
Chapter 13 Age of Exploration 1450 – 1750

I. Reasons for Voyages of Exploration A. God, Glory, & Gold

Mercantilism *econ. theory 1. wealth = power 2. increase gold & silver supply 3. balance of trade export more goods than import

C. Colonies new territory linked with parent nation

D. Religion spread Christianity

E. Adventure ex. Marco Polo “The Travels” journey to China & Japan

F. Advances in Technology of Exploration:1. Cartography *science of map making Latitude *distance north & south of Equator Longitude *distance east & west Navigation (ship to drive)

2. Astrolabe “Shooting the Sun” *measure position of stars *attain latitude

3. Compass

4. Better Ships: Caravel *multiple masts Lateen *triangle shaped sail against wind Rudder ships sail closer

5. Cannon & Firearms

II. Portuguese Explorations *lead way in voyages of expansion A. Prince Henry “The Navigator” 1419 Sagres *school for sailors

B. Gold Coast West Coast of Africa (gold & ivory) Portuguese *start slave trade 1441

C. King John II 1481 wants trade empire with India & China

D. Bartholomew Dias *rounded tip of Africa 1487 named it: Cape of Storms Cape of Good Hope *renamed by King John II passage to India

E. Vasco da Gama *1st European to reach India 1498 profits from Spices (60 times cost of voyage)

F. Admiral Albuquerque 1510 Goa *set up port on west coast of India stopping station to Spice Islands, China & Japan

G. Pedro Cabral *claimed Brazil for Portugal 1500 blown of course landed in Brazil

III. Spanish Exploration A. Christopher Columbus **European discover of New World

Queen Isabella & King Ferdinand *sponsored voyage gold & riches new trade routes spread Christianity

3 Ships: Nina, Pinta, & Santa Maria set sail Aug. 3, 1492

Oct. 12, 1492 San Salvador *island landed Indios *inhabitants of the Indies (Indians)

Admiral of Ocean Sea *title given to Col. by Queen Isabella

Columbian Exchange bt. New World & Old World*plants, animals, & diseases New World - potatoes, corn, turkeys, gold & silver Old World - wheat, horses, guns, & small pox

B. Treaty of Tordesillas 1494 *divided “New World” bt. Spain & Portugal Line of Demarcation 48 West Longitude imaginary line ran bt. Poles East Portugal West Spain

Spain Portugal

New Spain *Spanish Empire in New World 2 Goals of Spain *exploit wealth *convert natives to Christianity

New Spain

Encomienda *right of settlers use natives as laborers

C. Amerigo Vespucci 1499 - 1503 charted Central & South America New World (Mundus Novus)

America *name 1st used 1507 Martin Waldseemuile German map maker *named new continent for Amerigo

11 months ago: Conservators at the Library of Congress in Washington, clean and assemble the state-of-the-art encasement for the 1507 world map by Martin Waldseemuller, the first map known to use the name "America," which is being encased, Monday, Dec. 3, 2007 at the library in Washington. The map spent nearly 400 years in obscurity in the library of a castle in southern Germany and was rediscovered in 1901. The Library of Congress purchased the map for $10 million in 2003.

D. Vasco Balboa 1511 *1st European to see Pacific Ocean named it: South Sea - Great Waters *natives called it

Balboa’sWar Dogs

E. Ponce de Leon 1513 *searched for Fountain of Youth Florida (full of flowers) *claimed for Spain

F. Ferdinand Magellan *1st sail around world 1519 - 1521 rename South Sea *Pacific Ocean (Peaceful)

Death of Magellankilled claiming Philippine Islandsnamed after King Philip II of Spain

G. Hernan Cortes *conquer of Aztec Empire 1521 “Conquer or die!” *motto of Cortes

Malinali “The Traitor” *Cortes interpreter (wife)

Aztec *People of the Sun *controlled Central Amer.

Debt Pain *human sacrifices to Gods ex. Huitzilopochtli *Sun God

Montezuma II *Aztec Emperor

Tenochtitlan * Aztec Capital City near modern Mexico City

“The judgment of the Lord overtook them, and his strength supported my arm!” Cortes describing slaughter of Aztecs

Small Pox “The Great Rash” 90% Aztec killed

H. Francisco Pizarro *conquered Inca Empire of Peru 1532

Incas *Children of the Sun

Cuzco “City of the Sun” *Inca capitalGold *symbol of Sun

Atahualpa *Inca Emperor killed by Pizzaro

I. Hernando Desoto *explored Gulf of Mexico 1539 - 1542 from Florida – Mississippi

J. Cabeza *mouth of Mississippi River 1527 ship wrecked 9 years wanderd Texas & New Mexico

K. Coronado *Grand Canyon 1540 - 1542 Searched for Seven Cities of Gold

IV. The Netherlands 1600’s Golden Age A. Amsterdam *worlds largest commercial city Dutch world’s highest standard of living

B. Dutch East India Company * trading co. sold stocks - $ finance voyages Capetown (Cape of Good Hope)

C. Henry Hudson 1653 *New Netherlands (Dutch Colony) New Amsterdam = New York City

Wall Street *defensive wall built by Dutch

V. English Explorers A. John Cabot coast of N. Amer. 1497 *Newfoundland - Delaware

B. Martin Frobisher *Northwest Passage 1570 North America to Asia

C. Francis Drake *1st Englishmen sail round world 1577 - 1580 English Piracy “Sea Dogs” raided Spanish Colonies

D. Henry Hudson 1609 *discovered Hudson River

E. Jamestown, Virginia 1607 *1st permanent English settlement in N. America Capt. John Smith tobacco cash crop

VI. French Explorers A. Giovanni Da Verrazando 1524 Explored coast of N. Amer. Carolinas to Nova Scotia

B. Jacques Cartier *St. Lawrence River 1534 – 1536

C. Samuel De Champlain 603 - 1615 *Founder of New France = Quebec 1st permanent French settlement: Americas

D. Louis Joliet & Jacques Marquette *Explored Mississippi River 1673

E. Robert La Salle *claimed Louisiana for France 1682

VII. Slave Trade 1600 - 1800 A. 10 million *Africans sent to America as slaves The Middle Passage *slave ships voyage Africa - Americas

Timbuktu *center for slave trade

B. Triangular Trade Europe: manufactured goods traded for slaves Africa: supplied slaves (Middle Passage) Americas: sugar, cotton, tobacco

Plantation system *large agricultural estates Sugarcane & tobacco
