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CHAMagazine Of f i c i a l Magaz ine o f C hape l H i l l Acad emy Fa l l 2015

P ub l i sh ed fo r F am i l i e s and F r i ends o f Cha pe l H i l l Acad em y

THE VOTE IS YES! Capital Campaign Approved

CHAPEL PODCASTS New Features Added to the Website

CHAMPIONS! Cougars Win Volleyball Tourney

Passion for Christ. Education for life.

Eden Prairie




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Dear Friends,

Each day as I walk through the doors of Chapel Hill Academy, I am overcome with thankfulness

and enthusiasm for the Lord’s presence and provision for this ministry. Along with joy, I also feel a

great responsibility, not just as the Head of School, but as a follower of Christ among a wonderful

body of fellow believers. Together, we have been called to train and equip young Christians for a

life of service and devotion to Christ. We have a tremendous responsibility that is a great privilege

given to us by God; therefore, let us honor Him together by building a strong legacy of faith that

will impact hearts and minds now and in the future.

Establishing a Christian legacy for our children is the most important gift we can give them. The

word legacy literally means an inheritance; a gift that is bestowed by a benefactor. A powerful

reminder of this is found in 1 Corinthians 15:50-51:

I declare to you, brothers and sisters, that flesh and blood cannot

inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the

imperishable. 51

Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we

will all be changed.

In this passage, Paul emphasizes the importance of

salvation, a transformational gift that is filled with grace.

Imparting a knowledge and love for Christ to our

children has a lasting impact; through Him alone, they

will inherit the Kingdom and live eternally with our

heavenly Father. What in incredible legacy!

It is an honor to serve in ministry with many brothers

and sisters; whether we are staff, parents, grandparents,

or alumni, we are bound together in faith to lead these

children well by making a difference for the Kingdom.

Please join me in prayer that in the coming years,

Chapel Hill Academy and Christian education across the

globe will expand exponentially. Together, let us build a

legacy of faith that will impact the world for generations

to come!

Serving Him,

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Kassie Grosz, Ed. S.

The fifth Head of School of Chapel Hill Academy


[email protected]

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Fall 2015

CHAMagazine A Look Back 04 A reflection on the end of the 2014-15 school year. .

Principal’s Corner 05 An inside view from Mr. Norman.

Family Groups 06 CHA helps create meaningful connections amongst students.

From Generation to Generation 07 A look at second generation families at CHA.

Capital Campaign 08 The CHA Corporation commits to Building a Legacy of Faith.

Through the Years 10 A timeline of CHA through the years.

Supporting Education for Life 13 A recap of the 2015 SonRun Festival.

Get to Know 15 Meet the new staff at CHA.

Christmas Musical 16 A Tree Lot Christmas is coming to CHA.

CHA Partners with KTIS 17 CHA teamed up with KTIS at the sold-out Matthew West Concert.

Partnerships for Joint Success 18 CHA introduces its new Corporate Partnership Program.

Athletics 20 Cougars’ fall sports season end in style.

Meet the Newest Board Members 22 The CHA Board of Directors welcomes its newest members.

Admissions Corner 23 Come see why families love CHA! .


CHA’s past locations pictured with a rendering of the new building exterior in the background.

Passion for Christ. Education for life.

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a look back

T his past spring we celebrated with both our kindergarten students and our eighth grade

graduates. These special events were a time of reflection on all that God has done in their lives

during their time at Chapel Hill Academy.

During kindergarten graduation, students shared highlights of their year which included the

ABC’s of God, teaching a character trait of God and a Bible verse for each letter of the alphabet. This is

quite an accomplishment as they recited all 26 from memory! They learned to read, write, calculate

simple math, and work together. Most importantly, they learned more about God’s love for them and

their need for a Savior. We rejoiced knowing that several kindergartners had prayed with their teacher

after putting their trust in Jesus for the very first time. Praise the Lord!

