  • 7/29/2019 Chapter 2 - Arrival and Surprise Tests


    The Gathering of Heroes

    Oh, so this is our dorm? Ryu said as he looked up and down at the building in front of him. It

    looked about 10 feet tall, and had an apartment like figure.

    There were windows located at every edge of the building, and

    it had a sign that read Shadow Purple Dormitory.

    Ikki: Man, our dorm stinks! Why were even placed here Ikki

    moaned as he walked into the front gate.

    Ryu smiled at him. It cant be helped, we did sleep through the written exam, and so we were

    placed in Shadow Purple.

    Ikki groaned at the memory of the exam that took place not too long ago.

    Flash Back

    In the exam room, Ryu and Ikki were placed right next to each other with other students

    crowded around them, listening to the instructor explain the rules of the exam and the points

    distribution system.

    Instructor: All right students, you have one hour to complete the written portion of your exams

    and you will be judged and placed in different dormitories on how well you do on these

    questions. Those who do exceptionally well are placed in Shining Blue, those who do moderately

    well will be placed in Kingdom Yellow, and those who do poorly will be placed in Shadow Purple.

    Dont think thatjust because you have dueling skills that it makes you one of the best, every

    great duelist must have knowledge and discipline if they want to succeed.

    Ryu: This is such a waste of time; Im already a great duelist why do I have to take these

    pointless tests Ryu wondered while twirling around the pencil he had in his hand.

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    Ikki: This is no problem we can easily ace these, right aniki? Ikki confidently said and looked

    at Ryu who had a bored expression on his face.

    Instructor: Alrightyou may beginnow! he stated and clicked the button on his stopwatch

    to signal that the exam had started.

    Students had already begun to write down their answers to the questions, with some breezing

    through it and others.

    Ryu: Lets see here..If Monster A attacks Monster B and Player B activates a trap but Player A

    counters with a counter trap to negate Player Bs trap, describe the order ofthe chain that it will

    resolve in.whatthehell?Ryu thought as he read the question.

    Ryu had realized something at that moment. He had realized that his good dueling skills came

    from on the field and not on paper and he was about as clueless as it gets when it came to

    writing tests.

    He looked over towards Ikki and had hoped that he had the answers he was looking for but to

    his shock and sweat drop, Ikki was fast asleep drooling on his paper.

    Ikki: Mhmhmm..I plamhga trapmg he mumbled out as he snored his way through the


    Ryu: And who was the one who wanted to ace theseRyu thought sarcastically. Ryu yawned

    and stretched his arms out, and began to notice the sights in front of him go blurry.

    Ryu: Ill just take a little naphe thought and slowly lowered his head and began to fall


    End Flash Back

    Ryu: That wasnt the brightest idea, now was it... he said jokingly and walked into his

    dormitory with Ikki. They both opened the door and took of their shoes and placed them at the

    entrance. As they were walking upstairs towards their dorm room, they noticed several photos

    ofpast dorm members who were nominated as Best Duelist in Shadow Purple.

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    Ikki: Hmph, they dont look so tough, I beat me and aniki could beat these guys... Ikki said as

    he stopped walking and glared at the picture.

    Ryu noticed this and stopped walking up the stairs. What are you staring at, Ikki?

    Ikki quickly snapped out of his glare and gave Ryu a joking smile. Ah nothing, Im coming he

    said and they continued to walk up the stairs.

    When they had finally reached their bedroom, Ryu opened the dorm and walked in and noticed

    three beds each across from one another and a couple of school books on a shelf. They had a

    great view of the academy in their open window and it seemed like a very comfortable place to


    Awesome, check out the amazing view Ikki exclaimed happily and ran to the window, gazing

    out of it and noticing other students head to their rooms.

    Ryu placed all of his belongings on the floor and threw himself on the bed. Man, for the lowest

    dorm in this place, its not so bad he said while resting on it.

    Ikki: Hey aniki, why are there three beds in here? Are we supposed to have a roommate? Ikki

    asked as he pointed to the third bed across from himself.

    Ryu: I guess sowonder what hes like he said as he got up from his bed.

