Page 1: Chemistry Department Strategic Planning Report November 14, … · 2014. 8. 7. · Chemistry Department Strategic Planning Report . November 14, 2013 . List of Contents 2012 Strategic

Chemistry Department Strategic Planning Report

November 14, 2013

List of Contents

2012 Strategic Plan with Outcome Assessment Column Summary of outcome assessment results by University Core Theme Summary of 2013 Strategic Plan Summary of Budget/Resource requests within the 2013 Plan 2013 Strategic Plan with changes from 2012 Plan highlighted Bulleted List of Data that will be needed to assess outcomes in the 2013 Plan

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Chemistry Department Strategic Plan 2012 – expanded to include outcome assessment University Core Theme: 1. Teaching and Learning University Objective 1.1. Enhance student success by continually improving the curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular programs.

Unit Outcomes


Expected Performance Level (Criterion)

Responsible Reporting Unit

Key Strategies /Initiatives

Budget/Resource Analysis

Outcome Assessment

• Offer excellent instruction in chemistry to meet the needs of the variety of undergraduate and graduate students the department serves.

• Faculty will demonstrate effective teaching organization and design of coursework.

• SEOI and peer teaching evaluations.

• Student exit portfolios and exit surveys.

• ACS exam scores.

• Clear syllabi addressing course demands; multifaceted approaches to grading and course delivery

• peer evaluation.

• Maintain ACS accreditation.

• The teaching performance of all faculty rated satisfactory or better during performance reviews.

• SEOI ratings for teaching effectiveness for the department as a whole comparable to university averages.

• ACS exam scores of chemistry majors at or above national averages.

• Exit and alumni surveys reflect student satisfaction and confidence in the chemistry training received at CWU.

• 100% of department courses will have syllabi that meet syllabi standards.

Chemistry Department

Faculty mentoring and professional development.

Increase the chemistry department current goods and services budget at least to pre budget cut level (from 2008). Full faculty, adjunct, staff, facilities, equipment, and restored goods and services budget are needed to accomplish this task.

• ACS approval continues • Department means for

SEOI’s average of dept means for all standard evaluation questions on Form A (lecture classes) for Fall, Winter, and Spring combined, compared to average of COTS means:

dept = 4.11 COTS = 4.08 • A new mentoring plan

has been implemented that provides each new TT and NTT faculty member with a mentor selected from experienced faculty.

• means of ACS percentile

scores by course for graduating majors:

Gen. Chem. = 64.4 %ile Quant. Anal. = 55.95 %ile Organic = 44.72 %ile Thermodynam. = 62.95 %ile Biochemistry = 50.5 %ile Instrument Anal = 51.76 %ile

• exit survey results:

mean response of graduates for value of curriculum components: (scale 1 – 5)

lecture courses = 4.4 lab courses = 4.8 research experience= 4.8


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Unit Outcomes


Expected Performance Level

Responsible Reporting

Key Strategies/ Initiatives


Outcome Assessment Majors will progress

to graduation with equal or increased efficiency and rate.

5 year time to graduation rates.

Department will increase or maintain the % of students graduating within 5 years.

Institutional Research

Modify scheduling of Chemistry Department to offer classes with greater frequency.

Increase the chemistry department current goods and services budget at least to pre budget cut level (from 2008). Full faculty, adjunct, staff, facilities, equipment, and restored goods and services budget are needed to accomplish this task.

The percentage of ‘12/’13 graduates that spent 5 years or less enrolled at CWU is 80.0 % (Note: the data does not provide total time to graduation for transfer students.)

Design a process to assess chemical knowledge of graduating seniors.

Scores on ACS exams taken at points in the curriculum (in general chemistry, organic chemistry, quantitative analysis, biochemistry, instrumental analysis, and physical chemistry).

Average (aggregate) scores that are equal to or above national average scores.

Chemistry Department

Potential curriculum changes.

Increase the chemistry department current goods and services budget at least to pre budget cut level (from 2008). Full faculty, adjunct, staff, facilities, equipment, and restored goods and services budget are needed to accomplish this task. Provide 3 wlu release time for an Assessment Coordinator.

The department has not yet identified or developed a capstone evaluation tool for its graduates. In the senior seminar course, Chem 488, each student assembles a portfolio that includes samples of accomplishments, e.g. lab reports, presentations, etc.


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Unit Outcomes


Expected Performance Level

Responsible Reporting

Key Strategies/ Initiatives


Outcome Assessment

Review and update curriculum as needed.

Annual review of assessment data, including ACS scores and exit major portfolios.

Maintain or improve student success in chemistry

Chemistry Department

Provide opportunities for discussions for faculty. Provide release time for an Assessment Coordinator

Provide 3 wlu release time for an Assessment Coordinator.

(See curriculum changes to graduate programs below) 3 wlu release time for an Assessment Coordinator has been granted and a Coordinator appointed.

Maintain a high quality graduate program in chemistry. Increased numbers and quality of students entering M.S. Chemistry program.

Enrollment statistics; average GRE scores of students accepted into M.S. Chemistry program. Number and variety of graduate courses offered per year. Number of research grants and publications produced by research groups in the chemistry department.

Improve enrollment statistics. TA or RA funding is available to every graduate student. Offer at least four graduate courses per year.

Chemistry Department

Development of differential stipends for different disciplines; curriculum changes; explore new recruitment strategies.

Additional graduate assistant lines are required; increases in the graduate assistant stipend is also necessary.

Revisions were made and approved to offer a BSMS and an MS option that is compatible with students who are employed in industry. At this point, the crucial issue of stipends has not been addressed by the university. Mean GRE scores for current graduate students are: - Verbal 147 - Quantitative 154 - Analytical writing 3.75


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Unit Outcomes


Expected Performance Level

Responsible Reporting

Key Strategies/ Initiatives

Budget/Resource Analysis

Outcome Assessment

Improve safety and level of interaction between students and faculty in introductory chemistry laboratory courses.

Numbers of D, F, and Ws in these lab courses. SEOIs.

Reduced numbers of D, F, and Ws.

Chemistry Department

To improve the quality of education and student success reduce Chem 181Lab, 182Lab, and 183Lab laboratory course student to faculty ratio: short term going from 72:1 to 48:1 (three rooms with 24 students each to two rooms with 24 students each) and long term possibly going in some labs to 24:1 (one room with 24 students). Chem 101Lab, 111Lab, 112Lab, 113Lab would still be offered in three rooms at 72:1 student to faculty ratio.

Immediate need is one and short term need is four additional TT faculty lines to cover the additional course sections. Long term, possibly even more TT faculty lines will need to be added to cover the additional course sections and the increasing demand. Office and research space will also need to be provided for new faculty since we already reached the maximum capacity of currently available chemistry space. Immediate need is to increase base funding for Instrument Technician, Emil Babik's position, from 3/4 time to full time. Also, with this growth we will need the Safety Officer's position to be extended from 10 months to full time, the addition of another Instrument Technician position, and the addition of a new part or full time staff position for office support.

(D,W,F DATA NOT AVAILABLE at this point) The department made significant changes to strengthen safety policies that apply to teaching and research labs. No new faculty lines were funded in order to improve the level of supervision and the quality of instruction in the General Chemistry lab sections.


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University objective 1.2 Enhance the effectiveness of student support services.

Unit Outcomes Indicators

Expected Performance Level (Criterion)

Responsible Reporting Unit

Key Strategies/ Initiatives

Budget/Resource Analysis

Outcome Assessment

Improve the effectiveness of the chemistry drop-in help center.

Numbers of students utilizing the chemistry drop-in help center and student evaluations.

Numbers of students utilizing the chemistry drop-in help center will increase. The quality of tutoring will improve.

Chemistry Department

Improve student assistant training for the chemistry drop-in help center. Attract highly qualified students to be tutors.

