Page 1: Chapter 3 The Greeks From Myth to Reason. Compare the date ranges for significant events: Greeks and Hebrews 1.Greek Dark age coincides with the Reign

Chapter 3

The Greeks

From Myth to Reason

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Page 3: Chapter 3 The Greeks From Myth to Reason. Compare the date ranges for significant events: Greeks and Hebrews 1.Greek Dark age coincides with the Reign

Compare the date ranges for significant events: Greeks and Hebrews

1. Greek Dark age coincides with the Reign of Saul – David and then Solomon.2. 750 - 550 Greek Age of Colonization: 722 BC Kingdom of Israel falls to Assyrians

(who soon go to war with the Greeks).3. 594 Greek Democratic Reforms begin: 586 Kingdom of Judah falls to Chaldeans

(Assyrians from area of Babylon).4. 586 - 539 Babylonian Exile and enslavement of Hebrews by Chaldeans. This is the

same time that Solon is beginning Democratic reforms in Athens.5. 538 Cyrus of Persia allow the Hebrews to return home, ending the Babylonian Exile

at same time as Greek Democratic Reforms are expanded to include more people.

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Early Aegean CivilizationsGreek (The Greek, or Hellenic influence spread throughout the western world)

A Greek contribution to Western Civilization was to explore “The Meaning of Life”Greeks believed that humans have capacity for:

• Rational thought• Need for freedom• Worth as individuals

German Businessman Heinrich Schleiman (1822-1890) began research based on Homers Greek Poet writings.– He discovered the Mycenaean city– He discovered tombs, pottery and ornaments allowing us a look at the lost


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After 800 BCE, classical Greece borrowed all the following from the Near East Phoenician writing system Craft skills Artist imagery Religious practice

Classical Greece reached their height from 1700BCE to 1450BC.

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Evolution of the City-States (1 of 2)Homer: Shaper of the Greek Spirit Homer lived during the 8th century BC just after the dark ages The Greek Dark Age or Ages (ca. 1100 BC–800 BC) are terms which

have regularly been used to refer to the period of Greek History from approximately 1100 BCE to 800 BCE, which were the first signs of the Greek City States in the 9th century BCE. Until recently, there was very little archaeological evidence to explain the period of time, which is why it was referred to as the dark ages of Greek history. Recent discoveries tell us much more, shedding light on that period in history.

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Homer Created great Epic Novels

The Illiad and The Odyssey (if it is has ever been translated into Chinese as an audio book, I recommend listening to it)

Poetic Genius who could capture humans thoughts, feelings and conflicts in a few lines

Western writers are inspired today with his writings of wrath, vengeance, guilt, remorse compassion and love.

The Break with Theocratic Politics Mycenaean civilization (small states) thrived from 1400

– 1230 BC

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Page 9: Chapter 3 The Greeks From Myth to Reason. Compare the date ranges for significant events: Greeks and Hebrews 1.Greek Dark age coincides with the Reign

Greek speaking culture moved south and molded together and fashioned Mycenaean Civilization Constant warfare eventually caused their destruction The dark ages for Greece (1100 – 800 BCE) were between the dead Mycenaean and

unborn Hellenic Civilization The Greeks moved into the fertile valleys They were plagued with insecurity, warfare, poverty and isolation

Arate in Greek means Excellence– Defined by Home as bravery and skill in battle– A man of true worth is both speaker of words and doer of deeds– Homers fictional Mt. Olympus is where Greek Gods resided with Zeus as chief Diety

Sparta: A Garrison State

Athens: The Rise of Democracy Solon. A politician who introduced early democratic reformer Pisistratus. Considered a tyrant by the wealthy, for his efforts to further democratic

reforms Cleisthenes. Another democratic reformer.

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Map 3-1, p. 43

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Polis (or a form of community politics) Politics was considered to be a form of freedom and therefore the “good life”

Self governingExpressed the will of citizensRejected the desires of the godsHereditary kings or priestsLaw were not derived from gods but from a consensus in the human

communityEquality among citizens was not yet establishedE.g.) Today, a person can be poor but educated (self or formally) and be

heard in the public forum. This was not true in ancient Greek politics. Sparta: A Garrison State (stronghold)

Skillfully conquered its neighbors Mycenaean was a casualty and were owned by the state instead of

individual Spartans.They were called Helots and the earliest inhabitants of Sparta

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SPARTA 300 – The Movie

They tried to regain freedom after bloody uprisings Fearful of another revolt, as Mycenaean's outnumbered

them 10-1, Spartans created the most disciplined army in this time in history

Transformed to armed camps Concept of excellence in physical stature and military

prowess Coming home on their shield Age 7 recruited Most physically fit of all Greeks

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Spartans did not embrace the full Athenian concept of Excellence and of an enriched philosophical life.