    Just then, the door opened once again and a fairly tail, good looking adult

    walked in with a book. He had shiny dark blue hair and was wearing the

    same white jacket as Professor Loke. He walked into the room and was

    apparently too focused with his reading to notice Ryu standing in front of

    him and almost collided into him, if it wasnt for the fact that he stepped out

    of the way.

    Ryu: Uh sir, were over here... he said trying to get the man to notice them.

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    The man quickly stopped reading his book and turned around to see Ryu and Ikki staring at him

    with blank stares. He had then took a look around his surroundings and raised his glasses

    slightly above his eyes.

    Professor Chang: Are he said comically and put emphasis on the new.

    Ryu and Ikki both fell to the floor at the slowness of this man.

    Ikki: Mind telling us, who exactly you are? he asked

    Professor Chang: Oh my deepest apologies, I am Professor Chang and I am the head master of

    this dorm.

    Ryu and Ikki both looked at each other, and then at their supposed master and giggled quite a

    bit. This caught the confusion of the man and he titled his head.

    Professor Chang: Did I say something funny? he asked wanting to know why they were


    Ryu stopped giggling briefly and responded. Ah no Im sorry sir, its just that you dont look like

    someone who would be called a Head Master. he finally said. Professor Chang blatantly stared

    for a minute but then laughed as well.

    Professor Chang: Yes, I get that a lot some peoplecant even believe that I am also a teacher

    as well, seeing as how clumsy and forgetful I am. he said while rubbing the back of his head.

    Ikki: Were sorry sir, we didnt mean to offend you or anything like that Ikki apologized.

    Professor Chang: Ahplease do not worry about it, Im more interested in knowing who the

    two of you are. He said looking directly at them

    Ryu: Im Ryu Mikigami and Im from Domino City, its a pleasure to meet you he said smiling.

    Ikki: And Im Ikki Minami and I come from Neatrix City Ikki followed up.

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    Professor Chang: Ah Ive heard of those two cities before, some of the greatest duelists

    originated from them, like Yugi Moto and Seto Kaiba

    This made Ryu and Ikki smile knowing that two of the worlds best duelists came from their

    hometowns. Professor Chang then looked at the clock in their room and remembered

    something very important. Ah I had almost forgotten, join me downstairs for the opening

    ceremony ofthe Shadow Purple Dorm he said and walked out the door.

    Ryu: Opening ceremony? Wonder what that is all about. He said while looking at Ikki

    Ikki just shrugged his shoulders and walked out the door, and Ryu followed along with him.

    They headed into the lounge of the dorm and noticed several other students there conversing

    and chatting with one another. Professor Chang then stood at the front of the longue and asked

    everyone to be quiet. Everyone took their seats that had a tray of rice, fish, a sprite, and a


    Ryu and Ikki took their seats in the back and sat down listening to Professor Chang.

    Professor Chang: Now before we start with our celebration, would anyone like to say a few

    words before we begin eating? he asked and looked around the classroom, and noticed two

    people already eating.

    Ryu: Man, this is freaking delicious! he screamed as he ate his rice

    Ikki: You said it aniki! Ikki also screamed and the two continued gulfing down their trays

    which earned them sweat drops from everybody including Professor Chang.

    Professor Chang: Aw who am I kidding, lets just eat! he shouted and with that the

    celebration had begun.

    After an hour of partying, talking with the other dorm members, and telling stores, Ryu and Ikki

    headed towards their room to call it a night, as they had class in the morning. As they opened

    the door they noticed a pair of shoes at the door step.

    Ikki: Whose shoes are these? he asked pointing towards them

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    Ryu: I have no idea, but whoever they belong to sure have tiny feet. he said jokingly and

    continued to open the door.

    They both walked in and to their surprise there was a kid sitting

    on the bed, looking towards the ceiling. He had pure snow hair,

    pale skin, and had two navy blue colored eyes.

    He noticed the two walk in and put his hands behind his head and turned to the side.

    Ryu and Ikki concluded that he must have been there third roommate. Ikki walked up towards

    the kid and extended his hand.