Find another funding source to fund the chemistry drop-in help center, possibly the Dean of Student Success or the Academic and Research Commons. Identify another location for the help- center which can accommodate more students. Continue to provide 3 wlu for a Help Center Coordinator. The number of wlus may need to increase to keep up with future growth.

Over 1300 tutoring sessions were tracked by our scanners over the ‘12/’13 academic year (excluding summer). The online survey response rate was small (n=33), but showed a satisfaction evaluation of the tutors of 4.11 (on a scale of 0 to 5), and a satisfaction rating of the environment (SCI 311) of 3.87. The primary complaint was about the time spent waiting to be helped.

Maintain and improve upon the TA assistance in teaching laboratories.

Student evaluations of TA performance.

Student evaluations for TAs will either remain constant or improve.

Chemistry Department

Improve student assistant training for the laboratory setting.

Increase funding for student employees working in an instructive capacity and funds for goods and services. This effort is currently underfunded; therefore there is an immediate need for increasing the funding. TA funding is directly tied to and fluctuates with enrollment; funding should change accordingly.

The instructor evaluations of their Lab TA’s reveal that 36 of the 39 TA’s were recommended without hesitation for continued employment as a TA. (Note: The online student evaluation system for lab TA’s did not collect enough responses to draw conclusions.)


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Unit Outcomes


Expected Performance Level (Criterion)

Responsible Reporting Unit

Key Strategies/ Initiatives

Budget/Resource Analysis

Outcome Assessment

Develop fund to maintain current instrumentation, replace aged instrumentation, and acquire new instrumentation to support teaching and research efforts.

Development of a University or College level fund to support maintenance and acquisition of scientific instrumentation.

Maintain all current instrumentation in good functional order; replace aged instrumentation, and acquire new instrumentation to support teaching and research efforts and to keep up with fast paced technological advances.

Provost or Dean level.

Set up a new budget line for these critical needs.

Funds will need to be set aside to support these endeavors. Immediate need is to increase base funding for Instrument Technician, Emil Babik's position, from 3/4 time to full time. With the addition of faculty lines another Instrument Technician position will also need to be added.

No College-level or university-level instrument maintenance and depreciation fund has been established.


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University Core Theme: 2. Inclusiveness and diversity University Objective 2.1. Enhance the environment of inclusiveness for faculty, staff, and students.

Unit Outcomes


Expected Performance Level (Criterion)

Responsible Reporting Unit

Key Strategies/ Initiatives

Budget/Resource Analysis

Outcome Assessment Department will

enhance inclusiveness by holding departmental discussions on the issues.

Department minutes.

A minimum of one discussion per year.

Chemistry Department.

Broaden discussions, explicitly address where we stand now and how we can improve inclusiveness in the future.

Increase the chemistry department current goods and services budget at least to pre budget cut level (from 2008). Full faculty, adjunct, staff, facilities, equipment, and restored goods and services budget are needed to accomplish this task.

Other than required training for Sexual Harassment and Discrimination, no department sessions were devoted to this topic.


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University Objective 2.2. Increase faculty, staff, and student diversity by active programs of recruitment and retention for members of underrepresented groups.

Unit Outcomes


Expected Performance Level (Criterion)

Responsible Reporting Unit

Key Strategies /Initiatives


Outcome Assessment Increase the quality

and diversity of undergraduate majors in the various chemistry programs. Faculty and staff will continue to actively recruit from underrepresented groups.

Diversity of student population in chemistry relative to regional demographics and university averages. Faculty participation in STEP, McNair, and Science Honors programs. Number of faculty searches conforming to OEO guidelines for recruiting women and minority faculty. Recruiting materials and recruiting statistics.

Diversity of student populations is reflective of regional and university demographics. All faculty searches conform to OEO guidelines. Maintain or increase the level of participation of chemistry faculty in STEP and McNair programs.

Chemistry Department.

Increase marketing efforts for research participation. Faculty will continue to participate in the research interest presentations organized by the chemistry club.

Increase the chemistry department current goods and services budget at least to pre budget cut level (from 2008). Full faculty, adjunct, staff, facilities, equipment, and restored goods and services budget are needed to accomplish this task.

Diversity of UGRD Chemistry majors (data from OOE): Asian: 12.6 % African American: 0% Hispanic: 8.6% White: 59.1% multi-ethnic: 10% unknown: 5% Women: 36.4% Seven faculty participated in the STEP and McNair programs.


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University Objective 2.3. Ensure that CWU has an inclusive and diverse curriculum.

Unit Outcomes


Expected Performance Level (Criterion)

Responsible Reporting Unit

Key Strategies /Initiatives


Outcome Assessment Department will

enhance commitment to diversity by holding departmental discussions on the issues and will consider incorporating other teaching techniques which address diversity.

Department minutes.

A minimum of one discussion per year.

Chemistry Department

Broaden discussions, explicitly address where we are relative to CWU and national demographics.

Increase the chemistry department current goods and services budget at least to pre budget cut level (from 2008). Full faculty, adjunct, staff, facilities, equipment, and restored goods and services budget are needed to accomplish this task.

No changes in curriculum or teaching practices were made in response to diversity concerns. No discussions were held on this topic.


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University Core Theme: 3. Scholarship and Creative Expression University Objective 3.1. Increase the emphasis on and the opportunities for students, faculty and staff to participate in research, scholarship and creative

expression activities

Unit Outcomes


Expected Performance Level (Criterion)

Responsible Reporting Unit

Key Strategies /Initiatives

Budget/Resource Analysis

Outcome Assessment Serve the academic

community and the general public through scholarly research and service activities. Improve research experience for both undergraduate and graduate students.

Number of publications produced by research groups in the chemistry department. Number of faculty memberships in professional organizations/ societies. Number of faculty and students attending professional conferences. Number of outreach programs involving chemistry faculty and students. Number of research grants within the department.

Most research groups are supported by internal or external grants. At least two peer reviewed articles are published by the chemistry department faculty each year. All faculty are members of at least one professional organization/society. At least half of chemistry faculty attend at least one professional conference each year. Department is actively involved in outreach activities each year. Offer two research seminars per quarter.

Chemistry Department.

Maintain a high level of involvement of undergraduate and graduate students in research. Require all research students to attend research seminars. Increased availability of travel support for professional conferences.

Increase the chemistry department current goods and services budget at least to pre budget cut level (from 2008). Full faculty, adjunct, staff, facilities, equipment, and restored goods and services budget are needed to accomplish this task. Increasing university level travel support for professional conferences. Fully fund the attendance of at least one national and one regional research conference per year per faculty. Funds are needed from the Office of Graduate Studies, COTS, and/or the Office of the Provost to fund two research seminars per quarter, as also recommended by an ACS external program reviewer. Funds are needed to support at minimum one outside speaker per quarter.

Faculty published 11 peer-reviewed papers, and made 18 presentations at regional, national, and international conferences. Faculty hold 22 memberships in professional societies. 59 students participated in research with faculty.


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University Objective 3.2. Increase the external funding received for research, scholarship, and creative expression by faculty, staff , and students. Unit Outcomes


Expected Performance Level (Criterion)

Responsible Reporting Unit

Key Strategies /Initiatives

Budget/Resource Analysis

Outcome Assessment Maintain and

possibly increase the number of faculty research grants from both internal and external sources.

Faculty workload assignments provide time for scholarship. Faculty are able to regularly obtain sabbatical leave. Number of grants obtained.

Faculty stay research active. Funding needs may vary depending on areas of research interests, workload allocations, and other commitments.

Chemistry Department

Provide faculty an increase in workload units for scholarship and/or a decrease in workload units for teaching.

Immediate need is one additional TT faculty line to be able to better accommodate regular sabbatical leaves and to provide additional workload units for grant writing . This is requested in addition to the current level of TT and FTNTT support.

