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FOOD SAFETYThe safety of food produced, served & consumed is of utmost importance to everyone, more so to those who habitually eat outside their homes and are unaware of the intrinsic quality of food that is served to them, even though their taste buds approve it.

Food production centers or kitchens provide all conditions necessary for growth of micro organisms, such as food, humidity & right temperature. All of which are conducive to the spread of infection, disease & infestation if not controlled & monitored through strict regimens with respect to hygiene & sanitation practices.

The relationship of safe food & wealth is well established & has been linked to the cultural practices of the country. The problem of getting safe food is more severe in public eating places where large quantity of food are pre-prepared, held & finished on demand for service.

Food safety problems can be tackled at various levels in different ways with training in safety being organized. Training in safety can be organized under 3 distinct categories usually abbreviated as the 3E’s, namely safety education; safety engineering and enforcement of safety.


Safety programs and policies can only be effective if the staffs are trained to think and act safety at work for this, educating them in the following areas is necessary.

(i) Teaching safe methods, with particular emphasis on areas of potential dangers, & how these can be guarded against.

(ii) Demonstrating the use of safety equipment installed in the established and location and use of first aid material.

(iii) In culcating in people the ability to recognize the signs of hazard around them, in colleagues and equipment e.g. – unwell person or an unusual sound from an equipment.

(iv) Teaching staff the legal implication of non-adherence to safety procedures.


Should start during induction of the employee to the establishment.

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Is effective by formation of safety committees in the establishment. Should include giving info. about legal and financial implication of accidents. Should be done using audio-visual aids discussion, bulletin board, weekly safety theme.


This involves the building in of safety features in the structure of the establishment in the equipment, furniture and fittings, and their proper arrangements within the spaces equipment should be selected with care to ensure safety in design that can make it possible to maintain sanitation of parts that come in contact with food.


That means implementation or practice safety rules need to be enforced by rule, law or custom and practice. Also by

i. Discipline at workii. Close supervision of all activities in vulnerable areas and at peak hours

iii. Closing all switches for fuel supply and water taps when not in use.iv. Immediate attention to repair of leaks and regular maintenance and servicing of

equipments to ensure optimum operation

Defination: - food safety is defined as keeping food safe to eat at every stage of (purchasing, receiving, storage, preparing, cooking, holding, cooling, reheating, and serving) handling as it passes through the flow of food from farm to table.

Thus food safety is the protection of food product from unintentional contamination (means cross contamination)


According to 2005 FDA food code, a hazard is a biological, chemical or physical property that may cause a food to be unsafe for human consumption

1. Biological hazard include bacterial viral and parasitic microorganisms bacteria: e.g. bacillus cereus, campylobacter jejuni, clostridium botulinum, E. coli, salmonella spp, shigella spp.

The majority of biological hazards are bacteria that can be controlled through time, temperature, acidity and water activity. Some bacteria from spores that and highly assistant and may not be destroyed by cooking and drying.

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Viruses can exist in food without growing, but they can rapidly reproduce once they are on a living host, most typically a human being. Viruses can best be controlled by good personal hygiene, because that limits the transmission of viruses via human contact or common food contact e.g. hepatitis A and E, rotavirus, nor virus, reo virus.

Parasites also need a host. They are mostly animals – host specific. What the can survive in humans. Adequate cooking or freezing destroys parasites. Special attention to foods such as pork, fish and bear, the are known to carry parasites. E.g. taenia spp, trichinella spiralis.


chemical hazards also cause food borne illness. Chemical hazards may occur naturally or may be introduced during any stage of food production. Natural occurring chemicals can be found in some species of fish or shell fish some plant foods and mushrooms e.g. some chemicals added to food also make them unsafe. These include sulfites, sodium nitrates, mono sodium glutamate or lead, copper environmental additives (fertilizers pesticides) and cleaning agents (sanitizers, lubricants)

Tetrodoxim (fish), mycotoxin like aflatoxim (corn), patulin (appejuice) paralytic shellfish poisoning (psp).


Any physical material or foreign object not normally found in a food that can cause illness and injury it may result from contamination carelessness, mishandling and implementing poor procedures at many points. From harvest to consumers. e.g. Glass, wood, stone, metal, fragments, bone, plastic.

Food hygiene

Food hygiene may be defined as the sanitary science which aims to produce food that is safe for the consumer and of good keeping quality. It covers a wide field and includes the rearing, feeding, marketing and slaughter of animals as well as the sanitation procedures designed to prevent bacteria of human origin reaching foodstuffs.

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MICRO ORGANISM IN FOODGeneral characteristics

1. Bacteria are minute unicellular plant like micro organisms. The length of bacterial cell is about 1um and smaller than this in diameter. Bacteria are classified according to the shapes of their shells. Looci are spherical in shape, vacilli, elongated cylindrical forms, spiral, they can pass through natural pores of foods. Bacterial spores are seed like and they are more resistant to most processing conditions than yeast or mold spores.