    Ikki: Whats up man, Im Ikki he said with a smile and waited for him to respond. However he

    just continued to stare at the wall with his hands behind his head. This irritated Ikki a bit and

    vein began to form at the side of his forehead.

    Ryu: Not a friendly guyhe thought to himself as he closed the door. Ikki tried once again to

    be friendly, thinking that he was probably just tired and didnt hear him.

    Ikki: Hello, Im Ikki Its nice to meet you Ikki said with a fake smile hoping this would earn a

    reaction from the boy. It didnt.

    Ikki, finally at his limit blew a gasket and tried to kick the boy but Ryu held his arm back and had

    to carry him away.

    Ikki: Let go of me aniki! This guy is pissing me off! he screamed as he tried to break free.

    Ryu: Just leave him alone, hes probably just tired and doesnt want to be bothered. Ryu

    dropped Ikki off at his bed and walked towards the boy. Hey dont mind my friend; hes just a

    little energetic Ryu apologized.

    Hmphwhatever the boy said quietly. Ryu noticed his words and thought that he could get

    a little more out of him.

    So, you do speakmind telling me your name? Ryu asked

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    .Takeshi is all he said.

    Ryu: Takeshi is it, thats a nice nameIm Ryu Mikigami, and that over active kid over there is

    Ikki. Were both your new roommates now so its better that we all get along than to argue,

    alright? he said in a calm voice.

    Takeshi turned his head around a bit and peaked over his shoulder to see Ryu only a few inches

    away from his face. He was startled by this and backed up.

    Ryu: Oh sorry about that, sometimes I forget about personal space Ryu jokingly said.

    Ikki: Hey, why did he respond to you, and not me! he said infuriated

    Ryu looked back at him and just told him to go to sleep, to which he grumbled but did. Then he

    walked over towards his bed and took off his shirt and hoped into his bed.

    Takeshi, who was still surprised got back into his bed and tried to fall back to sleep.

    Takeshi: What thehells wrong with these guys, first the moron tries to make friends with me,

    and then the other one almost kisses me! Leave it to luck to give me too weird roommates. You

    have to remember Takeshi....theyre just pretending to be nice just to stab you in the back he

    thought as he drifted to sleep.

    In the morning, Ryu and Ikki woke up late as usual and hurried to go get dressed and noticed

    that Takeshi had already left. They ran out the door and hurried to their first class which was in

    Building A, on the first floor. They ran into the room panting which alerted the attention of all

    of the students and the instructor who was unfortunately Professor Loke.

    Professor Loke: UghHIM again.He thought as he bit down on his lip and remembered the

    defeat that Ryu had given him.

    Misaki: Its that kid again.She thought as she was sitting near the top with her friends.

    Ryu: Ah sorry were late teach, you know how it is he said smiling and sat down in his seat

    with Ikki next to him.

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    Professor Loke: Mr. Mikigami, I surely hope that this does not become a habit of yours...

    Ryu and Ikki both laughed awkwardly and brought out their textbooks.

    Ryu: Ok teach, Im ready to learn he said smiling.

    All of the students giggled at this.

    What do you think weve been doing for the past ten minutes? Professor Loke exclaimed.

    Ryu and Ikki just looked at one another and smiled. Woopsdidnt know we were that late...

    they both said and laughed, which caused everyone in the room to laugh with them.

    Professor Loke almost ripped his textbook in half at how annoyed he was at Ryu and Ikki, but

    especially Ryu.

    You guys are so hopeless Takeshi said as he lay back in his chair. Both Ryu and Ikki were

    surprised when they noticed him sitting right next to them.

    Ikki: Whoa, how long have you been sitting there? he asked surprised.

    Takeshi: Since the class started, genius he said while sweat dropping.

    Professor Loke: Well if all of you are done clowning around, Id like to get back to my lesson

    he said while turning around.

    The day went on normally and everyone returned to their dormitories after class was over. In

    the evening, there was a staff meeting to discuss the new students that were enrolled in the


    Chancellor Dexter: Well, what do you think of the students this year,

    everyone? the chancellor said as he looked around the room and addressed

    his administrator, moderator, teachers, and professors. Dexter was the

    chancellor of TWA and wore a school uniform and had a white band on the

    top of his head that held his red hair.

