  • 7/28/2019 Chindex International investment thesis


    Chindex International Inc. (Nasdaq: CHDX)

    February 2013

  • 7/28/2019 Chindex International investment thesis


    Luzich Partners LLC February 2013/

    Table of Contents

    Executive Summary 1

    China Healthcare: Industry Overview 4

    Chindex: Healthcare Services Business Overview 8

    Chindex Medical Limited: Medical Device Segment Overview 16

    Historical Financials and Valuation 18

    Potential Risks and Further Due Diligence Questions 31



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    Executive Summary


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    Chindex International, Inc.

    Ticker: CHDX

    Recent stock price: $10.96 (1)

    Chindex International, Inc. (Chindex, CHDX or the Company) isa developer and operator of premium high-end hospitals in ChinaFounded in 1981

    Hospital is branded as United Family Healthcare

    Company has a medical device distribution joint venture withFosun Pharmaceuticals

    Prior to the formation of JV, Chindex had a medical devicedistribution segment

    Equity market capitalization of ~$190 millionStock price has declined from its peak reached in 2007-2008

    Enterprise valuation of ~$160 millionHospital segment enterprise valuation of ~$130 million

    (1) Based on stock price as of February 21, 2012.



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    Investment HighlightsSecular Winner Focused Management Team with Experience andRelationships in China

    Healthcare industry is driven by three macro factors: aging

    population, more insurance coverage, and increasingdisposable income

    China is an inflection point that meets all three

    Recent regulatory guidance encourages private capital inthe high-end services

    Brand is recognized in China 1st mover advantage in acountry with tedious regulatory processes

    Attractive Valuation Current valuation due to underperformance of Chinese

    stocks and headline revenue decrease with CHDXs spin-off of the device distribution business into a JV

    Long term upside potentialChindexs first mover advantage and established brand

    creates a relatively stable economic return

    Price setter unlikely to succumb to cost pressures

    Clear path of growth and re-investment potential

    Under-penetration of quality health services

    Experience in working with local Chinese government

    CEO has been in China since 1978 and is highly

    familiar with the tedious regulatory process Company was founded in 1996, is solely focused on

    China, but is governed in the U.S.

    Clear and strong focus on United Family Hospitals

    brand equity

    Management and board own significant stake

    Unusual Situation / Noise Small market cap stock with Chinese focus

    Chinese reverse IPOs have scared investors awayfrom China stocks

    Expectations of a blanket national China insurance

    policy have not been met (not critical in ourviewpoint)

    Source: S&P Healthcare Facilities industry report, Company website.


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    China Healthcare: Industry Overview


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    Growth of Chinas Healthcare Industry

    Source: Mckinsey Healthcare in China: Entering Uncharted Waters. July 2 012.

    Total Healthcare Expenditure Per Capita Healthcare Expenditure06-11 CAGR:


    Population With Health Insurance Medical Products Industry

    ($Billions) CAGR: 17.0%($)

    CAGR: 17.2%










    2006 2011








    2006 2011









    2006 2011

    CAGR: 20.1%($Billions)(%)

    GDP / Capita $2,066.0 $4,393.0











    2006 2011 2016


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    Impact of Economic and Demographic Development on Future of Healthcare in China

    The urban, mass affluent middle classpopulation (defined by Mckinsey ashouseholds with annual disposable income$18,000 RMB and above) is projected toincrease significantly

    Chindex CEO believes Chinese nationals(many of whom currently pay forhealthcare services via cash) will beginbuying private healthcare insurance

    The population of those aged 65 and olderwill double from the current 122 million to223 million by 2030

    Chronic conditions such as diabetes andhypertension are growing quickly

    China already has 92 million diabeticpatients and 150 million prediabetics

    The mature US market has 26 milliondiabetic patients

    61% of Chinas total population will beurbanized by 2020, as 142 million peoplemove from the countryside to cities

    Urbanization Increasing Income and DeeperInsurance Coverage Aging & Proliferation of ChronicConditions









    2012 2030









    2012 2020

    % of AffluentUrban



    Source: Mckinsey Healthcare in China: Entering Uncharted Waters. July 2012. Frost and Sullivan Report, dated July 2012.











    2012 2020PopulationAbove 65 9% 25%


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    Develop primary healthcare service system and provide equal access to urban and ruralresidents

    Currently, 1,350 Class 3 hospitals in big cities

    Government wants to develop grassroots facilities like urban community health centers (CHC),community health stations (CHS), and township health centers (THC)

    China Healthcare Reform Summary

    Expand the depth of basic medical insurance programs

    95% population covered by national coverage thats basic and limited

    Shanghai: outpatients covered with 30-50% copayments and $240 deductible

    Medical Insurance

    Establish national essential drug system

    Market-access (product registration, tendering, pricing, reimbursement and distribution) isbecoming more complex

    Rules and policies vary by province or cities

    Drug Supply Security

    Medical-Service Provision

    China wants to establish a basic universal healthcare system that provides safe, effective, convenient, and low -cost healthcare servicesby 2020 Li Keqiang

    Overviewrea of Focus

    Public Health Service

    Operating Environment Accelerate public hospital reform

    Increase subsidies

    Establish clear payer-provider relationships with cost-control mechanisms

    Track service quality and efficiencySource: Healthcare reform 12th Five-Year Plan; Mckinsey.


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    Chindex: Healthcare Services Business Overview


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    Healthcare Services OverviewUnited Family Healthcare

    Chindex operates itshealthcare servicesunder the brand UnitedFamily Healthcare


    What Is The Product Offering? Western healthcare service model and premium care provider in China

    Three of the 21 Joint Commission International (JCI) accredited hospitals in China are part of United

    Family's network

    What is the Current Moat? 30 years of history, commitment to quality, and thoughtful & restrained expansion

    Regulation, licensure, accreditation procedures create a high barrier to entry in terms of financial costsand length of time required

    185 official and government stamps required for approval to open a foreign-invested hospital

    Brand and quality recognition: default choice of US Embassy and other multinational companies

    Price setter: As the highest-priced facility in China, its very hard for us to look at price increases

    Quality of workforce and availability of talent

    Nurses and physicians interested in leaving existing employers to join UFH due to track record

    Potential future moat of economies of scale if expansion plan is executed as planned

    2012 LTM Revenue Breakdown% of Gross Revenue Revenue by Service LineLTM 2012 Revenue:

    $141 million

    Source: Company filings and earning call transcripts.






