Page 1: China Trade mission 中國貿易代表團...(Euro Health Consumer Index, 2017) • 1st Production and auctioning of cut flowers and flower bulbs • 1st World’s largest flower exporter

15-23 June 2019 2019 年 6 月 15 日至 23 日

China Trade mission中國貿易代表團

Page 2: China Trade mission 中國貿易代表團...(Euro Health Consumer Index, 2017) • 1st Production and auctioning of cut flowers and flower bulbs • 1st World’s largest flower exporter

As Vice Governor of the province of Friesland (Fryslân) I am honoured to be back in friendship region in China. Our last visit in June 2018 is already too long ago. We share a bond of friendship for a decade and our friendship is developing and increasing.

身為菲仕蘭 (Fryslân) 省的副省長,我很榮幸能回到在中

國的友誼地區。距離我們在 2018 年 6 月的最後一次訪問



My province, Friesland has very much to offer. Friesland is leading in the world in the field of dairy- and agribusi-ness. We have leading enterprises on tourism, sports, speciality in icespeedskating and watertechnology. Besides the companies, we also have top-level educa-tion programs in this fields up to university level with possibilities of student exchange programs.






The dairy and agro industry in China is growing and is facing some major challenges in the coming years. These challenges lie in the areas education of resource and environmental constraints and restoring consumer confidence. Here the Dutch and the Frisian can help. Dutch know how technology can be very useful in achieving more efficient use of resources, better animal health and higher dairy product quality and safety.






So what is our goal? Our main goal is to facilitate companies and entrepreneurs to find their way to the Chinese market and to do business. We want to use

platforms like for instance a World Trade Center to develop programs in the field of dairy, agro, water-technology, culture and tourism, sports and innovation and connect from these programs our world leading Frisian companies in the fields mentioned with Chinese companies.






China has a powerful economy and is developing very fast. This generates a more demanding population. Rising consumption of dairy, environmental problems and more money for travelling abroad and tourism. This is nowadays even possible by train trough the one belt one road policy. All these developments create chances for Chinese and Frysian companies for working together and trade. We like to learn from the Chinese and we look forward to work together and to do business.







So we have a lot to share and learn from each other. So let us walk together for a bright future for both your cities and our provinces.


互相分享和彼此學習。 讓




Klaas Kielstra Vice governor副省長

Foreword 前言

Page 3: China Trade mission 中國貿易代表團...(Euro Health Consumer Index, 2017) • 1st Production and auctioning of cut flowers and flower bulbs • 1st World’s largest flower exporter

• 1st Best water transport infrastructure in the world (IMD, 2016)

• 1st Best performing European Healthcare system (Euro Health Consumer Index, 2017)

• 1st Production and auctioning of cut flowers and flower bulbs

• 1st World’s largest flower exporter• 2nd Number of patent applications per million

inhabitants in the world (WIPO, 2016)• 2nd Largest exporter of agricultural products

in the world (WTO, 2016)• 3rd Number of broadband connections per

100 inhabitants (41.3%, OECD, 2016)• 4th At WEF’s ranking of most competitive

economies in the world• 4th At RISE’s global energy policy ranking• 4th At World Bank’s Logistics Performance Index

Facts & Figures• Official name Province of Fryslan• Form of government Constitutional monarchy,

parliamentary democracy• Head of province Kings commissionaire

Mr. Arno Brok• Seat of government Leeuwarden• Administrative structure 18 municipality’s • Surface area 3.250 km2 water 2.100 km2• Location Western Europe, by the North Sea,

bordering Belgium and Germany• Number of inhabitants 0.65 million (June 2017)• Number of inhabitants per km2 200 (June 2017)• Currency Euro• Languages Dutch and Frisian• GDP per capita 40,941 euros (FocusEconomics, 2017)• 33% of Dutch GDP is derived internationally• 1.3 bicycles for each person in the Netherlands• Unemployment rate 5,6% (average 2007-2016)• Moderate inflation 1.4% (average 2007-2016)• 90% of all Dutch people speak English

• 世界第一的水運基礎設施(IMD,2016 年)

• 歐洲健康消費者指數表現最佳,排名第一(2017 年)

• 切花和花苞的生產和拍賣排名第一

• 全球排名第一的花卉出口國

• 全球每百萬居民的專利申請數量第二名

(WIPO,2016 年)

• 全球第二大農產品出口國(WTO,2016 年)

• 每 100 名居民的寬頻連接數量第三名(41.3%,

OECD,2016 年)

