Page 1: CHRISTCHURCH MODEL AERO CLUB (INC) · 2017. 3. 12. · Poopy puppy pooper scooper reports Just before Xmas Friday the 19th


If undelivered please return to P.O. Box 14115 Christchurch Airport


January 2015


President. Grahame Hart 6B Middlepark Road. Upper Riccarton. ([email protected] )

021 726367

Secretary. Ian Harvey 55A Lockheed Rd, Upper Riccarton. ([email protected])

348 8206

Treasurer. Trevor Henderson 82 Rose St., Spreydon. ( [email protected] ) 337 1091

Recording Officer Gary Burrows 29A Sumnervale Drive, Sumner. ( [email protected] ) 326 5425

R/C Power. Graham Moffat [email protected] 341 5455

R/C Glider. Ian Harvey 55A Lochee Rd, Upper Riccarton. ([email protected]) 348 8206

Free Flight. Dave Jackson 2 St Pauls Place, Burwood. ([email protected]) 960 2290

Vintage Lynn Rodway 29 Maple Place, Rangiora ([email protected]) (03)3134063 027 3134069

Indoor./ control line Contact Bill Long for info 322 7202

Web Master Mark Venter 30 Manor Place, Bryndwr ( [email protected] ) 351 6193

"Torque" Editor Gary Burrows 29A Sumnervale Drive, Sumner. ( [email protected] ) 326 5425

Page 2: CHRISTCHURCH MODEL AERO CLUB (INC) · 2017. 3. 12. · Poopy puppy pooper scooper reports Just before Xmas Friday the 19th


The prez


Junior / Junior = under 18 Junior = 18 to 60 Senior = 60 to 80 Senior / Senior = 80+ Club perceived age / knowledge

Welcome to the new year and the first Torque for 2015, Gary does a great job produc-ing the Torque month by month so please assist him with articles, photos or any news that you may have. Congratulations to Dave Jackson who has become the National NDC Champion Model-ler, a great feat which requires a lot of dedication and also once again CMAC is the top NDC club in the country, well done to all those who participate in this competition. In case any of our members don't know if you "should get caught short" the Loo is out of action, firstly it was damaged by high winds and Graham Moffat resurrected it but unfor-tunately it appears that someone has deliber-ately backed into it and we now we only have tin and kindling left - take a walk to the trees. The weather is in Summer mode now and we have had some very good flying days of late with high temperatures and some good ther-mals for the gliders, please note that the fields are now very dry so please take extra care when flying as we do not need a fire on our hands Happy Flying Grahame Hart

Me and my mate Grant. No Grahame, Grant will show you how, BUT you have to do it your self.

The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas

Page 3: CHRISTCHURCH MODEL AERO CLUB (INC) · 2017. 3. 12. · Poopy puppy pooper scooper reports Just before Xmas Friday the 19th


Minutes of CMAC committee meeting, Thursday December 11th, 2014, 6B Middlepark Road, Upper Riccarton, 7.30pm. Present: Grahame Hart, Trevor Henderson, Gary Burrows, Graeme Moffatt, Ian Harvey, Lynn Rodway Apologies: Dave Jackson Minutes of last meeting: approved (Trevor/Grahame) Business arising: nil Correspondence in and out:- Final MFNZ affiliations sent with lists and receipt for affilia-tions being received. Treasurer’s report: As of 1 Dec 14, current a/c $3350.97, savings a/c $3167.43. Out-goings to Mark V ($282.00 - Cricket club hire, Domain name; part charge for printing and prizes). Section officers’ reports:- R/C glider: ALES 200 and Hand Launch Glider NDC well attended with good flying con-ditions. Free Flight and Vintage: Activities somewhat curtained by wind. Some glider flying but some loses have been experienced (ie. Roy Gunner lost a Lulu glider. Even though dether-malizer activated, it just kept going UP!. Others also lost in similar circumstances but in different directions. Tomboy activities have been restricted due to weather also. See elsewhere for details. Tomboy activities have overtaken Vintage events recently. There are plans to split Tomboy into diesel and electric. Pylon: Worst weather for many years have kept activities to a minimum. The whereabouts of the racing Bearcats was raised. We keep wondering. R/C Power: This flying also affected by the weather also. The field is in good nick but the “long Drop” has toppled over. It needs to be demolished or replaced / re-furbished if mem-bers complain. If there is a competition, then need a portaloo. AOB: Just more discussion on the loo situation. Meeting closed at 8:35 pm followed by a “dram” of “Copacetic Confusion” provided by Mark V. plus Christmas mince pies. Next meeting will be in Feb. next year.

