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doi: 10.1111/j.1346-8138.2011.01416.x Journal of Dermatology 2012; 39: 18–26


Primary cicatricial alopecia: Recent advances inunderstanding and management


Department of Dermatology, Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan






Primary cicatricial alopecias (PCA) are a rare group of disorders, in which the hair follicle is the main target of destructive

inflammation resulting in irreversible hair loss with scarring of affected lesions. The most typical clinical manifestation of

PCA is the loss of visible follicular ostia. The histopathological hallmark of a fully developed lesion is the replacement of

the hair follicle structure by fibrous tissue. PCA could share similar clinical manifestations and eventually lead to ‘‘burn-

out’’ alopecia. Some subsets are hardly distinguishable histopathologically and the mechanisms that elicit such a

destructive reaction have not been fully elucidated. Thus, the management of PCA represents one of the most challeng-

ing clinical problems for dermatologists. The aim of this review is to provide a concise and comprehensive summary of

recent advances in PCA management, especially focusing on novel methodologies to aid diagnosis, and updates on our

understanding of the etiopathogenesis. Dermoscopy, a new pathological preparation technique and direct immunofluo-

rescence analysis enable more accurate clinicopathological diagnosis of PCA. Microarray analysis may be beneficial to

distinguish PCA subtypes. Currently suggested mechanisms underlying PCA include loss of immune protection of stem

cells, impaired stem cell self-maintenance, enhanced autoimmunity by pro-inflammatory cytokines and environmen-

tal ⁄ genetic predispositions. Interestingly, recent data indicates the association between lipid metabolism dysregulation

and PCA development, implying an important role of the sebaceous gland dysfunction in the etiopathogenesis. Based on

that hypothesis and observations, novel therapeutic approaches have been proposed, including the use of peroxisome

proliferator-activated receptor-c agonist for lichen planopilaris.

Key words: bulge, cicatricial alopecia, hair follicle, scarring, stem cell.


Cicatricial alopecias are a group of intractable and uncommon hair

loss disorders characterized by permanent hair follicle destruc-

tion.1–5 The most typical clinical manifestation of cicatricial alopecia

is the loss of visible follicular ostia in a scarring area (Fig. 1a).4,5 The

histopathological hallmark of a fully developed lesion is the replace-

ment of the hair follicle structure by fibrous tissue (Fig. 1b).1,5,6 Cica-

tricial alopecia may result from trauma (burns, radiation, traction),

infiltrative processes (sarcoidosis, carcinomas) or infection (derma-

tophyte).2,5 In those conditions, the hair follicle is a ‘‘by-stander’’

unfortunately involved in more global damage in the scalp; thus,

permanent hair loss is a secondary event (secondary cicatricial alo-

pecia).2,5 In contrast, primary cicatricial alopecias (PCA) are a group

of disorders, in which the hair follicle is the main target of destructive

inflammation resulting in irreversible hair loss.4,5,7–9 PCA include the

conditions of varied clinical and pathological features. This, together

with inconsistent use of terminology, has hampered a comprehen-

sive definition of clinicopathological correlation,3 which has made

the study of PCA pathophysiology difficult. A breakthrough in our

orrespondence: Manabu Ohyama, M.D., Ph.D., Department of Dermatolog

kyo 160-8582, Japan. Email: [email protected]

eceived 1 September 2011; accepted 3 September 2011.

understanding of PCA was made when hair follicle stem cells were

identified in the bulge area of the hair follicle.10 Because the inflam-

mation in PCA mostly involves the bulge region, it is now widely

accepted that the loss of hair follicle stem cells is the main reason

for permanent alopecia.9,11,12 Currently, PCA attract major interest

from clinicians and also stem cell biologists as a model of organ-

specific stem cell depletion.8,9,12 In the present paper, recent

advances in understanding and management of PCA are reviewed,

especially focusing on current insights into the etiopathogenesis.

Detailed descriptions of the clinical and pathological features of indi-

vidual PCA are out of the scope of this review. For those unfamiliar

with each clinical entity, excellent review articles by the experts1,4–7,13

should help understanding.