Five external grants and ten internal grants were awarded to faculty members. 2 faculty on sabbatical or professional leave

Maintain or increase the number of student research grants/awards internally from the Office of Undergraduate Research, the Graduate Office, and COTS and externally from NSF, NIH, and CUR to undergraduate students to support research.

Numbers of internal and external awards given to undergraduate and graduate students to support research.

Improved from 2010.

Office of Undergraduate Research, the Graduate Office, and COTS.

All students enrolled in research credits receive email from Office of Undergraduate Research, the Graduate Office, and COTS to inform them of the availability of research funds and application deadlines.

Increase funding for research awards to support research.

59 students participated in research with faculty. 14 students received supporting research grants 36 students gave research presentations in a public forum.


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University Core Theme: 4. Public Service and Community Engagement University Objective 4.1. Enhance the commitment and the level of cooperation between the university and external communities.

Unit Outcomes


Expected Performance Level (Criterion)

Responsible Reporting Unit

Key Strategies /Initiatives

Budget/Resource Analysis

Outcome Assessment Department will

maintain its commitment and connection to the community by providing educational tours for local and regional student groups and taking chemistry students to tour local and regional companies. Faculty will participate on local boards or community action committees.

Tour statistics. Number of faculty on community boards.

Continued level of engagement.

Chemistry Department.

Improve advertising. Encourage faculty to interact with the community

A new part or full time staff position for office support will need to be added. University funding for advertising will need to be available.

Significant outreach to the community occurs through the activities of the Chemistry Club – a student affiliate of the American Chemical Society. The chemistry demonstrations at elementary schools, local museums, and various activities on the CWU campus have served over 1500 people. The club also hosted a concert to raise funds for the American Cancer Society. The chemistry department also hosts tours and presentations for visiting groups from surrounding schools. Faculty served on 9 boards or groups in community organizations.


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University Objective 4.2. Increase participation in university sponsored life-long learning opportunities.

Unit Outcomes


Expected Performance Level (Criterion)

Responsible Reporting Unit

Key Strategies /Initiatives

Budget/Resource Analysis

Outcome Assessment Increase

collaborations with local/ regional industries.

Numbers of students entering Chemistry M.S. program from local/ regional industries.

Acquire new M.S. Chemistry graduate students who are using the industrial research option for completing degree.

Chemistry Department.

Adding a M.S. degree path designed to be coupled with industrial research. Networking with professionals in local industries.

Increase the chemistry department current goods and services budget at least to pre- budget cut level (from 2008). Full faculty, adjunct, staff, facilities, equipment, and restored goods and services budget are needed to accomplish this task.

Revisions were made and approved to offer a BSMS and an MS option that is compatible with students who are employed in industry.


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University Objective 4.3. Enhance the efforts of members of the university community to strengthen the economic base of the region and state.

Unit Outcomes


Expected Performance Level (Criterion)

Responsible Reporting Unit

Key Strategies /Initiatives

Budget/Resource Analysis

Outcome Assessment Prepare students

for employment in local industry.

Number of chemistry graduates employed in the region and state.

Chemistry graduates will have the necessary background knowledge and skills needed for industrial employment.

Chemistry Department.

Maintaining an excellent hands-on laboratory curriculum. Networking with professionals in local industries. Adding a M.S. degree path designed to be coupled with industrial research.

Increase the chemistry department current goods and services budget at least to pre budget cut level (from 2008). Full faculty, adjunct, staff, facilities, equipment, and restored goods and services budget are needed to accomplish this task.

Records from the last 2 years show that 18 % of graduates secured jobs in their field or closely related fields. 28% of graduates were accepted into graduate and professional schools


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University Core Theme: 5. Resource development & stewardship University Objective 5.1. Maximize the financial resources to the University, and assure the efficient and effective operations of the University

Unit Outcomes


Expected Performance Level (Criterion)

Responsible Reporting Unit

Key Strategies /Initiatives

Budget/Resource Analysis

Outcome Assessment Department will

continue to publish annual departmental newsletter and ask alumni to donate to scholarships for chemistry students.

Newsletter 1 newsletter per year.

Chemistry Department

Reach out to former students. Maintain an effective working relationship with personnel in University Advancement

Increase the chemistry department current goods and services budget at least to pre budget cut level (from 2008). Full faculty, adjunct, staff, facilities, equipment, and restored goods and services budget are needed to accomplish this task. A new part or full time staff position for office support will need to be added.

The annual newsletter was published, which included a solicitation for funds for student scholarships.


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Unit Outcomes


Expected Performance Level (Criterion)

Responsible Reporting Unit

Key Strategies /Initiatives

Budget/Resource Analysis

Outcome Assessment Increase services

provided for cost to local/ regional industries.

Fees paid for use of instrumentation and services provided. Availability of up- to-date instrumentation in working order.

Increase funds brought in from local/regional companies for services provided by Chemistry Department. Maintain all current instrumentation in good working order; replace aged instrumentation, and acquire new instrumentation to support teaching and research efforts and to keep up with fast paced technological advances.

Chemistry Department

Contacting local/regional businesses with services that can be provided for cost. Set up a new budget line for instrumentation maintenance and replacement.

Increase the chemistry department current goods and services budget at least to pre budget cut level (from 2008). Full faculty, adjunct, staff, facilities, equipment, and restored goods and services budget are needed to accomplish this task. Immediate need is to increase base funding for Instrument Technician, Emil Babik's position, from 3/4 time to full time. The addition of a new part or full time staff position for office support will also be needed.

Presently, two regional industries pay fees for access to department instrumentation. Emil Babik’s position as Instrument Technician has been increased from ¾ time to full time.


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University Objective 5.2. Develop and implement enrollment management and marketing plans that meet the enrollment objectives of the University.

Unit Outcomes


Expected Performance Level (Criterion)

Responsible Reporting Unit

Key Strategies /Initiatives

Budget/Resource Analysis

Outcome Assessment Department will

demonstrate effort to market itself.

Advertising on our web page, in newsletter, providing links for donation options.

Maintenance of newsletter; sections in the newsletter set aside for advertising and requests for student scholarships and general needs.

Chemistry Department

Newsletter. Explore new marketing and recruitment strategies.

Increase the chemistry department current goods and services budget at least to pre budget cut level (from 2008). Full faculty, adjunct, staff, facilities, equipment, and restored goods and services budget are needed to accomplish this task. The addition of a new part or full time staff position for office support will also be needed.

The department publishes a brochure that describes its programs, facilities, and services. It also contains information on careers in chemistry. This brochure is the department’s primary marketing tool and is widely distributed. Department outreach to students of regional schools through tours and presentations is an effective marketing activity. The department also participates in the Majors Fair and orientation sessions for new and transfer students.


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University Objective 5.3. Ensure the University has human resources necessary to accomplish all university objectives.

Unit Outcomes


Expected Performance Level (Criterion)

Responsible Reporting Unit

Key Strategies /Initiatives

Budget/Resource Analysis

Outcome Assessment Maintain an

enthusiastic and active faculty.

Faculty teaching loads. Number of grants and publications produced. Faculty performance review.

Faculty teaching loads are reflective of individual professor's needs and are in alignment with ACS accreditation. Faculty performance review files reflect a record of continued achievement. Most research groups are supported by internal or external grants. At least two peer reviewed articles are published by the chemistry department each year.

Chemistry Department

Provide adequate goods and services budget. Faculty mentoring and professional development.

Increase the chemistry department current goods and services budget at least to pre budget cut level (from 2008). Full faculty, adjunct, staff, facilities, equipment, and restored goods and services budget are needed to accomplish this task. Increase the level of university funding for professional development.

(See 3.1 and 3.2 for lists of faculty accomplishments) A new mentoring plan has been implemented that provides each new TT and NTT faculty member with a mentor selected from experienced faculty.


