Page 1: Church Drive December 2015 - St Giles West … · 2015-12-09 · Church Drive December 2015 ... Carols by Candlelight Dec 20th at 7.00pm ... (classical, jazz, blues) under the stage-name

News from St. Giles Church, West Bridgford

Church Drive December 2015

In this edition…

The Rector Writes

Musical Changes

The Path to Baptism

Responding to the Refugee Crisis

PCC Update

Boys Brigade Update

Not in God’s Name: Confronting Religious Violence

St Giles’ Directory & Coming Up at St Giles

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The Rector Writes…...

130 people are killed and many more injured in a terrorist attack. Pope Francis declares ‘Christmas is a charade, the whole world is at war’, The Archbishop of Canterbury speaks of how recent events in Paris cause him to doubt.

Christian leaders just like everybody else struggle to make sense of the brutal attacks in Paris - and the news that more are being prepared. Yet both the Pope and the Archbishop amidst doubts and tears will continue to speak of the God who became flesh and dwelt among us this Christmas season. Because unlike any of the other major world religions, Christianity tells the story of God as one who identifies with human beings to the extent of becoming one of them by being born as an utterly dependent baby, in a poor family who shortly became homeless refugees. The Victorians have done us no favours by sentimentalising Christmas. Matthew and Luke tell us a story which is only too recognisable in the harsh world of the Middle East today. The very claim that this is not just the birth of a prophet, but God in person coming into the world tells us immensely important things about God. A God who identifies with the weak and helpless is not a warmonger or a persecutor, and that means that anyone who claims to be a believer in this God cannot be either. Religions are not all the same. Any faith which stirs up violence is not walking in the ways of the God revealed in Jesus. Any believer who uses their faith to oppress others has ceased to follow Jesus at that point. That kind of religion is harmful and people have seen too much of it. They need to see something different. Truth matters, and Christmas reveals the deepest truth about who God is and how we are to be.

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Think of yourselves the way Christ Jesus thought of

himself. He had equal status with God but didn’t think so much of himself that he had to cling to the

advantages of that status no matter what. Not at all. When the time came, he set aside the privileges of

deity and took on the status of a slave, became human! Having become human, he stayed human. It

was an incredibly humbling process. He didn’t claim special privileges. Instead, he lived a selfless,

obedient life and then died a selfless, obedient death—and the worst kind of death at that—a

crucifixion. Philippians 2 v 5-8 (The Message version)

May you have a grace filled Christmas and New Year full of hope,


Christmas at St Giles’ Church

We’d love to welcome you to our Christmas Services.

Carols by Candlelight Dec 20th at 7.00pm

The Nativity

Christmas Eve at 4.00pm

Christmas Eve Communion


Christmas Day Celebration 10.00am

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Musical Changes

Introducing…..Paul Bracken

I live in West Bridgford with my wife Sue, and am really looking forward to the challenge of playing at St. Giles and to working closely with the choir. I have a deep respect for Anglican choral music, and while I would hope to maintain and safeguard the established choral tradition of St. Giles and the existing pattern of Choral Evensong services, I am also keen to make some changes and introduce the choir to some new devotional music. Expect more a capella singing, hopefully including some Gregorian and Taizé chant, intended to enhance and beautify the liturgy by deepening the sense of spirituality at services.

My background is unusual: I used to teach at West Bridgford High School, but currently teach piano and singing, and perform widely as a pianist (classical, jazz, blues) under the stage-name Paul Ricard. I have recently recorded Canaan Road, an album of contemporary piano pieces on the theme of journeys, some with underlying Christian themes.

I have been involved in Church music for many years, and completed two Lay Ministry qualifications in Christian Education and Music and Worship in 2013 and 2014. Some years ago, I was fortunate enough to receive a British Academy Scholarship to study for a PhD in musicology (awarded 2001) during the course of which I transcribed and analysed more than 220 pieces of medieval music (some more than 700 years old) from manuscripts currently held in the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris. I have since published many articles on medieval song and its performance traditions, especially in the early music journal The Consort. I’ve also given numerous recitals based on this research, and taught at the

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Universities of Nottingham, Keele and briefly at the City University Nagoya (Japan).

