Page 1: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

Church HistoryFreedom to Feudalism

313-800 A.D.

Page 2: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

Christians of the Roman Empire (chapter 8)

Page 3: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

A period of ups and downs...

This period of time is a roller coaster ride...

Page 4: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

Objective: To understand the changes that took place in the life of the Church as as result of the collapse of the Roman Empire and the rise of feudalism.

Page 5: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

Preview of Chapter:This period of time begins with great news; our ancestors receive freedom of religion and the persecutions come to an end...but…

Almost immediately, the Church must battle for survival against heresies and false teachings that threaten to destroy it.

About the time our ancestors conquer this problem, Northern tribes overrun the Roman Empire and the empire collapses.

Gradually, the church converts these tribes.

New kingdoms form to replace the Roman Empire and give some order to society...but...peace doesn’t last for long. The kings and princes of the new kingdoms try to take over the church leadership.

Page 6: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

The persecutions finally end!For the first three hundred years of the Church’s life, beginning with the execution of Jesus, Christians were persecuted.

The persecutions finally ended when a general named Constantine became emperor of the Roman Empire.

Constantine, along with his soldiers, battled fiercely against rival generals before he could take control of the empire.

When he finally defeated his enemies, Constantine was convinced that the God of the Christians had helped him win the victories. p88

Page 7: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

Constantine’s path to becoming emperor

Constantine won the battle of Milvian Bridge, which many believe is what began his conversion to Christianity.

Constantine’s vision was interpreted as a promise of victory if the sign of the Chi-Rho, the first two letters of Christ's name in Greek, was painted on the soldiers' shields. The Arch of Constantine, erected in celebration of the victory, certainly attributes Constantine's success to divine intervention; however, the monument does not display any overtly Christian symbolism.

Page 8: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

Edict of Milan

In one of his first official acts as Emperor, issued the Edict of Milan in 313 A.D.

The Edict of Milan gave freedom of religion to everyone, including Christians, and it forbade any further persecution of Christians.

The Christians could now worship together in public and openly preach the gospel without fear.

Buildings that previous emperors had confiscated were returned and churches could now be built.


Page 9: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

Saint Helena

Constantine’s mother, Helena, is responsible for helping her son understand the Church.

She oversaw the building of many churches.

She is thought to have discovered the cross that Jesus was crucified on.

Her remains are buried inside of the Vatican museum.


Page 10: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

Influenced by Helena, Constantine:

built a basilica over the tomb of Saint Peter

gave many government buildings to the Christians

declared every Sunday a government holiday

made Christmas and Easter official holidays

worked to restore the holy places in Jerusalem

banned worship of false gods


Page 11: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

Constantine’s Baptism and Full Conversion

Constantine wasn’t baptized as a Christian until he was on his deathbed, but during his life he actively supported the Church. He was a catechumen for most of his adult life, learning and growing in faith.

Constantine died in 337 A.D. of illness.

Page 12: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

The Church Relies on the Word of God Which sacred writings should be included?

Scholar Marcion wanted to exclude Old


Church condemned this and adopted 46

books of the Old Testament

Bible = book written about God’s covenant

with His people

Testament = Covenant

Under guidance of the Holy Spirit, Church

developed New Testament which included

27 books

In ~367AD official list – canon - of Sacred


Page 13: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

Answer the questions using complete sentences

1. Why did peace not last long when the new kingdoms replaced the Roman


2. Persecutions of Christians ended when who became emperor? Why did he

stop the persecutions?

3. What is the Chi-Ro and what does it have to do with Constantine?

4. What are two facts you learned about Saint Helena?

5. How did Saint Helena influence Constantine?

6. Why do you think it took Constantine so long to become a baptized Christian?

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Silent read pages 90-91

Page 15: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

Fathers of the Church Defend the TruthEcumenical Councils

Used to combat heresy (belief or beliefs that rejects one or more revealed truth of faith)

Ecumenical = of the whole world

Guided by the Holy Spirit

Still exist today

Bring together bishops from around the world with the Pope to guide the Church in matters of faith


Origen – studied and explained Scripture

Tertullian – developed a vocabulary with which to describe the faith

Saint John Chrysostom – great preacher whose name means “golden-mouthed”

Saint Jerome – translated the Bible into Latin from Hebrew and Greek

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Page 17: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

Heresies Cause the Need for Councils

Arian heresy →Council of Nicaea (325)

false teaching that Jesus was a little more than human but not fully

divine; Emperor Constantine called; Arian heresy was condemned;

