Download ppt - Chapter 10 respiration II


2. R U Ready??? 3. By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: describe the effect of lactic acid in muscles during exercise. describe the effect of tobacco smoke and its major toxic components nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide, on health. Lesson Objectives 4. 1)What are 3 differences between aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration in the human body? a) release of different amounts of energy b) availability of oxygen c) products formed Quick Recap! 5. Quick Recap! 2)Which part of the human body can carry out both aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration? skeletal muscles 6. When a person is exercising vigorously, muscle cells need A LOT OF ENERGY. Even though we breathe faster and deeper than usual, the muscle cells are not able to receive oxygen fast enough to meet the demand for aerobic respiration. What happens then is that the muscle cells respire anaerobically to release even more energy. Why carry out anaerobic respiration? 7. Lactic acid is produced. Lactic acid accumulated in the muscles cause fatigue muscular pains decrease performance. Lactic acid must be removed. This requires oxygen, thus the body is said to have incurred an oxygen debt. So what happens when there is anaerobic respiration? 8. Lactic acid is transported to liver. Oxidized to produce energy to convert remaining lactic acid to glucose. Glucose can be stored or used in aerobic respiration. How does the body remove lactic acid? 9. Subject A Her face looks sickly pale, but she is full of energy! She walked the entire X-country. 10. Subject B This tall, dark and handsome boy has been running at a comfortable pace for 5 min. Actually Just slightly faster than subject A. 11. Subject C Crazy-looking kid who has been running at full speed throughout the X-country! 12. Subject C Truth is he saw a cockroach and was running away... 13. Tabacco smoke Haze Respiratory diseases E.g. chronic bronchitis, emphysema What can harm a persons respiratory system? 14. Groups of 4! A table will be given to organize the data in the envelopes. Properties of the chemicals (red colour) Effects on body (blue colour) Example: Activity Time! 15. You will be given 10 minutes to complete the task! The fastest group with all correct answers gets a prize! Activity Time! 16. Harmful Substances in Cigarette Smoke 17. Due to prolonged breathing of irritants Chronic bronchitis 18. Function of Cilia Form a lining on the thin epithelium lining Cilia helps to sweep dust particles and bacteria up the bronchioles, to the bronchi, and to the trachea into the pharynx to get swallowed into the oesophagus 19. Inflammation of trachea, bronchi, bronchioles (airways) Cilia along the epithelium lining being paralysed. Irritants are trapped in the mucus lining the airways. Airways become blocked, making breathing difficult. Persistent coughing, in order to clear airways. This also leads to an increased risk of getting lung infections. Chronic bronchitis 20. Due to persistent and violent coughing Emphysema 21. 1. Violent coughing breaks the partition walls between the alveoli Surface area for gaseous exchange will decrease Emphysema 22. 2. Lungs also lose their elasticity Air is trapped in the lungs Emphysema 23. 3. Breathing becomes difficult Person will wheeze and suffer from severe breathlessness Emphysema 24. This person is suffering from COPD! Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease lah! What happens when a person suffers BOTH chronic bronchitis and emphysema? 25. Stay healthy and stay away from ! And you will be smiling like them everyday! Smile like a retard! Smile like Joker!