  • 8/10/2019 Chap 4-W6 Thermodynamics Cheong.pptx


    WEEK 6



    FIS 0334

  • 8/10/2019 Chap 4-W6 Thermodynamics Cheong.pptx


    Chapter 1

    Thermodynamic system and its surrounding

    Thermodynamic process

    The first law of thermodynamics

    Work done during volume changes P-V diagram

    Kinds of thermodynamic process

    Adiabatic, Isochoric, Isobaric and Isothermal

  • 8/10/2019 Chap 4-W6 Thermodynamics Cheong.pptx


    Learning Outcomes

    By the end of this chapter, students will be able to do the following:

    Describe thermodynamics process by involving the change of state

    of a thermodynamic system.

    Use the first law of thermodynamics to relate heat transfer, work

    done and internal energy change of a thermodynamics system withits surroundings.

    Calculate the work done by a thermodynamics system when its

    volume changes.

    Distinguish among adiabatic, isochoric, isobaric and isothermal

    processes. Sketch and analyze the P-V diagram for a thermodynamics process.

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    IntroductionExample 1

    Thermodynamics of Popping Popcorn

    A quantity of popcorn kernels in a

    pot with a lid is initially placed on a


    Heat energy is added to the

    popcorn by conduction.

    As the popcorn pops and expands,

    it does work on its surroundings

    (by exerting an upward force on thelid and moves through a



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    IntroductionExample 1

    Thermodynamics of Popping Popcorn

    The stateof popcorn changes in

    this process, since the volume,temperature and pressure of

    popcorn all change as it pops.

    Such process involves the change

    in state of a thermodynamic

    system (Popcorn)is calledthermodynamic process.

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    IntroductionExample 2

    Thermodynamics of Gasoline Car Engine

    If you put a tiny amount of high energy

    fuel (i.e. gasoline) in a small and

    enclosed space and ignite it.

    Turn to create an incredible amount of

    energy released in the form of

    expanding gas (heated gas).

    The heated gas pushes on the piston

    within cylinder, doing mechanical work

    that used to propel the car in distance.

    Here, the thermodynamic system is the

    quantity of gas enclosed in a cylinder

    with a movable piston.

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    IntroductionExample 2

    Principle behind Gasoline Car Engine

    Four-Stroke Combustion Cycle (Intake, Compression, Combustion and Exhaust stroke)

    * Get the online animation to enhance your understanding

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    IntroductionExample 2

    Step 1: Intake Stroke

    The piston starts at top, when the intake valve open, the piston moves down to let the

    engine take in a cylinder-full of air and gasoline.

    Step 2: Compression Stroke

    The piston moves back up to compress the mixture of air/gasoline mixture. As

    compression makes the explosion more powerful.

    Step 3: Combustion Stroke

    When the piston reaches top, the spark plug emit a spark to ignite the gasoline. The

    gasoline in the cylinder explodes, driving the piston down.

    Step 4: Exhaust Stroke

    Once the piston hits the bottom surface, exhaust valve opens and the exhaust leaves

    the cylinder.

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    THERMODYNAMICS has its roots in many practical problems

    essentially in the gasoline engine in an automobile which use the

    heat of combustion of their fuel to perform mechanical work in

    propelling the vehicles.

    Thus, we able to describe the energy relationships in any

    thermodynamic processin term of the quantity of heat Qadded to

    the systemand the work Wdone by the system which

    consequently resulting the change of internal energy Uof system.

    Internal Energy, U is the total energy of all of molecules in the

    system ( due to their individual random motions) excluding for the

    kinetic and potential energy due to external force.

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    The change in internal energy of a closed system will be equal

    to the heat energy added to the system minus the work done by

    the system on its surroundings.

    ** Be careful with the sign of heat energy, Q and work done, W

    The First Law of Thermodynamics


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    The First Law of Thermodynamics


    Quantity Sign Situation

    U+ Increasein internal energy

    - Decreasein internal energy

    Q+ Heat flows in tothe system

    - Heat flows out of the system

    W+ Work done bythe system (Expanding gas)

    - Work done onthe system (Compression gas)

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    The First Law of ThermodynamicsExample 1

    Q = 150J W = 100J

    U = Q W = + 50J

    More heat is added to

    system than systemdoes work.

    Internal energy of

    system increases.





    Q = -150J W = -100J

    U = Q W = - 50J

    More heat flows out of

    system than work isdone on system.

    Internal energy of

    system decreases.

    U = Q W = 0J

    Heat added to system

    equals work done bysystem.

    Internal energy of

    system unchanged.



    Q = 150J W = 150J

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    The First Law of ThermodynamicsExample 2

    Your body is a thermodynamic system

    When you exercise, your body does work. W > 0

    (Since the work is done by your body)

    Your body also warms up during exercise; and by perspiration and

    other means the body releases the heat. Q < 0 Since Q is negative and W is positive,

    The bodys internal energy decreases.

    Thats why exercise helps you to lose weight since some of the

    internal energy stored in your body in form of fat is used up.

    0 WQU

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    Question 1

    Rank the following thermodynamic processes according to the

    change in internal energy in each process, from most positive to

    most negative.

    (i) As you do 250J of work on a system, it transfers 250J of heat to

    its surroundings;

    (ii) as you do 250J of work on a system, it absorbs 250J of heat from

    its surroundings;

    (iii) as a system does 250J of work on you, it transfers 250J of heat

    to its surroundings;

    (iv) as a system does 250J of work on you, it absorbs 250J of heatfrom its surroundings.

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    Work Done in Volume Changes

    Motion of piston Figure shows a system whose volume canchange in a cylinder with a movable piston.