Welcome to Petr Valtera one of our many overseas readers of Torque. His Bio, “I am a member of SAM 95 Bohemia and Model Flying Club 215 Kladno. We participate in many competitions mainly with free flight models (HLG, rubber powered P30, CO2) and also RC models (vintage models according to the rules SAM)” His websites are in Czech but you can see plans and photos

Observations A bus station is where the bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk

I have a work station!!!! A diplomat is someone who can tell you go to hell in such a way that you will look

forward to the trip.

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Ndc results for 2014 We did well again, just shows you that we are the club that competes in NDC. 1229 points for us (Dave Jackson 301 points and top NDC modeler) and the next 2 clubs got 728 points New Plymouth club, 387 points for the Marlborough Associated Model-lers (of which Allan Knox got 288 points and second to top NDC modeler) Well done team

Indoor Report for the 11th January 2015. The event we flew was F.1.D. Once again we fly the F.1.L.s’ in this class. The mod-els do qualify for F.1.D. but are at an extreme disadvantage as far as performance is con-cerned. To fly F.1.D.s’ in our low ceiling site would be difficult, expensive and I think that I would be the only one flying the event. F.1.L.s’ known by some as EzyBs’ are ideal for us and helps in assessing the model’s performance. New rules for F.1.D are now in force. The reason seems to be to attract new comers but over the years that I have been involved in modelling rule changes only make the better modellers even better widening the gap against the novices. The only exception I find to this is for the reason of safety. The new rules are: rubber is now limited to 4 grams from 6 grams and minimal weight is to be 1.4 grams from the old weight of 1.2 grams. Kay, Nev and I were in attendance and we all put in times that I think very good. Under the old rules a top time using an F.1.L. was around 10 minutes, my estimate for the new rules was seven minutes. My model was flying very well except for hitting the ceiling a little too hard putting the model at risk of being damaged or hanging up. Both Kay and Nev were not far behind me and had their models been trimmed better they both could have been ahead me. Results.

Bill. 6 min 55 sec. - 6 min 40 sec. Kay. 6 min 1 sec. - 6 min 24 sec. Nev. 6 min 1 sec.- 5 min 32 sec.

Next meeting is on the 8th February. Event to be held is Hanger Rat. N.D.C.

Soaring results for November 2014

ALES 200 event November 2014

Dave Griffin 2304

Scott Chisholm 2264

Ian Harvey 1432

Peter France 1402

Suetonia Palmer 1135

Paul Chisholm 1110

F3K Event

Andrew Palmer 2153

Peter France 2090

Scott Chisholm 1951

Rob Ward 1662

Ian Harvey 1552

Page 5: CHRISTCHURCH MODEL AERO CLUB (INC) · 2017. 3. 12. · Poopy puppy pooper scooper reports Just before Xmas Friday the 19th


Poopy puppy pooper scooper reports Just before Xmas Friday the 19th December to be precise, while attending a tug tow

event for gliders (and I understand that there were vehicles everywhere so popular has this type of modeling become) Our august secretary’s model was attacked by a nasty Auzzie in the form of a Waratah, “just leaped out of the ground” so the story goes. Me thinks that the “BAD” lining up of the runway was the probable problem (his excuses are elsewhere in the bulletin)

“Praise Be to God” or should that be slaves honoring their chief. This is the only time you will see the “Twins” on their bended knees while there is a camera around!!!

