
Chapter 2Chapter 2

A Living PlanetA Living Planet

Section 1: A Section 1: A Living PlanetLiving Planet

• Continent-landmasses above mantle on earth

Section 1: A Living PlanetSection 1: A Living Planet• The Solar System- the sun

and the 8-9 known planets– DON’T WRITE– Pluto?

• “DON’T WRITE”• 365.25 days in one year.

– This is called one revolution • The path that Earth follows as it revolves around

the sun is called its orbit. • As Earth revolves around the sun, the angle at

which the sun's rays strike the surface changes throughout the year. This helps create seasons.

Section 1: A Living PlanetSection 1: A Living Planet• Core- center of the earth• Mantle- surrounds the core, soft layer of

molten rock under the earth’s surface (contains most of the earth’s mass)

• Magma forms in this area• Crust- thin layer of rock at the earths

surface (19-37 miles thick)

Section 1: A Living PlanetSection 1: A Living Planet• Biosphere- part of the earth where plants &

animals live. Also contains the – Atmosphere- layer of gases around the earth

• Protects earth from radiation

– Lithosphere- solid rock portion of earth’s surface– Hydrosphere- water portion of the earth

• Continental Drift- theory that the earth was once a super-continent (Pangaea) that divided & slowly drifted apart over millions of years.

Section 2: Bodies of Water & Section 2: Bodies of Water & LandformsLandforms

• Oceans cover 71% of the earth. – 1 ocean divided into 4 main areas– DON’T WRITE– Areas?

Section 2: Bodies of Water & Section 2: Bodies of Water & LandformsLandforms

• Hydrologic Cycle- continuous circulation of water between the atmosphere, the oceans, & the earth.


Water evaporates, then it exists as vapor, & then falls back to the earth as precipitation.


Section 2: Bodies of Water & Section 2: Bodies of Water & LandformsLandforms

• Drainage Basin- areas of land where water flows from small streams into a major river on its way to the ocean.

Section 2: Bodies of Water & Section 2: Bodies of Water & LandformsLandforms

• Groundwater- water held in the pores of rock.

• Water Table- level at which the rock is saturated (top of the groundwater)

Section 2: Bodies Section 2: Bodies of Water & of Water & LandformsLandforms

• Landforms- naturally formed features on the surface of the earth.

Section 2: Bodies of Water & Section 2: Bodies of Water & LandformsLandforms

• Continental Shelf- earth’s surface from the edge of a continent to the deep part of the ocean.– DON’T WRITE

– Mountains?– Valleys?

Section 2: Bodies of Section 2: Bodies of Water & LandformsWater & Landforms

• Relief- difference in elevation of a landform from its lowest to highest points.

Section 2: Bodies of Water & Section 2: Bodies of Water & LandformsLandforms

• Topography- shows the differences in elevation for landforms in a region, on a map.

Section 3: Internal Section 3: Internal Forces Shaping the Forces Shaping the


• Tectonic plates- enormous moving pieces of the earth’s lithosphere.

Section 3: Internal Forces Section 3: Internal Forces Shaping the EarthShaping the Earth

• Plate Movement-– Divergent boundary-

plates move apart horizontally

Section 3: Internal Forces Section 3: Internal Forces Shaping the EarthShaping the Earth

Convergent boundary- plates collide (one dives under the other or the edges crumple)

Major cause of volcanoes

Transform boundary- slide past each other

Section 3: Internal Forces Shaping Section 3: Internal Forces Shaping the Earththe Earth

• DON’T WRITE• Seafloor Spreading– ocean bottom is not flat– younger rocks– molten rock rises and breaks

through the top of ridge and formsnew rock.

Section 3: Internal Forces Section 3: Internal Forces Shaping the EarthShaping the Earth

• Faults- fracture in the earth’s crust

Section 3: Internal Forces Section 3: Internal Forces Shaping the EarthShaping the Earth

• Earthquake- shaking of the earth as plates grind past each other, sudden release of energy in the form of motion.

• Seismograph- detects the waves of the motion created by an earthquake.

Section 3: Internal Forces Shaping Section 3: Internal Forces Shaping the Earththe Earth

• Focus- where the earthquake actually happens

• Epicenter- point directly above the focus on the earth’s surface

Section 3: Internal Forces Shaping Section 3: Internal Forces Shaping the Earththe Earth

• Richter Scale- scale used to measure the amount of energy released in an earthquake. – 9.6?

Section 3: Internal Section 3: Internal Forces Shaping the Forces Shaping the

EarthEarth• Tsunami- giant wave in

the ocean

Section 3: Internal Section 3: Internal Forces Shaping the Forces Shaping the


• Volcano- crack in the earth’s surface where magma, gases, & water pour out

• Lava- magma that has reached the earth’s surface

Section 3: Internal Forces Shaping the EarthSection 3: Internal Forces Shaping the Earth

• Ring of Fire- earthquake & volcano zone around the rim of the Pacific Ocean


• Location of the majority of the world’s earthquakes & volcanoes.

Section 3: Internal Forces Shaping Section 3: Internal Forces Shaping the Earththe Earth

• l

Section 4: External Forces Shaping the Section 4: External Forces Shaping the EarthEarth

• Weathering- physical & chemical processes that change the characteristics of rock on or near the earth’s surface.– Occurs slowly– Creates Sediment- small

pieces of rock (mud, sand, & silt)

Section 4: External Forces Shaping the Section 4: External Forces Shaping the EarthEarth

• Mechanical Weathering- processes that change rock into smaller pieces– Does not change composition of rock only size.– DON’T WRITE – Ice?– Roots?– Blasting?

Section 4: External Forces Shaping Section 4: External Forces Shaping the Earththe Earth

• Chemical Weathering- occurs when rock is changed into a new substance as a result of interaction of elements. – Acid Rain– Rust

Section 4: Section 4: External Forces External Forces

Shaping the EarthShaping the Earth

• Erosion- occurs when weathered material is moved by the action of wind, water, ice, or gravity.

Section 4: External Forces Shaping Section 4: External Forces Shaping the Earththe Earth

• Delta- is when a river enters the ocean & it deposits its sediment in a fan-like landform

Section 4: External Forces Section 4: External Forces Shaping the EarthShaping the Earth

• Loess- wind-blown silt & clay sediment that produce very fertile soil.

Section 4: External Forces Shaping Section 4: External Forces Shaping the Earththe Earth

• Glacier- large, long-lasting mass of ice that moves because of gravity.

Section 4: External Forces Section 4: External Forces Shaping the EarthShaping the Earth

• Glaciation- is the changing of landforms by slowly moving glaciers. – DON’T WRITE– U shaped valley?

Section 4: External Forces Section 4: External Forces Shaping the EarthShaping the Earth

• Moraine- rocks left behind by a glacier.
