
Martin Jud NDS-I SWE I 1

Chapter Learning Goals

• Distinguish

– C- (Customer) requirements

– D- (Detailed) requirements

• Be equipped with ways to express C-requirements– exploit use cases – exploit state diagrams– exploit data flow diagrams – sketch user interfaces

• Be able to write first parts of a SRS (Software Requirements Specification)

Adapted from Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Perspectiveby Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2001), with permission.


Martin Jud NDS-I SWE I 2

Requirement Types



Software SpecificationPflichtenheft

Problem Space

Solution Space



Aus der Vorlesung Softwareengineering von Jörg Hofstetter HTA Luzern


Martin Jud NDS-I SWE I 3

Lastenheft vs. Pflichtenheft

Aus der Vorlesung Informationstechnik von Berend Denkena u. Kirsten Tracht am ifw der Uni Hannover


Martin Jud NDS-I SWE I 4

Das Lastenheft

Aus der Vorlesung Informationstechnik von Berend Denkena u. Kirsten Tracht am ifw der Uni Hannover


Martin Jud NDS-I SWE I 5

Das Pflichtenheft

Aus der Vorlesung Informationstechnik von Berend Denkena u. Kirsten Tracht am ifw der Uni Hannover


Martin Jud NDS-I SWE I 6

C- vs. D-Requirements

• Customer-oriented requirements (C-requirements), arepredominantly concerned with thequestion: What character istics, from a customer ’s or user ’s point of view, must a productexhibit to meet those needs? -> base to write D-requierements

• Developer-oriented software requirements (D-requirements), arepredominantlyconcerned with thequestion: What character istics, from a software developer ’s point of view, must a productexhibit to meet those needs?-> base for design and implementation.

Aus der Vorlesung Softwareengineering von Jörg Hofstetter HTA Luzern


Martin Jud NDS-I SWE I 7

C- vs. D-Requirements - Beispiel

Zeit/Datum Art Aktion

C-Requirement (Feature):#1: Eine Lichtquelle kann zeitgesteuert ein-/ausgeschaltet werden.

D-Requirement (Software Specification):

Timer.#T1: Ein Timer ist frei programmierbar. Für jedes Zeitereignis kann eine Aktion definiert werden.#T2: Einmale Zeitereignisse: Datum/Uhrzeit - Auflösung Minuten. #T3: Zyklische Ereignisse: minütlich, stündlich, täglich, Wochentag.#T4: Mögliche Aktionen: Lichtquelle ein/aus. #T5: Protokoll, welches Timer bei Ereignis-Eintritt aussendet:

Aus der Vorlesung Softwareengineering von Jörg Hofstetter HTA Luzern


Martin Jud NDS-I SWE I 8

C-Requirements vs. D-Requirements

Adapted from Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Perspectiveby Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2001), with permission.


1. Introduction

2. Overall descr iption

3. Specific requirements

4. Supporting information




Martin Jud NDS-I SWE I 9

Each requirement must be …

• expressed properly,

• made easily accessible,

• numbered, • accompanied by tests that verify it,

• provided for in the design,

• tested in isolation,

• tested in concert with others,

• validated

Adapted from Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Perspectiveby Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2001), with permission.


Martin Jud NDS-I SWE I 10

Road Map for C-Requirements

Adapted from Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Perspectiveby Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2001), with permission.

1. Identify “ the customer” -- see section 2.2

2. Interview customer representatives• identify wants and needs • exploit tools for expression (section 3.1 - 3.4)

• sketch GUI ’s (section 3.5)

• identify hardware

3. Wr ite C-requirementsin standard document form (see case study)

4. Inspect C-requirements

5. Build D-requirements(next chapter)

On customer approval ...

Review with customer


Martin Jud NDS-I SWE I 11

IEEE 830-1993 SRS Table of Contents1. Introduction

1.1. Purpose1.2. Scope 1.3. Definitions, acronyms

& abbreviations1.4. References1.5. Overview

2. Overall descr iption2.1. Product perspective

2.1.1. System interfaces2.1.2. User interfaces2.1.3. Hardware interfaces2.1.4. Software interfaces2.1.5. Communications


2.1.6. Memory constraints2.1.7. Operations2.1.8. Site adaptation

requirements2.2. Product functions2.3. User characteristics2.4. Constraints2.5. Assumptions and

dependencies2.6. Apportioning of

requirements3. Specific requirements -- see chapter four --4. Supporting information-- see chapter four --

Adapted from Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Perspectiveby Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2001), with permission.


