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Changes in Society

The Roaring 20’s (1919-1929)

Chapter 25, Section 2

Page 2: Changes in Society The Roaring 20 ’ s (1919-1929) Chapter 25, Section 2

Essential Questions

• How did young Americans challenge the ways of the past socially?

• How did prohibition lead to the growth of organized crime?

• What opportunities were available to women in the 1920’s that were not available before?

• What caused rising tensions between African Americans and Whites in northern cities?

• What did the Scopes Trial establish about science vs. religion?

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3 Ways “Youth” of the 1920’s Expressed

Themselves• Youth (Under 25) of

the 1920’s Rebelled Against Authority

• Youth Rebelled Against the Values of the Past & of their Elders

• Youth Expressed Themselves in Clothing, Songs, Dances, Fads & Attitudes

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Today’s Youth?

• How do Youth Express Themselves Today?

• What’s Different? The Same?


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Changes in Life for Youth During the 1920’s

• Youth (Under 25) Stayed in School Longer (College)

• School Became a Place for Socializing as well as Learning

• Expressed New Freedoms Through Clothing, Songs, Dances, & Fads

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Men’s Fashion of the 1920’s

• Extra Wide Floppy Pants

• Hair Slicked Down

• “Gangsta” Like

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Women’s Fashion in the 1920’s

• Shorter Dresses

• The “Bob” Haircut

• More Skin/ Sleeveless

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“The Charleston”• Upbeat Music

• Wild/Flailing Movements

• Any Volunteers?

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Other Fads of the 1920’s

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Anything Change in 2013?

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Flappers• Symbol of a 1920’s


• Bobbed Haircut, Makeup, Dresses Right Below the Knees

• Eager to Try Something New

• Tried New Fashions, Behaviors, Dances and/or Fads

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More Equality for Women• Drove Cars,

Played Sports, Went to College, Got Jobs!

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More Equality for Women • EconomicallyEconomically -

Worked in Business Offices, Retail Stores, Factories, Teachers, Nurses, Librarians, Social Workers, Bankers, Typists, Secretaries, Clerks, & Cashiers!

• SociallySocially – Marriage was Now Viewed as an Equal Partnership

• PoliticallyPolitically – 19th Amendment Gave Women Right to Vote!

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Prohibition• 1818thth Amendment Amendment:

– Banned the Making, Sale & Consumption of Alcohol

• Supporters Thought Banning Alcohol Would Promote Better Morality & Health

• The Volstead ActThe Volstead Act:– Law to Enforce the

18th Amendment!

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The Volstead Act

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Prohibition… Really?• Many Americans

Disagreed with Prohibition!

• SpeakeasiesSpeakeasies Opened:– Illegal Nightclubs that

Sold Alcohol

• BootleggersBootleggers :– People Who Transported

& Sold Alcohol Illegally

• MoonshinersMoonshiners::– People Who Made Their

Own Alcohol at Home

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Birth of Organized Crime• Organized Crime

(The Mob) Started Because of Prohibition

• Rival Criminal Gangs Fought Each Other For Control (Monopolies) of Bootlegging in Major Cities

• Violence Broke Out!

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Al Capone• Most Ruthless Crime

Boss of the 1920’s (Chicago)

• Fought to Gain Control of Over 10,000 Speakeasies in & Outside Chicago Area

• Had a 700 Criminal Army Working For Him

• What Did Al Capone Eventually Go to Jail For?

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The Untouchables!


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Prohibition Failed!• Prohibition


• 21st Amendment Repealed the 18th Amendment

• Alcohol Was Back!

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Roaring Twenties for African Americans

• 1 Million+ African Americans Moved North During the Great Migration (WWI) to Work in Factories

• Had Greater Expectations After WWI

• Had Fought to “Make the World Safe for Democracy!”

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Problems African Americans Faced During

the “Roaring 20’s”• Still Faced

Discrimination in Jobs & Housing

• 25+ Race Riots in Northern Cities

• 1.5 Million MOREMORE African Americans Moved North During the 1920’s!

• Racial Tensions Continued to Increase!

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NAACP• Attempted to

Protect the Constitutional Rights of African Americans

• NAACP Exposed the Crimes Against African Americans

• Failed to Get Congress to Pass Laws Against Discrimination in the 1920’s

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4 Groups Fighting Each Other

During the 1920’s• African Americans

vs. Whites

• Nativists vs. Immigrants

• Urban vs. Rural Communities

• Science vs. Religion

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• Fundamentalists Believe in a Literal, “Word for Word” Interpretation of the Bible/Torah/Quran/Etc…

• “Eye for an Eye”

• Fundamentalists DO DO NOTNOT Want the Theory of Evolution Taught in Schools!

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Islamic Fundamentalism:• Al QaedaAl Qaeda is an Islamic

Fundamentalist Group

• The Quran States that All People Should Believe in Allah & Follow the Teachings of Muhammad

• Al Qaeda Hates the U.S. Because of Our Freedom of Religion (Mosque, Church, Synagogue: All on the Same Street/Tolerance)

• Al Qaeda is to Islam as KKK is to Christianity

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Theory of Evolution?• Evolution is the

Scientific Theory That Living Things Developed Over Millions of Years Ago From Simpler Forms of Life

• Theory of EvolutionTheory of Evolution:– Cell to Bacteria to

Organism to Mammal to Reptile to Ape to Man

• If We Come From Animals, Then We Don ’t Come From…

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Theory of Evolution

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• Should the Theory of Evolution Be Taught in Schools?

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The Scopes Trial• John Scopes Taught

the Theory of Evolution in His Biology Class in TN: Got Fired!

• Took His Case to the Supreme Court

• What did the Supreme Court Rule About the Teaching of the Theory of Evolution in Public Schools?

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Growth of the KKK • KKK Had 5 Million

Members During the 1920’s

• KKK Wanted a “Racially & Pure” America

• Violence Was Used To Influence Town, State, & National Elections

• Voting is Power:– Wanted to Keep African

Americans From Voting

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Essential Questions

• How did young Americans challenge the ways of the past socially?

• How did prohibition lead to the growth of organized crime?

• What opportunities were available to women in the 1920’s that were not available before?

• What caused rising tensions between African Americans and Whites in northern cities?

• What did the Scopes Trial establish about science vs. religion?
