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States of Matter Y9Draw a particles (circles) diagram

Heating and cooling curves

Label the graph with the state at each point.

Why does the temperature not change when something changes state _______________________ _______________________ _______________________DiffusionDefine diffusion __________________________________________ _______________________ ________________________________

The smoke forms nearer to the ammonia end why?.___________________________________-PressureDefine pressure __________________________________________ _______________________ ________________________________

State 4 ways to increase pressure________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________Separation techniques draw a labelled diagram for the following and give an example of each filteringChromatography

DistillationFractional distillation

CrystallisationPurity testing

Define Solvent _________________________________________ Define Solute _________________________________________Define insoluble _________________________________________Define dissolve_________________________________________Define solution_________________________________________Chemical reactions Y9Give 4 signs that a chemical reaction has taken place________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Element/compound or mixture

Can contain any number of substances in a different ratio A/B/C/D Element/compound or mixtureContains one type of atom A/B/C/D Element/compound or mixtureContains more than one type of atom chemically bonded A/B/C/D lement/compound or mixtureMetallic/Ionic/Covalent Bonding

Ionic Bonding Draw the ions for the followingCovalent Bonding Draw on the electrons to show bonding

HydrogenChlorineWaterOxygenMethane (CH4)Carbon dioxide (CO2)


Subatomic particleMassCharge+1-10Match the pictures above with the words below and define the wordsElement



Name the 3 parts of the nucleus.a__________________b__________________c__________________Complete the sentences with the following words. (some are red herrings!) Ionicelementsodiumelectron covalent chlorinechlorinesodiumNa+ Na- Cl+ compoundCl-Sodium chloride NaCl is a ____________. There are __________ bonds between the two elements _________ and _________. When these atoms bond one ____________ from the ___________ atom is donated to the _____________ atom. This results in 2 ions : _______ and _______.ionLost/ gained?Number of electronsMg 2+lost2Cl -Li +O 2-Fe 3+Complete the electron arrangement of a boron atomComplete the electron arrangement of a boron ion

Colour on the Periodic table non-metals unreactive gases alkali metals are found (very reactive)Atoms in the same group have similar properties because they have the same number of _____________ in the outer shell.The mass number is the total number of ________ and _______.The atomic number is the number of __________.IsotopesIsotopes are atoms of the same element with the same/different numbers of protons. Isotopes are atoms of the same element with the same/ different numbers of electrons.Isotopes are atoms of the same element with the same/ different numbers of neutrons.Alkali MetalsWhat do they look like? ______________________________________Why are they stored under oil? _______________________________________Why does reactivity increase down the group?_______________________________________ _______________________________________Write the equation for sodium with water produces sodium hydroxide and hydrogen______________________________________

Subatomic particleMassCharge+1-10Name the 3 parts of the atom.a__________________b__________________c__________________

Colour on the Periodic table non-metals unreactive gases alkali metals are found (very reactive)Atoms in the same group have similar properties because they have the same number of _____________ in the outer shell. The nucleon number is the total number of ________ and _______. The proton number is the number of __________which is equal to the number of ________________. Periodic Table y10

LabelNucleon number and Proton number (LHS)Protons neutrons Electrons (RHS)

HalogensGive two examples of halogens ______________________________________Describe what they look like _______________________________________Why does reactivity decrease down the group?_______________________________________ _____________________________________

Transition metalsWhat are their physical properties? _________________________ _________________________What are their chemical properties? _________________________ _________________________What are their uses? __________________________________________________Rates of Reaction y10What FOUR things cause a reaction to increase? Explain using particle theory!________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Draw the apparatus to investigate the rate of reaction

Define Rate of Reaction _______________________________________Two reasons a reaction stops? ______________________________________________________________________________

What 2 things need to occur for a reaction to happen ______________________________________________________________________________

Describe the role of light in photochemical reactions and the effect on the rate (speed) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Equilibrium & Breaking BondsDefine exothermic reaction _______________________ _______________________________________________Define endothermic reaction ______________________ _________________________________________________Define equilibrium _______________________________ _________________________________________________Define Dynamic ___________________________________ _________________________________________________

Increasing ConcentrationIncreasing PressureIncreasing temperature Exothermic/endothermic?Amount of energy needed to break bonds less than amount of energy released. Exothermic/endothermic

If the energy taken in to break bonds is more than the energy releasedExothermic/endothermicBurning a fuel in airExothermic/endothermic


BiofuelNuclear fuel2 pros2 cons

REDOX y10OILRIG stands forO_________ I__ L_______ o __ e_________ R__________ I__ G_______ o__ e_________ RulesOxidation state of an element is 0Ionic compounds oxidation state is its chargeHydrogen = +1Oxygen = -2Oxidation states in a compound = 0Work out the oxidation states :2Mg + O2 2MgOMg = ______O = _____MgO ______Has the Mg been oxidised/reduced?Has the O been oxidised/reduced?This reaction takes place in the blast furnace: Fe2O3 (s) + 3CO ( g) 2Fe (l) + 3CO2( g)The word equation for the reaction is:It is a redox reaction, because The reducing agent in this reaction is ....