The annual 8th grade trip to the East Coast is an exciting culminating experience for students. One of our traditional stops is a “photo op” and time of prayer in front of the White House. This past spring, our students met a group of Korean Christians who were singing and praying on the sidewalk during their stop. As the two groups joined together in worship, the Spirit of God began to move in the lives of

many of our students, softening hearts and drawing them to the Savior. They realized the Korean Christians had been praying for the next generation of American leaders and that God would raise up Christian youth to help lead this country in righteousness. This humbling encounter resulted in prolonged times of prayer, forgiveness, and commitments to follow Jesus. The school year concluded with a special Chapel service in which the eighth graders shared their appreciation for their years at CHA, the East Coast experience, and their commitment to Christ. They stepped out in faith and commissioned the seventh graders to pick up the mantle of leadership and follow after Jesus.


Mrs. Debbie Hansen

Director of Operations

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How can someone who has only been at Chapel Hill Academy for three years write about the legacy

of CHA? Answering that question led me to where I always end up on things like this; thinking about

God’s blessing and the people who make the answer come alive.

The first person who comes to my mind is Amy Howard. Amy graduated from Chapel Hill Academy

when it was a High School in 1985. She just happens to be a relative of mine and is the first person

who introduced me to CHA. She said it was an excellent academic school with a true commitment to

Jesus Christ. The next thing she did was ask me if Dick Case is still working at CHA. Wow! I guess that

is quite a statement about Mr. Case’s legacy at Chapel Hill Academy.

I had the privilege of meeting Dick my first year as Principal at CHA; prior to that I had heard so much

about him. He arrived for one of his regular visits, and immediately, it became clear to me that this

man is completely committed to God and to this ministry. He said he had been praying for me since I

was hired even though he had never met me. Everything about him makes me want to do the best

job possible to continue the standard of excellence he established in his 24 years of providing servant

leadership for Chapel Hill Academy.

When it comes to making CHA great, the next people who come to mind are the two incredible staff

members who surrounded me my first year, literally, we were surrounded in a very small office before

the Principal’s Office was completed. At that time, our school leader set up a table for me in the

business office between Leslie Robertson and Beth Horner. Both of these fabulous women are alumni

parents, committed to Chapel Hill Academy even though their kids had graduated. They welcomed

me into the community, taught me who was who, and showed me where I could find everything I

needed. But more importantly, they taught me what is valued

at CHA. They taught me this important detail without

speaking a word about it. They showed me in humility every

day, they demonstrated a commitment to quality all the time,

and their love of Jesus was constantly evident. They

personified what is best about Chapel Hill Academy.

So there you have a new guy’s view of the legacy of Chapel

Hill Academy. This legacy is comprised of incredible people

who demonstrate wonderful Christian character and a desire

to continue growing in Christ. These attributes help those

around them thrive in the CHA environment. They are all

dedicated to sharing what Chapel Hill Academy has meant to

them, which in turn, means sharing a profound devotion to

Christ. The two are directly connected.

The legacy of Chapel Hill Academy is filled with Jesus Christ.

It is a beautiful commitment to quality wrapped in a true spirit

of humility. This is the legacy we want to continue to build

and pass on to the next generation. We are committed to the

future students of CHA, who come to Chapel Hill Academy to

learn about life and grow in their relationship with Christ.

principal ’s corner

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Mr. Ken Norman, Principal

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family groups

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F amily groups are a new addition to Chapel Hill Academy this year, a way of making the most of having

students in grades K-8 all in one building.

The basic structure of the groups is as follows: students from every grade are divided among 15 “family”

groups. There are two students from every grade in each “family.” Each group is led by two 8th

graders who direct activities and teach the other students, plus two staff members who oversee and provide

adult supervision to the otherwise student-led event. According to 8th grade teacher, Mrs. Pettit, “introducing

family groups was Mrs. Grosz’s idea to create connections across the grade levels and between the students.