Martin Jud NDS-I SWE I 12

Zum Vergleich: Gliederung eines Lastenhefts

1 Zielbestimmung zu erreichende Ziele durch den Produkteinsatz

2 Produkteinsatz Anwendungsbereiche und Zielgruppen

3 Produktfunktionen Hauptfunktionen aus Auftraggebersicht

4 Produktdaten zu speichernder Daten, E/A Schnittstellen

5 Produktleistungen Anforderungen, bez. Zeit, Daten, Genauigkeit

6 Qualitätsanforderungen Zuverlässigkeit, Bedienbarkeit

7 Ergänzungen z.B. Rahmenbedingungen


Martin Jud NDS-I SWE I 13

Requirements with Story Cards (XP)

Card # ���

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Priority � ��� Risk ��� Estimate � ��

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Martin Jud NDS-I SWE I 14

Sources of Requirements

Adapted from Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Perspectiveby Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2001), with permission.


Relatively high

Relatively low

Type of application

highly constrained

Approximate % of requirements gathered from people

missile guidance system

flight control system for airliner

enhancement to corporate accounting system

manufacturing control system

corporate accounting system

Encounter video game

decision support system for military tactics


Martin Jud NDS-I SWE I 15

Know Your Users

• Level of knowledge and experience– computer literacy – system experience – experience with similar applications– education / reading level

• Characteristics of the user’s tasks and jobs– Frequency of use – Turnover rate for employees – Importance of task – Repetitiveness of task– Training anticipated

• User’s psychological characteristics – Attitude towards job – Motivation – Cognitive style

( verbal vs. spatial; analytic vs. intuitive; concrete vs. abstract)

• User’s physical characteristicsAge– GenderAdapted from Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Perspectiveby Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2001), with permission.


Martin Jud NDS-I SWE I 16

Before interview:1. List and prioritize “customer” interviewees

– most likely to determine project’s success 2. Schedule interview with fixed start and end times

– at least two from development team should attend– prepare to tape?

At interview:3. Concentrate on listening

Don’t be passive: probe and encourage– persist in understanding wants and exploring needs– walk through use cases, also data flow? state diagrams?

Take thorough notes4. Schedule follow-up meeting

After interview:5. Draft SRS C-requirements using a standard6. E-mail customer for comments

Handle Interviews

Adapted from Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Perspectiveby Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2001), with permission.


Martin Jud NDS-I SWE I 17

Requirements nach USDP

Der USDP versteht unter Requirements folgendes:

Zusätzlicher Input für SRSNichtfunktionale Anforderungen aufnehmen

UseCase-ModellFunktionale Anforderungen aufnehmen

Geschäftsmodell(Domain / Business Model)

Systemkontext erfassen

Feature ListAnforderungen aufzählen


© 1999 by Addison Wesley USDP Jacobson Booch, Rumbaugh


Martin Jud NDS-I SWE I 18

USDP Domain Model

– ZweckDie wichtigsten Klassen im Kontext der Aufgabenstellung verstehen und dokumentieren

– NutzenDie im DomainModel dokumentierten Klassen dienen

• zum Beschreiben der UseCases

• zum Entwerfen der Benutzerschnittstelle• als Anstoss für die Analyse

– HinweisBei einfachen Systemen genügt ein Glossary

© 1999 by Addison Wesley USDP Jacobson Booch, Rumbaugh


Martin Jud NDS-I SWE I 19

USDP Business Model

• ZweckDie wichtigsten Business-UseCases der Organisation im Kontext der Aufgabe verstehen und dokumentieren

• NutzenDie im BusinessModel dokumentierten UseCasesdienen als Ausgangspunkt für die „eigentlichen“ UseCases

© 1999 by Addison Wesley USDP Jacobson Booch, Rumbaugh


Martin Jud NDS-I SWE I 20

UseCase Model: Entwicklungsstufen

• InceptionDie meisten UseCases werden in der Einstiegsphase erfasst. Die wichtigsten 10% werden auch schon ausgearbeitet.