It’s an unusual background, but God willing, this will enable me to bring some new ideas to my role at St. Giles.

Paul Bracken

Introducing….. Hannah Crawford I'm Hannah, I’m married to Sam and we have two daughters, Isla and Esther.

Music has been a part of my life always, coming from a musically family I learnt trumpet and piano. With my dad as a worship leader for as long as I can remember I was involved in church music from a young age. Having done music A level I chose to study music at the University of Nottingham after having taught music in Kenya for a year. I now teach brass in schools and at Nottingham Music School for the Nottingham Music Service. I continue to play my trumpet, mainly in Nottinghamshire Police Band and Stardust Big Band.

Sam and I came to St giles eight years ago. We came to the evening service, Something Else, and were immediately welcomed and felt part of the community there. We had the privilege of forming part of the worship band on piano and drums, and enjoyed serving on the worship team for six years. I also at times joined in with choir or trumpet for other services. On the arrival of Isla we soon moved to the morning service and once the service change happened I offered to help Andrew with the worship and had the privilege of leading worship alongside him.

My real hope and vision for worship at St Giles is that we are able to create an environment of Freedom in worship. I think worship should be a place where we can let our barriers down and pray God use that to change and transform our hearts and minds, it's a place we can be filled by Him and then be sent out.


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I'm excited to expand the worship team and explore using new songs, building on the strong foundations Andrew laid. I've already started on getting All Age Band going again, and am looking forward to getting to know the youth. Christmas is a big time of year musically and there is plenty to be getting stuck into, it will be my first experience of the nativity!

I pray God will bless our church on our journey in worship.

Hannah Crawford

Introducing…...The Youth Band Music is an important part of worship, we know that, we understand that, and we want to explore that. This September we started a youth worship band, with Will Bancroft leading it. Over the last year Will and I have been speaking and exploring the idea of youth leading us in sung worship during our youth worship nights once a month on a Friday evening. And we are now delighted to say that we have started a band! We have many young people with amazing musical gifts, and we wish we could involve each and every one of them in the band, and hopefully one day we can! For now however we have 5 young people coming together to make a beautiful sound for the glory of God. Introducing our band:

Will Bancroft – lead guitar and vocals Elisabeth Mole – vocals Hannah-Maria Mole – vocals Joe Keown – keys George Place – violin Noah Whawell – drums.

The band sound awesome together, and will be ready to lead us in

January for a worship night. And hopefully one day lead the entire


Andy Wright, Youthworker

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The Path to Baptism for Mike Rich

I was brought up in a Christian family and went to church every week for many years as I grew up. At some point in my teenage years I became uncomfortable with this as I didn’t believe in what I was saying and doing at church, so I stopped attending. I thought it was right to stay away from church or Christian activity, as otherwise, I thought, it would be hypocritical.

But then I met and fell in love with Anna, a Christian from a Christian family. We were married in church and as two children came along, they were baptised, here at St Giles, even though I wasn’t entirely comfortable with making promises to God as part of those services. As the years went on, thanks to Anna’s gentle encouragement, I started to attend church here at St Giles more often. I found myself less likely to make excuses and increasingly aware of the example I was setting the children. I also started to feel more comfortable at church, more at ease and more aware of there being something ‘going on’ that could bring a real peace and comfort to members of the church family.

I did the Alpha course 2 or 3 years back, after which I felt there was very little standing in the way of accepting the teachings of Christianity. But somehow that still wasn’t enough for me to take the step and commit my life to God.