Which is being oxidised and which is being reduced?a) Mg + 2HCl MgCl2 + H2b) 2CO + O2 2 CO2c) 3H2 + N2 2NH3d) 4Na + O2 2Na2O What is the oxidation state of:Cu in CuO ___________Cu in Cu2O ___________Fe in FeCl2 ___________Fe in FeCl3 ___________

Electrolysis y10What is a conductor? ____________________________What is an insulator? ___________________________Why are the only solids that conduct are metals and graphite ___________________________________ ________________________________________________Why do ionic substances only conduct when molten/dissolvedElectrolysisDefine electrolysis _______________________ ______________________________________4 uses of electrolysis _____________________ ______________________________________RULES FOR ELECTROLYSISAt cathode (-), either a metal/hydrogen formsIf a metal is more reactive than hydrogen its ions stay in solution and hydrogen bubbles offIf the metal is less reactive than hydrogen the metal forms.

At anode (+) a non-metal other than hydrogen forms.If it is a concentrated solution of a halide then halogens form.If the halide solution is dilute /no halide oxygen forms.

Match the keyword

Electrolysis of copper with copper electrodesIonic equation at cathode ___________________________Ionic equation at anode ___________________________

Electrolysis of copper with inert electrodesIonic equation at cathode ___________________________Ionic equation at anode ___________________________Anode Cathode Anions Cations Electrolyte negative ionsliquid which conducts electricitypositive electrodePositive ionsNegative electrodeChemicalUses

Sodium chlorideChlorineHydrogenSodium hydroxide

Test for chlorine _______________

Electrolysis of BrineIonic equation at cathode ___________________________Ionic equation at anode ___________________________Moles y10Atom calculationsHow many atoms of carbon are in a 10 g diamond Moles = mass/RMM = 10/12= 0.833 moles 1 moles = 6.02x1023 0.833 x 6.02x1023 = 5.02x1023Q1 What mass of silicon contains 1.25x1022 silicon atoms Q2 What mass of titanium contains 1.204x1024 atoms

Avagadros constant is 6.02x1023What mass of aluminium oxide is produced when 135 g of aluminium is burned in oxygen? 2 Al + 3 O2 Al2O3

What mass of iodine is produced when 7.1 g of chlorine reacts with excess potassium iodide?Cl2 + 2 KI 2 KCl + I2

Gas CalculationsWhat volume does 0.25moles of a gas occupy at rtp?1 mole occupies 24 dm3 so 0.25 moles occupies 0.25 x 24 dm3 = 6 dm3So 0.25 moles of any gas occupies 6dm3 at rtp.

Q 3 What volume of nitrogen reacts with 10 kg of hydrogen to form ammonia?N2(g) + 3 H2(g) 2 NH3(g) Q4 What volume of oxygen reacts with 510 g of ammonia? 4 NH3(g) + 5 O2(g) 4 NO(g) + 6 H2O(g)

ConcentrationsSolution A contains 2.5g copper sulphate in 1dm3 of waterSolution B contains 125g copper sulphate in 0.5dm3 waterChange the mass to moles.Mr of copper sulphate is 250

Solution A : 2.5g = 0.01 moles 1dm3 there are 0.01 moles/dm3

Solution B : 125g in 0.5dm3, which is 250g in 1dm3 =1 moles/dm3 = 1M

Q5 What is the concentration of a solution containing.4 moles in 2 dm3 of solution0.3 moles in 200cm3 of solution

Q6 The Mr of sodium hydroxide is 40. How many grams of sodium hydroxide are in500cm3 of a molar solution25cm3 of a 0.5M solution

For each of the following compounds the Mr and the empirical formula is shown. Work out the molecular formula of each compound.empirical formula = CH3Mr = 30empirical formula = NH3Mr = 17empirical formula = CH2Mr = 98empirical formula = CHMr = 78Calculate the percentage of the elements shown in the following compounds:C in CO N in (NH4)2SO4O in Al(OH)3 O in Na2CO3.10H2OBehaviour of Metals y10Iron reduces copper oxide (OIL RIG)

EquationFe (s) + CuO (s) FeO (s) + Cu(s)

Half equations __________________________________ _________________________________

Ionic equations _________________________________Where are metals found in the periodic table? __________________

Name 5 properties of metals _________________________________ _________________________________________________________

Chemical properties of metals________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Draw a picture of an alloy What is an alloy? ___________________ ______________________

Thermal Decomposition Reactions _____________ Oxide + carbon dioxide (except Na &K)

_____________ Oxide + Water (except Na & K)

_____________ Oxide + nitrogen dioxide + oxygen (except Na & K)Why does aluminium not rust? ______________________________ _______________________________________________________Explain 2 ways you can protect iron from rusting? _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________USES of METALS y10Extraction of metals from the oresLabel on the right Which ones are extracted by electrolysis, which are found naturally and which are burnt with carbon and reducedName two uses of aluminium? ______________________________ _______________________________________________________Two uses of copper ? _____________________________________Two uses of zinc? _____________________________________Name the uses of mild steel ________________________________Name the uses of stainless steel _____________________________ _______________________________________________________Name the uses of copper related to its properties ______________ _______________________________________________________