Nicene Creed was established to express Jesus’ true humanity and


→ Council of Constantinople (381)

controversy continued so bishops met again to establish the truth that the

Holy Spirit is also fully divine; salvation is the work of One God in Three

Divine Persons; these truths were added to what was begun in Nicaea

and form the Nicene Creed we still profess today


Page 18: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

Age of Councils

In our last unit, we saw the first council, the Council of Jerusalem give some shape to the Church. In the time from 313-800 A.D. there are several more councils that help the Church become unified in her position on beliefs

The clergy would come together, pray, celebrate the Eucharist, debate, and ultimately vote. Whatever was decided by the bishops and approved by the Bishop of Rome (pope) became the official teaching for all Christians throughout the world.

Page 19: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

Council of Nicea 325 A.D.

The Council of Nicea:*refutes the Arian heresy (believed the Son of God was not truly divine but created and that he was not eternal).*composed the Nicene Creed.*lasted two months and twelve days. *318 bishops were present.*gave us a “fixed” date of Easter

Page 20: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

The Council of Constantinople 381 A.D.

The Council of Constantinople:*agrees with and expands the Nicene Creed and *defines the divine nature of the Holy Spirit.*under Pope Damasus and the Emperor Theodosius I*was attended by 150 bishops. *directed against the followers of Macedonius, who

didn’t believe in the Divinity of the Holy Ghost. *added the clauses referring to the Holy Ghost to the

Nicene Creed

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The Council of Ephesus 431 A.D.

The Council of Ephesus:* took place in modern Turkey*refutes Nestorian heresy (stated that Jesus was not divine and that Mary was not the Mother of God) and *states that Mary is truly the Mother of God.

Page 22: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

The Council of Chalcedon 451 A.D.

The Council of Chalcedon*defends the divine nature of Jesus Christ.*agreed that Jesus had two natures; human AND

divine*Eutyches, a church leader who had extreme views,

was excommunicated.

Page 23: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

Councils Worksheet and Practice Test

1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical

Councils discussed in chapter 8. (Use Freedom to Feudalism Powerpoint)

2. Complete the practice test on page 93.

3. Use the back of the Ecumenical Councils sheet to answer 9-10 ESSAY on the

practice test.

4. Turn in Ecumenical Councils sheet

5. Reread chapter 8 to be ready for test tomorrow or create notes for Blessing


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End of Chapter 8

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Christians of the Early Middle Ages

Chapter 9

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Silent read pages 97-99

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Keeping the Faith

Constantine and the other emperors who came after him began to show favor to the Christians. Being Christian could get you a government job!

Bishops and priests were made key officials in some parts of the empire and helped run the government.

Many insincere people joined the Church to get special favors and privileges. These people didn’t have a conversion and were only Christian on the surface. Their membership weakened the faith of the entire Church.

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Sincere Christians also started to take their faith for granted. They were no longer challenged by persecutions. Keeping the faith alive was no longer their main concern as they became more interested in material possessions.

In general, the pure and passionate faith of the earlier disciples lessened once it was easy and popular to be called a Christian.

Page 29: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

From the desert to the monastery

The Holy Spirit called for a radical change due to the weakening of the faith.

Christian men and women were being called to leave their comfortable homes to live in the desert or other inhabited areas.

There they lived as hermits, spending their days and nights praying, fasting, and doing penance.

This lifestyle had started over a century ago, but after persecutions it became very popular.

Page 30: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

Thousands of newly converted people with little or no previous knowledge of Jesus, the apostles, or Christian beliefs were entering the Church and were easily mislead.

Many saints and theologians were around to help with some of this. Many risked their lives to defend this faith. These theologians were sometimes kidnapped and held prisoner by supporters of the heretics.Others were killed, and therefore, martyred.

Mobs would riot to promote their particular heresy.

Being a theologian and defender of the faith could be a dangerous profession!

Page 31: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

Devout Christians living in the cities soon started traveling to visit these holy individuals to seek their prayers and guidance. Often, they would stay to live in solitude themselves. They would build a hut or find a cave and live as “disciples” of Christ as individuals. Often communities of like-minded Christians would form. They would spend their week alone in prayer and gather to celebrate the Eucharist on Sunday.

Page 32: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

The monastic movement started as a result of these communities. One of the pioneers in starting monastic orders was Saint Benedict, who lived from approximately 480-550 A.D.

