the topic of Ecology and which gathered Spanish, Lebanese,

Irish youth later joined by Croatian and Lithuanian youth during the pilgrimage to Fatima. The agenda of the week were filled with an early pray, a

working morning in and around Casa Velha (green garden, the building of the outdoor theatre, the cleaning of the woods), afternoons with several

workshops (sustainable farming, arts & crafts, cooking and talk with Sister Ângela Coelho on Fatima). In an unexpected way, it was possible to light

the Chapel of the Good Shepherd with the coordination of Elie (an engineer from Lebanon). This week was recorded for radio (Ecclesia) and filmed

for TV by Program 70x7:

Programa 70 x 7 (ver Emissão online/ Programa 21 de Agosto) -

Programas Ecclesia na Antena 1:,,


>08th-15th August >60 PARTICIPANTS


New ways and old ways at Casa Velha

I live in a cosmopolitan city, surrounded by buildings, buses, airplanes, strangers, noise and non-stop advertising. In the street or on public

transport, it is normal for city folk to read the newspaper, listen to an iPod or surf the internet; to stay silent and separate. If you want to know

what Casa Velha is like, just imagine the complete opposite. When I arrived at Casa Velha, I was immediately struck by the landscape which

stretched out far before me. The expansive countryside gave my eyes the freedom to look far and wide and gaze further than they normally do.

Simply being in a place where there was an abundance of physical space gave my soul a licence to explore and search for new horizons.

As a Jesuit, I try to live an active yet contemplative life. Integrating these two aspects of Ignatian spirituality is a lifelong process, but the structure

of the week I spent with MAGiS pilgrims at Casa Velha facilitated this very well. It is a place that is very flexible in what it can offer: companions to

journey with, fields to work in, a table to laugh at, some time to think, some space to rest or silence to listen. Casa Velha is a place where change

happens slowly, quietly and with the trademark of God’s gentle power. It is a profoundly sacramental place where the Lord makes himself known in

many ways; in the guests and pilgrims, in the fruitfulness of the land, in the village community who live nearby, and also in the history of Casa

Velha, a story which is planted deep in the heart of Margarida. The Lord is steadily unfolding this story, in new ways and old ways, slowly surprising

us and showing us what is possible with God.

Niall S. Leahy SJ

Casa Velha is a place where peace can be breath. God is found in all its yards, walls and gardens, even in the hens wandering around. Magis

experience could not have had a better scene. A group of people from Portugal, Ireland, Lebanon and Spain met to simply share their hopes, their

beliefs and prayers. It was amazing. Life in Casa Velha was humble, deeply lived and simply enjoyed. Every day was full of prayer, which marked the

rhythm of the day: one prayer in the morning, another one before lunch, a mass in the afternoon and a last goodnight prayer. It was a very intense

week, in which deep sharing, internal prayer, physical work and natural surrounding helped to create a very special ambience. Having the chance of

living a simple life allowed us to enjoy every little and human detail: amusement came from talking, sharing and dancing together; knowledge came

from the simple contact between ones each others. We would enjoy having meals together (the food was delicious and natural) and simple

activities like having a shower or sleeping made us realize how comfortable our life is at home. Magis Circles were the meetings in little groups we

would have every day. In these circles we freely shared all our feelings of the day, our doubts, our surprises or anything we wanted to share about

our thoughts. Usually the Magis Circles were very touching.. One of the best things in Casa Velha was the hospitality with which we were treated by

our Portuguese leaders. They were amazing. They perfectly fulfilled the Jesuit premise “In all serve and love”. We were all touched by the project

Casa Velha. We felt part of it, like little ants being part of a higher project. God bless Casa Velha (I am sure it is already blessed). For sure in the

years to come the house will host spiritual and growing experiences, and the project will keep on growing. Deep roots and beyond vision.

Vitoria (Barcelona)

After being in Loyola (Spain) with the MAGIS Group (About 3000 people), a group of 22 young from Ireland, Lebanon and Spain were gathered to go

to Fatima (Portugal) to live in a simple, joyful and unforgettable experience of one week in a farm in Casa Velha. Casa Velha was a place where

different languages and cultures meet. However the daily workshop, services and meals were accompanied by tiredness and laughs which made us

feel like we were one family.