Athens: The Rise of Democracy Athenian Democracy achieved its peak in the middle

of the 5th Century under Pericles. Greek city states moved through four stages:

Rule by king (monarchy) Rule by land owning aristocrats (oligarchy) Rule by one man who seized power (tyranny) Rule by the people (democracy)

In Athens the embittered and lower class were beginning to form a civil war against the Oligarchy

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Map 3-1, p. 43

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Solon the Reformer 594BC Solon the traveler and poet came on the scene and was

elected Chief Executive He accused the wealthy landowners of pushing Athens

to the brink of civil war. He canceled debt, freed prisoners, and brought back

those sold abroad, but would not confiscate the land. He opened up political offices to all, transforming Greece

from an aristocratic oligarchy into democracy. He altered the trade to wine and pottery, transforming

the economy of the regions.

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Pisistratus, the Tyrant OR also a reformer? Took land from other aristocrats and sold it back to the peasant

farmers with state loans. Robin Hood? He opened the theatre for all civilians, not just aristocrats This act created the capital of cultural arts to be Athens Greece

Cleisthenes the Democrat Cleisthenes was from a noble family and is credited with reforming

the constitution of ancient Athens and setting it on a democratic footing in 508/7 BCE. Historians refer to him as "the father of Athenian democracy”. He was credited for increasing power of assembly and he also broke up power of nobility for Athens.

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Evolution of the City-StatesThe Persian Wars 499BCE the Ionian Greeks of Asia Minor rebelled against

the Persians. Sympathetic, the Athenians sent 20 ships to aid. King Darius I of Persia sent a small detachment to Attica

where the Marathon-Man ran to Athens to warn the city.

The Athenians defeated the Persians in one of the finest battles in their history.

10 years later, Darius assembled 250,000 troops and was defeated once again by the Greeks, Spartans and Athenians… the end to one of the most powerful military powers in the Mediterranean world.

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The Mature Athenian Democracy The Mature Athenian Democracy Athenian Imperialism was a consequence of the

Persian wars. Gathered in the Assembly to carry out Democratic

Rule 40 times a year. Members included all classes of Citizens from society.

By the middle of the 5th Century, the Will of the people was supreme.

The people of the community took the responsibility of running government seriously, but earned the reputation of being amateurs.

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Athenian Citizen - definedOnly adult male Athenian citizens who had completed their

military training had the right to vote in Athens. The percentage of the population (of males) that actually participated in the government was about 20%. This excluded a majority of the population, namely slaves, freed slaves, children, women and resident aliens (Like Mr. Silver in China). The women had limited rights and privileges and were not really considered citizens. Their movement in public was restricted and they were very segregated from the men. Also disallowed from being a citizen were citizens whose rights were under suspension (typically for failure to pay a debt to the city. This usually amounted to permanent (and in fact inheritable) disqualification.

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The Decline of the City-States

The Peloponnesian War (Summarized) Sparta was uncomfortable with Athens Imperialistic rule

and wanted to separate. Sparta and the Peloponnesian states went to war against

Athens from 431 BC to 404BC. Sparta defeated the Greeks and the Delian League,

destroying their city states (fortresses). This war shattered the spiritual heart of the Hellenic

(Greek) civilization. Chaos and anarchy were rampant. Democracy was dead.

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A Close Look at the War that ended Greek Democracy

The Peloponnesian War, 431 to 404 BC, was war fought by Athens and its empire against the Peloponnesian League, led by Sparta.

Historians have traditionally divided the war into three phases.

Phase 1: Sparta launched repeated invasions at Attica.Sparta sent spies to Athens to undermine them at home.Athens took advantage of its naval supremacy to raid the

coast of the Peloponnese, attempting to suppress signs of unrest in its empire.

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Phase 2:A peace treaty was signed in 421 BC but fighting

started again, in the Peloponnese, in 415 BC. Athens sent a very big military force to attack

Syracuse in Sicily, but was easily defeated.Phase 3:Sparta was now receiving support from Persia in the

Aegean Sea and Ionia, destroying Athens' fleet at Aegospotami and ending the war.

Athens surrendered in the following year.

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The Peloponnesian War reshaped the Ancient Greek world.

