
China in the Modern Age

A move towards capitalism; continued strife

After the Cultural Revolution

• The Cultural Revolution turned many people away from communism

• Why:???• Zhou Enlai in the 1970s moved against the

radical political movements of the Cultural Revolution and called for diplomacy with the US and trade with other countries.

Zhou EnlaiAlways loyal to Mao (even with disagreements). Had a showdown with Mao’s wife: Jang Qing. She fully supported reforms of the cultural revolution; Zhou supported a more moderate China.

Peace though Table Tennis(For Realsies)

China and the West

• Zhou open doors to Table Tennis in 1971• This opens doors to diplomacy and trade with

the United states– In 1972, President Richard Nixon, Mao and Zhou

established formal diplomatic relations

Economic Reform

• Mao and Zhou die in 1976. Fellow leader, Deng Xiaoping take control. – Deng is the last of the “old revolutionaries” or

rulers that survived the Long March

Economic Reforms Continued

• Deng was willing to use capitalist ideas in order to improve the economy of China. This is something that Mao and Zhou were opposed to his beliefs.

Four Modernizations

• Progress in agriculture, industry, defense, science and technology

• Eliminated communes and released land to individual peasants

Four Modernizations

• Peasants could now sell crops for profit

• Small businesses could operate for profit

• State operated businesses could set own goals

• Called the Second Revolution

• What resulted?

Tiananmen Square

• Gap between rich and poor• With the increase in Western trade, came an

increase of Western ideas—specifically democracy.

• How might the people of China react to new ideas and Why is this a problem for leaders of China?

The Crackdown-Tiananmen Square in 1989

Crackdown continued . . .

• Students call for democracy; Deng calls for complete order—by any means.

• Students want Deng’s resignation; Deng calls martial law

• Many students refuse to leave for their ideals and suffer the ultimate penalty.

Primary Source: Student

• “It would be a lie to say that we were not afraid, but we were mentally prepared and very determined. Some students could not believe that the army really would use deadly force. . . . But we believed that it would be worth sacrificing our lives for the sake of progress and democracy in China.”

Assault at Tiananmen

• 10,000 arrested• Hundreds killed• Thousands wounded

Tank Man

Long Road Towards Democracy• Deng continues economic reforms even after

the loss of control during Tiananmen Square• By 1990s, China’s economy booms; yet, the

government repress pro-democracy movement.

• In 1997, Hong Kong is released to China from Great Britain’s control. Protests continue today in Hong Kong.

• Many argue that continued trade with China will also encourage discussion of democracy.