The favorite moment of our day is when we celebrated mass together each day in a language. It revealed us that we were all connected through

prayer especially when we discovered that we were praying same hymns with different languages (“our father who are in heaven” was said at the

same time in 4 different languages) and that showed us that we are all united in One Church and GOD. In our daily Magis circle, we were sharing in

small groups our severe moments of joy and laughs or tiredness through the Bible and the Ignacian spirituality.

The simple life in Casa velha (sleeping at the floor, living with animals (goats and chicken), far from any technology tools) showed us a deep

happiness without being attached to the everyday routine as well as the respect of nature and seeing GOD’s work in Nature. Finally the pilgrimage

to the Lady of Fatima added the cherry on the cake and made all our week an unforgettable one.

Hope fully that the mission of Casa Velha will grow in the heart of the young to live a simple, joyful life and experience the real Love of GOD.

United in prayer,

Elie Antonios (Lebanese Group)



Renasceu “Old Cars” or Calhambeques was re-born but in an old scale. Something that it did not exist in CampIgnatians, a camp of service without

kids only with “grown-ups” and that changed the leitmotiv from “Educate to Serve” to “Serving by Growing”. We were born a bit out of the

“normal”. We had the will and the monitors available but the project had yet to be defined. We started contacting people and ask for suggestions,

experiences and opinions for a project and two names were commonly mentioned: “Casa Velha” and “Margarida Alvim”. The project was not

obvious at the beginning and we first thought in helping a lost village with an elderly population. We finally decided to call Margarida and to ask if

we could be useful in Casa Velha. We were basically welcomed with open arms. From a not so obvious project it became a clear project and some

months later(and for Maria and me a marriage later!) there we were in Casa Velha!

We went there with a very simple leitmotiv: to do what was needed, where it was needed. And we start right from the first day by a physically and

mentally hard job: to clean a field where the cork trees were threatened by the weeds. This set the characteristics of our work in Casa Velha.

The tasks evolved within a spirit of a beautiful service and human availability, in a terrain that invites to live in pray, with the Ignatian spirituality

always present and with the welcome of a family, particularly of Margarida, who receive each proposal and new day in the camp with immense joy.

After 7 days with many talks and exchanges of all and nothing, a night with Reparadores, a house now white that looks like the “Casa Nova”, a field

clean with many cork trees that can now see the sun, a outdoor theatre and much joy, the only thing that is still missing is a Thank You! It might be

strange to thank when we were the ones doing the work. But it was the openness and welcome that allowed us to grow as individuals and


We remember inspired by the Bible and Nemo Nox, “We pick and place stone by stone…and in the end we succeed in fact to make a castle”

Pedro Vicente (Director)

Working Camp with “Old Cars”, alumni at Jesuit schools. The “Old Cars” worked and left “Casa Velha” as a “Casa Nova”(new house). Before whitewashing the house, for two days they cleaned a big field with young cork trees that

were completely asphyxiated by the weed. They also strengthened and protected the outdoor theatre built for MAG+S and started a new product line “Casa Velha”: little jars of thyme, lemon and salt and little bags of lemon-balm.

I remember fondly the smell of old wood where I slept with the other “Old Cars”, the slow walking pace of the chickens in the garden

and the serenity of the cork trees at Casa Velha. It is without any doubts, a place to rest, to meet and of communion. I found in the

hard work in the field the mental rest and I resume the ties with my inner silence (how good that was!). I believe that Casa Velha will

be much talked in the future because it is a place with so much potential!

Camila Martins



Retreat for the Couples Team L64, along with children. The main house was used for accommodation and meals and the

remaining spaces of the farmstead for individual, couple and family inner reflexion. The retreat was based on guidelines

written by Maria Vaz Pinto acj, inspired on Theillard de Chardin’s “On Love and Happiness”. Father Belchior sj celebrated

Mass on Sunday.

We started the year with a weekend at Casa Velha. This time, the Team Retreat was along with our children and so we got there late at night with them already

sleeping in the back seat. We were welcomed in this lively house, a family house that knows how to welcome other families, as ours, without stepping back facing the

logistics that so many children imply. Casa Velha was to us a special place, where we felt that time has its place, where we did not fight against the clock, where we

simply stayed and did find time to meditate. And while the kids explored the farmstead, some cooking earth and leaves and other throwing acorns and playing with

hens, we let the earth’s smell cradle us and bring us yet a bit of Heaven. The overwhelming presence of nature, the silence, the sound of leaves under our feet... all

these enwrapped us and helped us focus on what is essential. Nature has this capacity to bring us closer to the mystery and here in Casa Velha, to ally faith, nature

and family turned this weekend very special to all of us. It is a place that made us see that simplicity in life does fulfil us and bring us together as a team and as a


This faith moments lived with the children, as well as the Mass prepared by us all will be unforgettable... And it appears so important at this age to pass along to them

our spirituality as lived experience. We left with a full heart and thinking “life becomes a great certainty”. ”.

