
Book Reviews 157

Cell Surface Antigen Thy-1, Immunology, Neurology and Therapeutic Applicatior-rEdited by A. E. Reif and M. Schlesinger. 618 pp. 1989. Dekker, New York. US$99.75 (USA & Canada), US$119.50 (elsewhere).

Thy-I IT] is an antigen that is used as a marker for mouse T lymphocytes. It is also present in nervous tissue and other subpopulations of lymphocytes. T is a glycoprotein with a molecular weight of 18,700 in the thymus and 17,500 in the brain. The protein portions are identical but the difference is in the carbohydrate part. T is anchored to the cell membrane via a glucosyl-phosphatidylinositol linkage. T homologues are present in birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, arthropods, annelids and molluscs. The T structural genes have been identified and cloned. The expression of T is affected by thymosin, the maturation of hematolymphoid cells and ageing. Monoclonal antibodies to T have been developed. T antibodies possess mitogenic activity and increase the intracellular level of calcium in murine T cells. This book provides an admirable detailed and readable survey of the past 25 years research on T and indicates lines of future research.

Natural Products Isolation; Separation Methods for Anti- mierobials, Antivirais and Enzyme Inhibitors--Edited by G. H. Wagman and R. Cooper. 618pp. 1989. Elsevier, Amsterdam. US$139, Dfl 285.

The latest techniques in isolating antibiotics, marine and plant derived substances, and enzyme inhibitors are pre- sented here. They include new applications of counter- current chromatography, HPLC-photodiode array tech- nology, affinity chromatography applied to antibiotics, cephalosporins, nikkomycins and polyoxins, saframycins and isoquinolines, carbapanems, the beta lactams, aver- mectins, and interferons.

mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, have a genetic basis. The use of molecular genetics, restriction enzymes, blots, RFLPs DNA probes, library screening, gene replacement therapy, are all described in this book together with their possible application in the study of the above mentioned diseases. It will help you get up-to-date.

Human Immunogeuetics: Basic Principles and Clinical Rele- vance--Edited by S. D. Litwin, D. W. Scott, L. Flaherty, R. A. Reisfeld and D. M. Marcus. 828 pp. 1989. Dekker, New York. US$150 (USA & Canada), US$180 (elsewhere).

Study of the O, A, B, AB, Rh, A, M, N, blood groups and the way that they are inherited acted as a powerful stimulus for research into immunogenetics (I) and much of this is summarised in the present volume. The topics discussed include:

(1) Approaches and tools of I (human gene mapping; maternal-fetal I; transplantation I; molecular biology; monoclonal antibodies and tumour antigens);

(2) I of immunity (clonal nature of the immune response; lymphoid cell development; immunoglobulin genes; im- munodeficiency diseases);

(3) Histocompatability and related systems (major histo- compatability complex; molecular genetics of leukocytes; minor histocompatability loci; leukocyte antigens and dis- ease; Qafr la antigens; T lymphocyte associative recogni- tion; T/t complex);

(4) Tumor and viral antigens (EB virus and its antigens; T-lymphotropic viruses, Hepatitis B antigen; murine and feline retrovirus; influenza; Retrovirus, proto-oncogenes and breast cancer; melanoma);

(5) Blood and serum (ABO, Hh, Sccretor and Lewis systems; Ii and P; MNSs and Gerbich; Rh; complement genetics).

An excellent reference and text book.

Glutathioue Conjugation; Mechanisms and Biological Signifi- cance--Edited by H. Sins and B. Ketterer. 478 pp. 1988. Academic Press, London. £47.50.

Glutathione [G] conjugation is the formation of a thioether between G and a compound with an electrophilic centre. This process is usually associated with detoxication and excretion and has been known since 1879. In 1979 a new horizon developed when Hammarstrom showed that G conjugation was involved in the biosynthesis of leukotrienes. This volume surveys G and G-transferases [GT]; reactivity of G; conjugation and oxidation of G via thiyl free radicals; the soluble GT isozymes; structure, genetics and regulation of GT; membrane bound GT; intracelhilar effects of G conjugates; relationships between GT and P-450; G and GT in detoxication of drugs and carcinogens; G conjugation in oncogenesis; GT and drug resistance; G pharmacokinetics; monitoring exposure to potential toxicants; leukotrienes and the mercapturate pathway.

Molecular Genetics of Diseases of Brain, Nerve and Muscle--- Edited by L. P. Rowland, D. S. Wood, E. A. Schon and S. Dimauro. 481 pp. 1989. Oxford University Press, New York. US$55.

This very interesting volume will help provide a link between biochemists, physiologists and clinicians working on nerve, muscle and brain. Many different diseases such as the muscular dystrophies (Duchenne, myotonic, Emery- Dreifuss) familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy, alpha glu- ¢osidase deficiency, X-linked spinal muscular atrophy; diseases such as Huntington, Tay-Sachs, Alzheimers, Lesch-Nyhan, PKU, ornithine transcarbamylase defciency,

Treatment of Soft Tissue Sarcomas--Edited by H. M. Pinedo and J. Verweij. 133 pp. 1989. Kluwer, Boston. US$62.50.

Soft tissue sarcomas are < 1% of all malignant tumors. Less radical extensive surgery is now used due to the development of diagnostic imaging, and the progress in radiation therapy together with chemotherapy (deoxorubicin, DTIC, ifos- famide, mitoxantrone), adjuvant chemotherapy, intra-arte- rial chemotherapy and thermochemotherapy (hyperthermia of affected region together with chemotherapy). The selected combined use of these methods has led to improved chances of recovery.

Drug Induced Ocular Side Effects and Drug Interactions-- F. T. Franfelder and S. M. Meyer. 3rd edn. 675 pp. 1989. Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia. US$49.50.

Many drugs can have side effects on the eyes. This book classifies drugs and indicates any side effects. For each drug there is given the genetic names; proprietary names; primary use; ocular side effects; clinical significance; interactions with other drugs; references. The chapters deal with anti-infectives (amebicides, anhelmintics; antibiotics; antifungals; antileprosy; antimalarials; antiprotozoa; anti- tubercular); CNS drugs; analgesics; narcotic antagonists; anaesthetics; GI drugs; cardiac, vascular, renal drugs; hor- mones; anticoagulants; homeostatics; allergies; oncolytics; heavy metal antagonists; ophthalmic drugs. There is a very useful 35 page index of side effects and a 50 page index. The third edition has been brought up to date in terms of side effects, drug interactions, drug names, and the references, A very useful reference book for all those prescribing drugs.
