  • 7/21/2019 CERES News Digest Vol. 6 Week 8; March 2 - 6


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  • 7/21/2019 CERES News Digest Vol. 6 Week 8; March 2 - 6


    Washington PostNew York Times

    Thursday marked the official opening of Turkeys largest

    refugee camp for displaced Syrians, with a capacity of35,000 people. First Lady of Turkey Emine Erdoganattended the opening ceremony in Suruc, a town in thesoutheastern province of Sanliurfa that has seen an influx ofrefugees from the war-torn town of Kobani since last year.Erdogan said that the people of Kobani will be treated asguests of Turkey until their town is rebuilt. Turkeycurrently hosts 1.7 million Syrian refugees.

    HurriyetDaily Sabah

    CNNVoice of AmericaCivil.geThe Financial

    In Belgium on Tuesday, the European Peoples Party (EPP)adopted a resolution that condemns the Armenian genocide andcalls for the Turkish government to formally recognize thegenocide. The resolution, made in honor of the upcomingcentennial of the event in April, honors those who died andcriticizes the destruction of Armenian cultural monuments inTurkey. It also appeals to European organizations, like theCouncil of Europe, to pay restitution to victims. The EPP is thelargest political party in the European Parliament.

    AsbarezArmenia Weekly

    RFE/RLAssociated Press


    On Wednesday, 33 miners were confirmed dead after a coalmine blast near the separatist-controlled city of Donetsk.Mine officials said the explosion was caused by a buildup ofmethane gas and not linked with shelling at a nearbyfrontline. Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk and PresidentPetro Poroshenko accused the separatists of holding up therescue effort by restricting access to the site. The Zasyadkomine has a history of deadly accidents, including threeexplosions in 2007 that killed over 150 workers.

    The International Monetary Fund projected that Georgia willface inflation in coming months and announced projectedgrowth of only 2 percent for the year of 2015. The missionadvised the Georgian government to push more actively forreforms and preserve the independence of the National Bank.Recently, the bank came under attack from governmentofficials, with accusations that the head of the bank is failingto prevent the ongoing devaluation of the Georgian lari.

    Romania has initiated a project that entails the shipment ofnatural gas to Moldova as Chisinau aims to reduce its energydependency on Russia. It is first time thatgas goes fromWest to East,declared Foreign Minister of Moldova NataliaGherman during her visit to Bucharest. Moldova receives mostof its gas from Russia, however, it is currently trying todiversify its other sources.

    On Wednesday, President Ilham Aliyev visited Bulgaria todiscuss the possibility of bringing Azerbaijani Gas to Europethrough the shelved Nabucco pipeline. Bulgarian PrimeMinister Boyko Borisov announced that Bulgaria is interestedin reviving the project. Nabucco was initially proposed by theU.S. and aimed at reducing Europes dependency on Russian


    A diplomatic row erupted between Kyrgyzstan and Belarus latelast week over former Kyrgyz President Kurmanbek Bakiev andhis family, who are currently sheltered in Belarus. After awitness to the murder of a Kyrgyz mobster was killed in Minskfollowing a meeting with Bakievs brother, Kyrgyz PresidentAlmazbek Atambayev ordered them extradited to Kyrgyzstan.The Belarusian Foreign Ministry responded by saying thatBelarusian authorities are looking into the murders. Bakiev fledKyrgyzstan in 2010 following violent protests that ousted himfrom the presidency.

    Slain opposition leader Boris Nemtsov, 55, was buried onTuesday in Moscow. He was gunned down in central Moscowlate on Friday, February 27. No suspects have been detained forthe killing, which President Vladimir Putin has called adisgrace. A march that was supposed to focus on events in

    Ukraine on Sunday was instead held in honor of Nemtsov.Before he was killed, Nemtsov was working on a report onRussian military involvement in Ukraine. Opposition memberIlya Yashin has vowed to continue Nemtsovs work.

    EuroActiv AzerNews
  • 7/21/2019 CERES News Digest Vol. 6 Week 8; March 2 - 6


    Iran has taken a leading role in backing the Iraqi militarys latest

    attempt to reclaim the city of Tikrit from the Islamic State. Iranhas contributed drones, artillery, and rockets, as well as fightersfrom Irans Revolutionary Guards. Shiite militias with close ties

    to Iran are also involved in the offensive, with nearly half of the30,000 fighters involved coming from Shiite militias. U.S.officials have expressed some concern about the possibility forthe active involvement of Iran and Shia militias to inflame

    sectarian tensions in Iraq.

    Christian Science MonitorWall Street Journal

    Umarali Kuvvatov, outspoken critic of the Rahmon governmentand leader of the opposition movement Group-24, was shotand killed in Istanbul on Thursday evening. According toTurkish media, he was killed with a single shot to the head at10:30pm and was dead before medics arrived on the scene. TheTurkish government, which had previously refused a request bythe Tajik government to extradite Kuvvatov, is investigatingthe murder. Kuvvatov had fled Tajikistan in 2012 and had beenlivin in Istanbul since 2013.

