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CGS Civil 3D extensions is a collection of professionalcivil engineering software tools and add-ons forAutoCAD Civil 3D. It contains several roadway,earthworks and sewage systems design features notfound in Civil 3D. With CGS extensions you canexpand the capabilities of Civil 3D, making it morepowerful and easier to use. Developed exclusively forAutoCAD Civil 3D, CGS Civil 3D extensions are fullyintegrated with the Civil 3D objects model and 3Dcapabilities. CGS Civil 3D extensions are available inseveral languages with various integrated nationalcivil engineering standards.





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Vertical turning curves

®CGS Civil 3D Extensions

Dynamic turning curves

Cross-roads androundabouts

The CGS dynamic turning curvesproved one of the best and mostuseful tools for driving simulationthrough cross-roads, roundabouts ornarrow streets. By selecting astandard EU or user-defined vehicle(car, bus, truck with trailers or specialvehicles), you can simulate the drivingand see the tyre-paths, movements oftrailers or colour the driving area.Simulation paths can be defined byselecting Civil 3D horizontalalignments, edges (polyline entities)or by interactive driving (using arrowkeys). This extension includes a specialfunction for a driving simulation inprofile, which enables you to examinethe designed heights of parkinggarage entrances or similar.

The cross-roads (junctions) geometryextension includes functions fordesigning and editing compoundcurves, cross-roads islands and busstations. Complex geometry can besolved in seconds instead of hoursaccording to valid European roadwaydesign standards. Also available arefunctions for creating roundabouts.They can solve the geometry forperpendicular and non-perpendicularconnections to the roundabout circleand offer various parameters forsetting the geometry preciselyaccording to the designer's needs.

Roundabouts geometry design

CGS Civil 3D extensions feature a modular design, amodern user interface and a flexible licensing system(single user or network licensing).


Web page:

First release:

Working p

Supported languages:

design of roadways, earthworks andsewage sytems;

October 2005

German, English, Russian, Hungarian, Polish, Czech,Slovene, Croatian, Serbian;

Current release:


2008 for Civil 3D 2008

AutoCAD Civil 3D (ver. 2005 or later)

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The geometry of cross-roads androundabouts is created with Civil 3Dhorizontal alignments, which allowsfull integration with Civil 3D projects.

With this extension you have thepossibility of quickly adding trafficand horizontal signalization signs toyour design. Hundreds of differenttraffic signs are available, compatiblewith national roadway designstandards. You can define the positionof traffic signs along the road, changetheir position and extract traffic signdata including station and distancefrom the centreline into specialtables. Additionally, useful functionsfor placing horizontal signs, such aszebra crossings, triangles, arrows andother pavement signs are available.You can define different colours andcalculate the areas for colouring theroadway.

This extension includes a newcommand that draws ghost islands inclosed polygon. User can choose aghost island between one way andtwo way traffic. Special commandsare available for editing existing ghostislands or erasing all the entities thatmake up a ghost island.

The horizontal alignments extensionoffers additional two methods fordefining and editing roadwaycentreline geometry and improvessome of the behaviour of Civil 3Dhorizontal alignments. The newmethods brought to Civil 3D by thisextension are a polygon method andthe so called “stick” method.

Both of these methods arecompatible, meaning that you cancombine them during design. You cangenerate a polygon element from anyCivil 3D alignments and use it forefficient horizontal alignment editingwith better flexibility than by usingstandard Civil 3D editing commands.

Using these two methods you canavoid “not recommended” horizontalalignments roadway design solutionswhere short tangents appear, orwhere non-maximum radiuses areachieved. Also, you are flexible indefining and editing compoundspirals.

Traffic signs and horizontalsignalization

Horizontal alignments

Triangular traffic island design

Placing traffic signs along the road

Horizontal alignment designwith "stick" method

Verification of conformity to the standard

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Checking Roadway designstandards*

Roadway lanes andwidenings

By selecting appropriate roadwaydesign standard and road category,the program examines the Civil 3Dhorizontal alignments, verticalalignments and cross-falls /superelevations. It verifies if theirparameters conform to the selectedstandard or not. The result is a reportlist, where all critical or not permittedelements are highlighted.