He had been living as a hermit, but because of all of the visitors that he had, decided to build a monastery at Monte Cassino in Italy.


Page 33: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

He wrote a rule that has served as a guide for monks to the present. At Monte Cassino, the ideals of the

desert (prayer, fasting, penance) were integrates with community life and community service.

The phrase “prayer and work” was Saint Benedict’s motto for his followers.

*The rule was a guide book on how to be a monk and live a monastic life.

Page 34: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

In the western part of the world, Saint Benedict’s Rule and his monastic style of “desert life” became the norm followed by other orders.

His sister, Saint Scholastica, started a similar community for women near Monte Cassino. She used Benedict’s Rule to guide the nuns.

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More than faith

Soon Benedictine monasteries were springing up all over Europe.

A major responsibility of these monks and nuns was to keep the Gospel ideas of Jesus alive within the Church.

They were sometimes called bloodless martyrs because they sacrificed everything to live a solitary life of prayer and good works for Jesus.

Page 36: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

The monastic movement was important for another became a shining light for the world during the collapse of the Roman Empire.

The monks and nun lived a consecrated life dedicated to God and to continuing the work of Jesus.

They spent much of their time find and preserving the ancient writings of the Romans and Greeks. They would copy these writings and study them.

Most of what we know about Greece and Rome is due to the thousands of dedicated monks and nuns who faithfully worked, wrote, and studied.

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Over time, these monasteries became centers of civilization; the monks

cleared away swamps and reclaimed wastelands to build farms

Became experts in agriculture and raising cattle

Provided food and employment to the towns that sprouted up near them

Started schools to teach reading and writing to children

Celebrated the Eucharist with the town people

Were regarded as mayors or governors

In fleeing society and seeking solitude, the ended up shaping society more than most kings or princes of those days!

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Page 39: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

Live like a hermit, monk, or nun…(for just a few minutes)

Make a list of pros and cons to the monastic life.

Include at least 5 pros (positive aspects) and 5 cons (negative aspects).


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The Decline and Collapse of a Civilization


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In 313 A.D. The Roman Empire was still in good shape..but…

Northern tribes (“Barbarians”) on its borders were waiting for a chance to invade.

Page 42: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

Whenever the official government (the emperor and his armies) lost control in part of the empire, civilization in that area deteriorated.

Education and the development of the arts stopped

Laws weren’t enforced

Roads weren’t maintained and public buildings crumbled

Food was scarce and death was never far away

Pirates ruled the seas

Travel was dangerous, so trade and business broke down

People had no work and no money therefore government had no taxes

As Rome’s great civilization unraveled in one area after another, problems multiplied. p99

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Rise of Feudalism

a social system that existed in Europe during the Middle Ages in which people worked and fought for nobles who gave them protection and the use of land in return

Page 44: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

What would happen if the federal government in the US suddenly collapsed? No president, no Congress, and no constitution…

No armed forces, federal highways, or postal system.

Each major city becomes its own kingdom with its own king who rules with absolute power over the city, surrounding towns, and countryside. His word is law and his army must enforce that law. Whoever lives in his territory must work for, pay taxes, and obey him.

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This is similar to what happened when the Roman Empire fell. The once unified Roman Empire had a powerful central government, common law, and language was replaced with small kingdoms. Each kingdom had its own ruler, its own law, and eventually its own language.

Without any sense of unity as a group, each small kingdom was always at war trying to conquer neighboring lands.

Page 46: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

Pope Gregory the Great Reached out to pagan tribes

Began the work of conversion to Christianity

Reformed the Church

Canon law was established – provided for order in the Church; governed the


Involved in developing liturgical music (Gregorian Chant)


Page 47: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

By 800 A.D. the great, powerful, unified Roman Empire was just a memory.

In its place was a patchwork quilt of countries and kingdoms, each fighting the other for more power.

This kind of disorganized, feudal society is where our ancestors had to worship, work, and live for the next 800 years!

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P 100

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Page 50: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

The beginning of IslamMuhammad (570-632 A.D.) was the founder of Islam.

He grew up in Arabia, working as first a shepherd and later as a merchant.

In his travels as a merchant, Muhammad became familiar with both the Jewish and Christian religions.

One day he had a religious experience that convinced him that he was called by the God of Abraham to be the final prophet sent by Allah (his name for God).

Muhammad believed that Jesus was a great prophet, but not the Son of God.

p 101

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In a short time, Muhammad was able to convert many Arabs to believe in Allah.

