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What is chemical engineering?Chemical andProcess Engineeringis the professioninwhichknowledge of Mathematics,Chemistry, Physics andother Natural Sciences gainedbystudy, experienceandpracticeisapplied with judgment to deelop economical ways of using materials and energy for the benefitof mankind! "t#s true that Chemical Engineers are comfortable with Chemistry, but they do muchmore with this knowledge than just make chemicals!More typically, they turn raw materials into aluable products! $he necessary skills encompassall aspects of design, testing, scale%up, operation, control, and optimi&ation! 'ence this re(uires adetailed understanding of the arious )unit operations), such as *istillation, Mixing, and+iological Processes that make these conersions possible!Chemical Engineering science utili&es mass, momentum, and energytransfers along withthermodynamics and chemical kinetics to analyse and improe these unit operations! $he breadthof scientific and technical knowledge inherent in the profession has caused some to describe theChemical Engineer as the ),niersal Engineer)!$here are a countless number of industries where chemical engineering is used in! Examples are,petrochemical, mineral processing, adancedmaterial, food, pharmaceutical, biotechnologicalindustries, polymerindustriesandceramicindustries! Chemical engineersworkcloselywithfellow engineering disciplines such as mechanical, electrical and electronic engineers as well asCiil and materials science engineers!"t would be correct to say that the term Chemical in Chemical and process engineering refersmore towards the knowledge and experience in terms of the applied sciences whereas processengineering comprises of the designing, operating, maintaining and optimising of the processesthat conert raw materials into finished goods!$ogether, the knowledge of applied sciences and process engineering forms the core of Chemicaland Process engineering!History$he *epartment of Chemical Engineeringwas inauguratedbyga& -012! $he program had its roots in the 3unior $echnical 4fficer#s course conducted bythe Maradana $echnical College! $he study program Chemical and Process Engineering 5CPE6started its history with the first student intake in -012 to 7atubedda campus of ,niersity ofCeylon! $hecoursewas originallytermedChemical Engineeringand/uel Scienceandthedegree awarded was +achelor of 8pplied Science 5+!8!Sc6!he first student intake was limited to 9 students and the first batch was graduated on -012!"n -09- +!Sc!Engineering*egreewas introducedandthestudents wereofferedE2categorytoselect Chemical,Material or Mining Engineering fields based on their performance of the first year! $he M!Sc! course inPolymer $echnology started as a full time course in -09:!"n -00- the student intake was increased up to-. and the subject ,nit 4peration was introduced to the Part " Chemical Engineering Curriculum! $heprofessional bodyChemical EngineeringSocietywas inauguratedin-002!"n-00;thefirst issueifChemuni(ue maga&inewas releasedandthefull time M! Sc! Course inPolymer $echnologywasconerted to a part time course!$he optional subjects Enironmental Engineering, +iochemical Engineering and /ood ProcessEngineering were introduced to the Chemical Engineering curriculum in -00< with the increasedintakeof2=!>iththepurposeofreflectingthebroaderrangeofengineeringapplicationsthename of the department was changed from Chemical Engineering *epartment to Chemical andProcess Engineering in -009!$he annual intake of students was increased up to ;= in -000! "n2===major modificationwere introducedtothe curriculumwithmoingintothe newlyintroduced semester system from session exam system! $he E "" stream was eliminated and thestudentsweretakenunderthecommonEngineeringcategory!Studentswerecategori&edintoChemical and Process Engineering field based on their ?eel - @P8 alue! /our fields of minorspeciali&ationnamely,/oodA+iochemical Engineering, Enironmental Engineering, EnergyEngineeringandPolymerEngineeringwereintroducedandthestudent intakewasincreasedfurther to .=!"n 2==- Masters program in Chemical and Process Engineering started with a firstbatch of =0 students!"n 2==< the student body of the *CPE Chemical Engineering Students Society 5C'ESS6 wasinaugurated and the course curriculum was reised! "n 2==. the *CPE receied "BC,E fundswhich lead a substantial deelopment of the department resources! "n 2==: foundation stone waslaid for the Chemical Engineering Centre and the new e(uipment was bought under "EBC,Egrants!>ith the collaboration of with $elemark ,niersity College, Norway Masters Programmeinthe*CPEwasstartedwithabatchof-2students!>iththat offeringthescholarshipsofChemical and process engineering was started!"n2==1thefirst Ph!*student passedout from*CPEandtheagreementsweresignedwithNCPC A Cargills to improe the (uality of the undergraduate programme! "n 2==9 the Chemicaland process Engineering Centre was established and the scholarship programme for the studentwith economic difficulties was also initiated! /or the first time in Sri ?anka food and processdeelopment incubator was established in the ,niersity of Moratuwa under an agreement of*CPEandCargillsin2==0! "nthesameyear*CPEestablishedapartnershipwithPolyptoCompanyregardingtheprocessofpetrol fromwasteplastic!"n2=-=thestudent intakewasincreased to 9= and the selection of the Engineering discipline was based on their leel one -stsemesters @P8!$he *epartment functions witha isionof *elieringChemical andProcess Engineeringknowledge, skills and innoation for a sustainable tomorrow! $he mission identifies thecommitment of the staff to deelop it into a place of excellence! $he *epartment will strie toeducate, conduct research and offer consulting serices with dedication, deotion andcommitment and aim to be a place of excellence through internationally recogni&ed programs forthe benefit of society! $he study program today has a strong team fully committed for excellence!,p to date