    9% OB/GYN8%







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    Target Customer Segment

    Source: Company filings and earning call transcripts.

    Geography and Income Nationality

    Insurance Coverage Services

    Focus on Chinese cities that are affluent and have amix of local and international populations

    Top 5% of income earners within these target cities

    Western standards appeal highly to foreign passportholders and Chinese with experience living abroad

    Current ratio of patient mix is 65% expats and 35%local Chinese nationals

    Expansion into other cities will increase proportion oflocal Chinese patients

    Maintains direct billing arrangements with insuranceproviders as a preferred provider

    Private pay for insured

    CEO believes more and more Chinese patients (many

    of whom currently pay cash) will buy private healthinsurance since the Chinese have just begin tounderstand the insurance product

    Public insurance status: UFH working with Beijinggovernment to allow reimbursement for patients frompublic insurance benefit at basic public hospital levelwith co-pay for price premium (a small driver)

    Increase breadth of services

    Surgery (neurology and cardiology)




    Radiation oncology

    Bring Western know-how and technology into China


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    Package and Service Pricing at UFH

    Service Pricing RMB / US$Cerebrovascular Disease (stroke) ScreeningPackage Original Value: RMB 5,600 / US$ 890

    Package Price: RMB 2,800 / US$ 444

    Postpartum Physiotherapy Package Original value: RMB 7,245 / US$ 1,150 Package Price: RMB 4,000 / US$ 635

    Vaginal Delivery Package Original value: RMB 56,000 / US$ 8,890 New Year Package Price: RMB 48,800 / US$ 7,745

    C-Section Delivery Package Original value: RMB 101,875 / US$ 16,170 New Year Package Price: RMB 88,800 / US$ 13,970

    General Physicians Check Up RMB 700 1,000 / US$ 110160

    UFH Membership(Members receive 20% discount on healthcareservices and 10% on dental services, and one

    free health examination per year)

    Initiation Fee: RMB 1,035 / US$ 165

    Annual Renewal Fee: RMB 828 / US$ 130

    Exchange rate: US$ 1 = RMB 6.3Source: Company brochures.


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    Current United Family Hospital Network

    Note: More details found in the appendix.Source: Company filings and earning call transcripts.

    Beijing Market Shanghai

    Tianjin Guangzhou

    Hospital opened in 1997

    120 licensed beds in main hospital campus 70 beds currently available

    4 affiliated satellite clinics

    New Hope ambulatory care center (oncology focus)

    Hospital opened in 2005

    50 licensed beds in SHU main hospital 30 beds currently available

    2 affiliated satellite clinics

    2 managed clinics

    Hospital opened in 2012

    26 licensed beds in main hospital campus

    25 beds currently available

    1 affiliated clinic


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    Defined Growth Plans

    Timeline City / Facility Description2013 Beijing / Rehabilitation

    Center To be completed in 2013, planned opening over 2013 2014

    First focused rehab center in Beijing and China

    Capacity of 100-150 beds

    2013 Shanghai / PudongHospital Expansion of Pudong hospital Capacity of 50-100 beds

    2014-2015 Beijing / Haidian New clinic expansion in the north west part of Beijing, near ChinasSilicon Valley and Beijing University

    2014 - 2015 Guangzhou / Hospital Construction of a flagship United Family Healthcare hospital Capacity of ~200 beds

    Source: Company filings.


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    Potential Future Expansion PlansFocus on Urban Cities Aligns with the Predicted Urbanization of the Chinese Population

    Source: Company presentation.


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    Key Determinants of Success in the Hospital Business

    Patients and referrers seek out hospital with a reputation for procedural expertise, goodfacilities, and good patient outcomes

    ood Reputation

    Understanding of regulations can avoid distracting regulatory problemsnderstandingGovernment Policies

    Larger hospitals can obtain cost savingsconomies of Scale

    Higher occupancy rates can increase revenue and profitability, but it requires a balance aswait time should not be increased

    Optimum CapacityUtilization

    Location close to a highly populated area brings in traffic

    roximity to KeyMarkets

    Ability to attract and retain quality medical, nursing, and administrative staff is critical inmaintaining quality service and operations

    Access to HighlySkilled Workforce

    Source: IBIS Hospitals in the US industry report. December 2012.

    Descriptionactors Chindex

    In expansionphase

    In expansionphase


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    Chindex Medical Limited: Medical Device Segment Overview


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    Chindex Medical Limited

    Chindex Medical Limited is a

    joint venture betweenChindex and FosunPharma

    History On December 31, 2010, Chindex and Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical and its

    subsidiaries (Fosun) formed a joint venture consolidated under an entity called

    Chindex Medical Limited (CML) JV will combine Chindexs high-end medical equipment distribution business and

    Fosuns manufacturing and distribution business

    CML to be a one-stop distribution shop product registration, warehousing, clinicalsupport, local currency sales, installation, after-sales service, government-sponsoredfinancing packages

    Fosun to contribute blood transfusion consumables, surgical consumables and dentalproducts

    Accounting Treatment Chindexs 49% ownership of JV is considered a minority interest

    Only Chindexs share of net income is reported in consolidated income statement

    Initial investment cost of JV is reported on balance sheet as Investment in

    unconsolidated affiliate

    Source: Company filings and press releases.


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    Historical Financials and Valuation


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    Chindex Historical Balance Sheet

    Source: Company filings and press releases.