Last year, I found myself having been working in London for a couple of years, often staying away 2 nights a week in hotels. During the week I’d see very little of the family, especially the children, between Sunday night and Friday mornings. The job was getting more challenging and less rewarding. I wasn’t very happy and although I was trying to get another job closer to home, there wasn’t much around and applications I did make were unsuccessful. Thankfully, family, friends and members of St Giles’ were active in prayer. In particular, Anna’s home group were praying that there would be an opportunity for me to work closer to home. This led first to me handing in my notice – something I’d never done before without having a job to go to – feeling assured


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that it was the right thing, as many of you continued to pray for me and with me.

Not long after that I applied for a job in Chesterfield, working for the local council there, and having got through various stages I made it to the final interview. Going in, I said something resembling a prayer and the interview went really well. I had no idea if it was enough to get the job, but I felt a peace and comfort that I’d done all I could and given my best. A few hours later I got the call I’d been hoping for, offering me the job, which I started in November, immediately making a big improvement on the time I was able to spend being at home and part of the family again.

As I reflected on this experience, I felt more and more that it had been an answer to prayer; that the prayers of those at St Giles’ and beyond had made a difference to the outcome. It was something I didn’t feel I could just ignore.

A few months later, in March this year, as a family we attended the Church weekend away. I felt challenged and moved by the speaker and, again, members of the St Giles’ family were on hand to pray with me. A few days later I went to see Lee, to talk about how I might speak at St Giles’ about the impact of the church weekend. But it soon became clear that there was no reason to wait any longer, so that night – 25th March – I offered my life to God and became a Christian.

I know that this step was a further answer to prayer and that many of those prayers – particularly of my family – have waited a long time for an answer. But as I look back and reflect on my story, I can see that Jesus never gave up; the shepherd was looking

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for his lost sheep. And I can see that this search included those prayers of my family and friends, and the church family here at St Giles.

In some ways, having become a Christian, it seemed that nothing changed – I carried on doing the same day to day activities, things that brought the same pleasures and pressures that they did before. But in another sense I feel everything’s changed and as I take my early steps, in prayer, bible study, and fellowship, I know my life has changed.

One of those challenging moments at our church weekend away was the idea of Jesus needing us to knock down the house that represents our old lives, not just do a bit of repair work. One of the reasons that I was keen to be baptised today is to mark that step into the new life that He is building in me.

Mike was baptised at St Giles on Sunday 25th October


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Responding to the Refugee Crisis The PCC recently discussed the growing refugee crisis caused by conflict and extreme poverty particularly in Syria, the Horn of Africa and Afghanistan. We are conscious that the issues are complex and we want to ensure that we respond as a church in an effective way.

There are at least three distinct groups of refugees – those in the camps in the Middle East (probably around 4m), those on the move in and towards the European Union (about 1m) and those who are already in the UK legally and illegally but often living in the most destitute of circumstances. (Nottingham will shortly be welcoming 22 families from Syria as part of the Vulnerable Persons Relocation Scheme.)

As a first response, we considered that raising money for those living in great poverty in the Middle East would be useful and a bake sale was organised by St. Giles youth in October with the proceeds going to Tearfund’s work in the refugee camps there. We are now looking at longer term initiatives and would welcome any suggestions from members of the congregation. But, for now, we would like to signpost you to a number of existing initiatives which the Diocese has recommended. Any of these organisations would welcome your support! And, for more ideas, do visit

Nottingham Arimathea Trust Provides housing and support for people who have had their first claim for asylum refused. They work to raise awareness and dispel myths and stereotyping. They arrange legal representation for fresh asylum claims and, from there, to access temporary Asylum Support housing.

Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Refugee Forum Offers Refugees and Asylum seekers in Nottinghamshire practical advice, information, support and friendship and also campaigns on issues affecting them. In cases of extreme need, payments are made from a


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destitution fund.

