Page 1: Chapter 15 Section 1.  Lineage  Stateless societies  Patrilineal  Matrilineal  Maghrib  Almoravids  Almohads

Chapter 15 Section 1

Page 2: Chapter 15 Section 1.  Lineage  Stateless societies  Patrilineal  Matrilineal  Maghrib  Almoravids  Almohads

Lineage Stateless societies Patrilineal Matrilineal Maghrib Almoravids Almohads

Page 3: Chapter 15 Section 1.  Lineage  Stateless societies  Patrilineal  Matrilineal  Maghrib  Almoravids  Almohads

Oldest form of social organization

Still exists in Africa today

Speak own language and have their own techniques

Scholars can get clues from the past

Page 4: Chapter 15 Section 1.  Lineage  Stateless societies  Patrilineal  Matrilineal  Maghrib  Almoravids  Almohads

Efe- several hunting gathering societies in Africa

Ituri Forest in the DRC

Small groups 10 to 100

All related Nomadic people

Page 5: Chapter 15 Section 1.  Lineage  Stateless societies  Patrilineal  Matrilineal  Maghrib  Almoravids  Almohads

Women are gatherers

Search for roots, yams, mushrooms, wild seeds

Men and boys are the hunters

Small antelope Trade for honey, wild

game and crops from nearby villages

Page 6: Chapter 15 Section 1.  Lineage  Stateless societies  Patrilineal  Matrilineal  Maghrib  Almoravids  Almohads

• Respected older male is the leader

• Does not give orders or act as a chief

• Each family free to come and go

• Settle arguments with discussion

• Life not governed by formal laws

Page 7: Chapter 15 Section 1.  Lineage  Stateless societies  Patrilineal  Matrilineal  Maghrib  Almoravids  Almohads

African societies and families organized by lineage

Lineage –members of certain groups

Stateless societies-do not have a centralized power, balanced by lineage equally

Page 8: Chapter 15 Section 1.  Lineage  Stateless societies  Patrilineal  Matrilineal  Maghrib  Almoravids  Almohads

Igbo- from Nigeria formed in the 9th century and lasted till the 19th century

Europeans expect to deal with one leader not a whole village

Page 9: Chapter 15 Section 1.  Lineage  Stateless societies  Patrilineal  Matrilineal  Maghrib  Almoravids  Almohads

Patrilineal- society that traces its ancestors through their fathers Inheritance passed

father to son Married son stay with

father’s family Matrilineal- trace

ancestry through the mother Men still hold power Inheritance from the

mother’s family

Page 10: Chapter 15 Section 1.  Lineage  Stateless societies  Patrilineal  Matrilineal  Maghrib  Almoravids  Almohads

Ties outside of lineage

Young people within a region

Born during a certain time

Each set passes through stages (warrior or elder)

Men and women each have their own duties

Page 11: Chapter 15 Section 1.  Lineage  Stateless societies  Patrilineal  Matrilineal  Maghrib  Almoravids  Almohads

Islam vital role in North Africa

Converted by conquest

Maghrib- North Africa, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco

Government based on Islamic law

Relied on religious scholars

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Religious obligation Regulates almost

all areas of life Have ethnic and

cultural differences States have

differing interpretations

Berbers-mountain dwellers

Page 13: Chapter 15 Section 1.  Lineage  Stateless societies  Patrilineal  Matrilineal  Maghrib  Almoravids  Almohads

11th century Lived in western

Sahara After a pilgrimage

convinced Abd Allah to return and teach Islam

Almoravid- strict religious brotherhood

Ribat- fortified monastery

Page 14: Chapter 15 Section 1.  Lineage  Stateless societies  Patrilineal  Matrilineal  Maghrib  Almoravids  Almohads

Almoravids took Morocco

Founded Marakech 1076 overran

Ghana Captured southern

Spain (called Moors)

Page 15: Chapter 15 Section 1.  Lineage  Stateless societies  Patrilineal  Matrilineal  Maghrib  Almoravids  Almohads

Mid 1100’s Seized power from

Almoravids Began in Atlas

Mountains Teachings of Ibn

Tumart Tumart criticized

Almoravids Obey strict teachings

of the Qur’ an

Page 16: Chapter 15 Section 1.  Lineage  Stateless societies  Patrilineal  Matrilineal  Maghrib  Almoravids  Almohads

1148 Almohads control Morocco

Keep Marakech as the capitol

Africa from Tripoli to Tunis

Almohad broke into several individual Muslim dynasties

United Magrib under one ruler