Bacteria with few exceptions, cannot grew in media as acid as those in which yeast and mold thrive. They multiply by cell division. Under favorable conditions bacteria can double their number every 30 min. Some bacteria cannot tolerate oxygen (anaerobes) and some require oxygen for growth (aerobes). Some can grow in an atmosphere devoid of oxygen but manage also in air (facultative anaerobes)

YEASTYeast are unicellular plants(fungi) widely distributed In nature and they grow well in slightly acid medium in the presence of sugar and water they are found in fruits, cereals and other food containing sugar. They are also found in soil, air, on the skins and in the intestine of animals. They are larger than bacteria. The individual cell length is about 10um and the diameter is about 1/3rd of this size. Most yeast is spherical and ellipsoidal. They have been used for centuries for leavening of bread and to bring about fermentation of food usage they can be harmful to foods if they bring about undesired fermentation.

MOULDSMoulds are multicellular filamentous fungi having a fuzzy or cottony appearance Cohen they grow in foods. They are larger than yeast. They are strictly aerobes and require oxygen for growth and multiplication. They grow slowly than bacteria. Moulds frequently threw under conditions of acidity or of osmotic pressure. Those are inhibitory to most bacteria. That is why they are found on jams and jellies moulds require less free moisture for growth than yeast and bacteria the absence of bright light and presence of stagnant air favour there rapid development.

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VIRUSThe viruses are extremely small ranging from 25-250um in size. although they share some characteristics with living organisms, they are not truly alive. They replicate inside a living cell using its host cells metabolism.There are no of ways by which viruses may be transmitted most common of this is via direct or distance contact i.e. from host to host by touching or through short distance in air. Indirect transmission may occur. Also via contact with inanimate objects (formites), by the bite of certain infected insects (vector) by water and food (vehicles)There are variety of ways in which viruses May entre foods.

i. Primary when the food product already contain virus at the time of slaughter or harvest or

ii. Secondary when it occurs during processing, storage or distribution of a food.


Ingestion of raw or semi-cooked food by humans can lead to infection by parasites. Food like pork, beef, lamb, shellfish, vegetables act as vehicles for infection.

The organism contaminated food when raw human excreta are used as for crops. Infected water poor hygiene also spread parasite. Cooking kills most of these parasites.


1) Temperature

Microorganisms have optimum growth temperature .They do not grow above or below a specific range of temperature. Bacteria can grow and survive under more extreme conditions than those tolerated by any of the molds or yeasts. Bacteria’s are classified as:-

Psychrophiles – 68o-77oF (45oF) (0-20oC)Mesophiles – 98oF (20-45oC)Thermophiles – 110oF (45-60oC)

Moulds can grow and can survive under more extreme conditions than can the yeasts.

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Microorganisms grow in aqueous solutions. A term, “water activity (aw)” express the degree of availability of water in foods. Foods with high water content deteriorate fast. Leafy vegetables, fruits, meat, milk deteriorate rapidly. Fruits & vegetables can give of moisture from respiration & transpiration even when packed in a moisture free package. This moisture is enough for microorganisms to grow.

3. PH(hydrogen ion concentration)

Moulds, yeast grow best at PH on the acidic side of neutrality as do some bacteria. Many species of bacteria grow at PH which are at neutrality or slightly on alkaline side. Extreme PH for bacteria (PH 4 – PH 11)

4. NUTRITIONAL REQUIREMENTS OF MICROBES Microorganisms especially bacteria vary greatly from species to species. In the presence of some inorganic salts some bacteria can utilize the nitrogen in air to form proteins and carbon dioxide in air to obtain energy they also use lactates as source of energy. Moulds and yeast like bacteria require basic elements – carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sodium, sulphur etc. as well as vitamins & other organic compounds.

5. OXYGEN REQUIREMENT Some bacteria are aerobic that is they require oxygen for growth. Some both presence and absence (facultative aerobes/ anaerobes) bacteria that do not require oxygen – anaerobes. Moulds & yeast require.


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FOOD SPOILAGE & FOOD PRESERVATIONFoods undergo deterioration or spoilage from the time they are harvested, slaughtered or manufactured. Foods undergo physiological, chemical and biological changes & make them unfit for human consumption.

Numbers of causes are responsible for food deterioration. These include:

i. Micro-organismsii. Activities of enzymes present in food

iii. Insectsiv. parasitesv. rodents

vi. temperaturevii. moisture

viii. Oxygen, light and time.