This extension brings a missing “lanesfeature” to Civil 3D and the possibilityof easily and accurately calculatingthe widening of lanes (expansions)along the horizontal alignments.Lanes can represent roadway lanes,pedestrian and bicycle lanes, grassareas etc. Typical cross-sections arepredefined according to variousnational roadway design standards,enabling automatic, quick andaccurate selection of lanes and theirwidths.

Widenings are a common practise inEurope due to limited building space.CGS Civil 3D extensions supportvarious national roadway designstandards in order to correctlycalculate and define the roadwaywidths. CGS lanes are connected toCivil 3D horizontal alignments forautomatic updating. Roadway lanesand widths are displayed in tableform and are saved as Civil 3Dassembly objects in order to properlygenerate and display cross sectionsand a 3D corridor of the road.

Lane manager

Calculation of widenings

Alignment editing with automated drawing of lanes

* available in Q4 2007** available in Q1 2008

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Roadway Cross-slopes /superelevations

Roadway design Reports*

Horizontal and verticalvisibility analysis*

Similar to the calculation of roadwaywidenings, roadway cross-slopesshould also be calculated according tothe national roadway designstandards. This extension not onlybrings the ability to calculate cross-slopes for different road categoriesand for each roadway lane, but alsooffers tools to easily edit / modifycross slopes in specific cross-sections.

The calculation of cross slopes may bevery complex. Results are displayed intable form and saved as Civil 3Dassembly objects in order to properlygenerate and display cross sectionsand the 3D corridor of the road. Oneof the goals in creating this extensionwas to offer a user-friendly and easyto use cross-slopes functionality.

This extension offers the possibility ofgenerating text / numeric outputs ofthe most relevant roadway designdata: horizontal alignments, verticalalignments and cross-sections. Data isread directly from the Civil 3D objectsand saved into text, xls or html files.The output format is designedaccording to local roadway designstandards in Europe and may varyfrom country to country.

This extension consists of twofunctions, the horizontal and verticalvisibility analysis. The horizontalanalysis calculates and draws avisibility splay polyline. By definition,visibility splay is the line from driver'seye in the middle of driving lane tonext point in the middle of the samelane at stopping distance.

This extension also performs verticalvisibility analysis and calculatesstopping distances. This functioncalculates the stopping distancesaccording to longitudinal slope anddesign speed. The other two lines

Calculation of Cross-slopes

Visibility analysis with drawnvisibility splay and rays

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represent vertical visibility for bothdriving directions. Vertical visibility isdefined by the height of the drivers'eye (1m) and the height of obstacleson the road (10cm). On the sagcurves function also calculates nightvisibility.

The resurfacing or roadwayrehabilitation / reconstruction featureis a very frequently used function ofthe roadway design software. TheCGS extension for roadwayrehabilitation calculates the elevationsof the vertical alignments in eachcross-section, based on the existingroadway surface, the proposed cross-slope and the minimum depth of thenew asphalt / concrete layer.

A special function, based on the leastsquare method is used to calculatethe optimal vertical curves of thevertical alignments. Also included isthe volume calculation of the newroadway layers. The results aredisplayed in table form and saved asCivil 3D assembly objects in order toproperly generate and display crosssections and the 3D corridor of theroad.

The cartogram is a graphicalrepresentation of earth works indesigned area. Locations and thequantities of cut and fill areas areprecisely determined.

The cartogram consists of thefollowing components:

site boundary

a regular grid that divides site areainto rectangular or polygonal cells.The grid corresponds to the currentcoordinate system

Roadway rehabilitation /reconstruction **

Volume calculation withdynamic reports -Cartogram*

Cartogram example

the current elevation label in everycell corner

the planned elevation label in everycell corner

the elevation difference label inevery cell corner

a volume label in every cell. If cell isdivided with a zero-line into subcells, every sub cell have its ownvolume label

zero-line, border between cut andfill areas

cut and fill area hatches

a cell volume column summarytable. It is located under the layout.