    Deutsche Welle Reuters

    Turkmenistan signed a series of agreements on improvingbilateral relations with Turkey during Turkmen PresidentGurbanguly Berdimuhamedovs official visit to Turkey this

    week. During talks between Berdimuhamedov and TurkishPresident Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the two leaders emphasized thestrategic importance of energy and transportation cooperationbetween the two countries.

    Todays Zaman Trend

    Last week, Mongolian and Japanese archaeologists announcedthat the remains of a military outpost dating from the 13thcentury was likely built by Mongol conqueror Genghis Khan.The outpost, which resembles a fortress surrounded by anearthen wall, is located in southwest Mongolia and was first

    discovered in 2001. The archaeologists also discoveredfragments of Chinese ceramics, wood chips, and bones at thesite. It is hoped that the site will help researchers gain deeperunderstanding of the Mongolian Plateau between the 13th and14th centuries.

    Huffington Post Archaeology News Network

    An Uzbek government delegation to Germany has signed apackage of investment and loan agreements totaling $2.8billion. The trip marked the first meeting of the German-Uzbek Business Council and knowledge exchange of bestpractices among 50 German companies in the field ofcorporate governance. The package of agreements covers thechemical, electro-technical, textile, and food industries, amongothers. German-Uzbek trade increased 10 percent in 2014compared with 2013.

    Starting this year, Kyrgyzstan will cancel secondary schoolgraduation tests in the Uzbek language, limiting the option toeither Kyrgyz or Russian. Chynara Batyrakeyeva, expert inthe governments Center for Education Assessment, said that

    only 49 students took the exam in Uzbek last year and theexam was scrapped due to low numbers. The issue of Uzbeklanguage in the public sphere remains a sensitive subject

    after clashes between ethnic Uzbek and Kyrgyz in 2010.


    Times of Central Asia AzerNews

    On Tuesday, the international NGO Human Rights Watch(HRW) published a report detailing extrajudicial killings,abductions, and other human rights abuses presided over by highranking Afghan officials since the fall of the Taliban. In thereport, HRW calls on the United States and other internationaldonors to pressure the Afghan government to hold the securityforces to account. President Ashraf Ghani did not respond to anyindividual allegations but thanked HRW for the report and statedthat his administration would not tolerate torture.

    The GuardianReuters

    The ninth wave of a mysterious sleeping disease struck thenorthern town of Kalachi this week, forcing residents toevacuate to other parts of Kazakhstan. The disease was firstreported in March 2013 and is characterized by an extremedrowsiness that causes people to fall asleep at any time,sometimes for several days. The exact cause of the disease isunknown, but some researchers suspect radon emissions from anearby abandoned uranium mine to be a factor. Over 150 peoplehave fallen ill from the disease in the last year.

  • 7/21/2019 CERES News Digest Vol. 6 Week 8; March 2 - 6



    The Czech Republic is planning to hand over 909 acres ofterritory to Poland in order to end a border dispute that datesback to the 1950s, when the Soviets altered the borderbetween Poland and Czechoslovakia. The Poles have aterritorial claim that we acknowledge," Interior MinisterMilan Chovanec told the daily Mlada Fronta Dnes. Czechshave previously offered money to their Polish counterpartsfor the land, but the Poles refused. The area that the Czechsare willing to hand over to Poles has not been yet disclosed.

    The Hungarian Parliament approved a law on Tuesday thatwould classify for 30 years all information related to the $14billion Paks nuclear power plant expansion by Russia. Theagreement has provoked criticism from opposition members,who claim that the agreement ignores competition rules andincreases Russian energy dominance in European markets. TheEU Energy Commission has already been evaluating the nucleardeal for irregularities, although the investigation is stillpreliminary. The deal was signed last year and is opposed by 60percent of Hungarian citizens.

    On Wednesday, Polands Central Bank announced an interestrate cut of rate 50 basis points to a record low of 1.50 percent inresponse to consumer price declines. The cut is in line withsimilar easing measures by central banks across Europe inresponse to the stimulus program announced by the EuropeanCentral Bank in late January. The bank said that the cut would

    be its last in the current easing cycle.

    ABC ACT Media

    Around 50 participants will meet at a conference in Koice,Slovakia to discuss the Ukrainian crisis and find a solution sothat Putin does not leave the field as a loser.The Conference isorganized by the group called German-Russian Forum.Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico announced the event as animportant peace conference, though critics have emphasized thepro-Russian nature of the conference.

    Slovak Spectator Shanghai Daily

    On Tuesday, the Romanian Supreme Council for theCountrys Defense (CSAT) approved the stationing of fourPortuguese F-16 jets and 150 Portuguese troops and civiliansin Romania beginning from May-June 2015. The aircraft andtroops will be stationed in Romania to participate in NATOaerial policing drills spurred by the crisis in neighboringUkraine. At the same meeting CSAT also agreed to increasethe Romanian defense budget by 2 percent of GDP by 2017.