    12/31/2010 12/31/2011 9/30/2012Assets

    Cash & Investments 69.9$ 60.1$ 27.8$

    Accounts Receivables 11.6 13.9 17.6

    Receivable from Affiliates 9.3 11.0 11.7

    Inventories of Supplies 1.4 2.3 2.3

    Deferred Income Taxes 3.2 3.9 3.5

    Other Current Assets 3.9 4.7 4.6

    Total Current As s ets 99.4 95.9 67.4Restricted Cash & Investments 3.4 1.1 20.6

    Investment in Unconsolidated affiliated 31.8 33.7 33.0

    PP&E 37.1 65.5 85.9

    Noncurrent Deferred Income Taxes 0.1 0.4 0.7

    Other Assets 2.4 2.7 3.1

    Total As s ets 174.2 199.4 210.7Liabilities

    Accounts Payable 4.0$ 4.0$ 7.4$

    Payable to Affiliates 0.0 9.4 11.7

    Accrued Expenses 8.5 11.7 13.2

    Other Current Liabilities 3.9 5.5 7.6

    Income Taxes Payable 2.1 2.1 1.9

    Total Current Liabilities 18.6 32.8 41.7Long Term Debt and Convertible Debt 23.1 23.8 23.9Long Term Deferred Tax Liabilities 0.4 0.3 0.3

    Total Liabilities 42.1 56.9 66.0APIC 116.0 119.1 121.5

    Accumulated Other Income 4.8 8.9 8.2

    Retained Earnings 11.3 14.5 15.1

    Total Equity 132.1$ 142.5$ 144.8$

    Liability + Equity 174.2 199.4 210.7


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    Chindex Historical Income Statement

    Source: Company filings and press releases. 2010 figures exclude product distribution business.



    ChindexFYE M arc h 31, FYE De c 31, LTM a s o f FYE , De c 31,

    ($ millions) 2001 2002 2003 2010 2011 9/30/2012 12/31/2012

    Net Sales 86 114 141 152Salaries Cost (49) (64) (78) (83)

    Gross profit 37 50 63 69G&A / Other operating expenses (13) (18) (20) (22)

    Supplies and Purchased Medical services (9) (13) (18) (19)

    Bad Debt expenses (1) (2) (3) (3)

    D&A (4) (5) (7) (7)

    Lease and Rental expense (3) (6) (7) (8)

    (30) (45) (55) (60)

    EBIT 7 6 8 10Interest Income 1$ 1$ 1$ 1$

    Interest Expense (1) (1) (1) (0)

    Equity in Net Income 1 (1) 1

    Other 1 0 0 0

    Taxes (6) (4) (5) (7)

    Net Income 2 3 2 4D&A 4 5 7 7EBITDA 11 11 14 17Capex (1.8) (1.8) (2.9) (7) (24) (36) (39)EBITDA - Capex 4 (13) (22) (22)

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    United Family Healthcare Revenue Build-UpAssumptions

    Key Points Unit revenue metric

    based on calculation

    suggested bymanagement

    Other operating data(# of admissions,revenue/patient) notdisclosed bycompany

    Utilization ratesdisclosed by

    management in earningcalls

    Mature occupancyrates for hospitalslies between 50% -60%

    Unit revenue (revenue /daily occupied bed) isan important variable

    metric Management does

    not believe foreigncompetitors likeParkway Pentai (IHHHealthcare) will hurtUFHs moat or

    pricing power

    Revenue Build Up Assumptions

    Source: Company earning call transcripts, press releases and internal estimates.

    FY LTM FYE Dec 31,2010 2011 2012 2013E 2014E 2015E 2016E 2017E

    Available Beds Breakdown

    Beijing 50 70 70 95 130 150 160 170

    Shanghai 20 30 30 41 56 66 76 86

    Tianjin 25 25 25 25 25 30 35

    Guangzhoug 0 10 50 85 120

    New Beds in Other Cities 0 0 20 35 50

    Available Beds 70 125 125 161 221 311 386 461

    Annual Bed Supply (Days ) 25,550 45,625 45,625 58,765 80,665 113,515 140,890 168,265Utilization By City

    Beijing 70% 45% 50% 45% 45% 45% 50% 55%

    Shanghai 60% 70% 80% 65% 55% 55% 55% 55%

    Tianjin 8% 10% 30% 30% 35% 40% 45%

    Guangzhoug 10% 15% 20% 30%

    New Beds in Other Cities 15% 20% 25%

    Utilized Beds 17,155 19,893 22,448 28,069 35,697 44,913 57,597 74,843Avg Occupancy Rate 67% 44% 49% 48% 44% 40% 41% 44%

    Rev enue / Daily Occupied Bed 2,000$ 2,358$ 2,573$ 2,500$ 2,525$ 2,550$ 2,576$ 2,602$

    Inpatient Revenue 34$ 47$ 58$ 70$ 90$ 115$ 148$ 195$

    Out patient % of Total Revenue 60% 59% 59% 59% 59% 59% 59% 59%Outpatient Revenue 51$ 67$ 83$ 101$ 130$ 165$ 213$ 280$

    Chindex Rev enue 86 11 4 14 1 17 1 22 0 27 9 36 2 47 5Revenue Growth 33% 23% 22% 28% 27% 30% 31%


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    Hospital Margin, Capex, and Working Capital AssumptionsMargin, Capex, and Working Capital Assumptions

    Source: Company earning call transcripts, press releases and internal estimates.(1) See Appendix for detail on Chindexs historical capital expenditures.