Until then, Arabia had no central government. It was a collection of wandering tribes that fought constantly. Muhammad’s religion gave the tribes unity and purpose.

Muhammad taught that it was the duty of all Muslims to convert the infidel (anyone who did not believe in Allah and his prophet, Muhammad.)

Page 52: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

Because the Roman Empire that had ruled in those areas was no longer able to defend itself, the Muslims conquered country after country with ease.

They crossed over to Spain, conquered it, and moved into what is now France.

By 650 A.D., the Muslims began to move out of Arabia. As they traveled, the Muslims waged a holy war along the eastern Mediterranean (the area of Palestine) and northern Africa.

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Division within the Church Up until now, all in the Church shared:


canon of Scripture

respect for teachings of the Councils


moral code

leadership of pope

In 1054, a great schism (division) occurred:

*Roman Catholic Church

western part of empire

under the pope

Eastern Catholic Churches

each with own traditions, bishops,


remained or reunited with Roman

Catholic pope

*Eastern Orthodox Church

not under leadership of pope


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End of Chapter 9

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By 732 A.D., the Muslims were defeated in the famous Battle of Tours. This stopped the invasions...for awhile.

Page 56: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

By now, countries that were controlled by Muslims and countries controlled by Christians considered each other enemies. In the next 800 years, these two groups would battle each other MANY, many times. Often the Church was right in the middle of the fighting.

In many parts of the world today, Christians and Muslims still see each other as bitter enemies.

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A dangerous professionAlmost immediately after the persecutions ended, the

Church faced heresies.

False teachers, called heretics, began spreading errors

about who Jesus was and his mission.

Some heresies claimed he was fully human and not

divine. Others said he was fully divine but only partially


Eyewitnesses to Jesus’ life were no longer around to clear

these heresies up.

Page 58: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

Great TheologiansSome of the greatest Theologians of all time lived in this time period.

Jerome- first to translate the Bible into common Latin

Pope Saint Leo the Great- turned away Attila the Hun

Pope Gregory the Great- brought order to the Church when civilization was collapsing

Ambrose-famous bishop of Milan

Augustine- prolific author and defender of the faith; late convert

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Even more theologians...quick check

Choose one of the following theologians and find information on him/her. Write at least one paragraph telling about this Saint - how he/she fit into this time period (313-800 A.D.) and what he/she is known for.

Saint Leo the Great

Saint Gregory the Great

Saint Ambrose

Saint Monica

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Monks and MissionariesTwo things helped to spread the Gospel over this time period:

1. The Church was faced with millions of people who had never heard of Jesus Christ or the Gospel. These people were part of huge tribes that had spent many years moving toward the empire from the East and North. To “civilize” these people meant they had to learn about Jesus. The Church did not go in search of these people, as they sought the empire, the Church was centered in Rome already...convenient.

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2. The second important factor in the spread of the Gospel during this time was the role of monks. Many monks, trained by years of prayer and study, felt called to leave monasteries and journey as missionaries. At times, the pope or bishop would specifically ask the monks to travel and teach the gospel.

Christianity spread to many parts of Europe during this period thanks to dedicated missionaries.

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Saint Patrick traveled to Ireland and converted people living there.

Clovis, king of the Franks (future French) and many of his subjects, were baptized by Saint Remigius in 496 A.D.

Saints Willibrord and Boniface traveled north into the Germanic lands to spread the message of the gospel.

Great Missionaries

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The clergy and the laity

During the early days of the Church and persecutions, bishops and priests were “ordinary people”. These presided at the Eucharist and were the spiritual leaders and official teachers of the gospels.

In society, they had special rank or authority. They lived and worked alongside the rest of the faithful in the community. Many were married and had families

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Once the government began to favor the Church, Church leaders, especially bishops, often became public officials.

These officials also became responsible for maintaining law and order in the empire. Non-Christians and Christians alike were expected to show respect and obey these public officials.

As a display of reverence, the government gave the Church leaders places of honor at official functions and assigned soldiers and servants to assist them.

Bishops were expected to wear uniforms- official robes that represented their government rank.

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In this time, as the empire collapses, the bishops and priests became responsible for maintaining all duties of the government in a specific area or city.

They protected the weak, cared for the poor, and maintained some level or peace and order.

Page 66: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

The new responsibilities did have a negative effect on the Church. Before long, there was a definite class distinction between the clergy (ordained bishops and priests) and the laity (people).

The clergy became more distanced from the laity; they had special titles, official garb, special privileges, and special civil powers. The laity felt less important that the clergy in the eyes of the Church.