Joana Taxa Figueiredo

Fusion Spirituality

In October 2011, in the well known village of Vale Travesso, Casa Velha opened its ever-opened-doors to a five-family group, with the aim of

providing a time for family spirituality. The concept reminds me of “fusion cuisine”, which recreates traditional flavours integrating other

gastronomic habits and traditions and proportioning really surprising moments. The Menu was prepared carefully by the Chefs Margarida Alvim

and Maria Vaz Pinto, helped by divine inspiration naturally, and guided all participants through a magnificent spiritual itinerary. We were given to

taste morning prayers under oaks and cork trees, savour long walks debating proposed themes as a couple, snack some silence, regale on the

laughter and presence of such fond friends and delight over the natural manner our children welcome God. Also some workshops were proposed

such as “Communitarian work: Logistic support to a farmstead”, “Case Study: how to cook quickly for a team of couples and their children”,

“Excellent confessions”, “Watching theme movies”, and for the younger “Today we’ll prepare the rosary!” and “I want to prepare Mass!”. Casa

Velha cheered us with great facilities: magnificent bedrooms, living room with TV, grand piano and access to the terrace, bilingual library and art

gallery on the ground floor. Outside we had available am auditorium, swings and slides, outdoor showers for the wilder, children playground and

private parking. It is important to refer the newly built Chapel of the Good Shepherd, privileged space for prayer, which we so much dear. And all

this in a warm and easy ambience that makes us feel home and where two qualified professionals welcomed us with impeccable posture and care.

To have God so blended with ourselves, involving and giving sense to all human dimensions, and that we so often feel forced to segregate, brought

much peace. We loved it. Thank you!

Inês Vinagre



Coming back to Casa Velha, is always an enriching and special opportunity for (re)encounter. Among silence, open space

and earth’s scent, we found time for reflexion around what moves us in our daily work routines. In collective tasks, as

cooking together a meal made exclusively out of Casa Velha products, we discovered hidden talent in those we usually

share workspace with, rather than kitchen space! And around the altar, we reinforced our communion with Him Who

guides us in the implementation of FEC’s mission!

Susana Refega

In 2011 happened another day for the FEC Team in Casa Velha. It was a day for teamwork, around the idea of valuing the routine of everyday life. There was a shared meal made from Casa Velha kitchen garden’s products, and an

explained Mass celebrated by Father Vasco Pinto de Magalhães, sj.

The Network for Missionary Volunteering (Platform coordinated by FEC, which bring together 50 entities with international volunteering work) organized a training session for trainers at Casa Velha, using the wine cellar as meeting

area and the remaining rooms for small group reunions.



Gathering, training and celebration day of laymen connected to the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which live

following the aci charisma. Shared lunch, Worship and Mass with Father Afonso Seixas, sj.

Casa Velha was the place.

Around the bonfire and the table, between the lively sharing and prayer, we went looking for what moves us: to be open

to growth in communion and service. We lingered, welcoming all, comfortable in the familial ambience of the group,

exchanging stories, deepening friendships which strengthen as they are founded upon the same Lord Who stands at the

core of our lives.

Luisa Sobral



There are moments in which we feel the Grace of existing-for-the-others: moments in which we cross the borders of what we

already know and have, and go meet the others, openhearted.

There are moments in which life demands us more than a prudent surrender... and in which we allow God’s desire to unchain

and cross over our being, from head to toe, with a might we don’t want to tame anymore...

To cross over is also allowing to be crossed over: this is the experience I keep from the Volunteering group of Vale Travesso! I

thank Christ Who sends me and all who make this experience possible!

Marta Heleno aci

Starting November 2011, 14 students and graduates will dedicate 1 weekend every month to form a community at Casa

Velha, serving Vale Travesso and its surroundings, through work at the house and social and pastoral projects.

A wish grew this year at Casa Velha to extend its mission in Vale Travesso. And from this fruitful wish started a group which will take

it to action a weekend every month, by visiting the elderly at their homes and at a nursing home, supporting study in a welcoming

house for girls, and along with the “Reparadores” youth group, sharing time with the children of Vale Travesso. It is a mission with no

end in sight. To enter a community and to be God’s hands.

