Page 1: CHANGE IS TOUGH - St. Mary...Jesús obraba signos maravillosos, era irreverente en su lenguaje, se acercaba peligrosamente a los marginados, se reía de la ley…y mucha gente le seguía

St. MarySt. Mary--St. CatherineSt. Catherine

Of SienaOf Siena

Roman Catholic ParishRoman Catholic Parish

Charlestown, Massachusetts ▪ Archdiocese of Boston

Est. April 18, 2006 September 8, 2019 s t m a r y s t c a t h e r i n e . o r g

To visitors to our Parish, to

those who have recently

moved into the area and to those

comfortable and nourished here—Welcome

To All. And, regardless of your status in the

Church, your marital state, your ethnicity,

your prior religious experience, your

personal history, background or sexual

orientation, please know that you are

accepted and respected at Saint Mary–Saint

Catherine of Siena Parish. Please introduce

yourself to the priest and register as a

member of our Parish.


Saint Mary–Saint Catherine of

Siena is an urban, Roman

Catholic Parish formed in 2006 from two

historic Charlestown parishes. We are an

intentionally inclusive community

welcoming all of the many people who

make up our diverse neighborhood. Because

our lives are nourished by the Eucharist, we

strive to build a vibrant Parish that develops

and strengthens our faith and worship. With

a goal of being community-oriented in the

Spirit of the Gospel, we are involved in the

local and global issues of our times. We are

therefore dedicated to service, action, and



St. Mary’s–St. Catherine of Siena

es una parroquia urbana, Católica

Romana, formada en 2006 de la unión de dos

parroquias históricas de Charlestown. Somos una

comunidad intencionalmente inclusiva que acoge

a toda clase de personas que constituyen nuestro

diverso vecindario. Porque nuestras vidas están

alimentadas por la Eucaristía, nuestra intención

es establecer una parroquia vibrante que desarro-

lle y fortifique nuestra fe y nuestro culto. Con la

meta de estar orientados hacia la comunidad en el

Espíritu del Evangelio, estamos comprometidos

en los asuntos locales y globales de nuestros tiem-

pos. Estamos, por lo tanto, dedicados al servicio,

a la acción y a la compasión.



Inside: Confirmation Program Info

I was twenty years old and finishing my

second year of college when my parents

decided it was time to sell the family

home in Dorchester. Some of my older

siblings had already moved on and I

was the youngest. The neighborhood

had changed a lot and my Dad planned

to semi-retire and make a move to a

smaller home in the suburbs. I spent a

lot of that summer cleaning, moving and

packing, and remembering. What a great

old house that was and how hard it was to say goodbye – to change and to move


My story and memories are no different then those of so many of you as well,

I imagine. We have all gone through changes in life – it is simply part of the jour-

ney. And if there has not been too much changing in your life – just wait a mi-

nute – something will come along real soon! Changes in the Church are sort of

like changes in our homes and families – they are so close and personal to us. Of

course we all come to realize that change is inevitable in all but the most funda-

mental things.

For example, our faith that sustains us daily; the love we share in families

and friendships and the hope that is ours for tomorrow and into the future.

These are all constants and we depend upon them each day. Our faith, hope and

love may grow, be challenged and be taken for granted – but they are corner-

stones of our life. It seems so much else changes. People, relationships, experi-

ences, work, institutions, products, places and on and on – all come and go, leav-

ing us to cope with an ever changing landscape.

And how do we cope as men and women of Faith with the changes in our

lives and world? Some see changes as conspiracy and are threatened by change.

Others see changes as exciting and inevitable and positive. Some are indifferent,

others passionate about holding on to whatever.

Page 2: CHANGE IS TOUGH - St. Mary...Jesús obraba signos maravillosos, era irreverente en su lenguaje, se acercaba peligrosamente a los marginados, se reía de la ley…y mucha gente le seguía

Mass Schedule Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday – St. Mary ChurchSt. Mary ChurchSt. Mary ChurchSt. Mary Church 4:00 p.m.

Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday – St. MarySt. MarySt. MarySt. Mary ChurchChurchChurchChurch 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Family Mass 6:00 p.m. (in Chapel during Summer months)

Daily Mass Daily Mass Daily Mass Daily Mass Mon.-Fri., 8:00 a.m. at St. Catherine St. Catherine St. Catherine St. Catherine of Siena Chapel of Siena Chapel of Siena Chapel of Siena Chapel (entrance on Soley St. side of Church)

Holidays Holidays Holidays Holidays 9:00 a.m. in Chapel

Reconciliation Reconciliation Reconciliation Reconciliation 3:45 p.m. Saturday in Church or by appointment

BaptismBaptismBaptismBaptism Visit for our 2017 schedule or call Sr. Nancy at (617) 242-4664. Preparation classes are held for Par-ents and Godparents on the preceding Friday of the monthly baptism at 7PM in the Parish Cen-ter.

PastorPastorPastorPastor Fr. James J. Ronan

Pastoral AssociatePastoral AssociatePastoral AssociatePastoral Associate Sr. Nancy Citro, SNDdeN

Business ManagerBusiness ManagerBusiness ManagerBusiness Manager James Santosuosso

Social Ministry DirectorSocial Ministry DirectorSocial Ministry DirectorSocial Ministry Director Thomas J. MacDonald

Pastoral Assistant, Faith FormationPastoral Assistant, Faith FormationPastoral Assistant, Faith FormationPastoral Assistant, Faith Formation Katy Fleming Director of MusicDirector of MusicDirector of MusicDirector of Music Matthew Arnold

Administrative AssistantAdministrative AssistantAdministrative AssistantAdministrative Assistant Dianne Ludy

Staff emails are first initial with last name (example, “[email protected]”)

Clergy In ResidenceClergy In ResidenceClergy In ResidenceClergy In Residence Fr. Jerome Gillespie Fr. Ken Chemizie O.C.D. Fr. Anthony Nweke C.S.S.p.

Visiting ClergyVisiting ClergyVisiting ClergyVisiting Clergy Fr. Pat Universal

Hispanic MinistryHispanic MinistryHispanic MinistryHispanic Ministry Blanca Paz

Vice Chairs Pastoral CouncilVice Chairs Pastoral CouncilVice Chairs Pastoral CouncilVice Chairs Pastoral Council Shawn Burke

Vice Chair Finance CouncilVice Chair Finance CouncilVice Chair Finance CouncilVice Chair Finance Council Nancy Higgins

Parish Center & Eucharistic Chapel

46 Winthrop Street 617-242-4664

Saint Mary Church 55 Warren Street

Saint Catherine of Siena Chapel

Warren and Soley Street

Social Ministry Office

49 Vine Street 617-580-8305

Good Shepherd School

20 Winthrop Street 617-242-8800

V i s i t u s a t

s t m a r y s t c a t h e r i n e . o r g a n d

f a c e b o o k . c o m /s t m a r y s t c a t h e r i n e

The Church is handicap-accessible on Soley Street.

The Chapel is handicap-accessible on Winthrop Street.

Our Stewardship Prayer

by the Welcoming Commi�ee

Heavenly Father, instill in our hearts a spirit of love and compas-

sion. May we foster a welcoming parish community with

acceptance and respect for all. Inspire us to make a difference by

being generous with our time and talents. Please send your Holy

Spirit among us to remind us to follow Jesus and his teachings in

all aspects of our lives. As we end this Mass, may we go forth and spread good-

will among our neighbors, friends, and fellow parishioners. Through Christ,

our Lord. Amen

Twenty-third Sunday

in Ordinary Time

September 7/8, 2019

At the conclusion of today’s Gospel, we

hear Jesus tell a “great crowd” that “…

anyone of you who does not renounce all his possessions cannot be my disciple.”

A few of Jesus’ immediate disciples, such as Peter, John and James, did just that:

They responded to Jesus’ call, renouncing everything to follow him. How do

modern disciples of Jesus respond when confronted with this apparently harsh

command of Jesus? Surely the renunciation of possessions need not mean literal-

ly giving all one’s possessions away, does it? Questions we might ponder this

week though: Do our possessions keep us from encountering Christ at Mass? Do

they distract us from our parish family? Do our possessions interfere with our

relationships? Do they make us insensitive to those less fortunate?

For me, 6 Percival Street is gone – forever. All that was important in my life

that happened at 6 Percival Street is a part of me and my brothers and sisters and

our lives. Saying goodbye was hard as it often is. But, saying goodbye usually

means we are saying hello as well. And if my history is any indication of my jour-

ney, and maybe yours, God has always been active in both the goodbyes and hel-

los – sustaining, helping guiding. In fact, it is in exactly the act of leCing go of

what is comfortable and familiar that we are invited to trust in the God who

knows us so well and loves us so much. Sustained by this trust, we can go for-

ward with hope.