These factors are not isolated In nature. At any one time, many forms of spoilage may take place depending upon the food and environmental conditions.

i. Micro-organism: bacteria, yeasts & molds spoil food after harvesting, during handling, processing & storage. The micro-organisms are found everywhere & are always present to invade the flesh of animas & plants. When there is a cut in their skin or if the skin is weakened by disease or death.

ii. Food enzymes: enzymes present in plant & animal foods continue to be present and are even intensified after harvest & slaughter. Enzymes are responsible for facilitating many changes during storage such as changes in colour, texture and flavor e.g. ripening of tomatoes, tenderizing of meat on ageing are desirable, but if proceeded too far can result in food spoilage if not halted at the appropriate time. The enzymes need to be inactivated by suitable method at appropriate time to prevent food spoilage.

iii. Insects, parasites & rodents: insects are destructive to cereals grains, fruits & vegetables. The loss of food due to insects destruction varies from 5-50% depending upon the care taken in the field & storage. Insects are generally controlled by fumigation with ethylene oxide & propylene oxide.

Parasitic food spoilage occurs in some foods. Pigs eat uncooked food waste, the parasitic nematode penetrates the pig’s intestine & finds its way into pork. The live worms can infect man if the pork is not thoroughly cooked.

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Entamoeba histolytica is responsible for amoebic dysentery. This organization contaminates food when raw human excreta is used as fertilizers for crops. Infected water and poor hygiene also spread the parasites. Cooking kills most of these parasites. Rodents contribute substantially to food spoilage rats cockroaches rodents urine and drippings harbor several kinds of disease producing bacteria and rats spreads such human disease as typhus fever, plague, typhoid fever etc.

iv. Temperature : - Heat and cold contribute to food spoilage if not controlled. The rate of chemical reaction doubles itself for every 10o C rise in temperature. Excessive heat brings about protein denaturation, destroy vitamins, break emulsions and dries out food by removing moisture. Freezing and thawing of fruits and vegetables destroy their structure.

v. Moisture : - Foods with high % water spoil fast. Perishable foods have a high water content. Control of moisture in foods is thus very important. From the point of view of their preservation.

vi. Oxygen, Light and Time : - air and oxygen bring about a number of changes in food components such as destruction of food colour, flavor vitamin A & C and other food constituents. Oxygen is to be excluded from in the course of processing while deareation, vacuum packing or flushing containers with nitrogen or carbon dioxide. Light destroys vitamin B2, A and C. it also deteriorates many food colours. Foods may be protected from light by impervious packing or keeping them in containers that screen out specific wavelengths. Foods spoilage is time dependent. The larger the time, the greater the destructive influences.

vii. Food Safety In The Home : - in order to avoid food spoilage in the home, standards of hygiene should be maintained. Personal hygiene & kitchen sanitation practice should be maintained.

Spoilage of Cereals and Cereal Products

The exterior of harvested grains retain some of the natural flora plus contamination from soil, insects & other sources e.g.

Of bacteria that infestaie pseudonuenadaceae, micrococcaceae, lactobacillaceae.

Washing & milling reduces microorganisms.

Blending & conditioning increases contamination.

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Cereal products

Wheat flour – bacteria – bacillus, sarcina, micrococeus, molds – aspergillus, penicillium.

Corn meal – molds – fusarum, penicillum.

Bread – a freshly baked loaf is practically free of viable microorganisms, but mold spores contaminate during cooking & before wrapping slicing by knives also contaminates.


Milk contains few bacteria when it leaves the udder of healthy cow. Contamination starts from the animal especially the exterior of the adjacent areas.

Bacteria found in manure, soil & water may entre from this source. Microorganisms from milking machine, when milking by hand. Contamination from dairy utensils & milk contact surfaces like milk oil or milking

machines, bulk milk cooler. Hands & arms of the milker, flies, the air around milk parlor. Other sources tanker-truck, transfer pipes, sampling utensils, separators, homogenizers,

coolers, glass bottles.


BUTTER: - microorganisms from churner, from water used in its washing, old cream & packaging material.

Dry milk, evaporated milk & sweetened condensed milk may be contaminated from special equipments used in their preparation.

Cheese – it is contaminated from air, brine, tanks, shelves & packaging material. Ice cream – organisms may be added to ice cream in the ingredients.


The healthy inner flesh meat contains few or no microorganisms although they have been found in lymph nodes, bone marrow & even flesh. Normal slaughtering practices would remove the lymph nodes from edible parts. Contamination comes from external sources during bleeding, handling and processing. During bleeding, skinning and cutting the main sources of microbes is the exterior of the animals (hide, hoofs and hair) and the intestinal tract.

Knives, clothes, air, hands and clothing of the workers can serve as intermediate source of containments.

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During handling contamination comes from cart, boxes, and contaminated meat, from air and from personals.

Grinders, sausages stuffers, slicing, casing and ingredients are the sources. In home refrigerators, containers used previously to store meats act as a source.

E.G. molds – cladosporium, geotrichium, panicillium.

Bacteria – pseudomonas, bacillus, clostridium.

EGGS: - Most freshly laid eggs are sterile but the shells of some become contaminated by faecal material from the hen, by the lining of the nest, by wash water, by handling the materials in which eggs are packed.


Spoilage occur during storage, transportation while waiting to be processed, washing, mechanical damage, processes such as trimming, peeling, cutting, coring add to contamination.


Spoilage occurs by chemical, biological or both.