Another benefit was giving the 8th graders some leadership opportunities and teaching them how to lead

devotions and games with younger kids.” Family groups meet about once every two weeks to allow students to

enjoy some quality time bonding with each other.

The 8th graders are the leaders of family groups. To prepare for

family groups, the 8th graders are given a subject to write a 5-

minute devotion about. After the devotion is prepared and

completed with a Bible verse and an anecdote, family groups

meet in the auditorium and organize there. Once organized, they

are released by group and led to one of the teacher’s rooms. In

the classrooms, the devotion is presented by the 8th grade

leaders, they pray, and then the group is led outside to play some

sort of game, something like tug-of-war or scarecrow-making.

Family groups allow students to make connections with other students that they would otherwise never talk to. Both leaders and younger students benefit from family groups. When the groups go outside, fun is incorporated into the group time. Third grade

students Toni Banegas and Grace Roberts both agree, “Everyone in school gets together to have a lot of fun!” Through interactive games, activities, and devotionals, students bond and connect with one another. “My favorite part of family groups is that we can all talk even if you don’t know everyone, and now I have more connections with people,” fifth grader Seth Luther adds. For some group leaders, it is difficult to lead a group because of limited time to prepare, as well as gain the needed presentation and writing skills. “Even if it’s hard sometimes, we know service isn’t always easy,” says Julia McIntosh, 8th grade student. She added, “Family groups are a great leadership opportunity for the 8th graders to serve the younger students at our school and get to see the benefits of service.” All in all, family groups is a great experience for students from all grades.

Written by CHA 8th Grade Students - Robby Pettit and Makenna Vick

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from generation to generation

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Tim Lundgren is located in the back row, on the far left

Tim Lundgren is located in the back row, on the far right

The Lundgren Family

C hapel Hill’s slogan, “Family of Families” took on new meaning for two of our teachers this year. Miss Tewinkel and Mrs.

Cagney (formerly Mrs. Wood) had a case of deja vu when Lily (3rd) and Jack (1st) Lundgren stepped into their classrooms this fall. In 1981, Lily and Jack’s dad, Tim Lundgren, was a kindergartner in Mrs. Cagney’s class and a few years later he had “Miss. T.” for 3rd grade. Because Mrs. Cagney had switched grades, he was back in her classroom again as a 4th grader. “What a special joy it is to have Timmy’s son in my class and to see Bruce and Candy Lundgren at Grandparents’ Day!” shared Mrs. Cagney. Though both teachers joke that it makes them feel “old,” they also find it encouraging that alumni want to enroll their own children at CHA. “It says something about the school,” Miss T. added. The Lundgren children are not the first 2nd generation family; however, they are the first to be taught by the same teacher as their parent. Additional alumni who have enrolled children currently at CHA include Andy Terpstra, Amy Schmieg, Mark Scholle, Eric Bly, Heather Nelson Precht, and Cindy Carlson. The Chapel Hill family is excited to extend to another generation!

Have CHA Alumni news you

would like to share? Please submit your news to [email protected]

Mrs. Joni Cagney 1st Grade Teacher

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The CHA Corporation is Committed to Building a Legacy of Faith!

F or more than a year, excitement

has been building

among the CHA community, and it came

to fruition on Thursday,

November 5. That evening, the CHA Board

of Directors held a

Corporation Meeting to give the members an

opportunity to cast their

votes on a campaign

designed to improve and expand the school

facility. The results of the

vote affirmed the Board’s Resolution to authorize financial resources needed to proceed with the project. This means that very

soon, CHA will begin taking on a fresh new look and expand to accommodate the ever-changing needs

of the school. After several years on hold, the vision that began over a generation ago will move forward.