Sparta became the leading power of Greece. The cost of the wars led to widespread poverty in

the Peloponnese (Sparta). Athens was no longer a power and never regained

its pre-war prosperity. After affects of the war included:

Conflict between former allies of Athens (democratic) and Sparta (oligarchic) led to civil war throughout the remainder of the Greek world.

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The war became an all-out struggle (to the death) between the city states.

Atrocities on a large scale shattered rules that had previously not have ever been broken (religious and cultural taboos)

Large areas of the countryside and entire cities were destroyed.

The Peloponnesian War marked the end to the fifth century BC and the golden age of Greece.

Consequences of the Violent War

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The next few decades. Summarized. Professionals took over Greek governments and

mercenaries (hired soldiers) took over the army.

Macedonia rose up with King Phillip in 338 BC and defeated the Greek army and took over Greece.

This was the end of city states.

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Socrates (469 BC–399 BC) was a classical Greek Athenian philosopher.

Credited as one of the founders of Western philosophy and credited by later writers.

Plato’s writings are the most comprehensive accounts of Socrates to survive from antiquity.

He known for his great contributions to field of ethics, the concepts of Socratic iron and Socratic Method.

The Socratic Method of teaching is as a series of questions which are asked not only to draw individual answers, but also to encourage insight into the issue at hand.

Socrates contributed to the field of logic and much of western philosophy.

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The Socratic Method Socrates was obsessed with truth and the correct way to arrive at

it (the truth). He placed value not just on knowledge, but on how we know

knowledge, and his curious teaching style reflected it. He never lectured. He asked questions on top of questions (a teaching method still

used to this day). The more questions that his students answered, the more they knew the difference between what they did know and what they did not yet know.

For example, when you ask yourself, “Do I hate school because I’m bad at it, or am I awful at school because I hate it?” you’re being Socratic in your search. Your answer may be “I don’t hate school, I enjoy school more than

work!, but, would I do better at school and create more opportunity for my future if I found a way to enjoy the classes”.

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He was accused of altering young minds with his freedom of thought.

Socrates was condemned to death at age 70 by the Athenian court where he proudly drank poison as his punishment.

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Plato: The Rational Society A devout Student of Socrates. Theory of Ideas – Truth resides in the world

of forms not in the world of senses. A person can NEVER draw a perfect square, but a perfect square does exist in the world of forms.

The Just State: Plato’s theory and great book was called, “The Republic” which argued that too much liberty can intoxicate and destroy a city.

Question. What does this have to do with freedom of speech and hate crimes?

His philosophy was aimed at improving morality.

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Plato 424 BC – 348BC (continued)


Along with his mentor, Socrates, and his student, Aristotle, Plato helped to lay the foundations of Western Philosophy and Science.

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Mr. Silver’s favorite quote from Plato“The greatest penalty for failing to engage in politics is

to be ruled by one inferior to thyself”

Question. What does this quote mean to you?

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Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC) was a Greek philosopher and polymath, a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great.

His writings cover many subjects, including physics, metaphysics, poetry, theatre, logic, rhetoric, linguistics, politics, government, ethics, biology, and zoology.

Aristotle's writings were the first to create a comprehensive system of Western philosophy, encompassing morality and aesthetics, logic and science, politics and metaphysics.

Aristotle's views shaped medieval scholarship, and their influence extended well into the Renaissance.In the zoological sciences, some of his observations were confirmed to be accurate only in the 19th century.

His ideas have shaped Christian theology, especially the scholastic tradition of the Catholic Church.

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Aristotle Summarized Surrendering to desire meant becoming like beasts Denying passions was a rejection of human natureQuestion. Does this imply that human nature is beast

like? Extravagance is bad and is the key to Aristotle's

ethics Tyranny and revolution can threaten the rule of law

and the health and well being of the citizen The State must maintain obedience to law

according to the rule of the constitution, for it is their salvation.

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Alexander III of Macedon 356 – 323 BCAlexander the Great was a king of Macedon

(MACEDONIA) a state in northern Greece. By the age of thirty, he had created one of the largest empires in ancient history, stretching from the Ionian Sea to the Himalayas. He was undefeated in battle and is considered one of the most successful commanders of all time. Born in Pella in 356 BC, Alexander was tutored by the famed philosopher Aristotle. In 336 BC he succeeded his father Philip ll of Macedon to the throne after Philip was assassinated. Philip had brought most of the city-states of mainland Greece under Macedonian control, using both military and diplomatic means.

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Upon Philip's death, Alexander inherited a strong kingdom and an experienced army. He succeeded in being awarded the General-ship of Greece and, with his authority firmly established, he launched the military plans for expansion left by his father.