President / God

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ASK21 meets a Waratah – the continuing story by Ian Harvey        The Friday before Christmas saw a good number of fliers at the Willows field.  Some were testing their latest electric warplanes (Bill Ferguson’s Mosquito and John Dunstan’s Hurricane by Alex Hewson) while several of us came to have an aero‐tow of our scale gliders before the festive break.  Dave Griffin and Paul Chisholm had their 7 and 4m glass ships while I had the mixed compos‐ite 4m ASK21.   Conditions were perfect, and my first flight went well, with a nice tow by Andrew Palmer’s Pawnee and thermal lift being worked for a nice 8 min flight.  I was making a standard ap‐proach for landing when I considered the plane was a bit high, so deployed the airbrakes.  This has the effect of both slowing the plane and dropping its altitude.  Bit slow and low now and drifting across the runway.  So, nose‐down slightly and head for the ground with spoilers retracted.  “Watch out for the fence!!" yells someone.  The left glider wing is neatly sliced in two by the metal Y corner post as illustrated below.    Expletive's)!!  

  The post was duly lifted from its hole and laid on the ground to ensure that slightly cross runway (but directly into wind) landings were not im‐peded by this destructive object. Whether it 

should have been lowered (as was the rest of the fence and up‐rights at the end of the runway) be‐fore we started flying is a matter of conjecture, but its removal did appear to make approaches more manageable for everybody who continued to fly that morning.    A phone call from the field to RC Bandit in Auckland confirmed that no spare wings were available in stock and it would be months before a new consignment was being ordered which could include a new wing. It was suggested on the field that because the kits were so cheap, it would be worth just getting a whole new plane!    I took the wing apart on the work bench and thought “I can fix this mess”. I needed to make a new spar insert and a new rib plus other connecting bits as seen below. I had a discussion with John Ensoll as to the best means of strength‐ening the spar area. He considered the insert was best in front of the inter‐rib webs to form a blade, while I thought it best behind the spars to form a box girder (which I eventually did).  

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Fortunately, there were retrieved fragments of the leading and trailing edges that allowed the wing to be jointed to the original plan‐form, so with careful jigging it was all joined up as shown below.                        John gave me some helpful hints as to how the sheeting should be fitted. First, I pencil‐rubbed the opening into a sheet of cartridge paper that was sellotaped over the hole. Then I drew new cut‐lines on the paper that would give good scarf‐joints. This was then cut out and lightly sprayed with F2 glue. Once affixed to the balsa sheeting this was cut out and placed over the hole. The original sheeting was then cut away to this shape to give a pretty good fit. The sheeting was secured with aliphatic glue and thin CA for a tight bond. Selleys mirror finish filler gave a nice‐sandable surface.  


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White Solarfilm or the like are hard to come by but fortunately John E had an end‐of‐roll that was just enough to cover top and bottom.  So it all came out quite well and the wing is now all back together again. BUT, will it be strong enough? Looking at the original Chinese construction under the skin, I think so. However, the proof 

For sale. Futaba FP-7FG 7ch transmitter con-verted to 2.4GHz (Orange plug in module) with brand new NiCad pack. Can use any "Orange" DSM2 re-ceiver. The transmitter is mode 1and can be converted back to 35MHz by sim-ply swapping the transmit modules again. (Original transmit and receive modules are on 35.750) $60 with the 2.4GHz transmit module conversion or $30 with the origi-nal 35MHz modules. Mark Email [email protected] or ph 351 6193 if interested.

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LOST Stew Morse has requested that anyone who found his A1 tow line on a yellow fish-ing line spool please let him know. ( [email protected] ) He lost it south of the radio strip where he was flying his A1 a couple of months ago. (must have been blowing southerly)

Sunday 11th January Boy was it hot and just got hotter as the morning went on. The free flight patch was frequented by some of the faithful (those who had time on their hands) lined up for Vintage precision (not flown thou trimming was done) CLG flown by 2 experts!!!! In the personages of BGGG and Lynn Rodway. Other attendees were Bruce Bonner, Bruce Weatherall, John Beresford and Mark Venter. The only contest flown was the CLG and the result depended on when you flew with Lynn romping away with the result due to his 2 60+ second last flights in the very lifty part of the morning (a gap of about 20 minutes) BGGG flights were all over by this time CLG Lynn Rodway 28 23 43 22 60 60 236 Gary Burrows 33 33 42 25 26 43 202 Models used were Q-CAT18-2, Lee Hines design Lynn Papanui Tavern (last flight as no DT) and Maxcat 19 Gary Vintage Precision FF had 3 potential flyers but no actual times were recorded, Bruce Weatherall had a new model “SPORTY” which he reckoned would be a the one to beat (see photo) but the test flights indi-cated that some more trimming was certainly needed. BGGG and old faithful “Loutrel Sportster” had one test flight just when the lift was dominant and as a result D/T’d from great height, this descent showed up a need to alter the stab angle, as the descent was a spiral dive (not good) BGGG had never had the D/T operate before as it was always down at around the 90seconds so no need for D/T operation.