When the building was purchased in 1998, facility improvements were immediately underway and lasted until 2003. In a relatively short period of time (1998-2003), CHA launched three major capital

campaigns that enabled the initial purchase of the building followed by the additions of the K-4

education wing and the gymnasium. Families at that time watched the facility rapidly transform as the projects were completed. Their faith in God to provide resources and their commitment to Christian

education led the efforts and passion behind their prayers and their pledges.

Although the full scope of the project was never completed, that does not diminish the blessings that

were celebrated for what God provided in such a short period of time. Now, after many years of waiting

on the Lord’s timing and many months of research, development, and prayer, we are moving ahead with full confidence in His provision and guidance once again.

capital campaign

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Needed Renovations:

New flooring throughout the Commons area and surrounding classrooms. New roof above Commons area and surrounding classrooms.

New windows and exterior walls in classrooms surrounding the Commons area. This will improve

temperature efficiency and unify the façade of the exterior school building. Airlock entrances added to the gym and east entrances.

Improving Our Space: Unification of all interior spaces.

Public restrooms and locker rooms added adjacent to the gymnasium.

Administrative offices relocated to a new main entrance (auditorium entrance) to heighten security and accessibility of administrative staff.

Plans for Expansion:

Middle School STEM lab addition with updated and improved capabilities for all areas of science. Addition of a true choral music and band classroom, including practice/lesson rooms and instrument

storage. This addition will open up the auditorium for increased seating.

Addition of a health and fitness space to accommodate instruction and program enhancements. Addition of a Junior Kindergarten program the fall of 2017 could be a reality by reconfiguring the

current administrative offices.

Although the “to-do list” will provide some wonderful changes for CHA, the main focus of this project is

ministry expansion and stewardship. Over 17 years ago, a group of families made the decision to move

ahead in faith by investing in the purchase of our current school facility. Today, our students, families, and staff benefit greatly from their efforts. Let us continue their legacy of faith by passing the blessings

on to future students and families. May we strengthen what we have, expand this ministry, and have an

even greater impact in our community and the world.

Please pray for this capital campaign by asking the Lord to move hearts and hands in this effort. We are

seeking His provision over the coming years to bring the resources needed to fully fund this project. Please commit this to prayer, and may each family and friend be prompted to give generously to this

effort. What an opportunity to serve God AND make a difference for eternity.

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through the years

March 13, 1970 - Prayer,

investigation, planning and legal

procedures lead to the

Minnesota Corporate Charter of

Chapel Hill Academy.

September 1970 - First day of

school at Chapel Hill with Ed Pilch

as Headmaster and 90 students

in grades K through 9.

Fall 1973 – CHA Montessori

planned for ages 3-5.

1973 – Senior High added.

May 15, 1973 - King of Glory

Church ground breaking

ceremony for the new addition of

a kitchen, all-purpose room and

locker rooms as well as

additional classes.

Fall 1975 - Tuition is $875.00

per year.

June 12th, 1975 - First high

school graduating class.

July 1st, 1976 - Dick Case

becomes Headmaster.

Fall 1989 - Move to Duck Lake

Trail and King of Glory Campus.

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June 1992 - First 8th grade

class graduation as a K-8 school

Fall 1994 - 4 modular classroom/

trailers are leased in order to

accommodate growth at the King

of Glory, Eden Prairie facility

1997 - Board approves

commitment to two sections per

grade for K-8 school.

1998 - After 28 years of

searching for a permanent

facility, God provided a

wonderful home in Chanhassen.

November 1999 - New

playground is dedicated.

Spring 2001 - Ground breaking

for Richard L. Case Education


2003 - Completion of new


Spring 2014 - Arthur W. Owens

Commons is dedicated.

2015 - Building a Legacy of Faith

capital campaign begins

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See more photo highlights online at

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R eady, Set, Go! Since the beginning of the school year, the halls of CHA were

abuzz with excitement and anticipation for the 2015 SonRun Festival. Prize

sheets adorned the halls, volunteers signed up to help with the carnival, and

the runners were training for their race.