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Unit Outcomes


Expected Performance Level (Criterion)

Responsible Reporting Unit

Key Strategies /Initiatives

Budget/Resource Analysis

Outcome Assessment Maintain an

enthusiastic and active staff

Amount of funding available for professional development of staff. Number of training sessions, workshops, or other professional development functions attended by staff. Staff performance reviews. Number of staff attending department meetings.

Sufficient university and COTS level funding is available for all staff to explore professional development opportunities. at least one staff member participates in a professional development opportunity each year. Annual reviews of staff performance reflect a record of continued achievement. Most staff attend all department meetings.

Chemistry department

Provide adequate goods and services budget. Staff mentoring and professional development.

Increase the chemistry department current goods and services budget at least to pre budget cut level (from 2008). Full faculty, adjunct, staff, facilities, equipment, and restored goods and services budget are needed to accomplish this task. Increase the level of university funding for professional development. With departmental growth we will need the safety Officer’s position to be extended from 10 month to full time, the additions another Instrument Technician position, and the addition of a new part of full time staff position for office support.

Staff are welcomed to attend and participate in the regularly scheduled department meetings. Periodic staff retreats encourage staff to work collectively to address department challenges.


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University Objective 5.4 Provide the facility and technology infrastructure and services appropriate to meet the university objectives, while maximizing sustainability and stewardship.

Unit Outcomes


Expected Performance Level (Criterion)

Responsible Reporting Unit

Key Strategies /Initiatives

Budget/Resource Analysis

Outcome Assessment Maintain and

update instrument, equipment, and computing resources for the quality instruction of undergraduate and graduate students. Improve upon ability of staff to maintain scientific equipment utilized by the Chemistry (and other) Departments.

Availability of up- to-date instrumentation in working order. Reduced length of time from request of service to completion of requested service.

Maintain all current instrumentation in good working order; replace aged instrumentation, and acquire new instrumentation to support teaching and research efforts and to keep up with fast paced technological advances. One week from request of service to completion of requested service.

Chemistry, Biology, and Geology Departments, Provost, and Dean.

Set up a new budget line for these critical needs. Develop instrumentation inventories and maintenance logs.

Funds will need to be set aside to support these endeavors. Immediate need is to increase base funding for Instrument Technician, Emil Babik's position, from 3/4 time to full time. With the addition of additional faculty lines another Instrument Technician position will also need to be added.

Emil Babik’s position as Instrument Technician has been increased from ¾ time to full time. No budget line exists at the department, college, or university-level to fund instrument maintenance and depreciation.


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Chemistry Department Strategic Planning Report – Outcome Assessment Summary of 2012 Plan

What have we learned from the first cycle?

The formulation of a working Strategic Plan followed by the outcomes assessment has certainly deepened our appreciation of the department’s strengths and also given us more detailed insight into the department’s weaknesses or areas with considerable room for improvement. It’s also clear that the value of the Plan as a tool can be enhanced in the next iteration by sharpening our focus to increase specificity of outcomes, indicators, and strategies in the areas that really matter, i.e. are most relevant to the department’s mission. We appreciate the comments and advice of Dean Johnson along these lines.

Outcome Assessment of AY 2012/2013 Strategic Plan (by theme)

Theme 1: Assessment data related to academic performance attained by graduates of chemistry degree programs met or surpassed targeted performance levels. The quality of lecture and lab instruction delivered by department faculty, as measured by department means for SEOI scores, compared favorably with COTS means. The Chemistry Drop-In Help Center expanded its operating hours to help meet growing demand for tutorial assistance. More than 1300 tutoring sessions were logged throughout the school year.

In addition, the department made significant progress toward specific outcomes by means of the following initiatives:

• A new mentoring plan for new faculty has been implemented to ensure access to forms of support needed to favor success.

• The graduate program has undergone a thorough curriculum revision resulting in new degree options designed to meet the needs of a greater variety of students, including people working in regional industries.

• The department made substantial changes to strengthen safety policies that apply to teaching and research labs.

Students in chemistry classes have benefitted directly from the expanded Help Center operation and should benefit indirectly from the new mentoring plan for new faculty.

In the next cycle, more attention must be focused on the academic success and quality of experience for the large numbers of non-majors enrolled in chemistry courses, in addition to the majors. Better data related to student success in chemistry courses and programs is needed to establish meaningful performance targets and develop effective strategies for improvement. Significant challenges remain in the areas of supervision of teaching laboratories and instrumentation access due to inadequate personnel and financial resources.

Theme 2: Our outcome assessments related to inclusiveness and diversity reveal the need for the chemistry department to become much more intentional this coming year as we identify more specific goals, indicators, and strategies for improvement. We have a diverse population of students. For the benefit of the students we must determine whether students from underrepresented groups have a rate of success that equals or exceeds the rate of success of the other students. If disparities are

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discovered, an effort must be made to determine causative factors that can be addressed by the department, if possible.

Theme 3: Research and scholarship, along with student participation in these activities, is an outstanding strength of the chemistry department. The data on numbers of publications, presentations, grants received, numbers of students presenting at conferences, etc. clearly demonstrate excellence in this area. The next iteration of the Strategic Plan must better clarify the institutional support and funding needed to sustain excellence in this area.

Theme 4: Available data indicate a successful approach to community outreach, particularly to regional schools and student groups. This is done largely through the activities of the Student ACS Affiliate Chapter known as the Chemistry Club. In addition, the department has obtained approval for a new MS degree option designed for people working in regional industries. The Annual Report of the Student Affiliate chapter indicates considerable benefits to the student members of this organization as a result of the planning and implementation of activities.

Theme 5: Outcome assessments related to marketing, recruitment, and fundraising indicate a need for more intentional planning by the department in these areas. Drastic reductions in budgets due to the State’s financial crisis require careful reexamination of assumptions and the development of new strategies. In the next iteration of the Strategic Plan, priorities will include establishment of fundraising priorities and development of fundraising strategies in consultation with the COTS development officer. The new Plan will also seek to better articulate the relationship between the overall department workload, taking into account enrollment trends, and the personnel, facilities, and financial support required to accomplish the department’s mission.

The 2013 Strategic Plan is a substantial revision of the 2012 Plan, particular for the outcomes included in Themes 1, 2, and 5. A one page summary of the 2013 Plan follows, which attempts to portray the overall intent and thrust of the revisions.

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One Page Summary of 2013 Strategic Plan

Overall intent:

• develop a collective vision of success in the context of mission and the realities of funding limitations and enrollment demographics that will be manifest in the design of our curriculum and the operation of the department

• find or develop more reliable metrics for assessing progress toward important goals • identify obstacles to greater success and develop strategies to address them


• clarify the financial and human resources needed to facilitate progress (Themes 1, 3, and 5) o clearly justify requests to administration for additional personnel and additional funding

in context of mission and impact on student experience o become more intentional and proactive in fundraising, taking advantage of resources in

University Advancement, and becoming more intentional about maintaining and cultivating relationships with former students and alumni in general

• improve the quality of student experience and level of learning for majors and grad students, as well as all non-majors enrolled in chemistry courses (Themes 1 and 2)

o find more reliable methods to assess achievement of learning outcomes o identify obstacles to better learning and seek ways to mitigate them o encourage diversity of the student population served by better understanding the

challenges posed by variations in culture, gender, disabilities, military service, etc. • increase faculty effectiveness in teaching and scholarship by providing better support (Themes 1

and 3) o curriculum and courses reflect up-to-date content and course delivery methods are

chosen to maximize student learning o accessibility to professional development opportunities relevant to teaching o time and financial support for research, writing, and travel o availability of state-of-the-art instrumentation and supporting maintenance

• increase staff effectiveness in their various support roles (Themes 1 and 5) o clarify and justify need for staff expansion in specific areas o improve access to, and financial support for, relevant professional development

opportunities • improve the working environment for all department employees (Theme 5)

o identify areas where improvement is needed and develop strategies for progress • Become more aware of the department’s place (reputation, role) in the larger scheme (college

and university levels and professional arena, i.e. chemistry departments in the NW, regional chemical industry, etc.) (Themes 4 and 5)

o identify lines of accountability and support o become more intentional about our projected image o demonstrate a commitment to the community (surrounding schools, etc.)

