
Chapter 21 All the flora plants and fungus Development of modern plants Starting with algae they developed into plants about _________ ______________________ First plants were bryophytes followed by ferns, then gymnosperms and lastly the most modern, angiosperms REMEMBER _________ _______________________ _______________________ !!! How are plants different from algae? Division of labor Algae ____________________ __________________________ all parts are equally responsible for support, nutrient absorption and photosynthesis Plants divide the jobs Support = ________ Nutrient absorption = ______ Photosynthesis = ________ Algae rely on water for structure and moisture _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ ____________ Alternation of Generations Two generations ___________ ____ : haploid generation ( male and female ) Sporophyte : __________ ___________ _____ ( no sex present ) Some plants are gametophtye dominant some are sporophyte dominant make sure you know which are which! Bryophytes (mosses) Non-vascular plants Live on land but ____ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____ around the plant Cant get very large because they cant send anything (especially water) very far Bryophytes are ____________________________ Tied to water for reproduction (like amphibians) Plant is the _____________________ Flower looking piece is the _________________ EVOLVED Vascular system Allows for transport of water and nutrients These plants could be much larger Phloem and xylem Phloem _____________ throughout the plant and consists of living cells Xylem _____________________________ ___________ from the roots and is made from dead cells Give both structure and function to plants allowing them to be more successful in arid environments Seedless Vascular Plants Transport nutrients Have ________________ ___________ ! Include Club Mosses, Horsetails and Ferns Hugely successful before the development of the seed they use __________________ (around the time of the dinosaurs) major contributor to our earth s oil deposits / coal ( their dead bodies are at least !) _____________ _____________ __and have tons of Variation Ferns are ____________ ______________ Reproduce using spores Cannot travel very far Are __________ _ __________ ______ ( short shelf life !) Ferns have __________ ___________ ___________ _. Ferns have a dominant sporophyte generation Seeds altered the alternation In gymnosperms : the ____________ __________ represent the respective ____________ ____________ ____________ ________whil e the rest of the plant is the ____________ _______ In angiosperms : the ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____ Sporophyte Gametophyte Development of the Seed Structure Cuticle: __________ from harsh environment and only germinates when the right conditions are met to break it Embryo: made of _____________________ _ Variations we will talk about later like fruit or dispersion mechanisms More on the Seed Implications _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ ___ the seed acts as a survival kit for new life activated at the right time and containing all the necessary components _____________________ ____ pollen is specially designed to fly though the air instead of swim to the egg. Gymnosperms The first seed producing plants create ___________ _________________________ _ Male Cones: Sperm in the form of pollen grains Female cones: contain many eggs housed in the ovum _________________________ ______________(fertilization occurs sometimes after a year) Gymnosperm seed dispersal Once fertilized the ovum forms a seed, this seen is nurtured for another year or two before it is sent out All of these things occur in a cone _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ ____ Angiosperms use flowers to aid in reproduction Flowers _________________ _________________________ _________________________ __ Specialized leafs to contain pigment, create fragrance, and protect the male and female reproductive parts. _________________________ ____________________, thus mixing only one species of flowers egg and pollen (sperm). Flower Anatomy Angiosperms Once fertilized angiosperms make a seed _____________________________________________________: not all are in the grocery store some are NOT edible!!! Making Fruit Some fruits are meant to _________________ animal for dispersal Plain trees Fox tails Some are meant to __________ in the wind Dandelions Grasses Some are meant to be _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ ___ Apples, strawberries, peaches etc. Pollinator/ Angiosperm relationship The more exclusive a pollinator the less waste of energy in reproduction for a flower ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ____ Birds like flowers with nectar Insects often climb into flowers Even bats can pollinate some species (have to have strong fragrance Co evolution As the flowers change, so do the pollinators and vice versa Each change creates selection pressure! Changing together over generations is called _______________________ _ and is not limited to pollination relationships Can you think of other examples? Honey Possoms We rely on plants Angiosperms are responsible for the majority of our grocery store products Many plants (angiosperms and gymnosperms) are used for medication Currently much research is going into understanding out current diversity and stopping deforestation We only have one shot If we do not properly care for these natural resources we may loose their diversity. ______________________________________ so you have to make sure we dont kill all the apple trees This is especially important of treatments we dont know about yet ______________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ___