With approximately 300 people in attendance on a beautiful September day, the turn

-out was nothing short of amazing. Students celebrated with big smiles, teachers and

parents joined in fellowship, and alumni reconnected with old friends.

Ken Norman, Principal at CHA, ran the 5K with his niece who spent the past two years

running her race to beat cancer. He shared that the SonRun Festival provided a great

opportunity for our community to celebrate the ministry of Chapel Hill Academy

while experiencing a morning of fellowship and fun. He enjoyed seeing so many

people at the event, from grandparents to students, teachers and friends who offered

their time and talents to make this day possible.

Members of the planning committee commented on how much the event grew from last year. They attribute this to the

event highlights such as the bounce house, trampoline, dunk tank, and carnival games. Once again, CHA was blessed to

have Todd and Krista Anderson’s food truck on site near the entertainment provided by JSAW - a Christian action sport


Nick and Abbie Johnson, CHA parents, volunteered at the carnival and expressed that they were overwhelmed by the

sense of community and love they felt that day. Abbie stated that the family environment found at CHA is unique and

school events like the SonRun reaffirms why they choose CHA for their three children.

The 5K race brought runners from both inside and outside the school community. Each runner gave it their all and

crossed the finish line with smiles and a clear sense of accomplishment. The course was challenging with many hills,

twists, and turns. The first place male and female finishers in the 18 and above category were Craig Rabe (from Iowa)

and Mary Schafer (wife of CHA history teacher, Craig Schafer). The first place finishers in the under 18 category were

two fourth graders, Joshua Engler and Graceanne Jones. They ran an outstanding race, but the true prize went to all

students and families of Chapel Hill Academy who were blessed through the fellowship of this wonderful family event.

Proceeds raised from the SonRun Festival will support the CHA ministry in ways such as school materials, field trips,

classroom supplies, technology, tuition assistance, special events and much more.

Chapel Hill Academy holds three annual fundraising events each year; the

SonRun Festival, the CHA Gala and the Golf Challenge. This year, students

had the opportunity to kick off the year with efforts to support the SonRun.

Mrs. Thompson’s kindergarten class raised $1,767 and won a class party as a

reward for their hard work!

Thank you to all of our sponsors that supported the 2015 SonRun Festival!

ABC Toy Zone, Cub Foods, Edina Realty – Pam Bandy, Legacy Gymnastics,

Providence Development, Mathnasium, McPhail Music, Reese Orthodontics,

Stafford Family Realty, Thrivent, Veil Orthodontics, TC Running, and Von


Hebrews 12:1 states, “Since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of

witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down,

especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the

race God has set before us.”

We are looking forward to “running the race” next year, and hope to see you there!

Mrs. Anne Engler, Director of Advancement


For Supporting

CHA Through

Our Annual


supporting education for life

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follow chapel hill academy online…




Photo Gallery:

Video Gallery:

Please support our corporate partners...

Check out our new

Prayer Wall and

Chapel Podcasts


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get to know...

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Moriah Stephens is one of the newest additions to CHA this fall. She teaches Spanish to grades K-5, and works on fluency retention with middle schoolers. This Twin Cities native recently returned from Fargo, where she studied at North Dakota State University. She loves coffee at all hours of the day, singing in her church's young adult choir, and shopping with her mom. She enjoys following in her dad's footsteps of working in a faith-based educational institution, as he works at Bethel Seminary. Her favorite verse is Philippians 4:6-7, it's her prayer in times of stress or worry. If she was not in the field of teaching, she would want to own and drive a mobile library all around the Metro area.

Dane Carlson joined CHA this year and teaches Physical Education. Mr. Carlson enjoys spending time outdoors, hanging with family and friends, and watching sporting events. He enjoys bringing his passion and enthusiasm for fitness to the students, and strives to provide a variety of different activities. Dane chose to serve in Christian education because he appreciates being able to experience life with other believers and the opportunity to encourage and point students to Christ.