Label the blast furnace

Name an iron ore used in the blast furnace._________________________ Name two substances that are mixed with iron ore__________________________________________________Name one of the gases leaving the blast furnace. _________________________________________________________________________________ Name two substances which react together to produce most of the energy required to heat the furnace to 1400C ________________________________________________ What impurities are found and how are they removed._________________________________________________________________________________

Extracting zincHow do you extract zinc from zinc blende? _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________OresWhat is haematite ? ______________________What is bauxite? _________________________AIR and WATER Y11Seperation of airYou can separate gases from air by fractional distillation.________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________2 uses of oxygen _______________________________________2 uses of nitrogen _______________________________________2 uses of noble gases _______________________________________ What is the equation for respiration _______________________________________________________What is the equation for combustion_______________________________________________________What is the equation for photosynthesis_______________________________________________________What is thermal decomposition?_______________________________________________________

Name 4 pollutants in air _______________________________ _____________________________________________________________

What is the composition of air?Complete the pie chart for oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and other gases

RustingWhat 2 conditions are needed for rusting? _______________________Write and equation __________________________________________How can you stop rusting _____________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Define solution_________________________________Define solvent _________________________________Define soluble_________________________________2 tests for water?________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Water treatmentAdd the labels chlorination(kill bacteria) coagulant sand filters and charcoal add air

Non-Metals Y11Haber Process What does the Haber process make? ______________________What is the equation ? __________________________________

Where does the nitrogen come from? ______________________Where does the hydrogen come from? _____________________

3 conditions for the Haber Process? _______________________ _____________________________________________________LimestoneFormula of Limestone? ___________________________________2 uses of limestone _____________________________________Formula of Lime _______________________________________2 uses of lime ________________________________________Formula of Slaked Lime ___________________________________2 uses of Slaked Lime ____________________________________Thermal decomposition Define Thermal decomposition ______________________________

2 Uses of Calcium oxide ____________________________________What is the equation for calcium oxide when it reacts with water? ________________________________________________________ Equations for making fertilisersAmmonia + nitric acid __________________________ + Sulphuric acid ammonium _________Ammonia + ___________ acid _________ phosphatePotassium hydroxide + nitric acid potassium ____ +waterAmmonium chloride + calcium hydroxide calcium chloride + water + _______

Making fertilisersElement What it is used for?Nitrogen_______________________________________Phosphorous_______________________________________Potassium_______________________________________

Organic Chemistry Y11CrackingWhat is cracking? __________________________________________ _______________________ ________________________________What conditions are needed for cracking? ________________________________________________________What is a hydrocarbon? _____________________________________

CombustionWhat is combustion? ________________________________________Equation for Complete Combustion ________________________________________________________Equation for Incomplete Combustion ________________________________________________________

Difference between alkanes and alkenes __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________What can you use to test if something is an alkane or alkene? __________________________________________________

Two ways to make alcohol __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

Fractional DistillationThe crude oil enters the column at the _________ where it is extremely ________. Here the different fractions _________ and evaporates. The higher they rise the _________ they become. When they _________ enough they will turn back to _________. The fractions can be collected at the __________ of the column. Fractions with ___________ boiling points are found at the bottom. Ones with _________ boiling points are found at the top.

Polymers Y11Match up the following5 uses of plastics ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5 properties of plastics _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How can plastics be disposed of __________________________________________________

Acids and Bases Y10

Zinc reacts with oxygen. Zinc oxide is made.What are the reactants?________ ________What is the product?_____________Complete the word equation for this reaction___________+ ____________ __________ ________

2Zn + O2 2ZnOHow many Zinc and Oxygen atoms are on the left-hand side?Zn ______0_______How many Zinc and Oxygen atoms are on the right-hand side?Zn ______O______Is this equation balanced? Yes/NoAcids have pHs of _____ to _____Bases (soluble alkalis) have pHs of _______ to ______.Neutral is pH _______Indicators are used to.

Complete the equation for a neutralisation reaction:Acid+ Alkali ________ + _________

Tick which of the following are real uses of neutralisation reactions.Indigestion tablets (neutralising stomach acid)In cars (neutralising battery acid)On fish and chips (vinegar is an acid)In Gardening (Neutralising acidic soils)In Lakes (Neutralising lakes which have become acidic due to acid rain

pH27814Colour with Universal indicatorAcid Alkali, neutral?PurpleStrong AlkaliRedBlueGreenReactions with Acids. Complete the equationsAcid+ metal salt + hydrogenHydrochloric acid + _________ magnesium chloride + hydrogen_________ acid + zinc zinc sulfate + HydrogenAcid + metal oxide salt + waterAcid + metal hydroxide salt + waterNitric acid + copper oxide- ___________ ___________ + waterSulphuric acid + ________ _______ zinc sulfate + water___________acid + sodium hydroxide sodium chloride + ______Acid+ metal carbonate salt + water + carbon dioxideHydrochloric acid + sodium carbonate ______ ________ + water + ___________ ____________

Which gasWhat do you do?What happens?Gives a squeaky popBubble through limewaterOxygenIn the Lab Y11