Page 67: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

Feudal society; feudal Church

When the empire collapsed, bishops were considered princes and rulers in their own rights.

Bishops and the Church became owners of large amounts of land. People that lived in these areas paid taxed to the bishops.

To protect the land, bishops might hire armies to keep order.

Page 68: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

Monasteries were becoming centers of civilization.

The abbot (head of the men’s monastery) and abbess (head of the women’s monastery) had as much power and authority as the bishops.

They were responsible for the people in their monastery and governed the area of people and town near the monastery.

Page 69: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

Bishops and monasteries became wealthy.

Secular (not Church related) kings and princes viewed the districts governed by bishops as “prizes”. They would fight each other and fight the bishops and abbots to gain control of these prizes.

Page 70: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

A gap between the clergy and laityAfter the collapse of the empire, most of the common people who had recently converted to Christianity were uneducated and unskilled.

In the feudal society, these people became the peasant class. This class included the majority of the faithful. They depended on the educated ruling class of bishops, abbots, abbesses for both spiritual growth but also day to say survival!

Page 71: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

From 313-800 A.D. a huge gap began to grow, separating the powerful, educated , and often wealthy bishops (CLERGY) from the poor, uneducated, faithful people (LAITY)

Is this living and loving like Jesus?

Read John 15:1-17 and list 3 commands that Jesus gives all disciples to carry out in their lives

Page 72: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

Essay Prompts: Choose one and write at least one paragraph to answer.1. Explain what a heresy is, and give one example. How were heresies a

problem for the Church? How did the Church meet these challenges?

2. Monks and Nuns gave great effort to keep alive the gospel message. Although they moved away from the world, they had an immense impact of shaping society. Discuss ways in which people today, by withdrawing from the world, still help shape and move it toward goodness.

Page 73: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

Test: Part IFill in the blank.

1. Monks live in a ____________________________.

2. Saint ______________ was a pioneer in founding monasteries.

3. Teachers of false doctrines are called ________________________.

4. Constantine’s mother was ___________________________.

5. Bishops were sometimes called on to maintain _______________ and order.

6. Vandals destroyed and looted ___________________________.

7. After Paul, the Church was probably most influenced by ______________.

8. The empire in the ___________________________ collapsed by 700 A.D.

Page 74: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

12. The feudal system was organized around small ____________________.

13. Saint Patrick was a missionary in ___________________________.

14. Saint Benedict’s motto was “_______________ and work”,

15. ____________________ lived alone in the desert, in prayer, and fasting.

16. Saint _______________ was Saint Benedict’s sister.

17. An ecumenical council is a gathering of ____________ from around the world.

18. Sometimes a hermit would live in a ___________________________.

19. Persecution ended when Constantine became ____________________.

20. Monks started schools to __________ people to to read and write.

21. The first council was held in ___________________________.

22. Augustine is known for his __________in theology.

Page 75: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

23. Monks and nuns were sometimes called bloodless _________________.

24. The _________________________ movement started with communities of


25. The Muslims conquered _____________ in Europe.

26. The Muslim name for God is __________________.

27. The ___________of Milan was issued in 313 A.D.

Page 76: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

Test: Part IITrue or False.

28. During this time period, the entire Roman Empire collapsed at the same time.

29. Allah, the prophet, founded the religion of Islam.

30. Because it was socially beneficial to belong to the Church during this time period,

people sometimes were baptized as Christians without any real convictions.

31. The only Church council of this time period was held in 381 A.D.

32. Many of the first monastic communities were started by hermits and their


33. The word clergy refers to lay people in the Church.

Page 77: Church History Freedom to Feudalism 313-800 A.D....Councils Worksheet and Practice Test 1. Use the sheet to write at least 3 important facts about each of the Ecumenical Councils discussed

Test: Part IIIFill in the blank.

34. Emperor _____________ issued the Edict of Milan, which legalized Christianity.

35. The years 476-800 A.D. are sometimes referred to as a _____________ period because most of

Roman Civilization deteriorated and collapsed.

36. ___________ built a monastery at Monte Cassino and wrote a Rule that has served as a guide for

many monks through the present time.

37. Over time, monasteries became little centers of __________________.

38. The most famous theologian of this time period was _______________ who was converted as a result

of the prayers of his mother, Saint Monica.

39. The Holy Spirit inspired many monks to leave their monasteries and journey as

___________________ in to foreign lands to bring Jesus’ message to the people.