    % of Revenue

    Salaries 57% 56% 55% 55% 55% 55% 55%

    G&A / Other Operating Expenses 15% 16% 15% 15% 15% 14% 14%

    Supplies 10% 12% 12% 12% 12% 11% 11%

    Bad Debt Expense 1% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2%

    Lease Expense 4% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5%

    Account Receivable Days 80 76 75 75 75 75 75Inventory Days 64 47 45 45 45 45 45

    Accounts Payable Days 130 155 150 150 150 150 150

    Accrued Expenses days 67 61 60 60 60 60 60

    Other CA % of Rev 4% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3%

    Other CL % of Rev 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5%

    FY LTM FYE Dec 31,2011 2012 2013E 2014E 2015E 2016E 2017E

    Capex Build-Up

    New Beds (2 Year Build Period) 96 150 165 150 120

    Capex / Bed (1) 0.30$ 0.30$ 0.30$ 0.30$ 0.30$

    New Clinics 1 1 1 1 1

    Capex / Clinic 1.5$ 1.5$ 1.5$ 1.5$ 1.5$

    Growth Capex 30$ 47$ 51$ 47$ 38$

    Maintenance Capex 5 5 5 5 5

    Total Capex 7$ 24$ 35$ 52$ 56$ 52$ 43$

    Depreciation as % of Sales 4% 5% 5% 6% 6% 6% 6%


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    United Family Healthcare Projected Income StatementIncome Statement


    Source: Company filings and internal estimates.

    LTM FYE Dec 31,2011 2012 2013E 2014E 2015E 2016E 2017E

    Revenue 114$ 141$ 171$ 220$ 279$ 362$ 475$

    Salaries (64) (78) (94) (121) (154) (199) (261)

    G&A / Other Operating Expenses (18) (20) (26) (33) (41) (52) (67)

    Supplies (13) (18) (21) (25) (31) (38) (47)

    Bad Debt Expense (2) (3) (3) (4) (6) (7) (9)

    D&A (5) (7) (11) (16) (23) (29) (33)

    Lease Expense (6) (7) (9) (11) (14) (18) (24)

    EBIT 6 8 8 9 12 19 33EBIT Margin 5% 5% 5% 4% 4% 5% 7%

    Interest Expense / Other Income 1 (0) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)

    Taxes (4) (5) (3) (3) (4) (6) (11)

    Net Income 3 2 5 5 7 12 21EBITDA 11 14 19 26 35 47 66EBITDA Margin 9% 10% 11% 12% 12% 13% 14%


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    United Family Healthcare Projected Cash FlowsCash Flows (Assuming Equity Raise)


    Source: Company filings and internal estimates.

    See Appendix for debt issuance assumption.

    FYE Dec 31,2013E 2014E 2015E 2016E 2017E TotalNet Income 5$ 5$ 7$ 12$ 21$

    D&A 11 16 23 29 33

    Change in Working Capital (0) 1 1 1 1

    Cas h Flow from Operations 15$ 22$ 30$ 41$ 54$ 163Capex (47) (70) (77) (70) (58) (322)Cash from Operations Less Investing Use 0 (32) (48) (46) (30) (3) (159)BB Cash 48 16 10 10 10

    EB Cash 48$ 16$ (32)$ (36)$ (20)$ 7$

    Minumum Cash Balance Assumed 10 10 10 10 10

    New Financing Needed 0 42 46 30 3

    Financing (1 for debt, 2 for equity)Debt -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

    Equity - 42 46 30 3

    Cas h from Financ ing - 42 46 30 3 121Total Cas h Ba lance 16 10 10 10 10


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    United Family Healthcare Projected Balance SheetBalance Sheet (Assuming Equity Raise)


    Source: Company filings and internal estimates.

    See Appendix for debt issuance assumption.




    Other Current Assets


    Other Ass ets

    Investment in Uncons olidated affiliate

    Net Deferred Income taxesT o t a l As s e t sAccounts Payable

    Accrued Expenses

    Other Current Liabilities


    To ta l L i ab i l i ti e sEqu i t yL+E

    F Y E D e c 3 1 ,2 0 1 3 E 2 0 1 4 E 2 0 1 5 E 2 0 1 6 E 2 0 1 7 E16 10 10 10 10

    35 45 57 74 98

    3 3 4 5 6

    5 7 8 11 14

    123 176 230 272 297

    3 3 3 3 3

    33 33 33 33 33

    2 2 2 2 22 2 0 2 7 9 3 4 8 4 1 0 4 6 223 28 35 44 57

    15 20 25 33 43

    9 11 14 18 24

    25 25 25 25 25

    7 2 8 4 1 0 0 1 2 0 1 4 91 4 8 1 9 5 2 4 9 2 9 0 3 1 42 2 0 2 8 0 3 4 8 4 1 0 4 6 3


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    United Family Healthcare Discounted Cash FlowDiscounted Cash Flow


    Note: DCF assumes a mid-year discounting convention.

    FYE Dec 31,2013E 2014E 2015E 2016E 2017E

    Cash from Operations 15$ 22$ 30$ 41$ 54$

    Capex (47) (70) (77) (70) (58)

    Free Cash Flow Before Financing (32)$ (48)$ (46)$ (30)$ (3)$

    PV of FCF @ 15.0% (30) (39) (33) (18) (2)EBITDA 19$ 26$ 35$ 47$ 66$

    Terminal Value Multiple 8.0x

    Terminal Value 524$

    PV of Terminal Value 280Sum of PV of Cash Flows (121)DCF Intrins ic v alue 158


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    Intrinsic DCF Valuation

    Valuation of Chindex Hospital BusinessSummary of Valuation

    Market Valuation

    Sensitivity Table of Equity Upside / (Downside)


    Key Points In spite of a high discount rate to match required IRR, Chindex is undervalued compared to its market valuation

    Terminal EBITDA multiple within range of those of U.S. based hospital operators

    Chindex Hos pital Mark et ValuationShare Price as of 2013/01/24 11.0$

    Outstanding Shares (mm) 17

    Market Cap 187+ Net Debt / (Net Cash) (23)

    - Investment in CML (33)

    Enterpris e Value 131

    ($ mm) %PV of Cash Flow (121)$ (76.6%)