    The cylinder has cross-sectional areaA

    and the pressure exerted by system at

    piston is P. The total force exerted bysystem on piston is F = PA.

    When the piston moves out an infinitesimal

    distance , the work done by this force isd



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    P-V diagram (Pressure vs. volume)

    If the gas expands / compressed from volume VAto VB, the work

    done by the gas is equal the area under the curve;

    Work doneby gas

    Work done

    on gas




    VA A




















    PdVAreaWork 0 B




    PdVAreaWork 0



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    P-V diagram (Pressure vs. volume)

    If the volume is constant (does not change), VA= VB, hence no work

    is done, W = 0.

    For a gas that expands / compressed with constant pressure,

    Work done

    by gasWork done

    on gas



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    Last Updated:5 November 2014 LMS SEGi education group 18

    A process in which the temperatureof the system remains constantis

    called an isothermal process. On a p-V diagram, a path representing a

    constant temperature process is called an isotherm.

    Internal energy U depends only on temperature, so if the temperature is

    constant, the internal energy is also constant;

    According to Boyles law , PV = constant.

    If the gas is expanded, heat flows intothe gas from the water.

    If the gas is compressed, heat flows outof the gas into the water.

    The First Law of Thermodynamics Applied:

    Isothermal process (T=0)




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    Last Updated:5 November 2014 LMS SEGi education group 19

    The First Law of Thermodynamics Applied:

    Isothermal process (T=0)

    PV diagram for an ideal gasundergoing isothermal

    processes at two different


    The ideal gas in the cylinder

    is expanding isothermally at

    temperature T.


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    Last Updated:5 November 2014 LMS SEGi education group 20

    The First Law of Thermodynamics Applied:

    Adiabatic process (Q=0)

    Defined as one with no heat transferred into or out of a system.

    System expands adiabat ical ly, W > 0, U < 0.

    System is com pressed adiabat ical ly, W < 0 , U > 0.

    To do work , the gas uses up some of its internal energy as heat

    is not allow to enter the gas. When its internal energy decrease,

    its temperature decreases too.




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    Last Updated:5 November 2014 LMS SEGi education group 21

    The First Law of Thermodynamics Applied:

    Adiabatic process (Q=0)

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  • 8/10/2019 Chap 4-W6 Thermodynamics Cheong.pptx


    Last Updated:5 November 2014 LMS SEGi education group 23

    The First Law of Thermodynamics Applied:

    Isochoric process (V=0)





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    Last Updated:5 November 2014 LMS SEGi education group 24

    The First Law of Thermodynamics Applied:

    Isobaric process (P=0)

    An isobaric process occurs at constant pressure.

    The pressure P experience by the substance is always the same

    and is determined by the external atmosphere and the weight of

    the piston and the block resting on it.

    Heating the substance makes it expands and do work W in lifting

    the piston and block through the displacement s.

    The expression of the work at constant pressure;

    )( if VVPVPW

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    Last Updated:5 November 2014 LMS SEGi education group 25

    The First Law of Thermodynamics Applied:

    Isobaric process (P=0)

    Positive W value for the work done by

    the gas when it expands.Negative W value for the work done

    on the gas to compress it.

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    Last Updated:5 November 2014 LMS SEGi education group 26

    Describe the changes when an ideal gas changes from state WX Y Z

    and back to W.

    The First Law of Thermodynamics Applied

    Net change in heat

    Qnet= Q WX+ Q XY- Q YZ- Q ZW

    Net change in work

    Wnet= W WX- W YZ

    Net change in internal energy



    (For a cyclic process, that eventually return a system

    to its initial state, Uf= Ui; Unet=0)

    Qnet= Wnet= shaded area

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    Last Updated:5 November 2014 LMS SEGi education group 27

    The First Law of Thermodynamics Applied

    Change of


    Equation Explanation

    WX U= Q - W Expansion at constant pressure, temperature increases.

    Work done, heat absorbed.

    XY U= Q Pressure increase at constant volume. Temperature increase.

    Hence U>0 , Q>0. Heat absorbed.

    YZ U= Q - W Compression at constant pressure, temperature decreases.

    Work done on the gas, heat lost from the gas.

    ZW U= Q Pressure decrease at constant volume, temperature decreases.

    Hence U

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    Last Updated:5 November 2014 LMS SEGi education group 28

    Describe the changes when an ideal gas changes from state AD B and

    back to A.

    The First Law of Thermodynamics Applied

    Net change in heat

    Qnet= Q DB- QAD- Q BA

    Net change in internal energy

    Unet= 0

    (For a cyclic process, that eventually return a system

    to its initial state, Uf= Ui; Unet=0)

    Net work = shaded area


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    Last Updated:5 November 2014 LMS SEGi education group 29

    The First Law of Thermodynamics Applied

    Change of


    Equation Explanation

    AD W=0

    U= Q - W

    U= Q

    As temperature decreases, the internal energy decreases too

    (U0 and W>0.

    Temperature increases. Work is done by the gas, heat is absorbed

    by the gas.

    BA U= Q - W

    U=0, T=0

    Isothermal compression at constant temperature.

    Since W

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    Last Updated:5 November 2014 LMS SEGi education group 30

    The following is a simple summary of the various thermodynamic


    The First Law of Thermodynamics Applied

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    The First Law of Thermodynamics Applied

  • 8/10/2019 Chap 4-W6 Thermodynamics Cheong.pptx



    University Physics, H.D. Young and R.A. Freedman

    College Physics,A. Giambattista, B.M. Richardson and R.C.


    SerwaysEssentias of College Physics, R.A. Serway and C. Vuille