In 334 BC he invaded Persian-ruled Asia Minor and began a series of campaigns lasting ten years. Alexander broke the power of Persia in a series of decisive battles. Subsequently he overthrew the Persian king Darius lll and conquered the entirety of the Persian Empire. The Macedonian Empire at that point stretched from the Adriatic Sea to the Indus River.

Bonus Marks for students who bring in a map showing these boundaries.

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Following his desire to reach the "ends of the world and the Great Outer Sea", he invaded India in 326 BC, but was eventually forced to turn back by the near-mutiny of his troops. Alexander died in Babylon in 323 BC, without realizing a series of planned campaigns that would have begun with an invasion of Arabia. In the years following Alexander's death, a series of civil wars tore his empire apart which resulted in the formation of a number of states ruled by the generals that survived him (Diadochi).

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Alexander's legacy includes the cultural diffusion his conquests engendered. Alexander founded some twenty cities that bore his name. His settlement of Greek colonists and the resulting spread of Greek culture in the east resulted in a new Hellenistic Civilization, aspects of which were still evident in the traditions of the Byzantine Empire until the mid-15th century. Alexander became legendary as a classical hero in the mold of Achilles, and features prominently in the history and myth of Greek and non-Greek cultures. He became the measure against which generals, even to this day, compare themselves and military academies throughout the world still teach his tactical exploits.

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The Hellenistic Age: The Second Stage of Greek Civilization

Alexander took a Persian Bride and arranged for 80 officers and 10,000 soldiers to marry Near Eastern woman, forever changing the make up of the continent with Greek style cities in Asia, mixing with native populations.

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• The Competing Dynasties • Cosmopolitanism

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Art Greek art spans years from 479BCE to the death of

Alexander the Great 323 BCE and would dominate Western art until the late nineteenth century.

Greek art carefully observed nature. Human beings sought to achieve an exact

knowledge of the human anatomy.

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Philosophy in the Hellenic Age The Cosmologists: A Rational Inquiry into Nature

Pythagoras found mathematical relationship in musical notes

Democritus: Empty Space and infinite Atoms Parmenides: The world can be viewed in two ways, as a

Reality or as we choose to interpret the Appearance. Disease has explainable causes, not supernatural causes

The Sophists: A Rational Investigation of Human Culture

Socrates: Shaping the Rational Individual Dialectics Condemned to Death

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Poetry and Drama Earliest and greatest poets, Sappho, she lived

around 600 BC on island of Lesbos.

Pindar, 518-438 BC view of excellence in athletes.

Greek Tragedy and Comedy of struggle against cosmic forces and insurmountable odds: Sophocles Euripides Aeschylus

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History Herodotus

Often known as the father of History because he wrote about the Persian wars.

Thucydides No room for Myths, Legends or the fabulous…

Clash of the Titans etc…. Astute and political thinker, warned against

extremism and greed for statesman

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REVIEWBC = Before Christ (BC is a term used by Christians and

refers to their savior, also referred to in the Hebrew scripture as the Messiah) Christ = Savior = Messiah

BCE = Before Common Era (used by those who are not Christians and refer to the calendar use in the common era, when we started counting from the year 0)

AD = After Death (after the death of the Christian savior)ACE = After Common Era (used by those who are not

Christians)Question. When did we start counting from the year 0

and who said that we should do it?

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Before Ancient GreeceMinoan (Cretans). Not Greeks, cities without walls, no war like art. 2600-1250 BCEMycenaean. War like. Attacked Minoans. 1400-1230 BCE Not much record of happenings between 1100-800 BCE but there are

records of migration from the barren mountainous regions to the fertile plains and from the mainland to the Aegean islands and the coast of Asia Minor.

800 BCE saw the early revival of community life in villages and rural communities.

750-550 BC. This was the beginning of Hellenic Greece. Increase in trade and commercial activity, use of metals and urban living. Expansion to settlements on the islands of the Aegean, along the coast of

Asia Minor and the Black Sea and to the west in Sicily and southern Italy (later Rome). These colonies were established out of necessity to deal with overpopulation. These new cities were all self governing, leading to the beginning of what we now refer to as City States.

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Ancient Greek BeliefsThe Greeks: Conceived of nature as following general rules, not acting

according to the whims of gods or demons. Believed that human beings have a capacity for rational

thought. Saw human beings as having a need for freedom, and a worth

as individuals. Never dispensed with the gods, but did increasingly stress the

importance of human reason and human decisions; they came to assert that reason is the avenue to knowledge and that people, not the gods are responsible for their own behaviour.