A decade ago, the North American Hair Research Society (NAHRS)

sponsored a workshop and developed a working classification of

PCA, which was mainly based on the most representative patholog-

ical finding of scalp biopsy samples.2,14 In this classification, PCA

y, Keio University School of Medicine, 35 Shinanomachi Shinjuku-ku,

� 2011 Japanese Dermatological Association

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Figure 2. Working classification of primary cicatricial alopecias. AK,

acne keloidalis; AM, alopecia mucinosa; AN, acne necrotica; CCCA,central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia; CCLE, chronic cutaneous

lupus erythematosus; CP, classic pseudopelade of Brocq; DC ⁄ DF,

dissecting cellulitis ⁄ folliculitis (perifolliculitis abscedens et suffodiens);

EPD, eruptive pustular dermatosis; FD, folliculitis decalvans; FFA,frontal fibrosing alopecia; GLS, Graham–Little syndrome; KFSD,

keratosis follicularis spinulosa decalvans; LPP, lichen planopilaris.



Figure 1. Typical clinical and histopathological manifestation of pri-mary cicatricial alopecia. (a) The loss of visible follicular ostia in a

patch of scarring alopecia. (b) The replacement of the hair follicle

structure by fibrous tissue (arrowheads) (hematoxylin–eosin, original

magnification ·40).



Figure 3. Clinical presentations of lymphocytic and neutrophilic pri-

mary cicatricial alopecias. (a) Lichen planopilaris (LPP). (b) Folliculitisdecalvans (FD). Note that FD is exudative with crust formation.

Primary cicatricial alopecia

were divided into subgroups depending on the predominating

inflammatory infiltrates (Fig. 2). Chronic cutaneous lupus erythe-

matosus (CCLE), lichen planopilaris (LPP; Fig. 3a), classic

pseudoplade of Brocq (CP), central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia

(CCCA), alopecia mucinosa (AM) and keratosis follicularis spinul-

osa decalvans (KFSD) were categorized as ‘‘lymphocytic’’ PCA.

Frontal fibrosing alopecia (FFA) and Graham–Little syndrome

(GLS) were considered as LLP variants. The neutrophilic PCA

group comprised folliculitis decalvans (FD; Fig. 3b) and dissect-

ing cellulitis ⁄ folliculitis (perifolliculitis abscedens et suffodiens)

(DC ⁄ DF). Acne keloidalis (AK), acne necrotica (AN) and eruptive

pustular dermatosis (EPD) were classified as ‘‘mixed’’ cell infiltrate

PCA. In addition, non-specific cicatricial alopecia was defined as

‘‘idiopathic scarring with inconclusive clinical and histopathological

findings’’.2 The end stage of various PCA may be included in this

category as they are hardly distinguishable clinically and histo-

pathologically.2 There have been debates whether this classi-

fication is satisfactory,4 however, it provides a practical and

reasonable standard for clinical and basic studies and thus has

been widely used.

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(a) (b)

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Trichoscopy (dermoscopy)The loss of follicular ostia, which is the most characteristic feature of

PCA (Fig. 1a), may not be clinically evident in some cases, but could

be clearly visualized under trichoscopy (dry dermoscopy). Indeed,

trichoscopy significantly improves the accuracy of the diagnosis of

PCA.4 Other PCA-associated signs, such as perifollicular erythema

or scale hair tufting,15 are also detectable. Trichoscopy also helps

clinicians assessing PCA disease activity. For instance, ‘‘follicular

red dots’’, erythematous polycyclic, concentric structures regularly

distributed in and around the follicular ostia, are suggestive of active

lupus erythematosus of the scalp.16 Thus, trichoscopy should be

routinely performed when PCA are considered as differential


Histopathological examinationScalp biopsy is required not only to confirm PCA diagnosis but also