Rainbow Project This project is based at St Stephens Church in Hyson Green and offers help and befriending include, advice and accompanying people to key appointments and assessments. The Arches Project Gives away furniture, clothing and household items to those referred to through local agencies (in the past year this has included over 400 Refuges and Asylum seekers). They run a coffee lounge, free women's pampering, a creative group for women, a mentoring scheme and English lessons. Currents needs include: essential furniture items and household goods (bedding, towels, curtains etc)


Baca is based in Loughborough (it is the nearest such project to Notts) and provides specialist supported accommodation and development training for young people who are 16 years and over. They specifically work with unaccompanied asylum seeking children, refugees, victims of trafficking and those at risk of exploitation.

Host Nottingham

A partnership of the leading refugee agencies working in Nottingham; provides referral into accommodation for homeless asylum seekers, volunteer mentors and befrienders, campaigning and runs a variety of activities and outings for asylum seekers.

British Red Cross Provide support to Asylum Seekers and Refugees that have problems with their NASS support and delays in paying JSA and ESA and weekly welcome sessions for new arrivals at St. Andrews with Castle Gate.


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PCC Update

Resignations: Simon Jones tendered his resignation from the PCC, as he was about to begin training for ordination, so would be attending the PCC of the church to which he would be attached. Eddie Pearce will retire from his position as treasurer at the end of 2015; Chris Lane has been co-opted as a member of the PCC, as he is to take over as treasurer in January.

Funding Campaign: The result of the campaign was an increase in planned giving of more than £35k, including tax refund and one-off gifts of nearly £12k.

Buildings: Bruce Bradley (Diocesan Architect) is drawing up designs for a refurbished entrance at the south door; new hall fire doors are to be installed; the lightening system is due for review; maintenance of the lead roofing is to take place; quotes for screens and projection are being sought.

Church cleaning: In response to the cleaning rota having dwindled out of existence, Helen Jarvis and Aileen Foster have agreed to take on responsibility for cleaning the church on a paid basis. We are most grateful to them for their willingness to do this.

Finance : Eddie presented up-to-date accounts.

Parish Share: In view of our successful funding campaign and a request from the Deanery, it was agreed to make an additional ‘one-off’ contribution. Our Parish Share for 2016 has been allocated – this will be discussed at the January PCC meeting.

Music/Worship Director: Both Paul Bracken (Organist) and Hannah Crawford (Worship Director) started work at the beginning of November. Do talk to them about their plans for music at St Giles!

Children and Families Worker: As the funding campaign has been successful, recruitment of a Children and Families Worker has gone ahead. Applications close at the end of November and interviews will take place on Friday 4th December.

Youth Work: Andy Wright joined the meeting to talk about youth at St Giles. For those interested, copies of his handout are at the back

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of church. Talk to Andy to find out more.

Community Noticeboard This will be put up in January

Riding Lights St Giles will be hosting a passion play, as in 2014. Do talk to Tony Vokes if you can help with this.

Dizzy Prentiice, PCC Secretary

Boys Brigade Update The Annual Cross Country event was held in the middle of July at Wollaton Park. In the Junior Section we had 2 boys competing Francis Cahill and Cameron Keogh and combined with the 42nd to form a team. Our best placed finisher was Cameron who came in 7th. In the Junior Company Section race we had Martin Cahill and along with 2 boys from the 42nd combined to win the Junior Company Team Trophy. Martin came in a very creditable 5th place. The Junior Section entered the Indoor Games Competition and the boys had eleven activities to do. These ranged from physical challenges to mental challenges. One team was entered from the 8th /42nd and there were a total of sixteen teams taking part. At the end of the competition our team were in 11th place. The Company Section entered the Chess and Draughts Competition and we had four Junior boys take part in both. In the Draughts- Raphael Galea got to the 2nd round, Christopher Kerry, Jasper Hanson both these reached the semi-final and Nicholas Kerry who won the Competition. In the Chess Raphael, Christopher and Nicholas lost in the 2nd round whilst Jasper reached the semi-final and was defeated in sudden death by the eventual winner Aryan Fakey from the 42nd. Nine teams took part in the Company Section Unihoc competition and they were drawn into two groups one of five and the other with four with the top two going through to the semi-finals. We entered a team and they were drawn in the group of five. It was a young side and they won one of their four matches.

