
There are many unfortunate people who get injured at work. If

you have injured yourself on-site at work, you need to take the

help of worker’s compensation laws to get compensation and pay

the bills. In the simplest terms, worker’s compensation can be

defined as a form of insurance which provides for medical


as well as wage replacement for

employees and workers, who have

been injured while they are on job.

Sadly, not all companies take such

cases serious and rather they make

things hard for the injured


Don Jaburek Personal Injury Attorney

This is where you can contact Don Jaburek’s legal team for help.

We are one of the leading firms in Chicago and we have handled

hundreds of such cases for workers and helped them to get the

right compensation. Mr. Jaburek is a known Chicago workers

comp injury lawyer and he takes all cases with serious attention.

He has helped families of injured workers in paying those

medical bills. Depending on the needs and basics of the case, we

can fight the employers on your behalf or reach a settlement,

where you get paid for the injury bills and wage loss. For any

further assistance, call the team today!

One east wacker drive

suite 620

Chicago Illinois 60601