• ElaborationDie restlichen UseCases werden in der Ausarbeitungsphase erfasst (und bis zum Ende der Phase auch weitestgehend ausgearbeitet).

• ConstructionWährend der Konstruktionsphase werden die noch verbliebenen UseCases ausgearbeitet.

© 1999 by Addison Wesley USDP Jacobson Booch, Rumbaugh

C-Requirements: UseCases

Martin Jud NDS-I SWE I 21

Why do we model ?

“Modeling captures essential parts of the system”James Rumbaugh

• Provide structure for problem solving

• Communication

• Experiment to explore multiple solutions

• Furnish abstractions to manage complexity

• Manage the risk of mistakes

• Decrease development costs

© 2001 by SWEED, Martin Kropp

C-Requirements: Modelle

Martin Jud NDS-I SWE I 22

Why do we model visually ?

• Graphics reveal data

Edward TufteThe Visual Display of Quantitative Information, 1983

• Ein Bild sagt mehr als tausend Worte


C-Requirements: Modelle

Martin Jud NDS-I SWE I 23

Analyse-Modell entwickeln

Anforderungsanalyse / Business Model1. Geschäftsprozess

(sketch business process by enterprise scope use cases)

Problembereichsanalyse / Domain Model2. Systemdiagramm

(describe the system boundaries & identify the actors)3. Primäre Anwendungsfälle

(sequences of actions yielding a result to an actor)

Iteration der Problembereichsanalyse4. Vervollständigtes Anwendungsfall-Modell

(use case variations: generalisations and extensions)

C-Requirements: Modelle

Martin Jud NDS-I SWE I 24

1) Business Process Modeling

What needs to be identified:

• The stakeholders in the organization’s behavior• The external primary actors whose goals you propose that the

organization satisfy

• The triggering events that the organization must respond to

• The services the business offers, with success outcomes for the stakeholders

This is also the bounding information for a use case

Adapted from A. Cockburn, 2001

C-Requirements: Modelle

Martin Jud NDS-I SWE I 25

2) Finding actors and use cases

– Purpose• System boundary: delimit system from environment• Outline actors and their use cases• Capture and define common terms (glossary)

– Inputs• Stakeholders (especially customers, users, other analysts)• Business/domain model, vision document, customer requirements


– Activity steps (detailed on next slides)• Find actors• Find use cases• Describe each use case• Describe use case model as a whole (incl. glossary)

© 2002 by Scott Hawker, University of Alabama

C-Requirements: Modelle

Martin Jud NDS-I SWE I 26

3a) Finding the actors

© 2002 by Scott Hawker, University of Alabama

• Example actors or actor categories– Business workers, business actors– The person/system asking the question, making the decision– External systems– System maintenance and operational support

• Criteria– Must be at least one real user who can enact the candidate actor– Minimum overlap between roles

• Capture– Actor name– What the actor uses the system for; actor needs and system

responsibilities– What the system uses the actor for; role and actor responsibilities and

system needs

C-Requirements: Modelle

Martin Jud NDS-I SWE I 27

3b) Finding the use cases

• Examples: deliver an observable result of value to a particular actor– Use case(s) for every role of every worker– Use case to support user’s need to create, change, track, remove or study

business objects– Use case to allow user to tell system of event or for system to tell user of

event– Use cases for system startup, termination or maintenance

• Use case name: verb phrase describing result of interaction

• Use case scope and boundaries are hard to find– Decouple them in time and data sharing– Iterate with architecture tasks

© 2002 by Scott Hawker, University of Alabama

C-Requirements: Modelle

Martin Jud NDS-I SWE I 28

4) Refine the Use-Case Model

© 2002 by Scott Hawker, University of Alabama

– General and shared functionality: “uses”• Like inheritance: specific (real) uses general (abstract)• The generalization captures overlap between use cases

– Additional or optional functionality: “extends”

– Be careful in structuring use-case model• Reflect real use cases• Keep things understandable and manageable• Remember to make only little use of relations

between use cases

C-Requirements: Modelle

Martin Jud NDS-I SWE I 29

Express Customer Requirements• If the requirement is simple, and stands alone, express it

in clear sentences within an appropriate section of the SRS

• If the requirement is an interaction between the user and the application, express via a use case. 1. Name the use case2. Identify the “actor” (the external user role-- usually a person)

3. Write the sequence of user - application actions

• If the requirement involves process elements, each taking inputs, and producing outputs, use data flow.