António Rocha Pinto



The 10th edition of the National Cenacle had its first meeting at Quinta da Casa Velha, from November 18th to 20th. The Cenacle is

an educational project belonging to the National Scout Catholic Association and which fosters participation and implication of youth

in the process of decision-making. It was a national forum for Rovers (young scouts between 18 and 22 years old) which aim was to

create an informal space for debate.

With the motto “Renew yourself”, around 70 Rovers coming from all parts of the country, including the islands, left their worldly

comfort at home and lived unique moments for reflection and sharing, enriched by the amazing ambience of Casa Velha.

“Scouts as an entrepreneurship school” and “Individual sustainability” were the discussed themes. They were intense days, charged

with work which turned out joyfully rewarding, thanks to God and St. Paul’s help.

When came time for farewell, we took along with our backpacks all the small moments, smiles and hugs from those who together

shared a Cenacle, as well as a feeling of gratitude and longing to return to “magical Casa Velha”.

Representing the 10th National Cenacle Project Team,


National Rovers Meeting (scouts between 17 and 22 years old). The group slept in tents; the wine cellar was used as

kitchen and meal space; Casa da Eira as meeting area. The scouts livened up Sunday Mass at Vale Travesso.



This year in Advent’s day we made a new walk: “Searching Christmas’s door”. Father Vasco Pinto de Magalhães’s ideas

and questions inspired great drawings!

I loved the Christmas party at Casa Velha! This year’s theme was about Doors. I really liked Heaven’s Door, but my

favourite one was the stable’s door, the Good Shepherd’s Door! At Mass, I learned a bit more about the Gospel.

Carmo Silveira, 9

The Door walk was very funny and I chose the one which is narrow and wide! It was really worth going. I also liked

making paper angels and writing a prayer on the backside.

Luísa Sampaio, 9


Fortnightly meetings with the Reparadores youth group; MAG+S Experience and Carraças Summer camp preparation

weekends (May); field trip visit from Ourém’s primary school children (June); Meeting of Regency Jesuits; weekends

with friends involved with the project; Christmas sales of Casa Velha origined products (December).

Casa Velha: A history with future

Contemporary life has the city as its main stage. And in the city we sometimes feel uprooted. Technology and

high speed overwhelm us and our contact with nature occurs in delimited spaces which can’t avoid an artificial hue.

City, as the whole universe, is filled with God, but to find him among concrete towers and crowds in motion is a


That is why we so often feel the need to go out of town for a while. We feel the need to visit places where the

connection with our roots still hasn’t broken; to breathe a broad nature which grows at its own pace, which masters its

own self. Casa Velha is one of those places.

I visited Casa Velha twice. At the end of the past summer I took part of a Calhambeques summer camp, a week

of service in which we did a little of everything: we painted the house, we trimmed cork trees, we sowed in the

vegetable garden, and we reinforced the amphitheatre construction. By the end of December I came back for another

weekend, this time in the company of a group of Jesuits in training,

I was moved both times by the purity of the place. The simple beauty of the house, the so clearly perceptible

memories of the history of a family, the proximity to a joyful and untied nature, and the austerity of the life that is there

proposed, make Casa Velha an inspiring place. We still don’t know which fruit will grow from its history, but I intuit that

there, is forming a new way of caring the spiritual dimension of our lives. At Casa Velha, we can enjoy contact with a

wholesome nature, learn again the simple gestures of a genuine life, and deepen our relationship with God in a place

where the after-image of His presence grows ever more visible. The still under construction Good Shepherd’s Chapel is a

fine sign of the will to turn Casa Velha into a house for God.

I here wish to express my gratitude for having found Casa Velha and for having been given the opportunity to

contribute with some insignificant and clumsy traits to the history that is there being drafted.

Bruno Nobre sj

03. 03. 03. 03. 2012 PROGRAMME2012 PROGRAMME2012 PROGRAMME2012 PROGRAMME

2012 PROGRAMME (still defining)

In addition to welcoming several activities organized by diverse groups and movements, Casa Velha also proposes some of

its own activities, open to inscription for those who are interested: Rural Easter, Soups and Rest, Casa Velha’s Picnic, Praying in the Country and Advent’s Day are among them.