to determine the predominant infiltrates for classification (Fig. 4).4,5

The histological distinction between lymphocytic and neutrophilic

PCA groups is mostly possible. However, a previous study

suggested that some PCA cases within the same subgroups

were hardly distinguishable histopathologically.3

For an accurate histopathological diagnosis of PCA, biopsy

samples should be obtained from active sites and carefully sec-

tioned. Unlike in other skin diseases, the information obtained by

vertical sections is limited in hair disorders.17,18 Transverse sec-

tions enable both qualitative (e.g. inflammatory change, fibrosis)

and quantitative (e.g. hair follicle numbers, size, phase of hair

cycle) examination of scalp biopsy samples.6 Potential disadvan-

tages of transverse sectioning technique are limited visualization

of gross reaction pattern and change in the dermoepidermal

junction.7 Ideally, two 4-mm punch biopsies need to be per-

formed to prepare both transverse and vertical sections

(Fig. 4).7,19 However, multiple biopsies could burden the patients

Figure 4. Recommended sectioning for primary cicatricial alopecia

biopsy samples. HoVert technique requires less samples comparedto the combination of vertical and horizontal sections. DIF, direct

immunofluorescence; HE, hematoxylin–eosin.


with greater medical costs and morbidity.20 Recently, the

‘‘HoVert’’ technique, a novel processing technique which pro-

duces transverse (horizontal) and vertical sections from a single

biopsy, was described (Fig. 4).20 In this report, the authors

adopted this technique for the diagnosis of alopecia cases,

including discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) and LPP, and con-

cluded that the HoVert technique provided more pathological

information than either vertical or horizontal sections alone.20 For

those unfamiliar with the processing of scalp samples, HoVert

preparation may be challenging. However, this new technique

should be considered, especially in situations where only a single

biopsy is allowed.

Primary cicatricial alopecia sections should be carefully investi-

gated for microorganisms (bacteria and fungus), especially when

neutrophilic infiltrates are predominant. Stains other than conven-

tional hematoxylin–eosin, such as elastica Van Gieson, Alcian blue

and periodic acid-Schiff may be beneficial.7 Previous studies

reported that a distinctive elastic staining pattern helped differential

diagnosis of advanced PCA, including pseudoplade of Brocq, LPP

and DLE.7,21,22

Direct Immunofluorescence studyAlthough the systematic histopathological investigation described

above provides a powerful diagnostic tool for PCA, inconclusive

cases may still be encountered.23 Of note, distinction between

LPP and CCLE is sometimes extremely difficult.6,13 Usefulness

of direct immunofluorescence (DIF) studies for those tackling

cases has been reported.23 The most characteristic DIF finding

of CCLE is granular deposits of immunoglobulin (Ig) and C3

(Fig. 5) at the dermoepidermal junction, while that of LPP is

globular deposits of IgM adjacent to the hair follicles or at the

dermoepidermal junction.23 DIF study is valuable in the diagnosis

(c) (d)

Figure 5. Direct immunofluorescence study is recommended for pri-

mary cicatricial alopecias. (a) Clinical presentation of chronic cutane-

ous lupus erythematosus. (b–d) Immunoglobulin (Ig) and complement

(C) deposition visualized by immunofluorescence (original magnifica-tion ·200).

� 2011 Japanese Dermatological Association

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Figure 6. A schematic explanation of microarray comparison of

lichen planopilaris and pseudopelade of Brocq by Yu et al.24. TotalRNA was isolated from representative lesions of two primary cicatri-

cial alopecia subtypes and used for microarray generation. Global

gene expression analysis suggested that those conditions are biolog-

ically distinct with differential gene expression pattern (hematoxylin–eosin, original magnification ·100).

Figure 7. Hair follicle stem cell populations (both established and

putative) and anatomical levels of inflammatory change in primarycicatricial alopecia. Most populations are involved in destructive

immune response.