1. Identify the processing elements (usually high level); show as circles or rectangles


Adapted from Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Perspectiveby Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2001), with permission.


Martin Jud NDS-I SWE I 30

(… continued)

2. Identify the data sources & destinations; show as names between two horizontal lines

3. Show the data paths among processing elements. Indicate types of data flowing on each

• If the requirement involves states that the application can be in (or parts can be in)

1. Identify the states (each a passive verb, e.g., “waiting”)show as rounded rectangles

2. Show initial state with special arrow

3. Identify the events (happenings external to the unit) that cause transitions among the states; show as labeled arrows

4. Identify sub-states; show as rectangles within rectangles

Adapted from Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Perspectiveby Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2001), with permission.


Martin Jud NDS-I SWE I 31


An early production of a runable modelof the future product.

a) An application that illustrates or demonstratessome aspetc(s) of an applicationthat is under construction.

b) An application that is part of the product definition(usually GUI).

c) A first increment of an application, that will be developed incrementallyto a full product.

Aus der Vorlesung Softwareengineering von Jörg Hofstetter HTA Luzern

C-Requirements: Prototypes

Martin Jud NDS-I SWE I 32

Horizontal vs. Vertical Prototype

User Interface


LAN Database

System software

Vertical Prototype


Aus der Vorlesung Softwareengineering von Jörg Hofstetter HTA Luzern

C-Requirements: Prototypes

Martin Jud NDS-I SWE I 33

Payoff from buildingprototype ($’s saved per $ spent)

optimalexpenditureon prototype

full project


% expenditureon prototype0% 100%

Prototype Payoff

Adapted from Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Perspectiveby Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2001), with permission.

C-Requirements: Prototypes

Martin Jud NDS-I SWE I 34

Example: Estimates for E-commerce Clothing Application

Adapted from Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Perspectiveby Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2001), with permission.

Esti- Gross Benefit Percentage Net Payoffmated excluding of prototypecost code re-use code reused in

min max application min max averagePrototype feature B D E C D-(1-C)B E-(1-C)B

1. GUI screenshots $10,000 $10,000 $80,000 50% $5,000 $75,000 $40,000

2. Transaction $50,000 $10,000 $300,000 80% $0 $290,000 $145,000

security3. Complete $80,000 $10,000 $400,000 50% -$30,000 $200,000 $85,000

transaction4. Customer $120,000 $20,000 $140,000 30% -$64,000 $56,000 -$4,000

tries on clothing

C-Requirements: Prototypes

Martin Jud NDS-I SWE I 35

Update PMP After Obtaining C-requirements Status after initial

draftResult of updating SPMP after

obtaining C-requirements

Milestones Initial More milestones; more specific

RisksIdentify initial risks

Retire r isks identified previously; identify more r isks now that more is known about the project

Schedule Very rough Preliminary project schedule

PersonnelDesignate C-requirements engineers

Designated engineers for D-requirements analysis

Cost Estimation

Very rough First estimates based on job content

Adapted from Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Perspectiveby Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2001), with permission.


Martin Jud NDS-I SWE I 36

17-May 31-May 13-Jun 27-Jun 11-Jul 25-Jul 11-Aug 25-Aug 8-SepMilestones Complete release 0.1 X

Complete release 0.2 X

Develop release 0.1


ArchitectureDetailed designImplementation


Develop release 0.2


ArchitectureDetailed designImplementation

Unit testIntegration

System test

Typical Schedule After C-requirements

Aus der Vorlesung Softwareengineering von Jörg Hofstetter HTA Luzern