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Summary of Budget/Resource Requests in 2013 Plan


• Four additional TT faculty lines are needed. Justification: 1) Student safety and access to the instructor in teaching laboratories for 100 level courses

should be improved by decreasing the student to faculty ratio from 72:1 (1 instructor for 3 rooms, each with 24 students) toward the goal of 24:1 (1 instructor per lab room of 24 students).

2) High enrollment caps (72) for lecture classes are not conducive to a high quality student experience or high rates of success due to imposed limitations on instructional methods and individual attention. Enrollment caps can be lowered only by increasing the number of faculty to teach a larger number of smaller lecture sections.

3) It is difficult to facilitate earned faculty sabbaticals with the current number of TT faculty. 4) The ratio of NTT to TT faculty in the department continues to climb, which adds an element

of instability due the higher turnover in NTT faculty and difficulty in hiring experienced teachers willing to work for CWU NTT salaries.

• An immediate need exists for an increase in support staff as follows:

o a part time office support position o an increase in the Safety Officer position to full time (12 months)

The additional cost of these changes (salary + benefits) is $30090.00

Justification: As the department continues to grow in size and complexity, the pressure on existing support staff increases to maintain adequate support of more lab and lecture sections, more teaching faculty, more instrumentation and equipment, not to mention safety oversight and logistical support. An increase in FTE staff, as outlined above is needed to handle the increasing workload.


• Goods and Services budget must be increased at least to the pre-budget cut level of 2008 ($35,181).

• A fund on the order of $800,000 or more needs to be in place to ensure adequate maintenance and replacement as needed for instrumentation necessary for teaching labs and faculty research.

• Funding to support professional development and teaching innovation activities for all teaching faculty, including FTNTT faculty.

• Graduate assistant stipends must be increased to $13,600 to become competitive with other state chemistry masters-level programs. More assistantship lines are needed, as well.

• $20,000 is needed in additional funds for student research awards to facilitate student participation in faculty research and scholarship.

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• Adequate funding for student lab TA salaries. The department is absolutely dependent on student TA’s to run its lab classes under the current configuration. The need for TA’s is enrollment dependent and should be funded accordingly.

• Travel money is needed to support outreach activities of the ACS Student Affiliate chapter (Chemistry Club) which have significant impact in promoting science at CWU.

• Advertising funds are needed for improved recruiting and marketing expanded to target students from underrepresented groups and potential graduate students from regional industries.

Facilities: The department is facing space shortages at every level. Without access to additional office, research, and classroom space, the department will be hard pressed to continue to fulfill its obligations required by the university mission.

• The department has run out of office space for staff and faculty. Currently, one faculty member is without a satisfactory office with appropriate accessibility by students. With continued growth, provision of office space will become a very serious issue.

• With continued growth in enrollment, classroom space for large lecture classes is insufficient in the Science building, and even in the campus at large. The best way to address this problem is to reduce enrollment caps to 48 or less, which would open up smaller classrooms to serve department needs.

• The research space within department facilities is now completely utilized by current faculty.

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Chemistry Department Strategic Plan 2013 University Core Theme: 1. Teaching and Learning University Objective 1.1. Enhance student success by continually improving the curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular programs.

Unit Outcomes Indicators

Expected Performance Level (Criterion)

Responsible Reporting Unit

Key Strategies /Initiatives

Budget/Resource Analysis

student-centered Chemistry majors will master the concepts and skills designated in course and curriculum learning outcomes that are needed to graduate and successfully pursue career pathways. Majors will progress to graduation within an acceptable time frame. Non-chemistry majors will achieve learning outcomes specified for the courses in which they are enrolled. Class enrollment caps for General Chemistry and Organic Chemistry will be reduced from 72 students to 48 to improve the quality of student experience.

ACS exam scores by course for chemistry majors and graduates. ACS exam scores by course for total course enrollment. Percentage of graduates having spent 5 years or less enrolled at CWU. Percentages of students receiving D, F, or W by course for courses serving large non-major populations. Enrollment caps imposed on General Chemistry and Organic Chemistry lecture sections. Exit portfolios and exit surveys for graduates.

Mean ACS exam scores by course for chemistry majors and graduates remain at or above national averages. Where below national averages, mean ACS exam scores by course for total course enrollment will demonstrate an upward trend. Percentage of graduates having spent 5 years or less enrolled at CWU will demonstrate an upward trend. Percentages of students receiving D, F, or W for courses serving large non-major populations will demonstrate a downward trend. Reduction of enrollment caps for General Chemistry and Organic Chemistry lecture sections from 72 to 60 (short term) – to 48 (long term) Exit and alumni surveys reflect student satisfaction and confidence in the chemistry training received at CWU.

Chemistry Department

Review and clarify learning outcomes for courses required for chemistry majors, as well as courses serving only non-majors. Search for or design a better indicator of overall chemical expertise attained by graduating seniors. Survey graduates taking more than 5 years to reach graduation to determine and address causative factors. Evaluate historical data (D,F, W’s, ACS scores) to determine baseline figures needed to establish more specific performance targets. For courses with high percentages of students receiving a D, F, or W, continue to discuss methods to determine and address primary causative factors. Reduce class enrollment caps for General Chemistry and Organic Chemistry.

Additional TT faculty lines are needed to reduce class size for General Chemistry and Organic Chemistry lecture sections. Increase the chemistry department current goods and services budget at least to pre- budget cut level (from 2008). An increase in support staff is needed, including a part time office support position and an increase in the Safety Officer position to full time (12 months).


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Unit Outcomes


Expected Performance Level (Criterion)

Responsible Reporting Unit

Key Strategies/ Initiatives Budget/Resource Analysis

faculty-centered Offer excellent instruction in chemistry to support the learning outcomes of all lecture and lab courses to meet the needs of chemistry majors, graduate students, and enrolled non-majors. Faculty will demonstrate currency and competence in their subject areas, effective teaching skills, as well as organization and design of coursework. Faculty are aware of technological advances in course delivery tools and utilize such tools as are feasible and appropriate for course content.

Department mean scores on standard evaluative questions of SEOI’s for lecture courses and lab courses (Forms A & D). Clear syllabi addressing course expectations; multifaceted approaches to course delivery and assessment. Examples of technology used in lecture and lab courses. Department meeting(s) devoted to the topic of instructional applications of technology.

SEOI ratings for teaching effectiveness for the department as a whole are comparable to college averages (and university averages if available). 100% of department classes will utilize syllabi that meet department syllabi guidelines. At least one department meeting that addresses the topic of course delivery and instructional applications of technology.

Chemistry Department

Review and update curriculum as needed. Establish syllabi guidelines for chemistry courses. Provide experienced mentors for new faculty. Provide funds for faculty professional development. Department meets with consultant to become more aware of possible applications of online delivery options.

Funding is needed to support professional development for all teaching faculty. Department exploration of multimodal course delivery options has faculty workload implications.


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Unit Outcomes


Expected Performance Level (Criterion)

Responsible Reporting Unit

Key Strategies/ Initiatives

Budget/Resource Analysis

Maintain a high quality graduate program in chemistry. Increased numbers and quality of students entering M.S. Chemistry program.

Enrollment statistics; average GRE scores of students accepted into M.S. Chemistry program. Number and variety of graduate courses offered per year. Number of research grants and publications produced by research groups in the chemistry department.

Increase the number and improve the academic qualifications of accepted applicants. Adequate TA or RA funding is available to every graduate student. Offer at least four graduate courses per year.