For further information on the organization of other activities at Casa Velha, please contact

Margarida Alvim, 914511519, [email protected].


Fortnightly Prayer and sharing

meeting Reparadores youth group

Margarida Alvim and Inês Pereira


Monthly Voluntary work weekend Children and the elderly from

Vale Travesso and Ourém

Atravessados group, Marta Heleno

acj and Margarida

Monthly Night of adoration at Vale

Travesso’ chapel Vale Travesso’s community

Reparadores, Katya Rafael and

Frederico Serôdio, integrating the

network of adorations of the

Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of


February 5th ACJ trip to Taizé

(preparation weekend)

Reparadores and other youth


Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of

Jesus and ACJ Family

April 5th - 8th Rural Easter Vale Travesso and whomever

wants to join us

Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

and Atravessados

March 16th - 18th Mini-Camp LD Laymen in training Laymen for Development

Mar31st - April4th Trolhas work camp CAMTIL monitors CAMTIL

April 12th – 14th Classes of EMRC School in

Santarém Teachers from EMRC School

May 4th – 6th Soups and Rest All Father Afonso Seixas sj

June 8th – 10th Training weekend Youth connected to the Sisters

of the Love of God Sisters of the Love of God

June Architecture and

Spirituality Group of Architects João Alves da Cunha

June 30th Casa Velha’s picnic All Casa Velha

July 6th - 8th Family weekend Hospitable Families Teresa Eugénio and Ricardo

July28th – Aug4th Leisure activities Carraças Carraças Couples

August 4th – 13th Trip to Taizé ACJ Groups Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of

Jesus and ACJ Family

August 18th - 26th After MAG+S Irish and English Group Niall Leahy sj

Sept 1st - 8th SAIREF Summer Camp SAIREF couples and monitores

October 6th Training Weekend for MV Network for Missionary

Volunteering FEC

Oct 19th – 21st Praying in the Country All Casa Velha

December 9th Advent’s day Families Father Vasco Pinto de Magalhães sj




Good Shepherd’s


Conversion of the

garage into a chapel

8.541 € 2800 € 5841€ 2700 €

Start: August 18th


End: April 2012


Conversion of the

woodshed into a


7.510 € 2019 € 5958 € 1552 € Start: April 2011

End: August 2011


Conversion of the

Hayloft into an

inn/sleeping area

40.000 € 1141€ 38859 € Start: April 2011

End: 2013

Open-air amphitheatre

Celebration Area in

Poço do Freixo

988 € 440 € 583 € 405€ Start: August 2011

End: April 2012

Bedroom suites, dining

room and meeting


Conversion of 2 cattle

sheds, hennery, Casa

do Rancho, Oven


295.000 €

PRODER (2012-



Supports 2011:

4.000 €

12.000 € 177.000 (PRODER) +

106.000 € (self-raised



70.800€ +



106.200€ +


Start: June 2012

End: 2014

TOTAL 352.039 € 186.259€ 25.523 € 326.516 €


Two defining lines are marking Casa Velha and will also mark the year 2012, aiming the reinforcement of the foundations and sustainability path wished by Casa Velha. Those are the development of an agrotourism business, approaching ecological and

religious strands, and the organisation of the non-profit project for human and spiritual development activities. These two lines are complementary.

Quinta da Casa Velha Agroturismo Lda:

Approval on October 29th 2011 of the request for fund support of the PRODER 3.1.1 Measure, submitted on January 2011 (Programme of support for rural development, from the EU, Measure “Other uses for agricultural exploitation”). Total investment of

295.000€, of which 60% are granted as Loan loss provision by PRODER (177.000€), 40% by Casa Velha Agroturismo Lda. Start of the project scheduled for the second semester 2012, predicting its end 2 years after signing contract signing PRODER.

Association “Casa Velha, Ecology and Spirituality”:

The association “Casa Velha, Ecology and Spirituality” will soon be officialised, following the path outlined in the day for reflection on Casa Velha on March 2011. The sustainability of this non-profit project and the number of activities and people involved drives to the forming of this autonomous body which will have as ground mission the planning and organisation of the activities developed at

Casa Velha. The experience acquired during these last 3 years has shown us that the most distinctive feature of Casa Velha, which also bends over the concerns of our times, is the meeting of Ecology and Spirituality. Ecology takes us to “Care our Home”, home which impersonates the Earth/Creation in which we all take part, and therefore the Home that we are ourselves, individually and

relating with others.