Keith Whitaker, Captain


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Not in God’s Name: Confronting Religious Violence by Jonathan Sacks

(former Chief Rabbi)

Despite predictions of continuing secularisation, the twenty-first century has witnessed a surge of religious extremism and violence in the name of God. In this powerful and timely book, Jonathan Sacks explores the roots of violence and its relationship to religion, focusing on the historic tensions between the three Abrahamic faiths, Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Drawing on arguments from evolutionary psychology, game theory, history, philosophy, ethics and theology, Sacks

shows how a tendency to violence can subvert even the most compassionate of religions. Through a close reading of key biblical texts at the heart of the Abrahamic faiths, Sacks then challenges those who claim that religion is intrinsically a cause of violence, and argues that theology must become part of the solution if it is not to remain at the heart of the problem. This book is a rebuke to all those who kill in the name of the God of life, wage war in the name of the God of peace, hate in the name of the God of love, and practise cruelty in the name of the God of compassion.

It is quite a demanding read, particularly the second section which gives close attention to the theme of sibling rivalry in the book of Genesis: Cain and Abel, Ishmael and Isaac, Jacob and Esau, Joseph and his brothers, and the author’s mastery of the Hebrew text is very illuminating. The last section focuses on the experience of the Jews throughout history which is understandable.

I borrowed this book from West Bridgford library and I can strongly recommend it to anyone wanting to get to grips with this most pertinent and timely subject.

Claire Barker


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Rector Lee Proudlove Tel: 981 1112 [email protected]

Church Alison Place Tel: 07726117096 Wardens Jude Hill Tel: 989 9723

Administrator Claire Sheard Tel: 07948 834250 [email protected]

Youth Worker Andy Wright Tel: 07880 313884 [email protected]

Pastoral Care Daphne Carter Tel: 974 3749 Co-ordinators [email protected]

House Groups Katie Conley Tel: 923 4721

Seniors Doreen Ottway Tel: 981 3689

PCC Secretary Dizzy Prentice Tel: 07951538670

PCC Treasurer Eddie Pearce Tel: 981 3580 [email protected]

Sacristan Maureen Swann Tel: 859 0975

Junior Church Sarah & Iain Moppett Tel: 974 4442

Sunbeams Claire Sheard Tel: 07952247147

Tiddlers Caroline Crew Tel: 914 2465

Weddings Caroline Harper Tel: 914 5650

Church Cleaning Helen Jarvis Tel: 981 9947 and Flower Rota

Something Else Graham & Kat Rooke Tel: 07577 966684 [email protected] or [email protected]

St Giles’ Directory


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Coming up @ St Giles

Thursdays, 1.45 - 3.30pm Seniors’ Bible Group, church hall meeting room

Monday 7th Dec, 4th Jan, 1st Feb, 3.45—5.15pm Messy Church in church—activities, stories, songs, food

Wednesday 2nd Dec, 6th Jan, 3rd Feb, 7.45pm Safe Space in church - self-help group for people living with anxiety and depression

Friday 11th Dec, 12.00pm Seniors’ Christmas Lunch

Wednesday 13th Jan, 10th Feb, 8.00pm Ladies’ Evening at The Parlour

Tuesday 8th Dec, 12th Jan, 9th Feb, 10.30am Seniors’ Coffee Morning at Bradmore

Monday 11th Jan, 8th Feb, , 8.00pm First Priority Prayer Meeting in church.

Tuesday 22nd Jan, 11.30am Seniors’ Adventure Golf

Friday 26th Feb, 12.30pm Seniors’ Lunch at the Shepherd’s

Monday 8.00pm Men’s Social at the Willow Tree Pub