• 名列世界經濟論壇的全球最具競爭力的經濟體第四

• RISE 全球能源政策排名第四名

• 世界銀行後勤績效指數第四名


• 官方名稱,菲仕蘭省

• 政府形式,君主立憲制,議會民主制

• 省長 國王專員 Arno Brok 先生

• 政府所在地 呂瓦登

• 行政結構 18 個自治市

• 表面積 3.250 平方公里 水域 2.100 平方公里

• 位置 西歐,瀕臨北海,與比利時及德國接壤

• 居民人數 65 萬人(2017 年 6 月)

• 每平方公里居民人數 200 人(2017 年 6 月)

• 貨幣 歐元

• 語言 荷蘭語和菲仕蘭語

• 人均國內生產總值 40,941歐元

(FocusEconomics,2017 年)

• 荷蘭國內生產總值的 33% 來自國際

• 荷蘭全境每人平均 1.3 輛自行車

• 失業率 5.6%(2007-2016 年平均值)

• 中度通貨膨脹 1.4%(2007-2016 年平均值)

• 90% 的荷蘭人可以講英語

Netherlands/ Province of Friesland worldwide ranking

荷蘭/ 菲仕蘭省。全球排名

Page 4: China Trade mission 中國貿易代表團...(Euro Health Consumer Index, 2017) • 1st Production and auctioning of cut flowers and flower bulbs • 1st World’s largest flower exporter

Company/organisation Aim mission Function Name Sector Province of Fryslan Delegation Leader Vice governor Klaas Kielstra Government Advisor China Anne de Vries Manager Sjoerd Vrieswijk Economics Embassy Beijing Support matchmaking Advisor Yin Hang Government NBSO Dalian World Trade Center Cooperation worldwide Managing Evert Jan Semi Northern Netherlands/ WTC/Harbin agriculture Director Schouwstra Government Leeuwarden Memorandum of Center for Export Understanding (MOU) & Import S-Energy Netherlands Matchmaking program Director Gert Bakker Company Fries Museum / Exchange programme, Director Kris Callens Semi Princessehof exchange of art, government National Museum design and ceramics, of Ceramics exchange of exhibition design experience Water Alliance Cooperation Water- Director Hein Molenkamp Semi companies/Waterhub government in China Hellema b.v. Export biscuit/on Managing Gerrit Hellema Company request of Heilongijang director joint venture in Harbin Advisor Asia Alejandro Verni Woodpacker Trading b.v. Member of EPAL board, Director Ruben Hut Company import/export of wooden Sales manager Monique Hut boards from the EU B&E Further expand activities Director Epi Postma Company in Heilongjiang LdJ Sporthorses B.V. Export sporthorses, Owner Linda de Jong Company knowledge & Training Thialf Exchange top & Talent Director Marc Winters Company skating program China Maartje Unlimited Development 500m2 Director Maartje de Jonge Company expospace WTC Harbin Jo Weir Video presentation Owner Marjolein Wiersma Company trade mission CRV Delivery of high quality sperm Director Bart Dronkert Company to both regions (MOU) sales Asia Dairy Campus/Van Hall Cooperation university, Dairy Head of Han Zuidema Education Larenstein UAS campus China. Exchange China Office and research program students

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公司/組織 目標任務 職能 名稱 部門

菲仕蘭省 代表團領導, 副省長 Klaas Kielstra 政府

中國顧問 Anne de Vries


經濟學 Sjoerd Vrieswijk

北京大使館 支援配對 顧問 Yin Hang 政府



世界貿易中心 全球合作 WTC/ 常務董事 Evert Jan 半政府

北荷蘭/呂瓦登 哈爾濱農業諒解備忘錄 Schouwstra

進出口中心 (MOU)