    PV of Terminal Value 280 176.6%

    DCF Intrins ic Enterpris e Value 158+ Net Cash 23

    + Investment in CML 33

    Implied Equity Va lue 214Equtiy Upside / (Downside) 15%

    Target Share Price 12.6

    Terminal Disc ount Rate / IRREBITDA Multiple 17.5% 15.0% 12.5%

    7.5x (5%) 5% 17%

    8.0x 4% 15% 28%

    8.5x 12% 24% 38%

    Termina l $ / Utilized BedEBITDA Multiple 2,250 2,500 2,750

    7.5x (13%) 5% 24%

    8.0x (5%) 15% 34%

    8.5x 4% 24% 45%

    Terminal Capex / Bed ($mm)EBITDA Multiple 0.40$ 0.43$ 0.45$

    7.5x 11% 5% (1%)

    8.0x 21% 15% 9%

    8.5x 30% 24% 18%


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    Hospital ComparablesHospital Comps(US$ Millions)

    Source: Company filings and prospectus, market data, IBIS Report, December 2012. CapIQ

    Market LTM EBITDA EV / Debt / LTM NetCompany Equity Debt EV Rev enue ($ mm) Margin EBITDA EBITDA Income P/E P/B P/TVB

    US Hos pitalsHCA 16,075$ 26,933$ 42,536$ 33,013$ 6,434$ 19.5% 6.6x 4.2x 1,605$ 10.0x NM NM

    Community Health Systems 3,881 9,572 13,213 13,029 1,916 14.7% 6.9x 5.0x 266 14.6x 1.4x NM

    Tenet Healthcare 4,089 4,751 8,757 9,939 1,119 11.3% 7.8x 4.2x 33 NM 3.2x NM

    Health Management Associates 2,807 3,569 6,195 5,878 608 10.3% 10.2x 5.9x 164 17.1x 2.9x NM

    Lifepoint Hospital 2,214 1,664 3,780 3,392 432 12.7% 8.8x 3.9x 152 14.6x 1.0x 5.2x

    Vanguard Health Systems 1,141 2,705 3,516 6,624 399 6.0% 8.8x 6.8x 89 12.8x 3.8x NM

    Asia Hos pitalsIHH Healthcare 2,420$ 933 2,851 1,208$ 249$ 20.6% 11.4x 3.7x 198 12.2x 0.6x 9.8x

    Median 12.7% 8.8x 4.2x 13.7x 2.2x 7.5xChindex 186.8 25.2 163.6 141 14 10.2% 11.4x 1.8x 2 NM 1.3x 1.3x


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    Historical EBIT Margin

    Valuation of Chindexs Stake in Chindex Medical Limited (CML)($Millions)

    Key Points and Questions Chindexs product sales EBIT margins have

    historically been negative

    Can the CML JV improve margins? If so, JV represents an option value

    Will Chindex continue to throw capital in JVif margins are negative?

    If so, the JV is a negative value-add tothe Chindex

    Historical Revenue(1)


    $54.3 $58.0$64.2











    2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 9/30/2012




















    2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 9/30/2012

    (1) Historical revenue based off Chindexs Product Sales segment prior to formation of the CML JV.

    Conservative ValuationIllustrativ e CML Valuation

    2013E Revenue 140.0$

    Illustrative EBIT Margin 2.5%

    2013E EBIT 3.5$

    EBIT Multiple 8.0x

    CML Enterpris e Value 28.0+ Cash 23.0

    - Debt (2.4)

    CML Equity Value 48.6Chindex's 49% s take 23.8


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    Chindex Medical Limited Balance Sheet

    Source: Company filings and press releases.


    12/31/2011 9/30/2012Assets

    Cash and Investments 26.6$ 25.6$

    Accounts Receivable 34.6 32.6

    Receivable from Affiliates 2.9 2.9

    Inventories 33.2 33.2

    Deferred Income Taxes 0.6 0.6

    Other Current Assets 6.8 6.8

    To ta l Curre nt Asse ts 104.7 101.7Investment in Unconsolidated Affiliate 0.3 0.2

    PP&E 11.6 11.4

    Trade Name 4.5 3.8

    Prepaid Land Use Rights 1.8 1.8

    To tal Assets 123.0 119.0Liabilities

    ST Debt 2.4$ 2.1$

    Accounts Payable 19.2 17.2

    Payable to Affiliates 17.1 16.1

    Accrued Expenses 17.2 16.2

    Deferred Revenue 3.2 3.0

    Income Taxes Payable 0.9 0.9

    To ta l Curre nt L ia bilit ie s 59.9 55.5Long Term Deferred Revenue 0.8 0.8

    Long Term tax Liabilities 0.7 0.9

    To ta l Lia b ilitie s 61.5 57.2Total Equity 61.5$ 61.8$

    Lia bility + Equity 123.0 119.0


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    Potential Risks and Further Due Diligence Questions


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    Luzich Partners LLC February 2013/

    Potentials Risks

    Dual Class Ownership (6 to 1 voting power) Managements has ~31% of Voting Power according to 10-K filings

    Poison pill in place to impede a change of control

    Excessive compensation to insiders and directors

    UFH Brand Equity does not extend into other cities recognition is at a local level rather than national

    Ability To Set Prices Compromised with More Competition

    Local Partners Negotiate Better Terms from Chindex

    Delays in Expansion Plans

    Expansion Plans Distract Management from Current Operations

    Regulatory Changes Restrict Private Investors or Restrict Ability of Doctors and Nurses to Work at Two Sites

    Nationalization of Hospitals



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    Luzich Partners LLC February 2013/

    Factors to Think About

    1. Inpatient occupancy rates and average length of stay for each admission

    Requires four to six quarters to break even on cash flows

    2. What are margins for a mature hospital? How much time does it require for a hospital or clinic to reach maturity? Whats the maturitybenchmark in terms of occupancy rate?