Chemistry Department, Graduate Dean’s, COTS Dean’s and Provost’s offices

Development of differential stipends for different disciplines. Increase the number of graduate assistant lines available. Explore new recruitment strategies.

Additional graduate assistant lines are required. Graduate assistant stipends must be increased to $13,600 to become competitive with other state chemistry programs.


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Unit Outcomes


Expected Performance Level (Criterion)

Responsible Reporting Unit

Key Strategies/ Initiatives

Budget/Resource Analysis

Improve the quality of supervision and the level of interaction between students and faculty in introductory chemistry laboratory courses.

Percentages of students receiving D, F, or W in introductory lab courses. Mean scores on standard evaluative questions on SEOI’s for introductory lab courses.

Percentages of students receiving D, F, or W for introductory laboratory courses will demonstrate a downward trend. Mean scores on standard evaluative questions on SEOI’s will demonstrate an upward trend.

Chemistry Department

To improve the quality of lab instruction and improve the level of supervision to promote student success in the General Chemistry laboratory course sequence, (Chem 181Lab, 182Lab, and 183Lab), the student to faculty ratio should be reduced from 72:1 to 24:1 (from three rooms with 24 students supervised by one faculty instructor with 3 TA’s to one instructor with 1 TA for each room). Explore the feasibility of adopting standard lab final exams to assess learning outcomes for General Chemistry lab and Organic Chemistry lab. Evaluate historical D, W, F and SEOI data to determine baseline figures needed to establish more specific performance targets.

Four additional TT faculty lines are needed to improve the supervision and instructional quality of the many General Chemistry sequence lab sections. Student TA salaries are enrollment dependent and should be funded accordingly. Safety Officer position should be increased from 10-mo. to 12-mo. Funding is needed to support maintenance and acquisition of scientific instrumentation in order to maintain a viable chemistry curriculum.


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Unit Outcomes


Expected Performance Level (Criterion)

Responsible Reporting Unit

Key Strategies/ Initiatives

Budget/Resource Analysis

Department is able to maintain current instrumentation, replace aged instrumentation, and acquire new instrumentation to provide students with hands-on experience with modern instrumentation.

University or college-level funding to support maintenance and acquisition of scientific instrumentation.

Maintain all current instrumentation in good functional order; replace aged instrumentation, and acquire new instrumentation to support teaching and research efforts and to keep up with fast-paced technological advances.

Provost or Dean level.

Set up a new budget line for these critical needs.

A university or college -level fund is needed to support maintenance and acquisition of scientific instrumentation in order to maintain a viable chemistry curriculum. Maintenance and equipment replacement has ranged from $10K to $60K in a year. If certain instruments went down (NMR and GCMS) this number could rise to $800K.


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University objective 1.2 Enhance the effectiveness of student support services.

Unit Outcomes


Expected Performance Level (Criterion)

Responsible Reporting Unit

Key Strategies/ Initiatives

Budget/Resource Analysis

Improve the effectiveness of the chemistry drop-in help center.

Numbers of students utilizing the chemistry drop-in help center. Student evaluations of the student tutors and the help center facility.

Numbers of students utilizing the chemistry drop-in help center will increase. The average scores on tutor evaluations will demonstrate an upward trend.

Chemistry Department

Recruit and hire enough qualified student tutors to meet the demand for assistance. Explore ways to improve tutor training.

Find another funding source to fund the chemistry drop-in help center. Identify another location for the help center which can accommodate more students. Continue to provide 3 wlu for a Help Center Coordinator.

Recruit better qualified students to work as TA’s in lab courses. Maintain and improve upon the TA assistance utilized in teaching laboratories.

Minimum and average academic qualifications of TA’s. Instructor evaluations of TA performance. Student evaluations of TA performance.

Amount of chemistry credit taken and mean chemistry GPA of TA’s will demonstrate an upward trend. Evaluation scores for TAs will demonstrate an upward trend.

Chemistry Department

Explore ways to recruit more highly qualified student TA’s. Explore ways to improve the quality and consistency of lab instructor mentoring of TA’s.

Increase funding for student employees working in an instructive capacity. This component of the instructional program is currently underfunded. Therefore there is an immediate need for increasing the funding. TA funding is directly tied to and fluctuates with enrollment; funding should change accordingly.


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University Core Theme: 2. Inclusiveness and diversity University Objective 2.1. Enhance the environment of inclusiveness for faculty, staff, and students.

Unit Outcomes


Expected Performance Level (Criterion)

Responsible Reporting Unit

Key Strategies/ Initiatives

Budget/Resource Analysis

Groups employed by the department (TT faculty, NTT faculty, staff, and student TA’s, RA’s, and tutors) will feel included in the operation and governance of the department as appropriate. Department staff will feel included in relevant communication from the Provost’s office and COTS dean’s office. Students enrolled in courses will feel welcomed by department personnel in a spirit of helpfulness.

Results from an anonymous survey of department employees. The extent to which department staff are included in communications from Provost’s and Dean’s offices. Mean SEOI scores for questions related to students obtaining help from instructors. Exit surveys for graduates.

Survey results indicate improvement from the previous year. Department staff are recognized as an essential element in fulfilling the academic mission of the institution and are included in communications to faculty about academic matters. Mean SEOI scores for relevant questions demonstrate an upward trend. Exit surveys reflect student satisfaction with regard to interacting with department staff and faculty.

Chemistry Department, Provost’s Office, COTS Dean’s office.

Determine the feasibility of an employee survey implemented professionally by an entity outside of the department. Request the Provost’s and Dean’s offices to include staff in communications to faculty. Hold departmental discussions on inclusiveness issues to broaden awareness among employees. Evaluate historical SEOI data to determine baseline figure needed to establish a more specific performance target. Explore campus resources to help the department become well informed and more intentional in this endeavor.

Several of the strategies described to meet this objective have faculty workload implications.


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University Objective 2.2. Increase faculty, staff, and student diversity by active programs of recruitment and retention for members of underrepresented groups.

Unit Outcomes


Expected Performance Level (Criterion)

Responsible Reporting Unit

Key Strategies /Initiatives

Budget/Resource Analysis

The diversity of undergraduate majors in the various chemistry programs will better reflect university and regional demographics, taking into account diversity data from the chemistry profession. Retention of students from underrepresented groups enrolled in chemistry programs will equal or exceed overall retention numbers in these programs. Faculty will actively recruit student research participants from underrepresented groups. In their outreach activities to regional school groups, the Chemistry Club (ACS student affiliate chapter) will intentionally communicate with and recruit students from underrepresented groups.

Diversity of student populations in chemistry relative to regional demographics and university averages. Student retention for underrepresented groups. Diversity of department employee groups relative to regional and university demographics. Faculty participation in STEP, McNair, and Science Honors programs. Percentage of faculty searches conforming to OEO guidelines for recruiting women and minority faculty. Recruiting materials and recruiting statistics. Record of Chemistry Club activities with number of potential CWU students and estimates of numbers of students from underrepresented groups.

Diversity of student populations is more reflective of regional and university demographics. Retention numbers for students from underrepresented groups meets or exceeds overall retention numbers for chemistry courses and programs. Diversity of department employee groups is more reflective of regional and university demographics. Maintain or increase the level of participation of chemistry faculty in STEP, McNair, and Science Honors programs. 100 % of faculty searches conform to OEO guidelines. Impact of Chemistry Club outreach activities reaches substantial numbers of potential CWU students from underrepresented groups.

Chemistry Department.

Increase marketing efforts for research participation, particularly for students in underrepresented groups. Hold discussions to address where we are relative to university, regional, and national demographics, as well as those within the profession, to consider ways to enhance diversity.

Funds will be needed to improve advertising targeted toward underrepresented groups when new faculty and staff are hired. Travel money is needed to support the outreach and recruitment activities of the Chemistry Club.