S-Energy 荷蘭 配對計劃 董事 Gert Bakker 公司

Fries 博物館/ 交流計劃、藝術交流、 董事 Kris Callens 半政府

Princessehof 設計和陶瓷、展覽設計

國家陶瓷博物館 經驗交流

Water Alliance 與中國的水公司/水務中心合作 董事 Hein Molenkamp 半政府

Hellema b.v. 餅乾出口/ 常務董事 Gerrit Hellema 公司

應哈爾濱黑龍江合資企業的要求 亞洲顧問 Alejandro Verni

Woodpacker Trading b.v. EPAL 董事會成員, 董事 Ruben Hut 公司

從歐盟進口/出口木板 銷售經理 Monique Hut

B&E 進一步擴大在黑龍江的活動 董事 Epi Postma 公司

LdJ Sporthorses B.V. 出口運動馬,知識和培訓 所有人 Linda de Jong 公司

Thialf 交換頂尖和人才滑冰計劃 董事 Marc Winters 公司


Maartje Unlimited 開發 500 平方米的哈爾濱世貿 董事 Maartje de Jonge 公司


Jo Weir 視訊簡報貿易代表團 所有人 Marjolein Wiersma 公司

CRV 向兩個地區提供高品質的乳 亞洲銷售總監 Bart Dronkert 公司

製品和肉牛遺傳學 MOU)。

Dairy Campus/Van Hall 合作大學,乳製品校園中國。 中國辦公室主任 Han Zuidema 教育和研究

Larenstein UAS 交換計劃的學生

Page 6: China Trade mission 中國貿易代表團...(Euro Health Consumer Index, 2017) • 1st Production and auctioning of cut flowers and flower bulbs • 1st World’s largest flower exporter

Hellema Hallum B.V. Hellema is a unique family business with more than 150 years experience in

baking the best cookies and developing successful brands. Old traditions continue with the innovation of the future: the latest manufacturing techniques and high quality assurance systems. Much attention is paid to research and product development. This results in unique products that fit the ever-changing consumer demand. With our flexible company structure, Hellema can respond quickly to questions from the international market. Hellema 是一間獨特的家族企業,該公司擁有超過 150 年的經驗,能烘焙出最




司結構,Hellema 得以快速回應國際市場的問題。 總經理 Owner/CEO Gerrit Hellema 電子郵件 E-mail [email protected] 電話 Phone +31 (0) 518 438888

Princessehof National Museum of Ceramics 國家陶瓷博物館 The National Museum of Ceramics is located in the Princessehof, the

18th-century royal family palace and the birthplace of the graphic artist M.C. Escher in Leeuwarden. It houses a world famous collection of Chinese and other eastern porcelain for western markets alongside European his-torical and contemporary ceramic art and design, such as an extraordinary collection art of art nouveau ceramics.

國家陶瓷博物館位於 Princessehof,這裡也是孕育 18 世紀的皇室宮殿的地

方,以及圖形藝術家 M.C. 的出生地。Escher 在呂瓦登。這裡為西方市場提供



Fries Museum 弗里斯博物館

Located in Leeuwarden, capital of the Dutch province of Friesland, the Fries Museum has a rich history spanning almost 190 years. As the main repository of Friesland’s material heritage, it is recognised internationally for key aspects of its collection. Museum visitors can admire works by Old Master painters and 20th-century artists from Friesland such as Gerrit Benner, and also Dutch and international contemporary art and design.

總監 Director Kris Callens 電子郵件 E-mail [email protected] 電話 Phone +31 58 255 5502

Company profiles


Page 7: China Trade mission 中國貿易代表團...(Euro Health Consumer Index, 2017) • 1st Production and auctioning of cut flowers and flower bulbs • 1st World’s largest flower exporter

Thialf Thialf is the main ice stadium for top sport skaters in the Netherlands. The

heart of the “skatingworld” meets the specific requirements of the ISU in the field of top-class sport facilities. By history there is also an unique ice skating atmosphere in Thialf by the skating fans and the experience in the stadium. Thialf offers facilities for national and international athletes for all disciplines: long track speed skating, short track speed skating, ice hockey, figure skating and curling.

Thialf 是荷蘭頂尖滑冰運動選手的主要冰場。「滑冰世界」(skatingworld) 的

主要設施符合 ISU 在頂級體育設施領域的特殊要求。歷史上,滑冰愛好者和體

育館為 Thialf 帶來一種獨特的滑冰氛圍。Thialf 能提供符合各種專長的國內


主任 Director Marc Winters 電子郵件 E-mail [email protected] 電話 Phone +31 6 52461551

Quality Sport Horses for Sale 優質運動馬出售

Quality Sport Horses for Sale (QSHS) is being led by Linda de Jong. She is assisted by her younger brother Hylke de Jong, a well performing international show jumper at CSI2* 1.45m level. The stable is very specialized in training and managing of (young) jumping, dressage & Friesian horses. We find it very important to build a long term, confidential, trust-based relationship with all of our clients all over the world, providing high quality services in horse purchase and after-sale assistance.