    3. What are your plans for the future of the company? Will you be open to selling?

    4. Please explain the policies regarding director compensation and management compensation (large amounts of restricted stock)

    5. How does the local partners JV share show up in CHDXs financials?

    6. Development costs / start up costs


    Revenue / inpatient admission8. Future mix of inpatient and outpatient in a mature state?

    9. Revenue / outpatient admission?

    10.Whats the competitive environment? Which competitor do you admire? How has this affected pricing?

    11.Whats a metric to determine how much staff to hire per hospital? Is it employees / bed? Or employees / hospital? Grow w/ inflation?

    12.Procurement ability to leverage scale to lower per unit expenses?

    13.Length of lease terms?14.Capex requirement for future expansions?

    15.How much time do you allocate between the hospital business and the medical device distribution JV?

    16.20% IRR for new projects how does senior management measure this?

    17.Capital structure unsecured debt?

    18.Regulatory unknowns? (Chindex is not worried about regulatory unknowns, they view any regulatory development as a positive)

    List of Important Factors / Questions


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    Luzich Partners LLC February 2013/



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    Luzich Partners LLC February 2013/

    Shareholders of ChindexChindex Shareholder Breakdown Common Held Class B Stock % Common % Class B % Economic % VotingHolder ( 000s) ( 000s) Stock Stock Interest PowerFOSUN Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 3,157.2 19.9% 18.5% 13.8%

    JPMorgan Chase & Co 1,873.5 11.8% 11.0% 8.2%Roberta Lipson (CEO) 476.5 660.0 3.0% 56.8% 6.7% 19.4%

    Archon Capital 790.7 5.0% 4.6% 3.5%

    BlackRock 773.9 4.9% 4.5% 3.4%

    Elyse Beth Silverberg (Co-founder) 459.8 390.8 2.9% 33.6% 5.0% 12.3%

    China Asset Management 400.0 2.5% 2.3% 1.8%

    The Vanguard Group, Inc. 352.4 2.2% 2.1% 1.5%

    TB Alternative Assets Ltd. 331.4 2.1% 1.9% 1.4%First Wilshire Securities 320.5 2.0% 1.9% 1.4%

    Edmond de Rothschild Management 280.0 1.8% 1.6% 1.2%

    State Street Global Advisors, Inc. 231.1 1.5% 1.4% 1.0%

    Federated Investors 230.0 1.4% 1.3% 1.0%

    Lawrence Pemble (COO) 320.5 111.8 2.0% 9.6% 2.5% 4.3%

    Source: 2011 DEP14A for Management's stake, CapIQ for public investors.


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    Luzich Partners LLC February 2013/

    Capital Raised by Chindex

    Source: 2011 DEP14A for Management's stake, CapIQ for public investors.

    Date Capita l Obtained Amount($ mm)

    3/29/2004 Equity IPO 12.3$

    6/2/2004 Loan with HSBC 4.0

    10/1/2005 IFC (World Bank) Debt Financing 8.0

    3/1/2007 German KfW Development Bank Bonds 1.0

    11/7/2007 JPM Equity Sale (Tranche A), @ $18 / share 10.0

    11/7/2007 JPM Convertible Notes (Tranche B) 25.0

    11/7/2007 JPM Convertible Notes (Tranche C) 15.0

    12/10/2007 IFC (World Bank) Equity Sale 10.0

    12/10/2007 IFC Loan Facility 25.0

    1/10/2008 DEG (Frankfurt) Loan Facility 20.0

    6/14/2010 Fosun Industrial - Issuance of Common Stock ($15 / share) 13.8


    3/1/2006 M&T Bank Revolver 1.8

    3/1/2005 Vendor Financing revolver 4.0

    5. 8149.9



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    Capital Invested by Chindex

    Source: 2011 DEP14A for Management's stake, CapIQ for public investors.

    Return on Capex

    2010 EBITDA 11$2012 EBITDA 14

    in EBITDA 4

    2008 - 2010 Capex 16

    in EBITDA / Capex 22.8%


    Year Clinics ~ Amount($ mm)

    2002 Beijing - Shunyi Clinic 1.8$

    2005 Beijing - St. Regis Clinic 2.0

    2008 Guangzhou Clinic 3.2

    2010 Beijing - Landmark Clinic 1.8

    2010 Beijing - Oncology Clinic 1.8

    Year Hospitals ~ Amount Beds Capex /($ mm) Bed

    2005 Shanghai Hospital 13.5$ 50 0.27$

    2011 Tianjin Hospital 9.3 25 0.37

    2012 BJU Expansion 15.0 50 0.30

    2013E Beijing Rehab Hospital - Budget Maximum 67.8 150 0.45

    2014E Guangzhou Hospital - Budget Maximum 61.9 125 0.50


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    Luzich Partners LLC February 2013/

    Beijing Hospital / Clinics

    Facility DescriptionBeijing United Family Hospital(BJU) Opened in 1997

    Located in eastern section of Beijing Original entity was a contractual JV between Chindex and the Chinese Academy of Medical


    Chindex entitled to 90% of net profits of the enterprise

    Shunyi Family Clinic Opened in 2002 Located in high-rent residential Shunyi suburb, near International School of Beijing (ISB)

    Jianguomen Family Clinic Opened in 2005 Located in downtown Beijing in a luxury hotel complex within the diplomatic district

    Landmark Family Clinic Opened in 2010 Located in a high-rent diplomatic neighborhood

    New Hope Oncology Center Opened in 2010 Located near BJU hospital campus

    Source: Company filings.


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    Luzich Partners LLC February 2013/

    Shanghai Hospital / Clinics

    Facility DescriptionShanghai United FamilyHospital (SHU) Opened in 2005

    Located in Changning district in Puxi, a center of the expat community and an affluentChinese residential district

    Entity is a contractual JV between Chindex and Shanghai Changning District Central Hospital

    Chindex entitled to 70% of net profits of the enterprise

    Dental Clinic Opened in 2011 Located near the SHU campus and the Racquet Club Clinic

    Huashang Pudong Hospital Opened in 2011 Partnered with an affiliated clinic in a strategic joint venture

    Chindex/UFH provides management of service

    Source: Company filings.