Primary cicatricial alopecia

of PCA especially in those with LPP or CCLE as differential


Microarray analysisMicroarray analysis of global gene expression profile may mark a

new era in the diagnosis of PCA. There has been a debate

whether LPP and pseudoplade of Brocq are distinct diseases or

different presentation of the same pathogenic conditions, because

they can share similar clinical and pathological features.24 Micro-

array technology allows the elucidation of a broad range of molec-

ular aspects of the disease.24 In the report by Yu et al.,microarrays were generated from total RNA isolated from active

lesions of LPP and pseudoplade of Brocq and compared

(Fig. 6).24 The analysis revealed that global gene expression pro-

files in LPP and pseudoplade of Brocq based on comparative

intra-control scalp samples are different from each other with dif-

ferential expression of specific genes, suggesting that the two

conditions are biologically distinct.24 This finding demonstrated the

usefulness of microarrays for the dissection of molecular mecha-

nisms of PCA and implied the potentiality of global gene expres-

sion profiling as a diagnostic tool for clinically or pathologically

indistinguishable PCA. Furthermore, microarray comparisons

� 2011 Japanese Dermatological Association

among different subtypes of PCA could enable the identification of

definitive molecular markers of each condition, which are currently



Involvement of hair follicle stem cells in PCAHair follicles regenerate themselves through the hair cycle, sug-

gesting the presence of organ-specific stem cells.25,26 The land-

mark study by Cotsarelis et al. demonstrated that hair follicle

epithelial stem cells reside in the bulge region, a contagious por-

tion of the outer root sheath where the arrector pili muscle

inserts.10 Series of lineage tracking experiments demonstrated that

the bulge stem cells regenerate hair follicles in homeostasis.27–33

Indeed, permanent hair loss was observed in genetically engi-

neered mice that were designed to specifically deplete bulge stem

cells.32,33 Based on the observation that the bulge area, which is

marked by the biomarkers such as keratin-15 and -19 and

CD200,34–36 is preferentially destructed and replaced by fibrotic

tissue in PCA (Fig. 7), the loss of bulge stem cells is considered to

be a main reason for permanent hair loss in those conditions.9,11,12

Recent studies reported cell populations marked by MTS24,37

Lrig1,38 Nestin,39 Lgr540 and Lgr641 are also capable of reconsti-

tuting hair follicles, suggesting that those cells are endowed with

some stem cell characteristics (Fig. 7). The inflammation and sub-

sequent fibrosis in PCA also affect most of those populations

(Fig. 7), except Lgr5 expressing cells. Thus, irreversible damage

to hair follicle stem cells with resultant permanent hair loss still rep-

resents the most characteristic pathophysiology in PCA. However,

it should be noted that the loss of stem cells alone could not

explain other PCA manifestations, such as atrophy or follicular

plugging.9 Some additional factors should contribute to those

clinical phenotypes.


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Figure 8. Possible mechanisms underlying primary cicatricial alope-cias. HF, hair follicle; PPAR-c, peroxisome proliferator-activated


M. Ohyama

Lipid metabolism dysregulation in PCApathogenesisThe Asebia mouse, the most well-studied animal model for PCA,12

has a spontaneous mutation resulting in a defect of stearoyl-coen-

zyme A desaturase.42 The lack of this enzyme causes abnormal

fatty acid composition in the sebaceous gland leading to its atrophy

and defective secretion. This prohibits normal inner root sheath des-

quamation, enforces downward hair shaft growth penetrating into

the bulb and elicits inflammatory response that eventually destroy

the hair follicle structure (Fig. 8).43 Similar phenotypes have been

described in other rodent models with respective mutations, includ-

ing Defolliculated.9,44,45 These observations support the idea that

inflammation in scarring alopecia is a secondary event resulting

from a primary defect in the pilosebaceous unit.46 Consistent

with this, Al-Zaid et al. reported that sebaceous gland loss was a

common and early finding in PCA.47

Recently, Karnik et al. reported an intriguing data that implies a

link between lipid metabolism dysregulation and hair follicle stem cell

destruction.48 Microarray analysis identified downregulation of per-

oxisome proliferator-activated receptor-c (PPAR-c) signaling in LPP,

suggesting a central role of defective lipid metabolism and

peroxisome processing in LPP pathogenesis. Indeed, bulge stem

cell-specific depletion of PPAR-c caused scarring alopecia with focal

inflammation and lipid deposition in mice,48 suggesting that PPAR-csignaling is crucial for hair follicle stem cell maintenance (Fig. 8).