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University Objective 2.3. Ensure that CWU has an inclusive and diverse curriculum.

Unit Outcomes


Expected Performance Level (Criterion)

Responsible Reporting Unit

Key Strategies /Initiatives

Budget/Resource Analysis

Chemistry program curricula and course design strategies will be relevant and promote success for students from underrepresented groups. Chemistry faculty will be better informed about the impact of culture on learning styles and student expectations, and about effective methods for working with students from underrepresented groups.

Student retention for underrepresented groups. Percentage of D,F,W’s for underrepresented groups in large classes. Number and quality of department discussions and consultations with diversity experts.

Retention numbers for students from underrepresented groups meets or exceeds overall retention numbers for chemistry courses and programs. Percentage of D,F,W’s for underrepresented groups is no higher than for total enrollments. At least one department meeting with a diversity specialist. A department discussion relating to retention and D,F,W data for underrepresented groups, if the data warrants such attention.

Chemistry Department

Department will meet with qualified consultants to become better informed about challenges and effective methods for teaching students from various underrepresented groups. If retention and D,F,W data warrant, faculty will explore methods to identify causative factors.

The strategies described to meet this objective have faculty workload implications.


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University Core Theme: 3. Scholarship and Creative Expression University Objective 3.1. Increase the emphasis on and the opportunities for students, faculty and staff to participate in research, scholarship and creative

expression activities

Unit Outcomes


Expected Performance Level (Criterion)

Responsible Reporting Unit

Key Strategies /Initiatives

Budget/Resource Analysis

Serve the academic community and the general public through scholarly research and service activities. Improve research experience for both undergraduate and graduate students. Department is able to maintain current instrumentation, replace aged instrumentation, and acquire new instrumentation to support faculty research and student participation.

Number of peer-reviewed papers published by department faculty. Number of conferences attended by faculty and number of presentations given at conferences. Number of faculty memberships in professional organizations/ societies. Numbers of external and internal grants awarded. Number of students participating in faculty research activities and number presenting at conferences. Number of outreach programs involving chemistry faculty and students.

Most research groups are supported by internal or external grants. At least six peer reviewed articles are published by the chemistry department faculty each year and at least ten research presentations or seminars are given. All faculty are members of at least one professional organization/society. At least half of chemistry faculty attend at least one professional conference each year. Department is actively involved in outreach activities each year. The number of students involved in faculty research continues at current levels or increases.

Chemistry Department, COTS, and Provost’s office

Maintain a high level of involvement of undergraduate and graduate students in research. Require all research students to attend research seminars. Increased availability of support for professional memberships and travel for professional conferences.

Increasing university level travel support for professional conferences. Fully fund the attendance of at least one national and one regional research conference per year per faculty. Funds are needed from the Office of Graduate Studies, COTS, and/or the Office of the Provost to fund two research seminars per quarter, as also recommended by an ACS external program reviewer. A university or college -level fund i s n e e d e d to support maintenance and acquisition of scientific instrumentation in order to support faculty research and scholarship. Maintenance and equipment replacement has ranged from $10K to $60K in a year. If certain instruments went down (NMR and GCMS) this number could rise to $800K. An increase in support staff is needed, including a part time office support position and an increase in the Safety Officer position to full time.


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University Objective 3.2. Increase the external funding received for research, scholarship, and creative expression by faculty, staff , and students. Unit Outcomes


Expected Performance Level (Criterion)

Responsible Reporting Unit

Key Strategies /Initiatives

Budget/Resource Analysis

Maintain and possibly increase the number of faculty research grants from both internal and external sources.

Number of externa l grants obtained. Total funds awarded. Faculty are able to regularly obtain sabbatical leave.

The extent of external funding for research obtained by faculty continues at current levels or increases. Faculty have adequate workload provision to be active in research.

Chemistry Department

Provide faculty an increase in workload units for scholarship and/or a decrease in workload units for teaching.

Immediate need is one additional TT faculty line to be able to better accommodate regular sabbatical leaves and to provide additional workload units for grant writing. This is requested in addition to the current level of TT and FTNTT support.

The participation of undergraduate and graduate students in faculty-led research is well supported by student research grants/awards internally from the Office of Undergraduate Research, the Graduate Office, and COTS - and externally from NSF, NIH, and CUR.

Numbers of internal and external awards given to undergraduate and graduate students to support research.

The level of internal support increases. The level of external funding for student participation in research demonstrates an upward trend.

Office of Undergraduate Research, the Graduate Office, and COTS.

All students enrolled in research credits receive email from Office of Undergraduate Research, the Graduate Office, and COTS to inform them of the availability of research funds and application deadlines.

Graduate assistant stipends must be increased to $13,600 to become competitive with other state chemistry programs. $20,000 is needed for research awards to support student research.


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University Core Theme: 4. Public Service and Community Engagement University Objective 4.1. Enhance the commitment and the level of cooperation between the university and external communities.

Unit Outcomes


Expected Performance Level (Criterion)

Responsible Reporting Unit

Key Strategies /Initiatives

Budget/Resource Analysis

By means of its ACS student affiliate (Chemistry Club), the department will maintain its outreach and connection to the community by providing educational tours for local and regional student groups and taking chemistry students to tour local and regional companies. Faculty will participate on local boards or community action committees. Increase collaborations with local/ regional industries.

Tour and outreach statistics. Number of faculty on community boards. Numbers of students entering Chemistry M.S. program from local/ regional industries.

Maintain level of outreach to local and regional schools through Chemistry Club activities and other initiatives. Continued level of faculty and staff involvement in community boards and organizations. New M.S. Chemistry graduate students recruited who are using the industrial research option for completing degree.

Chemistry Department.

Improve advertising of Chemistry activities open to community groups. Encourage faculty to interact with the community. Network with professionals in regional industries. Advertise and recruit for new M.S. degree pathway with industrial research option.

Funding for advertising will be needed.

University Objective 4.2. Increase participation in university sponsored life-long learning opportunities.

Unit Outcomes


Expected Performance Level (Criterion)

Responsible Reporting Unit

Key Strategies /Initiatives

Budget/Resource Analysis


N/A at present


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University Objective 4.3. Enhance the efforts of members of the university community to strengthen the economic base of the region and state.

Unit Outcomes


Expected Performance Level (Criterion)

Responsible Reporting Unit

Key Strategies /Initiatives

Budget/Resource Analysis

Prepare students for employment in regional and statewide industry.

The percentage of chemistry graduates who go on to graduate and professional schools, or find employment related to chemistry within the region and state.

The percentage of chemistry graduates who go on to graduate and professional schools, or find employment related to chemistry within the region and state will remain constant or increase.

Chemistry Department.

Maintain an excellent hands-on laboratory curriculum utilizing state-of-the-art instrumentation to ensure that graduates will have the necessary background, knowledge, and skills needed for industrial employment. Network with professionals in regional industries.

A university or college -level fund i s n e e de d to support maintenance and acquisition of scientific instrumentation in order to support faculty research and scholarship. Maintenance and equipment replacement has ranged from $10K to $60K in a year. If certain instruments went down (NMR and GCMS) this number could rise to $800K.


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University Core Theme: 5. Resource development & stewardship University Objective 5.1. Maximize the financial resources to the University, and assure the efficient and effective operations of the University

Unit Outcomes


Expected Performance Level (Criterion)

Responsible Reporting Unit

Key Strategies /Initiatives

Budget/Resource Analysis

Department will establish and maintain a list of fundraising objectives and priorities. Department will work with the COTS Development Officer to identify promising funding sources. Department will continue to publish annual departmental newsletter and ask alumni to donate to scholarships for chemistry students, as well as the department general fund.

Progress toward establishing fundraising objectives and goals. Amount of funds raised toward goals. Number of consultations with COTS Development Officer. Number of department, college, and university committees chaired or served on by faculty.