Fr. Ronan

Page 3: CHANGE IS TOUGH - St. Mary...Jesús obraba signos maravillosos, era irreverente en su lenguaje, se acercaba peligrosamente a los marginados, se reía de la ley…y mucha gente le seguía



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:= 11:30 :>

Please join us on Tuesday, Sep-tember 10th at 11:30 am in the church hall for the upcoming monthly lunch and movie day.

So that we can purchase enough food, please RSVP to: Dianne Ludy at 617-242-4664 or [email protected] by Monday, September 9th. We hope to see you there!

Save the




29, 2019

Annual Block Party

right after the 10:30 Mass on the

Soley Street side of the Church.

We’re calling for volunteers to as-

sist with seCing up or those who have

some grill skills as well as those who

can help clean up. If you would like

to volunteer, please call the office at

617-242-4664. There will be lots of

food and fun activities for the whole

family! Please join us.

En el verano de 1998 un hombre que vivía en Amsterdam fue a confesarse con su párroco. “Padre, este es mi pecado. Durante la segunda guerra mundial di refugio a un judío muy rico para sal-varle la vida de los Nazis. El cura le dijo que había hecho una acción que exigía mucha generosidad y valentía y le preguntó: ¿por qué cree que ha cometido un pecado? “Padre, le exigí que tenía que pa-garme 20 gulden por cada semana que estuviera en mi casa”. La verdad es que no debería sentirse muy orgulloso, pero lo hizo por una buena causa, le dijo el cura. “Gracias, Padre, por su comprensión, pero tengo una pregunta más que hacerle. ¿Tengo que decirle al judío que la guerra ya ha terminado?

Ser cristiano tiene un precio. Nuestro hombre quiso hacer el bien pero no al estilo de Jesús sino al estilo de los hombres, es decir, sin renunciar a la avaricia, sin sacrificar nada, haciéndose unas rebajas, queriendo servir a dos señores. Cuando llega el tiempo de las rebajas los grandes alma-cenes se llenan de gentes que compran lo que no necesitan simplemente porque está de rebajas. El

evangelio de este domingo comienza así: “En aquel tiempo, mucha gente acompañaba a Jesús”. La gente de ayer y la de hoy en este aburrimiento vital necesita descubrir una celebridad, alguien a quien admirar y de quien poder hablar.

Muchos seguían a Jesús, la celebridad del momento, por razones equivocadas. Jesús obraba signos maravillosos, era irreverente en su lenguaje, se acercaba peligrosamente a los marginados, se reía de la ley…y mucha gente le seguía buscando su propio interés. Jesús tenía todos los ingredientes de una celebridad y los que sólo veían su lado humano terminaron admirando una mera celebridad durante un tiempo y luego se olvidaron de él. Hoy, en esta cristiandad secularizada, los profesionales de la religión añoran los buenos tiempos, los de ayer, las iglesias llenas, el prestigio del cura, la mucha gente que aparentemente acompañaba a Jesús.

La medida de los hombres es el número, número de fans, número de socios, número de fieles, números de la cuenta cor-riente… “Jesús se volvió y les dijo: No puede ser discípulo mío el que no pospone a su familia, el que no lleve su cruz detrás de mí, el que no renuncie a todos sus bienes”. Jesús se vuelve a sus fans y les grita sus avisos y sus condiciones. Las celebridades mundanas se contentan con los aplausos y los piropos de sus seguidores. Es muy barato. Jesús pone condiciones que, a muchos, asustan. Ser segui-dor de Jesús, ser cristiano, seguir el camino, es caro. Tiene un precio. En la vida cotidiana decimos: Mi familia, Mi dinero, Mi institu-ción, Mi país… Todo gira en torno a Mí, a mi libertad, a mi elección. Somos poseídos por el yo.