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    Head Teacher Hae Saeng: Dont get your hopes up Dex, this year doesnt look too

    promising... the head teacher said as he crossed his arms. Hae was the head teacher

    of TWA academy. He had striking blue hair and wore an eye patch on his left eye.

    He also wore an army uniform, and states that wearing a school uniform would make him look

    like a kid.

    Moderator Jason: I wouldnt say that, there are a few students that have great

    potential from what I saw yesterday. the moderator said as he looked at Hae.

    Jason was the moderator of TWA academy. He had glowing brown hair and wore

    a fur silver jacket, with an orange shirt underneath and had a necklace around

    his neck that had a picture of his little sister.

    Teacher Arthur Cuno:You must be referring towards those two boys yesterday

    Ryu Mikigami and Ikki Minami was it? the teacher said while addressing Jason.

    Arthur was one of TWA academies best teachers. He had dark navy blue hair and

    wore a blue vest with a light blue turtle neck underneath.

    Jason: Yes, those two have great promise, especially that Ryu kid The mention

    of Ryus name annoyed Professor Loke who was also present at the meeting.

    Administrator Damian: Man, you say that about everybody that wins a duel,

    I dont think theyre anything special the administrator of TWA said firmly.

    Damian was the admin of TWA and as was only second in power to Dexter. He

    wore a red beanie with goggles and wore a white dress shirt with a blue T shirt

    underneath. He was the youngest staff member, being only 14 years old.

    Jason: I didnt say that about you, when you won your promotion test he snarled back at him,

    causing the two to glare at one another.

    Hae Saeng: Enough you children, Dex what do you think of these two Hae asked putting a

    stop the two and looking towards Dexter. Before he had a chance to answer.

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    Professor Loke: I think they should be kicked out! he shouted, alerting everyone present.

    Dexter: Come again? he asked not believing what he had just blurted out.

    Professor Loke: Forgive my rudeness sir, but I highly recommend expelling both of these

    students, for their rudeness, disregard for the school dress code, and theirpoorintellects...

    making sure to put emphasis on the poor part.

    There was silence in the room, with everyone staring at him with blank faces. Professor Loke

    looked around and felt a little embarrassed.

    Professor Loke: W-What? he asked

    Damian: Tell the truth Loke, youre just mad that Ryu beat you in a duel. Everyone else in the

    room nodded, and Dexter and Damian giggled a bit.

    Professor Loke: T-T-Thats not true! I just feel that theyre presence puts all of the other

    students in an uncomfortable area. he said trying to sound convincing.

    Dexter: Then how about this, why dont you pick out a duelist that you feel is uncomfortable

    and have him duel Ryu. If you they win, well leave the matter up to you, but if you lose than

    you shall never speak of this again... he said seriously which was surprising since he usually

    never talks seriously.

    Professor Loke: I accept the terms, and I shall expose this Ryu for the failure that he is. he said

    and walked out the door.

    Hae Saeng: Are you sure that this is a good idea, Dex?

    Dexter: I have no idea; I just want to be entertained. He said with an innocent smile which

    caused everyone to sweat drop.

    Later that evening.

    Ryu: All done with the shower, Takeshi Ryu said as he came into the room with Ikki and both

    of them had no shirts on and only a towel covering their torsos.

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    Takeshi: I already took mine, before you idiots came back Takeshi said as he was sleeping on

    his bed.

    Ryu: Well gee, isnt that swell he said sarcastically and walked to his bed. Suddenly his

    Academy phone began ringing and Professor Lokes voice came on the screen.

    Professor Loke: Come to the school main building arena A, in 10 minutes fora surprise gift. Ill

    be waiting and do not forget to bring your duel disk and deckand with that he hung up.

    Ryu: Special Gift? he said as he put his phone done. He looked towards Ikki who was as

    dumbfounded as he is, and towards Takeshi who had a worried expression on his face.