Department’s fundraising objectives are established. Promising funding sources have been identified and fundraising strategies developed. Distribute one newsletter per year.

Chemistry Department

Explore ways for faculty and staff to cultivate relationships with former students. Maintain an effective working relationship with personnel in University Advancement.

A new part time staff position for office support will need to be added. The strategies described to meet this objective have faculty workload implications.


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Unit Outcomes


Expected Performance Level (Criterion)

Responsible Reporting Unit

Key Strategies /Initiatives

Budget/Resource Analysis

Increase services provided for cost to local and regional industries.

Fees paid for use of instrumentation and services provided. Availability of up-to-date instrumentation in working order.

Increase funds brought in from local/regional companies for services provided by Chemistry Department. All current instrumentation maintained in good working order. Replace aged instrumentation and acquire new instrumentation to support services provided for cost to local and regional industries. Faculty are kept abreast of technological advances in instrumentation.

Chemistry Department

Contacting local/regional businesses with services that can be provided for cost.

A university or college-level fund is needed for instrument maintenance and depreciation.


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University Objective 5.2. Develop and implement enrollment management and marketing plans that meet the enrollment objectives of the University.

Unit Outcomes


Expected Performance Level (Criterion)

Responsible Reporting Unit

Key Strategies /Initiatives

Budget/Resource Analysis

Department will establish enrollment objectives for the number of majors in its degree programs, the number of graduate students, and total enrollments in its courses. Department will successfully market itself to target audiences.

Numbers of majors and graduate students, as well as total enrollments in courses. Retention rate for majors. Enrollment objectives. Extent of department advertising on web page and other means.

Enrollment objectives are established and baseline enrollment numbers have been determined. Retention rate for majors improves. Effective advertising has been deployed.

Chemistry Department

Analyze historic enrollment trends, along with availability of faculty and facilities, to establish enrollment objectives. Examine historical retention data to develop specific targets and strategies for improvement. Explore new marketing and recruitment strategies. Consult and work together with the new STEM science recruiter.

Increase the chemistry department current goods and services budget at least to pre-budget cut level (from 2008). Full faculty, adjunct, facilities, equipment, and restored goods and services budget are needed to accomplish this task. An increase in support staff is needed, including a part time office support position and an increase in the Safety Officer position to full time (12 months). Several of the strategies described to meet this objective have faculty workload implications.


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University Objective 5.3. Ensure the University has human resources necessary to accomplish all university objectives.

Unit Outcomes


Expected Performance Level (Criterion)

Responsible Reporting Unit

Key Strategies /Initiatives

Budget/Resource Analysis

Department has sufficient faculty to ensure that the instructor of record for every course meets or exceeds minimum qualifications and has the necessary expertise. Department has adequate support staff to maintain a smooth and effective operation. Workloads for faculty and staff are reasonable and in compliance with bargaining agreements.

Number of TT faculty lines. Number of FTNTT positions. Number of FTE support staff. Faculty teaching loads.

Department has sufficient number of faculty to meet the demands of course enrollments. Faculty teaching loads are reflective of individual professor's needs and are in alignment with ACS accreditation. Department has sufficient staff to support safe and efficient day-to-day operation. Sufficient university and COTS level funding is available for all staff to explore professional development opportunities. At least one staff member participates in a professional development opportunity each year.

Chemistry Department, COTS

Establish a target ratio of TT to NTT faculty. Provide effective mentoring for new faculty. Support professional development for all teaching faculty. Support relevant training and professional development opportunities for staff.

Four additional TT faculty lines are needed to provide all lecture and lab courses with qualified instructors and to decrease the student to faculty ratio to improve lab safety and quality of instruction. An increase in support staff is needed as follows: • add a part time

position for office support.

• increase the Safety Officer position to full time (12 mo.).

Increase the level of college or university funding for professional development for all faculty and all staff.


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University Objective 5.4 Provide the facility and technology infrastructure and services appropriate to meet the university objectives, while maximizing sustainability and stewardship.

Unit Outcomes


Expected Performance Level (Criterion)

Responsible Reporting

Key Strategies /Initiatives

Budget/Resource Analysis

Department has sufficient space allocation to provide office space for all faculty and staff, research space for TT faculty, storage space for equipment, chemicals and supplies, and department records. Adequate classroom space is available to meet the demands of course enrollments. Up-to-date instrumentation, equipment, and computing resources are available to support quality instruction of undergraduate and graduate students.

Unfulfilled space requirements. Availability of modern instrumentation in working order. Level of funding for instrument maintenance and depreciation. Length of time from request of instrument repair or maintenance service to completion of requested service.

Basic space requirements for faculty and staff offices, faculty research, and department storage needs are met. Classroom space is available that is suitable in size and available features for chemistry classes. A fund of $800,000 is available, as needed, for instrument maintenance and depreciation. Maintain all current instrumentation in good working order; replace aged instrumentation, and acquire new instrumentation needed to support lab instruction and faculty research efforts.

Chemistry, Biology, and Geology Departments, Provost, and Dean.

Clearly identify space requirements and unfulfilled needs. Seek solutions to department space needs for: • faculty & staff

offices • faculty research Seek better solutions to meet the growing need for suitable classroom space. Reduce class enrollment caps for General Chemistry and Organic Chemistry to utilize smaller classrooms and improve academic quality. Develop instrumentation inventories and maintenance logs.

Due to growing enrollments, more sections of large introductory chemistry courses will require that additional suitable classrooms be available to chemistry classes. Alternatively, decrease class size caps to utilize smaller classrooms. A fund of $800,000 is needed to provide for repair and possible replacement of major instrumentation, e.g. the NMR spectrometer. With the increased use of instrumentation due to additional faculty lines, another Instrument Technician position will be needed.


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Data Needed for Outcome Assessment of 2013 Chemistry Department Strategic Plan

Categorized by source of data.

from the Office of Organizational Effectiveness:

• Retention rates for students in chemistry degree programs • Student retention data for students in designated underrepresented groups for specified large

courses • Percentages of students receiving D, F, or W by course for total course enrollment, and for

students of designated underrepresented groups

from the Chemistry Department:

• American Chemical Society (ACS) accreditation status • American Chemical Society (ACS) standardized exam scores by course for chemistry majors and

for total course enrollments • class enrollment caps • results from exit surveys of graduates • percentage of chemistry graduates going on to graduate and professional schools, or finding

employment related to chemistry within the NW • results of an alumni survey • department mean scores on standard evaluative questions of SEOI’s for lecture and lab scores

(forms A & D), and mean scores on questions related to students obtaining help from instructors • mean GRE scores for students accepted in MS degree programs • number of TT faculty lines, number of FTNTT positions, number of FTE staff • number of students entering MS program from local and regional industries • number of graduate courses offered annually • level of financial support available for professional development for faculty and for staff • number of faculty sabbaticals awarded • level of funding provided for maintenance and replacement of essential laboratory

instrumentation • number of student tutoring sessions performed by tutors in the Chemistry Drop-In Help Center • mean student evaluation scores on Help Center evaluation survey • mean student evaluation scores for evaluation survey of lab TA’s • results of instructor evaluations of lab TA’s • number of faculty discussions related to targeted issues, including diversity, exploration of

alternative class delivery methods, and fundraising objectives and strategies • level of university funding received in the form of student research awards

from the Chemistry faculty:

• numbers of peer-reviewed publications, presentations at regional, national, and international conferences by faculty

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• number of students participating in faculty research projects • number of students presenting research results at conferences • numbers of external and internal grants awarded to faculty • faculty service contributions involving department and campus committees served on or

chaired, and community boards or groups served

from the ACS Student Affiliate (Chemistry Club):

• number of people impacted by department outreach to the campus and community through activities of the ACS Student Affiliate chapter

• number of members of the ACS Student Affiliate chapter