CHEMICAL: - by hydrogen swell resulting from the pressure of hydrogen gas released by action of acid of goods on the iron of the cane, time, temperature of storage, tinning imperfection, poor exhaust etc.

BIOLOGICAL: - by microorganisms, survival of organisms after administration of the heat treatment, leakage of the container after the process permitting the entrance of microorganisms.


Methods of food preservations

1. Asepsis or keeping out microorganisms.2. Removal of microorganisms.3. Maintenance of anaerobic conditions.4. Use of high temperature.5. Use of low temperature.6. Drying

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7. Use of chemical preservatives8. Irradiation9. Mechanical destruction of microorganisms by grinding or high pressure.10. Combination of two or more of above methods.

Principle of food preservation

In accomplishing the preservation of foods by the various methods the following principles are involved: -

1. Prevention or delay of microbial decomposition.a. By keeping out microorganisms.b. By removal of microorganisms.c. By hindering growth & activities of microorganisms.d. By killing of microorganisms i.e. by heat or radiation.

2. Prevention or delay of self decomposition of the food: -a. By destruction or inactivation of food enzymes e.g. by blanchingb. By prevention or delay of chemical reactions

3. Prevention of damage because of insects animals and mechanical causes: -

The methods used to control the activities of microbes usually are effective against enzymatic activities. A summary of the major preservation factor and their mode of action and achievement presented in the graph.


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Logarithm of numbers of organisms


The curve is divided into phase as indicated in the fig:

(1) The initial lag phase (A to B), during which there is no growth or even a decline in numbers.

(2) The phase of positive acceleration the rate of growth is continuously increasing.(3) The log or exponential phase of growth (C to D), during which the rate of multiplication

is most rapid and is constant.(4) The phase of negative acceleration (D to E), during which the rate of multiplication is

decreasing.(5) The maximal stationary phase (E to F), where numbers remain constant.(6) The accelerated death phase (F to G).(7) The death phase or phase of decline (G to H), during which numbers decrease at a faster

rates then new cells are formed and(8) The survival phase (H to I) during which no cell division occur but remaining cells survive

on endogenous nutrients.

Microorganisms do not decrease at a fixed rate to zero but taper of very gradually as law numbers.


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Foods preservation is best by lengthening lag phase & the phase of positive acceleration. This can be done by: -

i. By introducing as few spoilage organisms as possible i.e. by reducing the amount of contamination, the fewer organisms present, the longer the lag phase.

ii. By avoiding the addition of activity growing organisms.

iii. By one or more unfavorable environmental conditions.

iv. By actual damage to organism by processing methods such as heating or irradiation.


1) ASEPSIS: - keeping out the microorganisms by adopting good hygienic practices and sanitized environment.

2) REMOVAL OF MICROOGANISMS: - Can be done by filtration, centrifugation (sedimentation or clarification) washing or trimming.

3) MAINTENANCE OF ANEROBIC CONDITION: - a complete fill, evacuation of unfilled space or replacement of air by carbon dioxide and by inert gas nitrogen.

4) PRESERVATION BY USE OF HIGH TEMPERATURES: - high temperatures denature proteins and inactivate enzymes required for metabolisms of the microorganisms. That treatment varies with microorganisms. Depending on the heat treatment employed some of the vegetative cells, most of the cells are part of bacterial spores, or all of them may be killed.Yeast and yeast spores: ascospores are killed at 600C for 10 to 15 minutesYeast and yeast spores: 62.8 0 C for 30 minutes , 71.70C for 15 seconds.Mold & mold spores: Are killed at 600C in 5 to 10 minutes e.g. aspergillus.Bacteria: salmonella typhe - 600C for 4 minute E.coli – 57.30C for 20 to 30 minutes, streptococcus thermophiles – 700C to 750C for 15 minutes, clostridium botulinium - 1000C for 100 to 330 minutes.

5) PRESERVATION BY USE OF LOW TEMPERATURE: - low temperatures are used to retard chemical reactions and action of food enzymes and to slow down or stop the growth and activity of microorganisms in foods. The lower the temperature the slower the chemical reaction, enzyme action and microbial growth, a low enough temperature will prevent the growth of any microorganisms. Commercial refrigeration temperatures i.e. lower than 50C to 70C effectively retard growth of many borne pathogens.

Cold storage: - most commercial storage freezers are at or below – 18 0C.

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Common or cellar storage lower than 150C (for root crops, potatoes, cabbage, apples)

CHILLING STORAGE: - it involves cooling by ice or by mechanical refrigeration. Most perishable foods including eggs, dairy products, meat, sea fodd, vegetables & fruits are kept at chilling storage. Temperature varies from – o.50C to 100C.