Impaired self-maintenance of hair follicle stem cellscause hair lossPermanent hair loss can also be observed in ‘‘biphasic’’ alopecias

(i.e. androgenetic alopecia, traction alopecia in which non-scarring

alopecia is observed initially but scarring alopecia develops later).13

When compared with classic PCA, direct destruction of bulge stem

cells by inflammation is less clear or hardly detectable in these con-

ditions.9 Tanimura et al. reported that loss of interaction between

Col17a1 and hair follicle stem cells impairs the self-renewal capacity

of stem cells causing permanent hair loss in mice,49 demonstrating


that the change in microenvironment, including decreased extracel-

lular matrix expression, alone could cause scarring alopecia. Thus,

it is possible that impaired self-maintenance or loss of self-regener-

ative potential due to environmental changes may also be responsi-

ble for PCA development (Fig. 8).

PCA and neurogenic inflammationHarries and Paus proposed the potential involvement of neurogenic

inflammation in PCA pathogenesis.9 Psycho-emotional stress upre-

gulates nerve growth factor and substance P, an inducer of neuro-

genic inflammation via mast cell degranulation in the skin and

affects hair growth and cycle in mice.50 Substance P positive nerve

fibers are dense in the bulge area51 where stress-induced perifollic-

ular inflammation and apoptosis are predominantly observed.52

In addition, given that substance P is a fibroblast growth factor,53

it could also promote scar formation in PCA (Fig. 8).9

Epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT) maycontribute to fibrosis in FFAPrevious studies suggested a possible contribution of EMT in renal,

liver and pulmonary fibrosis.54 Of note, lineage-tracking experi-

ments clearly demonstrated epithelial cell to myofibroblast conver-

sion, suggesting that EMT greatly contributed to the formation of

the collagen network in renal fibrosis.55 Recently, Nakamura and

Tokura demonstrated that an EMT marker, snail 1, was expressed

in the dermal fibroblasts of FFA patients. The observation suggests

a possible role of EMT conversion of hair follicle epithelial cells in the

pathogenesis of PCA (Fig. 8).

Increased apoptosis in CCLE and LPPIn PCA, apoptotic keratinocytes are frequently observed in hair folli-

cles, implying that apoptosis may play a role in PCA pathogenesis

(Fig. 8).8,9 In line with this, upregulation of p53 and Fas in keratino-

cytes, together with increase in Fas ligand-positive infiltrating cells,

were observed in CCLE.56–59 In addition, global gene expression

profiling of LPP lesions elucidated upregulation of genes involved in


Environmental and genetic factors of PCAA recent large-scale survey failed to demonstrate an obvious asso-

ciation between central hair loss and the use of a hot comb or

relaxer in an African-American woman,60 however, habitual trau-

matic hair care has been implicated in CCCA pathogenesis.61 Scalp

trauma has also been considered to play roles in the pathogenesis

of other PCA subtypes, including AK, FD and EPD.9 Of note, a pos-

sible link with EPD has been repeatedly reported.62–66 Although

evidence is still not sufficient to support a definitive conclusion,

the possibility still remains that trauma is a trigger of some forms

of PCA.

Hypersensitivity reaction to Staphylococcus aureus infection has

been implicated in the pathogenesis of neutrophilic PCA, especially

FD.9,67 In theory, superficial S. aureus infection alone is not likely to

destruct bulge stem cells and cause permanent hair loss.68 In addi-

tion, unlike lymphocytes, neutrophils are not antigen-specific and

short-lived.12 Accordingly, without continuous stimuli, chronic

inflammation observed in neutrophilic PCA could not be sustained.

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Primary cicatricial alopecia

Thus, S. aureus infection could induce neutrophilic PCA only when it

is coupled with some anomaly in host defense or additional events

including secondary infection.