The cartogram is dynamically updatedif any of reference objects (the siteboundary polyline of the existing andcompleted ground surfaces) ischanged. For example: if theboundary polyline is moved or editedwith grips, the existing cartogram isautomatically erased and newcartogram is created.

This command uses AutoCAD and Civil3D objects. The site area is defined witha closed polyline. Existing ground andcompleted ground is defined using Civil3D Surface objects.

Calculation of new elevations inrehabilitation project

* available in Q4 2007** available in Q1 2008

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Raster Manager*

The raster manager is a group of 12commands for raster manipulating(attach/detach, load/unload,show/hide). In addition to inserting araster by selecting one or more files, acommand is provided for inserting allrasters that cover the current displayand are contained in the selectedfolder. Using the toolbar, it is theneasy to turn them on and off or toattach/detach them based on selectedpoint(s), crossing line(s), window orpolygon.

The example below shows how toturn on rasters with the crossing linemethod (red line). By using thismethod, the function will turn on (oroff, if they've been previously turnedon) the rasters that the line crosses.Similarly, the rasters can bemanipulated by the point(s), windowor polygon method.

HH sewer networks design

HH sewer networks design is a CGSCivil 3D Extension for the HH(hydraulic and hydrologic) design ofsewer networks. This programcalculates waste and storm waterdischarges and the correspondingdiameters of Civil 3D pipes. Functionsare provided for defining, viewingand editing contribution areas, HHcalculation and viewing of theresulting pipes.

The program uses rational method forthe calculation of storm runoff. Itsupports both constant and time-dependant rainfall intensity (user-specified or using the Reinholdequation). In the latter case, thecorresponding intensity is foundseparately for each pipe based onpipe's concentration time. Thewastewater discharge can also beadded for the computation of thecombined sewer systems.

For the computation of pipediameters, the user can selectbetween three resistance equations.

The pipe diameter is changedautomatically during the designprocess and is always taken from theactive Civil 3D pipe catalogue. Theresults are shown in tabular form,where various computation-relatedparameters are displayed. Thiscontent can be copied to otherprograms like MS Excel for furtherprocessing.

The tools are a collection of usefulfunctions that further enhance thefunctionality of Civil 3D.

The plotbox utility enables you todefine drawing borders at the propersize and automates the generation oflayout for plotting.

The cut and fill hatching utility helpsyou to generate appropriate hatchlines and colour areas between fourpoints or two selected borderingalignments / polylines. You can setvarious parameters for the hatchdensity and colours. Hatch patternsreact dynamically to changes in thebordering alignments / polylines.


HH design of sewer networks

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About CGS Civil 3Dextensions availability

CGS plus is a developer of theAutoCAD Civil 3D advanced countryextensions for selected EMEAcountries, offered by Autodesk Inc..These extensions are available free ofcharge to all registered AutoCAD Civil3D users in selected countries.

The CGS Civil 3D extensions softwareis currently under rapid development.This paper briefly describes thecurrently available and planned CGSCivil 3D extensions. The exactavailability of different CGS Civil 3Dextensions may vary from country tocountry. For more information pleasevisit our web site orcontact CGS plus or a CGS plusrepresentative in your country.

CGS plus d.o.o.

Brn~i~eva ulica 13SI-1000 Ljubljana

Phone: +386 1 530 11 00Fax: +386 1 530 11 32

e-mail: info cgsplus.siInternet:


About CGS plus

CGS plus is an Autodesk PreferredIndustry Partner for Civil 3D and anestablished software developer inCentral, Eastern Europe and theRussian Federation.

Since 1992, CGS plus is developingand providing a family of civilengineering applications, nowconsisting of CGS Civil 3D extensions,Plateia (roadway design), Aquaterra(river engineering) and Ferrovia(railway design).

CGS plus software is used every dayby more than 1500 customers in 15countries. It is translated into severallanguages and adopted to nationalcivil engineering standards.