優質運動馬出售 (QSHS) 的負責人是 Linda de Jong。有了她的弟弟 Hylke de

Jong 的幫助,他是一名出色的國際級障礙超越選手,具有 CSI2*1.45 米的水

平。 馬厩的訓練非常專業,管理方式年輕化,馬匹擅長跳躍、盛裝舞步和弗里



所有人 Owner Linda de Jong 電子郵件 E-mail [email protected] 電話 Phone +31 6 222 508 06

B&E BV B&E BV is a Dutch company that specializes in building bridges between

leading Dutch Agri-Food companies and opportunities in China. B&E does this by actively connecting, coordinating and participating in projects, with attention on partners reaching a win-win cooperation and harvesting the maximum potential from opportunities.

B&E BV 是一間荷蘭公司,負責在荷蘭各大農業食品公司之間建立橋樑和尋找在

中國的機會。B&E 透過積極的聯繫、協調和參與各項專案來實現該目標,同時專


主任 Director Epi Postma 電子郵件 E-mail [email protected] 電話 Phone +31610216012

Page 8: China Trade mission 中國貿易代表團...(Euro Health Consumer Index, 2017) • 1st Production and auctioning of cut flowers and flower bulbs • 1st World’s largest flower exporter

Woodpacker Trading BV Woodpacker was incorporated in the year 2000 and has developed into

a fully-fledged trade and production company. As a trade company, our focus is on the import and export of wood and sheets for the production of (EPAL) pallets and industrial transport packaging. We can supply treated or untreated wood. The wood is delivered directly from the country of origin and complies with quality standards for international export.

Woodpacker 成立於 2000 年,現已發展成為一間成熟的貿易和生產公司。做為

一間貿易公司,我們的重點是生產 (EPAL) 托板和工業運輸包裝用的木材和板材



董事 Director Ruben Hut 售經理 Sales manager Monique Hut 電子郵件 E-mail [email protected] 電話 Phone +31 6 29475981

CRV - Better cows better life CRV 更好的乳牛,創造更美好的生活

CRV is an innovative organization for cattle improvement. CRV helps farmers to breed a healthy and efficient livestock with high longevity and high fat and protein content. CRV offers them numerous products and services to ensure that their herd performs optimally. Chinese dairy farmers face the same challenges as Dutch dairy farmers. CRV’s genetics helps dairy farmers to lower the cost price of milk and increase the dairy farmers profit. CRV is also a member of the Sino Dutch Dairy Development Center. Through the SDDDC CRV provides trainings at Hiahianiu dairy farm in Henan province.

CRV 是一個創新的牛隻改良組織。CRV 協助農民培育出健康、高效的家畜,其壽

命長,脂肪和蛋白質含量高。CRV 能為他們提供眾多的產品和服務,確保其牛群

的表現最佳。中國的酪農業正面臨著與荷蘭酪農相同的挑戰。CRV 的遺傳學技術


CRV 也是中荷乳業發展中心的會員。透過 SDDDC,CRV 已於河南省 Hiahianiu


亞洲區銷售總監 Director Sales Asia Bart Dronkert 電子郵件 E-mail [email protected] 電話 Phone +31 6 10474614

S-Energy Netherlands S-Energy 荷蘭

Whether to generate hot water for space heating, solar cooling, pool heating or process heat, many satisfied customers and institutions trust in us and our product.

Meanwhile, we receive international inquiries by private builders and industry for small and large plants. We operate in many countries: design, installation and support service for the solar thermal systems, specially tailored to your needs: builders of single/multi family houses, German Telekom, Luxury Hotels, retirement homes, research institutions, such as Fraunhofer-Institute do underline our competence. Also responsible for 25% of the heating for the city of Graz (Austria).

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店、養老院、研究機構等。例如,夫朗和斐協會 (Fraunhofer-Institute) 就特

別嘉許我們的能力。此外,我們還負責格拉茨市(奧地利)25% 的供暖業務。

董事 Director Gert Bakker 電子郵件 E-mail [email protected] 電話 Phone +31 6 54 21 32 90

Wateralliance - From idea to market, from know-how to business 從想法到市場,從技術知識到業務

The Water Alliance in a network organization of Dutch companies and organizations in the field of water technology. Water Alliance is based at WaterCampus, an innovation eco system for water technology and the European Water Technology Hub. Are you looking for a solution to a problem or challenge in the field of water technology and are you looking for Dutch expertise? We would be pleased to connect you with one of our more than hundred members.