Sharp freezing: - -150C to 290C & may take 3 – 72 hours. Quick freezing: -

a) Direct immersion of the food or the package food in a refrigerant as in the freezing of fish in brine.

b) Indirect contact with the refrigerant at -17.80C to -45.60C.c) Air blast freezing where air at -17.80C to -34.40C is blown across the materials being


6) PRESEVATION BY DRYING: - drying usually is accomplished by the removal of water but any method that reduces the amount of available moisture in a food is a form of drying, method of drying includes

Solar drying ( raisins, figs, pears, fish, rice) Mechanical dryers – it involves passage of heated air with controlled relative humidity

over the food to be dried or the passage of the food through such air. E.g. evaporator or kiln, drum dry, spray drying, freeze dryers & vacuum dryers.

7) PRESERVATION BY FOOD ADDITIVES: - A food additive is a substance or mixture of substances, other than the basic food stuff, which is present in food as a result of any aspect of production, processing, storage or packaging. Those food additives which are specifically added to prevent the deterioration or decomposition of a food are referred as chemical preservatives, their enzymes activity or their genetic mechanisms. E.g. propeonic acid, sodium or calcium propionates, sorbic acid, nitrite & nitrates, salt, sugar, wood smoke, spices, spices like cinnamon & cloves.

8) PRESERVATIO BY RADIATION: -Use of U.V radiation, ionizing radiation which include x rays, gamma rays, beta rays and cathod rays and microwave heating which have electromagnetic waves between infrared and radio waves.

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Microbial floras associated with foods have a broad complement of enzymes that bring about fermentative proteolytic and lipolytic changes. Proteolytic organisms break down proteins and other nitrogenous compounds resulting in putrid & rotten odour & flavor. Lipolytic organisms hydrolyze lipids giving rise to free fatty acids resulting in rancidity. These changes are undesirable in foods.

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On the other hand fermentative organisms converting carbohydrates & related compounds to alcohols, acids & carbon dioxide are not offensive to food tastes. Fermentation produces flavor & textural changes also increases its nutritional quality.

Fermentation by certain molds, break down the indigestible protective coating as they are rich in cellulose splitting enzymes. These enzymes convert cellulose simple sugars thereby increasing NV.

The term fermentation means breakdown of carbohydrates material by microorganisms under anaerobic condition. The list of foods produced by fermentation is extremely long and includes cheese, curd, butter, all alcoholic beverages, pickles, vinegar, bread, idli, soya sauce, coffee, tea & cocoa. Fermentation by: -

Yeast: bread, beer, wine, distilled liquors.

Yeast + bacteria – vinegar

Bacteria – fermented milk

1. BREAD: Microorganisms are useful in 2 ways (i) They may produce gas to leaven or raise the dough, giving the bread the

desered loose, porous texture.(ii) They may produce desirable flavouring substances. E.g. saccharomyces

cerevisiae.2. DAIRY PRODUCTS: Mixture of strains strepto coccus lactis & S. cremores for production

of acid and leuconostoc dextranicum & L. citrovorum for the production of flavor & aroma.

CHEESE – Lucconotoc strains, streptococcus thermophilus, lactobacillus bulgaricus. FERMENTED SAUSAGES – Pediococcus orevisiae. MINE – Special yeast. Apecial strain of S. cerevisiae vai. Ellipsoideus. BLUE CHEESE – penicillum roqueforti SOYA SOUCE – Aspergillus oryzae together with lactobacillus delbruckii. MISO – A oryzae + sacchoromyces rouxii + cattic acid bacteria + bacilli. IDLI – Idli a fermented food of india when the batter has risen enough, it is cooked by

steaming & served hot leuconostoc mesenteroides grows first in the batter, leavening it, and is followed by streptococcus faecalis & finally pediococcus cerevisiae which contribute to the acidity.

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FOOD BORNE DISEASESFood borne illnesses are conditions of distress following the ingestion of food or drink. Such illnesses may strike one person or hundreds of persons in a single outbreak, and may be only mildly and temporarily unpleasant, or fatal. They are microbial and non – microbial in origin.

There are 11 major types of food borne illnesses: -

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1) Indigestion2) Food intolerance or food sensitivity3) Algae toxins4) Metal poisons5) Phyllotoxins6) Manufactured agricultural & household chemicals7) Zootoxins8) Protozoan disease9) Infestation10) Microbial infections11) Bacterial & fungal food intoxications.

1. INDIGESTION: - is acute food borne distress which follows willful neglect or violation of good eating habits. Symptoms of distress, acute abdominal pains and vomiting.

2. FOOD INTOLERANCE OR SENSITIVITY: - food sensitivities are the food related reactions termed allergy, immunological hypersensitivity – i.e. manifestation of the antigen – antibody reactions following ingestion or contact with food hypersensitivity to milk, wheat flour & eggs is common.

3. ALGAE TOXINS: - Three divisions of algae namely: -

(i) Pyrrhophyta (dinoflagellates) e.g. Gonyaulax Catanella, G. monilata.(ii) Cyanophyta (blue – green algae) e.g. anabaena flos – aquae, microcystis

aeruginosa.(iii) Chrysophyta (golden brown algae) e.g. prymnesium parvum. All the organisms

occur both in fresh & marme waters, but almost invariably incidents of shellfish poisoning occur in seawater.