Drugs and vaccination may induce PCA.9 Acne keloidalis may be

induced by cyclosporine.69,70 Association between imatinib and fol-

licular mucinosis was also described.71 In addition, Graham Little–

Piccardi–Lasseur syndrome following hepatitis B virus vaccination

has been reported.72

Several reports of the familial PCA cases suggested the exis-

tence of genetic factors.73–76 X-linked keratosis follicularis spinulosa

decalvans represents genetic scarring alopecias, which is caused

by a missense mutation in the MBTSP2 gene.77 Further accumula-

tion of familial PCA pedigrees could enable the identification of

gene mutations that predispose affected individuals to permanent

hair loss.

Impaired immunological stem cell protection andPCAThe loss of immunological protection of bulge stem cells is an

attractive hypothesis for preferential involvement of the bulge area

in PCA pathology.8,12 Two major possible mechanisms that defend

stem cells from unwanted immunological insults are ‘‘immune privi-

lege’’ and ‘‘non-danger’’ signal (Fig. 8).8,12,78

The term ‘‘immune privilege’’ describes intrinsic machineries to

avoid unwanted immune responses.78,79 It has been reported that

the hair follicle bulge possesses several characteristics common to

immune privilege sites, including decreased expression of major

histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and b2-microglobulin

molecules, reduced number and impaired Langerhans cell func-

tion, increased production and secretion of immunosuppressive

molecules (indoleamine-2,3- dioxygenase, macrophage migration

inhibitory factor, a-melanocyte-stimulating hormone, transforming

growth factor and human leukocyte antigen E).12,78,80 Interestingly,

Harries et al. demonstrated the upregulation of MHC class I and II

and b2-microglobulin in the bulge in PCA affected lesions, suggest-

ing immune privilege collapse (Fig. 8).78 Although this observation

seems to provide a comprehensive explanation for inflammatory

destruction of bulge in PCA, an exact mechanism that elicits an

auto-inflammatory response has not been elucidated.8 In addition,

the possibility that those findings were secondary to inflammation

needs to be excluded.

A recent study identified CD200 as a cell surface marker of

human hair follicle bulge cells.36 CD200 is a type 1 transmembrane

glycoprotein that transmits an immunosuppressive signal through

the CD200 receptor (CD200R).81,82 Constitutive expression of

CD200 in bulge cells is thought to be a ‘‘non-danger’’ signal,83

which maintains immunocytes in a quiescent state via CD200–

CD200R interaction between the bulge cells and Langerhans cells

or other dendritic cells.12 The role of disrupted CD200–CD200R

interaction in the development of tissue-specific autoimmunity has

been proposed.84 In line with this, when CD200 null skin was grafted

onto the wild-type mice, severe cell infiltration attacking hair follicles

was provoked and permanent hair loss similar to PCA eventually

developed.85 Thus, loss of CD200 expression in the bulge is a possi-

ble mechanism that underlies PCA pathogenesis (Fig. 8). Decreased

CD200 expression was detected in the bulge area of unusual alope-

� 2011 Japanese Dermatological Association

cia areata patients with a bulge involving cell infiltration,86 further

supporting this hypothesis.

Cell-mediated autoimmune response andpro-inflammatory cytokines in CCLEIt is widely accepted that PCA are categorized as autoimmune