Bruce Bonner had his FF Tomboy but he experienced a broken part which stopped him in his tracks.

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No it is not the “Statue of Liberty” it is Lynn Rodway in his winning pose with his catapult glider

Some of the flight line with young George Turner in the foreground

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yes, propellers again................thru the eyes of big T. While the assertion may surprise some, I'm convinced that the propeller is the single most difficult and problematic sound source that we aeromodellers encounter. All the propel-lers that we use require a lot of knowledge and wizardry but life certainly has been made easier with the availability of the now well known APC propellers. According to current knowledge the quieter props seem to me to be the most effi-cient- a very good convenience. The secret in attaining a quiet propeller is to keeping the tip velocity low. And for those who need speed then you can control this by increasing the pitch. The other important issue, especially when using thin blades is to ensure that they re-main stiff at all times........and raking the leading edge of the propeller backwards in the tip areas will also help in reducing the noise- and a general guide here is the outer 10%. By ob-servation the sweeping back of the leading edge does reduce the noise levels being produced. How is airspeed generated- it simply is rpm x pitch. Yes, nothing else can have an influence. One of the nice things about our model engines is that they will run very happily at low RPM's without a drastic reduction in performance. We have all learnt that putting a muffler onto an engine is not necessarily a good so-lution to our problems and those of us who play with engines do at times find ourselves dis-appointed with the results.....mufflers do work but do not give results that keep the irritated public happy. Most aeromodellers under-pitch their engines because they like the noise of the higher RPM- screaming engines to some indicate power, but that is not always true. If the propeller is not working efficiently then you will be disappointed with the performance. Loading (too much load) an engine is very easy to do but solving the problem can be even easier if you know what to do.......some would reduce the pitch but don't do that but simply reducing the chord of the blade by about a millimetre with a good sanding block is a very simple solution. It will take you less time to do that than changing the propeller. Learn to play with propeller pitch and you'll be amazed at the results- never be scared of pitch. When you have your propeller and engine combination working to your satisfaction then check the glow plug for colour at the base where it enters the combustion chamber. The colour will tell you a lot and if its dark then you are running too lean, and ideally a coffee colour is what you should aim for. As a general guide for those using 46 sized engines it would be normal to assume a 10 x 6, if you are wanting to became adventurous then try a 9 x 8, or even a 8 x 9- diameter x pitch. I think you will be surprised if you were wanting to check results and effects. Engines running rich generally can be caused by too much diameter and/or too much compression, too hotter a plug- and as most will know all of these factors create load. The engine will sound different and will be quieter. Yes, glow plugs can have a big influence on engine performance and hence engine noise....they will influence you on how much the engine needle can be leaned out. Give it a try and let me know the outcome.

Punography A soldier who survived mustard gas and pepper spray is now a seasoned veteran I stayed up all night to see where the sun went. Then it dawned on me. Did you hear about the cross eyed teacher who lost her job because she couldn't control her


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Neil Grant and his Boddington “Acrobat”

Ashley Glubb in launch phase with his electric glider, Flight times were very good in the dying southerly.

Paul Chisholm with a mate over from Auzzie enjoying the dying southerly conditions with his Ra-dian electric glider. Great legs Paul!!! Our Auzzie friend must have felt the cold. (hadn’t had long enough to acclimatize)

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Stu Grant launching his Pulsar 4000 E from Starlight Models in Ukraine 4m wingspan MVVS direct drive electric motor, swinging 15 x 8 folding prop 1800 mah 3S battery pack Designed for ALES completion contests Carbon “D” box, carbon capped ribs and carbon trailing edge wing, tailplane and rudder construction light weight and strong.

Our new member Richard with his foamie Cub about to give it a airing. He had a few problems but with a bit of help from ???? on what to do, he later sent a email stating that he had successfully flown it much to his delight. Now his next challenge is another foamie B737-700 with 2 electric ducted fans. We wait with baited breath!!!