Broke with the “Myth Making” orientation of the Near East and created the rational humanist outlook.

Question. What is the rational humanist outlook?

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The ancient Greeks (mainly the Athenians) believed that individuals should be free as long as they acted within the laws of Greece. This allowed them the opportunity to excel in any direction they chose. Individuality, as the Greeks viewed it, was the basis of their society. The ability to strive for excellence, no matter what the challenge, was the method from which they achieved such phenomenal accomplishments, including the balance of mind and body.

Many strove to become soldiers and athletes while others ventured into philosophy, drama, pottery and the arts.

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Two important concepts which the ancient Greeks followed were found inscribed on the great shrine of Delphi, which read,

“Nothing in excess” and

“Know thyself”This philosophy greatly impacted the Western

civilization.Question. What do these two concepts mean to you?

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Rational Humanist OutlookHumanism is an approach in the study of philosophy,

world views and other sciences that focuses on the things that are important to humans.

Question. Did the Greeks invent the Humanism?If you were asked to describe how the Hebrew view of

humans may have led to the Greeks Rational Humanist Outlook, what would you say?

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Greeks did not forget the GodsApollo (a Greek God) spoke through his oracle: an oracle was a person

considered to be a source of wise counsel, like a prophet that can make predictions about the future.

The oracle at Delphi was selected from among the peasants, and had to be an older woman of blameless life. She sat over an opening in the earth. It is believed that before the oracle was in place, Apollo slew a Python (snake) and its body fell into the opening in the earth and fumes arose from its decomposing body. Greek mythology and religious practise tells us that the vapours intoxicated the oracle, who would fall into a trance, allowing Apollo to possess her spirit. In this state she prophesied. Some historians believe that a gas high in ethylene (known to produce violent trances), came out of this opening, though this theory remains debatable.

While raving mad from effects of the gas, the priests of the temple would translate into poetry. People consulted the Delphic oracle on everything from important matters of public policy to personal affairs.

Question. Do modern people with great wisdom still have beliefs, that might seem as unbelievable in 500 years as the Oracle seems to us today?

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Need to Know (and Remember) InformationAthens was the intellectual center of Greece. It was

one of the first city-states of its time, and is still world renowned as one of the most famous cities in the world.

In 508 BC, Athens became one of the first societies in ancient times to establish democracy.

This form of government was used at a meeting place called the Assembly. The citizens of Athens met monthly and discussed the affairs of state. There were no decisions made by government without first asking the Assembly.

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Calendars by Faith• 1432 Muslim Calendar Year• 2011 Christian Calendar Year• 2554 Buddhist Calendar Year• 4709 Chinese Calendar Year• 5772 Jewish Calendar YearExercise. Reflect on the three time frames and civilizations

that we have discussed (Egyptian/Mesopotamian, Hebrew and Greek) and think about these calendars.

In you note book, write 5 things may be considered relationships between these time periods, the calendars, the people and the chronology of progress and achievements they each contributed to the civilization of the world.

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Trojan War (continued)

The ancient Greeks thought that the Trojan War was a historical event that had taken place in the 13th or 12th century BC, and believed that Troy was located in modern-day Turkey. By modern times, both the war and the city were widely believed to be non-historical. In 1870, however, a German archaeologist excavated a local site that he had identified as Troy; this claim is now accepted by most scholars. Whether there is any historical reality behind the Trojan War is still debated. Many scholars believe that there is a historical core to the tale, though this may simply mean that Homers stories are a fusion of various tales of battles and expeditions by Mycenaean Greeks during the Bronze Age.

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The Trojan War (continued)

What we know about The Trojan War is a mix of Greek mythology and archaeological discoveries. We believe that the war was waged against the city of Troy by the Achaeans (predecessors to the Greeks) after Helen, the wife of the King of Sparta was taken from Sparta to Troy. The city of Troy was destroyed by the Achaeans as payback for taking the wife of their ally, the King of Sparta (at that time, the Achaeans and Spartans were friendly with each other). Few of the Achaeans returned to their homes, but instead, founded colonies on distant shores. The Romans traced their origin to Aeneas, a Trojan leader, who was said to have led the surviving Trojans to the location of modern day Italy.

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PresentationQuestion. Which group in this class, did the Trojan

War?Tell me some more interesting and possibly important

information about the Trojan War.For example: Can you share more details about the myth of the

Trojan War and why it started?What is the myth and who was kidnapped?