4) METAL POISONS: - Both mineral and organic material toxic to man & animals are widespread in environment. They occur in foods, often as normal constituents. The prominent intoxicating mineral elements are arsenic, lead, mercury and selenium

5) PHYLLOTOXINS: - many plants produce substances with farmacological and toxic effects on humans and animals e.g.

(i) ANTIENZYMES: - plant - soya beans, legumes, potato. Action – trypsin.(ii) CARCINOGENS: - plant – senecio. Action – liver damage.(iii) GOITROGENS: - plant – cabbage and some fruits. Action – enlargement of thyroid.

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6) Manufactured agricultural & household chemicals: - insecticides, pesticides, growth regulators, fungicides, and growth simulators e.g. cryolite, lead arsenate, DDT( dichloride – diphenyl – tri – chloroethane). Most chemicals are looked upon as adulterants of food. Regulatory control dictates the care that must be exercised in theirhandling & use, time of application & residues permitted.

7) ZOOTOXINS: - Zootoxins are associated only with freshwater & marine foods. It is microbial deterioration of the fish after capture.

8) PROTAZOAN DISEASE: - e.g. Amebiasis – or amebic dysentery. Its prevalauce is influenced by cultural practicesi.e. by disposal of human waste in such a ways that food & water are contaminated. Effective sanitation is necessary to control amebiasis.

9) INFESTATIONS: - Helminthic infestations are illness caused by cestodes( parasitic, highly segmented flat – worms), trematodes( parasitic, unsegmented flatworms) and nematodes( long, cylindrical, unsegmented worms). Many infestations are associated with foods characteristic of specific geographic areas.all food borne infestations entre the human through food & water, it is also transferred during the handling of the meat. E.g. Ascariasis, enterobiases, taeniaises.


(i) streptococci : - it is caused by, strepto – coccus phyogenes. It is responsible for acute, pus forming infections. Common vehicles for spreading the disease are raw milk & cream contaminated by infected farmers.

(ii) Salmonella: - caused by Salmonela. Salmonella, or enteric fever lies affected humans for centuries. The symptoms are fever, septicemia and gastroenteritis. The agent of thypoid is Salmonella thyphi. Symptoms – high fever incidence occur through contamination of well water, milk & foods.

(iii) Shigellosis: - shigellosis of bacillary dysentery is caused by organism belonging to genus shigella. Commonly associated with milk & ice cream.

(iv) Cholera: - it is transmitted by contaminated water, fruits, vegetables, raw/ half cooked fish. Caused by vibrio cholera


1. Tuberculosis: caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosae. Sputum, nasal exudates, unpasteurized milk, uninspected meat & poultry. Food related TB is less often respiratory than gastrointestinal, skeletal, and glandular. & muscular.

2. Listeriosis: - caused by listeria, monocytogenes.

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3. Q fever: - caused by coxiella burnetti. Out breaks seen in meat packaging plants. Causes fever, severe pneumonia.

11) BACTERIAL & FUNGAL FOODBORNE INTOXICATION: - Although many different organisms can grow in foods, only few produce toxins that make the food dangerous to eat among bacteria e.g’s are staphylococcus aureus, clostridium perfringens, c. botutinum & bacillus cereus. Among fungi e.’s. ceaviceps purpurea fusarium, asperigullus penicillum.

(i) S.aureus – it resides in the mucous of nose & throat region. The bacteria leave the nose & month in nasal secretions.During coughing & sneezing. It causes oimoles, boils, abscesses, meningitis, and pneumonia. S.A. produces enterotoxims (toxins). It causes irritation of intestinal tract, cramps, coma, and death.

(ii) Botulism: - It is neuroparalytic disease causes by consuming foods contaminating toxin of clostridium botulinum. Faulty vegetable processing , fish & FP, fruits, milk & MP.

(iii) Ergotism: - Caused by claviceps purpurea, a fungal pathogen of rye, barley, wheat and produces a toxic product called ergot. Fungal tissue grows on the grains having alkaloids which have toxic characteristics.

(iv) Aflatoxins: - Caused by mold aspergillus flowers. A wide variety of commodities. Like almonds, bakery products, millet, peanuts, wheat flour etc. symptoms are jaundice, hepatitis, hypertension, carcinogenic in nature.


FOOD ADDITIVESFood additives is any substance not naturally present in a food but added during its preparation and remaining in the finished product. Food additives are all substances added to basic food products. They include anything added during the production, processing, treatment, packaging, transport & storage of a food. Food additives are used to decrease the risk of contamination by certain microbes, maintain and improve nutritional quality, enhance appearance, increase self life, reduce waste or contribute to convenience. The PFA gives the

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definition and list of permissible additives along with the amount permitted. The substance to be used as food additive should be of good grade and must meet the PFA or B-S specifications. With the present degree of urbanization it would be impossible to maintain food distribution without the processing and packaging with which many additives are involved. The convenience food revolution would not be possible without food additives.