    The Telegraph Prague PostWSJBBC

    Russia expelled a Latvian civilian aviation senior inspector forallegedly working as a double agent for Latvia and the UnitedStates. The Latvian citizen, Andrejs Dudarevs, has been bannedfrom entering Russia for 10 years. According to the FSB,Dudarevs was gathering military classified information formore than 20 years. Latvian sources maintain that Dudarevswas trying to enroll in the Saint Petersburg State University ofCivil Aviation and had no connection with the Latvian Secret


    The Baltic Course Value Walk

    Wall Street Journal Reuters

    Ukraine Today

    Wall Street Journal Bloomberg


    The U.S. and Lithuania held joint military exercises near thecapital Vilnius with live fire aimed at sending a signal toRussian designs on the Baltic region. U.S. Army CaptainRussell Moore, leading the troops in the exercise this week,said that the war games show not just that the U.S. is willing

    to stand with all of its NATO alliance partners - it shows thatwere strong, Europe is strong and theres a collective

    defense ready to defend against foreign aggression.

    Estonias governing Reform Party won a national election.

    Prime Minister Taavi Roivas will likely form a coalition inthe 101 member parliament, out of which his party holds 30seats. The election campaign was dominated by the topic ofRussian aggression in Ukraine. The pro-Russian opposition

    party came second with 24.8 percent of the vote.
  • 7/21/2019 CERES News Digest Vol. 6 Week 8; March 2 - 6


    On Thursday, Deputy Prime Minister Meglena Kunevaannounced a new plan for the integration of refugees into thenational economy. The government will provide Bulgarianlanguage training to refugees, as well as acknowledgement ofeducation and certificates obtained abroad. Kuneva said underthe government plan, refugees will be able to rent propertyand work legally, while being required will be required to payhealth insurance. Kuneva stopped short of announcing the

    cost of the government plan.

    Shanghai Daily

    On Tuesday, Kosovo's Foreign Minister Hashim Thaci called onthe EU to speed up integration of the Balkan countries tocounteract the threat of Islamic extremism and the growinginfluence of Russia. Thaci stated that delaying EU and NATOintegration in the Balkans would open the way for penetration

    and the increase of influence of Russia in political terms,economic terms and military terms," as well as leaving the

    region open to influence by the Islamic State.

    On Thursday, Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic held a jointnews conference in Belgrade with the EU Commissioner forMigration, Home Affairs and Citizenship DimitrisAvramopolous. Vucic said that Serbia is not responsible forthe waves of migrations that have upset Europe, adding

    that Serbia took action in consultation withBrussels andfollowed the agreement on freedom of movement. Accordingto Serbian officials, around 38,000 migrants were intercepted

    by Serbian authorities in 2014.

    On Thursday, Croatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic spokeagainst the devaluation of the national currency, the kuna,stating that it will hurt citizens and companies. Croatiaseconomy has been in recession since 2009 and unemploymenthas reached 20 percent. Croatias central bank has regulated thefloat of the currency against the euro through numerousinterventions. After joining the EU, Zagreb is obliged tobecome member of the EuroZone, though analysts say it isunlikel in the near future.

    Maja Gojkovic, the Serbian Speaker of Parliament, visitedAlbania this week as part of an ongoing effort by thegovernments of Albania and Serbia to improve relationsbetween their countries. Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama,President Bujar Nishani, and Parliament Speaker Ilir Meta allmet with Gojkovic during her visit. The meetings emphasizedthe importance of cooperation between the two countries forensuring stability in the western Balkans.

    On Tuesday, the Slovenian Parliament voted to allow same-sexmarriage. The bill, which passed with 51 votes in favor and 28against, will permit same-sex couples to marry and adoptchildren, three years after a similar law was voted down in anational referendum. Until the passage of the new law onTuesday, Slovenia had permitted same-sex unions but did not

    give same-sex couples the right to adopt children.


    Macedonia plans to conduct joint military exercises with theUnited States in an effort to speed up its accession to NATO.In his first meeting with the new US Ambassador toMacedonia Jess Baily, Defence Minister Zoran Jolevskiemphasized that the country is ready to become a full-fledgedmember of NATO. Jolevski highlighted Macedonias defense

    reforms and the countrys contributions to NATO missions in

    Af hanistan.

    The Ministry of Health of Montenegro has published data thatshows the extents of alcoholism within the country. Witharound 30,000 citizens suffering from alcoholism, the addictiondirectly affects about120,000 citizens, out of 630,000 total. Theamount of alcohol consumed in Montenegro is significantlyhigher than in the rest of the world, with one Montenegrin onaverage consuming 12.8 liters a year compared to the globalaverage of 7.


    Yahoo Ukraine TodayB92 InSerbia

    Reuters Dalje


    InSerbiaB92 Ministry of

  • 7/21/2019 CERES News Digest Vol. 6 Week 8; March 2 - 6


    U.S. immigration officials are preparing to deport 150Bosnians for their involvement in war crimes in the Balkanwars of the 1990s. Officials had identified 300 Bosnians whohid their wartime past when they came to the U.S., thoughthe real number may be as high as 600. Those facingdeportation include a soccer coach in Virginia, a metalworkerin Ohio, and casino employees in Las Vegas. Many of thoseidentified had taken part in the 1995 Srebrenica massacre of

    8,000 Muslim males.

    New York Times Voice of America