Jesús nos pide relativizar todo lo que es pasajero y adherirnos a lo que es eterno. El precio a pagar es hacer de Dios el único necesario, el absoluto. Nada ni nadie es más que Jesús para un cristiano. Nada ni nadie merece mi absoluta lealtad, sólo Jesús. Nada ni nadie es digno de todo mi amor, sólo Jesús. “Pero tengo contra ti que has dejado tu amor primero”. Todo tiene un límite. Sólo a Jesús, si quiero ser su discípulo, no le puedo poner límites. Sólo Él es el primero en la lista de mis prioridades.

La religión en espíritu y verdad es cara. A Jesús le costó nada menos que la vida. Los seguidores de Jesús, a pesar de nuestra buena voluntad, somos traicionados por nuestro débil y ansioso corazón. El corazón se apega a las cosas, a las personas, al dinero, al propio yo y le cuesta posponer ese falso oropel al Señor Jesús.

Queremos seguir a Jesús sin dejar nada de lo que nos da seguridad. Los seguidores de Jesús, inmersos en este mundo, respiramos sus valores, admiramos sus ídolos, la cruz se nos antoja dura y monstruosa, vivimos indecisos, amamos los dos por igual y no acabamos de hacer la Gran Elección, elegir a Jesús. Y a pesar de las exigencias que Jesús impone a sus discípulos, su yugo es menos exigente y da más alegría y libertad que el yugo de la Iglesia. “Mi yugo es suave y mi carga ligera” lo dice Jesús y es verdad.


to the Sick &


We welcome the opportunity to provide the

Sacraments of Confession, Communion, or Anointing of the Sick to anyone who is confined to home, either on a short or longer term basis, as we want to do our best to help them feel connected to our community.

Please call us at 617-242-4664 if you, a relative or neighbor is open to having a home visit for some friendly conversation and prayer.

Page 4: CHANGE IS TOUGH - St. Mary...Jesús obraba signos maravillosos, era irreverente en su lenguaje, se acercaba peligrosamente a los marginados, se reía de la ley…y mucha gente le seguía

Family Faith Formation and Religious Education Grades K-8

The beginning of our new year of Faith Formation is quickly approaching! We

will kick off our year for both Sunday and Tuesday classes on Catechetical Sun-

day, September 15, 2019 at 9:00 am at the Parish Center followed by Mass at

10:30. Please join us for light refreshments, an opening family activity, and a Meet

the Teacher event followed by Mass during which students, parents and teachers

will receive a special blessing. Please be sure to register your child as soon as

possible to ensure they have a spot.

Religious Education classes take place on Sunday mornings from 9-10:15, fol-

lowed by Mass at 10:30 for both Sunday and Tuesday students and families. Tues-

day afternoon classes are also available from 4-5:15 pm (no Kindergarten classes on Tuesdays).

Registration forms can be found in the Parish Office, and on our parish website. For any additional questions, com-

ments, or concerns, please contact Katy Fleming at [email protected].


September 15 @ 9 am - Kick Off event at Parish Center; 10:30 Mass for Sunday and Tuesday students and families

September 22 @9 am - Class for all students (Both Sunday and Tuesday classes together); 10:30 Mass/students and families

September 29 @9 am - Class for all students (Both Sunday and Tuesday classes together); 10:30 Mass/students and families

October 6, 2019 @9am - Class for all students (Both Sunday and Tuesday classes together); 10:30 Mass/students and families

October 13, Columbus Day. No Class

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September 8, 2019 is also September 8, 2019 is also September 8, 2019 is also September 8, 2019 is also

Grandparents DayGrandparents DayGrandparents DayGrandparents Day

Grandparents Day Grandparents Day Grandparents Day Grandparents Day


God of our ancestors,

we thank you for our children

and our childrenʹs children.

They are reminders from you

about how precious life can be.

We humbly ask for wisdom and

patience as we take pride and wonder

in our grandchildren.

Those of us who now pray to you

also seek your blessing upon these

men and women

who are our grandparents or who

act in place of grandparents.

Bless all the children and their par-

ents and grandparents

with your abundant grace.

We ask all this through the inter-

cession of

Saints Joachim and Anne, parents

of the Blessed Virgin Mary,

patron saints of grandparents, in the power of the Holy Spirit.


Bendición de los AbuelosBendición de los AbuelosBendición de los AbuelosBendición de los Abuelos

Dios de nuestros ancestros,

te damos gracias por nuestros hijos

y los hijos de nuestros hijos.

Son recuerdos que nos concedes de

lo preciosa que la vida puede ser.