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Food adulteration of food stuff is commonly practiced in India by the trader. Adulteration defined as the process by which the quality or the nature of a given substance is reduced to

1. The addition of a foreign or an inferior substance.2. The removal of vital element.


Adulterants may be intentional or unintentional. The former is a willful act on the part of the adulterator intended to increase the margin of profit. Incidental contamination is usually due to ignorance negligence or lack of proper facilities.


Intentional adulterants are sand, marble, drip, stone, mud, chalk powder, water, mineral oil and coal tar, die the adulterants cause harmful effects on the body.

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FOOD LAWSFood laws came in existence for a number of reasons: -

1. To maintain the quality of food produced in the country.2. To prevent exploitation of the consumer by sellers. This could only be done by making

consumers aware of what to expect in terms of quality when they buy food.3. To safeguard the health of consumers.4. To establish criteria for quality of food products.

1) SALE OF GOODS ACT, 1930: - this act is important to those catering establishments which are involved with the sale of prepared food and drink. Some of the conditions which are implied in a contract of sale of goods are: -

(i) Condition as to title: for the trade mark safety(ii) Sale by description: just as selling meals from a menu card.(iii) Sale by sample: this implies that any bulk food shall correspond in quality to the

sample approved.(iv) Sale of description & sample: the conditions in this case should correspond to those

under sale by both description & sample.(v) Conditions as to quality & fitness: the responsibility of examining the product &

satisfying himself according to its suitability for a particular use rest on the buyer.(vi) Condition of merchantability: this implies that the goods are of salable quality, an

average person acting reasonably would accept them after a through examination.(vii) Condition of wholesomeness: in case of eatable and provisions wholesomeness is

implied.(viii) Condition implied by customer: this also covers quality or fitness for a particular


The sale of goods act is based on the rule of justice, equity and good conscience. it provides a legal solution in case of breach of contract or warranty between and seller, virtue of which damages can be claimed against a defaulting party in a court of law

2) AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (GRADING AND MARKING) ACT 1937: - this enactment often referred to as AGMARK act, and cater amended and called APCM act, 1986. This was the result of efforts by the govt. to standardize and control the quality of agricultural produce. The salient features of the act are: -

(1) Consumer protection measures.

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(2) Authorized packers.(3) Laboratory for analysis.(4) Chemists.(5) Power to obtain information.(6) Supply of unAGMARKed goods.

3) EMBLEMS AND NAMES (PREVENTION OF IMPROPER USE) ACT 1950: - this was enacted to safeguard consumers from exploitative manufacturers and traders who stamped substandard products and its packing with emblems resembling well known brands and their packaging design. The provision of this act is now covered under VIS act 1986.

4) INDIAN STANDARDS INSTITUTION ACT 1952 (ISI): - an amendment act was passed in 1961 to extend the scope of Indian standards of various quality control for various raw materials, products, practices and processes.

5) STANDARDS OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES ACT 1952 AND 1976: - the 1976 act was the result of governmental effort to introduce standards for weighing measuring commodities to protect consumer’s interest.

The act provides for:

(i) Use of metric system for weighing and measuring.(ii) Formulation of specification for weights, measures and equipment use for the

purpose.(iii) Approval of equipment model prior to manufacture.

6) PREVENTION OF FOOD ADULTERATION ACT (PFA) ACT, 1954: - PFA is directly concerned with the protection of the health of consumers, and the quality of food products marketed. PFA states that article of food shall be deemed to be adulterated: -

(a) If the article sold by a vendor is not of the nature, substance or quality demanded by the purchaser & is to his prejudice or is not of the nature, substance or quality which it should be.

(b) If the article contains any other substance which affects, or if the article is so processed as to affect injuriously the nature, substance or quality thereof.

(c) If any inferior or cheaper substance has been substituted wholly or in part for the article so as to affect injuriously the nature, substance or quality thereof.

(d) If any constituent of the article has wholly or in part been abstracted so as to affect injuriously the nature, substance or quality thereof.

(e) If the article has been prepared, baked or kept under insanitary conditions where by it has become contaminated or injurious to health.

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(f) If the article consists wholly or in part of any filthy, putrid, disgusting, rotten, decomposed or diseased animal or vegetable substance or is insect infested or otherwise unfit for human consumption.

(g) If the article is obtained from a diseased animal.(h) If the article contains any poisonous or other ingredient which renders it injurious to health.(i) If the container of the article is composed, whether wholly or in part, of any poisonous or

deleterious substance which renders the contents injurious to health.(j) If any colouring matter other than that prescribed in respect thereof and in amounts not within

the prescribed limits of variability is present in the article.(k) If the article contains any prohibited preservative or permitted preservative in excess of the

prescribed limits.(l) If the quality or purity of the article fall below the prescribed standards or its constituents are

present in quantities which are in excess of the prescribed limits of variability.