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Weather Station Phone Number 021 02943562

Operating times Monday to Friday 0700—1300hrs and 1400—1700hrs Saturday and Sunday 0700—1600hrs


Editorial Manure. # 123 , many more to come

I have taken under my wing Reid Wyllie (14 and potential new junior member) to help him build his first balsa, electric, full house trainer model from a free plan out of RCM&E. He has flown a electric foamie but wants to experience the joys of actually constructing a model before moving on to constructing his own micro light (we will be coming to see you Dave Mitchell!!!!!) all I can say is the exuberance of youth is a joy to behold. But we will look after his desires re the model, can’t say that we can realize his micro light desires (due cost $$$$). His ultimate goal is to become a pilot. (any help Dave M???) Reid also has a mate Sam who is also interested. When I went around to Reid’s place today both the boys were setting up a flight simulator similar to the one you used to see in shop-ping malls and I got to Fly a RNZAF DC3 around Christchurch, isn’t it amazing where the state of computer programs are now.

Here is a useful site for those of you who need to know about Lipo batteries

Don’t you hate it when the weather forecast web sites get it wrong with their tim-ing of when the wind will arrive, you just can’t believe them, I should have been out there this Sunday 18th Jan!!!!!! ( the NW kicked in about 1130 hrs)


BGGG relaxing with his “Sportster” note the sunhat, last time he was out he got a sun burnt face. His legs look as good as Paul Chisholms!!!

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1-Feb-15 Sunday AM 0900-1200hrs VINTAGE 44 NDC CLUB Vintage RC 1/2A Texaco Willows

1-Feb-15 Sunday AM 0900-1200hrs VINTAGE 45 NDC CLUB Vintage R/C Electric Rubber Texaco


1-Feb-15 Sunday PM 1300-1600hrs SPARE Willows

3-Feb-15 Tuesday PM 1900 - 2130hrs SPECIAL EVENTS

CLUB Club Meeting Condell ave

7-Feb-15 Saturday AM 0900-1200hrs SOARING 36 NDC CLUB 6 minute Duration (class A) Willows

7-Feb-15 Saturday AM 0900-1200hrs SOARING 37 NDC CLUB 2 Metre (class H) Willows

7-Feb-15 Saturday AM 0900-1200hrs SOARING 38 NDC CLUB Altitude Limited Electric Soaring 200 (class M) scoring Willows

7-Feb-15 Saturday AM 0900-1200hrs SOARING 39 NDC CLUB X5J Unlimited Class O Willows

8-Feb-15 Sunday AM 0900-1200hrs SPECIAL EVENTS



8-Feb-15 Sunday AM 0900-1200hrs VINTAGE / NOSTAL- 42 NDC CLUB Nostalgia FF Rubber Duration Willows

8-Feb-15 Sunday AM 0900-1200hrs VINTAGE / CLASSIC

43 NDC CLUB Classic F/F Rubber Duration Willows

8-Feb-15 Sunday PM 1300-1600hrs SPARE Willows

8-Feb-15 Sunday PM 1300-1500hrs INDOOR 29 NDC CLUB Hanger Rat Templeton

8-Feb-15 Sunday PM 1300-1500hrs INDOOR 30 NDC CLUB Fuselage Templeton

14-Feb-15 Saturday AM 0900-1200hrs SPARE Willows

14-Feb-15 Saturday PM 1300-1600hrs SPARE Willows

15-Feb-15 Sunday AM 0900-1200hrs VINTAGE 40 NDC CLUB Vintage FF Power Duration Willows

15-Feb-15 Sunday AM 0900-1200hrs VINTAGE / NOSTAL- 41 NDC CLUB Nostalgia FF Power Duration Willows

15-Feb-15 Sunday PM 1300-1600hrs SPARE Willows

21-Feb-15 Saturday AM 0900-1200hrs SPARE Willows

21-Feb-15 Saturday PM 1300-1600hrs PYLON 31 NDC CLUB Quickie 500 Sport Pylon Willows

21-Feb-15 Saturday PM 1300-1600hrs PYLON 32 NDC CLUB Quickie 500 Expert Pylon Willows