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    Other Hospital / Clinics

    Facility DescriptionTianjin United Family Hospital(TJU) Opened in 2011

    Located in Hexi district, 150 km southeast of Beijing

    Guanzhou United Family Clinic Opened in 2008 Located in Yuexiu district, located in an affluent Chinese, international business, and

    diplomatic community

    Wuxi United FamilyInternational Healthcare Center UFH manages WuXi hospital under a Health Services agreement

    Tianjin, Guangzhou and Wuxi

    Source: Company filings.


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    Luzich Partners LLC February 2013/

    5 Year CHDX Stock Price Chart



















    02/25/08 09/26/08 05/04/09 12/04/09 07/13/10 02/14/11 09/19/11 04/24/12 11/28/12

    NasdaqGS:CHDX - Share Pricing -Volume NasdaqGS:CHDX - Share Pricing

    Source: CapIQ.

    Stock Price Volume(000s)


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    Luzich Partners LLC February 2013/

    Management Team

    Prior to co-founding Chindex in 1981, Ms. Silverberg spent two years at the Beijing office of Sobin Chemicals

    She serves as the Chief Operating Officer of Chindex Medical Limited and as a board director

    Ms. Silverberg graduated Phi Beta Kappa and Summa Cum Laude from SUNY Albany and has studied at theBeijing Language Institute and Peking University

    She has previously served as Chairman of the Board of the International School of Beijing and was a co-founderof the Board of the Kehilat Beijing and is a Director of the Sino-Judaic Society

    Elyse Beth Silverberg

    Ms. Lipson co-founded Chindex in 1981 and has 30 years of experience in the healthcare industry

    Ms. Lipson serves as a board director of the company

    She is an expert in many aspects of health care in China and has shared this expertise in many forums. She hasauthored articles and often speaks on issues related to the healthcare industry in China

    Ms. Lipson has served on the Board of Governors of AmCham-China and on the Board of Directors of the U.S.-China Business Council, and Chairs the Board of the United Foundation for Childrens Health

    She obtained an MBA from Columbia University and a BA in History from Brandeis University.

    Roberta Lipson

    Mr. Pemble joined the Company in 1984 and has served as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officersince January 1996 and is currently a board director

    Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Pemble was employed by China Books and Periodicals, Inc. as Manager, EastCoast Center

    Mr. Pemble graduated from the University of Phoenix and obtained a BA in Chinese Studies from the StateUniversity of New York at Albany and an MBA from the University of Michigan

    Lawrence Pemble


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    Convertible Debt Investors (Holder) Investor Right AgreementKey Terms

    Investor Right Agreement between the Company and Magenta Magic LimitedFinancial Information Within 45 days of each quarter, (a) unaudited statement of cash flows and balance sheet, (b) project progress report on the JV hospitals will be delivered to the Holder

    Use of Proceeds Company shall use the proceeds for (a) the new 125 bed hospital in Guangzhou and (b) 150 bed hospital in Beijing, or (c) proposed clinics in Beijing or Shanghai Budgeted amount shall not be in excess of RMB 402,230,000 for the Guangzhou hospital or RMB 440,612,000 for the Beijing hospital

    New JV Hospitals Company shall own 60% or more of the New JV Hospitals Proposed capital budget, timeline of event will be available to the Holder

    Pledge of CompanysShares Company shall provide the Holder 15 days notice prior to any transfer of shares by any major shareholder

    New Issuance Company shall not issue any new equity unless the Holder agrees to the new equity issuance Company shall provide an Issuance Notice to the Holder not less than ten calendar days prior to the consummation of such issuance; such Notice will include the

    identity of the proposed third party purchaser, a description of securities to be sold, the number of shares issued to the purchaser, and the proposed purchase price

    Covenants As long as the Holder owns 7.5% or more of the Companys shares, the Company shall not maintain a leverage ratio not greater than 3.0x (Debt less Tranche B+Cnotes/ EBITDA); debt shall not include amounts of the Trance B and C notes

    Additionally, the Company shall have an interest coverage ratio not less than 3.0x (EBITDA / Interest)

    Rights of Transfer Holder shall be entitled to freely transfer the securities to any third party provided that the transferee shall be bound by all obligations, limitations, restrictions andqualifications (but not the rights)under the Investment Rights Agreement, provided that the Holder or its affiliates has no intention to operate a similar healthcareservice operation after the transfer

    Amendments andWaiver

    Any term of the Investor Rights Agreement may be amended with the written consent of the party against whom enforcement may be sought and the observance of any

    term of this Agreement may be waived by the Company. No waivers of or exceptions to any term, condition or provision of this Investor Rights Agreement shall bedeemed to be a further or continuing waiver of any such term, condition, or provision

    Specific Enforcement Upon a material breach by the warrantor, the Holder shall be entitled to injunctive relief against such warrantor if such relief is applicable and available. Nothing inthe Investor Rights Agreement shall be construed as limiting the Holders remedies in any way

    Governing Law The Investor Rights Agreement shall be governed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York

    Source: Company Filings 8K as of November 19, 2007.


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    Glossary of Key Terms

    Average number of inpatients, excluding newborns, receiving care each dayverage Daily Census

    Average inpatient stay; (# of Inpatient days / # of admissions)verage Length ofStay

    Insurance against the risk of financial damage due to professional misconductalpracticeInsurance

    Gross patient revenue, less deductions for contractual adjustments, charity, bad debtset Patient Revenue

    Visits by patients who are not lodged in a hospital while receiving medical services. Each appearance counts asone visit

    utpatient Visits

    Services related to an acute episode of illness, accident injuries or other traumacute Care

    Health services provided without the patient being admitted to a healthcare facility; also called outpatient carembulatory Care


    United Family Healthcare Projected Income Statement

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    Luzich Partners LLC February 2013/

    Income Statement (Assuming Debt Raise)


    Source: Company filings and internal estimates.