The PFA act, 1954 thus lays down the guidelines for setting up standards for various food items like cereals & cereal products, pulses, ghee etc. All processed items which are mass produced for public use expected to conform to these standards. The penalty for adulteration that is injurious to health involves a minimum punishment of 1 year in jail and fine of 2000/- extendable to 6 years and a higher fine as fixed by the court. Adulteration which is not injurious to health is punishable by 6 months in jail and a fine of 1000/- extendable to 3 years and a minimum fine of as decided by the court.


Some food standards have been formulated and some rules laid down to be followed under the act, the most of which are the: -

1) PFA standards2) FPO standards3) AGMARK standards4) INDIAN standards

1) THE PFA STANDARDS: - These lay down the minimum standards for all types of foods and are revised periodically to meet the requirements of the manufacturer and the consumer from time to time. The PFA standard were formulated in 1955 were subsequently revised in 1968, 1973 & 1981. Any food not conforming to these standards is said to be adulterated.

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2) FPO STANDARDS: -The FPO passed in 1946, under the defense of Indian rules, was revised under the essential commodities act, 1955. The FPO standards are mainly concerned with the standards required for maintaining the quality of fruits & vegetables & products manufactured from them. The FPO also specifies the conditions of hygiene & sanitation required to be maintained by manufacturer of F & V products. The specification for the labeling & packaging of these products have been laid down. Under the FPO it is necessary for manufactures to get a licence is only issued if the conditions of manufacture & the quality of the products conforms to the standards laid down by the order.

3) THE AGMARK STANDARDS: - These standards are formulated on the physical & chemical characteristics of food, both the natural as well as those acquired during processing. Products graded under AGMARK include vegetable oils, ghee, cream, butter, rice, gur, eggs, groundnuts, potatoes, fruits, pulses & spices. These standards ensure accurate weights & correct selling practices.

4) INDIAN STANDARDS: -These standards cover vegetable and food products, spices, meat products, condiments & processed food like biscuits, sweets, flour, texturised soya products, tea, coffee & other beverages and so on. The standards are set up by the ISI, who certification mark is ISI, seen on all products indicating conformity to lay down standards the ISI (now BIS) is the national organization for standardization and lays down criteria for standardization of products, materials, practices & processes. It is also involved with the standardization of items like building materials, safety standards for equipments etc. which the caterer must be aware of when decision regarding premises an equipment are required to be taken.

VEGETABLE OIL CONTROL ORDER (VOCO): - This specifies the standards desired for edible oil and hydrogenated fat to be marketed.

THE MEAT PRODUCT ORDER (MPO): - relates to quality of meat products manufactured for sale. Quality refers to the health of the animal being slaughtered hygienic condition of slaughter houses and microbial quality of meat.

MILK AND MILK PRODUCT ORDER (MMPO): - This was passed by the government in 1992 the MMPO provides for setting up of an advisory board to advise the government on the production, sale, purchase and distribution of milk.

ECOMARK: - this system launched by the BIS was introduced to preserve the environment from pollutants. The mark ensures the consumer that products do not produce hazardous waste materials, are biodegradable and can be recycled. Food item covered includes edible oil, tea,

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coffee, beverages, infant food, processed foods along with food additives, preservatives and packaging materials as well.

CODEX ELIMENTARIOUS: - FAO/WHO food standards program is called CODEX elimentarious it is a combine set of standards, codes or practices and other model regulations available for countries to use and apply to food industry in international trade. The dual objective of CODEX elimentarious commission is to protect the health of consumers to facilitate international trade. CODEX commodity standards cover food as fruit juices cereals meat products etc. general standard cover areas applicable to most food hygiene and technological aspects such as food hygiene and technological practices. They are used by processor to insure that foods are microbiologically safe and are fit for human consumption. Maximum residue limits (MRLS) have been setup for pesticides specification for food grade quality of additives form an important part of CODEX work.

HAZRAD ANALYSIS CRETICAL CONTROL POINT (HACCP): - HACCP is a food safety system which is recognized world wide. HACCP is a food safety risk management tool that is applied to determine significant hazards pertaining to specific products and process and to control the occurrence of such hazard. HACCP is preventing in its approach, in that, it aims to prevent rather than detect problem. Many of the benefits of HACCP are of a long term nature such as reduced wastage through improve process control, more efficient use of resources which will provide a financial rewards for the company, additional foods surely stands to benefit on this.

INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION, (ISO): - ISO is a world wide federation of national standards bodies from more than 140 countries, one from each country. ISO is a non government organization established in 1947. The mission of ISO is to promote the development of standardization and related activities in the world with a view to facilitating the international exchange of goods and services and to develop cooperation in the sphere of intellectual, scientific, technological and economical activity. The ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 are most widely known and successful standards ever. ISO 9000 has become an international reference for quality requirements in business and ISO 14000 looks set to achieve as much in helping organization to meet there environmental challenges thus ISO 9000 is concerned with quality management, ISO 14000 is concerned with environmental management.

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