Kaelin Scholle joined the CHA Finance Team this summer and assists Jeanne Savitt in the areas of payroll and employee benefits. Kaelin and her husband Mark (CHA Alum) have three sons: Danny - serving in the Army National Guard and attending college, Joe - freshmen at Chanhassen High School and CHA alum, and Lou - 5th grader at CHA. This is the Scholle family’s sixth year at CHA, and they are thankful for the opportunity to have their children growing in their faith in a Christian school environment. Kaelin serves as a BSF leader, enjoys creating short videos, crafts, baking, cabin time, playing games, or anything that involves spending time with family and friends.

F i f t e e n t h A n n u a l


G A L A Saturday, March 12, 2016

Hazeltine National Golf Club

Chaska, Minnesota

Join us for an evening that celebrates and supports our school. There will

be food, entertainment, as well as a live and silent auction.

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G reetings Chapel Hill Academy

Families and Friends,

We are excited to invite you

to this year’s K-4 Christmas

Musical, A Tree Lot

Christmas. We will be following a group

of kids who are selling trees outside of

Mr. Carmichael’s toy store to raise

money for children in need. This

musical brings to life what it means to

be part of God’s family tree and the

importance of sharing His love with

others. Come join the adventure as our

students demonstrate the powerful

love of Christ to the greedy Mr.

Carmichael and invite him into the

family of God.

Mr. Ari Zink,

Worship Arts, Choir, and Music Teacher

christmas musical

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2015 CHA Christmas Musical ...


K-4, 10:00 AM, 6:45 PM Mark Your Calendars!

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C hapel Hill Academy partnered with KTIS on

September 26, 2015, to sponsor the Matthew

West concert at Grace Church. Leading up to

the event, CHA was featured on the radio and

the station assisted in acquiring the performer’s sought

after signatures for giveaways that evening. Chapel Hill

Academy had a very active booth at this SOLD OUT

concert making contacts with over 1,800 show

attendees. Booth visitors provided their personal

contact information and in return were given a light-up

CHA bracelet and entered into a drawing for a guitar

signed by Matthew West, Francesca Battistelli and Mr.


With so many exciting promotions, CHA’s booth was

the place to be preconcert and during every break.

Thank you to our current students and families who

visited us at the booth, wore their CHA Spirit Wear, and

sported our light-up bracelet. Our administrative team

supported the Admissions Department by helping with

our promotions and sharing the ministry of CHA with

our booth visitors. It was a great night to expand our

“family of families” to include contacts made that night,

the performing artists, Grace Church and KTIS.

Congratulations to new CHA parents, Kelli and Adrian

Baines, and Ethan and Lauren (our very own students)

who won two tickets at the CHA Parent Night and won

another two tickets for referring a family through our

Share the Passion referral program. Current family and

alumni referrals are the most effective way to grow the

school and are highly appreciated! Check out more

pictures from the event on the CHA Facebook page.

Mrs. Judy Winship, Director of Admissions and Enrollment

cha partners with ktis

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C hapel Hill Academy recently launched a new Corporate Partnership Program (CPP). The CHA

Corporate Partnership Program is designed to build strong meaningful relationships – true

partnerships – that result in working together to achieve the common goal of supporting families,

individuals and ultimately the vision and mission of Chapel Hill Academy. At its core, the CPP is an

advertising and marketing program, designed to provide mutual benefit to businesses and the school.

Relationships established with business partners are affinity based, utilizing programs and advertising

opportunities that provide joint benefit. Proceeds generated by the CPP support scholarships and school

operations, allowing Christian education to be more accessible for current and prospective families.

The Corporate Partnership Program is designed to provide a favorable outcome for our partners and the

school. Partners participate based on an expected return on their advertising dollars. The CPP program

encourages Chapel Hill Academy families and friends to support these partners when looking for the types

of goods and services they provide.