    LTM FYE Dec 31,2011 2012 2013E 2014E 2015E 2016E 2017E

    Revenue 114$ 141$ 171$ 220$ 279$ 362$ 475$

    Salaries (64) (78) (94) (121) (154) (199) (261)

    G&A / Other Operating Expenses (18) (20) (26) (33) (41) (52) (67)

    Supplies (13) (18) (21) (25) (31) (38) (47)

    Bad Debt Expense (2) (3) (3) (4) (6) (7) (9)

    D&A (5) (7) (11) (16) (23) (29) (33)

    Lease Expense (6) (7) (9) (11) (14) (18) (24)

    EBIT 6 8 8 9 12 19 33EBIT Margin 5% 5% 5% 4% 4% 5% 7%

    Interest Expense / Other Income 1 (0) (1) (3) (5) (6) (6)

    Taxes (4) (5) (3) (2) (3) (5) (9)

    Net Income 3 2 5 4 5 8 17EBITDA 11 14 19 26 35 47 66


    United Family Healthcare Projected Cash Flows

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    Luzich Partners LLC February 2013/

    Cash Flows (Assuming Debt Raise)


    Source: Company filings and internal estimates.

    FYE Dec 31,2013E 2014E 2015E 2016E 2017E TotalNet Income 5$ 4$ 5$ 8$ 17$

    D&A 11 16 23 29 33

    Change in Working Capital (0) 1 1 1 1

    Cas h Flow from Operations 15$ 21$ 28$ 38$ 51$ 153Capex (47) (70) (77) (70) (58) (322)Cash from Operations Less Investing Use 0 (32) (49) (49) (33) (7) (169)BB Cash 48 16 10 10 10

    EB Cash 48$ 16$ (33)$ (39)$ (23)$ 3$

    Minumum Cash Balance Assumed 10 10 10 10 10

    New Financing Needed 0 43 49 33 7

    Financing (1 for debt, 2 for equity)Debt -$ 43$ 49$ 33$ 7$

    Equity - - - - -

    Cas h from Financ ing - 43 49 33 7 131Total Cas h Ba lance 16 10 10 10 10


    United Family Healthcare Projected Balance Sheet

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    Luzich Partners LLC February 2013/

    Balance Sheet (Assuming Debt Raise)


    Source: Company filings and internal estimates.




    Other Current Assets


    Other Ass ets

    Investment in Uncons olidated affiliate

    Net Deferred Income taxesT o t a l As s e t sAccounts Payable

    Accrued Expenses

    Other Current Liabilities


    To ta l L i ab i l i ti e s

    Equ i t yL+E

    F Y E D e c 3 1 ,2 0 1 3 E 2 0 1 4 E 2 0 1 5 E 2 0 1 6 E 2 0 1 7 E16 10 10 10 10

    35 45 57 74 98

    3 3 4 5 6

    5 7 8 11 14

    123 176 230 272 297

    3 3 3 3 3

    33 33 33 33 33

    2 2 2 2 22 2 0 2 7 9 3 4 8 4 1 0 4 6 223 28 35 44 57

    15 20 25 33 43

    9 11 14 18 24

    25 68 116 149 156

    7 2 1 2 7 1 9 1 2 4 4 2 8 0

    1 4 8 1 5 3 1 5 7 1 6 6 1 8 32 2 0 2 8 0 3 4 8 4 1 0 4 6 3


    United Family Healthcare Discounted Cash Flow

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    Luzich Partners LLC February 2013/

    Discounted Cash Flow


    Note: DCF assumes a mid-year discounting convention.

    FYE Dec 31,2013E 2014E 2015E 2016E 2017E

    Cash from Operations 15$ 21$ 28$ 38$ 51$

    Capex (47) (70) (77) (70) (58)

    Free Cash Flow Before Financing (32)$ (49)$ (49)$ (33)$ (7)$

    PV of FCF @ 15.0% (30) (40) (34) (20) (4)EBITDA 19$ 26$ 35$ 47$ 66$

    Terminal Value Multiple 8.0x

    Terminal Value 524$

    PV of Terminal Value 280Sum of PV of Cash Flows (128)DCF Intrins ic v alue 152


    Valuation of Chindex Hospital Business

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    Intrinsic DCF Valuation

    Summary of Valuation

    Market Valuation

    Sensitivity Table of Equity Upside / (Downside)


    Key Points In spite of a high discount rate to match required IRR, Chindex is undervalued compared to its market valuation

    Terminal EBITDA multiple within range of those of U.S. based hospital operators

    Chindex Hos pital Mark et ValuationShare Price as of 2013/01/24 11.0$

    Outstanding Shares (mm) 17

    Market Cap 187+ Net Debt / (Net Cash) (23)

    - Investment in CML (33)Enterpris e Value 131

    ($ mm) %PV of Cash Flow (128)$ (84.0%)

    PV of Terminal Value 280 184.0%

    DCF Intrins ic Ente rpris e Va lue 152+ Net Cash 23

    + Investment in CML 33

    Implied Equity Va lue 208Equtiy Upside / (Downside) 11%

    Ta rge t Sha re Price 12.2

    Termina l $ / Utilized BedEBITDA Multiple 2,250 2,500 2,750

    7.5x (17%) 2% 21%8.0x (9%) 11% 31%

    8.5x (0%) 21% 42%

    Terminal Capex / Bed ($mm)EBITDA Multiple 0.40$ 0.43$ 0.45$

    7.5x 8% 2% (4%)

    8.0x 18% 11% 5%

    Terminal Disc ount Rate / IRREBITDA Multiple 17.5% 15.0% 12.5%

    7.5x (8%) 2% 14%8.0x 0% 11% 24%

    8.5x 9% 21% 34%
