
CBD Experience Survey – May 2017


• 801 responses • 63% of respondents were Bunbury residents 37% non Bunbury residents • 30% of non Bunbury residents were from Australind; 25% from Dalyellup; 21% from

Eaton; 7% from Gelorup; the remainder were from various other locations , mostly in the SW

• Statistically based on the number of survey responses there is at least a 95% confidence of the findings being representative of the community views

• There was no significant difference between Bunbury and non Bunbury residents in the pattern of how often they come into the CBD for work purposes for cultural experience or to visit tourist attractions

• Some minor differences existed between Bunbury and non Bunbury residents on how often they come to the CBD to shop dine out pay bills or access services, for the nightlife and to attend events.


• 51% of Bunbury residents and 52% of non Bunbury residents come into the CBD for work purposes at least weekly

• 58% of Bunbury residents and 62% of non Bunbury residents come into the CBD for work purposes at least monthly

• 36% of Bunbury residents and 31% of non Bunbury residents do not come into the CBD for work purposes

Shopping in the CBD

• 96% of Bunbury residents and 93% of non Bunbury residents shop in the CBD • 55% of Bunbury residents and 43% of non Bunbury residents shop in CBD at least

weekly. • 80% of Bunbury residents and 72% of non Bunbury residents shop in the CBD at least



• 31% of Bunbury residents and 20% of non Bunbury residents dine at least weekly in the CBD

• Bunbury residents (11%) were almost twice as likely to dine in the CBD several times a week than non Bunbury residents (6%)

• 69% of Bunbury residents and 61% of non Bunbury residents dine in the CBD at least monthly

• 24% of Bunbury residents dine in the CBD less than once a month compared to 34% of non Bunbury residents

• Only 7% of Bunbury residents and 6% of non Bunbury residents do not dine in the CBD at all

Other CBD Experiences

• Other than work, shopping and dining experiences, the next most common experience sought by both Bunbury and non Bunbury residents is attending events, followed by cultural experiences

• 53% of Bunbury residents and 60% of non Bunbury residents attend events less than once a month.

• 36% of Bunbury residents and 39% of non Bunbury residents attend a cultural experience less than once a month

• 12% of Bunbury residents and 15% of non Bunbury residents do not come into the CBD to attend events.

• 29% of Bunbury residents and 35% of non Bunbury residents do not come into the CBD for a cultural experience

• 34% of Bunbury residents and 43% of non Bunbury residents seek a nightlife experience in the CBD less than once a month

Other CBD Experiences (continued)

• The remaining CBD experiences examined have a similar pattern of visitation frequency • 37% of Bunbury residents and 39% of non Bunbury residents do not seek any nightlife

experience in the CBD at all • 34% of Bunbury residents and 42% of non-Bunbury residents do not visit the CBD at all to

pay bills or access services • 45% of Bunbury residents and 44% of non-Bunbury residents do not seek any tourist

attraction experiences at all in the CBD. • The most common frequency for coming into the CBD for these three types of experiences

is less than once a month.

When People Visit

• The pattern of CBD visits does not differ significantly between Bunbury and non Bunbury residents

• On weekdays 35% of Bunbury residents and 38% of non Bunbury residents most commonly visit the CBD in the morning, 27% of Bunbury residents and 26% of non Bunbury residents mostly visit in the afternoon and 23% of Bunbury residents and 26% of non Bunbury residents mostly visit in the evening

• On Saturdays people most commonly visit the CBD in the morning (36% of Bunbury residents and 44% non Bunbury residents)

• On Sundays visits to the CBD are fairly evenly split between mornings and afternoons with 36% of Bunbury residents and 40% of non Bunbury residents visiting mostly in the morning and 40% of Bunbury residents and 32% of non Bunbury residents visiting mostly in the afternoon

When People Visit (continued)

• When people visit the CBD for non work related activities ,the majority of people stay for 2 hours or less (78% of Bunbury residents and 67% of non Bunbury residents)

• Only 14% of Bunbury residents and 11% of non Bunbury residents visit the CBD all day on weekdays

• Slightly more visit all day on Saturdays (16% Bunbury and 15% non Bunbury residents) and Sundays (16% for both Bunbury and non-Bunbury residents)

• Another 20% of Bunbury residents and 30% of non Bunbury residents visit for 3 to 4 hours

What Council Can Do

• Review parking • Creation of a more pedestrian-friendly CBD • Creation of malls and the closure of streets such as Victoria and Prinsep Streets (on a

permanent and occasional basis)

What Business Can Do

• Better customer service; • Longer opening hours, including Sundays; • More consistent approach to opening hours • For business (and property owners) to improve the look and maintenance of shops in the

CBD; • Property owners to reduce rents; • More variety of shops. • Major department store in the CBD; • Businesses to work together for the betterment of the CBD

What The Community Can Do

• Support businesses in the CBD • Support events in the CBD • Create more events in the CBD • Have respect for the CBD – less litter and lower anti-social behaviour