Why create the program? For years,

Chapel Hill has relied on major events

like the SonRun Festival, the Annual

Gala and the Golf Challenge to raise

funds to support specific initiatives and

supplement the annual operating

budget. These events, while successful,

have often led to the same businesses

or families being approached to be

sponsors over and over again. In

addition, the singular nature of each

event provided a limited exposure to

truly promote a business or service.

The Corporate Partnership Program provides partners with ongoing advertising opportunities throughout

the year. The tiered program offers increasing levels of exposure based on the investment made, including

major event sponsorship, if desired. CHA’s staff will also work with each partner to identify additional

programs that provide joint benefit. At Chapel Hill Academy, we believe that partnerships between industry

and our school can benefit everyone involved. Our families find out about products or services that can

benefit them while supporting the mission and vision of Christian education in our local community. For

more information on becoming a Corporate Partner, contact Anne Engler at [email protected].

Feedback from Current CPP Participants

“As a start-up business, we felt this was a great way to build awareness of our services with families that might

need our support with their loved ones someday or know someone who does. We’ve already had several

inquiries from CHA families. We love that our advertising spend can support the ministry of Chapel Hill

Academy.” Matt & Kathy Johnson, Senior Care Authority

“It was very easy for us to say yes to the CPP opportunity. We love our school and believe this is a win/win – we can support Chapel Hill Academy and have the opportunity to work with CHA families that may need our Real Estate services. We also appreciate that this program helps us identify other CHA family businesses which we can work with and support.” Eric & Sharla Stafford, Stafford Family Realtors

partnerships for joint success

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P l e as e s up p o r t o u r






Veil Orthodontics

For more information on becoming a Corporate Partner, please contact Anne Engler at [email protected]



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T he Chapel Hill Academy sports teams have shown

great success this fall. Our 5th and 6th grade

soccer team ended their season undefeated as

they went 8-0. Parents commented on how awesome the coaches were and what a great season it

was for their boys! It is wonderful to be part of a

community that encourages and supports character and

values for our players, parents, and coaches. Our 7th and

8th grade soccer team also had a great season and are

heading into their tournament with a 9-1 record. We honored our 8th graders for their years of

participation in our program at the last home game. Coach Eric Stafford said this was a great group of

kids to coach. The kids played hard, worked together and were very coachable.

In the fall, our gym is continuously filled with many eager

volleyball players. We had 6 volleyball teams in grades 4-8 this

year. Our teams showed great improvement over the season. The

Chapel Hill Academy 4th grade girls volleyball team defeated SACS

(Shakopee Area Catholic Schools) 2 games to 0, to win the SSYO

league championship match! The CHA team was 7-3 going into

the tournament as the #3 seed. They defeated another SACS team

in two games to make it to the championship match. They played

some of the best volleyball as a team that they had played all

season. All the girls contributed in a positive way to make it a

great way to end a fun season.

Other highlights from the league tournament include our two 6th

grade teams. Both teams won two matches allowing them to

reach the championship round. Together they took home the first

place trophy. What a great season these teams had as well with a

combined record of 19 wins and only one loss.

All of our teams showed great success throughout the

tournament play, but the greatest success came in the lessons

learned and the character that was built throughout the whole



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CHA has been blessed with so many wonderful Christian

coaches who have been training our athletes both spiritually

and physically through sports. We are setting our standards

very high for our families again this year when it comes to character. It is our hope that CHA families will be a light

around the community as we compete against other schools

in our league. We strive to help our athletes gain a better

understanding of their purpose and what God wants from

their lives by teaching our G.L.O.R.I.F.Y. curriculum (Godly

Lessons On Reflecting Integrity For Youth). We have been

teaching four character traits through our G.L.O.R.I.F.Y. sports

curriculum in the fall and will continue with six more through our basketball season this winter. The traits that coaches have

been teaching on in the fall are attentiveness, dependability,

servant leadership, and success. It is a great blessing to see how

these character traits are instilled in our athletes as they

compete throughout the season! Mrs. Jessica Santjer,

Athletic Director

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meet the newest board members

