

CII - EXIM Bank Award for Business Excellence

Confederation of Indian Industry

Godrej Interio Division of the Godrej & Boyce Mfg Co Ltd., is the winner of the pres�gious CII-EXIM Bank Award for Excellence for the year 2017. This award is in recogni�on of their outstanding performance impac�ng all stakeholders through structured processes. Godrej Interio (GI), one of the oldest furniture manufacturers in the country, has over �me transformed into an integrated furniture solu�on provider and has become the leading furniture brand in India in a highly fragmented and predominantly unorganised market ,to realise its mission: “enriching life by transforming home and workspaces” through contemporary, eco-friendly, innova�ve and aspira�onal products and solu�ons.

Here is an opportunity to learn that Success Story through the adop�on of Business Excellence!!

CII is organizing a series of Winner's Conferences, where Top Management team of Godrej Interio Division would share their key learning from their journey of excellence. The CII-EXIM Bank Award for Business Excellence was established in the year 1994, based on the well-known EFQM Excellence Model jointly ins�tu�onalised by EXIM Bank (Export-Import Bank of India). The purpose of the Award is to recognize the outstanding organiza�ons from Indian Industry that have adopted Total Quality Management approach to achieve excellence, and present them as Role Model Organiza�ons for others to emulate.

Learn from the Winning Team on their Success Story

Anil S MathurCOO

1500 – 1800 hrs: 9 March 2018 1500 – 1800 hrs: 20 March 2018

WHO SHOULD ATTEND?CXO’s and Decision Makers responsible for Business Transforma�on Ini�a�ves. There is no delegate fee but pre-registra�on is a must for par�cipa�on. Limited Seats on First Come First Serve Basis.

CONTACT: Ri�, +91 74114 19447, ri�[email protected] or N Deep, +91 98453 53135, [email protected]

Ceres Hall, Sheraton Grand, Bengaluru Godrej and Boyce Mfg Co Ltd.,4th Floor Auditorium,Plant 13A, Pirojsha Nagar, Vikhroli, Mumbai

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