From the Legal Status of the Casa Velha Association:

Casa Velha aims to be a place for encounter and personal development, through the direct contact with nature, through cultural, social and spiritual activities which foster the wholesome growth of the relationships with one self, with God and with the others.

Through the welcoming into a familiar ambience, the experience of a simple life of communitarian nature in a rural setting, the chartering of silent and sharing moments, through work on the field, spaces for creativity, training and reflection/praying, Casa

Velha aims to be a place open to all, proposing a strong experience of the Essential of Life, of every Person, of local Community and thus contributing to the Human Whole development in its different strands: personal, communitarian, local, in communion with the

whole Earth and Humanity. Observant of each time, Casa Velha wishes to build a prophetic sign of fraternity, simplicity and solidarity in the society to which she belongs. Open to all, Casa Velha has a Christian identity, guided by the valued of the Gospel.

Thereunto, it counts on the spiritual and institutional support of the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and of the Portuguese Province of the Society of Jesus.

The way humanity treats the environment influences the way it treats itself, and vice versa. This invites contemporary society to a

serious review of its life-style, which, in many parts of the world, is prone to hedonism and consumerism, regardless of their harmful

consequences. What is needed is an effective shift in mentality which can lead to the adoption of new life-styles “in which the quest

for truth, beauty, goodness and communion with others for the sake of common growth are the factors which determine consumer

choices, savings and investments”. […] The Church has a responsibility towards creation and she must assert this responsibility in the

public sphere. In so doing, she must defend not only earth, water and air as gifts of creation that belong to everyone. She must above

all protect mankind from self-destruction. There is need for what might be called a human ecology, correctly understood. The

deterioration of nature is in fact closely connected to the culture that shapes human coexistence: when “human ecology” is respected

within society, environmental ecology also benefits. Just as human virtues are interrelated, such that the weakening of one places

others at risk, so the ecological system is based on respect for a plan that affects both the health of society and its good relationship

with nature.

Benedictus PP. XVI, Encyclical Letter “Caritas in Veritate”, nº51

Other projects to deepen:

- Vegetable garden: food suply for groups, ground area for activities e possible additional source of revenue;

- Casa Velha Product line.


Many are those to whom Casa Velha wishes to thank the given support, feeling the responsibility of matching the

expectation and trust placed on this project. Without their support, the Miracle of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fish wouldn’t be happening so visibly. Apart from all these people, also are many the institutions, organisations and

movements which supported and collaborate with Casa Velha.


Parish Council of Nossa Senhora da Piedade

OurémViva (municipal firm) Instituto Politécnico de Leiria (IPL)

Tia Alice Restaurant


Society of Jesus Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus


Trolhas (CAMTIL association)

SAIREF Carraças

Schoenstatt Movement Leigos para o Desenvolvimento (Laymen for Development)

Fundação Fé e Cooperação (Faith and Cooperation Foundation) Calhambeques (belonging to the group Campinácios)

Rovers of the National Scout Association Atravessados (Volunteering group)

Reparadores (Vale Travesso youth group) Sanctuary of Fátima



Petroibérica LENA

Mantalpor Grupo Silvestre e Silva


Agência Ecclesia Spirituc

Revista Visão

In 2011 Casa Velha was also invited to contribute and share its experience in some occasions and events.

- May 4th, MAIONESE at CUPAV (Padre António Vieira University Center), conference on “Do you have time to be happy?”

- June 25th, communication on “worshiping God in everyday life”, during the Symposium “Worshiping God in Spirit and Truth”, Sanctuary of Fátima, June 23rd to 25th, Commemoration of the Centenary of the Apparitions; minutes published

by the Sanctuary Bookshop;

- October, Interview on Visão Verde magazine “Agriculture and Fisheries”, integrating a report on “Return to the country”, from Luísa Oliveira and José Caria;

- November, presentation of the Casa Velha Project to Touristic Marketing students from Instituto Politécnico of Leiria, as

potential case study for final year projects;

- December, Christmas sales at Centro Social do Sagrado Coração de Jesus, featuring products from Casa Velha;

For further information: Margarida Alvim

Quinta da Casa Velha, Vale Travesso 2490 – 715 Ourém

Telem. +351914511519 [email protected]

Special thanks to:

João Alves da Cunha and Teresa Rebelo de Andrade (Bulletin design)

Teresa Rebelo de Andrade and Luís Mah (english translation)