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Jay Scott and his wife, Candi, have been married for 18 years. They have three children, Grace (10th grade) who attends Southwest Christian High School, and Taylor (7th grade) and Christian (4th grade) who attend Chapel Hill Academy. Originally from Minnesota and a Chapel Hill family, they moved to Florida for six years, and returned two years ago following God’s calling. Jay is a graduate of Gustavus Adolphus College and received his MBA from the University of St. Thomas. Jay founded and has owned Solomon Real Estate Group since 2004 where he is actively involved in the development and ownership of commercial real estate properties throughout the metro area. Jay was elected to the Board in 2015 and is excited to serve the Lord in any capacity that God calls him to at Chapel Hill. The Scott family is passionate and committed to Christian education and believes that as a parent it is our responsibility to teach and train our children in the way of the Lord. An education in biblical worldview at Chapel Hill is an opportunity to have our children’s education come along side parents in fulfilling this important commission of the Lord. Jay is involved in a number of men’s Bible studies and serves as a local leader for the Retail Christian Network, a ministry serving the commercial real estate industry. The Scott family attends Grace Church and lives in Eden Prairie.

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Kathy Quinby-Johnson was elected to the Board in the spring of 2015 after being a Chapel Hill parent for three years. She and her husband, Matt, have two daughters, Sarah (7th grade) and Leeza (6th grade). Kathy grew up in Iowa and has a Bachelor's in Psychology and Elementary Education from Coe College in Cedar Rapids. She later earned her MBA from the University of Iowa. Kathy has more than 30 years of experience in marketing and has held leadership positions in a range of educational, technology and business product organizations. Kathy and Matt now own their own business, Senior Care Authority, which allows them to help guide and support families who are looking for safe, affordable senior housing for their loved ones. The Johnsons are members of Grace Church and Kathy has volunteered in the children's ministry for many years and the Crossroads Career Transition ministry. At CHA, she has served as a room mom for the past two years, and chaired the Golf Challenge in the summer of 2014. Kathy and Matt feel that Chapel Hill Academy has blessed their family in so many ways, and she is delighted to utilize some of her experience by serving on the Board.

Mary Lauerman was elected to the Board in the spring of 2015. Mary and her husband, Paul, have been married for 22 years and have four children, Charlie (freshman at Abilene Christian University), Maria (junior at Southwest Christian High School), Jack (8th grade at Chapel Hill), and Clara (4th grade at Chapel Hill). Mary graduated from the College of Saint Benedict in 1991 with a degree in Elementary Education. She received her Master's Degree in Special Education at the University of St. Thomas in 1995. She taught 5th grade at Oak Point Intermediate for ten years in Eden Prairie before staying home full time with her family in 2001. Mary has been actively involved as a parent at CHA for the past 14 years, as a room mom as well as serving in the children's program at her home church of Excelsior Covenant. Most recently, Mary is serving as a women's leader at BSF. She is passionate about the foundation of a Christ-centered education and feels the opportunity of serving on the Board will allow her to use the skills of her education background to enrich the lives of the children and families at Chapel Hill Academy.

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strong core academics


fine arts

team athletics

All Infused with a Biblical Worldview

Pas s i o n f o r Ch r i s t .

Educa t i o n f o r L i f e .

CHA Open Houses are open to your whole family. Get

a first hand look at what it is like to be a student at

Chapel Hill Academy. Upcoming dates include:

Wednesday, January 27th (2016)

Wednesday, March 9th (2016)

Wednesday, April 27th (2016)

Visitor Schedule (students may join parents or

prearrange a shadow morning):

8:30 AM - 9:00 AM: Attend Chapel

9:15 AM - 10:00 AM: Info Session - Meet our Head

of School and Principal

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM: Tour and See Classrooms in


register online at

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