

NB: These are made to fit over a

Ferrero Rocher chocolate,

although any wrapped chocolate

of the same size would do. It is

important that you cast on loosely

so that the cover can be stretched

over the chocolate, but the

tension of the actual cover should

be quite tight, or they will be

baggy. If you are a loose knitter,

try using 4ply instead.

A Ferrero Rocher chocolate comes glued to its own little paper case which can be

folded back. Simply slip the cover over the chocolate and fold the paper case back



Materials: pair of 2¾mm needles, small balls of double knitting yarn.

Abbreviations: inc - increase by knitting into front and back of stitch, k - knit, p - purl, psso -

pass slipped stitch over, sl 1 - slip next stitch onto right hand needle without knitting, st - stitch,

sts - stitches, - stocking stitch (knit on right side of work, purl on wrong side), tog -



Materials: as above, with white yarn.

Cast on 17 sts loosely.

Row 1: k1, (inc, k1) to end of row. (25 sts)

Rows 2 - 14: beginning with p row, work 13 rows

Row 15: (k2tog) 6 times, k1, (k2tog) 6 times. (13 sts)

Row 16: purl.

Row 17: (k2tog) 3 times, k1, (k2tog) 3 times. (7 sts)

Break yarn, leaving long end for sewing up. Thread yarn through remaining stitches on needle and

pull up tight. Sew up side edges using mattress stitch. Finish off and darn in loose ends.



Materials: as above, but using brown (B) and red (R) wool, and

scraps of black (Blk) and yellow (Y) wool for eyes and beak.

With brown, cast on 17 sts loosely.

Row 1: (k1, inc) 3 times. Join red, and continue with red, twisting

yarns together on wrong side of work to carry brown along the row.

K1, (inc, k1) twice. Continue in brown only. (Inc, k1) 3 times. (25


Row2: p9B, p7R, p9B.

Rows 3 - 9: a further 7 rows, keeping colours the same, and


twisting yarn at back of work.

Row 10: p9B, p3R, p1Y, p3R, p9B.

Row 11: k9B, k1Blk, k5R, k1Blk, k9B.

Row 12: p10B, p5R, p10B.

Row 13 - 14: 2 rows using brown only.

Rows 15 to end: work as for Basic Pattern.

NB: If you find knitting in the eyes and beak too fiddly, simply substitute the following 2 rows,

and embroider the features in afterwards.

Row 10: p9B, p7R, p9B.

Row 11: k19B, k5R, k10B.

Use black and white wool instead and make PENGUINS (use blue for eyes so they stand out

against the black), or light brown and beige wool to make BROWN OWLS.


Materials: as above, using brown (B) and white (W) yarn for

pudding, green for holly leaves and red for berries.

Using brown, work as for Basic Pattern until Row 8 has been


Row 9: Join on white and continue as follows for drips: -

k2B, k2W, k2B, k2W, k1B, k2W, k2B, k2W, k1B, k2W,

k1B, k2W, k1B, k2W, k1B.

Row 10: p1B, p2W, p1B, p2W, p1B, p2W, p1B, p3W,

p1B, p2W, p1B, p3W, p1B, p3W, p1B.

Row 11 - end: continuing in white only, complete as for

Basic Pattern.


With green, cast on 2 sts.

Row 1: knit.

Row 2: cast on 1 st. Knit to end.

Row 3: sl 1, k1, psso, k1.

Row 4: knit 2.

Row 5: sl 1, k1, psso. Fasten off.

Sew to top of pudding and darn in ends.

BERRIES (make 2)

With red, cast on 3 sts.

Knit 1 row.

Break yarn, draw thread through stitches on needle and

draw up tightly. Knot cast on and cast off ends of wool tightly to make small berry shape and sew

to top of pudding.



Materials: as above, using main colour (M) and contrast (C)


(If the stripes are too complicated for you, use all the same


Using M yarn, cast on 17 sts.

Row 1: k1, (inc, k1) to end of row. (25 sts)

Row 2: purl.

Rows 3 - 4: join on C and 2 rows.

Rows 5 - 6: in M.

Rows 7 - 8: in C.

Rows 9 - 10: M.

Rows 11 - 12: in C.

Rows 13 - 14: k 2 rows to form rim of lid.

Row 15 to end: complete as for Basic Pattern in either M or C, as desired, but leave about 1 metre

length of yarn for sewing up and making the handle as follows:-


Once side seam has been sewn up, taking care yarn does not get tangled up because of the length,

pull yarn through sewing needle so that it is doubled (fig 1), and take doubled yarn through seam

to first contrast stripe. Take a small stitch on seam at top of last contrast stripe, below "lid" of

teapot (fig 2). Take small stitch on seam at first contrast stripe (fig 3), and again on last contrast

stripe, and back to first again. This should make a "handle" 6 - 8 lengths of yarn thick (fig 4).

To bind these together, continue by oversewing them using buttonhole stitch until the handle is

completely covered (fig 5). Finish off by running the yarn inside the handle.


Using same yarn as handle, cast on 1 st.

Row 1: k into front and back of stitch.

Row 2: purl.

Row 3: k, and inc into first and last st.

Row 4: purl.

Repeat rows 3 and 4 until there are 8 sts on needle, finishing after a purl row.

Cast off.

Fold in half with cast off edge at top and cast on st. at bottom and sew to teapot opposite handle.


Make as for CHRISTMAS PUDDING BERRY and sew to top of teapot.

fig 1. fig 2. fig 3. fig 4. fig 5.



(These designs are based on the hats for our

local teams. Substitute the colours for your own


BOBBLE HAT (Leeds United)

Materials: as above, with blue, white and

yellow yarn.

Cast on 25sts.

Row 1: (k1, p1) to last st, k1.

Row 2: (p1, k1) to last st, p1.

Rows 3 - 6: Repeat rows 1 and 2 twice more.

Rows 7 - 14: continue in as for Basic Pattern, changing colour of yarn as follows - 4 rows of

white, 1 row of blue, 2 rows of yellow, 1 row of blue.

Row 15 to end: using white yarn, complete as for Basic Pattern.


With blue, cast on 12 sts. 4 rows.

Next row: (sl 1, k1, psso) 3 times.

Break yarn and draw through stitches on needle. Pull up tightly and sew sides together. Run

thread through cast on stitches. Stuff lightly with rolled up bits of yarn. Pull up into a ball and

fasten securely. Sew to top of hat.

BEANIE (Bradford City)

Materials: as above, with burgundy (Bg), and amber (A) yarn.

With burgundy yarn, cast on 17 sts.

Rows 1 - 4: work as for Basic Pattern.

Rows 5 - 6: using amber yarn, work as for Basic Pattern.

Row 7: k12Bg, k1A, k12Bg,

Row 8: p11Bg, p3A, p11Bg.

Row 9: k11Bg, k3A, k11Bg.

Rows 10 - end: using burgundy yarn, complete as for Basic Pattern.

© Western Avenue Designs 2015