Humildemente te pedimos

sabiduría y paciencia

mientras sentimos orgullo y asom-

bro de nuestros nietos.

Nosotros que te rezamos

además buscamos tu bendición a

estos hombres y mujeres

que son nuestros abuelos o los que

actúan en nombre de los abuelos.

Bendice a todos los niños y sus pa-

dres y sus abuelos

con tu gracia abundante.

Te pedimos todo por la intercesión


San Joaquín y Santa Ana, padres de

la Santísima Virgen Maria,

santos patrones de abuelos, en el poder del Espíritu Santo.


Page 5: CHANGE IS TOUGH - St. Mary...Jesús obraba signos maravillosos, era irreverente en su lenguaje, se acercaba peligrosamente a los marginados, se reía de la ley…y mucha gente le seguía

We extend a warm

welcome to all vis-

itors and those

who are new to

our parish. If you are new to Saint

Mary -Saint Catherine of Siena Par-

ish, visit our website for events and

resources. You may also register on

line at:


Please join us ~

Thursday September 12 at 6pm at the Parish Center for our First Annual COMMUNION RE-UNION!

We invite you to come back to continue to learn about Faith Formation and how to put Faith into action. We will have a pizza dinner and discuss how the third grade curriculum involves service and continuing to build

upon the foundation we created in Grades 1 and 2. RSVP by emailing [email protected] or

calling the office at 617-242-4664



III John Kitchura


Christina Mule

I Michael Hellinger & Nicole Roach


September 15, St. Mary Church After the 6pm Mass

The complexities of life, more so than ever, can be overwhelming. Participating in this program can assist teens in engaging life equipped with important resources and graces needed by providing them with the opportunity to:

· Deepen their relationship with God through prayer and sacred scripture

· Increase their knowledge of their Catholic faith

· Cultivate their ability to make moral decisions based on tried and true Christian values

· Apply their faith to everyday living using their God-given gifts in service to those in need

· Receive the special graces of the Holy Spirit through the Sacrament of Confirmation

Parents and teens are invited to attend an information session following the 6pm Mass

at St. Mary Church, 55 Warren Street.

Fr. Jim Ronan, Pastor

DAILY INTENTIONS - From Catholic Prayer book

O my God! I offer you all my prayers, works and sufferings of this day, in union with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, for the following intentions:


To obtain a true spirit of zeal, religion, and piety. For the success of priests' work, and the spiritual welfare of those entrusted to their care.


Spirit of meekness and humility. Souls in purgatory, and Religious communities. Tuesday

Spirit of Faith. Relatives, friends, and benefactors. Wednesday

Spirit of Charity. The sick, dying, suffering, poor, and those who care for them. Thursday

Love of the Holy Eucharist. Vocations to the Priesthood; conversion of unbelievers; needs of missionaries.


Spirit of mortification and self-sacrifice. Conversion of sinners. Saturday

Love of chastity and of the Blessed Virgin. Schools and teachers; children and youth. Add your own private intentions to those suggested above

Page 6: CHANGE IS TOUGH - St. Mary...Jesús obraba signos maravillosos, era irreverente en su lenguaje, se acercaba peligrosamente a los marginados, se reía de la ley…y mucha gente le seguía

Please pray for those serving in our Armed Forces and their families:

Ralph Rizzo, Jr. (Marines)

Joseph Upton, Jr. (Marines)

Kenneth (Army)

Jackie Walsh (Army)

If you have a loved one serving in the military, please contact the Parish at 617-242-4664.

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To learn more and/or become involved contact us at

617-242-4664 and check out the web site!

Weekend of 09/01/2019

Parishioners contributed:


To the Weekly Collection And

$496.07 to Catholic University and

Thank you for your

continued support


S:= 08/31 4:00 PM - 50

S6H 09/01 8:00 AM - 66

S6H 09/01 10:30 AM - 79

S6H 09/01 6:00 PM - 39

TOTAL: 234


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September 15: Clergy Benefit Trust September 29: Boston Pilot October 6: Monthly


Marriage Encounter

We are called to be humble of heart. Learn how to love each oth-er with humility by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. The next Weekends are Sep 14-15, 2019 in Medway, MA and Oct 18-20, 2019 in LACONIA, NH. For more information, call Stephen & Michelle O'Leary at 800-710-9963 or visit them at