Water Alliance 是一個專精於水技術領域的荷蘭公司與組織的網路機構。Water

Alliance 位於 WaterCampus,這是一間專精於水技術的創新生態系統和歐洲水

技術中心。 您是否正在尋找能解決水技術領域問題或挑戰的方案,您是否正在


董事 Director Hein Molenkamp 電子郵件 E-mail [email protected] 電話 Phone +31 (0)58- 2849044

Van Hall Larenstein UAS & Dairy Campus Dairy Campus is the research and practice center for dairy farming where

everything revolves around innovation, research, education and practical learning. With this concept, Dairy Campus is unique in the world. Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences is one of the partners of the Dairy Campus and takes care of the education and practical learning at the Dairy Campus. The curricula of Van Hall Larenstein focus on the domains Delta Areas and Resources - Food and Dairy – Animal Science and AgriBusiness.

Dairy Campus 是酪農業的研究和實務中心,這裡的一切都圍繞著創新、研究、

教育和實務學習。憑藉該理念,Dairy Campus 在世界上是獨一無二的。Van

Hall Larenstein 應用科技大學是 Dairy Campus 的合作夥伴之一,負責 Dairy

Campus 的教育和實務學習。Van Hall Larenstein 的課程重點關注於三角洲地

區和資源 — 包括食品和乳製品 — 動物科學和農業商業。

資深中國顧問 Head of China office Han Zuidema 電子郵件 E-mail [email protected] 電話 Phone +31 58 284 6272

Page 10: China Trade mission 中國貿易代表團...(Euro Health Consumer Index, 2017) • 1st Production and auctioning of cut flowers and flower bulbs • 1st World’s largest flower exporter

World Trade Centre Northern Netherlands 北荷蘭世界貿易中心

World Trade Center offers trade services to companies interested in developing international business. We coach, advise and support companies. We help them to set up and implement their export plans. For contacts and information we use the World Trade Center network and our database of over 150 million companies and organsiations. The World Trade Center network consist of 320 offices in 90 countries. Are you looking for new contacts in the Netherlands or Europe? Are you looking to invest in the Netherlands? We are the organisation to help you.



我們利用世界貿易中心網路和超過 1.5 億間公司和組織的資料庫。世界貿易中

心網路是由 90 個國家的 320 間辦公室所組成。您正在尋找荷蘭或歐洲的新聯


主任 Director WTC mr. Evert Jan Schouwstra 電子郵件 E-mail [email protected] 電話 Phone +31 (0)58 294 1662

Supporting the Vice Governor/partners 支援副省長/合作夥伴

Sjoerd Vrieswijk 菲仕蘭省 Province of Friesland 經濟學經理 Manager Economics

Anne de Vries 菲仕蘭省, Province of Friesland 國際顧問 Advisor International

Maartje de Jonge 董事 director Maartje Unlimited 電子郵件 E-mail: [email protected] 電話 Phone: +31 (0)6 31 36 70 96

Marjolein Wiersma 所有人 owner Jo Weir 電子郵件 Email: [email protected] 電話 Phone: +31 6 40 82 84 73

Page 11: China Trade mission 中國貿易代表團...(Euro Health Consumer Index, 2017) • 1st Production and auctioning of cut flowers and flower bulbs • 1st World’s largest flower exporter
Page 12: China Trade mission 中國貿易代表團...(Euro Health Consumer Index, 2017) • 1st Production and auctioning of cut flowers and flower bulbs • 1st World’s largest flower exporter

From 15 to 23 June 2019, the representatives of the Frisian province will go on a trade mission to the sister provinces in China. The goal of this trip is to strengthen the ties and to follow up on trade opportunities. The trade mission is part of the strategic plan for the coming years that the province of Friesland has initia-ted and rolled out. In order to better facilitate Frisian companies and knowledge institutes in doing business in China, the province will help companies with their preparation, follow-up and positioning. In addition to that, two trade missions will be organised each year, a Website will be developed, a permanent exhibition space will be established in the WTC Harbin, various training programmes and lectures will be organised, and much more.

Requests for international cooperationThe previous trade mission to China resulted in a number of leads. Requests are also available for Agri & Food Production, Water Purification and Circular Economy. We’ll gladly provide you with more information about these opportunities if you join this trade mission.

2019 年 6 月 15 日至 23 日,菲仕蘭省的代表將前往中國












Goal mission 目標任務

Contact informationFor questions about the trade mission, please contact: • Gert Bakker [email protected] • Evert Jan Schouwstra: [email protected] • Anne de Vries [email protected]

More detailed information on the website



• Gert Bakker [email protected]

• Evert Jan Schouwstra: [email protected]

• Anne de Vries [email protected]