21-Feb-15 Saturday PM 1300-1600hrs PYLON 33 NDC CLUB FAI Pylon (F3D) Willows

21-Feb-15 Saturday PM 1300-1600hrs PYLON 34 NDC CLUB Intermediate Pylon Willows

21-Feb-15 Saturday PM 1300-1600hrs PYLON 35 NDC CLUB Sportsman Pylon Willows

22-Feb-15 Sunday AM 0900-1200hrs SPECIAL EVENTS

NDC CLUB Club Rally day, cancelled events and NDC final day for Willows

22-Feb-15 Sunday PM 1300-1500hrs SPARE Willows

28-Feb-15 Saturday AM 0900-1200hrs SPARE Willows

28-Feb-15 Saturday PM 1300-1600hrs SPARE Willows

Lets be careful out there with the grass being so dry

Be carefull with your model and car activi-ties

We do not want to be featured on the news!!!

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1-Mar-15 Sunday AM 0900-1200hrs FF 46 NDC CLUB 1/2A Power Willows

1-Mar-15 Sunday AM 0900-1200hrs FF 48 NDC CLUB Open Power (Class A) Willows

1-Mar-15 Sunday AM 0900-1200hrs FF 55 NDC CLUB Tip Launched Glider Willows

1-Mar-15 Sunday PM 1300-1600hrs SPARE Willows

3-Mar-15 Tuesday PM 1900 - 2130hrs SPECIAL CLUB Club Meeting Condell ave

7-Mar-15 Saturday AM 0900-1200hrs SPARE Willows

7-Mar-15 Saturday PM 1300-1600hrs SPARE Willows

8-Mar-15 Sunday AM 0900-1200hrs FF 49 NDC CLUB Coupe D'Hiver (FAI Rubber Class F1G)


8-Mar-15 Sunday AM 0900-1200hrs FF 50 NDC CLUB P.30 Rubber Willows

8-Mar-15 Sunday AM 0900-1200hrs FF 56 NDC CLUB Catapault Glider Willows

8-Mar-15 Sunday AM 0900-1200hrs FF 47 NDC CLUB Open Rubber Willows

8-Mar-15 Sunday PM 1300-1600hrs SPARE Willows

15-Mar-15 Sunday AM 0900-1200hrs SPECIAL CLUB VIC SMEED PRECISION Willows

15-Mar-15 Sunday AM 0900-1200hrs FF 54 NDC CLUB Kennedy Precision (Class E) Willows

15-Mar-15 Sunday AM 0900-1200hrs FF 52 NDC CLUB Kiwi Power Willows

15-Mar-15 Sunday PM 1300-1600hrs SPARE Willows

21-Mar-15 Saturday AM 0900-1200hrs SPARE Willows

21-Mar-15 Saturday PM 1300-1600hrs PYLON 58 NDC CLUB Quickie 500 Sport Pylon Willows

21-Mar-15 Saturday PM 1300-1600hrs PYLON 59 NDC CLUB Quickie 500 Expert Pylon Willows

21-Mar-15 Saturday PM 1300-1600hrs PYLON 60 NDC CLUB FAI Pylon (F3D) Willows

21-Mar-15 Saturday PM 1300-1600hrs PYLON 61 NDC CLUB Intermediate Pylon Willows

21-Mar-15 Saturday PM 1300-1600hrs PYLON 62 NDC CLUB Sportsman Pylon Willows

22-Mar-15 Sunday AM 0900-1200hrs SPECIAL EVENTS



22-Mar-15 Sunday PM 1300-1600hrs SPARE Willows

22-Mar-15 Sunday PM 1300-1500hrs INDOOR TBA Templeton

29-Mar-15 Sunday AM 0900-1200hrs FF 51 NDC CLUB A/1 Glider (FAI Class F1H) Willows

29-Mar-15 Sunday AM 0900-1200hrs FF 53 NDC CLUB Open Glider Willows

29-Mar-15 Sunday AM 0900-1200hrs FF 57 NDC CLUB Hand Launched Glider Willows

29-Mar-15 Sunday AM 0900-1200hrs SPECIAL EVENTS

NDC CLUB Club Rally day, cancelled events and NDC final day for month


29-Mar-15 Sunday PM 1300-1600hrs SPARE Willows

Granddad or Stu Grant