diseases.8,12 In particular, predominance of chemokine receptor

4-expressing activated T cells87 and increase in cd-T cells88 in CCLE

lesions suggested a key role of cell-mediated autoimmunity in the

pathogenesis (Fig. 8). High levels of interferon (IFN)-a and subse-

quent enhancement of T-helper (Th)1 type immune response is a

characteristic feature of active cutaneous LE, which is reflected in

IFN-a inducible MxA protein expression.89 In scarring CCLE, lesion-

al expression of MxA was closely associated with increase in gran-

zyme B expression in skin-homing T cells expressing cutaneous

lymphocyte antigen (CLA), providing evidence that IFN and cyto-

toxic lymphocytes targeting adnexal structures are responsible for

scarring processes in CCLE.90 Other pro-inflammatory cytokines,

such as INF-c, interleukin-2 and tumor necrosis factor-a, have been

reported to be potentially involved in the pathogenesis of PCA,

including CCLE91 and LPP (Fig. 8).92


In PCA, the regrowth of once severely affected hair follicles can

hardly be expected. Because the stable bioengineering of human

hair follicles, especially for the clinical application, have not been

achieved,93 the goals of PCA treatment are currently limited to

relieve symptoms (not only hair loss but also itching, pain and

discomfort) and to better control ⁄ block further spread of lesions.

Given the central roles of cytotoxic autoimmune response and

host predisposition to S. aureus infection in the pathogenesis

of lymphocytic and neutrophilic PCA, respectively, the first-line

medications generally selected for the former subtype are immu-

nosuppressive agents and the latter antimicrobials or dap-

sone.4,94,95 However, currently available remedies are sometimes

of limited efficacy. Accordingly, there is a clear demand for novel


For those patients whose PCA are well controlled and without

remaining inflammation, surgical treatments including the removal

of alopecic scar or hair transplantation may be performed and bene-

ficial.4,96 Because inflammatory cicatricial alopecias, even in a

stable ‘‘burn-out’’ stage, could be reactivated by surgery,97 the

criterion for eligibility needs to be strictly defined. For example, a

minimum 2-year disease-free period is required to undergo a surgi-

cal treatment at the University of British Columbia Hair Clinic.94

New insights into the etiopathogenesis of PCA imply the use of

novel medications for the treatment of PCA. As described above,

abnormal functioning of PPAR-c leads to aberrant lipid metabolism

in the sebaceous gland and subsequently elicits the inflammation

involving the bulge stem cells in LPP.48 Accordingly, pioglitazone

hydrochloride, an oral PPAR-c agonist, was administrated to an

intractable male case of LPP.98 Interestingly, a scalp biopsy taken

after 6 months of treatment demonstrated significant decrease in

infiltrating cells.98 He was administrated pioglitazone hydrochloride


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for 14 months. One year after the therapy, the patient was symptom

free with no sign of hair loss,98 suggesting that PPAR-c agonists

may provide promising remedies for LPP, including its subtypes.

Also, loss of CD200 in the bulge area elicits stem cell involving

inflammation and leads to permanent hair loss in mice.85 Interest-

ingly, CD200-fc administration to experimental arthritis model mice

successfully prevented pro-inflammatory cytokine production with-

out any immunosuppressive events.99 This observation suggested

that CD200 agonists might be beneficial in PCA treatment.


Despite recent advances in our understanding of the etiopathogen-

esis and the pathophysiology of PCA, the diagnosis is still challeng-

ing and the treatment may be frustrating with limited efficacy in

some cases. Once inflammation irreversibly damages the hair folli-

cle stem cell compartment, permanent loss of affected hair follicles

is inevitable. To more efficiently prevent this, treatments need to

directly target the master regulators in PCA pathogenesis. As micro-

array analysis of LPP elucidated PPAR-c dysregulation in LPP and

led to the clinical trial of PPAR-c agonist,48,98 current progress in

high-throughput screening methodology may enable the molecular

dissection of the etiopathogenesis to specify pivotal targets and,

eventually, allow the development of small molecules or biologics

for the treatment of other types of PCA. It should be emphasized

that the success of such a scenario totally depends on accurate

diagnosis, appropriate experimental design and, finally, the enthusi-

asm of clinician and patients to conquer PCA.


I thank Dr Ophelia Veraitch (Department of Dermatology, Keio

University School of Medicine) for her help in the preparation

of the manuscript. I am grateful for Dr Masayuki Amagai

(Professor and Chairman, Department of Dermatology, Keio

University School of Medicine) for his critical reading of the

manuscript. Writing this manuscript was made possible in part

by the Keio Gakuji Academic Development Funds.


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