    Ikki: It sounds like some sort of trap, but who cares lets go aniki! he said and jumped off his


    Takeshi: Iwouldnt go if I was you, Professor Loke has a bad history with students he doesnt

    like and Im afraid you right on his list. Takeshi said to Ryu who was already dressed and ready

    to go. Didnt you just hear what I said? Takeshi asked not believing that he was going.

    Ryu: Sure I did, but hey Ill never know ifI dont go, besides I have a feeling that this is more

    than just a simple gift... he said as he made his way through the door.

    Ikki walked behind him and looked back at Takeshi. He smiled and then ran out after Ryu.

    Takeshi looked at the door for awhile and then out the window and saw the duo running

    outside towards the building.

    Takeshi: Maybe theyre different.just maybehe said and got up from his room and

    followed after the two.

    They both looked at each of the buildings and found the one they were looking for. They

    opened the huge door that lead inside and proceeded in. They walked until they found

    themselves in a duel arena, and at the center were Professor Loke and another student.

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    He was about the same height as Ryu and had a slender build. He had dark

    shore hair and wore a black jacket, with his school uniform underneath and

    had a black collar over his neck. Glad that you two could make it and here is

    your surprise gift! he said and pointed towards the boy. Ryu and Ikki both

    stared at the man who was giving Ryu a glare.

    Ryu: Whos he? he asked

    Professor Loke: This is Jake, a Shining Blue studentand one of its best if not that he said


    Jake continued to glared at Ryu who looked right back at him and smiled. Jake snickered and

    looked the other way.

    Ikki: So what exactly is going on? Ikki asked confused.

    Professor Loke: Oh nothing much, just a little duel between students he said while grinning


    Ryu: A duel? Whos dueling? Ryu asked surprised...

    Professor Loke: Why, you of coursethis duel will determine youre right to stay here or not,


    Ikki: What do you mean right to stay? We entered and got in fair and square, why do we have

    to duel to stay in again? Ikki asked angry at Loke.

    Professor Loke: Quiet! You two may have good dueling skills but your intellect is pitiful, and Its

    time to see if your dueling skills are can carry you all the way, and what better way than to test

    yourself against one of the schools best. He explained

    Ikki: But thats not as Ikki was about to say. I accept! Ryu screamed and got onto the

    platform. Ikki was surprised and ran over to Ryu.

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    Ikki: But aniki! If you lose, well be kicked out! Ikki warned Ryu and had a sad expression on

    his face. Ryu smiled and patted his head and shook Ikkis spiky hair.

    Ryu: Hey dont worry about it, I promise you Ikki Ill win no matter what. Ill never let them

    take us out... he said to his small friend who smiled at him and wished him luck.

    Above the Duel Arena, the entire staff room had gathered in the stands.

    Damian: This duel should be entertaining, one of the academies best against a talented fresh

    man he said while having both his legs on his chair.

    Hae: I just hope that kid doesnt disappoint Dexters decision he said while crossing his arms

    Arthur just smiled and laughed mildly. Fufufu, Do your best Ryu-san, this is your chance to

    prove yourself...

    Dexter who was sitting in between all of them and had popcorn in his hands was glued to the

    match. Come on, kick his butt! he screamed while eating, much to everyones sweat drop.

    Jason who had been impressed with Ryu during his earlier duel, was

    watching from the entrance, and near him was his little sister Tsubaki. His

    sister was a year younger than him and had long flowing pink hair and

    wore a colorful dress. She was very beautiful and was known as the

    Queen of Pegasus

    Tsubaki: Brother.will he be alright?

    Jason: Well just have to wait and see sis, Jake is not an opponent you want to take

    careful Ryu. He said to his sister.

    Ryu and Jake who glared at one another for some time brought out their duel disks.

    Ryu: You ready to lose, Jake Ryu said while loading his deck

    Jake: Hmph, dueling a Shadow is a waste of my timebut hey crushing insects for fun doesnt

    sounds too bad. he said while he began loading his deck.

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    After each duelist loaded their deck, their duel disks both automatically sprang to 4000 and the

    duel was on.

    Ryu and Jake: Game on!